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三角帆蚌瘟病的组织病理研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
对健康及患瘟病三角帆蚌的13种脏器组织作了系统的形态结构观察和组织化学分析,结果表明,三角帆蚌瘟病的组织病理变化主要集中在病蚌的肝脏、胃和直肠等组织。病毒侵袭蚌体后,肝脏的吸收细胞、未成熟细胞以及胃、直肠的纤毛上皮细胞内出现病毒包涵体,DNA和RNA等正常代谢受到抑制,AKP和ACP酶的活性和分布发生异常,细胞内消化作用受阻,最后病变细胞解体,导致肝脏、胃和直肠等的广泛受损。病蚌因消化系统坏死和消  相似文献   

三角帆蚌蚌瘟病的防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三角帆蚌蚌瘟病的防治技术潘炳炎,文仲芬(淡水渔业研究中心无锡214081)三角帆蚌是我国淡水人工育珠中的优良品种,所产珍珠具有光泽好、珠粒圆的特点,但作为育珠用的三角帆蚌,在生产过程中因病害而大批死亡,给育珠生产造成重大损失,特别是三角帆蚌的蚌瘟病,...  相似文献   

三角帆蚌是我国淡水人工育珠中的优良品种,所产珍珠具有光泽好、珠粒圆的特点,但作为育珠用的三角帆蚌,在生产过程中因病害而大批死亡,给育珠生产造成重大损失,特别是三角帆蚌的蚌瘟病,仅今年江浙沪一带都时有发生,尤其是浙江金华,仅在5~6两个月,一场罕见的蚌瘟袭击了该市,估计造成直接经济损失已达3亿元之巨。群众称之谓三角帆蚌瘟病,其实是  相似文献   

我省珍珠业的发展始于六十年代末。育珠蚌有三角帆蚌、褶纹冠蚌、背角无齿蚌等,其中尤以三角帆蚌以育成的珍珠质量最佳,价值最高。但自七十年代中期,江南一带出现大面积三角帆蚌死亡现象。当初,我省有些地区从外省购进不少三角帆蚌,导致我省1983年发生三角帆蚌暴发性的死亡,一直延续至今,群众称之为三角帆蚌瘟病,  相似文献   

三角帆蚌的瘟病防治潘炳炎,文仲芳(中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心,无锡214081)三角帆蚌瘟病是由嗜水气单胞菌、嵌砂样病毒所引起,常在夏秋两季蔓延。江、浙一带每年5~6月和9~10月(水温21~26℃)为蚌瘟病流行季节,来势凶猛,死亡率甚高。一...  相似文献   

珍珠是一种名贵中药,亦可制多种贵重装饰品,在淡水珍珠养殖中,又以三角帆蚌育成的珍珠质量最佳,价值最高,但近几年三角帆蚌连续发生大面积死亡,群众称之为三角帆蚌瘟病,给育珠场带来了巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

三角帆蚌近几年连续发生大面积死亡,群众称之谓三角帆蚌瘟病。对49个疫点的调查与实验观察表明,不同地区的三角帆蚌大批死亡具有相同的基本特征:本病发生在夏秋两季,只侵害2令以上的三角帆蚌,当年死亡率可达80%左右。本病病程较长,并与环境温度呈密切的负相关:y=52.8653-1.5830x,γ=-0.7693,P<0.01。发病蚌的排水与进水孔纤毛收缩,排粪减少,晚期无粪,张壳死亡。野外与实验室内均能自然感染健康帆蚌。氯霉素、四环素等多种药物在野外与实验室治疗均无效果。自然发病蚌以及相应除菌材料人工感染的发病蚌,病变部位与病变性质相互一致:消化腺与多种上皮细胞水泡变性,消化腺细胞浆出现缎密的酸性包含物,内质网普遍地高度扩张,这符合于一般动物病毒病的组织病理特征。  相似文献   

研究了淡水珍珠贝——三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)在不同蚌龄下外套膜组织的细胞增殖及生物矿化相关因子活性。选择5组不同蚌龄三角帆蚌(0.5龄、1龄、2龄、3龄、4龄),通过流式细胞技术分析了外套膜细胞的增殖指数(proliferation index,PrI)和胞内Ca~(2+)浓度,并应用实时荧光定量PCR检测了与生物矿化相关的碳酸酐酶(carbonic anhydrase, CA)、碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase, ALP)基因的表达并测定其酶活性。结果表明, 2龄蚌的外套膜细胞PrI及胞内Ca~(2+)浓度显著高于其他蚌龄(P0.05);生物矿化相关基因在不同蚌龄的外套膜组织中表达量不同, 1龄三角帆蚌CA基因表达量和CA酶活性最高(P0.05), ALP基因表达量和ALP酶活在0.5龄三角帆蚌中显著高于其他蚌龄(P0.05)。本研究旨为深入探讨三角帆蚌外套膜细胞增殖能力及人工育珠过程中供体蚌的选择奠定基础。  相似文献   

三角帆蚌种质资源研究进展   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
三角帆蚌是我国优良的淡水育珠蚌,具有重要的经济价值。本文从我国三角帆蚌种质资源调查、搜集与保护出发,介绍了三角帆蚌RAPD、SSR及线粒体基因片段等不同分子标记开发状况,重点讨论了这些分子标记分析三角帆蚌遗传多样性的情况。比较了我国五大淡水湖泊三角帆蚌种质及3个优秀种质9个F1后代的生长性能,比较了三角帆蚌雌雄生长差异。简述了三角帆蚌珍珠质形成相关基因、免疫相关基因、贝壳及珍珠颜色相关基因的研究现状。从三角帆蚌与其他蚌类种间杂交、三角帆蚌种内杂交,介绍了培育康乐蚌新品种的过程及三角帆蚌家系选育的进展情况。对今后进一步开展三角帆蚌种质资源研究提出了意见和建议,为三角帆蚌遗传改良提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

朱振东 《内陆水产》1995,21(6):26-27
春夏之季蚌瘟病的防治朱振东(湖北省鄂州市水产局436000)通常所说的蚌瘟病包括嗜水气单胞菌病和嵌砂样病毒病二种,主要发病对象为1周年以上的三角帆蚌。发病特点表现为:发病迅速,传染力强,死亡率高。据调查,鄂州市近年来育珠蚌病害年发病面积在530公顷左...  相似文献   

三角帆蚌蚌瘟病原的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了三个水产场三角帆蚌大批死亡的病因。取病料经匀浆、离心后取上清液,再经青霉素、链霉素处理或微孔滤膜过滤除菌,人工感染健康三角帆蚌均能引起发病死亡,并能连续传代。其症状和病理解剖变化与自然发病的蚌相似。病原病毒粒子有囊膜,核衣壳呈二十面体对称,大小80~120nm,暂称为蚌的类疱疹病毒。含毒病料置50%甘油磷酸盐缓冲液中,在0~4℃冰箱保存6个月,-20℃低温冰箱中保存一年半,仍有致病力。  相似文献   

In Brazil, mussel seed are not a plentiful natural resource, and so the efficient use of seeds by reducing stocking densities should be considered. There are very few studies addressing the relationship between seeding density and growth of mussels in tropical conditions. This work aimed to determine the influence of low seeding densities on the productive performance of Perna perna (Linnaeus) mussels cultivated on ropes in Caraguatatuba, Brazil. In October 2014, 12 ropes, one metre in length each, were seeded at the densities of 200, 300 and 400 mussels/m (four ropes for each density) and suspended on a long line. After 226 days of growing, mussels were harvested and their performance at each density was evaluated in terms of mean weight and length, production, culture efficiency, condition index, survival, amount of recruited seed, amount of fouling on the ropes and morphometric relationships. We observed no significant differences (p > .05) for these indicators among the densities tested, except for mussel biomass, which was significantly higher (p < .05) at the greater densities. A partial budget analysis showed that the density of 400 m?1 showed better profitability and should be recommended, even in case of seed shortage.  相似文献   

国外贻贝养殖工程设施发展近况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近岸养殖渔业的发展受到环境污染的影响和养殖容量的限制,国外近年来积极推进离岸深海养殖技术.综述了国外贻贝离岸养殖模式及养成设施的文献资料,用图片形式介绍了几种养殖设施的设计理念和结构,其中包括平台吊养、浮筏吊养等上浮式养殖模式以及半潜筏式吊养、半潜管式吊养等新型养殖模式,并提出了离岸养殖需注意的一些实际问题.  相似文献   

在室外用约16m^3水槽以止水方式进行了褶纹冠蚌滤水效果实验。结果表明,贝类滤水对水透明度影响明显,实验4日后透明度由21cm增加到47cm;对浮游生物量影响很大,每日生物量呈直线下降趋势;褶纹冠蚌的滤水率为1.848-2.357Lg^-1h^-1.立体摆放组与平面摆放组之间的差别不明显,其差异尚待进一步研究。  相似文献   

  1. Biodiversity loss is a global problem with freshwater bivalves considered among the most endangered biota. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, is declining throughout its range owing to habitat degradation and overexploitation. In most of its range, populations are regarded as reproductively non‐functional, which has led to the development of captive breeding programmes.
  2. A novel method of releasing M. margaritifera was tested, with captive‐bred juveniles being released into the rivers caged in ‘mussel silos’ (protective concrete domes with ventilation creating upwelling to ensure water through‐flow).
  3. In total, 240 juvenile mussels were released and survival and growth rates were monitored for 18 months after release for three size classes: A (13.01–20.00 mm); B (10.01–13.00 mm); and C (4.01–10.00 mm).
  4. Two experimental treatments were tested: one in which sediment was added to each silo (allowing mussels to orientate and burrow) and one without sediment. Survival by the end of the experiment at month 18 was significantly higher for the largest size class at 97% (although growth was lowest in this cohort), and lowest for the smallest size class, at 61% (although growth was highest in this cohort). Survival and growth were unaffected by the experimental treatment suggesting that adding sediment offered no advantage. Growth was positively correlated both with water temperature and with particle size of suspended solids (both of which were collinear, peaking in summer).
  5. There are many ex situ breeding programmes for freshwater pearl mussels throughout Europe and the results of this study suggest that the use of mussel silos may be a useful tool to protect juvenile mussels, allowing them to be released at a relatively early stage of development and minimizing the risk of domestication.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

浙江沿海贻贝种类形态比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贻贝科(Mytilidae)的许多种类在浙江沿海均有分布,但没有做过系统的研究。文章调查研究了浙江沿海的厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)、紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)、隔贻贝(Genus Septifer)、凸壳肌蛤(Musculista senhausia)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、毛贻贝(Trichomoya hirsute)、偏顶蛤(Modiolus modiolus)、黑荞麦蛤(Vignadula atrata)、石蛏(Lithophaga Roding),并对它们的形态构造进行了描述和比较。  相似文献   

With a 10‐week microcosm experiment, we demonstrated that the mussel Mytilus edulis could feed and grow upon zooplankton, phytoplankton and mixture of them. The group supplied with the mixture showed the highest shell growth rate, egestion rate and largest size of faecal pellets. Individuals feeding on seawater (the control group) had the lowest growth rate, egestion rate and smallest size of faecal pellets. Egestion rates and faecal sizes of all the groups decreased with experimental time. Therefore, the mussel M. edulis could derive energy from many kinds of diet particles. Most of these particles within the water column may play an important role in bivalve nutrition, feeding and aquaculture. A mixed diet of phytoplankton and zooplankton yielded better growth performance and metabolism than diets of each fed separately.  相似文献   

This study examined the food organisms found in the gut of freshwater mussels, Lamellidens marginalis L. A total of 34 taxa of food organisms were recorded, out of which 30 taxa belonged to phytoplankton and four taxa to zooplankton. Both the groups comprised three families each: Cyanophyceae (blue‐green algae), Chlorophycea (green algae) and Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) constituted phytoplankton, whereas Euglenaceae, Chlamydodontidae and Brachionidae belonged to zooplankton. The total number of frequencies of phytoplankton (n=537) were almost nine times more than that of zooplankton (n=60). When blue‐green algae, green algae, diatoms and zooplankton (all the three families together) were tested for significant difference (P<0.05) following Duncan's multiple range test, the result showed only two groups. Blue‐green algae, green algae and zooplankton were not significantly different (P<0.05), forming group A, whereas diatoms were significantly different from others, forming group B. The present study showed that the maximum number of organisms that mussels feed upon belong to green algae, followed by diatoms, blue‐green algae and few taxa of zooplankton.  相似文献   

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