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运用组织学切片技术研究四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)出膜后1–30 d(Day after hatching,DAH)仔鱼的消化系统形态和结构的变化。结果显示,在温度29–32℃、盐度25–28、溶氧4.80–5.5 mg/L、p H 8.0–8.3条件下,1 DAH仔鱼消化管尚未分化,由紧贴腹壁和卵黄囊的肠管组成。卵黄囊在3 DAH时完全吸收完毕,仔鱼开口摄食,消化管也与外界相通,此后逐渐分化出食道、胃部和肠道,一定程度上能自主消化吸收食物维持自身生长,逐渐从内源性营养期过渡为外源性营养期。15 DAH时出现幽门盲囊和胃腺,消化道结构和功能成分进一步发育完善,消化能力显著提高,30 DAH仔鱼消化道具备与成体相似的结构和功能。肝脏和胰腺分别在2 DAH和5 DAH时分化,随着仔鱼的生长而快速发育,至30 DAH时具备与成体相似的结构和功能。四指马鲅消化系统的发育表现为结构与功能密切联系且逐渐发育成熟的特点。本研究根据四指马鲅消化系统的发育特点讨论了育苗过程中的三大危险期并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

通过形态学与连续组织切片的方法,对美洲黑石斑鱼(Centropristis striata) 1-34 d仔鱼消化系统的胚后发育进行系统观察,分析描述鱼体消化道(食道、胃与肠道)以及消化腺(肝脏与胰腺)的发育过程.对1-15 d仔鱼连续取样,每次取样30尾,15 d后隔天取样,每次取样15尾.结果显示,在水温为(24±1)℃、盐度为30-32的条件下,初孵仔鱼卵黄囊体积很大,消化管为封闭的管状结构.美洲黑石斑鱼孵出3d后,口裂形成、开始摄食,肛门与外界连通,消化道逐渐分化形成食道、胃及肠道,肝脏、胆囊和胰腺也逐渐形成.7d后,卵黄囊与油球基本消失,食道、胃部以及肠道黏膜褶皱开始形成,消化道黏膜上皮细胞逐渐分化,肝脏出现脂肪颗粒,仔鱼具备了基本的摄食能力.11d时,仔鱼食道可见黏液细胞,随日龄的增加上皮组织中黏液细胞数量迅速增多,褶皱日益丰富;胃部分化形成贲门部、胃本体与幽门部,胃壁褶皱不断增多、伸长;肝脏血窦与中央静脉明显.20d时,鱼体胃腺形成,说明胃部消化、吸收蛋白质的能力增强;肠道次级黏膜褶皱出现,肠圈与褶皱更加复杂化;胰脏分布有大量酶原颗粒.32 d时,仔鱼消化道组织结构分明,自腔面向内依次为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层与浆膜层,消化道与消化腺结构和功能逐步完善.仔鱼3-7 d为内源性营养向外源性营养过渡期,应及时提供充足适口的生物饵料,仔鱼20 d后可以逐渐驯化投喂微型配合饲料.  相似文献   

通过形态学与连续组织切片的方法,对美洲黑石斑鱼(Centropristis striata)1–34 d仔鱼消化系统的胚后发育进行系统观察,分析描述鱼体消化道(食道、胃与肠道)以及消化腺(肝脏与胰腺)的发育过程。对1–15 d仔鱼连续取样,每次取样30尾,15 d后隔天取样,每次取样15尾。结果显示,在水温为(24±1)℃、盐度为30–32的条件下,初孵仔鱼卵黄囊体积很大,消化管为封闭的管状结构。美洲黑石斑鱼孵出3 d后,口裂形成、开始摄食,肛门与外界连通,消化道逐渐分化形成食道、胃及肠道,肝脏、胆囊和胰腺也逐渐形成。7 d后,卵黄囊与油球基本消失,食道、胃部以及肠道黏膜褶皱开始形成,消化道黏膜上皮细胞逐渐分化,肝脏出现脂肪颗粒,仔鱼具备了基本的摄食能力。11 d时,仔鱼食道可见黏液细胞,随日龄的增加上皮组织中黏液细胞数量迅速增多,褶皱日益丰富;胃部分化形成贲门部、胃本体与幽门部,胃壁褶皱不断增多、伸长;肝脏血窦与中央静脉明显。20 d时,鱼体胃腺形成,说明胃部消化、吸收蛋白质的能力增强;肠道次级黏膜褶皱出现,肠圈与褶皱更加复杂化;胰脏分布有大量酶原颗粒。32 d时,仔鱼消化道组织结构分明,自腔面向内依次为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层与浆膜层,消化道与消化腺结构和功能逐步完善。仔鱼3–7 d为内源性营养向外源性营养过渡期,应及时提供充足适口的生物饵料,仔鱼20 d后可以逐渐驯化投喂微型配合饲料。  相似文献   

梭鱼仔、稚、幼鱼消化系统胚后发育的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用形态学和连续组织切片技术,在光镜下系统观察了出膜后1~39 d的梭鱼(Liza haematocheila)仔、稚、幼鱼各期的消化系统发育特征。结果表明,在水温20~22℃时,梭鱼受精卵经50~54 h孵化,初孵仔鱼消化道仅由一条原始的消化管组成。孵出后第4天,上下颌形成,卵黄囊被吸收,消化管盘曲,第一盘曲处形成胃雏形,第二盘曲处及之后形成前肠和后肠,肛门形成并与外界贯通。孵化后第7天,卵黄囊被完全吸收,油球渐小至消失,孵化后第8天,消化系统明显分化成食道、胃、肠、直肠以及肝和胰等,仔鱼由内源性营养向外源性摄食营养过渡。此后,随着仔鱼的生长发育,胃黏膜层的褶皱数量增加,管壁增厚,内腔增大。稚鱼后期,梭鱼苗各鳍初步形成,分化出鳍条,孵化后18 d,幽门盲囊形成,胃腺出现,标志着稚鱼开始消化外源性蛋白,同时,消化道上皮细胞进一步分化,肌层增厚,肠道分段、盘曲,稚鱼食性开始向植食性转换。在此以后,消化系统从功能和结构上逐步地完善成熟。结果表明,梭鱼消化系统的发育与仔、稚、幼鱼的生长、形态发育和消化系统功能的完善相一致。  相似文献   

银鲳仔鱼消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
对出膜后1~12 d银鲳(Pampus argenteus)仔鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察。在水温为22~24℃和盐度25~28情况下,初孵仔鱼具很大的卵黄囊,消化管为一简单的直形盲管,管腔狭窄,口和肛门尚未与外界接通。3 d仔鱼消化系统分化加快,在卵黄囊凹陷部位出现2~3个弯曲,已初步分化出食道、胃、肠和肝脏,肠管也变粗。4 d仔鱼消化系统各器官初步形成。5 d仔鱼出现侧囊,并见部分卵黄囊和油球。7 d卵黄囊和油球基本被完全吸收,仔鱼主动摄食轮虫和小球藻,从内源性营养向外源性营养的过渡基本完成。12 d以后仔鱼肝脏明显分为两叶,体积增大;幽门盲囊指状分支已增加到几十根;食道、胃和肠的黏膜皱褶明显增多和加深,肠黏膜上皮细胞高度增加,游离面纹状缘发达;胃黏膜的单层柱状上皮高度和胃腺细胞数量也明显增加;但整个消化道的黏膜下层、肌肉层均不发达,说明12 d仔鱼已具初步消化和吸收功能  相似文献   

对出膜后1~35 d灰鲳仔稚鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察。初孵仔鱼具有很大的卵黄囊,消化管为一简单的直形盲管。2日龄仔鱼消化系统中肠区首先开始分化,内面可见纹状缘。3日龄仔鱼胃区膨大,卵黄消失,肠道分化出小肠和直肠。侧囊在4日龄仔鱼时出现分化。5日龄仔鱼观察到幽门盲囊的初始结构,油球消失,从内源性营养向外源性营养过渡基本完成。6日龄仔鱼摄食主动。14日龄稚鱼肝脏分为两叶,体积增大,胰脏体积增大,胃弯曲呈"U"形,幽门盲囊指状分支已增加到几十个。22日龄稚鱼肠道弯曲更多,在胸腹腔中肠道盘曲程度已接近幼鱼。28日龄稚鱼侧囊背腹形成一纵隔,出现角质剌。35日龄稚鱼胃腺已十分丰富,侧囊结构也已完善,标志着灰鲳消化系统更趋完善。  相似文献   

采用组织切片和透射电镜技术对人工培育四指马鲅(Eleutheronema tetradactylum)鳃结构及其早期(1—35日龄)发育进行观察。结果显示,鳃耙列齿状,鳃丝梳状排列在鳃弓上,鳃小片排列在鳃丝两边。透射电镜下鳃小片主要由线粒体丰富细胞(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)、扁平上皮细胞、柱细胞、血细胞、黏液细胞和未分化细胞组成。四指马鲅鳃早期发育显示,1日龄鳃原基形成;3日龄出现鳃弓,有扁平上皮细胞和血细胞;5日龄出现鳃小片,鳃小片上有柱细胞,基部有线粒体丰富细胞;18日龄鳃小片增多,鳃结构完善;35日龄鳃结构基本和成鱼一致。根据发育特点将其分为3个阶段:第1阶段(0—3日龄)为原基期,鳃原基形成但未分化,仔鱼主要靠鳍褶、皮肤和卵黄囊上的微血管进行呼吸;第2阶段(4—17日龄)为鳃结构分化、发育期,鳃耙、鳃弓、鳃丝、鳃小片逐渐形成,具备鳃基本的结构特点;第3阶段(18—35日龄)为鳃结构完善期,鳃组织发育主要体现在数量和形状的变化。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鱼屯仔鱼期消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对出膜后1~18 d的暗纹东方鲀仔鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察.当水温为23℃时,6日龄仔鱼的上下颌已形成,开始摄食;12日龄仔鱼的卵黄囊已被吸收,此时仔鱼由混合性营养转向外源性营养.描述了消化系统发育过程的组织学结构特征,并采用图像分析比较了卵黄囊与消化器官发育的消长过程.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片和显微观察的方法对由初孵仔鱼至23日龄的大鳞鲃消化系统发育进行了研究。初孵大鳞鲃仔鱼卵黄囊呈圆球形,消化道位于卵黄囊上方并伸展至卵黄囊后部,由柱状上皮细胞所组成,大部分为细胞索。2日龄时,口裂形成,口咽腔向鱼体后部进一步延伸。4日龄时,大鳞鲃的消化道由口至肛门全部打通,消化道分化为口咽腔、食道、前肠和后肠四部分。5日龄时,整个食道形成黏膜层,杯状细胞迅速增多,开始形成纵向褶皱。7日龄时,肝脏和胰脏的基本结构形成,并在肝脏和胰脏之间出现由单层柱状细胞围成的胆囊。10日龄时,卵黄囊消失,大鳞鲃完全通过摄取外界食物获取营养。10日龄—14日龄,消化道长度增长,褶皱加深,吸收表面积增加。14日龄后,通过大量摄食外源食物,大鳞鲃的体长迅速增大。  相似文献   

对初始孵化到孵化后26d(变态前)的圆斑星鲽(Verasper vazriegatus Temminck et Schlegel)仔鱼的消化系统发生进行形态学和组织学研究。研究表明,在水温为12.5~15.5℃时,初始孵化仔鱼消化道细而直,两端封闭,位于卵黄囊背方。随着仔鱼发育,消化道延长,肝胰脏出现。孵化后6d,仔鱼开口,消化道贯通,开始摄食。孵化后10d,消化道明显分为口咽腔、食道、胃、小肠、直肠,黏膜上皮褶皱增多。孵化后14d,卵黄囊消失,仔鱼完全依靠外源性营养。孵化后26d,胃壁较厚处出现胃腺,但不发达,幽门盲囊尚未出现。由结果可见,孵化后6d仔鱼开口,可开始投喂轮虫;孵化后26d,消化系统的结构和功能逐渐完善,消化吸收能力增强,但由于胃的结构和功能尚不完善,此阶段还应以活体饵料为主,一方面可逐渐加大轮虫的投喂量,另一方面可适当投喂较大的卤虫无节幼体等。本研究旨为圆斑星鲽人工育苗中饵料种类及投喂时间的选择提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the ontogenetic development of the digestive tract and its accessory structures (liver, pancreas, and gall bladder) in agastric larval Chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus with the histological and ultrastructural approaches from hatching to 56 days after hatching (DAH). On the basis of its feeding mode, and analyzing the main histological features of the digestive system, larval development in Chinese sucker was divided into three stages from hatching: stage 1 (endotrophic period): 1–6 DAH; stage 2 (endoexotrophic period): 7–14 DAH; stage 3 (exclusively exotrophic period): from 15 DAH onward. At hatching, the digestive tract of the larvae consisted of an undifferentiated straight tube. At 4 DAH, the mouth opened, and the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharyngeal cavity, esophagus and intestine. At 7 DAH, fish started to feed exogenously. Yolk sac was completely exhausted at 15 DAH. Until 56 DAH, the digestive tract of the larvae displayed regularly arranged microvilli, abundant vacuoles, and protein inclusion bodies. The pancreas, liver, and gall bladder were functional from 6 DAH, which enabled larvae to ingest, digest, and assimilate the first exogenous food. In comparison with teleosts that have a stomach, the development of the digestive tract of the agastric Chinese sucker seemed relatively slow .  相似文献   

An understanding of the development of the digestive system of marine fish larvae is of critical importance in determining optimal feeding regimes for their culture. The present study provides information on the histomorphological development of the digestive system of clown fish, Amphiprion percula , larvae during the first month of life. Before hatching, clownfish larvae possess an alimentary tract, liver and pancreas with absorptive and digestive capabilities. The yolk sac is completely consumed within 5–7 days at 25 °C. Clownfish larvae readily accept rotifers after hatching and a complete dietary shift from rotifer to Artemia can be accomplished at 10 days after hatch (DAH). Gastric glands in the stomach first develop 11 DAH and proliferate by 15 DAH. Both non-staining vacuoles (NSV) and supranuclear inclusion vesicles (SIV) appear at 11 DAH in the midgut and hindgut respectively. Pinocytosis and extracellular digestion coexist for about 2 weeks after hatching. While SIV disappeared completely at 25 DAH, NSV continued to be a prominent feature of the midgut during the first month.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the digestive tract was studied histologically in butter catfish Ompok bimaculatus from hatching to 30?days post-hatching (dph). At hatching, the digestive tract of butter catfish consisted of a straight tube with a smooth lumen dorsally attached to the yolk sac. Between 1 and 2 dph, the mouth opened, oral valves were visible and canine-like teeth and taste buds were detected. During this period, intestine was differentiated into the anterior and posterior intestine, and the digestive accessory glands were also developed. Exogenous feeding started at 2?dph, and there was a 2-day mixed endogenous–exogenous feeding period. Most of the yolk sac reserves were consumed between 2 and 3 dph, and by 5?dph, the yolk sac was completely depleted and no longer visible in histological sections. Between 3 and 4 dph, several vacuoles (neutral lipids) were observed in the intestine and also in hepatocytes, indicating a functional absorption of nutrients from food. At 8 dph, differentiation of gastric glands was noticed, and by 9–11?dph, there were abundant gastric tubular glands arranged along numerous longitudinal folds. During the same period, pyloric sphincter appeared as an epithelial fold that separated the stomach from the anterior intestine. From 12 dph to the end of the study at 30?dph, no noticeable histological modifications were observed. The development of gastric glands is considered as the last major events in digestive tract development and their presence designates the end of larval period and the onset of the juvenile period. Hence, it is suggested that, butter catfish larvae have a morphologically complete digestive tract by 12?dph. These findings on the development of the digestive system in butter catfish may lead to a better understanding of the ontogeny and would be useful to improve the larval rearing techniques of this promising catfish species for freshwater aquaculture diversification.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in Rhabdosargus sarba larva in early life history were investigated. At hatching, the digestive system was histologically undifferentiated. The digestive tract was a straight tube attached to the dorsal end of the yolk‐sac and was not connected to either the mouth or the anus. The layer of gut epithelium at some regions of the luminal surface was straight and microvilli were not present. These straight borders were not observed at 1 day post hatching (DPH) onwards as microvilli increased in number on the luminal surface and became more regular. At 2 DPH, the digestive system was well differentiated and the separation of the mid‐ and hindgut by the intestino‐rectal valve became more advanced. At 0 DPH, the eye was spherical and the retina had a zonation with undifferentiated cells. The eye also lacked differentiated photoreceptors (PR). The retinal PRs increased in length and in number as the yolk‐sac was absorbed. By 2 DPH, the eye was fully pigmented, suggesting that the larval vision system was functional. The larvae had a pure cone retina at the onset of exogenous feeding. Morphological and functional differentiation of the digestive tract and the eye of the larvae preceded the completion of yolk and oil globule absorption. The oil globule was exhausted at 4 DPH and at 2 DPH, the yolk‐sac was completely absorbed. Food particles were observed at 3 DPH. Food particle ingestion and absorption of the yolk‐sac were observed as vision became fully functional.  相似文献   

The histological development of the digestive tract in hatchery-reared green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) larvae and the effects of food deprivation on the digestive system organization were studied from hatching until 31 days post-hatching (dph). At hatching, the larval digestive system consisted of two rudiments: a large endodermal yolk sac and a primordial hind-gut. During the endogenous feeding phase, the wall of the yolk sac differentiated into the stomach (glandular and non-glandular regions) and the anterior and intermediate intestine, while the hind-gut primordium differentiated into the spiral valve and rectum. At the onset of exogenous feeding (15 dph at 16 °C), the organization and cytoarchitecture of the digestive system in green sturgeon larvae was generally similar to those of juveniles and adults. Larvae deprived of food exhibited a progressive deterioration, with subtle pathological changes observed after 5-d starvation: shrinkage of digestive epithelia, tissue degeneration, and necrosis were observed at 10–15 d of starvation (30 dph). No changes were observed in the mucous secretion of different regions of the digestive tract of food-deprived larvae. The histological analysis of the larval digestive system may be used to evaluate the nutritional condition of larval green sturgeon in their nursery habitats in spawning rivers, which are affected by dams and flow diversions.  相似文献   

The ontogenesis of the alimentary tract and its associated structures (liver, pancreas, gall bladder) was studied histologically in common pandora from hatching (0 DAH, days after hatching) until day 50 (50 DAH). Larvae were obtained by natural spawning from a broodstock adapted to captivity. They were stocked in 1500 l tanks supplied with Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis suecica from hatching until the Artemia feeding stage, at a temperature of 18.5–20 °C. Larvae were fed Selco-enriched Brachionus plicatilis from day 3, Artemia nauplii from day 28 and formulated feed from day 35. At hatching, the digestive tract was a histologically undifferentiated straight tube lying dorsally to the yolk sac. At first feeding (3–4 DAH) both the mouth and anus had opened and the digestive tract was differentiated into four portions: buccopharynx, oesophagus, incipient stomach and intestine. The pancreas, liver and gall bladder were also differentiated at this stage. Within 2 days after the commencement of exogenous feeding, the anterior intestinal epithelium showed large vacuoles indicating the capacity for absorption of lipids, whereas supranuclear ninhydrin-Schiff (NS) positive inclusions indicating protein absorption were observed in the posterior intestinal epithelium. Both the bile and main pancreatic ducts had opened in the anterior intestine, just after the pyloric sphincter, at this stage. Intestinal coiling was apparent since 4 DAH, while mucosal folding began at 10 DAH. Scattered PAS-positive mucous cells occurred in the oral cavity and the intestine, while they were largely diffused in the oesophagus. Gastric glands and pyloric caeca appeared at 28 DAH, indicating the transition from larval to juvenile stage and the acquisition of an adult mode of digestion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Striped bonito Sarda orientalis larvae and juveniles were reared in a laboratory from hatching to 14 days post hatching, and the development of their digestive system was investigated histologically. On day 2 (first feeding day), the larval-type digestive system was differentiated. On day 3, a blind sac with densely distributed gastric glands developed and pyloric ceca appeared, suggesting that the digestive system was attaining adult-type structure. The yolk was completely absorbed on day 4. Bonito larvae preyed on rotifers and/or Artemia nauplii on day 2, but almost the whole gut was occupied by fish larvae from day 4. In the striped bonito, the adult-type digestive system was established right after first feeding, and this precocious development was well synchronized with the appearance of piscivory.  相似文献   

Squaliobarbus curriculus is an economically important freshwater fish. The ontogenetic development of the digestive system of S. curriculus larvae was studied histologically and enzymatically from hatching to 30 days posthatching (DPH). Amylase, lipase, alkaline phosphatase and pepsin activities were detected from the hatching stage, indicating that these enzymes were genetically preprogrammed. Marked increases in intestinal amylase, trypsin and alkaline phosphatase activities between 10 and 20 DPH corresponded to feed acquisition and transformation. Larval development in S. curriculus could be divided into three phases: phase I (endotrophic period): 1–3 DPH; phase II (endo‐exotrophic period): 4–5 DPH; and phase III (exclusively exotrophic period): from 6 DPH onward. At hatching, the digestive tract of the larvae was an undifferentiated straight tube. On 3 DPH, the digestive tract differentiated into the mouth cavity, oesophagus and intestine. On 6 DPH, feeding was totally exotrophic and the yolk sac was completely exhausted. During the growth of S. curriculus larvae, the intestinal mucosa formed and the number of goblet cells and microvilli increased, demonstrating maturation of the digestive system. The study about the digestive development of S. curriculus larvae will contribute to better larval‐rearing strategies.  相似文献   

The study on histological characteristics of the digestive system of Beluga (Huso huso) was conducted from hatching until 50 days posthatching at 16.5 °C. Development of the digestive system in this species followed the general pattern described for other Acipenserids, although there were differences in the timing of organ development among species. At hatching, the mouth was opened and digestive system was represented by a gastric cavity filled with yolk and lined by endodermal cells, and a partially differentiated hindgut. Gastric glands started to differentiate at 46.5 degree‐ days posthatching (ddph), the earliest appearance time among sturgeon fishes studied to date. At the onset of exogenous feeding (144.9 ddph), yolk sac reserves were not completely depleted in the stomach, suggesting a period of mixed nutrition. The complete development of the digestive system was not accomplished until 235.2 ddph when it showed all histomorphological features typical of juvenile specimens. According to histological results, it seems advisable to start co‐feeding H.huso larvae with inert diets at the onset of exogenous feeding, because exocrine pancreas and glandular stomach are fully differentiated, although the complete substitution of live prey by inert feed is not recommended until 235 ddph.  相似文献   

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