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为促进蜈蚣藻属(Grateloupia)藻类的开发利用,为其食用和加工提供参考,该研究于2018年1—4月间每月1次对广东汕头南澳和福建东山浮筏上的蜈蚣藻属种类组成、生物量、生长环境及不同种类不同生长时期的口感进行了调查。结果显示,调查点的水温和水流速度分别为19~23℃和0.039~0.985 m·s~(-1),福建东山的流速较汕头南澳的大。采用培养观察形态变化、藻体切片以及rbcL序列分析相结合的方法判断这两处浮筏上的蜈蚣藻属为披针形蜈蚣藻(G. lanceolata)、带形蜈蚣藻(G. turuturu)、台湾蜈蚣藻(G. taiwanensis)、肉质蜈蚣藻(G. carnosa)、舌状蜈蚣藻(G. livida)、海门蜈蚣藻(G. haimensis)、长枝蜈蚣藻(G. prolongata)和稀疏蜈蚣藻(G. sparsa)。披针形蜈蚣藻和带形蜈蚣藻为优势种,两者最高生物量分别达到901.26 g·m~(-1)和352.9 g·m~(-1)。水流速度较大地方生长的披针形蜈蚣藻藻体较长(可达142 cm)。长枝蜈蚣藻和带形蜈蚣藻口感最差;披针形蜈蚣藻、舌状蜈蚣藻的口感最好,这2种仅在4月质地变硬时口感略差。披针形蜈蚣藻生物量多、藻体大且食用口感好,是值得加工为海洋蔬菜的优良种类。  相似文献   

蚣藻属(Grateloupia)种类多(中国已报道42种),可食用、药用(具有清热解毒、驱虫、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗凝血、抗氧化等作用),并可作为提取卡拉胶的工业原料,是有待于养殖和加工开发的经济红藻。文章综述了蜈蚣藻属分类变动、繁殖生物学、生理生态和养殖的研究现状及存在的问题,为蜈蚣藻属增养殖及研究开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

枸杞岛海藻场角蝾螺夏季摄食选择性及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
于2013年夏季对枸杞岛海藻场螺类优势种角蝾螺进行了稳定同位素、摄食选择性、消化代谢物粒径等系列实验.稳定同位素结果显示,角蝾螺是牧食性生物,在藻场中的营养级为2.12,属初级消费者,底栖海藻是角蝾螺的主要食源,贡献率为94.5%;摄食选择性实验结果显示,角蝾螺具有较宽的摄食选择,能够摄食海带、铜藻、粗枝软骨藻等1 1种大型藻类,其中铜藻及蜈蚣藻是枸杞岛潮下带的重要优势种;消化代谢物实验结果显示,角蝾螺的啃食作用能为藻场碎屑提供增量,角蝾螺对海藻场碎屑的增量为(0.016 ~0.094)g/d,经过啃食及消化作用产生的碎屑主要粒级为1Φ(> 250 μm).稳定同位素分析—摄食选择偏好实验—螺类消化代谢物粒径分析的系列研究表明,角蝾螺在枸杞岛海藻场的群落食物网中,可以起到连接牧食食物链和碎屑食物链的重要作用.  相似文献   

驯化摄食对黑鲍饵料选择性的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黑鲍(Haliotis discus hannai♀×H·discusdiscus♂)对裂片石莼(Ulva faxciata)、龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)、海带(Laminaria japonica)、细基江蓠繁枝变种(G·tenuistipitata)、舌状蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia livi-da)和人工配合饲料6种饵料的选择性,继而通过实验研究了强制摄食驯化对黑鲍饵料选择性的影响。实验发现,在无饵料强制驯化的状态下,黑鲍对几种实验海藻的选择性依次为海带>石莼>江蓠>龙须菜>蜈蚣藻;在用单一饵料强制驯化7d后,黑鲍对几种实验海藻的选择性依次为海带>江蓠>石莼>龙须菜>蜈蚣藻。而黑鲍对人工配合饲料的摄食存在随机性,没有一定的规律。研究表明,海带是黑鲍最喜食的饵料,前期摄食驯化对其饵料选择性没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

通过混养生态系统模拟试验研究了紫贻贝(Grateloupia lanceolata)和披针形蜈蚣藻(Mytilus edulis)不同养殖密度组合下的生态混养状况。选取壳长(45.14±3.85)mm的紫贻贝和长度(62.48±7.38)mm的披针形蜈蚣藻,采用5种湿重配比进行混养实验,分别为G1(1∶0)、G2(1∶0.25)、G3(1∶0.5)、G4(1∶1)和G5(1∶2)。每种组合中紫贻贝密度均为0.63 ind·L~(-1),而披针形蜈蚣藻密度分别为0 g·L~(-1)、1.25 g·L~(-1)、2.5 g·L~(-1)、5 g·L~(-1)、10 g·L~(-1)。36 d后,G3组中紫贻贝特定生长率为(0.21±0.03)%·d-1,极显著高于其它混养组[(0.11±0.028)~(0.21±0.03)%·d-1,P0.01],而单养组的紫贻贝特定生长率仅为(0.063±0.022)%·d-1;G3组中披针形蜈蚣藻特定生长率为(0.96±0.20)%·d-1,极显著高于其它混养组[(0.62±0.16)~(0.96±0.20)%·d-1,P0.01]。G3组生态系统对营养盐(NO_3~--N、NO_2~--N、NH_4~+-N、PO3-4-P)的去除率分别达到(91.38±1.40)%、(96.79±1.97)%、(98.38±2.06)%、(96.86±3.16)%,显著高于G2组(P0.05),而与G4和G5组没有显著性差异(P0.05)。本研究结果表明,当紫贻贝与披针形蜈蚣藻湿重比为1∶0.5时,可以取得较好的生态效应。  相似文献   

蜈蚣藻属(Grateloupia C.Ag.)海藻是我国广泛分布的一种大型红藻,其藻体中含有多糖类、不饱和脂肪酸和凝集素几种海洋生物活性物质,具有防治各种心血管病、抗肿瘤、抗凝血、抗血栓、抗病毒、抗氧化及增强免疫力等作用。目前蜈蚣藻的人工养殖尚处于初级阶段,苗种来源的解决是展开人工养殖的基本条件。除了采用孢子培苗方法之外,通过藻体切段再生、组织培养等无性繁殖也是解决苗种来源的重要途径。  相似文献   

枸杞岛马尾藻场铜藻的生命史与形态特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为了研究枸杞岛马尾藻场铜藻在整个生命周期内的生命史征及形态特征,首次对枸杞岛马尾藻场铜藻的周年生长与繁殖情况进行跟踪调查,并对株高、叶片、气囊和生殖托等16个相关的生物学参数的变化进行研究。实验结果表明,根据铜藻生命史内生物学结构的发生情况,可将铜藻在全年中的生长情况分为以下4个阶段:(1)幼苗期,在7—8月的幼苗期藻体仅由枝干、侧枝及叶片构成,期间植株以1.52 mm/d的速率生长;(2)成藻期,8月至翌年4月的成藻期植株分别在9、11及翌年4月出现气囊、次侧枝以及生殖托,铜藻的生物学结构得到完善,期间植株以2.01 mm/d的速率生长;(3)繁殖期,4月生殖托的出现标志着铜藻进入繁殖期,而5月卵子的集中散放标志着铜藻进入繁殖期的“顶点”,期间植株以3.80 mm/d的速率生长;(4)衰老和凋亡期,在5—6月的衰老及凋亡期植株不断老化并伴随着生物结构的解体,由于少数未成熟个体的补充而使得植株达到0.99 mm/d的生长速率。在所检测的16个生物学参数中,铜藻的株高、个体生物量和主侧枝长度等10个参数呈现明显的季节变动(P <0.005),马尾藻属中的这类暖温性物种展现出其介于热带物种和冷温性物种之间的物候学行为。个体内和个体间连续特征的稳定性分析表明,在10种铜藻形态学参数中主侧枝长度的稳定性最低(Ed=95),是最适宜用于种类鉴定工作的参数,这为马尾藻属种类的形态学研究及种类鉴定等工作中参数的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

2011年8~10月对山东半岛大叶藻进行了调查研究,并对山东半岛大叶藻进行了分类鉴定.结果显示,山东半岛主要存在3种大叶藻科(Zosteraceae)种类,分别是大叶藻属Zostera的大叶藻Zostera marina L.、矮大叶藻Zostera japonica Ascherson & Graebner以及虾形藻属Phyllospadix的红须虾形藻Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino.其中,大叶藻分布广泛,莱州湾、俚岛、小石岛、楮岛、汇泉湾等地均发现有大叶藻存在,莱州湾地区大叶藻呈斑状分布,汇泉湾呈零星分布,俚岛、小石岛、楮岛地区呈片状分布;矮大叶藻分布较少,莱州湾地区呈斑状分布,广饶地区零星分布;红须虾形藻仅发现于青岛石老人海水浴场,呈斑状分布.调查还发现,山东半岛近海沿岸大叶藻海草场都存在不同程度的退化和破坏,除俚岛、小石岛、楮岛的大叶藻呈片状分布以外,其他地区的大叶藻均呈斑状分布或者零星分布.日照东港地区的海草场更是破坏严重,且本次调查范围内未发现大叶藻存在.  相似文献   

根据2002年5月对同安湾6个采样点所采集样品的分析,共鉴定网采浮游植物2门35属74种,其中硅藻门67种,甲藻门7种。优势种为奇异棍形藻(Bacillaris paradoxa),其次为海生斑条藻(Grammatophora marina)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum),浮游植物种类以广温广盐种为主。调查期间共发现赤潮生物27种,主要种类有奇异棍形藻和中肋骨条藻等。同安湾赤潮的发生与海水中无机氮和活性磷酸盐含量高密切相关。  相似文献   

为了解贝类筏式养殖区的大型海藻种类组成和分布格局及季节变动等群落水平的特征,实验于2018年春季(5月)、夏季(8月)、秋季(11月)和2019年冬季(2月)对枸杞岛贻贝养殖筏架上的附着海藻进行采样和分析。结果显示,全年共采集到49种附着海藻,隶属11目20科33属。在物种数季节变化上,秋季最高(29种),春季最低(20种),平均有23种;平均生物量季节变化上,夏季最高(5 529.40 g/m~2),秋季最低(2 340.45g/m~2),年平均值为(3 455.06±1 480.40) g/m~2;平均物种数和平均生物量在水平分布上均呈现从养殖区内侧至外侧逐渐减少的特点;附着海藻多样性指数(H')最高为秋季(2.30),最低为夏季(1.87),年平均值为2.07±0.18;全年共采集到优势海藻13种,最高是秋季(8种),夏季最低(5种),平均有6种,其中宽角叉珊藻和密毛沙菜是养殖筏架上的全年优势种;优势海藻的生态位宽度最大值与最小值均出现在秋季,分别为密毛沙菜(2.21)和铜藻(0.74);生态位重叠最大值与最小值均出现在秋季,分别是扁江蓠-铜藻(0.86)和带形蜈蚣藻-铜藻(0)。研究表明,大规模筏式养殖的存在,延长了舌状蜈蚣藻、密毛沙菜等红藻的生长期,拓宽了铜藻等褐藻的栖息范围,从而改变了养殖区内大型海藻的群落结构,有利于所在海区维持更高的全年初级生产力水平和海藻碎屑产生量,为海洋牧场建设过程中海藻场的营造提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The environmental processes associated with variability in the catch rates of bigeye tuna in the Atlantic Ocean are largely unexplored. This study used generalized additive models (GAMs) fitted to Taiwanese longline fishery data from 1990 to 2009 and investigated the association between environmental variables and catch rates to identify the processes influencing bigeye tuna distribution in the Atlantic Ocean. The present findings reveal that the year (temporal factor), latitude and longitude (spatial factors), and major regular longline target species of albacore catches are significant for the standardization of bigeye tuna catch rates in the Atlantic Ocean. The standardized catch rates and distribution of bigeye tuna were found to be related to environmental and climatic variation. The model selection processes showed that the selected GAMs explained 70% of the cumulative deviance in the entire Atlantic Ocean. Regarding environmental factors, the depth of the 20 degree isotherm (D20) substantially contributed to the explained deviance; other important factors were sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface height deviation (SSHD). The potential fishing grounds were observed with SSTs of 22–28°C, a D20 shallower than 150 m and negative SSHDs in the Atlantic Ocean. The higher predicted catch rates were increased in the positive northern tropical Atlantic and negative North Atlantic Oscillation events with a higher SST and shallow D20, suggesting that climatic oscillations affect the population abundance and distribution of bigeye tuna.  相似文献   

Protein and amino acid composition of the mantle of juvenile O ctopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797) during fasting for 27 days were determined. Average protein content of octopus mantle was of 711.19 ± 46.80 g kg?1 DW, and it decreased with increasing fasting days. The non‐essential amino acids content was higher (486.18 ± 11.08 g kg?1 protein) than essential amino acids (425.82 ± 9.15 g kg?1 protein) at the start of the experiment (unstarved animals). The results suggest that the amino acid profile of the mantle where the most abundant amino acids are Arg, His, Lys, Gly, Leu and Pro could indicate a prolonged fasting condition (>20 days) or poor nutrition of O . vulgaris. This study supports the idea of using mantle for metabolic needs of starved O . vulgaris suggesting that the degradation pathway of amino acids to pyruvate and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates was favoured contrary to the degradation pathway of ketogenic amino acids. Special considerations should be taken concerning Thr, Ile, Ser, Ala, Asx (Asp, Asn), Glx (Glu, Gln) (because of their fast intake) and Lys and His (due to their stable contents) during a prolonged period of fasting.  相似文献   

In this experiment, a feeding trial was performed to determine the effects of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) on growth performance, digestive enzyme activity and immune response of Japanese sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicus juveniles (initial weight 38.3 ± 0.5 g), and the fish were examined following feeding with six levels of FOS (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 g/kg) for 28 days. Significant enhancement of weight gain (WG) and specific growth rate (SGR) was found in fish fed 1 g/kg FOS incorporated diets (p < .05), while the feed conversion ratio (FCR) in the 1, 2 g/kg FOS groups reduced significantly compared with the control (p < .05). Besides, the crude lipid in the 4, 6 g/kg FOS groups increased significantly compared with the control (p < .05). On the other hand, the erepsin and lipase activities significantly elevated in intestine of fish fed 2 g/kg FOS (p < .05) and the lysozyme activity in serum of fish fed 2 g/kg FOS were significantly higher than that in the control (p < .05). Moreover, the alkaline phosphatase activities in serum of fish fed 0.5, 1, 2 g/kg FOS were significantly higher than in control (p < .05). Regression analysis showed that the relationships between dietary FOS levels and either SGR, FCR, erepsin or lysozyme activities were best expressed by regression equations, and the optimal inclusion levels are 1.37, 1.80, 3.06, 3.11, 1.93 and 1.80 g/kg for SGR, FCR, erepsin, lipase, lysozyme and total superoxide dismutase activities, respectively. Overall, this study revealed that FOS incorporated diets could beneficial for L. japonicus culture in terms of increasing the growth, digestion and immune activities. Under the present experimental condition, the optimal supplementary level of FOS in the diet of L. japonicus is 1–3 g/kg.  相似文献   

在基础饲料中分别添加0.1%和1%美人鱼发光杆菌灭活菌、0.1%美人鱼发光杆菌活菌配制成3种免疫实验饲料,以基础饲料为空白对照组饲料,每组设3个平行样。对个体质量为(4.83±0.36)g的凡纳滨对虾进行为期20 d的饲养实验,分别在0、5、10、15和20d进行取样,以血清中的酚氧化酶(PO)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和溶菌酶(UL)活性为免疫指标,探讨了美人鱼发光杆菌作为免疫制剂对凡纳滨对虾非特异性免疫效应的影响;在投喂免疫饲料后的第22天,按0.004 2 kg/kg体重的剂量,直接投喂对虾白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)病料,并记录累积死亡率。结果表明,美人鱼发光杆菌免疫实验组对凡纳滨对虾血清中PO、ACP、AKP、UL和SOD活性影响明显高于对照组,并且在饲料中添加美人鱼发光杆菌后,明显提高了对虾抵御WSSV感染的能力。其中0.1%美人鱼发光杆菌活菌实验组的抗病毒感染能力最强,WSSV感染14d内累计死亡率为63.3%±5.8%;而对照组为96.7%±3.3%。研究表明,美人鱼发光杆菌添加在对虾饲料中能提高凡纳滨对虾非特异性免疫水平,增强抵抗疾病的能力,将其作为对虾免疫增强剂具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the effects of replacing fish meal with dietary Spirulina as a feed supplement on the growth performance and coloration of blue dolphin cichlids (Cyrtocara moorii). Five isonitrogenous (47% crude protein) and isocaloric (17.36 kJ/g digestible energy) diets were for formulated to replace FM with 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% Spirulina (designated as Control, SP5, SP10, SP15 and SP20 respectively) and fed to the fish (initial body weight, 3.15 ± 0.01 g). Fish were randomly distributed into fifteen 120 L aquariums (26.5 ± 1.00°C), 15 fish per aquarium. The diets were tested in triplicate for 12 weeks. Experimental groups were fed twice daily (09:00 and 17:00) by hand to satiation. At the end of the feeding trial, significantly (p < 0.05) higher weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) were observed in fish fed the SP10 diet when compared to the SP20 diet. There was no significant difference in these parameters between the other groups. The skin coloration of blue dolphin cichlid fed a diet containing Spirulina meal was enhanced. The best coloration was observed in the SP15 group. These impressions were objectively validated by chemical determinations of carotenoids extracted from fish skins and passed statistical tests of significance. The study findings show that Spirulina meal does not diminish growth rates except at very high levels.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to quantify the dietary thiamin (experiment I) and pyridoxine (experiment II) requirements of fingerling Cirrhinus mrigala for 16 weeks. In experiment I, dietary thiamin requirement was determined by feeding seven casein–gelatin‐based diets (400 g kg?1 CP; 18.69 kJ g?1 GE) with graded levels of thiamin (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg kg?1 diet) to triplicate groups of fish (6.15 ± 0.37 cm; 1.89 ± 0.12 g). Fish fed diet with 2 mg kg?1 thiamin had highest specific growth rate (SGR), protein retention (PR), RNA/DNA ratio, haemoglobin (Hb), haematocrit (Hct), RBCs and best feed conversion ratio (FCR). However, highest liver thiamin concentration was recorded in fish fed 4 mg thiamin kg?1 diet. Broken‐line analysis of SGR, PR and liver thiamin concentrations exhibited the thiamin requirement in the range of 1.79–3.34 mg kg?1 diet (0.096–0.179 μg thiamin kJ?1 gross energy). In experiment II, six casein–gelatin‐based diets (400 g kg?1 CP; 18.69 kJ g?1 GE) containing graded levels of pyridoxine (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg kg?1 diet) were fed to triplicate groups of fish (6.35 ± 0.37 cm; 1.97 ± 0.12 g). Fish fed diet containing 6 mg kg?1 pyridoxine showed best SGR, FCR, PR, RNA/DNA ratio, Hb, Hct and RBCs, whereas maximum liver pyridoxine concentration was recorded in fish fed 8 mg kg?1 dietary pyridoxine. Broken‐line analysis of SGR, PR and liver pyridoxine concentrations reflected the pyridoxine requirement from 5.63 to 8.61 mg kg?1 diet. Data generated during this study would be useful in formulating thiamin‐ and pyridoxine‐balanced feeds for the intensive culture of this fish.  相似文献   

Marine fish farming in Egypt began in 1976 with the culture of gilthead sea bream, (Sparus aurata) as this fish was notably adaptable to brackish and marine pond conditions. Today, marine fish and shrimp farms amount to about 19,000 ha, out of which 42% is already in production while the rest, i.e., 58% is still under construction. In 1997, cultured gilthead sea bream production of 2,250 tons made up 3% of the 75,000 tons total aquaculture catch. In polyculture, usually with the grey mullet and sea bass, gilthead sea bream contributed 440 kg ha–1 to the total yield of 1,700 kg ha–1 (26%) over a period of 16 months. For the same period, the yield of monoculture ponds averaged 100 kg ha–1, while in marine cages, yields ranged from 4–10 kg m3. In 1996–1997, fry of 0.25–1 g and fingerlings 1–10 g with a total of 3 million, were collected from the wild and 1 million fry were produced in the three marine hatcheries out of the four existing ones. The development of sea bream culture in Egypt is now severely inhibited by the shortage of seeds and adequate feeds. Exports of both sea bream and sea bass, during 1994–1996 averaged 1,300 tons per year.  相似文献   

The cockle Cerastoderma edule fishery has traditionally been the most important shellfish species in terms of biomass in Galicia (NW Spain). In the course of a survey of the histopathological conditions affecting this species in the Ria of Arousa, a haplosporidan parasite that had not been observed in Galicia was detected in one of the most productive cockle beds of Galicia. Uni‐ and binucleate cells and multinucleate plasmodia were observed in the connective tissue mainly in the digestive area, gills and gonad. The parasite showed low prevalence, and it was not associated with abnormal cockle mortality. Molecular identification showed that this parasite was closely related to the haplosporidan Minchinia mercenariae that had been reported infecting hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria from the Atlantic coast of the United States. The molecular characterization of its SSU rDNA region allowed obtaining a fragment of 1,796 bp showing 98% homology with M. mercenariae parasite. Phylogenetic analysis supported this identification as this parasite was clustered in the same clade as M. mercenariae from the United States and other M. mercenariae‐like sequences from the UK, with bootstrap value of 99%. The occurrence of M. mercenariae‐like parasites infecting molluscs outside the United States is confirmed.  相似文献   

Plasma estradiol-17 (E2), testosterone (T), 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) and 17,20,21-tri-hydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20-S) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) in white perch (Morone americana) and white bass (M. chrysops) that were induced to undergo final oocyte maturation (FOM) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Plasma DHP levels increased in females of both species in association with oocyte germinal vesicle migration (GVM) and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and decreased thereafter. Plasma 20-S levels also increased with oocyte GVM in white bass, but were several-fold lower than DHP levels. Circulating E2 and T levels were greatest during GVM and GVBD in both species and decreased to low levels during oocyte hydration and ovulation. Follicles from white perch and white bass which received a priming injection of hCG in vivo, produced both DHP and 20-S in vitro after exposure to hCG and their oocytes underwent GVBD. Ovarian incubates from unprimed fish of either species produced only E2 and T and their oocytes did not complete GVBD. Oocytes from unprimed bass, but not perch, matured when follicles were exposed to hCG in vitro. Both trilostane and cycloheximide blocked in vitro production of DHP and 20-S and oocyte GVBD by white perch follices. DHP and 20-S were equipotent inducers of FOM in the GVBD bioassay. None of several other structurally-related steroids tested were effective within a physiological range of concentrations. These results indicate a role for DHP and 20-S in the control of FOM in white perch and white bass.  相似文献   

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