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The day–night change in fish community structure over a year was examined in a seagrass bed in Lake Notoro, Hokkaido, northern Japan, to examine nocturnal increases in predation risk. This seagrass bed has previously been considered a predation refuge for juvenile and small-sized fishes. Species richness, abundance and biomass of piscivorous fishes during nighttime were higher than those during daytime on all sample dates surveyed (May, August and November 2013), indicating an increase in predation risk for juvenile and small-sized fishes during nighttime. The mean biomass-weighted trophic level of fish communities in the seagrass bed was also higher at night than in the day. The piscivorous fishes collected in the seagrass bed during the night included important fishery species. These may obtain energy through nocturnal feeding in the seagrass bed. Therefore, the function of seagrass beds as fish habitats should be re-evaluated by considering two possible characteristics contributing to fishery production: as a daytime predation refuge for juvenile and small-sized fishes, and as a nighttime foraging ground for piscivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Non‐native predators may interfere with conservation efforts for native species. For example, fisheries managers have recently become concerned that non‐native brown trout may impede efforts to restore native salmon and trout in California's Trinity River. However, the extent of brown trout predation on these species is unknown. We quantified brown trout predation on wild and hatchery‐produced salmon and trout in the Trinity River in 2015. We first estimated the total biomass of prey consumed annually by brown trout using a bioenergetics model and measurements of brown trout growth and abundance over a 64‐km study reach. Then, we used stable isotope analysis and gastric lavage to allocate total consumption to specific prey taxa. Although hatchery‐produced fish are primarily released in the spring, hatchery fish accounted for most of the annual consumption by large, piscivorous brown trout (>40 cm long). In all, the 1579 (95% CI 1,279–1,878) brown trout >20 cm long in the study reach ate 5,930 kg (95% CI 3,800–8,805 kg) of hatchery fish in 2015. Brown trout predation on hatchery fish was ca. 7% of the total biomass released from the hatchery. Brown trout only ate 924 kg (95% CI 60–3,526 kg) of wild fish in 2015, but this was potentially a large proportion of wild salmon production because wild fish were relatively small. As large brown trout rely heavily on hatchery‐produced fish, modifying hatchery practices to minimise predation may enhance survival of hatchery fish and potentially reduce the abundance of predatory brown trout.  相似文献   

Introduced fishes may have major impacts on community structure and ecosystem function due to competitive and predatory interactions with native species. For example, introduced lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) has been shown to replace native salmonids and induce major trophic cascades in some North American lakes, but few studies have investigated trophic interactions between lake trout and closely related native Arctic charr (S. alpinus) outside the natural distribution of the former species. We used stomach content and stable isotope analyses to investigate trophic interactions between introduced lake trout and native Arctic charr in large subarctic Lake Inarijärvi in northern Finland. Both salmonids had predominantly piscivorous diets at >280 mm total length and were mainly caught from the deep profundal zone. However, lake trout had a more generalist diet and showed higher reliance on littoral prey fish than Arctic charr, whose diet consisted mainly of pelagic planktivorous coregonids. According to length at age and condition data, lake trout showed slightly faster growth but lower condition than Arctic charr. The results indicate that introduced lake trout may to some extent compete with and prey upon native Arctic charr, but currently have only a minor if any impact on native fishes and food web structure in Inarijärvi. Future monitoring is essential to observe potential changes in trophic interactions between lake trout and Arctic charr in Inarijärvi, as well as in other European lakes where the two salmonids currently coexist.  相似文献   

Abstract – Common carp Cyprinus carpio is a widespread invasive species that, in high abundance, can impose numerous deleterious effects in aquatic ecosystems. Common carp increase turbidity and nutrient availability while reducing invertebrate prey resources and aquatic macrophytes, transforming shallow lakes from the clear‐ to turbid‐water state. However, potential effects of common carp on native fish communities have received limited attention. We evaluated the relationships among relative abundances of nine native fishes and common carp for 81 lakes in eastern South Dakota and their associated physicochemical characteristics. Inverse threshold relationships among relative abundances of native fishes and common carp were identified for black bullhead Ameiurus melas, black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus, bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, white bass Morone chrysops and northern pike Esox lucius, while marginally significant relationships were detected for largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and smallmouth bass M. dolomieu. Lakes where common carp relative abundance exceeded 0.6 fish per net night had low abundance of native fishes, whereas lower abundance of common carp resulted in variable abundance of native fishes. Lakes with abundance of common carp surpassing 0.6 fish per net night were also characterised by larger surface areas and watersheds and impaired water quality (higher dissolved solids and chlorophyll a concentrations and lower secchi depth). Our results are consistent with the biotic‐abiotic constraining hypothesis that proposes biotic factors can regulate fish populations regardless of abiotic conditions. Thus, common carp abundance may need to be reduced and sustained below ecological thresholds to improve water quality and increase abundance of native fishes.  相似文献   

  • 1. Laguna Blanca, in Laguna Blanca National Park, is a lake in Patagonia which has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1971 because of bird diversity and abundance and importance for nesting, particularly for the black neck swan, Cygnus melanocoryphus. It is also valued for its populations of endemic amphibians, Atelognathus patagonicus and Atelognathus praebasalticus.
  • 2. Avian and amphibian populations have decreased dramatically in recent years. Percichthys colhuapiensis, Percichthys trucha (Pisces, Percichthyidae), Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Pisces, Salmonidae) were introduced into Laguna Blanca in 1965. Since 1986, no Atelognathus frogs have been found. The abundance of swans and coots, which are strongly associated with macrophytes for nesting and feeding, has diminished drastically, whereas piscivorous birds have increased.
  • 3. The fishless condition of some neighbouring small lakes with abundant pond weeds, aquatic birds and endemic amphibians, was assessed in order to compare the physical and chemical characteristics and the quantitative composition of the benthos among lakes. Fish presence at Laguna Blanca and its absence at El Burro, Antiñir and Jabón lakes, were confirmed. Compared with previous results, it seems that the abundance of Amphipoda (Hyalella), Copepoda and Cladocera at Laguna Blanca has decreased, while Acari has increased and Notostraca has disappeared. Water transparency has diminished in Laguna Blanca and now is lower than that of fishless lakes.
  • 4. P. colhuapiensis were captured only in Laguna Blanca, with the highest captures in the littoral zone. The population shows rapid individual growth in the early years and an absence of fish older than 6 years. The preponderance of benthos and the presence of macrophytes in the gut contents of adult P. colhuapiensis appear to indicate that they are important consumers of these resources.
  • 5. This paper concludes that fish introduction in Laguna Blanca led to a complex trophic cascade effect (fish predation on tadpoles, fish competition for avian food, bottom disturbance, zooplankton reduction) producing deleterious effects on the amphibian and bird populations.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A popular species for food and sport, the European catfish (Silurus glanis) is well‐studied in its native range, but little studied in its introduced range. Silurus glanis is the largest‐bodied freshwater fish of Europe and is historically known to take a wide range of food items including human remains. As a result of its piscivorous diet, S. glanis is assumed to be an invasive fish species presenting a risk to native species and ecosystems. To assess the potential risks of S. glanis introductions, published and ‘grey’ literature on the species’ environmental biology (but not aquaculture) was extensively reviewed. Silurus glanis appears well adapted to, and sufficiently robust for, translocation and introduction outside its native range. A nest‐guarding species, S. glanis is long‐lived, rather sedentary and produces relatively fewer eggs per body mass than many fish species. It appears to establish relatively easily, although more so in warmer (i.e. Mediterranean) than in northern countries (e.g. Belgium, UK). Telemetry data suggest that dispersal is linked to flooding/spates and human translation of the species. Potential impacts in its introduced European range include disease transmission, hybridization (in Greece with native endemic Aristotle’s catfish [Silurus aristotelis]), predation on native species and possibly the modification of food web structure in some regions. However, S. glanis has also been reported (France, Spain, Turkmenistan) to prey intensively on other non‐native species and in its native Germany to be a poor biomanipulation tool for top‐down predation of zooplanktivorous fishes. As such, S. glanis is unlikely to exert trophic pressure on native fishes except in circumstances where other human impacts are already in force. In summary, virtually all aspects of the environmental biology of introduced S. glanis require further study to determine the potential risks of its introduction to novel environments.  相似文献   

Northern pike (Esox lucius) are opportunistic predators that can switch to alternative prey species after preferred prey have declined. This trophic adaptability allows invasive pike to have negative effects on aquatic food webs. In Southcentral Alaska, invasive pike are a substantial concern because they have spread to important spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids and are hypothesised to be responsible for recent salmonid declines. We described the relative importance of salmonids and other prey species to pike diets in the Deshka River and Alexander Creek in Southcentral Alaska. Salmonids were once abundant in both rivers, but they are now rare in Alexander Creek. In the Deshka River, we found that juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch) dominated pike diets and that small pike consumed more of these salmonids than large pike. In Alexander Creek, pike diets reflected the distribution of spawning salmonids, which decrease with distance upstream. Although salmonids dominated pike diets in the lowest reach of the stream, Arctic lamprey (Lampetra camtschatica) and slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) dominated pike diets in the middle and upper reaches. In both rivers, pike density did not influence diet and pike consumed smaller prey items than predicted by their gape‐width. Our data suggest that (1) juvenile salmonids are a dominant prey item for pike, (2) small pike are the primary consumers of juvenile salmonids and (3) pike consume other native fish species when juvenile salmonids are less abundant. Implications of this trophic adaptability are that invasive pike can continue to increase while driving multiple species to low abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined prey utilisation patterns of brown trout ( Salmo trutta Linnaeus) as related to available benthos in a cold tailwater (Little Red River, Arkansas) having low biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates and low availability of fish as prey. Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled monthly in upstream and downstream sites over a 1-year period. Stomach content analysis was also performed on 30 brown trout (10 each of three size classes) collected monthly from each site. Benthic and diet diversities were low at both sites, as isopods ( Lirceus ) accounted for 67% and 51% of the numerical abundance upstream and downstream, respectively, and 80% and 70% of all prey consumed by upstream and downstream brown trout. Physid snails (upstream) and chironomid larvae (downstream) accounted for most of the remaining prey taxa consumed. Piscivory and consumption of terrestrial invertebrates were rare. There was no clear relation between diet diversity and trout size. Densities of benthic macroinvertebrates and prey consumption were significantly greater upstream than downstream. Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and prey consumption were seasonally constant at both sites. Generally, prey consumption was consistent with availability of each prey in the benthos; the lack of benthic diversity and overwhelming abundance of one taxon ( Lirceus) most likely contributed to food selection patterns. Although isopods are abundant within this tailwater to serve as a forage base, the displacement of native fish fauna because of the thermal regime of hypolimnetic release from Greers Ferry Reservoir probably serves as a major limitation to brown trout growth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Large piscivorous fish are assumed to affect habitat selection and food intake of prey fish. To study the effects of cannibalistic Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), on smaller stunted charr, we sampled the prey fish in littoral and pelagic habitats using gill nets, before and shortly after the release of large charr in a small lake (0.52 km2). In the habitats where the risk of predation was highest, the catch per unit effort de creased from 13.3 to 4.8 fish per 100 m2 of gillnet after release of pred ators. The large decrease in numbers of charr < 18 cm corresponded with the predicted vulnerable prey sizes, according to a model based on the size distribution of predators. The occurrence of planktivorous fish and weight-specific food intake decreased in the high risk habitat and remained unaffected in the low risk habitats. Changes in the food intake of prey fish could not be explained in terms of fish length, indicating that prey fish changed diet when the risk of predation was high.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major factor for biodiversity loss, particularly in freshwater environments. Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides is native to North America and is invasive on the Iberian Peninsula, primarily to provide angling opportunities in reservoirs. However, this species is a threat to the endemic Iberian fauna via predation and competition. Currently, there is little information on largemouth bass in European streams. Thus, we assessed the trophic plasticity and body condition of young largemouth bass in both invasive (the regulated Bullaque River) and native (Murray Creek) streams. Abundance of juvenile largemouth bass, percentage of full stomachs and body condition were higher in Bullaque River. Largemouth bass preyed on benthic invertebrates much more heavily in the Bullaque River, whereas fishes were the most important prey in Murray Creek. Prey richness, diet diversity and trophic niche breadth were higher in the Bullaque River population. Largemouth bass preferred water-column fishes as prey and avoided consuming benthic fishes in Murray Creek, whereas water-column fishes were avoided in Bullaque River. These results demonstrate that largemouth bass display substantial trophic plasticity which possibly facilitates its success as invasive species. Regulated Iberian streams may provide both suitable food and habitat resources with minimal predation pressure, and hence may serve as recruitment sources for this invasive fish.  相似文献   

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