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南海北部湾2012年捕捞产量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海北部湾是广西、广东和海南三省区渔民的传统重要渔场之一,准确掌握北部湾捕捞产量对于搞好北部湾渔业生产管理意义重大。文章采用2012年南海捕捞信息动态采集网络的广西渔船生产数据,参考广西相关渔业调查资料,分别推算2012年广西拖网、围网、刺网、钓具、定置网和其他杂渔具在北部湾的捕捞产量,统计广西全年在北部湾的捕捞产量为39.2×10^4t,进而推算中国渔船2012年在北部湾的产量为65.7×10^4t。在此基础上,再采用相关文献中有关越南渔船在北部湾的产量,估算2012年北部湾的捕捞产量约为85.7×10^4t。  相似文献   

北部湾二长棘犁齿鲷的时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)作为北部湾主要经济鱼类之一,长久以来受过度捕捞的影响,其资源量发生较大波动,将对渔业生产和种群结构有较大影响。文章根据2014年~2015年近海渔业资源调查资料,应用生物量和个体数单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)综合分析该鱼种资源的季节变化和空间分布。结果表明该鱼种广泛分布于北部湾中国管辖海域内,四季的出现率均在86%以上。生物量和个体数CPUE有明显的季节变化,均表现为最高值在夏季(平均值分别为7.3 kg·h~(-1)和240.83尾·h~(-1)),而冬季最低(平均值分别为1.76 kg·h~(-1)和21.94尾·h~(-1))。从空间分布看,生物量和个体数CPUE高值区主要分布于北部湾20°N以北海域,而低值区则处于海南岛西部海域。近年来在该海域实施的资源养护措施已取得初步成效,相比于20世纪90年代,二长棘犁齿鲷的资源量有所恢复。但二长棘犁齿鲷生物学特征分析结果表明,体长200 mm或体质量80 g以上的群体比重总体偏低,种群低龄化和小型化问题仍较为严峻,需采取新的管理措施(增大最小网目和开捕体长),以降低捕捞强度,改善种群结构。  相似文献   

为弥补采样过程中可能存在的缺陷,进而获得更加合理的渔业资源密度分布情况,本研究将空间插值方法与渔业声学技术相结合,利用Echoview渔业声学数据处理系统(Version 6.1)对2014年7月至8月间的北部湾渔业声学调查数据进行预分析,再对实际探测数据进行反距离权重插值(IDW)、普通克里格插值(OK)、简单克里格插值(SK)。通过计算对比几种插值模型的决定系数(R~2)、平均误差(ME)、均方根误差(RMSE)等,筛选最优插值模型。结果表明,鱼类密度总体分布较均匀,相对集中的区域较少,分别在中东部沿岸区域、中越共同渔区中西部区域和北部远岸海域,而在中南部远岸海域分布稀少;比较3种插值参数发现,R~2和RMSE显示的优劣顺序相似,OKSKIDW,ME显示的优劣顺序为OKIDWSK,说明在该区域进行的渔业声学资源密度评估中,普通克里格插值(OK)能够更好的预测北部湾海域的资源密度分布情况。  相似文献   

Growth overfishing in the brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, fishery in inshore (estuarine) and offshore (Gulf of Mexico) territorial waters of Texas and Louisiana, and adjoining waters of the United States’ (U.S.) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and its potentially detrimental economic consequences to the harvesting sector, have not been among major concerns of Federal and State shrimp management agencies. Three possible reasons include (1) environmentally influenced variations in recruitment that cause wide fluctuations in annual landings, which tend to obscure effects of fishing, (2) competition between inshore and offshore components of the harvesting sector, and (3) partitioning of management jurisdiction among a Federal council and two State agencies. Wide variations in landings led to beliefs that high levels of fishing mortality were tolerable and recruitment overfishing was of no major concern. This encouraged somewhat laissez-faire management approaches that allowed fishing effort to increase over the years.Our objectives were to determine whether growth overfishing occurred in this fishery during 1960–2006, and whether and how decreases in size of shrimp within the landings, in response to increases in fishing effort, affected inflation-adjusted annual (calendar year) ex-vessel value of the landings, i.e., their value to the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing occurred in the early 1990s, and then abated as fishing effort declined due to rising fuel costs and competition from imported shrimp. However, inflation-adjusted annual ex-vessel value of the landings peaked in 1985, prior to growth overfishing.Management actions implemented in 2001 for Texas’ territorial waters, and in the EEZ off Texas and Louisiana in 2006, should limit future fleet expansion and increases in fishing effort, thereby reducing the chances of growth overfishing and its potentially detrimental economic impacts on the harvesting sector. Growth overfishing should be included among the guidelines for future management of this brown shrimp fishery.  相似文献   

In open access marine fisheries, the non-targeted catches in the form of juveniles are detrimental, as this would reduce future yield and subsequent recruitment to the fishery. The proliferating impact of juvenile fishing is much more intense in a multi-gear multi-species fishery like Indian marine fisheries, where intra- and inter-sectoral conflicts exist. Marine fishing in India is contributing significantly to the country's economic growth and the coastal livelihood security. Although the recent changes in the techno-harvesting pattern of inshore fisheries of the country has led to a remarkable increase in fish landings, the problem of by-catch and targeted juvenile fishing is ever increasing. The present analysis shows that the contribution in the form of annual average profit by various craft–gear combinations is often not sufficient to compensate the overall loss generated by the same to the fishery through the harvest of juvenile fishes. Even though the fishermen gain some transient economic incentives from the juveniles landed, the estimated economic loss calculated was at about US$ 19,445 million year−1 from the mechanised as well as motorised sector. Both intergenerational and conventional discounting was applied to show the net present value (NPV) of future loss due to juvenile fishing. Some of the less capital intensive gears also substantially contribute towards the economic deficit caused by juvenile fishing. We suggest that, while considering the ecosystem impacts of accidental by-catch and intentional juvenile fishing, the economic impacts also should be taken into account prior to formulating any management measures. The study provides an insight to the cost of juvenile fishing in a multi-species multi-gear fishery, where a homogeneous management system is ineffective. The possible causes of increased growth overfishing in the country and subsequent economic loss to the industry are also discussed.  相似文献   


This study evaluates the impacts of mesh size of the net, fishing depth and season on the catches of target, non-target and discarded species for short mackerel Rastrelliger brachysoma gillnet fishery in the vicinity of Pattani Bay, Gulf of Thailand. The catches were examined for species composition, catch efficiency and size of catch. Samples were obtained monthly from February 2019 to February 2020 at three fishing depths (2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 m) using gillnets with three different mesh sizes (3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 cm). Including the target species, 112 species were collected, the majority of which were non-targeted fishes and crustaceans. The target species, Rastrelliger brachysoma, contributed only 6.0% by number and 8.76% by weight to the total catches. The 111 non-target species were classified into five categories based on potential sale prices. A total of 18 species, equivalent to 3.04% by weight of the total catches, were considered to be of negligible value and discarded or sold for the production of fish meal. Temporal variability was observed for number of individuals and biomass of total catches; the compositions of the catches clustered to two distinct seasons from December to March and from April to November, respectively. Spatial variability in this study focused on the depth profile which was found to significantly influence species richness and sizes of some fish species. For 12 species, mesh sizes of the gillnets significantly affected the number of individuals caught, as well as their weight and sizes. The novel findings of this study provide essential information that can be used for the sustainable management of the Rastrelliger brachysoma fishery in the Gulf of Thailand.


本文基于抽样调查获得的2014全年江苏省沿海刺网渔船的生产数据,对江苏刺网不同马力渔船生产习惯,包括时间和空间上的选择特征,进行了初步研究。分析结果发现,不同马力渔船生产时间有一定差别,多数渔船主要生产时间均在伏季休渔结束后;小马力渔船不仅伏休后出航率较高,年底出航也保持较高水平。江苏刺网渔业整体生产有明显的季节特征,年初1—3月出航船数处于全年最低水平;清明节后、伏休前4—5月,出现一个生产小高潮;休渔结束后出航船数为全年最高水平。不同马力渔船空间分布不同,小马力渔船外海水域分布相对较少,随着马力增大渔船生产水域往外海和往北方向水域生产的可能性更大。不同月份渔船空间分布不同,1—3月生产处于偏北、偏近海水域; 4—5月生产偏向外海,相对前期南北方向变化不大、仍处于偏北水域; 8―9月偏近海和北部水域; 10—12月向南和外海移动进行生产。另外分析渔船的生产能力与马力之间的关系发现,渔船马力大小与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)之间存在着正相关关系,关系式为CPUE=5.3428e~((0.0062′Power)),该结果可以为江苏刺网渔船捕捞强度的评估提供重要参考。最后基于研究结果,针对刺网渔船时间和空间上的生产特征提出了相应管理建议。  相似文献   

自然环境变动对北部湾渔业资源的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
根据1949~1985年广西渔获量、捕捞努力量,以及降雨、风速和盐度等统计资料,分析了自然环境的变动对广西渔获量年际变化的影响,由于捕捞努力量的难以转换性,采取以时间系列代替捕捞努力量的变动,并建立了渔获量对时间序列和环境变量的回归模型,以此来反映北部湾渔业资源的变动情况。分析结果表明,渔获量波动与时间序列显著相关,还与广东沿岸平均降雨量、北部湾沿岸平均降雨量、涠洲岛盐度以及香港季候风等环境因素显著相关。包含时间序列和环境变量的渔获量模型的回归系数为0·93,其置信水平达到99%以上。研究的结果说明,除捕捞因素外,环境因素的变动对北部湾渔业资源的波动有显著的影响。  相似文献   

南海南部拖网渔场开发现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海南部拖网渔场是我国拖网渔船在南海南部海域的最主要作业渔场,该渔场的开发为保证中越北部湾渔业合作协定顺利实施、拓展南海外海渔业生存空间、开发南海渔业资源及维护国家在南海的主权和海洋权益做出了巨大贡献。本文分析南海南部拖网渔场开发现状、存在问题、开发价值和潜力,探讨进一步推进渔场开发,加强我方对该渔场的有效管控的方法和途径。  相似文献   

Between 1991 and 2000, angling associations on the tributaries of the River Hvítá leased net fishery rights in the Hvítá mainstem, with the aim of eliminating net fishery harvest and improving the rod catch. The rod catch and net catch in the Hvítá system were significantly correlated (r = 0.94; P < 0.001) over the 10‐year period prior to (1981–1990) closure of the net fishery. The rod fishery in the tributaries of the River Hvítá was also significantly correlated to the rod fishery in selected groups of rivers in west (r = 0.80; P < 0.01) and north (r = 0.73; P < 0.05) before the closure. Significant increases (P < 0.01) were observed in rod catches in the Hvítá tributaries between 1991 and 2000 after the closure, while rod catches in control regions decreased. Based on evaluation of rod catch trends before and after the closure, it was estimated that the net fishery lease increased rod catches in the tributaries between 1773 and 2175 fish (28–35%). The increase in rod catches also suggested that the rod fishery may be taking 39–52% of the estimated previous net catch. The high price paid annually for the net fishery lease just to eliminate net fishing (€135 000) reflects the high value of rod caught salmon compared with salmon caught by the net fishery.  相似文献   

Abstract Temporal variation in production of the Chrysophrys auratus (Forster) fishery of Northern Spencer Gulf, South Australia, between 1984 and 2009 was investigated using commercial fishery statistics and estimates of age and size structures from market sampling. Fishery production was divisible into two periods, i.e. from 1984 to early 2000s and the middle to late 2000s. During the former, cycles in production were relatable to variable fishable biomass. Age structures that displayed considerable differences in age class strength reflected interannual variation in juvenile recruitment, which resulted in high variability in the strength of year classes entering the fishery. Periodic strong year classes were the major influence on fishable biomass as they passed through the population over numerous years. For the latter period, fishery statistics were conflicting as catches and effort were relatively low, whilst the estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) were consistently high. These statistics reflect a considerable change to the structure of the fishery that involved a reduction in number of fishers and fishing effort. The fishery statistics may indicate hyperstability, with CPUE estimates remaining high despite declining biomass because of the aggregative behaviour of the fish and the efficiency of remaining fishers.  相似文献   

我国近海渔业资源可持续产出基础研究的热点问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近海具有极其重要的生态服务功能,是众多渔业生物的关键栖息地和优良渔场,支撑着近海渔业资源的补充和可持续生产。在我国,近海渔业提供90%以上的海洋捕捞产量,是我国优质蛋白的重要来源。目前,因过度捕捞直接造成的资源量骤减、及大规模围填海工程、陆源污染和海水养殖等高强度人类活动的加剧,近海资源和环境问题日益凸显,如:富营养化导致的赤潮、水母暴发等生态灾害,湿地减少引起产卵场、育幼场碎片化或功能消失等,使得近海渔业资源的补充和可持续性严重受损。渔业资源的补充过程是海洋生物、物理作用耦合的过程,依赖复杂多样的环境驱动因子来调节和维系可持续渔业生产。而渔业种群早期生活史阶段是其生命中最脆弱、对栖息环境变化的敏感性最强的阶段,小规模环境变化也可能会对其资源补充过程产生剧烈影响。因此,渔业种群早期生活史的关键生境(产卵场、育幼场等)和过程(繁殖发育、存活生长等)对环境变化的响应机制及其资源效应的研究成为海洋生态系统演变和生物资源可持续产出前沿领域的重点和热点。作者在综合国内外相关研究动态和我国近海渔业生态系统存在的突出问题的基础上,展望并分析了关键栖息地的形成和变迁过程与机理、关键资源补充过程与机制、渔业种群对生境变化的适应性响应以及资源效应的综合评估与模型分析等研究热点,期待为我国该研究领域的发展起抛砖引玉之用。  相似文献   

  1. Reef fish biomass is increasingly recognized as a key indicator of fishery and biodiversity status linked to ecosystem integrity on coral reefs, and yet the evaluation of appropriate baselines for biomass, and what drives variation in potential baselines, is sparse.
  2. Variability in reef fishable biomass was assessed to test for the existence of baselines or benchmarks (B&Bs), based on field studies of 223 reef sites in remote uninhabited reefs, in high-compliance closures of >5 km2, and among the increasing number of small and recent closures.
  3. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of human habitation, travel time and distance to cities, habitat, depth, benthic cover, and environmental variables on fish B&Bs.
  4. There were large differences in the three categories of ‘no fishing’, with human habitation being the single best predictor of biomass. In remote areas without people (>9 hours of travel time), fish biomass had a mean of 2,450 kg ha–1 (95% confidence interval, 95% CI, 2,130–2,770 kg ha–1; median = 1,885 kg ha–1).
  5. In these remote areas, biomass was weakly associated with human travel time to the site and, to a lesser extent, wave energy. In high-compliance closures, fish biomass peaked at 20 years and 5–10 km2, and levelled at 910 kg ha–1 (95% CI 823–989 kg ha–1) for both closure age and size. There was little evidence that human travel time and environmental factors influenced biomass greatly in these established closures. In small and recent closures (<15 years), habitat, depth and closure age were the best predictors of fish biomass.
  6. Based on the weakness of environmental factors, country or site-specific B&Bs are not required in these two provinces. However, human habitation in the seascape as well as the size and age of closures set limits to the maximum achievable biomass. The importance of environmental factors increases as the no-fishing areas and closure times decline. Reef wilderness is not widespread in these provinces, but provides key services and therefore needs to be included in conservation and fisheries policy and management goals.

Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing is a major problem in many of the world's fisheries. The stocks most severely impacted centre on those characterised by high economic value, such as abalone, as well as long lived and slow growing species such as Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). Effective management of these stocks as well as assessment of the impacts of IUU fishing on the resources is impeded by the technical difficulties associated with determining the magnitude of the IUU catches. The South African abalone Haliotis midae fishery rates as an extreme example of extraordinarily high levels of illegal and unreported (IU) catch. To assess the level and trends in IU catches, we used a combination of approaches that included collation of confiscation records from law enforcement, development of a novel index (the confiscations per unit policing effort—CPUPE), estimation of illegal catches using a spatial and age-structured assessment model, and cross-checking of model outputs through comparison with trade data on abalone imports in destination countries. The model-predicted 2008 IU estimate was 860 tonnes, more than 10 times the total allowable catch (TAC) for that year, and implied that, on average, 14% of all IU catches are confiscated. Associated management responses included the listing of H. midae on Appendix III of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), and a temporary closure of the commercial fishery. We summarise both technical and management lessons to be learnt from this integrated approach to assess and verify the magnitude of IU fishing.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, recreational fishing has become a mass hobby in Italy, reaching a large number of people, who, using modern equipment, increased their harvesting capacity, provoking serious conflicts with the professional fisheries. Recreational fishing is strictly regulated inside Italian Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and is generally allocated to local residents, mainly to reduce the tensions caused by limitations of access to the resources. The aim of this study was to provide an analysis of recreational fishing activities within the Portofino MPA (Mediterranean Sea), to assess the possible impact on the local fish stocks and to plan potential management actions. Furthermore, some serious inconsistencies on the minimum lengths of fish caught as defined by law relative to the minimum size of first reproduction are discussed. Since 2014, all anglers exploiting the Portofino MPA have been obliged to fill out a logbook. The compilation of these was not completely satisfactory, when compared with a group of reliable anglers whose catches were accurately monitored, but allowed for estimated yields of about 24 kg/angler/yr. After 15 years of protection, the fish biomass has increased within the Portofino MPA, generating a positive spillover effect. At the same time, it has attracted many anglers whose gross harvesting was estimated at about 8 t/year, representing about the 8% of the total yield of the local small‐scale fishery.  相似文献   

Illex argentinus, the Argentine short-finned squid, is an important species within the Patagonian shelf ecosystem, where it supports a major multi-national fishery. The fishing fleet operating in this region is comprised of jigging vessels which attract squid using powerful incandescent lights. These fishing lights are detectable in remotely sensed satellite imagery which makes the fishery unusually amenable to a large-scale analysis of its spatial dynamics. In this paper, long-term inter-annual variability in fleet distribution and extent is examined using imagery from the Defence Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) for the period 1993–2005. The fishery was found to occupy a wide area across the shelf and slope, with regions of consistent fishing activity observed on the high seas (45–47°S) and to the north of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). Distribution of the fishery over the 13-year study period was variable, with 28% of the fished area occupied in 1–2 years, and 7% of the area occupied in 12–13 years. Annual catch levels were positively associated with the extent of the area occupied by the fleet. Higher catches corresponded to the fishery occupying a wide latitudinal range, whereas lower catches were observed during 2004 and 2005 corresponding to a contraction of the fishery away from the south of its range. In years of very high catches, fishing took place along almost the entire latitudinal range of the species. Due to the intensity of fishing, changes in the distribution of the fleet can reflect shifts in the distribution of I. argentinus; this has potential for the long-term monitoring of this highly variable squid fishery.  相似文献   

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