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  1. Fisheries and the presence of low‐head obstacles are considered major threats for anadromous lampreys, including the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). Nonetheless, research is still needed to increase our understanding of their effect and to implement effective conservation and management measures. Petromyzon marinus receives conservation protection in Europe through the Bern Convention and the European Habitats Directive and is listed as ‘Vulnerable’ in Spain.
  2. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of low‐head obstacles and fisheries on the spawning migration of P. marinus in the highly impounded River Ulla (in north‐west Spain). Nineteen lamprey were radio‐tracked in 2012 and 2013, and historical data (2002–16) on fishing captures were analysed (n = 25 607) to provide a population‐level approach.
  3. The retention of individuals by low‐head obstacles, including pesqueiras constructed for lamprey fishing, and extraction by fisheries at those structures, caused a significant reduction of migrants upstream of each impoundment (mean: 24% individuals per obstacle). A delay in migration (mean: 6.3 days per obstacle) seems to be an important limiting factor for lamprey conservation in this river. Thus, based on the recorded delay, lamprey would need c. 5 months to pass the 23 obstacles present before reaching the first spawning areas and 9.5 months to cover the accessible river section (45 obstacles), which is far longer than the 3–5 months of spawning migration of P. marinus in this river.
  4. Consequently, obstacle removal or permeabilization should be prioritized for lamprey conservation in this river. This would reduce migration delay, the retention of individuals, and the catchability of lamprey at pesqueiras (with alternative routes to avoid traps). Basic information on fisheries management is still lacking, especially on stock exploitation rates and on lamprey population status and dynamics. Future studies should also investigate the role of lamprey exchange between basins (a lack of homing) in the resilience of lamprey populations.

  1. Understanding the reproductive ecology of freshwater fishes is essential to minimize the losses in global freshwater biodiversity but is often limited in data‐poor regions, such as tropical floodplain ecosystems. Specifically, the study investigated whether size at first sexual maturation and nesting features for arapaima vary within and across regions in the floodplain of the Amazon River.
  2. Data were collected at several sites in the Lower Amazon with varying arapaima densities and fishing practices. Female gonads were examined from commercial catch to calculate total length of first sexual maturation (L50). Nest features were surveyed in the field. The size at first maturation and nest features (i.e. nest morphology, habitat, and density) were compared among sites with different population densities in the Lower Amazon and among estimates drawn from the literature for other regions.
  3. In the Lower Amazon, L50 showed significant variation between high‐density (139 cm) and other sites (~168 cm). Overall variation in L50 estimates for arapaima range from 139 cm in the Lower Amazon to 207 cm in the Upper Amazon in Peru. Nests in different regions show variation among certain nest features and a positive relationship between nest density and arapaima population density. In the Lower Amazon, 90% of nests were found under woody vegetation.
  4. The results show considerable diversity in size at first maturity and nesting features for arapaima. This suggests that there may be multiple evolutionarily significant units or species, even within the study area. This study also illustrates the importance of forest cover to arapaima spawning. Furthermore, different nesting morphologies were found at different sites. There are meaningful variations in arapaima reproductive behaviour, both locally and basin‐wide, that require further study as they have implications for effective management and conservation initiatives.

  1. Effective stock assessment relies on the evaluation of the reproductive potential of a population, but this is often achieved using fast, inexpensive, and inaccurate macroscopic indicators of gonadal maturity. Indeed, this approach suffers from high error rates as a result of misclassification and operator errors. Although histology is considered the gold standard to assign reproductive stages, it represents a time‐consuming and expensive method. Therefore, cost‐effective approaches are currently needed to assess the species‐specific reproductive potential and define the correct size at first maturity (L50).
  2. In the present study a histology‐calibrated method based on the gonadal index (GI) was developed to assign maturity stages to the overfished Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius), supported by histological classification of gonadal development, an estimation of L50, and an analysis of the reproductive output of this species.
  3. The performance of this new method had an overall agreement of 90% with histological data, and the L50 calculated by the GI‐based method compared with histology analysis was not statistically different (p > 0.05). Moreover, in order to apply this method without bias, a thorough validation of the relationship between length and gonad weight was carried out and the suitability of the GI to compare individuals of different size and maturity stages was confirmed.
  4. The present findings provide a comprehensive picture of the patterns characterizing Mediterranean swordfish reproduction and a promising method to assign maturity stages based on a macroscopic indicator. This method has the potential to be extensively applied during routine fish sampling activities in the field because of its simple requirements.

  1. River ecosystems are often fragmented by artificial structures, such as weirs. For anadromous species, these structures can impede access to upstream spawning sites and ultimately lead to severe population declines.
  2. This study focused on the freshwater spawning migration of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, an anadromous species threatened by habitat fragmentation across its native range. To quantify the cumulative impacts of multiple weirs on upstream-migrating adults, and to explore the environmental factors affecting migratory movements, passive acoustic telemetry was applied to 56 individuals during their spawning migration in the heavily fragmented River Severn basin, UK.
  3. While 89% of tagged sea lamprey passed the first weir upstream of the release site on the main river, only 4% passed the fifth weir. For 85% of migrants, the upstream extent of migration was immediately downstream of a weir. Individuals that passed weirs upstream of the release site (n = 50) took 21.6 ± 2.8 days to reach their most upstream location, experiencing cumulative passage times at weirs of 15.7 ± 2.8 days; these delays constituted a median of 84% of total upstream movement times.
  4. Multistate models showed that the weir passage rates of sea lamprey in tidal and non-tidal areas increased significantly when downstream river level and discharge were elevated. Upstream-to-downstream changes in direction were frequent downstream of weirs, but rare in unobstructed river sections.
  5. The results provided evidence for a cumulative effect of multiple weirs on sea lamprey movements, substantially delaying upstream migrants and limiting their spawning to atypical habitat. The results also demonstrated the crucial roles of high tides and elevated discharge events in enabling weir passage. Although the Severn Estuary features conservation designations for sea lamprey, this study reveals that barriers are inhibiting their upstream migration, a problem that should be addressed to assist sea lamprey conservation.

  1. Local population characteristics and habitat connectivity both have important influences on metapopulation persistence; however, the relative importance of each can vary depending on the ecological context, making it difficult to apply general ‘rules-of-thumb’ for conservation actions. This is particularly true in dendritic networks, where habitat connections are constrained.
  2. By constructing a metapopulation model that specifically accounts for the unique characteristics and ecological system of a target species, the relative influence of local population characteristics and habitat connectivity on metapopulation persistence can be assessed more accurately.
  3. This modelling approach was used to improve conservation outcomes for the Canterbury mudfish (kо̄waro Neochanna burrowsius), a critically endangered and poorly understood species that is endemic to the Canterbury Plains of Aotearoa/New Zealand. A spatially structured metapopulation model of N. burrowsius was used to investigate the relationship between habitat patch connectivity, rate of population growth as limited by habitat quality (rconditional), and metapopulation persistence.
  4. N. burrowsius metapopulation persistence increased most strongly under increases in rconditional, but increases in habitat connectivity also had positive effects (94% metapopulation persistence for highly connected networks vs. 39% metapopulation persistence for poorly connected networks where rconditional = 1.3).
  5. Although rates of population growth were more influential than increases in habitat connectivity in this case study, both will be important to consider for effectively allocating conservation resources for metapopulations in dendritic networks, depending on what managers could effectively manipulate to enhance metapopulation persistence.

  1. In spite of their conservation importance, only a fraction of lakes and streams globally – including their catchments – are currently covered by conservation areas. To identify conservation gaps, assessing the spatial distribution of biodiversity in relation to conservation areas is a promising approach. A gap‐analysis approach was used to evaluate the protection status of the habitats of two endangered freshwater mussel species, Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) and Unio crassus (Philipsson, 1788), in the Federal State of Bavaria, Germany.
  2. First, ecological niche models (ENMs) were developed for both mussel species based on presence‐only data in order to identify suitable habitats. Second, binary maps of suitable and unsuitable habitats for the species were used to compare different categories of currently protected areas in a gap analysis.
  3. The ENMs for M. margaritifera revealed a spatially restricted distribution with good model performance, whereas the spatial distribution of U. crassus was wider and the model performance was weaker. For M. margaritifera, a higher percentage of suitable habitat is already under some sort of protection, whereas for U. crassus only half of the suitable habitats are under protection.
  4. The results suggest that suitable habitats of both species are not sufficiently protected. More effective conservation of M. margaritifera and U. crassus requires separate management: increasing the respective protection categories of already protected habitats of M. margaritifera and incorporating an increased area of suitable habitats under legal protection for U. crassus.

  1. The night shark, Carcharhinus signatus, is a mesopelagic, semi‐oceanic shark species found only in the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the most frequently caught sharks in pelagic longline fisheries and is classified as Vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Despite their prevalence in commercial fisheries, the population genetic structure of the night shark has not been assessed.
  2. The present study investigated the genetic diversity, genetic connectivity, and phylogeography of the species throughout the western Atlantic Ocean, based on complete mitochondrial control region (mtCR) sequence data (n = 152) and genotypic data from nine nuclear microsatellites (n = 119).
  3. The mtCR sequence revealed 19 haplotypes, with overall haplotype and nucleotide diversities of 0.74 (±0.027) and 0.0034 (±0.0019), respectively, whereas the nuclear microsatellite observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.408 and 0.421, respectively. There was significant population structure (ФST = 0.429; P < 0.01) and isolation by distance (r = 0.65, P = 0.03) based on mtCR sequence data, but no genetic differentiation based on nuclear microsatellite analyses.
  4. The phylogenetic analyses support the existence of two matrilineal lineages, which diverged during the Pleistocene. Mitochondrial demographic analyses indicated a historical bottleneck effect followed by population expansion during the Pleistocene, whereas nuclear microsatellites did not detect a recent or a strong bottleneck.
  5. For conservation purposes, we advocate that the species should be considered to comprise at least two management units (MUs) in the western Atlantic Ocean. MU‐specific catch quotas should be implemented throughout the range of the species given its low genetic diversity and vulnerability to overexploitation.

  1. The dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus is a large epinephelid species that occurs in the eastern and south-western Atlantic and western Indian Oceans. Late maturity, protogynous hermaphroditism, site fidelity, and overfishing have all contributed to its demographic decline.
  2. Connectivity and demography within a broad sampling of dusky grouper populations throughout its distribution were assessed. To do so, genetic variation at 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci and a partial sequence of the mitochondrial control region (mtCR) were evaluated.
  3. Two major mtCR lineages with a sequence divergence of 1.6% were found. The magnitude of genetic differentiation for mtCR among north and south Atlantic and Indian Ocean populations was high, with ΦST = 0.528.
  4. DEST and results of discriminant analysis of principal component revealed significant microsatellite genetic differentiation between all collection areas. Significant pairwise DEST showed moderate (0.084) to very great (0.603) differentiation. The effective population size was low for all localities, ranging between 25 (Azores Archipelago) and 311 (Rio Grande do Sul). The overall effective population size was estimated as 299 (confidence interval = 215–412), and there was no evidence of strong or recent bottleneck effects.
  5. Local and regional genetic structuring among dusky grouper populations is the consequence of the species' site fidelity, distribution across multiple oceanographic boundaries, and probably also of sequential hermaphroditism that contributes to the intensity of random genetic drift.
  6. The spatial pattern of genetic structuring of dusky groupers is such that fisheries management and conservation of population genetic integrity will have to be pursued at the local and regional scales.

  • 1. The first incidence of predation by the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) on lamprey ammocoetes and salmonid smolts is reported.
  • 2. These preliminary findings suggest that there is a need for further investigation to determine if juvenile diadromous fish form a significant component of the diet of sea bass, and to identify whether the likelihood of enhanced abundance of sea bass in protected nursery areas presents a particular threat to the conservation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
  • 3. This will require further sampling of the stomach contents of sea bass and estimates of the sea bass population in nursery areas to be determined, linked with an assessment of the impact of such predation on the conservation status of particular stocks of diadromous fish. © 2011 Crown copyright. Reproduced with the permission of her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Hydrological alteration, which may be exacerbated by climate change, is known to facilitate aquatic species invasion. Altered hydrology, invasive species, and the additive effects of these stressors pose a threat to aquatic biodiversity.
  2. Understanding extinction risk in the context of these stressors is crucial for prioritizing conservation efforts. As case studies, three narrow‐ranged endemic crayfish species of conservation concern (Faxonius marchandi, Faxonius roberti, and Cambarus hubbsi) in the Ozark Highlands of Arkansas and Missouri, USA, were used to examine the effects of invasive species and drought on crayfish population dynamics.
  3. The objectives of this study were to model the population dynamics of these imperilled species, assess how these populations may be affected under increased invasion effects and intensified drought, determine potential refuge effects, and examine the sensitivity of quasi‐extinction to model parameters.
  4. ramas‐metapop was used to construct stage‐based demographic models. Terminal extinction risk, median time to quasi‐extinction, and metapopulation occupancy were used to assess population viability under different scenarios.
  5. Cambarus hubbsi appears to be highly susceptible to decline if survival rates are reduced by simulated drought, as they have low reproductive potential and mature slowly. Models indicated that potential refuges allow F. roberti and C. hubbsi to persist, even when invasion and drought effects were extreme. Conversely, barriers to dispersal for F. marchandi led to reduced quasi‐extinction times and the greatest extinction risk under most invasion scenarios. Quasi‐extinction was most sensitive to changes in juvenile survival for all species examined, which indicates that improved estimates of stage‐specific demographic parameters for crayfish will improve model predictions.
  6. An increased understanding of the mechanisms of displacement of native crayfish by invasive crayfish is needed for most crayfish species. Limiting the spread of invasive species, maintaining natural habitat and hydrological regimes, and gaining insight into life histories and demographic parameters will increase the ability to conserve endemic and imperilled crayfish.

  1. The study of Argopecten purpuratus reproduction, post‐larval settlement, stock size, and population size structure and shell growth was undertaken in the 2000s in the Rinconada marine reserve (Chile) to evaluate the effectiveness of scallop recruitment and self‐sustainability.
  2. The results highlight strong seasonal and inter‐annual variations of environmental conditions and scallop gonadosomatic index, spat collection, benthic distribution, total abundance and population size structure.
  3. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L = 120.12 mm and K = 0.9681; commercial size would be reached in about 17.2 months in the bay. Substrate availability, meteorological conditions, hydrodynamics and illegal harvesting explain spatial and temporal variations in scallop distribution and abundance.
  4. Recruitment strength depends on one main cohort from year to year. While recruitment made up 81% and 94% of total abundances in May 2002 and May 2003, respectively, there were no overall density‐dependent relationships between stock size and recruitment. Spawning asynchrony in the bay supports the hypothesis that multiple gamete releases form part of a reproductive strategy in response to environmental variability.
  5. The massive disappearance of large‐sized scallops during the study periods was direct evidence of overfishing owing to clandestine harvesting within the marine reserve. The failure of current legislation, strategies and policies for scallop conservation requires new regulations to restore scallop stock size, maintain its reproductive performance and limit illegal harvesting in the Rinconada.
  6. A scenario allowing harvesting regulated by stock‐dependent fishing quotas would more efficiently ensure stock recovery and self‐sustainability. The modalities of this new policy are discussed.

  1. The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a common widespread coastal–pelagic shark species whose population genetic structure has only recently been the object of genetic studies.
  2. In this study, the tiger's shark mitochondrial DNA control region was sequenced for a sample of 172 individuals from the western Atlantic and from Australia's east coast in the Pacific Ocean.
  3. The results show a moderate variation in genetic diversity (h = 0.615 ± 0.038, π = 0.00184 ± 0.00021) with a strong population structure between Atlantic areas (ΦST = 0.28141, P = 0.00001).
  4. The maternal lineage has high site fidelity, which paradoxically is coupled with connectivity across open ocean stretches to Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, which is identified as an important hotspot for this species. These results help with the understanding of what drives the displacement of this shark, at intra‐ and/or inter‐ocean basins levels, and can help inform the implementation of future conservation and management measures.
  5. We recommend that the conservation of genetic diversity should be maintained at a global level and its maintenance should be pursued diligently in all populations of tiger shark. As the Fernando de Noronha region in the western Atlantic appears to contain the largest global genetic diversity of the species, this area should be treated as a marine reserve or ecological refuge for the tiger shark.

  1. Grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) were the first mammals to be protected by an Act of Parliament in the UK and are currently protected under UK, Scottish, and EU conservation legislation. Reporting requirements under each of these statutes requires accurate and timely population estimates. Monitoring is principally conducted by aerial surveys of the breeding colonies; these are used to produce estimates of annual pup production. Translating these data to estimates of adult population size requires information about demographic parameters such as fecundity and sex ratio.
  2. An age‐structured population dynamics model is presented, which includes density dependence in pup survival, with separate carrying capacities in each of the four breeding regions considered (North Sea, Inner Hebrides, Outer Hebrides, and Orkney). This model is embedded within a Bayesian state–space modelling framework, allowing the population model to be linked to available data and the use of informative prior distributions on demographic parameters. A computer‐intensive fitting algorithm is presented based on particle filtering methods.
  3. The model is fitted to region‐level pup production estimates from 1984 to 2010 and an independent estimate of adult population size, derived from aerial surveys of hauled‐out seals in 2008. The fitted model is used to estimate total population size from 1984 to 2010.
  4. The population in the North Sea region has increased at a near‐constant rate; growth in the other three regions began to slow in the mid‐1990s and these populations appear to have reached carrying capacity. The total population size of seals aged 1 year or older in 2010 was estimated to be 116 100 (95% CI 98 400–138 600), an increase of <1% on the previous year.
  5. The modelling and fitting methods are widely applicable to other wildlife populations where diverse sources of information are available and inference is required for the underlying population dynamics.

  1. The use of translocations to establish new or ‘refuge’ populations for species with high conservation value is controversial but widely used in conservation management. One of the risks of this approach is that an establishing population does not adequately capture the genetic diversity of the donor gene pool. This effect, rarely examined, is tested here.
  2. In this study the genetic consequences of two conservation translocations after five generations (16 years) of the European whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus, were quantified. Both translocations were made using almost the same genetic groups and thus represent a partly replicated natural study.
  3. Analysis of 12 informative microsatellites showed that expected heterozygosity, the mean number of alleles per locus and allelic richness did not differ between donor and translocated populations. There was also no loss of heterozygosity in the translocated populations, nor deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations, nor signs of linkage disequilibrium.
  4. All populations were genetically differentiated but pairwise FST values were low, indicating that the magnitude of divergence was small.
  5. There was no evidence of inbreeding but there were significant differences in private allelic richness between donor and translocated populations. Of 50 alleles found in the donor population, 16% of the rarer alleles were lost in one translocated population and 8% in the other.
  6. Allele loss without a reduction in heterozygosity strongly points to stochastic drift effects having occurred following translocation. The evidence indicates that alleles that were not detected in the donor population have arisen de novo in the translocated populations.
  7. It is concluded that conservation translocations comprising even a modest number of propagules can successfully capture a high proportion of genetic variation of the host population, and that reduced genetic variation in the translocated population may be mitigated by the emergence of new variation over short time periods.

  1. Niche‐based species distribution models (SDMs) can help conservation planning by forecasting environmental suitability for an endangered species. Here, SDMs were constructed for stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) and white‐clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes s. str.) to identify catchments in south‐western Germany where environmental conditions are favourable for reintroduction.
  2. Maximum‐entropy modelling (Maxent) was used with presence‐only data to forecast environmental suitability for the two crayfish species based on five climate variables, slope, land cover, and a human impact index.
  3. SDMs showed good to excellent performance and were able to capture the range of both Austropotamobius species. Presence probabilities were mostly determined by climate variables, and climate niches partly overlap, with white‐clawed crayfish occurring at conditions with less extreme winter temperatures and lower temperature seasonality than stone crayfish. Human impact contributed between 10 and 27% to the models and was negatively related to presence probabilities. Contribution of land cover was low (5%) but showed a positive relationship with deciduous broadleaf forest in both species.
  4. Both SDMs indicated several catchments with high predicted environmental suitability but no present occurrence records. Subsequent crayfish and habitat surveys in these catchments revealed four streams considered suitable for reintroduction and led to discovery of five previously unknown white‐clawed crayfish populations. Overall, SDMs proved to be a powerful tool for conservation planning of freshwater crayfish species.

  1. The paucity of baseline data on coastal cetaceans due to a lack of research in developing countries frequently precludes assessment of their status and informed management actions for conservation.
  2. This study provides the first abundance estimates of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Irrawaddy dolphins, and Indo-Pacific finless porpoises in the coastal waters of Matang, Peninsular Malaysia.
  3. Boat-based surveys covering 1,152 km2 of coastal waters with 4,108 km of survey effort were conducted between 2013 and 2016 to collect data for line transect analysis of Irrawaddy dolphins and finless porpoises. Photo-identification data of humpback dolphins were concurrently collected for mark–recapture analysis.
  4. Estimates of abundance from four sampling strata totalled 763 Irrawaddy dolphins (CV = 13%, 95% confidence interval (CI) [588, 990]) and 600 Indo-Pacific finless porpoises (CV = 27%, 95% CI [354, 1,016]).
  5. The annual abundance estimates of humpback dolphins ranged between 171 (95% CI [148, 208]) in 2014–2015 and 81 (95% CI [67, 98]) in 2015–2016, likely due to the presence of offshore individuals that moved in and out of the study area. The estuarine strata were inhabited by 68 (95% CI [63, 73]) inshore humpback dolphins in 2013–2014 to 87 (95% CI [78, 97]) dolphins in 2014–2015.
  6. As an International Union for Conservation of Nature important marine mammal area, the productive coastal waters of Matang are shown to support a high density of small coastal cetaceans, and the results serve as an important baseline for future studies to identify population trends for conservation management plans.

  1. Pinna nobilis is a sensitive and vulnerable species and is hence considered a good indicator of anthropogenic pressures on marine ecosystems.
  2. This study provides novel data on the density and distribution of endangered P. nobilis on the Turkish coasts. Threats to the status of P. nobilis, including by‐catch and illegal collection, were assessed, as was the general awareness of people about the endangered status of fan mussels.
  3. The data sources consisted of direct observations from diving surveys and the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of fishers and scuba‐divers.
  4. Results demonstrated that the density of P. nobilis significantly changed with environmental parameters, such as depth, and among different sampling areas. The number of damaged individuals was lowest in the areas that were distant from human influences such as ports and tourist beaches. The density estimations of P. nobilis across a wide geographic area around the Turkish coasts revealed that the density of fan mussels was highest around western coasts in comparison with southern coasts.
  5. Fishers and divers indicated that the population of this species has decreased during the last decade. The main causes of this decline were suggested to be the impacts of fishing gear, poaching, pollution, and boat anchoring. The highest volume of by‐catch was estimated to be taken by trawls. In general, the knowledge and local awareness of the conservation importance and status of fan mussels was poor.
  6. The study has identified those areas where fan mussels occur at a high density, and hence may indicate areas for possible conservation protection status. Second, areas exposed to the illegal harvesting of fan mussels were highlighted. Societal concern would benefit from educational activities to raise awareness of the ecological importance and conservation needs for fan mussels in Turkey.

  1. The paleback darter, Etheostoma pallididorsum, is considered imperilled and has recently been petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Previous allozyme-based studies found evidence of a small effective population size, warranting conservation concern. The objective of this study was to assess the population dynamics and the phylogeographical history of the paleback darter, using a multilocus microsatellite approach and mitochondrial DNA.
  2. The predictions of this study were that: paleback darter populations will exhibit low genetic diversity and minimal gene flow; population structure will correspond to the river systems from which the samples are derived; reservoir dams impounding the reaches between the Caddo and Ouachita rivers would serve as effective barriers to gene flow; and the Caddo and Ouachita rivers are reciprocally monophyletic.
  3. Microsatellite DNA loci revealed significant structure among sampled localities (global Fst = 0.17, P < 0.001), with evidence of two distinct populations representing the Caddo and Ouachita rivers. However, Bayesian phylogeographical analyses resulted in three distinct clades: Caddo River, Ouachita River, and Mazarn Creek. Divergence from the most recent ancestor shared among the river drainages was estimated at 60 Kya. Population genetic diversity was relatively low (He = 0.65; mean alleles per locus, A = 6.26), but was comparable with the population genetic diversity found in the close relatives slackwater darter, Etheostoma boschungi (He = 0.65; A = 6.74), and Tuscumbia darter, Etheostoma tuscumbia (He = 0.57; A = 5.53).
  4. These results have conservation implications for paleback darter populations and can be informative for other headwater specialist species. Like other headwater species with population structuring and relatively low genetic diversity, the persistence of paleback darter populations is likely to be tied to the persistence and connectivity of local breeding and non-breeding habitat. These results do not raise conservation concern for a population decline; however, the restricted distribution and endemic status of the species still renders paleback darter populations vulnerable to extirpation or extinction.

  1. Species diversity is declining more rapidly in freshwater ecosystems than in any other, but the consequences for genetic diversity, and hence evolutionary potential, are poorly understood. In part this reflects limited use and development of modern molecular tools and genetic approaches to address conservation questions in rivers, lakes and wetlands. As widespread, diverse and functionally important organisms, freshwater macroinvertebrates are ideal candidates for genetic approaches to reveal, for example, the conservation consequences of demographic histories and past disturbances. However, the availability of microsatellite markers for this group is very limited.
  2. Using next generation sequencing, microsatellite markers were developed for Isoperla grammatica (Poda, 1761), Amphinemura sulcicollis (Stephens, 1836) and Baetis rhodani (Pictet, 1843) to enable conservation genetic investigations of these widespread invertebrate species. Fifty‐two robust microsatellite loci were developed (18, 21 and 13 per species), all with high levels of allelic diversity (7–27, 3–16, 5–13 alleles per loci, respectively).
  3. These tools will allow assessment of genetic structure, dispersal and demographic resilience in these model species as a function of environmental change and variation, thereby aiding freshwater monitoring and conservation. The authors urge further capacity building to support genetic applications to the conservation biology of other aquatic organisms.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maternal characteristics typically affect the recruitment of an exploited fish population. The size and age at maturity, as well as the effects of maternal traits on relative fecundity and egg dry weight, were studied in six exploited pikeperch populations in Finnish lakes. The among‐lake variation in the maternal characteristics was substantial. The estimated total length at maturity (L10, L50, L90) varied between 318–444, 403–423 and 444–527 mm, respectively, largely depending on the average growth rate and body condition of pikeperch. The estimated L50 was generally close to the recently imposed national minimum size limit (42 cm). The estimated age at maturity (A50) ranged from 4.2 to 6.9 year. Both relative fecundity and egg dry weight significantly increased with female size and age, indicating size‐ and age‐dependent maternal effects on egg characteristics and quantity, and emphasising the importance of large individuals for reproduction. The observed among‐population differences in the size‐dependent maternal influences highlight the need for stock‐specific management of pikeperch fisheries. The conservation of large females should be promoted to increase recruitment and reduce its variability.  相似文献   

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