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通过实验室培养观察,发现Ulva linza的生活史包括单性生殖、无性生殖和有性生殖三种方式.单株培养时,发现有些配子体通过放散两鞭毛的配子完成单性生殖;有些孢子体通过放散两鞭毛或四鞭毛的中性游孢子进行无性生殖.同时,有性生殖则由配子体和孢子体相互交替完成;多株培养时,雌雄异体的配子体成熟后,分别放散两鞭毛的雌雄配子,雌雄配子接合成合子,合子进一步发育成孢子体,孢子体成熟后放散四鞭毛的游孢子,游孢子运动一段时间后固着,随后发育成配子体.Ulva linza的生活史是单倍的配子体与二倍的孢子体相互交替的同形世代交替.在Ulva linza的生活史中,无性生殖和单性生殖占有优势.因为不论是在无性生殖过程中的游孢子还是单性生殖过程中的配子,一经附着即可生长,无须经过有性生殖雌雄配子的接合过程,这就缩短了繁殖周期,加之配子囊和孢子囊放散配子和孢子的数量很大,在海况条件适宜的情况下,使Ulva linza大量繁殖,从而可能成为"绿潮"的成因之一.  相似文献   

长石莼(缘管浒苔)生活史的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
摘要: 通过实验室培养观察,发现缘管浒苔的生活史包括单性生殖、无性生殖和有性生殖三种方式。单株培养时,发现有些配子体通过放散两鞭毛的配子完成单性生殖;有些孢子体通过放散两鞭毛或四鞭毛的中性游孢子进行无性生殖。同时,有性生殖则由配子体和孢子体相互交替完成;多株培养时,雌雄异体的配子体成熟后,分别放散两鞭毛的雌雄配子,雌雄配子接合成合子,合子进一步发育成孢子体,孢子体成熟后放散四鞭毛的游孢子,游孢子运动一段时间后固着,随后发育成配子体。缘管浒苔的生活史是单倍的配子体与二倍的孢子体相互交替的同形世代交替。在缘管浒苔的生活史中,无性生殖和单性生殖占有优势。因为不论是在无性生殖过程中的游孢子还是单性生殖过程中的配子,一经附着即可生长,无须经过有性生殖雌雄配子的接合过程,这就缩短了繁殖周期,加之配子囊和孢子囊放散配子和孢子的数量很大,在海况条件适宜的情况下,使缘管浒苔大量繁殖,从而可能成为“绿潮”的成因之一。  相似文献   

海带是一种具有明显世代交替的两年生褐藻,它的生活史有无性世代的孢子体和有性世代的配子体两个阶段。孢子体世代的核相是2n,配子体世代的核相是n。在孢子体和配子体的世代交替过程中,伴随着发生核相的交替。  相似文献   

冈村枝管藻中性游孢子的发育过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在国内首次观察描述了冈村枝管藻生活史中由多室孢子囊释放出的中性游孢子的发育变化和各时期的形态特征。成熟的冈村枝管藻孢子体上存在多室孢子囊,由多室孢子囊释放出的中性游孢子附着后直接萌发为盘状体,1周左右盘状体的周边长出许多同化丝和无色毛丝体,在同化丝逐渐成熟的过程中伴随着毛丝体的脱落或萎缩死亡,盘状体即发育成孢子体。通过人为控制条件,在室内对多室孢子囊枝进行连续数月的培养和观察,发现由中性游孢子发育而来的孢子体长到1~2mm即成熟,在同化丝顶部形成多室孢子囊进入下一轮循环。由多室孢子囊释放出的中性游孢子是人工育苗生产过程中苗种的主要来源。  相似文献   

1978年8月28日,从墨西哥下加利福尼亚州圣托马斯(Santo Tomas)藻场,采到成熟的巨藻孢子叶数十片,另有幼藻48棵。将孢子叶和幼藻运到恩塞纳达(Ensenada),并在当天晚上采孢子,获得一批胚孢子和配子体。将其中30棵幼藻和配子体,分两批用低温水运的方法,从恩塞纳达启运,分别经9天与8天运到青岛,幼藻和配子体全部成活。运抵青岛后,将幼藻移植在浮筏上和海底浮绳上培养至1979年的7月,体长达11米以上。配子体置于室内培养,培养液用消毒、过滤后的海水,并添加营养盐:N 4 ppm,P 0.4 ppm,Fe 0.04 ppm以及一些海泥浸出液。培养水温为7—13℃。培养用海水每隔3天更换一次。光照强度为500—2000米烛,以8L/16D 为一光照周期。配子体于室内培养13天,配子体性细胞成熟,71天后,幼孢子体个体长度一般为0.1—0.5厘米,大者1.0厘米。将这些幼孢子体移到海上用浮筏培育。在浮筏上培育60天后,藻体长度已达10厘米左右。在直径0.5厘米、长度12米的红棕绳上,共培育出巨藻幼苗10万余棵。  相似文献   

浒苔亦称“苔条”、“苔菜”,绿藻纲,石莼科。藻体鲜绿色,由单层细胞组成,围成管状或粘连为带状。单条或分支,丛生,主枝明显,分枝细长,高可达1 r m,,基部由假根丝组成盘状固着器附着在岩石上,生长在中潮带滩涂。无性或有性生殖,配子可营养性生殖,生活史为孢子体和配子体同形世代交替。浒苔植物体非常纤细,肉眼看去呈绿色细丝状,由多细胞构成,外形与海边常见的孔石莼幼体相似,不同的是浒苔具有许多分枝,而孔石莼的幼苗呈条带状,在解剖镜下观察可发现,浒苔藻体内带有许多气囊。  相似文献   

海带是一种具有明显世代交替的两年生褐藻,它的生活史有无性世代的孢子体和有性世代的配子体两个阶段。孢子体世代的核相是2n,配子体世代的核相是n。在孢子体和配子体的世代交替过程中,伴随着发生核相的交替。这里所说的核相交替,很重要的一点是染色体数目的交替。上述记载,早为人们所知,但是海带的染色体数目到底是多少?这却是一直未能解决的问题,而这个问题的解决,对海带遗传育种工作,尤其是将来将近代遗传工程技术应用在海带育种上,有着十分重要的意义。本文  相似文献   

本文报道了裙带菜幼孢子体的营养细胞2n配子体的产生过程及其发育特点、性分化、发育成熟时间,进行了2n配子体间及与正常配子体的杂交,培育出3n、4n幼孢子体。测定了不同倍性幼孢子体的生长。观察到3n幼孢子体的染色体数为90。  相似文献   

为了能够节约制冷成本,合理延长种海带在海上的预留时间,系统研究了不同温度(20、21、22、23、24℃)和培养时间(4、8、12、16 d)对两个海带品系("205"和"C033")孢子放散能力及胚孢子萌发率、受精率、雌配子体发育和幼孢子体生长的影响。结果显示,当海水温度达到24℃时,孢子囊几乎丧失了放散能力,20–23℃的游孢子放散量差别不显著。在相同温度下,孢子囊培养时间为12、16 d的胚孢子萌发率大于4、8 d;同时,孢子囊培养16 d的雌配子体和幼孢子体具有最小值。在相同培养时间下,23℃(或24℃)的雌配子体和幼孢子体远远小于20–22℃的。相关性分析表明,海带雌配子体大小与幼孢子体大小具有显著正相关性(P0.01)。结果显示,当温度达到23℃或培养时间达到16 d时,海带孢子囊受到了胁迫,不利于雌配子体的发育和幼孢子体的生长。温度对孢子囊的作用更迅速,而时间对孢子囊的作用较为缓慢,可能是一种累积效应。  相似文献   

为了能够节约制冷成本,合理延长种海带在海上的预留时间,系统研究了不同温度(20、21、22、23、24℃)和培养时间(4、8、12、16d)对两个海带品系(“205”和“C033”)孢子放散能力及胚孢子萌发率、受精率、雌配子体发育和幼孢子体生长的影响.结果显示,当海水温度达到24℃时,孢子囊几乎丧失了放散能力,20-23℃的游孢子放散量差别不显著.在相同温度下,孢子囊培养时间为12、16d的胚孢子萌发率大于4、8d;同时,孢子囊培养16d的雌配子体和幼孢子体具有最小值.在相同培养时间下,23℃(或24℃)的雌配子体和幼孢子体远远小于20-22℃的.相关性分析表明,海带雌配子体大小与幼孢子体大小具有显著正相关性(P<0.01).结果显示,当温度达到23℃或培养时间达到16d时,海带孢子囊受到了胁迫,不利于雌配子体的发育和幼孢子体的生长.温度对孢子囊的作用更迅速,而时间对孢子囊的作用较为缓慢,可能是一种累积效应.  相似文献   

对有分枝长石莼(缘管浒苔)的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
报道了有分枝的和气囊状的长石莼。在山东、江苏和浙江等地分别采集到了有分枝的长石莼,对有分枝的长石莼进行研究表明,分枝有两种情况:一种是真分枝,另一种是假分枝。同时研究了有分枝的长石莼的生活史,与无分枝长石莼的生活史相同,其生活史亦是单倍的配子体与二倍的孢子体相互交替的同形世代交替。在2008年度暴发的绿潮中采到了气囊状且具分枝的类似长石莼藻体,气囊状的结构可以使此类长石莼漂浮在海面生长。漂浮的绿潮藻成为生殖细胞的附着基质,大量的生殖细胞在囊状藻体上附着生长,可能成为黄海海域漂浮海藻泛滥的原因之一。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The effects caused by suspended particles in seawater and sediment cover of the substrate on the attachment to the substrate of zoospores, and on the subsequent growth and survival of gametophytes of the brown alga Eisenia bicyclis were examined in the laboratory. The attachment rate to the substrate of the zoospores was remarkably reduced by the sediment cover on the substrate, and it decreased to 3.8% of the no-sediment control by a slight sediment cover of 3.0 mg/cm2 (0.048 mm in thickness). The growth of gametophytes was not inhibited at 10 mg/cm2 or less of sediment cover, though it was stopped at 30 mg/cm2. The survival rate of gametophytes became 39.4% at 5 mg/cm2 on the substrate, and gametophytes were all blighted at 30 mg/cm2. The ratio of male to female of the surviving gametophytes became 81.5:18.5, when the sediment cover was 10 mg/cm2. The rate of total loss ( TL [%]) of zoospores and gametophytes of Eisenia bicyclis was obtained from the following equation: TL  = 100 (1 − exp[−0.0339  C ] exp[−1.24  Q ]), where, C (mg/L) and Q (mg/cm2) indicate the concentration of suspended particles in seawater and the sediment on the substrate, respectively.  相似文献   

用日本长海带雌性克隆与海杂海带雄性克隆杂交获得优势苗种LJ组合,它对双亲孢子体表现出明显的杂种优势,与对照组相比,其长度、宽度、株鲜重、株干重均表现出明显的优势,并且生长均匀、变异程度小,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

The demand for high‐yield cultivars of Saccharina japonica in farming areas calls for a practical and simple method to select desired parental plants for seed breeding. In this study, we evaluated PSII photosynthetic performance by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence and the nutrient uptake rate in both the micro‐gametophyte and macro‐young‐sporophyte in five native strains (S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5) of S. japonica with different morphological characteristics. We found significant differences in PSII photosynthetic parameters and nitrate uptake rates between the strains studied in both gametophytes and young sporophytes. Female gametophytes of all strains presented larger cell sizes than males (P < 0.05). Among all tested strains, S2 presented the largest cell sizes and highest levels of PSII photosynthetic parameters and nutrient uptake rates in female gametophytes and young sporophytes. In open sea cultivation, S2 presented the greatest width and largest fresh weight values but the lowest thickness among all strains studied. Correlation analysis further indicated that the algal fresh weight showed strong positive relationships with cell size (R2 > 0.747), the PSII photosynthetic parameters of female gametophytes (R2 > 0.689) and the nitrate uptake rate of young sporophytes (R2 = 0.640). These findings are considered promising for the future seed breeding of renewable, high‐yield strains.  相似文献   

In northern Japan, the early production of high-quality specimens of kelps Undaria pinnatifida prior to the outbreak of pinhole disease is needed. To address this need, we tested the effect of nitrate fertilization of gametophytes on the growth and maturation of sporophytes using experimental and control gametophytes derived from sporophytes cultivated in Matsushima Bay, northern Honshu, Japan. From mid-August to October 2008, experimental gametophytes were cultured on a rope indoors at a nitrate concentration of 1 mg/L at the optimal seawater temperature of 20 °C, whereas control gametophytes were cultured without the addition of nitrate in normal seawater at an average temperature of 23.5 °C during this period in the past 30 years. Next, the seedlings were cultivated in Matsushima Bay until March 2009. For the experimental kelps, the total length, stipe length, stipe width, sporophyll length, sporophyll width, and dry weight of the blade, midrib, and sporophyll increased significantly from December to January compared to those of control kelps. Matured sporophylls of the experimental kelps were more than those of the control kelps from early December to late January. Significant higher photosynthesis occurred at seawater temperatures of 10 and 15 °C, as well as higher uptake rates of NO3–N of the experimental kelps in December and January. These results show that nitrate fertilization of the gametophytes makes it possible to harvest the high-priced blade, midrib, and sporophyll in January, which is earlier than the traditional harvest date.  相似文献   

本文报道了4-碘苯氧乙酸(4-IPOAA)在海带夏苗培育中应用的试验结果。4-IPOAA对海带配子体和幼孢子体的生长发育有着明显的影响,高剂量的4-IPOAA(500mg/L)对配子体的发育有明显的抑制作用;解除4-IPOAA对配子体的抑制,配子体在短期内即能正常排卵、排精并受精形成孢子体;低浓度的4-IPOAA(25mg/L以下)能促进幼孢子体的生长。这项试验结果表明,有可能利用4-IPOAA对配子体的抑制特性,来改进目前所采用的低温、自然光条件下培育海带夏苗的工艺。作者建议把海带夏苗培育工艺改为以下步骤:(1)在常温下采苗;(2)在18℃以下水温条件下培育配子体;(3)在配子体成熟前用4-IPOAA处理,使其停止发育,在较高水温(20℃左右)条件下静水培养被抑制的配子体;(4)在计划夏苗出库前40—50天,解除4-IPOAA对配子体的抑制,恢复最适条件下流水培育;(5)肉眼见苗后及时下海暂养。  相似文献   

Juvenile sporophytes and gametophytes of Ecklonia stolonifera were incubated in combinations of three pCO2 levels (360, 720 and 980 ppmv) and two temperatures (10 and 15°C for sporophytes; 15 and 20°C for gametophytes) to examine potential effects of climate change on photosynthesis and growth. Sporophytes had significantly higher maximum quantum yields (Fv/Fm) and maximum relative electron transport rates (rETRmax) at 720 ppmv than 360 and 980 ppmv. Also, these parameters were significantly lower at higher temperature of 15°C than at 10°C. Growth of female gametophytes was maximal at 360 ppmv rather than enriched pCO2 levels. Female gametophytes had significantly lower growth at higher temperature of 20°C than at 15°C. These results indicate effects of elevated pCO2 varied between generations: stimulating sporophytic photosynthesis and inhibiting gametophytic growth. Ocean acidification and warming would constitute a grave threat to seedling cultivation of E. stolonifera caused by growth inhibition of gametophytes at high pCO2 levels and temperatures.  相似文献   

The dietary value of juvenile stages (gametophyte and juvenile sporophyte) of the brown macroalga Eisenia bicyclis for post-larval and juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor of 2.0–6.5 mm in shell length (SL) was examined and compared with that of a benthic diatom, Nitzschia sp., in laboratory experiments. Most abalone actively fed on these diets, but there were large variations in the growth rate among the diets and among the growth stages of abalone. Growth rates of abalone fed on Nitzschia sp. were highly variable within each growth stage, but showed no clear differences among growth stages. In contrast, in abalone fed gametophytes or juvenile sporophytes, growth rates linearly increased as abalone grew. Growth rates of >60 μm SL/day were observed in juveniles of >3 mm SL fed gametophytes, and juveniles of >5 mm SL fed juvenile sporophytes. These results indicate that the dietary value of the juvenile stages of E. bicyclis for the abalone changes as they grow, and with growth juvenile abalone begin to efficiently utilize gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes in that order.  相似文献   

Currently, there is increasing demand for brown kelp, especially Macrocystis spp., to support the development of the abalone industry and for use as raw material for the production of alginate. Thus, there is a need to supplement the naturally available kelp biomass with the development of mariculture techniques. In this study, we investigated whether it was possible to cultivate Macrocystis pyrifera sporophytes in the laboratory using gametophyte clones. We propagated gametophytes by periodic fragmentation and then mixed aseptically an equal number of male and female gametophytes to induce fertilization. Approximately 60 days after fertilization, numerous embryonic sporophytes emerged on the seed fibre. By using chlorophyll fluorescence technology, we investigated variation in the photosystem II (PSII) characteristics of M. pyrifera during development from the gametophyte to juvenile sporophyte stage. During this growth period, both the optimal (Fv/Fm) and effective (YII) PSII quantum yields increased significantly from the haploid gametophyte to diploid sporophyte stages. In addition, by comparing female gametophytes with male gametophytes, we found that female gametophytes were not only larger and more pigmented than the males, but also recorded higher values of Fv/Fm and YII. Our results supplemented information on the life cycle and PSII photosynthetic performance during the early development and confirmed the possibility of artificial seeding technology, both of which may contribute to mariculture of M. pyrifera in China in the near future.  相似文献   

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