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Heritability of mortality in eggs, alevins and fry were estimated using data from salmon, sea trout and rainbow trout. The highest value (average for all species and both estimation methods) based on the sire component was obtained for the eyed egg stage, h2 = 0.08, followed by the alevin stage, h2 = 0.05, while estimates for fry mortality did not differ significantly from zero.The maternal effect was rather large for uneyed eggs and eyed eggs, while it was low for alevin mortality. Maternal effects were also found to have a significant influence on the mortality of salmon fry. It was, however, not possible to separate maternal effects from tank effects.  相似文献   

Abstract  Brown trout, Salmo trutta L., spawning sites were constructed by creating areas of artificial upwelling water, 252 ± 37 mL m−2 min−1 (95% CL), through appropriately sized spawning gravel substrate in 3 m2 vessels buried in the bottom of a 150-m2 pond. Natural spawning occurred in the vessels during autumn 2001–2004, with hatching and alevin swim up the following spring. In areas of upwelling, egg survival was 85–95%, while no live eggs were observed in areas without upwelling. In areas with upwelling, the maximum density of live eggs at the eyed stage was 570–1510 eggs m−2. In spring 2004 and 2005, the density of alevins was estimated at 322 (±187) m−2 and 567 (±217) m−2, respectively, in areas with upwelling water, compared with 35.2 ± 25.4 m−2 in areas without upwelling water in 2004.  相似文献   

Abstract– Freshwater resident brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) in the stream Jorlandaan (southwestern Sweden) had larger eggs (range of actual mean egg wet weights, 65.9–108.5 mg) than both sympatric migratory trout (76.8–84.2 mg) and trout from five other Swedish streams with allopatric resident (23.7–80.1 mg) or migratory populations (44.5–121.9 mg), after accounting for differences in body size. In Jörlandaån, some resident females even had a larger absolute mean egg weight than any of the migratory females found in the stream. Resident trout had low absolute fecundity, and our data suggest that resident females in Jörlandån produce large eggs at the expense of their fecundity. The extremely large relative egg size in resident Jörlandaån females suggests that the production of large offspring enhances fitness, possibly through increased fry survival.  相似文献   

Groups of sea trout (Salmo trutta) eggs were hatched in a Californian hatching system with and without an astro-turf artificial substrate, and were later transferred to separate feeding units. Alevins reared in astro-turf absorbed their yolk faster and more efficiently than alevins reared on a flat screen, an effect which is probably caused by high activity stress in the flat-screened system. Probably due to higher yolk reserves, the fry hatched without astro-turf grew faster than the fry reared with astro-turf during the first periods of feeding. Later this was reversed, giving the astro-turf-reared alevins the highest growth rate. The flat-screen-reared alevins/fry suffered higher mortalities during the experiment and the mortalities were clearly size dependent. These results have consequences both for intensive culture and stocking programmes since the traditional hatching systems both reduce growth and the chance of survival of the fry.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of three domesticated rainbow trout broodstocks spawning at 2 years of age was analysed using data collected over a period of 5 years. Data were collected for post-spawning body weight, volume of eggs spawned, egg size, egg number and fertility to the eyed egg stage. There were significant differences among the stocks attributable to both genetic and environmental causes. In addition, there were marked differences between year-classes, isolated from each other due to 2-year spawning. The differences appeared to be genetic in origin and demonstrated the effect of sampling the original parents.Heritabilities estimated from full-sib comparisons indicated male weight was more influenced by environmental stress at spawning than was female weight. Heritability estimates for egg volume, egg size and egg number ranged from 0.05 to 0.76 for individual stocks, but when averaged for the three stocks the range was from 0.32 to 0.52. Egg size was found to have the lowest heritability of the three traits. The heritability of fertility was found to be low and was the lowest for the stock with the poorest fertility.Genetic and phenotype correlations among the traits were also estimated. The relationship between body weight and egg volume and size were both positive as was that between egg volume and egg size. It was determined that egg volume was the principal determinant of egg number and that the relationship of number to size could be negative. The latter evidence was obtained by artificially adjusting the egg production traits to a constant female body size. The result suggested that females that produce larger numbers of eggs are likely to produce smaller eggs unless the change is associated with a marked increase in body weight. It is recommended that selection for egg size be included in all selection programs and that egg number be ignored in any selection program designed to increase body size.  相似文献   

Abstract. Measurements of egg number, egg size and total egg volume in relation to post-stripped weight, made on the eggs stripped from 12 separately maintained farm stocks of 4-year-old rainbow trout. Oncorhynchus mykiss Richardson, revealed highly significant differences between populations when analysed by regression and covariance statistical techniques. All of the stocks showed increases in fecundity with increasing fish size, with 61% (coefficient of determination or r2) of the variation in fecundity of the 12 stocks explained by the common regression on parental fish size. Comparison of the regressions of the different stocks revealed that the rate of increase of fecundity with increasing fish weight was constant throughout the weight range (i.e. the regressions had similar slopes) although there were highly significant differences in elevation, with some stocks producing almost twice as many eggs as some of the others. By contrast, the relationship of egg size with fish weight was much more variable with three of the stocks showing no significant regression of egg size on fish weight and a further two stocks with data poorly fitted to the regressions. Of the remaining seven stocks only one showed a significant difference in slope of the regression with modest increases in fish weight being associated with large increases in egg size. Only four of the remaining stocks of fish showed significant differences in the elevation of their regressions, i.e. the egg sizes were significantly different after the potentially conflicting influence of fish size was partitioned using covariance techniques. Assessments of total egg volume produced far improved regressions on post-strip weight with 75% (r2) of the variation in the pooled data of the 12 stocks being described by the line of the common regression. In general, there appeared to be a “trade-off” between egg number and size with the most and least fecund fish producing somewhat smaller and larger eggs respectively. All 12 regressions of totai egg volume on fish weight showed a common slope. However, there were significant differences in elevation of the regressions, with some of the stocks of trout producing up to a 55% greater volume of eggs. There appeared to be no relationship between the differences in egg number, size or total egg volume and the type or geograpfiical location of the farms on which the stocks were held. Although it remains to be determined to what extent these differences in reproductive performance are Inheritable, it is recommended that these characteristics should be taken into account by hatcheries in tbe design of long-term broodstock selection programmes for rainbow trout.  相似文献   

During their early life stages (egg maturation, hatching, alevin development), between late autumn and early spring, young Atlantic salmon are exposed to surface‐groundwater interactions in the hyporheic zone and may depend on influx of subsurface water during periods of regulated low discharge for survival. Two studies, one in a seasonally regulated river and one in a river exposed to hydropeaking, displayed unexpectedly high survival of eggs in surface de‐watered areas because of the influx of oxygen‐rich subsurface water. Field observations of newly hatched alevins in these two rivers showed them to be more sensitive (i.e. suffered higher mortality from) to surface de‐watering than were eggs. Exposure to dry conditions in drawdown areas was highlighted as the main cause for alevin mortality. Therefore, shorter periods of surface de‐watering in the river with hydropeaking resulted in higher alevin survival than the seasonally regulated river when still permanently drained after egg hatching. Greater consideration should be given to all early life‐history stages when implementing discharge release strategies, and the extent of groundwater influence and the potential for flexible hydropower operations should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Grimardias D, Merchermek N, Manicki A, Garnier J, Gaudin P, Jarry M, Beall E. Reproductive success of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) mature male parr in a small river, the Nivelle: influence of shelters.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 510–519. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – The breeding activity of a small population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) was monitored on the Nivelle River in southwest France to estimate the overall contribution of mature male parr and the numbers involved in egg fertilisation. In the twelve redds sampled, 563 eggs were collected for parental assignment and the physical habitat was characterised to investigate the possible relationship between parr reproductive success and habitat complexity. The overall contribution of mature male parr was particularly high (87%, one of the highest estimates ever reported). Concerning habitat complexity, granulometry and shelter diversity were correlated with the number of parr breeders contributing to egg fertilisation in each redd. A complex habitat increased multiple paternity, which could affect the effective size and genetic variability of small salmon populations.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs and alevins were exposed for up to 4 weeks to the nitricoxide (NO) donor isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) at concentrations up to 100 mol l–1. Hatching success was over 95%, but increasing concentrations of ISDN significantly delayed hatching, without significant affects on survival. Alevins exposed to ISDN concentrations of 50 or 100 mol l–1 showed significant cardiovascular and developmental changes compared to unexposed alevins. These included lowered heart rate and ventilation rate, doubling of cardiac output, dilation of the vitelline vein and increased in alevin weight. The results indicate a vasodilatory role of NO in trout alevins, and their cardiovascular responses to NO, with reference to the role of the vitelline vein, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract – Resource partitioning between Atlantic salmon parr, brown trout and Arctic charr was studied throughout the ice-free season in a north Norwegian lake. Juvenile salmon and trout (≤160 mm) utilized the littoral zone and juvenile charr the profundal, while adult trout and charr (>160 mm) were found in both. Juvenile salmon and trout had a similar diet, although trichopteran larvae were more important for the trout and chironomid pupae and three-spined sticklebacks for the salmon parr. Small salmon and trout parr (≤120 mm) had a higher diet overlap than larger parr (121–160 mm). The feeding habits of adult trout were similar to that of juvenile trout, but the former took larger prey items. At the population level, both salmon and trout were generalistic feeders with a broad diet, but at the individual level, both species had specialized on a single or a few prey categories. Juvenile charr were segregated from salmon and trout in both habitat and food utilization; they had a narrow diet consisting of chironomids and zooplankton, possibly reflecting their confinement to the profundal habitat which have a low diversity of potential prey. Larger charr also took zoobenthos and sticklebacks in the littoral zone. Note  相似文献   

Abstract –  Previous studies have offered suggestive but sometimes conflicting glimpses at the range and patterns of seasonal and interannual variation in female darter life-history traits. The present study examined clutch-size and egg-size variation from a single Mississippi population of brighteye darters (Etheostoma lynceum ), collected at regular intervals over four sequential spawning seasons. Both life-history traits were significantly correlated with body size, and they both showed significant variation within and among breeding seasons. The overall intraseasonal trends in these traits involved an increase in clutch size (CS) and a decrease in egg size from early to late periods of the spawning season. Clutch size and egg size showed a weak but significant negative correlation, which was indicative of a trade-off between the two clutch parameters. Seasonal changes in temperature appear to be related to differing patterns of seasonal variation in egg size reported in the literature for darters. Inverse seasonal shifts in egg size and CS in the brighteye darter may represent adaptive phenotypic plasticity that allows females to produce larger, competitively superior offspring early in the reproductive season when there is low supply of food for them (parental investment hypothesis) or to produce larger eggs early in the reproductive season to ensure that each egg is adequately provisioned in the face of uncertainty (bet-hedging hypothesis) if the food available for the young is unpredictable early in the season. Consistent with theoretical predictions, egg size showed less phenotypic variability than CS.  相似文献   

Adult female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were fed a commercial trout production diet until approximately 40 days prior to spawning at which time the fish were divided in two groups. One group continued to be fed while the other group was starved until spawning. Egg size, egg number, ovary weight, and egg proximate composition were examined periodically starting 5 months before spawning. Muscle tissues of the fish were sampled at spawning to measure somatic depletion of proximate consituents in the two groups. Egg hatchability was determined by incubating test lots from each spawning female. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found in egg hatchability between the fed and starved groups. Changes in proximate composition were observed in the eggs during the months prior to spawning, but no differences were detected between the eggs of the starved and the fed groups. Short-term starvation did not significantly alter the proximate composition of muscle tissue of the spawned female trout.  相似文献   

With the advent of sea cucumber aquaculture in the South Pacific region, a reliable method is needed to induce large numbers of animals to spawn in captivity. Broodstock of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra , collected from Stradbroke Island, Moreton Bay (27°90'N, 153°24'E) Australia, during the reproductive season from October to January, were used in spawning trials. During the 1997–1998 summer between one to five weeks of captivity, 100% of animals were induced to spawn in four trials at dusk on or close to a new or full moon, using nine males and nine females contained in a Reln tank and 30 cm of filtered sea water, using a 3–5 C temperature shock. H. scabra was induced to spawn in small numbers during the 1996–1997 summer despite a marked degree of weight loss, and all animals spawned during 1997–1998 with minimal loss of weight. The difference in the number of spawned eggs between animals of similar size and mean numbers of spawned eggs in consecutive trials decreased the longer animals were held in captivity before spawning. The hatch rate of eggs was reduced significantly for broodstock held for more than one month. Hatch rate and numbers of spawned eggs are important indicators of egg viability of broodstock maintained in captivity for an extended period.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This review of stream trout research literature for the 1987–2006 period covered >1300 papers dealing with 22 relevant topics, when compared with <400 papers on 18 topics in the previous one (1967–1986). The percentage of experimental approaches here quantified for both research reviews was 18% in the 1967–1976 period, increased to 21% in 1977–1986, to 39% in 1987–1996, and up to 43% in 1997–2006. Particular journals in the recent two decadal period published high percentages of experimental papers ( The Journal of Animal Ecology and Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ; 62.9% and 62.4%, respectively), others, intermediate percentages ( Nordic Journal of Fisheries Research , Transactions of the American Fisheries Society , North American Journal of Fisheries Management and Ecology of Freshwater Fish : 44.1%, 42.4%, 40.5%, and 35.6%, respectively); the remainder covered ≤33%. Research papers on stream 'trouts' published over the last two decades were classified into 22 subject areas for nine major journals separately and combined for 55 other journals. Subject areas dealing with the biology and ecology of trout redds, egg development, alevin emergence and onto fry and parr were the most heavily reported in nine major journals, as well as in all other journals combined. Habitat characteristics and cover use by trout were the next. Atlantic salmon and brown trout were the species with highest publication coverage in nearly all subject areas, with low coverage for all salvelinid (charr) species except brook charr. Research on Atlantic salmon in the UK used experimental approaches in nearly 60% of publications and in mid to high 30% for those on Atlantic salmon and brown trout in Scandinavian countries. Consideration is given to future research needs for stream trouts.  相似文献   

The widespread belief in the superior quality of highly pigmented eggs is examined by bringing together evidence concerning the effect of the carotenoid content of salmonid eggs on their viability. It is concluded that, in rainbow trout, there is not a simple linear relation between these two quantities. There is some evidence that a critical level exists (ca. 1–3 μg carotenoid/g eggs) above which hatching percentages of more than 80% may be expected but below which hatching percentages of less than 50% tend to occur. However, the evidence is not conclusive and suitable experiments under controlled conditions have not been performed. Eggs of wild fish are frequently of higher quality than eggs of farmed fish but this difference is not necessarily caused by the large difference in egg carotenoid content but rather by the generally superior nutrition of the wild fish. The effects of egg carotenoid composition, including the artificial pigmentation of eggs with dietary canthaxanthin, on egg viability are considered, and the possible functions of egg carotenoids during embryonic development are discussed. Only one such function has been conclusively demonstrated, namely that they act as a source of pigment for the chromatophores of the alevin. Analogy with other animals suggests that β-carotene, when present, may act as a precursor of vitamin A. There is growing evidence that carotenoids may perform some undefined function in respiration of egg or alevin when oxygen is deficient.  相似文献   

Abstract. The endangered Australian freshwater fish trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis (Cuvier), was the subject of a captive breeding programme to produce fry for reintroduction into the wild. Trout cod broodfish were maintained in earthen ponds for up to 5 years and underwent gonadal maturation each spring but did not spawn in the ponds. Infestations of the protozoan parasite Chilodonella hexasticha caused the death of at least 21 broodfish. Mature fish, removed from ponds when water temperatures had reached or exceeded 16°C, had a higher proportion of atretic oocytes and fewer fish spawned successfully compared to fish removed at lower temperatures. Ovulation was induced by a single injection of 1000–3000 iu/kg HCG. Between 1188 and 11338 eggs ranging from 2·5 to 3·6 mm in diameter were stripped from individual fish. Hatching commenced on days 5–9 and continued for up to 10 days (at 15·5–23°C). Larvae commenced feeding on days 21–25. Trout cod larvae were grown out to fry (363.3–48.6mm total length [TL]) in fertilized fry rearing ponds then released. Between 1986 and 1989, 8420 trout cod fry were released into several sites in the upper Murray River and upper Murrumbidgee River, and reports indicate that released fish are surviving.  相似文献   

Nomoto K, Omiya H, Sugimoto T, Akiba K, Edo K, Higashi S. Potential negative impacts of introduced rainbow trout on endangered Sakhalin taimen through redd disturbance in an agricultural stream, eastern Hokkaido.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 116–126. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Abstract –  Sakhalin taimen ( Hucho perryi ) populations have decreased in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, primarily because of overexploitation and habitat degradation. Here we document another threat to this species, that of spawning redd superimposition by artificially introduced rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). Sakhalin taimen and rainbow trout are the only spring-spawning salmonid species in Hokkaido. In 2006–2008, spawning activities of both these species were observed in a Hokkaido stream, and it was determined that their spawning periods overlapped during mid-late April. They also spawned at similar water velocities, depths and substrate compositions. Although female Sakhalin taimen were larger than female rainbow trout, their egg burial depths were nearly identical. During the observation period, rainbow trout redds were approximately five times more abundant than Sakhalin taimen redds, and about 30% of the observed Sakhalin taimen redds were superimposed by rainbow trout redds. The high degree of spatial and temporal overlap in spawning, the similar egg burial depths of both species, and the high proportion of superimposed redds suggest that the introduced rainbow trout impact the endangered Sakhalin taimen in Hokkaido, and possibly, in other areas where the two species occur together.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., fry were point and scatter stocked in the early part of June at densities of 63–263 fry 100 m−2 per species in the River Viantienjoki, a small river in northern Finland, and their population densities were assessed in late summer. Both species were always stocked together in similar quantities. Point stocking was used in the first 2 years and scatter stocking in the following 2 years. In point stocking, there was no correlation between the distance from the stocking sites (maximum = 250 m) and parr density in census sites ( r = −0.013 and 0.019 for brown trout and Atlantic salmon, respectively). The stocking density of fry did not influence parr density in August by either method or by species. Stocking density explained only from 11% to 23% of the parr survival depending on the species or stocking method. The mean densities of Atlantic salmon and brown trout parr did not differ significantly from each other at any fishing site ( P > 0.05). Both point and scatter stocking appear to be suitable methods for use in small rivers. The parr densities depend more on the other factors (e.g. habitat quality) than the stocking method, and the choice between methods could be based on the time and labour available.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of different forms and concentrations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and different enrichment times (24 and 48 h post ovulation) on egg, embryo and alevin ascorbate concentrations and survival of rainbow trout (enrichment was at the ova stage). In experiments 1 and 2, fertilized eggs were immersed in water containing ascorbate at 0 (control), 100, 1000 mg L?1 l ‐ascorbic acid (AA) and 2000 mg L?1 l ‐ascorbyl monophosphate (AP). In experiment 3, 0 (control), 500 and 1000 mg L?1 AA neutralized (N) with NaOH, 1000 mg L?1 AA non‐neutralized (NN), 1000 and 2000 mg L?1 AP immersions were used. The mean total ascorbic acid (TAA) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) concentrations were measured before fertilization, at 3 and 24 h after fertilization, at the eyed stage, and in hatched alevins. We observed significant differences in TAA concentration at different immersion levels at 3 and 24 h after fertilization. Survival decreased significantly depending on the level of vitamin C, pH of the solutions and immersion time. We suggest that when broodstock rainbow trout do not have enough vitamin C in their ovaries, immersion of eggs in 1000 mg L?1 of neutralized AA may be useful.  相似文献   

Around 500 000 brown trout, Salmo trutta L., alevins are stocked annually in the 24‐km section of the River Doubs under study. All the alevins stocked in the period 1994–1996 were identifiable by fluoromarking their otoliths with tetracycline chlorhydrate. Anglers' catches, between June 1997 and September 1998, comprised trout aged 1+ to 7+ , but most (90% +) were 2+ to 3+ or 4+ , with the majority at 2+ and 3+. There was no significant difference in the size for a given age between marked and unmarked angled trout. The contribution of stocked fish in anglers' catches was around 22% for the 1995 cohort. The contribution of stocking (cohorts 1994 to 1995–1996) to the 1998 catches was around 23% (95% confidence limits: 19–27%). The estimated recapture rate was three to four trout per 1000 alevins stocked for the 1995 cohort. The major contribution (78%) of natural recruitment to anglers' catches suggests that the fishery management based on natural recruitment is still realistic in this part of River Doubs.  相似文献   

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