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小反刍兽疫是小反刍动物的一种急性或亚急性高度接触性传染病,自从首次发生以来一直呈扩大趋势,几乎每年都出现新的疫病国,已成为一种国际间传播的动物疫病,对没有该病发生的国家,尤其是与呈地方性流行国家的临近国家造成的威胁正逐渐加大。本文主要阐述该病的流行情况及综合防控措施,为该病的研究和有效防控提供依据。  相似文献   

<正>小反刍兽疫是由小反刍兽疫病毒引起的一种以高热、口炎、流涎、腹泻和肺炎、咳嗽为特征的急性病毒病,潜伏期一般46 d,最长可达21 d,主要感染山羊、绵羊、羚羊等小反刍动物,山羊发病较严重。近年来,我国周边国家小反刍兽疫疫情多发,呈地方性流行。2007年,我国西藏阿里地区首次发生该病。去冬今春,我省周边临近地区发生羊小反刍兽疫疫情,给山羊饲养场(户)造成了重大损失,对山羊养殖业的发展带来严重冲击。羊小反刍兽疫在我市本地历来从未发生,但2014年36 d,最长可达21 d,主要感染山羊、绵羊、羚羊等小反刍动物,山羊发病较严重。近年来,我国周边国家小反刍兽疫疫情多发,呈地方性流行。2007年,我国西藏阿里地区首次发生该病。去冬今春,我省周边临近地区发生羊小反刍兽疫疫情,给山羊饲养场(户)造成了重大损失,对山羊养殖业的发展带来严重冲击。羊小反刍兽疫在我市本地历来从未发生,但2014年34月间,由于养殖户在未了解输出  相似文献   

自1995年首次发现河蟹“抖抖病”以来,到1998年,该病已在全国范围内大面积蔓延,并造成严重损失。该病来势迅猛,危害大,范围广,死亡率高,尤其在高密度集约化养殖的精养蟹池最易发生。从仔幼蟹到成蟹都有可能发生此病,尤以仔蟹上岸不下水和8—9月份成蟹大面积死亡两种现象最为严重,目前尚无特效药。  相似文献   

齐正胜 《畜禽业》2008,(1):83-83
<正>猪传染性胸膜肺炎是由一种呼吸道寄生菌——胸膜肺炎放线杆菌(APP)引起的一种接触性传染病。目前该病在许多养猪国家流行,已成为养猪业的五大疫病之一,每年造成严重的经济损失。该病一年四季均可发生,尤其是在春季和秋末多发,并受环境因素影响较大,当气温骤降,猪舍潮湿,通风不畅,饲养密集时,尤其多发。  相似文献   

白鲢细菌性出血病是近年来发生和流行的一种新鱼病。该病来势凶猛、流行期长、死亡率高,给渔业生产带来较大危害。今年6月,我市城郊池塘首次发生白鲢细菌性出血病二例,其损失之大,鱼类死亡之多均属罕见。现将其症状和治疗方法简介如下:  相似文献   

国内外口蹄疫的流行情况及防制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口蹄疫是一种高度传染性疾病,以传播迅速和发病率高而被国际兽医局列为法定报告动物疫病之首。该病不但严重危害畜牧业和经济,还对国家声誉、国际关系也有很大影响。本文在查阅近几年国内外有关口蹄疫文献的基础上,对其流行情况、防制策略等方面进行了总结,为该病的预防和控制提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

<正>猪蓝耳病(PRRS)是由猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)引起的一种高度接触性传染病,是一种免疫抑制性疾病。该病于1987年首次在北美发现,随后迅速蔓延至全球各养猪业发达国家,我国1996年首次报道有PRRS的发生,2000年出现较大面积发生,自2006年初以来,在大部分省区出现暴发性流行,即"猪无名高热综合征病"。该病以妊娠母猪繁殖障碍、仔猪及育肥猪呼吸困难,哺乳仔猪发病率和死  相似文献   

浅谈猪流行性腹泻的诊断与防治措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪流行性腹泻(PED)是以流行性腹泻病毒为病原的一种急性肠道传染病。典症为呕吐、腹泻、脱水等。该病对哺乳仔猪致死率高,即便治愈对仔猪后期生长速度也有很大影响,并可发于各个年龄段的猪只,是猪场一种常见疾病。该病如果治疗不及时或治疗方法不当可给猪场造成较大损失。目前,世界各地多个国家地区均有该病流行。对猪流行性腹泻的诊断方法与防治措施进行介绍,为科学防治该病提供参考。  相似文献   

猪水肿病是一种引起仔猪急性、致死性的肠毒血症,其特征是胃壁和其他某些部位发生水肿,发病不高,但病死率高,可达95%以上。根据笔者多年临床经验,采用中西医结合治疗,疗效较佳。1流行特点该病一年四季均可发生,但以春秋季多发,小至数日龄,大至4月龄,一般在2月龄前后的断奶仔猪更易发生,同窝中往往是体格健壮、生长快的猪易发。生长发育不匀的同窝猪发病率大大低于同窝仔猪生长发育均匀者。该病发生与饲料和饲养方法的改变、气候变化等因素有关。带菌母猪和感染的仔猪是主要传染源。初生时发生黄痢的一般不发生本病。2临床症状2.1最急性型突…  相似文献   

<正>猪水疱病(SVD)又称猪传染性水疱病,是由猪水疱病病毒引起的一种急性、热性接触性传染病。其特征是病猪的蹄部、口腔、鼻端和母猪乳头周围发生水疱。该病首次发现于1966年,是猪的一种比较新的传染病,由于其流行性强、发病率高,严重影响猪和猪产品的流通与国际贸易,所以国际兽疫局将其列为A类动物疫病,我国《动物防疫法》将其列为一类动物疫病。近年来,该病对养殖业造成了一定的影响,威胁到畜牧业的持续健康发展,应引起养殖企业的高度重视。  相似文献   

To be sustainable, the extractive process of fishing requires biomass renewal via primary production driven by solar energy. Primary production required (PPR) estimates how much primary production is needed to replace the biomass of fisheries landings removed from marine ecosystems. Here, we examine the historical fishing behaviour of global fishing fleets, which parts of the food web they rely on, which ecosystems they fish and how intensively. Highly mobile European and Asian fleets have moved to ever more distant productive waters since the 1970s, especially once they are faced with the costs of access agreements for exclusive economic zones (EEZs) declared by host countries. We examine fleet PPR demands in the context of large marine ecosystems (LMEs), which are frequently fished with PPR demands well above their average primary productivity (PP). In some cases, this was mitigated by subsequent emigration of fleets or by management intervention. Fleet movements, however, have stressed additional marine areas, including the EEZs of developing countries. This suggests the potential for spatial serial depletion, if fishing capacity is not reduced to more sustainable PP removal levels. Fundamentally, fishing is limited by solar‐powered PP limits. Fishing beyond solar production has occurred, but in the future, marine systems may not be as forgiving, especially if overfishing and climate change compromise their resilience.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic global expansion in fish farming, with both positive and negative consequences. Although commercial aquaculture has contributed positively to the economies of many producing countries, there are considerable negative environmental and social impacts. In intensive and semi-intensive systems, artificial feeds supplemented with antibiotics are used to prevent the spread of disease and to improve feed conversion ratios. Current knowledge of the health and environmental impact of antibiotics used in aquaculture is poor, particularly in tropical regions. Residues may remain in fish used for human consumption and antibiotics released into the environment can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the food chain. The accumulation of waste feeds in ponds stimulates the growth of bacteria, including human pathogens, which can contaminate products and lead to foodborne disease and the rejection of products in export markets. In extensive systems, where fish are produced mainly for the domestic market, different food safety concerns exist. The consumption of aquatic plants and raw or partially cooked freshwater fish has been associated with foodborne trematode infections. These are a major public health problem in East and South East Asia and occur when products that are contaminated by the infective stages of the parasites are consumed. This paper reviews food safety hazards associated with products from aquaculture and proposes the application of principles of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system as a general strategy to control the hazards identified.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is a viral disease of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Norway. However, in laboratory experiments, the virus has also been found to propagate in trout, Salmo trutta L., where it is a persistent infection. It is crucial for the management of ISA in Norway, and for the prevention of spread to fish in other countries, that possible carriers of the virus are found. Another possible salmonid reservoir species is the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). After experimental infection, the ISA virus was found to be present in O. mykiss as late 28 days after infection, with a peak around day 20. The infection resulted in a significant drop in the haematocrit and haemorrhages on the liver in some specimens. The ISA virus was seen budding from endothelial cells lining blood vessels in the heart ventricle of challenged rainbow trout. It is concluded that the ISA virus is able to propagate in O. mykiss and that this species may function as a reservoir when cultured in areas where the virus is found. The virus does not seem to cause any significant mortalities of infected rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Pregnancy toxemia (PT) is a metabolic disease which causes significant economic losses in small ruminants, especially sheep. Animals are usually affected in the last few weeks of pregnancy, the uterus contains mostly two or more well developed fetuses. A qualitatively insufficient feeding program together with the significant glucose consumption of the rapidly growing fetuses induces progredient hypoglycemia and ketosis. Other factors like stress and decreased ruminal volume may help trigger the metabolic breakdown. The most prominent macroscopic lesion is the extensive fatty infiltration of the liver. Adrenal cortex and proximal tubular epithelium of the kidney are similarly affected. Focal degenerative changes in contractile and conductory myocardial cells may also occur. The frequency of the disease in the necropsy material from our institute is reviewed over a period of 8 years and pathology and pathogenesis of PT are discussed.  相似文献   

Larval Japanese eel (leptocephali) are passively transported from their spawning sites of the North Equatorial Current to the Kuroshio and its branch waters for 4–6 months before reaching the East Asian coasts. The larvae mainly stay within water depths between 50–150 m. The dispersal dynamics of larvae thus should reflect the sub‐surface oceanic currents on the East Asia continental shelf. An analysis of Japanese glass eel catch data in East Asian countries during 1985 to 2009, and for Taiwan from 1968 to 2008, indicates that the overall annual catch is generally correlated across countries of East Asia, and between north and west areas of Taiwan. The Kuroshio and its branch waters disperse glass eels throughout East Asian habitats, and the glass eel distribution matches the flow directionality of oceanic currents. Recruitment in western Taiwan occurs with a sequential southwestern to northwestern direction, suggesting that the Taiwan Strait Current penetrates the western coast of Taiwan in the sub‐surface layer in winter. The monthly averaged sub‐surface 50 m circulation pattern in the vicinity of Taiwan and modeled tracer experiments also support the northward winter sub‐surface current in Taiwan Strait. These results suggest that the larval Japanese eel could serve as a valuable bio‐tracer of sub‐surface currents, and the earlier recruitment dynamics of Japanese glass eels in Taiwan could be a good predictor for the subsequent catch in other East Asia areas.  相似文献   

张艳  吴旭干  杨帆  刘智俊  成永旭 《水产学报》2011,35(8):1146-1157
采用凝胶过滤层析法纯化了三疣梭子蟹成熟卵巢的卵黄磷蛋白(vitellin,Vn),采用变性凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)确定了Vn亚基数量和分子量,以纯化的Vn为抗原,制备了三疣梭子蟹Vn多克隆抗血清,纯化后得到Vn抗体,在此基础上比较和优化了三疣梭子蟹Vn测定的酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)参数,建立了稳定的三疣梭子蟹Vn含量测定的ELISA方法。结果表明:(1) SDS-PAGE 显示三疣梭子蟹成熟卵巢中的Vn含有分子量为100、75和66 ku的3个亚基,Western-blotting检测表明,这3个亚基均具有较强的免疫特异性;(2) 样品直接包被法比双抗体夹心法具有更高的线性相关性,Vn抗体最佳稀释倍数为1∶90 000,最佳包被时间为8 h,一抗和二抗反应时间分别为2 h和1 h,显色时间为20 min;(3) 该方法定性检测的灵敏度为14.9 ng/mL左右,标准曲线方程为y=0.000 9x+0.399 1(R2=0.986 1),其中xy分别代表Vn浓度和OD450值,工作范围为200~900 ng/mL;(4) 应用该方法测定三疣梭子蟹卵巢中Vn含量,结果表明,批次内和批次间平均变异系数分别为3.59%和3.10%,重复性良好。  相似文献   

东海区发展水产资源增养殖的设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东海区海岸线和岛屿岸线分别占全国的34%和49.1%,面积大于500m~2的岛屿共3481个,潍涂面积占全国的46.7%。港湾众多,总面积25507 km~2,0~20 m 水深的浅海面积64461 km~2,约占全国50%。东海区栖息了许多名特优的渔业资源,海洋生物具有相当的丰度和广度,水文环境稳定,营养盐类丰富,初级生产力高,也是多种鱼类、虾类、蟹类的栖息、繁殖场所。东海区(包括福建省、浙江省、上海市和江苏省)1991年海水增养殖面积达1335 km~2,总产量48.0万 t。全区具有较大规模的海带育苗、紫菜育苗、贝类育苗、虾类育苗、海蜇育苗的场地和设备。鱼类育苗技术不断提高.现已进行了约80个种类的人工、半人工育苗及20个种类的增殖放流或移植、自然增殖的试验。海水养殖种类达40~50种。东海区得天独厚的具有高经济价值的鳗苗和中华绒螫蟹苗的天然苗种资源。东海区既是全国海水增养殖业的重要基地也希望取得周边国家和地区的支持和合作。提出了今后(2000年止)发展的具体设想内容及主要项目,以及应采取的措施等,具有指导意义。  相似文献   

利用2016年4—5月在东海中南部海域的调查数据,对该海域日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)鱼卵仔鱼的分布特征进行了研究,并对产卵场的划分展开讨论及提出保护措施和管理建议。结果显示:4月,日本鲭鱼卵仔鱼主要出现在台湾海峡和东海南部海域,出现率均大于25%,但仔鱼在东海南部外海的出现率和丰度均较低,分别为5.00%和0.01个·100m-3。5月,日本鲭鱼卵仔鱼在台湾海峡的出现率和丰度均显著降低,分别下降至5.88%和0.22个·100m^-3;东海南部外海日本鲭鱼卵仔鱼的出现率和丰度则均显著升高,分别升至50%和36.48个·100m^-3,其中鱼卵集中出现在南部外海,出现率和丰度分别达到了40%和36.46个·100m^-3;东海中部外海从5月开始出现日本鲭鱼卵和仔鱼。结合历史资料,可以判断东海中南部日本鲭产卵场主要有台湾海峡、东海中南部近海、东海南部外海、东海中部外海等4个。日本鲭鱼卵丰度与表层水温呈显著相关关系(R=0.37,P<0.05),与表层盐度无显著相关关系(P>0.05);仔鱼丰度与表层水温及表层盐度均无显著相关关系(P>0.05)。结果表明,水温对日本鲭的产卵活动影响较大,随着水温的逐步升高,性腺发育速度加快,开始产卵的亲体数量也大量增加,这从鱼卵仔鱼的数量大量增加得以体现;而盐度变化对日本鲭的产卵活动影响相对较小。针对日本鲭不同的产卵场,建议制定差异化的繁殖亲体和幼鱼保护措施。  相似文献   

东海区底拖网渔业资源变动分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以2000~2005年底拖网渔业资源的常规监测资料为依据,对东海区底拖网渔获物种类组成、主要经济鱼种单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)以及生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明,东海区底拖网渔业资源利用结构正在向低值和低营养层次鱼种转化,主要经济鱼种的CPUE不断下降,生物学特征未见明显好转,而渔获物中幼鱼比例不断上升,渔业资源总体状况仍然存在继续衰退趋势。建议降低目前的海洋捕捞努力量,延长伏季休渔时间,加强渔业资源养护和管理力度等。  相似文献   

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