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牛蛙脑膜炎脓毒性黄杆菌病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛蛙脑膜炎脓毒性黄杆菌病陈耀明,胡永强,周以凤(上海动植物检疫局,200032)蔡玉书,方德强(上海市奉贤县畜牧兽医站,201400)1993年8月,上海市奉贤县某牛蛙养殖场爆发一种蛙病,大批牛蛙(包括亲蛙、成蛙、幼蛙和蝌蚪)染病死亡。经临床诊断、病...  相似文献   

牛蛙养殖技术讲座 第四讲 牛蛙幼蛙的养殖技术牛蛙幼蛙是指蝌蚪变态后到当年越冬前的牛蛙,体重一般在100g以下。由于幼蛙的适应能力较差,饲养管理工作尤应细致,这对整个生产有很大影响。一、幼蛙池的建造幼蛙池可选用水泥或土地。水泥池面积以30~50m2为宜...  相似文献   

供牛蛙种苗江苏无锡市马山区牛蛙养殖场,可常年供应牛蛙种苗:种蛙每对48~88元,幼蛙每只0.8~1.8元,蝌蚪每尾0.08~0.28元。并可供美国青蛙种蛙,每对68~118元。另外:本场常年供应和回收商品蛙。场长;徐根源、叶仕昆。宅电:(0510)6...  相似文献   

牛蛙暴发性细菌性疾病的综合防治牛蛙暴发性细昏性疾病是继牛蛙活饵料后又一个困扰牛蛙养殖生产的严重问题。该病每年5—10月都可发生,主要在牛蛙幼蛙和成蛙阶段。与常见的牛蛙红腿病、烂皮病、胃肠炎病等不同。主要症状是病蛙常群集于蛙池四周及池角,低头伏地,静卧...  相似文献   

牛蛙繁殖及养殖试验报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了使牛蛙能在沈阳地区繁殖和生长,研究了牛蛙繁殖和养殖的主要技术要点,包括牛蛙的产卵、孵化、蝌蚪培育、幼蛙养殖、幼蛙疾病防治、投喂的饵料等,为沈阳地区的牛蛙繁养提供了一条新路子。  相似文献   

供牛蛙种苗江苏无锡市马山区牛蛙养殖场,可常年供应牛蛙种苗;种蛙每对48~88元,幼蛙每只0.8~1.8元,蝌蚪每尾0.08~0.28元。并可供美国青蛙种蛙,每对68~120元。另外:本场常年供应和回收商品蛙。场长:徐根源;副场长:叶仕昆。宅电:679...  相似文献   

一种简便效好的幼蛙驯食法经过变态后发育而成的幼蛙嗜食动物性活饵,在规模化、集约化养殖牛蛙的条件下,如果单纯投喂活饵,不但饵源有限,而且费工时、成本高。随着牛蛙养殖业的不断发展,如何短快好省驯化幼蛙摄食人工饵料,成了众多养蛙者所关注的热点问题。笔者依据...  相似文献   

喷水法驯食幼蛙效果好经过变态后发育而成的幼蛙嗜食动物性活饵,在规模化、集约化养殖牛蛙的条件下,如果单纯投喂活饵,不但饵源有限,而且费工时、成本高。所以,如何驯化幼蛙摄食人工饵料成为众多养蛙者所关注的问题。笔者依据牛蛙摄食特性,通过实践,摸索出喷水驯食...  相似文献   

供牛蛙种苗江苏无锡市马山区牛蛙养殖场,可常年供应牛蛙种苗:种蛙每对48~88元,幼蛙每只0.8~1.8元,蝌蚪每尾0.08~0.28元.并可供美国青蛙种蛙,每对68~120元。另外:本场常年供应和回收商品蛙。场长:徐根源;副场长:叶仕昆。宅电:679...  相似文献   

牛蛙传染性肝病的流行病学调查黄志坚,肖克宇,金理,舒新华(湖南农业大学水产系长沙410128)牛蛙传染性肝病是牛蛙众多疾病中的二种,随着牛蛙养殖业的蓬勃发展,养殖规模的扩大,它造成的损失也日益严重,湖南各地均有发生。1993年我们对牛蛙传染性肝病病原...  相似文献   

稻田养殖美国青蛙试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在稻田中放养美国青蛙(Rana grglio),利用稻蛙共生的生态学原理,促进了水稻生长,减少了养蛙占地,每公顷产水稻7770kg,商品蛙2731.5kg,生态效益、经济效益明显优于未养蛙稻田。  相似文献   

There is an increasing problem with bacterial disease associated with stress in farmed frogs. In general, little is known about the immune system in farmed tropical ranid species and, in particular, about its functional ability. As part of a study on the non-specific immune system, immunostimulation by β-glucan was evaluated in preventing bacterial disease in cultured ranid frogs. Fifty frogs were grown to a mean weight of 40 g and separated into three experimental groups. These were exposed to a motile aeromonad bacterial challenge alone (Au), bacterial challenge with β-glucan (Au + glucan) or saline only (controls) to serve as controls. There were four replicate tanks containing five frogs per tank in each experimental group. After bacterial challenge, all the animals were observed twice daily, and the number of mortalities per tank was recorded. The liver was sampled in order to recover bacteria, and any colonies grown were identified. The survival of the β-glucan-treated frogs was significantly higher than that of the bacterial challenge group alone.  相似文献   

  1. The American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802), is considered one of the world's worst invaders because of its potential to affect native fauna adversely, especially amphibians, through predation, competition, breeding interference, and disease transmission.
  2. Here, the potential impact of introduced American bullfrogs (juveniles and adults) on native adult green frogs, Pelophylax kl. esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758), was investigated in a pond ecosystem by means of stomach‐content and stable‐isotope analyses. Specifically, this study was aimed at assessing the impact of the American bullfrog on native green frogs in terms of predation and competition (i.e. feeding ecology and habitat use), and uncovering changes in interspecific interactions linked to the ontogenetic dietary–habitat shifts of the invaders.
  3. Stomach contents and isotope analyses suggest that L. catesbeianus changes trophic position in the food chain and undergoes ontogenetic dietary–habitat shifts during its life cycle. The species therefore has the potential to exert a double impact on native green frogs: as a predator at the adult stage and as a competitor (for food and habitat use) at the juvenile stage.
  4. Stomach‐content and isotope analyses gave similar results, suggesting that the predation impact by adult American bullfrogs on green frogs is mediated by the presence of the alien red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852). Juvenile American bullfrogs and native amphibians overlap in their diet composition and in their habitat use, suggesting the existence of potential competition between the two species.
  5. Ontogenetic dietary–habitat shifts in the American bullfrog, local conditions, and trophic interactions should be seriously considered in management approaches to promote the long‐term coexistence of L. catesbeianus and native amphibians. Such management options have been neglected in the literature, and are worthy of further investigation to understand their efficacy on native species.

棘腹蛙规模化养殖过程中饵料因子的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别用人工饵料、蚯蚓、家蚕、黄粉虫、蝇蛆为饵料,对棘腹蛙成蛙的生长、存活率以及捕食效率进行了观察。结果表明:投喂人工饵料与蚯蚓组的棘腹蛙生长速度最快,其次是家蚕、黄粉虫、蝇蛆。投喂蚯蚓与家蚕的实验组棘腹蛙存活率最高,其次是黄粉虫、蝇蛆组,投喂人工饵料组存活率最低。捕食效率从高到低依次为:家蚕、蚯蚓、黄粉虫、蝇蛆、人工饵料。综合各方面因素,蚯蚓与家蚕为成年棘腹蛙最合适的饵料。  相似文献   

  • 1. Invasive species may have direct effects on native species, such as predation or competition, as well as indirect effects such as altering habitat or the behaviour of a native species. Indirect effects can be difficult to detect, but whole‐system removal of invasive species presents an excellent opportunity for revealing these more subtle effects.
  • 2. American bullfrogs were introduced to California in the late 1800s and have been implicated in the declines of native ranid species. Invasive American bullfrogs were removed from a series of 12 ponds to test for changes in microhabitat use of federally threatened California red‐legged frogs, using a neighbouring field site with six ponds as a control.
  • 3. There was a marked increase in the total number of adult California red‐legged frogs seen in all of the ponds after the first year of bullfrog removal, suggesting that these adults were in the ponds, but hiding when invaders were present. Ontogenetic partitioning of habitat in this species was documented, as well as a shift in that partitioning and increased hiding behaviour with adult bullfrog presence. California red‐legged frogs used willows significantly more as cover, and were found on bare shores half as often when adult bullfrogs were present.
  • 4. These results support recent suggestions that behavioural responses of prey to predators can play a substantial role in total predator effects and suggest that careful management of invasive species may be necessary to accurately evaluate population sizes of this threatened amphibian species.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since spring 1983 a field trial to immunize foxes by the oral route against rabies has been carried out in a heavily infected area of Hessen measuring about 1,500 km2. The vaccine strain SAD B 19, produced by the Federal Research Institute for Animal Virus Diseases at Tübingen and filled into 2 ml aliquots, was inserted into chicken heads and distributed by forest rangers in the trial area, 15 baits per km2. Up to the present day five baiting campaigns, two per year in spring and autumn, have been completed and in all 110,000 vaccine baits additionally marked with 150 mg tetracycline were layed out. Four baitings have been previously evaluated. With the exception of some rabies cases on the border to the unvaccinated region in the northwest, rabies was reduced impressively. A secondary outbreak in the region of Hausen/Kiedrich, caused by an extremely high density of the fox population, was eradicated by increasing the baits to 25 per km2. The number of rabies cases, which amounted to 238 within 15 months prior to the vaccination trial, went down from 38 in the first 6 months to 6 cases after the fourth baiting. As innocuity control 2,273 wild and domestic animals from the vaccination area were examined for the presence of the vaccine virus. The results were always negative indicating that rabies strain SAD B 19 had not established an infective cycle in wildlife. As could be shown by the marker studies, an average of 78 per cent of the foxes (variation of the baitings from 62 per cent to 82 per cent) had taken up one or more baits. Seroconversion had been achieved in 65 per cent of the foxes (variation from 43 per cent to 70 per cent) as demonstrated by the presence of neutralizing antibodies. From experiences in Switzerland it can be expected, that rabies will be extinguished, if 50 per cent of the population are successfully immunized. This value has been surpassed in the field trial in Hessen. These very promising results have led to the project of an enlargement of the vaccination area to 12,000 km2. The neighbouring states of Rheinland-Pfalz and Nordrhein-Westfalen have joined in this effort, which has started in autumn 1985 with a new artificial vaccine bait developed at the Tübingen research institute.  相似文献   

采用十二烷基肌氨酸钠(Sarkosyl)和苯甲基磺酰氟(PMSF)2种方法提取秦皇岛弧菌HQ010712-1(Vibrio qinhuangdaora sp.nov.)外膜蛋白,结果显示 Sarkosyl法提取效果较好,且所提取的主要外膜蛋白分子量为102kD、45 kD、39 kD、36 kD、30 kD、28 kD、24 kD、22 kD;为比较该菌株与弧菌属其他细菌外膜蛋白组分及抗原性异同,以鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)、副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)、溶藻胶弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)为对照,电泳图谱显示4种弧菌外膜蛋白的分子量主要集中在22~48 kD之间;利用抗秦皇岛弧菌HQ010712-1血清的免疫印迹表明菌株HQ010712-1外膜蛋白中分子量为45 kD、36 kD的蛋白条带呈现阳性反应,其他3种弧菌外膜蛋白中均有与该抗血清反应的条带,且分子量为36 kD的反应带为菌株HQ010712-1、副溶血弧菌、溶藻胶弧菌共有.本研究旨在为进一步筛选和研究致病性弧菌的共同保护性抗原提供参考.  相似文献   

柱状黄杆菌(Flavobacterium columnare)是一种世界范围的水产动物致病菌,是中国重要养殖鱼类草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)等烂鳃病的病原。本研究以1972年从患"烂鳃病"草鱼上分离的两株冻干柱状黄杆菌G4和G18菌株为研究对象,并将G4株再次分离纯化得纯化菌株,命名为G4R3。对草鱼鱼苗浸泡攻毒结果显示,G4R3的LD50至少比G18的高3个数量级,因此G4R3为"强毒株",G18为"弱毒株"。利用蛋白质组学方法分析柱状黄杆菌强毒株G4R3和弱毒株G18的胞外蛋白,经过双向电泳并结合图像分析,共发现了34个点是差异表达的蛋白。胶内酶解、肽质量指纹图谱和串联质谱分析后,鉴定出其中的7个蛋白点,代表滑动蛋白K、腺酐甲硫氨酸合成酶和一种可能的膜蛋白等3种蛋白,它们可能是柱状黄杆菌的毒力因子。  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to evaluate the initial growth of Nile tilapia of Thai and commercial strains, being the latter derived from GIFT program (Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia). A set of weight/time data to an exponential model had been fitted. The fish were cultivated in cages of 2.7 m3, arranged on a dam of Parque Ecológico Cidade da Criança in Presidente Prudente — SP, Brazil. Each cage received 250 fingerlings of a single strain. With the fish growth, five random samples of 20 fish from each strain were taken, weighed and the model to the adjustment was weighted by inverse weight variances in each sample. The values of the initial weights were overestimated in the unweighted model in relation to the initial means values observed. Although the Thai strain had presented higher estimate of the initial weight than the Commercial strain, it obtained lower growth rate. In the weighted model, this difference in the growth rate was 32.27%, 10.85% bigger than in the unweighted model. In this experiment, this model described adequately the growth of the Thai and Commercial strains. However, it should be applied only with the intention of comparing the species or strains and not as a generalized growth model. The weighted model by the inverse weight variances had the best adjustment, estimates and confidence parameters. In this cultivation form, the Commercial strain can be the most indicated to farmers and resellers that deal with fish up to 200 g.  相似文献   

Tilapia (Oreochromis, spp.) have been introduced globally and domesticated, resulting in a number of different strains. This diversity offers the potential for difference in body morphology and, in turn, fillet yields. A trial was conducted at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, to compare processing characteristics of four populations of Oreochromis niloticus using two domesticated strains (Egypt and Ivory Coast), two less domesticated strains (Sagana and Lake Victoria), and a red variety (Santa Fe). Male tilapia (N?=?25/strain) were manually processed and the dress-out percentage and visceral fat calculated. Mean individual weights of pre-processed fish were similar (range = 403.8 ± 27.6 g to 413.8 ± 24.5 g) with the exception of the larger Sagana strain (434.2 ± 15.4 g). The Ivory Coast strain had the highest percent dress out (33.1% ± 2.1%), while the Sagana strain had the lowest (29.6% ± 1.5%). The Red strain had the greatest percent visceral fat (2.3% ± 1.0%) and the Sagana had the lowest (0.2% ± 0.4%).  相似文献   

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