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房洁 《齐鲁渔业》2012,(6):43-44
近几年来,山东省临沂市依托水库资源丰富的优势,网箱养殖发展很快。特别是网箱养殖成鲤规模较大,其产量在全市渔业水产品总产量中占据重要地位。但也存在一些问题,主要表现在鲤网箱养殖过程中病害较多,成为影响鲤网箱养殖健康发展的关键因素。笔者根据多年积累的病害防治技术及经验,把网箱养殖成鲤常见病害及防治技术总结如下。1真菌性疾病(水霉病)  相似文献   

我国深远海养殖工程装备发展研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
深远海水域拥有发展水产养殖优良的条件,包括优质的水源、适宜的区域性或洋流性水温,以及极少的陆源性污染与病害。一旦具备安全可靠的工程装备以及海上生产保障系统,对发展深远海养殖,形成"深蓝渔业",具有极好的条件与深远的意义。大型养殖工船与网箱设施是发展深远海养殖工程装备的核心,也是国内外技术研发的前沿。本文在分析国内外深远海工程装备研究进展的基础上,提出了我国深远海养殖工程装备及"深蓝渔业"的战略构想,以及推进科技进步的重点任务及建议。  相似文献   

近海网箱渔业产业化浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对近海网箱渔业产业化重要意义,国内外发展现状、动态和现有技术基础的分析,建议国家在养鱼种类的多样化和地方优势产品的开发技术,配合饲料配制及投饲技术,重大鱼病防治技术,网箱防污损生物的涂料及其喷涂技术,名贵海水养殖鱼类贮运、精深加工、食用安全和质量监控技术,网箱网衣海上更换装备和操作技术,鱼起捕、运输、贮藏、加工设施和装备,海上操作平台和装备等方面开展高技术发展计划的后续行动,加速现实近海网箱渔业产业化。  相似文献   

福建省大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖发展现状与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、经验与成效1、领导重视,扶持力度加大。从2001年起,我省开始推广发展国际上先进的大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖技术,沿海各地都把发展大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖作为调整优化渔业生产结构,增加渔农民收入,实施生态型渔业战略,促进闽台渔业合作与交流,提高渔业科技含量的一项重要工作,摆上重要议事日程。良好的发展氛围,充分调动了群众的积极性,全省各地发展大型抗风浪深水网箱养殖热潮迭起。2、规范管理,确保产业有序发展。在发展推广深水网箱养殖过程中,省局明确提出要发展湾外、20米等深线外、升降式抗风浪深水网箱养殖。并与省财政厅联合制订…  相似文献   

刘永进 《齐鲁渔业》2012,(11):31-32
东平湖是山东省第2大淡水湖,常年水面1.67万hm2(25万亩),是重要的渔业生产基地。随着国家南水北调工程的建设,东线引水就要启用,为确保南水北调水质,国务院、山东省政府要求积极防控渔业养殖污染,提高湖水水质标准,在大湖内取消投饵性网箱、网围养殖,减少渔业养殖污染。而增殖放流鲢鳙,实施“清洁”养殖和无公害网围养殖河蟹就可净化水质,有效控制养殖污染。  相似文献   

李纯厚  齐占会 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119311-119311
我国是渔业大国,2022年水产品产量达6 800多万t,其中养殖产量约占世界养殖总产量的60%。渔业在保障国家粮食安全与营养安全,尤其是优质蛋白质供给中发挥了极其重要作用,与此同时渔业生产活动对养殖水域和毗连自然海域生态环境的影响也备受关注。渔业生态环境学科主要研究渔业活动对自然水域生态系统的影响、气候变化和人类活动对渔业生产以及渔业水域生态环境的影响、以及受损渔业水域生态修复与生境恢复等基础科学和产业技术问题。本文概括性总结了我国渔业生态环境学科的主要研究领域,以及近十年来各领域所取得的重要进展,并对我国渔业生态环境学科未来发展方向进行了展望,提出了今后渔业生态环境学科的研究重点,以期为推动中国渔业生态环境保护,促进渔业可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

网箱渔业是集约化渔业的重要方式之一。但近年来,不少地方网箱养殖中,出现了水质污染,鱼病流行蔓延等情况。这既给渔业发展直接带来影响,导致衣户养鱼的损失,同时,也给水源生态环境与鱼类产品质量安全造成威胁。因此,网箱渔业必须推广健康养殖技术。郴州市东江湖在保护水源生态环境的前提下发展网箱渔业,走出了一条渔业生态环境良好、渔业经济效益高效、渔业产品质量优质的路子。  相似文献   

2004年我国渔业发展取得了可喜成绩,渔业生产全面发展,各地水产养殖业保持强劲增长势头,特别是名特优品种养殖、生态养殖和海洋深水抗风浪网箱养殖发展较快。中央一号文件的各项政策措施落到了实处,尤其是农业特产税取消和农业税税率降低,对渔业发展起了巨大促进作用。  相似文献   

正中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所成立于1963年,是我国专业从事渔业装备技术研究及应用的国家级研究所,专业涵盖渔业生产各领域所涉及的装备技术与系统工程。近年来,渔机所在封闭循环水养殖、池塘生态工程化调控、渔船节能与标准化、海洋捕捞装备、水产品与饲料加工以及渔业生产物联网等方面获得了诸多高水平成果,并广泛应用于渔业生产一线,取得了巨大的社会和经济效益,有力推动了我国渔业生  相似文献   

<正>中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所成立于1963年,是我国专业从事渔业装备技术研究及应用的国家级研究所,专业涵盖渔业生产各领域所涉及的装备技术与系统工程。近年来,渔机所在封闭循环水养殖、池塘生态工程化调控、渔船节能与标准化、海洋捕捞装备、水产品与饲料加工以及渔业生产物联网等方面获得了诸多高水平成果,并广泛应用于渔业生产一线,取得了  相似文献   

论中国渔业非政府组织发展现状及培育机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业非政府组织是推动21世纪海洋渔业产业化迅猛发展的重要途径,我国的渔业捕捞现在已在全球海洋渔业捕捞总量中占据重要地位。然而,广大渔民却在市场交易中处于劣势地位,信息不对称,交易成本过高,交易渠道单一等因素大大限制了我国渔业经济的发展,而渔业非政府组织在盘活渔民和市场的关系中,将扮演着越来越重要的角色。因此,科学地培育和促进渔业非政府组织的发展,提高其对渔业的贡献度,这对我国渔业和海洋经济的蓬勃振兴具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

刘汉斌 《河北渔业》2016,(10):47-50
渔业风险管理是渔业经济持续健康发展的重要保障。在科学厘定渔业风险综合管理范畴的基础上,指出我国渔业高风险及风险管理低效率的困境在于割裂了渔业风险间的联系及渔业与其他产业的关联性、管理方式单一性和风险作用的复杂性,并从渔业风险管理的基本环境管理、致险因子管理、体制机制管理等方面明确渔业风险综合管理的新思路,提出从组织机构健全、法律法规完善、风险基金设立及渔业风险信息系统建设等方面推进渔业风险综合管理,提高我国渔业抵御风险和降低风险的能力。  相似文献   

Recruitment fisheries oceanography studies the impact of the environment on the annual production of young to fished populations (finfish as well as invertebrates). Interannual variation in recruitment is the most important source of biological variability facing fisheries managers. Because most variation in recruitment occurs during early, mainly planktonic stages, recruitment fisheries oceanography usually integrates studies of plankton and physical oceanography. The concepts upon which these studies rest were first expressed in the late 1800s by Spencer Fullerton Baird, the first Commissioner of the US Commission of Fish and Fisheries. These concepts appear to have been independently developed by Johan Hjort and others in northern Europe in the early 1900s, and brought back to the United States through contacts between Hjort and Henry Bryant Bigelow, who passed the ideas to his students at Harvard University, including Lionel Albert Walford and Oscar Elton Sette. Although both Walford and Sette did their initial work in recruitment fisheries oceanography off the US east coast, as federal fisheries scientists, they were sent to California in response to the decline of the sardine fishery, where they incorporated the ideas of Hjort into the programme that has become the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI). The original plan for CalCOFI research was to provide a test of Hjort's ideas. Scientists working with CalCOFI implemented this plan and conducted subsequent research that had its roots in the ideas expressed by Baird. This research was in marked contrast to the fishery-yield orientation of most fisheries research that was being conducted at the time on the west coast of North America, under the dominating influence of William Francis Thompson. In recent years, federal fisheries programmes have investigated recruitment processes of a number of other fish stocks, and considerable effort has been expended toward refining the conceptual framework beyond the hypotheses of Hjort. This paper expands on this history, making note of scientists who were particularly important in the evolution of this discipline. We conclude that although recruitment fisheries oceanography has become a well-established field of study, and many technological advances have been made, the recruitment process is still not well understood and fluctuations in year-class abundance remain a major source of uncertainty in managing marine fisheries.  相似文献   

渔业在我国国民经济中占有重要地位和作用,水产技术推广体系是保证我国渔业持续健康发展的基础。本文采用数据包络分析(data envelopment analysis,DEA)中的BCC模型分析2013—2015年全国各地区的水产技术推广资源配置效率,以探究我国各地区水产技术推广资源配置效率的差异。结果表明,我国水产技术推广资源整体配置效率不高,区域间的配置效率差异明显,中南地区水产技术推广资源配置综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率都高于全国平均水平,东北地区低于全国平均水平。建议通过增加水产技术推广资源总量、因地制宜的配置水产技术推广资源、建立水产技术推广体系联合协作工作机制等方法来提高水产资源配置效率。  相似文献   

Despite increased fisheries science output and publication outlets, the global crisis in fisheries management is as present as ever. Since a narrow research focus may be a contributing factor to this failure, this study uncovers topics in fisheries research and their trends over time. This interdisciplinary research evaluates whether science is diversifying fisheries research topics in an attempt to capture the complexity of the fisheries system, or whether it is multiplying research on similar topics, attempting to achieve an in‐depth, but possibly marginal, understanding of a few selected components of this system. By utilizing latent Dirichlet allocation as a generative probabilistic topic model, we analyse a unique dataset consisting of 46,582 full‐text articles published in the last 26 years in 21 specialized scientific fisheries journals. Among the 25 topics uncovered by the model, only one (Fisheries management) refers to the human dimension of fisheries understood as socio‐ecological complex adaptive systems. The most prevalent topics in our dataset directly relating to fisheries refer to Fisheries management, Stock assessment, and Fishing gear, with Fisheries management attracting the most interest. We propose directions for future research focus that most likely could contribute to providing useful advice for successful management of fisheries.  相似文献   

The reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in 2013 decides whether the European fisheries can be put on a sustainable course in the next 10 years. The CFP reform must halt overexploitation of fish resources and stop harm to the marine environment by fishing activities. The European Commission published a reform proposal just recently. This proposal is already an important first step in the right direction, but is under threat of being watered down by the Fisheries Council. Necessary improvements of the current CFP include among others a binding definition of a sustainable stock management, a discard ban for all fish species, transferable fishing concessions and a cessation of all aid for building new vessels. These modifications pave the way for placing micromanagement in the hands of regions and fisheries so as to foster self‐responsibility among fishers and give greater consideration to regional circumstances.  相似文献   

国内外渔业信息化发展现状对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渔业信息化是实现渔业现代化的一个重要支撑条件,将主导未来渔业现代化的发展方向。本文对比分析了国内外渔业基础数据库、渔业信息网络建设与开发、地球空间信息科学技术和人工智能技术在渔业中的应用这四个方面的发展情况,指出我国目前渔业信息化发展存在的问题,并提出今后我国渔业信息化发展的建议,认为我国渔业信息化发展要在差距中明确发展战略,在战略中谋求发展。  相似文献   

The emerging fisheries science paradigm may be drifting in what some applied fisheries scientists consider an intractable assignment – Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) or the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF). In this paper I suggest that the lack of progress in implementing EBFM-EAF is partly psychological and that the multidisciplinary approach to it should include psychology, a discipline that has largely ignored the overwhelming problems of fisheries management.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚渔业发展概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度尼西亚海域辽阔,渔业资源丰富,具有极大的发展潜力。本文在查阅近年来国内外相关文献基础上,着重介绍了印尼的渔业资源状况、管理方式、产品加工和国际合作等。印度尼西亚主要渔业类型为海洋捕捞和水产养殖业,其中金枪鱼渔业是最主要的捕捞业。近年来,水产养殖(如虾类、海藻等)逐渐成为印尼渔业的主要支柱;印尼渔业管理的主要部门为海洋事务与渔业部,地方各级渔业行政机构和渔业协会组织共同参与管理;印尼政府鼓励国外投资渔业,并大力促进海外渔业合作。  相似文献   

Abstract An in‐depth explanation of selected content of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission’s ‘Code of Practice for Recreational Fisheries’ (CoP) is presented. The focus is on core areas that were intensely debated in the drafting the CoP. These include definition of recreational fishing, recreational fishing practices, fish welfare, recreational fisheries management and research. It is anticipated that the CoP for recreational fisheries promotes best practice and management principles for sustainable recreational fisheries, within the recreational fisheries sector and ancillary industries/sectors regionally, nationally, and ultimately globally. To be viable, the CoP for recreational fisheries must be adopted by the international community complementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.  相似文献   

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