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新型风味素对养殖脊尾白虾海鲜风味的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐年军 《水产学报》2005,29(4):507-511
运用感官分析和GC/MS技术研究了两种新型海洋风味素对养殖脊尾白虾的感官特征和海鲜风味的影响,以及在暂养过程中的吸收规律。在脊尾白虾室内暂养的饲料中添加从海藻中提取的两种新型风味素DBP和TBP,经过一段时间的暂养后分别测定其体内的风味素含量,并进行感官分析,对各个实验组的明度、色调、香味、风味、异味、滋味、味觉、弹性和嫩度等感官指标进行分析比较、打分,并对虾的色泽、嗅觉、味觉、触觉等感官特征进行整体的描述与评价。结果表明:脊尾白虾能通过饲料添加的途径吸收一定浓度的风味素,两种风味素在脊尾白虾体内的累积能力各不相同。在实验条件下,脊尾白虾肉中风味素TBP的最大累积量为754.5ng·g-1,而对DBP的最大累积量为172.2ng·g-1。感官分析表明,通过在暂养过程中添加适量的风味素TBP可提高脊尾白虾的总体口感和海鲜风味。在脊尾白虾肉中的TBP含量在162.6~451.8ng·g-1时,脊尾白虾具有最好的口感和海鲜味。  相似文献   

正葫芦岛市有工厂化养殖大菱鲆面积230万m2,每天有近150万m2的养殖大菱鲆废水排放到大海.为了充分利用有限的井盐水资源,我们在2011年8月-2013年5月进行了二次利用大菱鲆废水养殖三文鱼技术研究。三文鱼的品种为三倍体海鳟,其肉质鲜美、口感颇佳,肉呈红色或橘红色,营养丰富,在我国属于高档时尚的水产品,三文鱼在我国淡水冷水资源丰富地区已有养殖,但利用淡水养殖的三文鱼在口感和鲜度上与利用海水(井盐水)养殖的三文  相似文献   

鲈鱼是人们经常食用的鱼类之一,海鲈鱼与普通的淡水鲈鱼不同,体型相对较大,有白鲈鱼和黑鲈鱼之分,它的鳞片比较长,体重大约有15千克。海鲈鱼多分布于近海、河口海水淡水交汇处,国内的海鲈鱼以东海舟山群岛、黄海胶东半岛为主,是海水养殖的重要组成部分。活鱼运输是一种复杂的技术,包括暂养、包装、装卸、运输等环节,随着人们生活水平的提高,对海鲜产品的质量要求越来越高,而目前国内对活鱼商业化运输技术的探究还不够彻底,其技术工艺整体上落后于产业发展。为了提高海鲈鱼的销售质量,必须加强商业化运输,改良原有的运输技术,为人们提供一个良好的海产品环境。基于此背景,本文对海鲈鱼商业化运输技术进行了分析,希望能为相关工作人员提供理论借鉴,为我国现代化海产事业的发展贡献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

正从5月1日开始,山东省沿海海域进入休渔期。休渔期临近,市场上的海鲜价格受到影响了吗?4月14日,从淄博海盛水产市场上了解到,受到天气变暖影响,养殖的对虾、梭子蟹、黄花鱼等供应量大增,价格变化不大。爬虾、螃蟹等野生活海鲜的价格则出现了明显的上涨趋势。从年后到现在,市场一直是贝类产品唱主  相似文献   

正东升镇位于广东省中山市西北部,濒临小榄水道,镇内河网纵横交织,淡水资源丰富,素有"鱼米之乡"的美誉,这里是著名的"中国脆肉鲩之乡"。脆肉鲩中的"脆肉"二字,顾名思义,就是口感比较脆。这样一种特殊口感的鱼,需要经过一个特殊脆化的养殖过程。东升镇为打造成美食小镇,开发了"一鱼多味"众多吃法。诸多"吃货"对东升脆肉鲩赞不绝口:鱼肉耐煮,口感特殊,还富含多  相似文献   

长茎葡萄蕨藻(CI)广泛分布于我国海南与台湾等地区,CI隶属于暖温性经济绿藻。CI由匍匐茎、假根以及直立茎三部分所构成。由于CI直立茎球状体具有晶莹水润之感,与葡萄外形较为接近,因此又称"海葡萄",在食用过程中CI口感与鱼子酱相似,一般蘸酱调味生食或搭配海鲜进行凉拌,而经研究表明CI中富含大量对人体有益的营养因子。  相似文献   

近年来,随着养殖业的发展壮大,进而也加快了兽用疫苗的发展与研究。尤其是目前所应用的动物细胞悬浮培养技术,引起了社会广泛关注。目前该类技术主要应用于各类生物制品及兽用疫苗的研究和生产过程中,通过这种技术可以大大降低兽用疫苗的研究成本,因此以生物反应器技术为基础的细胞悬浮培养技术平台日趋成熟,从而能够有效的推动疫苗的发展与生产。主要介绍了细胞悬浮培养技术以及该技术在兽用疫苗生产过程中的应用。  相似文献   

草鱼脆化养殖,主要是通过改变草鱼的食物结构使其肉质变脆。脆化后的草鱼称"脆肉鲩"(两广地区将草鱼称为鲩鱼),其肉质紧硬而爽脆,不易煮碎,即使切成鱼片、鱼丝后也不易断碎,肉味反而会更加鲜美而独特,从而能满足消费者的特殊口感要求,提高了草鱼的市场竞争力和养殖效益。脆肉鲩则是草鱼在一定的环境条件下用天然植物蚕豆饲养出来的优质鱼类。脆肉鲩原产于中山市长江  相似文献   

正据了解,受休渔期影响,目前市场上部分新鲜的海捕鱼的价格有所上涨,而冷冻海鲜和各类人工养殖海产品的价格则相对平稳。此外,作为海鱼的替代产品,近期市场上淡水鱼价格也一直高位坚挺。目前市场新鲜大鲅鱼价格一般在36~44元/千克,新鲜海捕大牙鲆价格在80~90元/千  相似文献   

李明爽 《中国水产》2016,(10):78-78
正印度联邦商务部长Nirmala Sitaraman日前表示,在海鲜行业占据重要地位的日本和韩国都对投资印度海鲜产品行业表示了兴趣。在上周五举行的第20届印度国际海鲜节开幕式上,Nirmala Sitaraman邀请了日本和韩国的  相似文献   

Food labels help consumers choose products in line with their food attitudes and preferences. As the market for farmed seafood grows, it is important for producers to meet consumer demand for credence characteristics like safety, nutrition, origin, and sustainability. Consumer preferences for credence characteristics are heterogeneous, and stakeholders in the farmed seafood industry can look to both agriculture and marine labels when they seek ways of positioning their products. In this article, we conduct a review of consumer studies related to mandatory and voluntary labels used for farmed seafood. In most developed countries, mandatory seafood labels include information about species, farmed or wild, and area of origin. Voluntary labels include information regarding sustainability, organic production, animal welfare, traceability, and safety. We point to emerging research topics and possibilities. Challenges related to the labeling of farmed seafood are also discussed.  相似文献   

主要介绍了海洋捕捞业专家系统的结构、特点和功能,分为4部分:海洋渔业资源系统,海洋捕捞生产系统,海洋捕捞管理服务系统和海洋捕捞辅助系统。每个部分又分为相应的子系统,它们相互结合、相互作用,并结合一些实际情况对主要的3个子系统进行了初步的预报、检验和评估,得出建立海洋捕捞业专家系统的可行性和重要性,同时对今后研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

Processing feasibility for the canning of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) was investigated using a scale up production system. In comparing two production procedures, the results of several batch studies showed that 33% white meat was recovered by a manual process (3 lb/min production reate), whereas, only 19% white meat was obtained using Baader 181 & 50 filleting and skinning machines (10 lb/min production rate), respectively. Canned mackerel was compared to canned tuna and both were judged slightly to moderately desirable in taste panels. the model systems studied here demonstrated that an acceptable canned product was produced utilizing this vast marine resource. Mackerel packed in water was significantly higher in overall scores than mackerel in soy oil, but only slightly higher than tuna control.  相似文献   

Drying is a traditional and important seafood processing technology. Lipid oxidation is one concern during the processing and storage of dried seafood products. Various factors including pretreatment, drying method, and storage conditions can have an impact on the oxidative stability of dried seafood products. Influence of these factors on the oxidative stability of dried seafood products as well as the possible mechanisms are reviewed. This review could serve as a reference for the production and research of dried seafood products.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   During the processing of mackerel narezushi , the fish body was strongly dehydrated by permeation of salt, the low pH of fish meat, and pressure applied to the fish and rice mixture. In the proximate components, moisture, protein and lipid flowed out from the fish meat into the rice mixture, and sugar permeated from the rice mixture into the fish meat. That the total amount of outflow was larger than that of permeation into the fish is thought to contribute to the decrease in fish body weight during processing. In the extractive components, although the nucleotides completely decomposed, free amino acids and peptides increased remarkably because of the decomposition of proteins in fish meat during processing. Especially, six kinds of free amino acid, Glu, Asp, Gly, Ala, Leu, and Ile, which are thought to be the taste components in marine resources, increased. Organic acid increased remarkably because of the fermentation of rice and permeation into the fish meat. The marked increase of the extractive components is thought to contribute to the umami taste and the sour taste of narezushi .  相似文献   

Sustainability issues are becoming increasingly important in Western food consumption. This research aims at identifying ways to increase the market share of sustainable fish from aquaculture by analyzing consumer awareness and preferences for sustainable aquaculture products and by drawing conclusions on improving communication in the German market. An integrative research approach was used: it began with an inventory of sustainable seafood products on the German market, followed by qualitative and quantitative consumer research, and ending with a stakeholder workshop, which reflected on the research outcome with practitioners. Sustainability and country of origin proved to be of minor relevance to the vast majority of the consumers interviewed. Indeed, attributes such as freshness, taste, and price frequently ranked higher. Like most of the other consumers, the small consumer segment that is generally interested in sustainability issues of food also often lacks knowledge of fish farming and its products. Consequently, communication of sustainability in aquaculture is challenging, and the development of this market requires concerted actions along the whole value chain, with the retail sector as the main actor.  相似文献   

Artificial reefs may provide a useful tool to enhance production of marine ornamentals and to divert detrimental harvesting activities from sensitive natural habitat. The efficacy of this strategy depends, in part, on the extent to which artificial reefs contribute to new production (vs. attract fishes from natural habitat) and therefore benefit harvested populations on a local and regional basis. Here the attraction and production hypotheses and their application to marine ornamentals are presented. Specifically, it is discussed how the strength and timing of density dependence can affect the response of fish population dynamics to artificial reefs. In addition to this discussion, examples of density dependence in marine ornamentals and related reef fishes are provided. Based on this information, a simple conceptual model is presented to clarify the role of density dependence, and this is followed by a discussion on the use of artificial reefs in the management and production of marine ornamentals. Finally, unresolved scientific issues that remain to be addressed are provided.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类不同部位肉的化学组成有较大差异,为了更深入地探究青鱼背肉、腹肉和尾肉风味差异,研究了青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceu)不同部位(背肉、腹肉、尾肉)之间风味成分的异同,比较了青鱼3种部位肉水溶性滋味物质及挥发性成分的差异,为青鱼的水产加工工艺方法及加工装备研制等提供参考。使用高效液相技术和氨基酸分析仪研究了青鱼不同部位肉水溶性滋味物质,并采用电子舌技术对青鱼不同部位肉进行区别分析,使用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)研究比较了青鱼不同部位肉的挥发性成分。结果显示:电子舌分析可以有效区分青鱼背肉、腹肉与尾肉之间的差别。青鱼3个部位肉滋味成分差异显著,青鱼腹肉总游离氨基酸含量显著高于背肉,而尾肉含量最低。K值一般用来评价水产品的新鲜度,定义为HxR(次黄嘌呤核苷)和Hx(次黄嘌呤)占ATP(三磷酸腺苷)所有关联化合物总量的百分含量,背肉的K值为5.01%,显著低于腹肉(10.04%)和尾肉(12.87%),说明利用K值比较鱼肉鲜度应注明取样部位。鱼肉EUC值结果表明腹肉呈味优于背肉,背肉优于尾肉。对青鱼肉气味贡献较大的物质有己醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、壬醛、正己醇、庚醛、(E)-2-辛烯醛、戊醛等。青鱼3个部位肉水溶性滋味成分差异显著,挥发性成分也有些许差异。青鱼腹肉与背肉风味优于尾肉,在研究青鱼风味与新鲜度时应注意区分青鱼背肉、腹肉与尾肉。  相似文献   

为探明不同乳酸菌对发酵草鱼微生物数量和理化性质的影响,进一步提高发酵鱼制品的品质,实验对草鱼背部肌肉经不同乳酸菌(植物乳杆菌、戊糖片球菌和副干酪乳杆菌)发酵后制品的微生物数量、pH、总酸、水分含量、白度、氨基酸态氮、硫代巴比妥酸和挥发性盐基氮等进行分析,探究不同乳酸菌在草鱼发酵过程中(0~15d)对其品质的影响.结果显...  相似文献   

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