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水库移植大银鱼综合研究报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干法授精采集大银鱼受精卵,带水运输,向18座水库移植,已产生效益的12座,本文对移植操作技术、移植水域生态因于适宜性、体长生长等进行了综合研究。受精卵的质量、运输时间、移植水域的水质、底质、天然饵料水平等生态状况是移植成功的决定因素。水库移植大银鱼潜伏期一般1年,重复移植有利于种群的快速发展,移植密度353—11278粒/ha,均隔一年形成可利用种群,移植水域和原水域大银鱼个体的生长,视饵料状况而异,月龄和体长呈正相关关系,遵循y=a+bx(不同水域a值基本相同,b值有变化)直线回归方程。文章并对水库移植大银鱼对水库生态影响进行了评价,并提出了移植后需解决的问题。  相似文献   

大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius Abbott系小型经济鱼,因具有繁殖力强,在水库和湖泊中能自行繁殖,繁殖温度低(2~6℃),富竞争性[1],种群形成快,经济价值高等特点而成为广泛移植的理想鱼.现在我国大部分地区都已移植,移植体主要是人工授精的受精卵.多年来,大银鱼人工授精方法很多,技术上许多关键性问题尚未完全解决.本文对亲鱼死亡时间、精子激活时间、受精时加水量(精子浓度)对受精率的影响及3种人工采精方法的比较进行了研究,以期进一步完善大银鱼人工采卵授精技术.  相似文献   

柒盖淖面积800hm^2,1995年移植大银鱼,1997~2000年银鱼产量69t,生产大银鱼受精卵4亿粒,累计产值700万元。保护银鱼资源,加强人工增殖,增育充足饵料是移植大银鱼成功并形成产量的关键。  相似文献   

大银鱼向北京海子水库移植的研究报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了北京海子水库移植大银鱼的过程及研究成果,对海子水库的生态因子和大银鱼的繁殖及胚胎发育,生长,食性进行了初步研究,1990年向水库移植大银鱼受精卵225万粒,1992年和1993年分别捕捞大银鱼10吨左右,经济效益十分显著。  相似文献   

董乐  邱文  龚新玲 《水利渔业》2002,22(6):14-14
大银鱼ProtosalanxhyalocraniusAbbott系小型经济鱼 ,因具有繁殖力强 ,在水库和湖泊中能自行繁殖 ,繁殖温度低 (2~ 6℃ ) ,富竞争性[1] ,种群形成快 ,经济价值高等特点而成为广泛移植的理想鱼。现在我国大部分地区都已移植 ,移植体主要是人工授精的受精卵。多年来 ,大银鱼人工授精方法很多 ,技术上许多关键性问题尚未完全解决。本文对亲鱼死亡时间、精子激活时间、受精时加水量 (精子浓度 )对受精率的影响及 3种人工采精方法的比较进行了研究 ,以期进一步完善大银鱼人工采卵授精技术。1 材料和方法1 1 材料…  相似文献   

白龟山水库移植大银鱼试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了大银鱼移植白龟山水库的增殖效果,表明白龟山水库具有适合大银鱼生长繁殖的良好理化环境和丰富的饵料基础,因而在三年内就形成了种群生产力。  相似文献   

王屋水库于1994年移植大银鱼,1996年产大银鱼10.5t。为保持大银鱼高产和水库综合养鱼的高产高效,在调查摸清水库鱼类资源和饵料生物基础的前提下,采取控制大银鱼种群的合理密度,调整鱼类的种群结构,适度进行网箱养鱼和人工施肥等措施,使大银鱼和鲤科鱼类均取得增产。1997-1998年2年产大银鱼61t,鲤科鱼类350t,收入296万元,每公顷水面年均产鱼465kg,收入3360元。  相似文献   

宋桂荣 《科学养鱼》2000,(10):24-24
一、水域条件   移植水域面积以 60公顷以上为好,水深在 2.5~ 20米均可,水体内要有一定数量浮游动物和丰富的小型鱼虾作为大银鱼饵料,鳙鱼与大银鱼幼鱼争食,要控制其数量,对大银鱼危害极大的马口鱼等属凶猛鱼类,要抑制其繁殖或清除。   二、移植时间   1.性成熟但尚未产卵的大银鱼移植时间在 11月中下旬至 12月下旬,水温在 10~ 15℃,雌雄比为 1∶ 2。通常性成熟的大银鱼移植只能在较近的两个水域间进行,运输方法同一般家鱼,运输气温在 2~ 4℃最好。   2.受精卵移植时间要根据产卵时间和水温而定。山东及苏北大银鱼产卵…  相似文献   

佛子岭、磨子潭水库引进大银鱼受精卵后,当年均能捕到银鱼,但均未形成产量。分析了水库生态环境与银鱼生长关系及影响种群形成的原因,提出了提高移植大银鱼效益的建议。  相似文献   

大银鱼Protosalanx hyalocranius(Abbott)主要分布于我国长江下游湖泊、长江口、黄海、渤海沿岸河口及朝鲜西海岸,系河口洄游性鱼类,进入淡水产卵,亦可在淡水中定居生活,是银鱼科中个体最大的种类,产卵期为12月到翌年3月,是目前主要移植、增殖的品种之一。我们从1994年开始在南昌地区的四个中小型水库采取投放大银鱼受精卵的方式进行大银鱼移植试验,以探明大银鱼在长江以南天然水域中的生长繁殖情况。  相似文献   

中国明对虾眼柄微结构与其生长的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
蒋瑞  刘必林  张虎  张健  倪震宇 《水产学报》2019,43(4):928-934
观察了采集于江苏南通近海的69只中国明对虾的眼柄微结构,分析了其体长和体质量的生长。结果显示,眼柄由表层、色素层、钙化层和膜层4个部分组成。眼柄内存在明显的生长宽带和细纹,其中宽带数0~1个,细纹数27~37个。最小AIC法拟合分析显示,中国明对虾体长、体质量的生长与眼柄细纹数都呈显著的Logistic关系。研究表明,中国明对虾眼柄中的宽带与其年龄相关,细纹可用来分析中国明对虾的生长,而细纹的形成周期是否与个体差异、生长环境差异等相关还需要进一步验证。  相似文献   

牛雪莹  任志明  吴佳颖  母昌考  王春琳 《水产学报》2024,48(1):019609-019609
为了探究三疣梭子蟹受精卵的离体孵化技术及效果,本研究先后开展了受精卵块最适分离液种类及作用条件的筛选、分离液处理不同发育期受精卵离体孵化的差异、分离液处理对受精卵卵膜的结构影响,及分离液处理受精卵对孵化后幼体活力的影响实验。结果显示,木瓜蛋白酶是一种较为理想的分离液,在浓度为0.09 g/mL,分离时间30 min时,分离率可达到99%以上;经过分离液处理后的各期受精卵均能孵化出幼体,卵内溞状幼体期离体胚胎孵化率最高,为89.0%±3.3%,未经处理的对照组为70.0%±4.8%;卵裂期离体胚胎孵化率最低,为58.0%±3.9%,对照组为31.0%±2.3%,与对照组相比,处理组的孵化率明显提高。透射电镜结果显示,经过分离液处理的受精卵卵膜结构疏松,且厚度降低,符合处理组孵化率增加这一现象,干露、福尔马林溶液胁迫和行为学测试对不同处理组的幼体进行质量评价的结果显示,处理组和对照组幼体活力无显著差异。研究表明,实验所获得的分离液可以有效提高三疣梭子蟹受精卵的分离率和孵化率,且不影响幼体质量,可为三疣梭子蟹及其他甲壳动物受精卵的离体孵化提供参考。本研究可为三疣梭子蟹的苗种繁育提供新的技术手段,也将为基因编辑辅助育种等技术的实施奠定基础。  相似文献   

Compensatory growth following stress is a strategy aquatic animals use to adjust themselves to a variable environment. Studies on the recovery growth of aquatic animals are not only of theoretical value in ecophysiology and evolution, but also important to applications in aquaculture and fisheries resource management. In this experiment, juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial average body weight of about 3.72 g were exposed to hypoxic water (about 2.08 and 3.11 mg/l of dissolved oxygen (DO) content) for 10 days and then switched to normoxic water (about 5.63 and 5.59 mg/l DO). Compared with juveniles in normoxia, juveniles in the hypoxia period allocated a greater proportion of energy to metabolism and exuviations but allocated less energy to daily metabolism per gram shrimp weight (J/g/day). This reduced feed conversion efficiency and feeding rate. Finally, F. chinensis suffered growth depression. The juveniles completely compensated for hypoxia-induced growth depression in 30 days after being switched into normoxic water and the compensation was achieved mainly by hyperphagia and slightly by improvement of feed conversion efficiency. During the recovery period the hypoxic-stressed shrimp showed higher daily metabolic energy (J/g/day) than controls (P < 0.05). Which means the stressed shrimp had more energy for feeding-related activities. So hyperphagia was observed. Energy analysis indicated that F. chinensis improved feed-conversion efficiency mainly by reducing the percentage of energy lost in feces and exuviations. The results showed that short-term non-lethal hypoxia would not affect the growth of juvenile F. chinensis if there were enough time for the stressed shrimp to recover. This suggested F. chinensis was capable of adapting to DO fluctuation to some extent and short-term non-lethal hypoxia would not have an obvious effect on natural, released, and cultured shrimp stock.  相似文献   

为了解岱衢洋海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群落结构及其与环境因子的关系,本团队分别在2010年5月—2012年2月春、夏、秋和冬季,利用大型浮游生物网在此海域开展了8个航次调查。共采集到鱼卵1 042粒,仔稚鱼2 055尾,隶属于10目19科37种。鱼卵优势种为扁舵鲣和小带鱼等;仔稚鱼的优势种为鰉、鳀和中华小公鱼等。调查海域鱼卵的平均密度是8.40粒/100 m3,仔稚鱼的平均密度是14.85尾/100 m3。单因素方差分析结果显示,2010年和2011年春、夏季4个季节之间丰富度指数(D)、均匀度指数(J′)和多样性指数(H′)均存在极显著差异。鱼卵、仔稚鱼资源密度分布不均匀,春、夏季较高,冬季最低,大体呈现南高北低的趋势。Pearson相关性结果分析得出,与鱼卵、仔稚鱼关系最密切的环境因子为温度、盐度和海水悬浮物。研究表明,春、夏季是岱衢洋海域鱼类产卵的重要时期,该海域是鳀、扁舵鲣、中华小公鱼等中上层鱼类的重要产卵场和育幼场。  相似文献   

  1. In Panama, shark fisheries were initially developed in the 1980s and progressively increased in production in the 1990s mainly due to the high demand for shark fins and meat from the international Asian market. Since then, and despite the exploitation rate (average 3,514 t year–1) and endangered status of some species, shark fisheries have seldom been studied, and official statistics are general or incomplete and not suitable for the development of appropriate conservation and management strategies.
  2. To understand the dynamics of shark fisheries in Panama, field surveys were conducted between 2007 and 2009 at several landing ports of small‐scale and industrial fisheries, at fish processing plants and on‐board fishing vessels in Pacific Panama, where most of the fishing vessels of the country operate.
  3. In general, it was found that the artisanal and industrial fisheries of the Pacific coast of Panama regularly exploit at least 18 species of sharks, which are also being exploited by neighbouring countries in the eastern Pacific, suggesting the importance of coordinated conservation initiatives across the multiple jurisdictions. A large number of the individuals caught were immature, implying a certain level of impact on recruitment rates. This pattern was particularly evident in species such as Sphyrna lewini, for which immature individuals represented at least 99% and 63% of the total catch by small‐scale and industrial fisheries, respectively. Catch per unit of effort analyses showed that Carcharhinus and Sphyrna species were the most exploited (representing ~80% of the catches) by industrial fisheries in Panama between 2006 and 2009, suggesting that fishery management should provide special attention to these groups.
  4. It is expected that the information presented here provides a baseline to develop new regulations, including the implementation of annual quotas and fishing seasons and the protection of nursery areas, for the long‐term sustainability and conservation of sharks in Panama.

苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟地形对鱼类分布格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟海域地形特征对鱼类群落分布格局的影响,根据2011年5月(春)和2010年11月(秋)在苏北浅滩中部海域渔业资源调查的资料,采用方差贡献和回归分析的方法,通过对中部海域沙脊潮沟处鱼类生物学特征、资源密度、优势种相对重要性指数以及优势种对鱼类总数量的贡献的分析,讨论苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟地形对鱼类分布格局的影响。结果显示,鱼类空间分布差异与潮沟系统的地形地貌有关,春季潮沟外侧海域是小黄鱼、鰐等洄游性鱼类的渔场,潮沟海域是洄游性鰐和方氏锦鰑的渔场位置,沙脊海域是赤鼻棱鰒等非洄游性鱼的渔场。秋季鱼类空间分布仅与潮沟系统沙脊地形相关,沙脊海域主要是大银鱼的索饵场和越冬场。鱼类数量季节变化还与鱼类产卵洄游和生长相关。春季重量密度(16.08 kg/km2)大于秋季(10.74 kg/km2),而秋季尾数密度(16.3×103尾/km2)大于春季(5.36×103尾/km2)。春季鱼类规格较大,与部分成鱼具有到这一海域进行产卵洄游的习性有关,而秋季同种鱼则以幼体居多,且优势种个体小,与秋季部分鱼类幼鱼在此处索饵和育幼有关。总体上,苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟海域特有地形,使得这一海域春季是鱼类的产卵场,夏秋季是育幼场,因而在渔业上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Despite the success in fertilization and hatching of fish eggs with cryopreserved sperm, report on growth and survival of larvae produced from frozen‐thawed sperm is inadequate. The study evaluates the applicability of cryopreserved sperm for mass seed production by comparing the growth and survival of a popular food‐fish olive barb, Puntius sarana (Hamilton 1822) larvae produced from cryopreserved and fresh sperm. The eggs were artificially fertilized with cryopreserved and freshly collected sperm, and the growth and survival of produced larvae from both group recorded up to 12 weeks. The independent sample t‐test statistic showed the difference in lengths, t(718) = 0.241; P = 0.810 and weights, t(718) = 0.412; P = 0.680 were insignificant between two groups. There was also no significant difference, t(718) = ?0.758, P = 0.448 in survival of larvae produced from cryopreserved and freshly collected sperm. The study indicates that larvae of olive barb produced from cryopreserved sperm are equally compatible in growth and survival as the larvae produced from fresh sperm. Therefore, cryopreserved sperm can be applied for artificial fertilization of P. sarana to supply quality seed for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish are collected from the wild and exhibited in aquaria worldwide. Some of the fish spawn in captivity; however, the eggs are usually neglected. In this study, we collected the eggs spawned naturally in the exhibit tanks, hatched and cultured them indoor in 2000‐L fibreglass tanks (initial density = 18 000 egg tank?1). We applied an inorganic fertilization method commonly used in freshwater fish culture in raising these coral reef fish larvae. We maintained inorganic phosphorus concentration at 100 μg P L?1 and inorganic nitrogen at 700 μg N L?1 daily in the fertilized group (n = 4), while the control tanks (n = 4) were fed with rotifers (10 ind mL?1). Chlorophyll a at particle sizes of both 0.45–20 μm and >20 μm, as well as NH3‐N, NO3‐N, and PO4‐P concentrations were significantly higher in the fertilized group than the control. Zooplankton in the size groups of 10–50 μm (mainly flagellates) and 50–100 μm (mainly ciliates) were abundant (about 10~60 ind mL?1) during 3–7 days in fertilized tanks. The average larval fish survival rate at 21 day after hatch in fertilized group was consistently higher than the control in two trials. The experiments demonstrated that the inorganic fertilization approach can be successfully adapted for coral reef fish culture in an aquarium to achieve sustainable exhibits.  相似文献   

肖广侠  孔杰  孟宪红  罗坤  栾生  曹宝祥  刘宁 《水产学报》2013,37(7):1009-1014
为评估中国明对虾生长及抗WSSV能力与中国明对虾WSSV携带量之间的相关性,实验对130个中国明对虾家系进行生长及抗WSSV性能测试,对收集到的中国明对虾生长和抗病数据,输入“水产动物育种分析与管理系统”数据库,利用综合选择指数法估计中国明对虾各个家系的育种值。根据分析结果,选择出生长育种值最大的5个家系和最小的5个家系、抗WSSV育种值最大的5个家系和最小的5个家系,分别检测上述20个家系的亲虾、养殖50 d及170 d中国明对虾的WSSV携带量。结果显示,亲虾、50 d中国明对虾及170 d中国明对虾的WSSV携带量分别为0.190 8、0.286 6和0.232 9 copies/ng DNA,三者之间差异均不显著。亲虾、50 d中国明对虾和170 d中国明对虾的WSSV携带量与中国明对虾的生长育种值相关系数分别为 0.021、0.363和0.185,亲虾、50 d中国明对虾和170 d中国明对虾的WSSV携带量与抗WSSV育种值相关系数分别为0.033、0.048和0.019。研究表明,中国明对虾的生长育种值和抗WSSV育种值与中国明对虾体内的WSSV携带量均无显著的相关性。  相似文献   

The Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) is an important fishery species widely distributed in the Southern Ocean, especially in areas covered by sea ice. Understanding fish distributions and life cycles, including the transport and survival of eggs and larvae, is essential for the assessment and sustainable management of the fishery. However, owing to difficulties with in situ winter observations, information on the early life stages of D. mawsoni is lacking. Here, we investigated the transport pathways of fish eggs and larvae through a particle tracking study, using satellite-derived ocean surface velocities in the East Antarctic region, which includes important D. mawsoni habitats and exploratory fisheries. Our results indicate that particles released from continental slopes are more likely to be successfully transported to suitable settlement grounds than those released from the BANZARE Bank (the southern region of the Kerguelen Plateau), which is situated further north and has been hypothesized to be a potential spawning ground for D. mawsoni. This study demonstrates successful source–settlement connections in relation to ocean recirculation and suggests important settlement regions for D. mawsoni larvae in the East Antarctic region.  相似文献   

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