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文秋生 《内陆水产》2001,26(6):19-20
南美螺学名大瓶螺,是原产南美洲亚马逊河流域的一种大型优质食用螺,其味鲜美,还是高蛋白低脂肪保健食品,素有“盘中美玉”之称。现将其生活习性及人工引种养殖技术介绍如下。1 生物学特征与生活习性1.1 形态特征南美螺属软体动物门、腹足纲。螺体由螺壳和软体组成。软体部分包括头、足、外套膜及内脏四部分。螺壳较大,为一完整的右旋形壳,壳顶略尖,体螺层很发达,头部和足部藏在其中,足的背后有厣,可完全关闭壳口。它的头部明显,前端有吻,口位于吻端腹面,有长、短两对能伸缩的触角,雄体右短触角转化为交接器官,顶端有生殖孔开…  相似文献   

2012年6月、8月、9月、11月对辽东湾海域香螺资源进行了4个航次的底拖网调查。调查发现,香螺集中出现于旅顺老铁山水道附近海域及长兴岛与葫芦岛六股河连线海域。香螺的相对生物量与底层盐度微正相关,水深显著正相关;6月、8月、9月底层温度成实负相关,11月底层温度微正相关;香螺主要分布于石砾底和砂石底海域。  相似文献   

为研究养殖皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)外壳附着牡蛎的防除方法,对比了疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)、润泽角口螺(Ceratostoma rorifluum)和甲虫螺(Cantharus cecillei)对鲍外壳表面牡蛎的防除效果。以桑沟湾筏式养殖鲍为研究对象,自7月中旬开始,每隔15 d左右分别投放3种螺到鲍养殖笼中,共投放6次,以始终未投放螺的养殖笼为对照组。结果显示,实验结束时甲虫螺组中鲍壳上平均存活牡蛎数目为(0.04±0.04)个/只,疣荔枝螺组和润泽角口螺组疣荔枝螺组分别为(2.49±0.91)个/只和(2.21±1.05)个/只,对照组为(3.33±0.46)个/只。投放3种螺组中鲍壳上存活牡蛎数均显著显著低于对照组(P<0.05),甲虫螺也显著低于其他2种螺(P<0.05)。投螺时间也会影响螺防除牡蛎污损的效果,投放时间过晚会导致螺捕食牡蛎后有明显的壳残留,牡蛎的壳高达到0.5 cm左右再投放螺即可保证防除效果。另外甲虫螺组鲍壳上死亡牡蛎残留壳长度为(0.73±0.27) cm,显著低于疣荔枝螺组...  相似文献   

测定了湖北梁子湖的铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)、长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)、中华沼螺(Parafossarulus sinensis)和耳萝卜螺(Radix auricularia)的壳形态性状和壳强度。四种螺类壳形态可量性状之间以及壳形态可量性状与壳强度之间均呈显著的正相关,且存在明显的种间差异。还探讨了螺类形态和壳强度与反捕食功能的关系。  相似文献   

隋娜  侯林  董长勇  李妍  王明昌  张筠 《水产科学》2008,27(4):199-202
利用SSR技术对香螺进行了PCR扩增,探索香螺基因组DNA的提取方法。从香螺23对近缘种引物中筛选出8对可以扩增的引物,对引物浓度、Taq酶浓度、循环次数、模板浓度等方面进行了研究,从而探索出一个适合香螺SSR分析的反应体系和反应条件并对微卫星引物通用性进行初步分析。  相似文献   

山东近海香螺资源的分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山东近海香螺的分布取决于海区底质,水温,盐度,水深四个因子,底质为泥质粉沙质和沙质粉沙质泥,水温8-20℃,盐度31.0~32.5℃,水深20~30m,为香螺的最适环境。  相似文献   

脉红螺早期发育的形态观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
潘洋  邱天龙  张涛  王平川  班绍君 《水产学报》2013,37(10):1503-1512
在实验室条件下孵化脉红螺的卵囊,观察其胚胎和浮游幼体发育过程,及脉红螺早期发育过程的形态学变化。卵囊在25 ℃时孵化时间为16 d,经过卵裂期、囊胚 期、原肠胚期、膜内担轮幼虫期,最后发育为膜内面盘幼虫,破膜而出开始浮游幼体发育阶段。脉红螺浮游幼体期按螺层、面盘形态、幼体壳型和器官可分为5个 时期,分别为1螺层期;2螺层期(初期、中期、后期);3螺层期初期;3螺层中后期;4螺层期(初期、中期、后期)。其中在2螺层后期幼体的生长速度最快,壳高平均 每天增加44.45 μm,3螺层初期幼体的生长速度最慢,壳高平均每天增加19.51 μm。脉红螺附着变态的时期是4螺层中期和后期,壳高1 250~1 500 μm,附着变 态的标志是浮游幼体壳口边缘明显加厚并向壳口外侧翻转,壳口中央突起部消失,面盘退化,足部发达并能自由伸缩。  相似文献   

蛇蝎人药“以毒攻毒”己家喻户晓,可谁曾想到形似芋艿的芋螺毒素也可入药,而且功效不亚于前者?以中科院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所戚正武院士为首的课题组,从6种南海芋螺中首次纯化并克隆得到100多种新毒素,为研发具有自主知识产权的神经性疾病新药提供了可能性。  相似文献   

为分析深圳大鹏湾和海南琼海塔形马蹄螺(Tectus pyramis)的营养成分与品质,采用国标法检测了2种塔形马蹄螺肌肉的基本营养成分、氨基酸组成、脂肪酸组成及部分矿物元素含量,氨基酸评价采用氨基酸评分、化学评分和必需氨基酸指数方法。结果显示,海南琼海捕捞的塔形马蹄螺肌肉灰分含量显著高于深圳大鹏湾海域,其他基本营养成分无显著差异(P>0.05);深圳大鹏湾和海南琼海塔形马蹄螺肌肉总氨基酸含量分别为(18.45±0.13)和(18.83±0.03) g/100g,必需氨基酸含量均高于27%,支链氨基酸含量超过13%,鲜味氨基酸含量为55%。2种塔形马蹄螺肌肉多不饱和脂肪酸含量均>48%,其中,深圳大鹏湾塔形马蹄螺亚油酸、α-亚麻酸、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量显著高于海南琼海海域,且DHA+EPA含量高达11.79%。检测的3种矿物元素中,含量最高的均是常量元素钙(Ca),微量元素铁(Fe)次之,最低的是微量元素锌(Zn),且海南琼海塔形马蹄螺肌肉的Ca和Zn含量显著高于深圳大鹏湾海域。研究表明,2种塔形马蹄螺蛋白含量高,多不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富,肌肉营养价值高,具有很大的开发潜力,研究数据为进一步开发利用岛礁海域新型螺类食品提供参考。  相似文献   

香螺雄性生殖系统的显微结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高岩  侯林 《水产科学》2004,23(1):10-13
香螺雌雄异体。雄性生殖系统由精巢和生殖导管构成,生殖导管可根据各段的形态和功能分为贮精囊、输精管和阴茎。生精小管内有处于不同发育时期的初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞。由生殖腺排入生殖导管的,不具有活动能力。输精管壁有丰富的腺细胞构成,起前列腺的作用.为精子提供营养。精于由头部和尾部构成,具有较长的中段,螺旋线粒体鞘内中央为9 2型轴丝,末段糖原颗粒包围中央轴丝。  相似文献   

Pearl oyster shell consists of two layers: a calcite prismatic layer (outer layer) and an aragonite nacreous layer (inner layer). Calcite and aragonite are CaCO3 polymorphs, and their formations are controlled by shell‐forming tissue called mantle. Pearl sacs originating in the mantle form cultured pearls. Therefore, it has been widely accepted that pearl and shell are produced by the same process. However, this idea has been called into question by some recent mineralogical studies indicating microstructural and crystal‐polymorphic diversity in pearls. The pearl biomineralization process is still not fully understood in detail. Thus, in this study, we focused on the diversity of CaCO3 polymorphism of non‐nacreous structures (NNSs) underlying the nacreous layer in pearl and regenerated shell, to reveal the biomineralization process of the Japanese pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata). Using Meigen's stain and scanning electron microscope‐energy dispersive X‐ray (SEM‐EDX), NNSs polymorphs in valuable and valueless pearls, in addition to regenerated shell, were compared. Aragonite was exclusively observed in the NNSs of valuable pearls, whereas calcite was dominant in those of valueless pearls. The same analysis of NNSs of regenerated shells was carried out. As in valueless pearls, almost all regenerated shell NNSs consisted of calcite, but one NNS was composed of aragonite. Accordingly, it seems that pearls are formed by the same biomineralization process as shell regeneration rather than shell formation.  相似文献   

通过x射线粉晶衍射(XRD)、场发射扫描电镜(FE—SEM)对不同颜色的淡水养殖珍珠的微结构进行较系统研究。结果表明,质优的珍珠其矿物相为文石,未见有方解石或球文石相,不同颜色的珍珠质层文石板片的厚度存在较大差异。质量较好的珍珠中接近珍珠核心区域存在棱柱层,该棱柱层由众多的纤维或条带状文石结晶体聚集而成,其中文石纤维或条带的定向近平行于珍珠层文石板片。此外,首次发现在淡水养殖珍珠的棱柱层中文石纤维与板片结晶体交替出现,同时初步建立了一种新的淡水养殖珍珠的内部结构模型。  相似文献   


The goals of this study were to evaluate growth, development, and calcification process of veligers of Strombus gigas grown in natural conditions in mesocosm versus laboratory conditions. In this study, larvae bred in mesocosm conditions had a good growth rate (33.3±12.40 μm.day?1) when fed with natural phytoplankton in natural flowing seawater versus a lower growth rate of 8.8±5.20 μm.day?1 for larvae reared in laboratory conditions and fed with a monoalgal diet of Nannochloropsis oculata. Physicochemical parameters did not explain the difference on larval growth in both culture systems according to the principal component analysis done. Raman microspectrometry carried out on conch larvae grown in mesocosm and lab conditions allowed us to emphasize the biosynthesis of calcium carbonate species and their structure type evolution (amorphous, aragonite, or calcite structure) as a function of the breeding time by detecting and identifying in the spectra the characteristic Raman bands of CO3 chemical groups and lattice vibrations. This analytical method seems to indicate that crystalline CaCO3 structures are not detected in the recorded spectra on larvae reared in laboratory conditions during the early stages of the shell construction of 1 to 8 days. For this reason, light and current flow have also been considered in the discussion that can help to explain the differences found in this study. Contrarily, the Raman spectra acquired on larvae grown in mesocosms exhibit characteristic bands of aragonite (CO3 double peak at 697–701 cm?1 and lattice vibrations at 170 and 220 cm?1) from the third day of breeding. The best shell growth and shell calcification pointed out in larvae grown in mesocosm compared to laboratory conditions are probably due to the nutrient amounts present in the food available in mesocosm.


2016年3月6日—5月3日,在福建省漳浦县霞美镇浮头湾外海域进行三种不同结构鲍匍匐基养殖对比试验。三种鲍匍匐基分别为扣箱式(有效匍匐面积1.072 8 m2)、双层斜板式(有效匍匐面积1.993 5 m2)和传统养殖盆(有效匍匐面积0.413 3 m2),试验对象为皱纹盘鲍杂交鲍(Haliotis discus hanai)。试验结果如下:1)扣箱式鲍壳长日增长为0.131mm,日增重为0.129 g,存活率为98.44%,饲料转化率为3.38%;2)双层斜板式鲍壳长日增长为0.098 mm,日增重为0.096 g,存活率为99.38%,饲料转化率为4.29%;3)传统养殖盆式鲍壳长日增长为0.115 mm,日增重为0.103 g,存活率为98.00%,饲料转化率为5.37%。试验设施未受到湾外海况影响破坏。结果表明扣箱式鲍匍匐基整体性能较好,基于该匍匐基的鲍养殖网箱在经济型吊杆辅助作业下具有养殖效率高、抗风浪流性好、劳动强度低、所需劳动力少等优点,适合应用于湾外养殖。  相似文献   

We evaluated recruitment of larvae of catarina scallop, Argopecten ventricosus, in the area of Puerto Peñasco, NE Gulf of California. We moored artificial collectors in six sites from June 2007 to August 2008 and replaced them every 2 months. We used monthly (July 2002–September 2011) sea surface temperature (SST, °C) and surface chlorophyll‐a concentration (SSChl, mg m?3) Aqua/MODIS satellite data to describe seasonal environmental behaviour study area. Also, we recorded bottom temperature at each site every 4 h, and every 2 months measured sea surface salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen. We used a repeated measures anova to evaluate differences in the number of recruited spat between main factors, and analysed the presence of multimodal spat shell size frequency distributions. Overall, spat recruitment was negatively correlated with seawater temperature and showed higher spat recruitment abundances throughout winter, which is the season with the highest surface chlorophyll a concentration. We estimated multimodal shell size frequency distributions characterized by more than one modal size. The natural collection of A. ventricosus spat on artificial collectors in the area can be successfully performed over a protracted period (November–December to May–June). Our results extend the area where collection of A. ventricosus spat can be successful.  相似文献   

在烟台北部沿海进行了砂海螂底播增养殖技术研究,选择风浪小、流速不大于0.1m/s的砂泥底质内湾海区。底播前应松动底表层,清除敌害。10~11月播放壳长12cm的贝苗。经约3年的生长,平均壳长达7.3cm,平均个体重50g,存活率达15%以上。  相似文献   

哈氏仿对虾卵巢发育的形态学与组织学观察   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
郑忠明 《水产学报》2002,26(2):105-110
根据哈氏仿对虾卵巢的组织学和外部形态特征,卵巢发育可分为六个时期:形成期、小生长期、大生长期前期、大生长期后期、成熟期和恢复期。卵巢发育在浙江海区一年一个周期,产卵期为5月至9月,产卵高峰期在6月至7月,为多次产卵类型。  相似文献   

Silica sand (silica), coral (aragonite), and oyster shell (calcite) were ground to similar particle sizes and placed in seawater and artificial seawater (GP2 Medium). Alkalinity and pH values of the artificial seawater decreased substantially over 24 h when in contact with coral and oyster shell; the effects in seawater were minor. Once alkalinity has been reduced, the maintenance of stable pH at values typical of seawater is made more difficult. The data, which are preliminary, have practical application.  相似文献   

In this study, predation of the trumpet shell, Charonia sp., on different invertebrate prey species, e.g. starfish, Asterina pectinifera and Asterias amurensis, abalone Haliotis discus hannai, clam Anadara broughtonii and Tapes phillipiarum, and sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus and Anthocidaris crassispina, was measured in a laboratory experiment. Each prey species was placed in a tank with a trumpet shell; prey species were not combined. Each combination of prey and trumpet shell was replicated three times. Trumpet shells did not prey on economically important shellfishes, including Anadara broughtonii, Tapes phillipiarum and Haliotis discus hannai. Sea stars were most preferred by the trumpet shell. The following preference gradient from most to least preferred was found: sea stars > sea cucumber > sea urchin. In selected situations, trumpet shells may be a means of biological control of predators of economically important shellfish.  相似文献   

为摸清黄海北部近岸海域渔业生物群落结构现状,并揭示其时空变化的主要环境驱动因子,于2021年4—11月在该海域开展了6航次底拖网及环境调查。运用丰度-生物量比较曲线、聚类分析和非度量多维标度排序等方法分析了海域渔业资源种类组成及优势度、群落多样性及年内演替;运用典范对应分析 (CCA) 探讨了群落结构时空变化与环境因子之间的关系。结果显示,调查采集到的种类共有89种,包括鱼类50种和无脊椎动物39种。鳀已成为海域主要中上层优势鱼种,大泷六线鱼、细纹狮子鱼和脊腹褐虾等冷温性种类成为季节性主要渔业生物,小黄鱼、蓝点马鲛和鲐等传统资源仍在衰退过程中。调查发现部分真鲷幼体及集群蓝圆鲹幼体,海域或有其育幼场存在。调查期间内群落大部分时间处于不稳定状态,其中4月群落显示中等干扰,5—11月群落均显示严重干扰。在所选环境因子中,海表温(SST)、海底温(SBT)、海底盐(SBS)和叶绿素(Chl.a)是导致群落结构时空变化的主要环境因子,其中SST和SBT的影响尤为显著。本研究系统阐明了黄海北部近岸海域渔业生物群落结构特征和季节性演替,为进一步了解该海域渔业生物群落结构现状及其对环境因子的响应提供了参考。  相似文献   

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