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<正>上海市海洋牧场示范区建设旨在建立一个具有治理长江口水域荒漠化,修复改善长江口中华鲟的栖息环境,保护中华鲟等珍稀濒危水生生物资源,养护刀鲚、鳗苗、蟹苗等长江口特有经济渔业资源,以及提高河口生物多样性,调整长江口产业结构,促进长江口经济持续健康发展等诸多功能的特色河口型海洋牧场,为长江口水域生态修复和资源修复工作开拓新的工作方法,形成新的养护模式。  相似文献   

刀鲚在日本仅分布于有明海及与之相通的一些河流中,为重要的渔业资源,现已被列入了"危急种"名录。为探明相关水域该资源种的生活史履历及生境需求特征,本研究利用鱼类耳石微化学分析技术,对采自有明海海区及六角川、筑后川河口水域的刀鲚进行了耳石锶(Sr)和钙(Ca)的微化学研究。耳石由核心到边缘Sr、Ca定量线及Sr面分布分色图谱分析结果发现,3种水域刀鲚个体总体上可分为淡水产卵场起源(即溯河洄游)和非淡水产卵场起源(即海生刀鲚)2种生态类型,其中前者刀鲚中还进一步包含有3种不同淡水、海水间生境履历模式,反映出3种水域分布刀鲚生活史和生境需求的多样性及对不同盐度生境较好的适应性。此外,微化学结果还显示,研究涉及的17尾刀鲚中,有30%是在河口半咸水生境孵化起源。这在一定程度上提示,相关水域除传统淡水起源的资源补充量外,河口域半咸水起源的补充量同样不能忽视。  相似文献   

长江渔业资源管理委员会就长江水域深水张网、插网、三层刺网作业调整工作发出通知:长江水域的深水张网、插网和三层刺网等渔具捕捞强度极大,对长江渔业资源破坏十分严重,已成为有害渔具。为了加强对长江渔业资源,特别是长江刀鲚、凤鲚资源的保护和合理利用,维护渔场生产秩序,农业部发布的《长江刀鲚凤鲚专项管理暂行规定》第6条规定“自2004年1月1日起,全年禁止深水张网、插网和三层刺网作业。”近日,长江渔业资源管理委员会就贯彻落实此项工作发出通知。通知要求,沿江各省(市)渔业行政主管部门及渔政管理机构要充分认识…  相似文献   

(本刊讯)来自农业部东海区渔政渔港监督管理局的消息,长江渔业资源管理委员会就长江水域深水张网、插网、三层刺网作业调整工作发出通知。长江水域的深水张网、插网和三层刺网等渔具捕捞强度极大,对长江渔业资源破坏十分严重,已成为有害渔具。为了加强对长江渔业资源,特别是长江刀鲚、凤鲚资源的保护和合理利用,维护渔场生产秩序,农业部发布的《长江刀鲚凤鲚专项管理暂行规定》第六条规定“自2004年1月1日起,全年禁止深水张网、插网和三层刺网作业。”近日,长江渔业资源管理委员会就贯彻落实此项工作发出通知。通知要求,沿江各省…  相似文献   

20 0 4年长江刀鲚资源继续减少2 0 0 4年长江口崇明刀鲚汛的特点 :一是刀鲚资源少 ,汛期来得迟、产量低。长江刀鲚产量已第二次跌入历史低谷 ,保护长江刀鲚资源已刻不容缓。据统计 ,2 0 0 4年崇明水域长江刀鲚产量约 1 1吨。二是由于长江三峡等水利工程建设及雨水偏少 ,引起海水倒灌 ,长江口水域盐度发生变化 ,造成 2 0 0 4年崇明各长江段水域刀鲚产量发生变化。2 0 0 4年上半年上海市水产品价格走势2 0 0 4年上半年上海市常规鱼价格上涨幅度较大 ,草鱼、白鲢、花鲢、鲫鱼等价格普遍上涨。以草鱼为例 :2 0 0 4年 1~ 5月份每公斤平均上涨8.6…  相似文献   

长江河口区凤鲚、刀鲚、蟹苗、鳗苗和白虾等主要捕捞品种。凤鲚资源尚属稳定,应保护其越冬场、控制捕捞程度;刀鲚产量明显下降,应尽早建立长江口中华鲟幼鲟自然保护区。鳗苗资源已遭受严重破坏,其资源的恢复在于应严控捕捞强度;蟹苗近年资源下降,应对亲蟹、幼蟹实施全面禁捕3年,同时开展人工增殖放流,为恢复长江口渔业资源应大幅度削减渔船数量,实施新的渔业生产和管理措施。  相似文献   

长江刀鲚凤鲚专项管理暂行规定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江刀鲚和凤鲚是长江中下游的重要渔业资源和捕捞品种,具有较高的经济价位。但近年来长江刀鲚和凤鲚资源已呈明显衰退趋势。 为了加强长江刀鲚和凤鲚资源的保护和合理利用,维护渔业生产秩序,配合长江春季禁渔制度的实临,促涉长江渔业可持绞发层,农业部部委托长江渔业资源管理委员会办公室就长江刀扶和凤鲚曾理问题进行了调查研究和科学论证,并在广泛征求有关省(市)渔业行政主管部门、渔政监督管理机构和长江渔民意见的基础上,制订了《长江刀鲚凤鲚专项管理暂行规定》。  相似文献   

近年来随着海洋捕捞力量的盲目、快速增长,造成渔业资源明显衰退,渔业生态变得十分脆弱;同时,200海里经济专属区的实施及中日、中韩暂定措施水域的划定也对闽东渔区产生较大的影响。如何养护渔业资源,合理利用、评估渔业资源可捕量,研究与渔业资源相适应的最优捕捞结构和最适捕捞力量是首先亟待锯决的课题。鉴此,我部于2000-2003年开展了《闽东渔场渔业资源可捕量和捕捞业管理研究》项目,为今后实施TAC制度和渔获量配额管理做技术储备,为海捕业可持续发展提供科学依据。本文依据项目调查研究的资料,提出加强对闽东渔场渔业资源管理的看法和渔业可持续发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

长江口定置张网渔业调查   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
张国祥  张雪生 《水产学报》1985,9(2):185-198
本文报导了1982年和1988年长江口(E121°10′~122°15′;N31°00′~31°42′)定置张网渔业调查情况。调查表明: (1)长江口定置张网包括深水张网、高仓张网、插网、挑网四种渔具。作业范围主要在潮间带和潮下带水深8米以内的四个区域;①自崇明岛北四滧河口到佘山西北一带;②由白龙港至老港以及九段沙、铜沙一带;③从浏河口外到宝钢码头之间;④长兴、横沙两岛的南、北港水道和吴淞口外。作业期一般从2月至11月。 (2)渔获物种类组成共有61种,分属鱼类、甲壳类、水母类,头足类和哺乳类。其中主要经济种类有:长颌鲚、凤鲚、前颌间银鱼、安氏白虾、中华绒螯蟹和海蜇。 (3)据崇明、宝山、川沙和上海四县,1971年—1982年资料统计:年平均投网数达 4189顶。年平均渔获量为7.6万担,其中毛鲚约占43.4%。 鉴于长江口渔业资源因遭受酷渔滥捕、水质污染、渔场浅滩局部变迁和航道拓宽等因素的影响而开始衰退,建议结合渔民生计,尽快制定对定置张网采取限制、调整等“繁保”管理措施,使渔业资源得到保护和合理利用。  相似文献   

南沙西南部渔场底层渔业资源的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关汉明  钟汝康 《海洋渔业》2000,22(3):115-119
<正> 在北部湾近海渔场主要经济鱼类资源日益衰退,渔捞生产经济效益逐年滑坡,海洋捕捞业面临困境的情况下,广西北海海洋渔业公司为寻找渔捞生产的新渔场,增强企业后劲,在广西区水产局,南海渔业指挥部及有关单位的大力支持和帮助下,从1989年1月开始,对南沙西南部底层渔业资源进行探捕和开发利用。经过1989~1994年的探捕与开发利用。我们对南沙西南部水域底层渔业资源的蕴藏量、可捕量及底层主要经济鱼类的分布、洄游规律,渔场的底质、海流、水文气象  相似文献   

Anguilla luzonensis and A. huangi were each described in 2009 using eels obtained from northern Luzon Island. We examined the taxonomic status of these two groups of eels using morphological and molecular genetic characters. There were no significant differences in two vertebrae counts between eels of A. luzonensis and A. huangi. Mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome b genes sequences were obtained and compared among 28 specimens of A. luzonensis, the holotypes of A. luzonensis and A. huangi, and one specimen of the other 15 anguillid species. The specimens of A. luzonensis exhibited almost identical sequences, including the holotype, with only a few site differences, and the genetic difference between the holotypes of A. luzonensis and A. huangi was within the range of differences of specimens of A. luzonensis. The other anguillid species were genetically very different from A. luzonensis and A. huangi, although A. interioris is a closely related species. It is clear that A. luzonensis and A. huangi are the same species, and according to the principle of priority in zoological nomenclature, A. luzonensis Watanabe, Aoyama, and Tsukamoto, 2009 is the valid species name, and A. huangi Teng, Lin, and Tzeng, 2009 is a junior synonym of A. luzonensis.  相似文献   

对驼背鲈(Chromileptes altivelis)的胚胎发育及仔、稚、幼鱼的形态特征进行了详细的观察与研究,描述了从受精卵到仔、稚、幼鱼各发育期的时间和形态特征变化。结果表明,在水温25-26℃、盐度30的海水中,受精卵历时27 h 25 min完成整个胚胎发育过程,经历从卵裂、囊胚、原肠、神经胚到肌节形成、各器官的逐渐形成、变化、完善等一系列的胚胎发育和变化过程;根据其卵黄囊消长情况、鳞片的覆盖状态、体色发生的不同变化以及第二背鳍和腹鳍的消长,将胚后发育分为仔、稚、幼鱼3个阶段。在水温22-26℃、盐度29-31、DO≥5 mg/L的条件下,2-3 d仔鱼卵黄囊消失,开口摄食;生长发育至31 d,仔鱼已变态进入稚鱼期;培育至57 d,稚鱼完成变态,成为幼鱼。第二背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的生长与收缩等石斑鱼类早期发育的共性生长特征及其体表特性体色变化特征为驼背鲈胚后发育过程中最明显的特征。  相似文献   

  1. In the last two decades, Brazil has advanced significantly with the expansion and improvement of its national system of protected areas. Until recently most of the expansion was concentrated in the Amazon region (with useful lessons). It also had an uneven ecological representation of coastal and marine ecosystems, concentrated in coastal waters. Despite significant advances, the levels of funding, staff and stakeholders' engagement remain relatively low for such a vast system.
  2. Within the past few years, key elements of a new strategy for protection of coastal and marine areas have started to emerge, combined with some participatory processes and a focus on expansion of the total area protected (from <1.5% protection of the country's marine area). These included: a renewed focus on priority areas for conservation; attention to national and international commitments and targets; clarity about the need for partnerships and funding; better engagement of Brazilian society and stakeholders; new, and more collaborative, models of protected areas management and conservation; and openness in the relationships with wider society.
  3. Significant results of this effort have started to appear: new large mosaics of oceanic protected areas were created; Amazon mangroves were recognized by the Ramsar Convention; new mangrove protected areas were created, besides other ones proposed; project proposals are under development with partners for better funding and sharing of responsibility; and there is a better engagement with stakeholders. The building of the Brazilian Blue Initiative is underway.
  4. The implementation of the proposed 15‐year marine strategy is at its onset: partnerships need to be strengthened and substantial funding is required. It will only be possible to manage the larger system of protected areas if there are more collaborative and innovative models for protected areas and conservation management. These should include partnerships with civil society, local and traditional communities and the private sector, as well as greater engagement of scientists and research institutions, stronger and more qualified tourism, volunteer work, etc. Further innovative funding mechanisms will also be needed along the way.

Fisheries Science - Fermentation of kamaboko in koji with wheat (KW), rice (KR), brown rice (KB), or soybean (KS) was performed by simulation of tofuyo processing. Moisture and protein content...  相似文献   

A total of 180 fish (95.50 g) were fed with 0.1% levamisole, 0.5% thyme, and 0.5% echinacea crude extract for 60 days. The control group received no stimulant. The results of growth parameters indicated a significant positive effect of levamisole in comparison with the control group, though it was not significantly different from echinacea and thyme treatments (P > 0.05). No mortalities were observed in the treatments. Feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio did not differ significantly between the treatments. The highest numbers of white and red blood cells and the greatest amounts of hemoglobin and hematocrit were detected in the levamisole treatment, showing significant differences with the other groups in the percentage of hemoglobin only (P < 0.05). The highest levels of MCH and MCHC were also measured in the levamisole treatment. Differential count of white blood cells revealed no significant differences in neutrophil and lymphocyte levels with the control. There was a significant increase in the percentage of eosinophil in the levamisole treatment alone. No significant differences were recorded in total protein, albumin, and aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes. Levamisole treatment displayed the highest activities of glutathione peroxidase and lysozyme as well as the greatest amount of immunoglobulin. So 0.1 levamisole yielded better results in the growth, blood, and immunity parameters and can be used as a stimulant without injuring body organs.  相似文献   

The concentrations of mercury (Hg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) in sediment and tissues of Barbus grypus and Barbus esocinus fish species from Musa estuary, north part of the Persian Gulf, were measured. The order of Hg and MeHg concentrations in the sediment and tissues of the fish species was as follows: liver > gill > muscle > sediment. In the tissues of two fish species, the Hg and MeHg concentrations were highest in liver whereas lowest in the muscle. In the sediment, mean concentrations of Hg and MeHg were 0.83 and 0.437 µg g?1. Mean concentrations of Hg and MeHg in B. grypus were 1.2–0.624 µg g?1 and in all tissues of B. esocinus were 0.75 and 0.421 µg g?1. Significant correlation between heavy metal concentration in sediment and fish may be related to high variability of heavy metal in the sediment.  相似文献   

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