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本文对1999年以来闽南、台湾浅滩渔场实施拖网伏季休渔在缓解海洋捕捞对渔业资源的压力,提高渔 业经济效益和改善海洋渔业生态环境等方面进行了初步分析,肯定了闽南、台湾浅滩渔场伏季休渔取得的成就。  相似文献   

中国拥有种类繁多的鱼类,外形是其分类的重要依据。但目前主要采用人工识别方法进行分类,为解决鱼类人工识别存在的问题,提出一种基于深度学习的鱼类智能识别系统的设计,以实现对中国1 400种鱼类的智能识别。系统首先采用卷积神经网络的Efficient模型,将含有1 400种鱼类,50万张鱼类图片的数据集进行训练,最终得到的模型识别精度达到了95%,单张图片识别时间仅为0.2 s,模型大小为74.5 MB。系统前端使用微信小程序,后端采用Spring+SpringMVC+Mybatis的SSM架构,调用训练好的模型文件进行识别,实现了鱼类识别、页面呈现、统计分析和相邻种类推荐等功能。该系统所提出的设计和实现方法对鱼类智能识别技术在移动端的应用提供了一种可行的思路,对海洋科研人员和开发人员有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

苏北浅滩生态监控区大型底栖生物分布特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首次报道了江苏省苏北浅滩生态监控区邻近海域大型底栖生物的种类组成以及数量分布规律,调查结果表明,苏北浅滩生态监控区共鉴定出大型底栖生物105种,其中软体动物、甲壳动物和鱼类是构成该区域大型底栖生物的主要类群,三者约占总种数的93.33%.底栖生物年平均生物量为0.3285 g·m -2,夏季高于春季;平均栖息密度0.5460 ind·m -2,也是夏季高于春季,生物量和栖息密度组成均以软体动物和甲壳动物占优势,北部海域生物量高于南部海域.按照生态特征调查海域的底栖生物可以分为5个群落,各群落有自己的优势种.  相似文献   

采用超声波法、煮沸法和微波法3种方法分别对塔玛亚历山大藻、环状异帽藻和角毛藻进行细胞破碎及快速制备基因组DNA的研究。通过细胞计数和DNA浓度测定的手段对三种方法进行了比较,以选择适合不同藻种的细胞破碎方法。结果表明,塔玛亚历山大藻和环状异帽藻用超声波法破碎效果较好;角毛藻用微波法较好。对用该三种方法制备的基因组DNA做了PCR扩增,电泳检测表明,与CTAB法扩增效果一样。本文建立的微藻DNA快速制备方法有望应用在赤潮藻类的快速分子鉴定方面。  相似文献   

通过对河沟养殖情况的调查分析,结合河沟生态特点,认为可将河沟划分为宽浅型和窄深型两种类型,浅滩面积占40%以上的宽浅型河沟养殖河蟹效果较佳,应侧重养蟹;浅滩面积低于40%的窄深型河沟养殖河蟹则不理想,应侧重养鱼.  相似文献   

<正>为进一步提高淡水小龙虾的养殖效益,我们在2009年科技入户工作中对淡水小龙虾养殖池塘全面进行了生态环境改进和设置,取得了可喜的效益。现总结如下。1.设置深沟和浅滩根据池塘大小,在池塘中设置成多条环沟和多幅浅滩相隔的形式,便于淡水小龙虾  相似文献   

陆锦天 《科学养鱼》1988,(2):F003-F003
青虾是一种喜栖息于水丛生的浅滩或缓流处的淡水虾。活动于春夏秋三季它具有食性杂,生长快、繁殖力强和脱壳的特点。一般养几个月就可上市。  相似文献   

闽南地区灯光围网夏汛渔获量预报的一种新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以闽南、台湾浅滩渔场中上层鱼类群聚资源的变动趋势为依据,建立了闽南地区灯光围网夏汛(6~9月)单位日渔获量与前三年夏汛(6~9月)单位日渔获量的平均值的一元回归方程,预报复汛单位日渔获量。并以此推算汛总渔获量和单位汛渔获量的预报值。该预报可比1982年和1989年报道的两种预报法提前3~4个月发布。在1992~1995年的现场预报,准确率在76.70~99.85,平均90.85%。  相似文献   

1.生活习性: 青虾是一种喜栖息于水草丛生的浅滩或缓流处的淡水虾。活动于春夏秋三季。它具有食性杂、生长快、繁殖力强和脱壳的特点,一般养几个月就可上市。  相似文献   

苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟地形对鱼类分布格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟海域地形特征对鱼类群落分布格局的影响,根据2011年5月(春)和2010年11月(秋)在苏北浅滩中部海域渔业资源调查的资料,采用方差贡献和回归分析的方法,通过对中部海域沙脊潮沟处鱼类生物学特征、资源密度、优势种相对重要性指数以及优势种对鱼类总数量的贡献的分析,讨论苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟地形对鱼类分布格局的影响。结果显示,鱼类空间分布差异与潮沟系统的地形地貌有关,春季潮沟外侧海域是小黄鱼、鰐等洄游性鱼类的渔场,潮沟海域是洄游性鰐和方氏锦鰑的渔场位置,沙脊海域是赤鼻棱鰒等非洄游性鱼的渔场。秋季鱼类空间分布仅与潮沟系统沙脊地形相关,沙脊海域主要是大银鱼的索饵场和越冬场。鱼类数量季节变化还与鱼类产卵洄游和生长相关。春季重量密度(16.08 kg/km2)大于秋季(10.74 kg/km2),而秋季尾数密度(16.3×103尾/km2)大于春季(5.36×103尾/km2)。春季鱼类规格较大,与部分成鱼具有到这一海域进行产卵洄游的习性有关,而秋季同种鱼则以幼体居多,且优势种个体小,与秋季部分鱼类幼鱼在此处索饵和育幼有关。总体上,苏北浅滩沙脊潮沟海域特有地形,使得这一海域春季是鱼类的产卵场,夏秋季是育幼场,因而在渔业上具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Historic deforestation has deprived many river systems of their natural wood loadings. To study the effects of the loss of wood from waterways, a field trial was conducted in three small forested streams in New Zealand. The objectives were to (i) examine differences in fish assemblages among wooded pools (where wood provided cover), open pools and riffles and (ii) measure the effects of wood removal on channel morphology and fish assemblages. In the first part of the study, no significant differences were found in total fish density among the three habitats. However, total fish biomass was significantly higher in wooded pools (64% of total fish biomass) compared with open pools and riffles. Mean density and biomass of banded kokopu (Galaxias fasciatus) and mean biomass of longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) were highest in wooded pools, whereas the density and biomass of bluegill bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi) and torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) were highest in riffles. In the second part of the study, wood was removed from a 200‐m section (treatment) in each stream, significantly reducing pool area and increasing the proportion of channel area and length in riffles. At the habitat scale, banded kokopu and large longfin eel were the two species mostly affected by wood removal. At the reach scale, banded kokopu biomass was significantly lower in the treatment sections. Although wooded pools were a small portion of total habitat, they provided important habitat for two of New Zealand's larger native fish taxa.  相似文献   

The occurrence and density of ≥ 1+ brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and their relationship with prevailing instream and catchment characteristics were studied in 50 small forest streams, partially dredged for forest ditching. The occurrence of trout at a stream site was largely determined by the abundance of pools, size of upper catchment and water pH. Moreover, at sites where trout occurred, the abundance of pools was lower at dredged locations than at those in a natural state. In riffles in a natural state, there was a positive relationship between trout density and three instream variables: the abundance of stream pools, cascades and instream vegetation, while an inverse relationship was found with the abundance of substratum of 2–10 cm in diameter. Of the catchment variables, correspondingly, the proportion of forest in the upper catchment was positively related and the proportion of peatland negatively related to trout density. No significant regression model could be fitted for dredged riffles. The possibility of enhancing trout populations in dredged riffles is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Habitat selection of the pike gudgeon Pseudogobio esocinus esocinus (Cyprinidae) was examined in the Nakagawa River in northern Kyushu, Japan. The study area was 80 m long with two meanders comprising three riffles and two pools, located 20 km upstream from the river mouth. The pike gudgeon were visually counted underwater. Larvae and juveniles were observed in the shallow and slow-flowing water near the shores. Simultaneously, young and adult individuals were observed to inhabit the river bed. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to estimate the microhabitat selections of the larvae, juveniles and other individuals by using four variables (water depth, current velocity, particle size of substrate and amount of organic matter). The larvae and juveniles inhabited the shallow (<30 cm) and slow-flowing waters (<6.5 cm/s) near the shore; habitat selection was independent of particle size of the substrate and the amount of organic matter present. Young and adult individuals inhabited the river bed independent of the four variables.  相似文献   

  • 1. This study describes the use of colour aerial photography and Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) multispectral imagery (420–1050 nm) to map gravel‐bed river habitats important to sustaining river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) — an aquatic species with high conservation interest in Europe. The accuracy of the remote sensing approach was assessed by comparing the output from automated mapping of physical habitat features using image analysis and GIS and habitat maps derived from field survey.
  • 2. Unsupervised classification of the aerial photography and ATM imagery mapped hydraulic habitat such as pools and riffles with overall accuracies of 57% and 65.5% respectively. Submerged sand and silt deposits, which are important to river lamprey ammocoetes could not be identified on the imagery by simple unsupervised or supervised classification. They could be mapped indirectly, however, by association between their presence and morphological attributes such as backwaters and embayments in the bank profile detectable on the imagery. Remotely determining the likely presence and location of lamprey ammocoete habitat can be useful in planning detailed electrofishing campaigns to estimate lamprey densities, to assess conservation status and any change over time, and to determine the need for restoration strategies.
  • 3. The results suggest that on rivers wider than 20 m without a continuous wooded riparian fringe, and where there is good quality imagery, it is possible to automate mapping of physical habitat features important to many river species with high nature conservation interest. As a result organizations charged with monitoring and conserving river species should consider investing in airborne imagery covering river systems of high conservation value.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract– In late summer and fall, radio-tagged adult Sacramento pikeminnow ( Ptychocheilus grandis ) at three sites in the Eel River of northwestern California moved more at night than during the day. Fish moved up to 535 m at night and returned to their original positions the following morning. Adult Sacramento pikeminnow at all sites occupied only pools during the day, but at one site moved through high gradient riffles and occupied fast water habitats at night. Adult Sacramento pikeminnow at the upstream limit of their range in one Eel River tributary moved downstream up to 23 km during the winter and tended to return to their original position the following spring, where they remained through the summer. Fish radio tagged at downstream sites exhibited more variable behavior, moving 2-92 km over >393 days. Our observations suggest that the most appropriate scale of consideration for attempts to manage this species or estimate population size includes entire river drainages.  相似文献   

长江具备丰富的水资源和电力资源,近年来河网闸坝、水电等水利设施被大量建设,导致了连通性下降,从而带来一系列的生态环境问题,评估长江流域河-库连通性具有重要意义。本研究选择长江流域高坝大库(金沙江下游)、低坝枢纽(汉江中下游)和山区小水电(景谷)三种河-库连通类型进行研究。首先概化典型研究区河-库连通的水文网络模型,并将水电站、过渡区、河流汇聚点、闸坝作为重要的网络节点。然后基于网络的水文连通功能、生态环境功能和社会贡献功能构建水文网络连通评估指标体系,利用熵权模糊综合评估方法对典型河-库进行分析。结果表明,高坝大库和低坝枢纽连通性为四级(差),山区小水电连通性为五级(极差)。并基于评估结果,对不同类型的河-库系统给出改善连通性的针对性建议。  相似文献   

Hydroelectricity is increasingly used worldwide as a source of renewable energy, and many mountain ranges have dozens or hundreds of hydropower plants, with many more being under construction or planned. Although the ecological impacts of large dams are relatively well known, the effects of small hydropower plants and their weirs have been much less investigated. We studied the effects of water diversion of small hydropower plants on fish assemblages in the upper Ter river basin (Catalonia, NE Spain), which has headwater reaches with good water quality and no large dams but many of such plants. We studied fish populations and habitat features on control and impacted reaches for water diversion of 16 hydropower plants. In the impacted reaches, there was a significantly lower presence of refuges for fish, poorer habitat quality, more pools and less riffles and macrophytes, and shallower water levels. We also observed higher fish abundance, larger mean fish size and better fish condition in the control than in impacted reaches, although the results were species‐specific. Accordingly, species composition was also affected, with lower relative abundance of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Pyrenean minnow (Phoxinus bigerri) in the impacted reaches and higher presence of stone loach (Barbatula quignardi) and Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis). Our study highlights the effects of water diversion of small hydropower plants from the individual to the population and community levels but probably underestimates them, urging for further assessment and mitigation of these ecological impacts.  相似文献   

  1. The Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) is an endangered stream-dwelling insectivore endemic to the Iberian Peninsula and the north of the Pyrenees. It favours riffles over slow habitats such as runs or pools, yet it is still unclear whether habitat preference is based on prey availability or on other factors, such as mechanical constraints on its hunting habits.
  2. Desman diet and prey selection were analysed along the pristine Elama Stream and the slightly modified Leitzaran Stream in the Basque Country, Spain.
  3. In each stream the prey consumed were identified by metabarcoding 94 desman faeces, and prey availability characterized from 10 Surber samples taken in each habitat type (riffles, runs and pools). Invertebrates were sorted and identified, the biomass of each taxon was calculated, and their DNA was also extracted, amplified using PCR, and sequenced to build a reference database.
  4. Prey availability and diet varied between streams. Desmans positively selected shredders and invertebrates that live on the substrate, and selected against taxa that live in fine sediment, taxa with hard shells or those that are highly mobile. The diet of desmans was more selective in the Elama, the stream with better ecological status. Food availability did not differ among habitats, and therefore does not explain the preference of desmans for riffles; rather, mechanical constraints to deal with buoyancy and physical habitat heterogeneity were hypothesized to be the reason behind the habitat preference.
  5. The results suggest that promoting the formation of riffles in streams can improve the situation of some desman populations living in degraded habitats.

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