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青岛斋堂岛海域春季双桩竖杆张网网囊网目的选择性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2014年春季,采用平行作业法,以2a=16 mm(a为目脚长度)的菱形目网囊为对照网(CN),选取30 mm菱形目网囊和20 mm、30 mm、40 mm的方形目网囊(分别以30D、20S、30S和40S表示)作为实验网囊,对青岛斋堂岛附近海域的双桩竖杆张网进行了不同网目形状的网囊和不同网目尺寸方形目网囊的选择性比较试验。以多元统计分析方法进行种间选择性分析,以Logistic曲线作为选择性模型、采用极大似然估算法进行种内选择性分析。结果显示,与对照网相比,所有实验网囊均能有效释放玉筋鱼(Ammodytes personatus)、舒氏海龙(Syngnathus schlegeli)等低值渔获以及经济鱼类的幼体。比较不同网目形状网囊的渔获数据发现,方形目网囊较菱形目网囊具有更好的选择性,其中30S网囊对玉筋鱼和舒氏海龙的释放率(以尾数计)分别比30D网囊高4.61%和16.80%,对六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)和日本枪乌贼(Loigo japonica)的50%选择体长(胴长)L50分别比30D网囊大38.47%和61.29%。比较不同网目尺寸方形目网囊的渔获数据发现,当实验网为20S和30S时,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的L50分别为6.58 cm和7.20 cm,选择范围(SR)分别为3.02 cm和0.87 cm;当实验网为20S、30S和40S时,日本枪乌贼的L50分别为2.88 cm、4.03 cm和10.49 cm,SR分别为0.74 cm、0.52 cm和2.67 cm;不同尺寸的方形目网囊对这2种渔获物的L50随着网目尺寸的增大而增大。根据实验海区各种渔获物的经济价值、低值鱼类和幼鱼的释放比例以及分拣渔获物的劳动力投入等综合分析认为,30 mm方形目网囊在保护渔业资源的同时对渔业生产不会造成显著影响,建议予以推广。  相似文献   

刺网捕捞法1.单层刺网。网线材料多为尼龙棕丝,网目为8~12cm,也可根据起捕对象采用更粗大的网目。使用时装上上下纲、浮子和沉子。刺网因作业对象不同,可分为沉网、浮网和流刺网。网高一般为1~2m,网长为30~50m。捕捉时将刺网设置在鱼类通道的断面上,鱼一遇上刺网即自投罗网。2.三层刺网。由二层大网目外衣和一层小网目内衣装配而成。网片一般长50m,高5~15m,要随水深而定。网衣用锦纶尼龙丝编织而成。三层刺网分浮网和沉网两种,浮网浮子的浮力相当于网衣、钢索和沉子在水中重量的1.5~2倍,而每片浮网所用的沉子重约0.5kg。用刺网捕鱼时由…  相似文献   

<正> 一、刺网网目尺寸与鱼体尺度的关系(一)刺网的选择曲线:刺网网目能剌挂鱼类,这是由于鱼碰到刺网时,往往会力图穿过网目,太多数鱼体具有纺锤形和可压缩性,当鱼向前冲游时,刺网网目会沿鱼体表面滑动并紧缩鱼体,直到它无法再前进时,就被刺挂在网上;另一种情况是鱼类未察觉网片(在夜间或光照度低),鱼体的游动惯性使之刺挂网目。鱼体刺挂网目的部位,一般是鳃盖后缘至第一背鳍前缘之间;对于体长过小的鱼,其最大体周小于或等于网目周长,能够穿过网  相似文献   

我国中沙、南沙群岛礁盘众多,海域广阔,渔业资源丰富,是刺网和钓钩深水捕捞作业的理想渔场。近三年来,海南省琼海市渔民应用定置刺网渔具探捕了中沙、南沙群岛礁盘60-140米深中下层水域鱼类资源状况,获取第一手资料。经初步整理分析结果,本文报告此水域中下层鱼类种类组成及资源状况,共记录了鱼类种类有116种,分隶于13目30科属和甲壳类3种。渔获物总上网率为63.81kg/1000m,其中,软骨鱼类为51.00kg/100m,硬骨鱼类为1280kg/1000m。不同网目大小的三种定置刺网,以大网目三层定置利网的渔获量最佳,渔获率为94.23kg/1000m,捕…  相似文献   

广西南宁大王滩水库鱼类物种组成及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2016年11月—2017年8月大王滩水库4个季度的鱼类资源调查结果,对该水库野生鱼类资源现状、物种组成、优势种和生物多样性等进行研究。共鉴定鱼类34种,隶属于4目9科26属,以鲤科鱼类为主,分别占总物种数和总个体数量的64.71%和48.15%。相对重要性指数(IRI)结果表明优势种有尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲮(Cirrhinus molitorella)和莫桑比克罗非鱼(O.mossambicus)。各采样点Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.213~2.279,Margalef丰富度指数(D)为1.995~3.412,Pielou均匀度指数(J′)为0.448~0.771,Simpson生态优势度(C)为0.120~0.507,其中S3采样点鱼类物种多样性最高,S1采样点相对较低;夏季鱼类物种多样性最高,冬季最低。Cluster聚类和ANOSIM相似性分析表明,大王滩水库鱼类物种组成时空差异不显著,鱼类种群分布较均匀。对比研究发现,大王滩水库中鱼类资源的种类数量减少及外来物种入侵趋势明显。  相似文献   

为了让地笼网在人工鱼礁区进行捕捞许可提供科学依据,2018年4月在渤海莱州湾海域采用套网法进行地笼网不同网目尺寸(20、30、40、50、60 mm)的渔获物调查,探讨不同网目尺寸地笼网的渔获性能。对试验结果从相对重要性指数(IRI)、渔获量、主要渔获物优势体长、尾数和重量逃逸率、经济品种渔获量和口虾蛄体长分布进行分析。结果显示,试验共捕获渔获物37种,其中优势种8种;渔获物的数量与种类逃逸率随着网目尺寸增加而增加,40~60 mm网目种类逃逸率达80%左右,尾数逃逸率超过90%,质量逃逸达50%以上,表明40~60 mm网目具有明显的释放效果;经济品种渔获量占比与网目尺寸呈正相关;以主要渔获种类口虾蛄分析,使用50 mm网目捕捞未达到可捕体长的口虾蛄占比最少,为10.3%;经综合分析,50 mm网目尺寸地笼网的渔获性能较好,符合生产和生态的要求,因此推荐在海洋牧场海域使用50 mm网目地笼网。  相似文献   

浙江嵊泗枸杞岛岩礁生境两种刺网采样网具的比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为寻求适宜于岩礁生境的采样网具和采样方式,于2011年7、8月份进行欧洲引进的定置单片刺网和国内常用定置三重刺网的对比实验,对两种不同采样网具的渔获物组成和差异进行了分析,结果显示:(1)定置单片刺网的渔获量和种类数显著低于定置三重刺网,定置单片刺网捕获鱼类20种,渔获物8 572.6 g,定置三重刺网捕获鱼类29种,渔获总重为20 793 g;(2)定置单片刺网的主要优势种类为褐菖鲉、斑头鱼、棘头梅童鱼,定置三重刺网的主要优势种类为褐菖鲉、鲐、棘头梅童鱼、斑头鱼,欧洲定置单片刺网对鱼类种类的选择稍强于定置三重刺网;(3)两种网具获得的岩礁生境多样性指数无显著性差异,但两种网具的渔获物相似度并不高,仅为0.41;(4)两种网具对渔获大小的选择性不同,定置单片刺网渔获的平均体长为106.1 mm,定置三重刺网为119.1 mm;(5)不同网目下鱼类分布具有一定的选择性,优势种类褐菖鲉、斑头鱼、棘头梅童鱼等集中分布在几个网目尺寸.通过对比实验发现,定置三重刺网的渔获率高于定置单片刺网,渔获体长分布较广,反映的多样性指数并无差异,两者均通过多网目组合来消除选择性强的特点,但欧洲定置单片刺网的设计构造强度较低,渔获效率较低,相比之下,定置三重刺网较为适宜岩礁生境的调查.  相似文献   

公鱼三层刺网分布于辽宁省桓仁县等地,网具长带形,作业时若干片网连成一列,敷设于鱼类经常栖息洄游的水域,依靠浮、沉子作用垂直张开,使鱼类刺入网目或缠裹在网衣兜中而达到捕捞目的。这种网具作业场所广泛,深水、浅水、静水、流水、冰下均可作业,是桓仁县浑江水库春季捕捞公鱼的主要网具之一。每片网日产20—50kg,最高160kg。一、网具结构公鱼三层刺网由不同网目的内、外网衣装配而成。网目尺寸依据捕捞对象的个体大小而定。浑江水库公鱼三层刺网的内网衣目大17—26mm。其中目大26mm 网用于捕捞早春首批上溯产卵的2龄公鱼;目大20—23mm 网捕捞体长9—12cm的公鱼。现以内网衣目大20mm 的三层刺网为例,介绍如下。1.网衣内网衣:用直径0.13mm 胶丝(锦纶单丝)双死结编织,纵目使用。长120m(6000目),  相似文献   

为了明晰东海区单层流刺网对棘绿鳍鱼的选择性特征,开展不同网目尺寸(45、50和55 mm)和网片高度(6和10 m)的单层流刺网生产实验。结果显示,不同实验网渔获物中棘绿鳍鱼体长频率呈单峰分布;选用Normal、Lognormal和Gamma模型对渔获数据进行拟合,并使用极大似然法估算模型参数,似然比卡方检验和赤池信息系数(AIC)比较表明,Lognormal模型拟合效果最佳,其卡方值为30.65,明显小于临界值,AIC值为147.78,模型曲线向右倾斜明显,峰值左侧选择率递增较快,右侧下降缓慢,与原始数据相符;50 mm网目50%选择性体长为123 mm,有效捕捞体长范围为123~209 mm;根据遭遇网具的棘绿鳍鱼资源结构估算结果,实验海域棘绿鳍鱼体长频率呈正态分布,优势体长范围为125~185 mm,与早期研究结果相近;50 mm网目有效捕捞体长范围与当前资源优势体长范围相近,可实现捕捞效率的最大化;总体上两种高度(6和10 m)实验网渔获物中,棘绿鳍鱼体长频率分布相似,优势体长范围相近,上述两种网片高度对棘绿鳍鱼资源的影响差异不显著。上述研究结果可为近海渔业生产和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

利用筛选的20对微卫星引物对海南省6个养殖罗非鱼群体进行遗传多样性研究,分析各群体内的遗传变异和各群体间的遗传关系,比较不同群体的等位基因数、有效等位基因数、观测杂合度、期望杂合度、Shannon’s多态性指数、平均多态性信息含量等遗传参数,并利用遗传距离构建6个罗非鱼群体的系统聚类图。结果表明:1)6个罗非鱼群体等位基因数为68个,平均等位基因数为1.992 2~2.255 8,平均观测杂合度为0.572 5~0.745 0,平均期望杂合度为0.469 2~0.532 3,Shannon’s多样性指数为0.719 3~0.848 6,多态信息含量为0.25PIC0.50,其中莫桑比克罗非鱼的遗传多样性指数最高,奥尼罗非鱼最低。2)采用邻接法(NJ)对6个罗非鱼群体进行聚类分析,表明6个罗非鱼群体分为2大支,吉富罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼、红罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼聚为一大支,其中吉富罗非鱼和尼罗罗非鱼聚为一小支,红罗非鱼与莫桑比克罗非鱼聚为一小支;奥尼罗非鱼和泰奥罗非鱼聚为一支。综上所述,海南省6个养殖罗非鱼群体的遗传多样性较高,但不同群体之间存在差异;尼罗罗非鱼与泰奥罗非鱼亲缘关系最远,吉富罗非鱼与尼罗罗非鱼亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   

  1. Gillnets are commonly used in tropical multi‐species fisheries and there is a need to investigate the comparative efficiency and impacts of this gear on fish populations and diversity. The efficiency and the impact of gillnets of distinct mesh sizes were compared in the Lower Tocantins River (Brazilian Amazon).
  2. Fish sampling was conducted in 12 floodplain lakes using gillnets of distinct mesh sizes and 345 fish landings were recorded. Indicators of gillnet efficiency were: (1) catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of total fish sampled; (2) CPUE of fish caught by fishers; (3) CPUE of commercial fish sampled; and (4) proportion of biomass of commercial fish sampled. Indicators of impact were: (1) the number of non‐commercial fish (by‐catch); (2) the proportion of fish above the length at first maturity; (3) mean fish size (length); (4) total number of fish species and of rare fish species caught.
  3. Gillnets of 8 cm mesh size showed a higher CPUE in fish samples and fish landings. This mesh size also showed reduced impacts (lower numbers of non‐commercial fish caught and higher proportion of adult fish).
  4. Gillnets of 6 cm mesh size caught a smaller proportion of adult fish, smaller fish, more species and more rare species. Therefore, intensive use of these gillnets could increase the risk of regional species extinctions and impair the provision of ecosystem services by target fish.
  5. Gillnets of 8 cm mesh size could improve fish catches while minimizing adverse effects of gillnet fishing. The practical management recommendation would be to replace the more damaging small mesh gillnets by gillnets with intermediate mesh size. This recommendation could simultaneously protect small‐sized rare species and larger fish, being broadly applicable to other small‐scale and multi‐species fisheries that use gillnets intensively in tropical countries with high fish diversity.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The CEN (2005) methodology for fish monitoring of mesotrophic to eutrophic Mediterranean lakes was evaluated. The contribution of gillnet (benthic and pelagic) and electrofishing catches on species richness was examined. Additionally, the contribution of benthic gillnet sampling effort on species richness and precision of catch‐per‐unit‐effort (CPUE) estimates, considering both number of specimens (ΝPUE) and biomass (BPUE), was assessed. Subsequently, the impact of reduction in sampling effort on the parameters mentioned above was estimated and the effort needed to acquire the desired precision level considering different NPUE values was modelled. The use of different sampling gears was found to contribute to species richness assessment, while sampling effort could be reduced in the deepest zones of the lakes. The resultant model can reliably guide assessment of the sampling effort required in the Mediterranean and central European lakes with high fish densities.  相似文献   

为了提高近海渔业资源养护型捕捞与管理技术,促进《全国海洋捕捞渔具目录》的实施,2014年10—11月在辽东湾以口虾蛄为目标渔获,进行了网目尺寸为40、50、60mm的单片型刺网、双重型刺网、三重型刺网以及生产对照网的选择性对比试验,为确定渤海三重型刺网管理的过渡归属提供依据。结果显示,各试验网具的主要渔获种类基本相同,渔获优势种为口虾蛄和花鲈,随着网目尺寸的增大,各型刺网的口虾蛄相对重要性指数递减,而花鲈相对重要性指数则呈递增趋势。单片型刺网、双重型刺网和三重型刺网间的口虾蛄渔获量差异显著(P=0.04,P=0.66×10-6,P=0.029),口虾蛄渔获尾数占总渔获的比例呈现出按单片型刺网、双重型刺网、三重型刺网顺序增长的趋势。相同网目尺寸条件下,未达到可捕标准的口虾蛄渔获尾数呈现出按单片型刺网、双重型刺网、三重型刺网顺序递增的趋势,但其所占比例并无明显差别;相同型的刺网,随网目尺寸的增大未达到可捕标准口虾蛄的渔获比例递减。Gamma选择性模型曲线显示,当网目尺寸大于50mm时,单片型刺网、双重型刺网、三重型刺网的口虾蛄渔获优势体长均大于可捕标准,但是三重型刺网的渔获数量明显大于单片型刺网,且在渔业资源损害方面并无明显差别,因此,在目前渤海的口虾蛄渔业中,单片型刺网难以取代三重型刺网进行作业。  相似文献   

Management of inland recreational fisheries would benefit from stock abundance and size structure data. Feasibly standardised angling methods such as ice fishing could produce representative catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) information on the abundance of different-sized fish in small lakes. Here, we first used standard Nordic multimesh gillnets to obtain number-per-unit-effort (NPUE), biomass-per-unit-effort (BPUE) and size structure data on Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) stocks in 11 small boreal lakes in summer. Second, the same lakes were ice-fished by voluntary anglers using a pre-defined, loosely standardised protocol to obtain angling-based NPUE, BPUE, and length frequency distributions. Effects of environmental variables such as water oxygen concentration and light penetration on angling catch rates were controlled statistically. Neither perch Nordic gillnet NPUE nor BPUE corresponded to ice-fishing CPUEs. However, the length distribution of the catch did not differ between methods. Our results imply that traditional ice fishing applying natural baits is relatively unselective for fish size and could produce valid length-based indicators for management purposes while angling CPUE was poorly related to Nordic gillnet CPUE.  相似文献   

为了提高近海渔业资源养护型捕捞与管理技术,促进《全国海洋捕捞渔具目录》的实施,2014年10-11月在辽东湾进行了网目尺寸为40 mm、50 mm、60 mm的单片刺网、双重刺网和三重刺网以及生产对照网的选择性对比实验.结果显示,各种实验网的渔获种类数均在6-9种之间,优势种口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)的优势度随网目尺寸的增大而减小,但花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicas)的优势度随网目尺寸的增大而增大.同型试验网在不同网目尺寸条件下的渔获量有显著性差异,其中,60 mm试验网与40 mm同型试验网的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)比较,单片刺网为800%,双重刺网为650%,三重刺网为500%;而异型试验网在网目尺寸相同条件下对渔获量的影响相对较小.试验网的组内渔获组成平均相似度分别为单片刺网59.24%,双重刺网62.63%,三重刺网66.51%;组间分别为71.44%、67.50%和70.58%;对组内和组间平均相似度贡献最高的种类均为口虾蛄和花鲈.随着网目尺寸的增大,各型试验网的渔获物幼鱼比例呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

南海区金线鱼刺网网目选择性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学制订南中国海区金线鱼(Nemipterus virgatus)刺网最小网目尺寸标准,2008年5月在南海北部进行了5种网目(40mm、45mm、50mm、55mm、60mm)刺网联合捕鱼实验,渔获种类合计达72种,其中5种网目刺网均有捕获的仅13种.根据刺网渔获的种类、数量和生物量,利用研究生物群落的多样性指数、相似性指数和ABC曲线方法,研究了金线鱼刺网的种问选择性,探讨了不同网目刺网作业对渔业资源的影响.结果表明,不同网目实验刺网的渔获组成存在明显差异,随着网目尺寸的缩小,渔获种类和数量呈上升趋势,渔获平均体质量则呈下降趋势.多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)、长尾大眼鲷(Priacanthus tayenus)、金线鱼、带鱼(Trichiurus haumela)和花斑蛇鲻(Saurida undosquamis)为主要渔获种类,其渔获生物量分别占总渔获量的21.35%、15.76%、14.78%、8.43%、7.20%,40 mm和45 mm刺网中多齿蛇鲻和花斑蛇鲻的渔获比例较高,50mm、55 mm和60 mm刺网中长尾大眼鲷、金线鱼和带鱼的渔获比例较高.根据ABC曲线计算的40 mm、45 mm、50 mm、55 mm和60 mm 5种网目刺网W统计值分别为-0.023、-0.012、0.039、0.083和0.073.40mm和45mm刺网对渔获生物群落的干扰较大.南海区金线鱼刺网最小网目尺寸标准的制订应综合考虑金线鱼、带鱼、长尾大眼鲷这3种主捕经济种类的尺寸选择性和最小可捕标准,同时注意网线粗度对捕捞能力的影响.  相似文献   

Estimation of gillnet selectivity curve by maximum likelihood method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: A maximum likelihood method of estimating gillnet selectivity when data are obtained by gillnet fleets consisting of several nets of differing mesh size is presented in this paper. The SELECT model is expanded by application of the relative length (i.e. the ratio of fish length to mesh size) to obtain a master curve of gillnet selectivity. Four kinds of functional model, normal, lognormal, skew-normal and bi-normal are fitted to the data. In addition, two cases in which the relative fishing intensity is either estimated or fixed by catch effort are compared. The bi-normal model has the lower model deviance regardless of whether the relative fishing intensity is estimated or not. The estimation of relative fishing intensity by catch effort is also examined in which the estimates of the parameter of the SELECT model are compared with the catch effort as determined by the number of nets of each mesh size used. For the bi-normal model these quantities compare well. Thus, it is concluded that this method gives reliable estimates even if data for each mesh size is obtained with different catch efforts.  相似文献   

Gillnets fished in North Carolina, USA, estuaries have high rates of bycatch relative to the target catch of southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma Jordan & Gilbert. This study tested whether rectangular‐mesh gillnets would maintain catch rates of southern flounder and reduce fish bycatch relative to conventional diamond‐mesh gillnets in two North Carolina estuaries. In the Neuse River estuary, catch rates of legal southern flounder were not different between the two mesh shapes, but the bycatch of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Linnaeus) and other fish species was reduced with rectangular‐mesh net. In the Newport River estuary, southern flounder and red drum catches were reduced in rectangular‐mesh net, but the decrease was greater for red drum. Catches of sublegal southern flounder were reduced in the rectangular‐mesh net in both estuaries. Reduced catch rates of sublegal southern flounder and bycatch species suggest rectangular mesh may help manage stocks of estuarine fish species in areas where gillnets are used to target flatfishes.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the impacts of mesh size of the net, fishing depth and season on the catches of target, non-target and discarded species for short mackerel Rastrelliger brachysoma gillnet fishery in the vicinity of Pattani Bay, Gulf of Thailand. The catches were examined for species composition, catch efficiency and size of catch. Samples were obtained monthly from February 2019 to February 2020 at three fishing depths (2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 m) using gillnets with three different mesh sizes (3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 cm). Including the target species, 112 species were collected, the majority of which were non-targeted fishes and crustaceans. The target species, Rastrelliger brachysoma, contributed only 6.0% by number and 8.76% by weight to the total catches. The 111 non-target species were classified into five categories based on potential sale prices. A total of 18 species, equivalent to 3.04% by weight of the total catches, were considered to be of negligible value and discarded or sold for the production of fish meal. Temporal variability was observed for number of individuals and biomass of total catches; the compositions of the catches clustered to two distinct seasons from December to March and from April to November, respectively. Spatial variability in this study focused on the depth profile which was found to significantly influence species richness and sizes of some fish species. For 12 species, mesh sizes of the gillnets significantly affected the number of individuals caught, as well as their weight and sizes. The novel findings of this study provide essential information that can be used for the sustainable management of the Rastrelliger brachysoma fishery in the Gulf of Thailand.


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