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欧洲各国虽然国情不同,但在鱼类保护问题上均面临着类似的难题,即如何恢复洄游鱼类的洄游通道;各国在该问题上密切合作与信息共享,取得了良好的效果,积累了丰富的经验。介绍了欧洲“共同体河流”项目恢复鱼类洄游通道的解决办法、监测与评价、信息交流等方面的研究与实践。  相似文献   

由于鱼类洄游是大尺度的水生动物迁徙运动,恢复鱼类洄游通道规划应在流域尺度进行。本文讨论了恢复鱼类洄游通道规划要点,包括河流鱼类调查及评价方法、规划范围和流域恢复洄游通道目标量化方法,提出了恢复鱼类洄游鱼类通道项目的优先排序方法,并以保护和恢复多瑙河鲟鱼规划作为典型案例进行了分析。恢复鱼类洄游鱼类通道项目的优先排序方法中,应根据工程性质、特点和当地自然条件确定优先排序准则,从而选择重点河段和重点工程,解决洄游通道中的关键问题。优先排序准则包括有效性、栖息地适宜性、效益/投资分析、自然保护区范围、预期物种多样性、鱼类生产力和栖息地面积等。在保护和恢复多瑙河鲟鱼规划案例中,确定了多瑙河鱼类洄游障碍物的5个等级划分标准和评分等级,采用改进的多准则多权重分级计分法计算了各障碍物的排序指标。在671处障碍物中,29处为最优先排序,99处为中等排序,543处为低等级排序。其中,位于多瑙河中游和下游的铁门水电站Ⅰ、Ⅱ级是流域内的主要障碍物。优先级排序方法为恢复鱼类洄游通道提供了指导意见。  相似文献   

河流梯级水电开发是我国在未来一段时间应对能源需求与结构问题的重要手段,如何缓解其对渔业资源的影响成为决策者不能回避的难题。本研究尝试将决策支持系统技术应用到这一领域,为鱼类洄游通道的恢复工作提供决策辅助。研究以湘江干流梯级开发为例,分析了梯级开发鱼类洄游通道恢复所面临的问题,构建了以空间基础数据库、决策模型库、知识库以及人机交互平台为基础的湘江干流鱼类洄游通道恢复决策支持系统。系统通过对湘江干流梯级开发的辅助决策,展现了良好的实用性。  相似文献   

围绕生物通道恢复面临的科学、技术问题进行方案设计与分析,搭建生物通道恢复技术框架,为推动长江中下游江湖生态保护和修复工作提供技术思路与借鉴参考。以涨渡湖群为研究试点,系统总结了该水域江湖洄游鱼类在“长江-湖泊”的迁徙、洄游规律,掌握鱼类入湖和出湖习性。围绕幼鱼入湖、成鱼入湖与出湖等不同生活史阶段的需求,结合河湖水位变化特征与影响、现有工程及调度措施的局限性,提出了“季节性灌江纳苗”“生态水网+过鱼设施”及调度运行等方案,从保障江湖洄游性鱼类生活史完成的角度搭建生物通道恢复框架。工程建设、综合调度和管理措施旨在解决江湖复合生态系统江湖阻隔问题,以达到洄游鱼类及生物多样性恢复、河湖水生生境修复的目标。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,随着德宏州大兴开发水电站建设,境内江河干流及支流的水电资源基本被开发利用,由于在江河中筑坝建水电站,阻断了原有鱼类洄游通道,对水生生物特别是鱼类产生不利的影响。为保护和恢复江河原有鱼类资源,2008年以来德宏州水产站组织开展本地野生鱼类人工驯养繁育技术研究工作。通过几年驯养繁殖试验,取得了一定成效,对今后开展野生鱼  相似文献   

大坝的建设阻隔了鱼类的洄游通道,鱼类通过水电站水轮机下行或误入水轮机流道有可能被流道内复杂的结构及水动力特性损伤,甚至致死。为优化水轮机流道结构及水动力特性,降低流道内鱼类的损伤概率,需明确鱼类对水轮机流道内水动力特性的响应关系,特别是河道内主要鱼种对反击式水轮机流道内压力突变的响应关系。本文以长江半洄游性鱼类四大家鱼幼鱼为研究对象,采用透明高压舱及真空泵组成的实验装置模拟轴流式水轮机流道压力变化过程对四种家鱼幼鱼的影响。实验得出,生活于河流中表层的鲢鱼和鳙鱼较生活于河流中底层青鱼和草鱼的对负压及压力梯度具有较强的敏感性;四种家鱼幼鱼均受损伤的低压阈值为20kPa;压力最低值及压力变化梯度是决定家鱼幼鱼是否受到损伤及损伤程度的关键因子。结果可以为我国长江流域上水电站水轮机的结构优化和生态运行提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

<正>9月20日至11月30日期间,以中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所资源研究室主任刘伟研究员为负责人的科研课题组在农业部财政专项“大麻哈鱼栖息地调查与标志放流效果评估”和“黑龙江重要水域鱼类产卵场及洄游通道调查”两个项目的资助下,在松花江及其支流水域开展了大麻哈鱼种群恢复与栖息地重建技术创  相似文献   

长江三峡水库的建立对长江渔业资源将会带来多方面影响,主要对江湖间洄游产漂流性鱼卵的鱼类(包括青、草、鲢、鳙等)遭受到大范围产卵场破坏。引起中下游天然捕捞产量下降;对江海洄游鱼类的影响表现为大坝阻断了中华鲟入川产卵的通道;汛期洪峰的削减使河口区咸淡水交融线内缩,不利于鲥鱼等鱼类上溯。水库建成后形成一个新的巨大的淡水渔业基地,要积极开展增殖、放养,保护珍稀鱼类(中华鲟、白鲟),发展名优水产品,使库区经济尽快富裕起来。  相似文献   

杨昱 《内陆水产》1994,(6):11-12
澧水流域现建有临澧青山电站,石门三江口电站以及慈利县的城关电站和茶庵电站阻隔了鱼类的洄游通道,堤坝以上水域如草、鲢、鳙、鳊鱼、黄板刁等洄游性和半洄游性经济鱼类资源得不到补充,加上娄、澧两水沿岸非法捕鱼禁而不止。天然水域渔业资源日渐衰退,为增殖江河鱼类资源,  相似文献   

洄游通道的连通性及其水文条件,是制约鱼类正常洄游和产卵繁殖的关键因素,现有的生态流量相关研究更多侧重于产卵场栖息地模拟,忽略了鱼类洄游水流条件的重要性。为了探究流速条件对鱼类洄游上溯的影响,选取体长(55±5)cm的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)为实验对象,通过搭建鱼类洄游仿真河道,营造不同的流速工况,观察不同情景方案下实验鱼群上溯洄游情况,并利用模糊逻辑法对鱼类上溯洄游率、平均上溯时间及上溯持续性等实验参数进行综合分析,探索草鱼洄游的适宜流速条件与适应阈值。结果显示,在流速0.20m/s以下时,草鱼基本无上溯行为;流速0.25~0.80m/s,70%样本在15min内完成上溯,但0.25~0.30m/s时,鱼群上溯缺乏明显的持续性;0.90~1.00m/s时,80%以上样本在5min快速完成上溯;流速超过1.1m/s时,上溯成功率明显降低。研究表明,实验草鱼洄游的适宜流速范围是0.40~1.00m/s,而刺激草鱼洄游的最小流速阈值是0.20m/s。相关结果可为河流生态水力学模拟和河流生态修复以及水利工程生态调度提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为检验流溪河水厂坝建立的丹尼尔式鱼道试点工程效果,在2015-2016年鱼道主要过鱼时段4-10月,利用张网法逐日监测。结果显示,鱼道取样共采集鱼类906尾,隶属于3目、8科、32属、34种,体长范围5~74cm,优势种为尼罗罗非鱼(Tilapia niloticus)(数量比51.10%)、歺又鱼(Hemiculter leucisculus)(16.23%)、唇鱼骨(Hemibarbus labeo)(8.17%)、银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)(6.73%)、东方墨头鱼(Garra orientalis)(1.55%),以定居型鱼类为主,未见河口洄游性鱼类。水温与上游水位是影响鱼类种类时间分布的主要环境因素。聚类分析表明,6月过鱼群体的种类和数量独成一类,与其他月份鱼类群体最不相似。虽然Shannon多样性指数在5月和6月分别为2.068和1.719,但总体偏低(1.451±0.535),而Margalef丰富度指数差别较小,表明不同鱼类对鱼道入口的感应存在种间差异,推测是由工程全段翻滚闸门下泄水流导致鱼道入口不易发现所致。研究表明,丹尼尔式鱼道试点工程效果较好,为该河段的绝大部分鱼类提供了上溯通道,对流溪河构建整体过鱼设施体系起到了良好的示范作用,有助于流溪河生态系统的健康与恢复。  相似文献   

Dams across the Great Lakes basin are nearing or beyond their original design life, posing both challenges and opportunities to natural resource managers. Ageing dams can be repaired to preserve function and maintain safety, removed to promote full connectivity or retrofitted with a fish passage structure to increase connectivity without reservoir loss. The success of rock ramp structures is not well documented, especially for cool‐ and warm‐water fishes in the Great Lakes basin. The success of a recently built (2009) rock ramp for increasing upstream fish passage on the Shiawassee River in Michigan, USA, was evaluated. While there was evidence of limited fish passage during the study period (2011–2016), catches of spring migratory fishes, fish eggs and larvae were significantly higher below the rock ramp than above, indicating the dam with rock ramp fish pass continues to limit upstream migration. Overall connectivity appears improved relative to a reference, dammed river, but falls short of full connectivity.  相似文献   

Abstract  Temporal changes in the population sizes of seven migratory species were assessed over a 2-year period prior to the construction of a fishway on the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. Mark-recapture (Chapman–Petersen) and Jackknife removal methods were used at 3-month intervals to determine the composition and sizes of migratory fish populations. No difference in population size estimate was detected between the two methods. However, the Jackknife removal estimator generally provided less variable estimates for a greater number of species. Population sizes were greatest during summer and autumn when bony herring, Nematalosa erebi Günther, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., dominated the migratory community. Both estimators provided data essential to further the development of an appropriate fish passage facility and could be applied to other sites where the size of migratory fish populations is of interest.  相似文献   

  1. Amphidromy is a form of migratory life history typified by the reproduction of fish in freshwater environments, the early downstream dispersal of post‐hatch larvae to marine environments, and the return of small‐bodied young juveniles to freshwater environments for growth to adulthood. Island freshwater fish communities are frequently dominated by fish species with amphidromous life histories.
  2. Amphidromous life cycles leave fish communities highly susceptible to habitat modification and disruptions to connectivity across marine and freshwater environments. This means that managing waterway connectivity is fundamental to their conservation; however, the unique and often geographically restricted amphidromous communities that characterize many small island nations have received little consideration in the development of strategies for the management of fish passage.
  3. The ecology and locomotory capabilities of amphidromous species are often poorly studied, partly because their small size at migratory life stages renders current state‐of‐the‐art in situ biotelemetry methods unsuitable. The small size of fish also means that seemingly small obstructions can severely impede migrations.
  4. The steps necessary to advance the management of fish passage for island fish communities are: curating and maintaining barrier inventories; evaluating barrier permeability; developing effective barrier mitigation options; and prioritizing restoration and conservation efforts.
  5. New methods for understanding the ecology and locomotory capabilities and behaviour of amphidromous fishes are required to advance the management of fish passage for island fish communities. Fish passage solutions that imitate natural streams, such as those promoted in new guidelines in New Zealand, may be the most effective way of improving waterway connectivity; however, integrated approaches to freshwater fish conservation that account for meta‐population dynamics, in combination with the management of fish passage, are necessary to optimize conservation outcomes for amphidromous species.

Abstract –  Upstream fish passage was evaluated during 12 months in the vertical-slot Igarapava Fish Ladder constructed around Igarapava Dam, in the heavily dammed Grande River, Southeast Brazil. A video monitoring system was used to observe 61,621 fish that passed the ladder, of which 93.5% were identified to 15 taxa. Among the migratory species, the most abundant were Pimelodus maculatus (33.6% of all fish), Leporinus octofasciatus (31.4%), Leporinus friderici (4.5%), and Prochilodus lineatus (3.1%). Seven taxa were classified as nonmigratory, and of these taxa, the small Bryconamericus stramineus was the most abundant (12.7%) of all fishes. Passage of the 'nonmigratory' taxa upstream in the ladder shows they are migratory in this system and have a strong behavioural drive to move to upstream habitat. Passage of most taxa had a strong seasonal pattern. While some species passed primarily during the day, others showed a distinct nocturnal pattern. Lunar phase and water temperature also strongly affected passage of some taxa. Rainfall and dam discharge had a small or null influence on most taxa; perhaps due to the fairly small catchment area of the reservoir and the highly regulated discharge at Igarapava Dam.  相似文献   

In an attempt to restore the connectivity of fragmented river habitats, a variety of passage facilities have been installed at river barriers. Despite the cost of building these structures, there has been no quantitative evaluation of their overall success at restoring fish passage. We reviewed articles from 1960 to 2011, extracted data from 65 papers on fish passage efficiency, size and species of fish, and fishway characteristics to determine the best predictors of fishway efficiency. Because data were scarce for fishes other than salmonids (order Salmoniformes), we combined data for all non‐salmonids for our analysis. On average, downstream passage efficiency was 68.5%, slightly higher than upstream passage efficiency of 41.7%, and neither differed across the geographical regions of study. Salmonids were more successful than non‐salmonids in passing upstream (61.7 vs. 21.1%) and downstream (74.6 vs. 39.6%) through fish passage facilities. Passage efficiency differed significantly between types of fishways; pool and weir, pool and slot and natural fishways had the highest efficiencies, whereas Denil and fish locks/elevators had the lowest. Upstream passage efficiency decreased significantly with fishway slope, but increased with fishway length, and water velocity. An information‐theoretic analysis indicated that the best predictors of fish passage efficiency were order of fish (i.e. salmonids > non‐salmonids), type of fishway and length of fishway. Overall, the low efficiency of passage facilities indicated that most need to be improved to sufficiently mitigate habitat fragmentation for the complete fish community across a range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

过鱼对象的确定对于过鱼设施建设至关重要。量化评定过鱼对象优先保护次序,为南渡江过鱼设施建设、鱼类保护提供决策依据。基于过鱼设施建设目的及过坝鱼类的生境适宜能力,从过坝需求度、生境适应度、资源丰富度、物种效用度、物种濒危度和遗传损失度等6个维度,建立多指标量化的过鱼对象选择体系。采用主客观结合的组合权重,构建基于逼近理想排序法的过坝鱼类优先等级评定模型。以南渡江流域为实例进行初步分析,结合南渡江流域梯级建设,运用过鱼对象评定体系确定花鳗鲡、鲢、鳙等洄游性鱼类为首要过鱼对象,?、月鳢、鲇、海南长臀鮠为主要过鱼对象;乌塘鳢、红鳍原鲌、赤眼鳟、蒙古鲌为次要过鱼对象;鲮、倒刺鲃、马口鱼、纹唇鱼、唇?、翘嘴鲌、东方墨头鱼等鱼类为兼顾过鱼对象。本研究通过构建科学合理的多指标体系对南渡江流域过鱼设施过鱼对象优先保护次序进行量化,有助于指导过鱼设施效果评价,对过鱼设施建设具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

  1. Realization of the importance of fish passage for migratory species has led to the development of innovative and creative solutions (‘fishways’) to mitigate the effects of artificial barriers in freshwater systems in the last few decades.
  2. In many instances, however, the first move has been to attempt to engineer a solution to the problem, thus attempting to ‘fit fish into an equation’. These fishways are often derived from designs targeting salmonids in the Northern Hemisphere. They are rarely adequate, even for these strong‐swimming fish, and certainly appear to be unsuitable for most other species, not least for those of tropical regions.
  3. Fishway design criteria do not adequately account for natural variation among individuals, populations and species. Moreover, engineered solutions cannot reinstate the natural habitat and geomorphological properties of the river, objectives that have been largely ignored.
  4. This article discusses the most prominent issues with the current management and conservation of freshwater ecosystems as it pertains to fish passage. It is not intended as a review on fish passage, but rather a perspective on the issues related to fishways, as seen by practitioners.

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