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洪心 《中国水产》2012,440(7):66-68
对虾养殖是海水养殖的一大产业,人工培育苗种是该产业的主要环节。长期以来人工育苗所需亲虾主要采捕于自然海区,由于对虾具有独特的生殖系统和生殖行为,雄虾在雌虾产卵前就已将精荚输入雌虾交接器内,在其产卵时释放出精子。因此,为了提高亲虾使用率和解决亲虾运输受伤或脱壳引起的受精困难问题,台湾的林明男、丁云源等及国内有关单位开展对虾精荚移植技术研究,并将移植技术运用于对虾杂交育种方面。本文就对虾人工移植精荚技术在对虾育苗生产中应用进行试验,使有限亲虾资源得到充分利用和保护,从而降低育苗成本、提高孵化率,达到增产目的。现就试验结果报告于下。  相似文献   

中国台湾省将天然的或人工养殖的雌斑节对虾切除一侧眼柄,诱导其卵巢成熟,然后将雄性斑节对虾的精(竹3夹)移植到蜕皮后尚处于柔软状态下的雌虾的纳精囊中。结果发现,当向雌虾纳精囊中移植两个精(竹夹)时,雌虾第一次产卵平均孵化率为82.35%,第二次产卵的平均孵化率为39.11%。当向雌虾的纳精囊中移植一个精(竹夹)时,两次产卵的平均孵化率分别为71.87%和13.17%。从这一事实可以看出产卵亲虾可多次产卵。另外对不移植精(竹夹)的雌虾在产卵前向水  相似文献   

斑节对虾亲虾催熟培育技术的高低直接影响亲虾产卵质量、幼体的发育以及育苗的成败。目前,斑节对虾全人工育苗还未有生产性突破,亲虾来源主要从东南亚高价进口,部分从海南收购。人工催熟方法主要采用加热摄子单侧切除眼柄方法,除去X器官,减少性腺抑制激素产生而加速卵黄的形成。亲虾的催熟培育是使切除眼柄后的亲虾在最适水  相似文献   

斑节对虾为我省主要养殖虾类,在南方俗称“草虾”,以个体大、壳薄、含肉率高、生长周期短(特别是在有淡水水源的地区)、耐高温和广盐性,具有高于其它对虾类的经济效益,深受广大虾农的喜爱。随着草虾虾苗需求量的增长,近年来虾苗市场出现供不应求的现象,致使苗价大幅度的升高。虾苗缺乏的主要原因:一是因水质日渐恶化,影响到育苗的成功率;二是亲虾人工催产技术尚不完善,母虾的产卵率一般仅为总数的1/3。若能解决好亲虾的人工催产,就可以大大提高亲虾的利用率。 1.亲虾的来源 本省草虾工厂化人工育苗所用的亲虾大部分是由国外空运而来,经检疫后运回育苗  相似文献   

今年9月初,厦门水产学院海渔系斑节对虾科研课题组,用人工饲养成熟的斑节对虾做为亲虾,培育出虾苗(仔二代).获得全人工育苗成功. 这个课题的研究工作是从1983年开始的.当时他们将从海区捕来的20尾体长10-15厘米的斑节对虾成虾,放在海水试验场的水泥池内饲养,对其进行生长发育的生态条件、饵料需求、防病、诱导性腺成熟产卵及人工育苗等方面的实验研究.至1984年8月有1尾成熟亲虾  相似文献   

日前,广东省海洋与渔业局组织专家对水科院南海所的“斑节对虾全人工繁育技术”成果进行了鉴定。该技术经过多年的系统研究,取得4个方面的创新性成果。一是在亲虾全人工培育方面,研制出提高斑节对虾性腺成熟、产卵量和孵化率的营养强化剂,建立了斑节对虾亲虾全人工培育技术;  相似文献   

<正> 中国对虾人工越冬一般是指人工养成的对虾在人为控制下,提供与越冬场相似的条件,使雌虾交尾成活,保持精荚性腺发育直至产卵. 人工越冬在对虾育苗生产中的意义不但有利于对虾自然资源的保护,也为没有自然亲虾资源的地区(例如浙江、福建等省)解决了亲虾来源,而且由于人工养成的对虾量多而集中,亲虾的选留余地大,在人工控制条  相似文献   

中国对虾雄性生殖系统感染WSSV在其垂直传播中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过人工感染实验,对中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)雄性亲虾进行投喂感染。在确定其携带WSSV粒子后,将被WSSV感染的精荚人工移植到健康的雌虾纳精囊内。在无其他病源的情况下,促其产卵繁殖,统计各组子代的受精率、孵化率及无节幼体至溞状幼体的变态率贸?式PCR技术对亲虾及子代进行WSSV检测。结果表明,受WSSV感染的精荚能够把病毒传播给健康雌虾,雌虾能产出携带WSSV的卵子,培育出带毒幼体。各组子代的受精率、孵化率及变态率的统计结果表明,感染组和对照组在受精率上没有明显区别,受WSSV感染的精卵细胞可以正常结合。对照组受精卵的孵化率明显高于感染组,差异显著(P=0.045<0.05)。对照组无节幼体的变态率也高于感染组。说明WSSV的入侵对受精卵及幼体的发育有影响,WSSV感染导致部分受精卵及幼体不能正常发育或死亡。  相似文献   

中国对虾工厂化育苗过程包括幼体培育、饵料、水质、防病治病、日常管理等几个主要内容。为使工厂化育苗工作日趋合理、完善,效益不断提高。我们将工厂化育苗的有关技术知识进行介绍: 一、亲虾1.产卵前人工越冬亲虾的处理人工越冬亲虾可以在人为控制下按我们所要求的  相似文献   

为了适应沿海经济发展的需要,加快海涂开发步伐,省科委安排了对虾亲虾越冬培育、对虾苗期幼体微粒饵料、对虾产品系列加工和河蟹人工育苗、精养高产配套技术的重点攻关项目。由于科技人员的共同努力和各级领导的大力支持,取得了突破性进展。我省首次开展的对虾亲虾越冬培育试验,初战告捷,实现了亲虾越冬、产卵、育  相似文献   

对虾人工授精有精荚移植和人工体外授精两种途径。本文主要介绍人工获取精荚、精荚移植以及人工体外授精方法、存在问题和国内外的研究现状。  相似文献   

To develop an appropriate cryopreservation protocol for spermatophores of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, three cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), methanol (MeOH) and ethylene glycol (EG)) at two concentrations (5% and 10%) were examined. Artificial implantation of spermatophores was also carried out to assess the fertilizing ability of fresh and post‐thaw spermatophores. Spermatophores were collected during consecutive regenerations (15‐day intervals) and assessed for qualitative and quantitative changes and also for fertilizing ability by implantation. The mean fertilization rate for artificial insemination using post‐thaw spermatophore was 79.9±3.7%, lower than the fertilization rates observed for artificial implantation using fresh spermatophore and natural mating. Mean hatch rates for fresh spermatophore, frozen‐thawed spermatophore and natural mating were 88.8±0.6%, 87.8±0.4% and 88.3±0.5%, respectively; and there was no difference among the three groups. The mean fertilization rate of spermatophores collected during the first stripping was higher (90.6±0.6) than during the second stripping (85.7±2.6), but the mean hatch rate was not different between the two strippings. The highest mean sperm viability (79.7±0.4%) was obtained from DMSO (5%), with no survival observed in the 10% MeOH treatment. Spermatophore weight, total sperm count and percentage of abnormal sperm were not different between spermatophores collected at the first and second stripping. This is the first study to report high fertilization and hatch rates from cryopreserved spermatophore using artificial implantation of spermatophore before spawning.  相似文献   

宋海棠 《水产学报》2006,30(3):367-370
在常规的精荚移植和输精管移植两种中国对虾人工授精方法的基础上,首次建立了精荚切块移植和精液移植两种新的人工授精方法,并对比了4种方法的授精成功率、受精率和幼体的孵化率。4种方法都取得了较好的授精成功率,其中完整精荚移植法最高,为80.8%;输精管移植法最低,为53.3%;其他两种方法依次为:精液移植法为73.9%,精荚切块移植法为66%。对4种人工授精方法的平均受精率进行单因素方差分析,结果表明:4种方法的平均受精率不存在显著差异(P〉0.05),其中完整精荚移植法66.2%,输精管移植法为66.8%,精荚切块移植法65.4%,精液移植法46.8%。4种方法获得的幼体平均孵化率均很高,都在80%以上,单因素方差分析结果表明,4种方法也不存在显著差异(P〉0.05),其中精液移植法最高,为92.7%;精荚切块移植法最低,为84.5%;其他两种方法依次为:输精管移植法为91.3%,完整精荚移植法为88.2%。通过4种人工授精方法,获得了29个半同胞家系,全同胞家系的总量达到了101个,为以后的选择育种工作打下了基础。  相似文献   

Intensive Culture Potential of Penaeus vannamei   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tank and pond rearing studies were conducted to assess the potential for intensive culture of Penaeus vannamei in South Carolina. Postlarvae were stocked in intensive nursery tanks at 500/ m2. Growth and survival were compared for shrimp reared in control fiberglass tanks and in tanks with artificial substrates (fiberglass screen). Addition of substrate improved survival (82% versus 58%), but not growth. Juvenile shrimp (mean weight, 1.3 g) from the nursery trial were stocked into 6 m diameter tanks at densities of 10, 20 and 40/m2. Growth rate was inversely related to stocking density, with mean sizes of 33.9, 32.5, and 26.7 g attained at the low, medium, and high densities respectively after 168 days. At harvest, standing crop biomass averaged 225.6, 442.0, and 685.4 g/m2 for the three densities. To further test the intensive culture potential, two 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with hatchery-reared postlarvae at densities of approximately 40 and 45/m2. The ponds were managed intensively using paddlewheel aerators and water exchange averaging 16–17%/day. The ponds were harvested after 138 and 169 days and yielded 6,010 kg/ha of 16.7 g (mean weight) shrimp and 7,503 kg/ha of 17.9 g shrimp, respectively. Average production was 6,757 kg/ha with a food conversion of 2.51. These data suggest good potential for intensive pond culture of P. vannamei in South Carolina and other areas of the continental United States.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Controlled reproduction of penaeid shrimp requires a better utilization of males by sperm quality monitoring and sperm quality improvement. Spermatophores of white shrimp Penaeus vannamei were improved, in terms of increased sperm count, spermatophore weight, and a reduced incidence of sperm abnormalities by a single injection of 17α-methyltestosterone at 0.01 or 0.1 μg/g body weight. 17α-hydroxyprogesterone did not induce a significant improvement in spermatophore quality. These findings indicate that a steroid injection program should be evaluated as a practical way of improving spermatophore quality in commercial operations.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study was conducted to determine the effect of water temperature on male reproductive tract degenerative syndrome (MRTDS) and male reproductive system melanization (MRSM) in Penaeus setiferus , and to evaluate the effect of water temperature on spermatophore regeneration time and sperm quality in electrically ejaculated adult males. Variation in sperm quality, gonadosomatic index, and histological changes in the reproductive system were used to assess reproductive tract changes in the first experiment. Sperm quality and regeneration time were measured before and after successive regenerations in the second experiment. Sperm quality was stable when shrimp were held at 26 C for 30 d but was reduced when shrimp were held at 30 C. Reproductive tissues of 20% of the shrimp held at 30 C were melanized to some degree but tissue melanization was found in only 2.5% of the shrimp held at 26 C. Spennatophore regeneration time was also affected by temperature. Average times for first spermatophore regeneration were 192 h at 25 C, 152 h at 30 C, and 144 h at 33 C. Sperm quality of regenerated shrimp was not affected at 25 C but was reduced for regenerated animals held at 33 C. Based on these results, we recommend a water temperature between 25 and 27 C to obtain adequate spermatophore regeneration and to maintain healthy male P. setiferus broodstock for at least 30 d.  相似文献   

Sperm quality, as determined by visual examination and by reaction with “egg-water” was not significantly different (P > 0.05) for sperm obtained by electro-ejaculation from ablated or non-ablated pond-reared Penaeus monodon. Nor was sperm quality different between pond-reared and wild-caught prawns. Normal sperm, determined by appearance, ranged from 17.1 to 21.0%, while reactive sperm ranged from 1.5 to 3.0%. There were, however, significant correlations (P < 0.01) between spermatophore weight and prawn weight (r= 0.73, N= 434). Male prawns weighing 4150 g produced on average spermatophores weighing 22.7 mg and containing 0.8 million sperm, while prawns weighing 61-90 g produced on average spermatophores weighing 56.6 mg with 2.5 million sperm. Ablation did not increase spermatophore size or sperm quality, although it significantly increased mortality of ablated males. Male prawns could be re-ejaculated at about weekly intervals with no change in sperm quality. Wild-caught female prawns artificially inseminated with spermatophores from electro-ejaculated males produced normal spawns with 51% average egg fertilization, and 41% nauplii hatch success. Nauplii hatch success following spawning increased from >60% for newly inseminated females to near zero after 30 days post-insemination, indicating spermatophore depletion and/or deteriorated sperm quality during spermatophore storage in the thelycum. The findings of the present study indicate that electro-ejaculation and artificial insemination are relatively simple and practical methods for improving captive reproduction performance of closed-thelycum prawns such as P. monodon, and that pond-reared and wild-caught males produced sperm of similar quality.  相似文献   

Growth performance data on Penaeus semisulcatus under semi-intensive pond culture conditions were collected in Israel between 1985 and 1987. In 1985, shrimp growth, from PL to 21.5 g, was accomplished in separate nursery and grow-out phases. Pond production during the grow-out phase was 3,000 and 3,943 kg/ha, and mean weight was 21.5 g. Shipments to Europe revealed a need to produce larger shrimp to maximize revenues. Any increase in individual shrimp weight at harvest would require new management practices. Juvenile shrimp (3.4 to 6.3 g) were held during the winter of 1986 in open ponds and restocked in grow-out ponds in the spring of 1987. Shrimp survival during overwintering was 12 and 15%. A maximum mean shrimp weight of 25.6 g and a maximum pond production of 7,451 kg/ha were obtained in 1987 using this strategy. It is possible that comparable pond production results and shrimp weight, but with higher overall shrimp survival, could be obtained by headstarting shrimp in greenhouses. Two major problems that need to be solved before commercial shrimp culture can succeed in Israel are the formulation of a locally produced feed and the out-of-season induced maturation and spawning of P. scmisulcarus .  相似文献   

鹰爪虾与中国对虾雌虾纳精囊的形态结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴长功 《水产学报》1999,23(3):223-228
使用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜对鹰爪虾与中国对虾雌虾纳精囊的形态结构进行研究。结果表明,鹰爪虾与中国对虾都具有封闭式纳精囊,鹰爪虾纳精囊表面被前两片甲壳板所覆盖,两板中间为一开口,交配后被胶体物质堵塞,纳精囊中部为单一的囊腔,囊腔向后部两侧延伸形成两个袋状的囊,为贮存精子囊的部位,中国对虾的精囊内为单一的囊腔,外面覆盖有两片圆型,左右对称的甲壳质薄片,囊腔内部由前向后伸出三个锥状的甲壳质突起,交配的雌虾  相似文献   

北方地区日本对育苗技术的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国北方地区日本对虾育苗生产存在的问题,对亲虾利用率,幼体引进,幼体培育等有技术进步全全面探讨,专家鉴定认为,硒成果达国内领先水平。  相似文献   

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