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水利设施运行影响下的鱼类早期资源发生规律被逐渐关注, 坝下区域也成为鱼类产卵生境的关注热点。西苕溪作为太湖上游的重要补充支流, 是太湖流域鱼类完成生活史过程的重要载体。为解析电站影响下的坝下河流生境变量与鱼类早期资源的内在联系, 本研究于 2022 年 4—7 月在西苕溪江东电站坝下的东山段开展了持续 90 d 的鱼类早期资源调查以及时空格局研究。结果显示, 该区域鱼卵日平均密度为(0.5±0.7) ind/m³, 仔鱼日平均密度为 (0.5±0.6) ind/m³。运用形态学结合分子生物学方法进行种类鉴定, 共鉴定鱼类 35 种, 隶属 4 目 14 科 22 属, 其中产沉性卵鱼类 9 种, 产浮性卵 5 种, 产黏性卵 9 种, 产漂流性卵 12 种。5 月下旬、6 月上旬和 6 月下旬为产卵高峰期。 左右岸样线以沉性卵和以水生植物为黏附基质的产黏性卵鱼类为主, 河心样线则以产漂流性卵、产黏性卵和浮性卵鱼类为主。该区域鱼类卵苗数量受水温、流速、水位影响较大, 水位、流速是影响鱼类繁殖的主要因子, 电站调度对卵苗量有显著影响。基于卵苗收获量、卵苗发育时期等结果, 判定该采样区域——西苕溪江东电站坝下东山段为适宜多种鱼类繁殖的复合型产卵场, 对太湖流域鱼类多样性和渔业资源保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

020189利用卵比重的差异来评价海产鱼类卵质的优劣=卵比重刃差套利用匕赴海产类仍新U、、卵质评价诀〔刊,日〕/柏木正章//养殖一2001,38(7)一120一123 (1)1999年日本海产鱼类种苗生产达8 000万尾,有22种为养殖采用的种苗,供放流用的海产鱼类有38种。列出了日本海产鱼类种苗生产规模图(1983一1999年)。(2)对卵质的评价依据过去以受精率、发眼率、孵化率及仔鱼的成活率为主要指标,间接的指标为卵粒的大小、形态、色泽、pH、卵的上浮率等。现在用鱼卵的上浮性为识别海产鱼类受精卵子质量优劣的主要标准。这种浮性卵,一般受精后均浮在水体表层,…  相似文献   

明晰鱼卵运动规律是鱼类产卵场位置推算、水库生态调度和鱼类资源保护等研究的基础。尤其是对于产漂流性卵鱼类,当流水环境不足以维持鱼卵漂流时,鱼卵便下沉死亡而无法孵化成幼鱼。对照中国内陆鱼类名录,查阅了国内重要流域及地方鱼类志中有关产漂流性卵鱼类的繁殖条件,列举了典型产漂流性卵鱼类产卵水温、产卵月份和孵化时长等相关信息。针对现有鱼类志中对于鱼卵基本物理性质及鱼卵安全漂流孵化所需水动力条件几乎没有记载的情况,补充查阅了国内外相关文献,总结梳理了漂流性鱼卵安全漂流水动力条件的研究进展。一种观点认为鱼卵在水体中是否能安全漂流取决于水体的流速,另一种观点认为控制漂流性鱼卵悬浮或下沉的关键参数是湍流或剪切速度,而不是水流的线速度。现有漂流性鱼卵漂流的关键水动力条件和阈值尚有争议,仍需对鱼卵运动规律进行机理实验研究。在此基础上,总结梳理了目前国内外对鱼卵在水中漂流输移的研究方法和手段,主要是通过野外观测、室内实验和模型模拟三种方式进行。以上研究极大推进了对鱼卵运动机制的理解,但大多数研究都仅仅针对鱼卵运动规律本身进行单一的实验或模型研究,而对于如何通过水利工程生态调度创造满足漂流性鱼卵孵化所需的流水环境,提出水利水电工程生态环境效应多维调控方法是未来产漂流性卵鱼类保护研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

五强溪水利工程对沅江鱼类资源的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1989年沅江鱼类资源调查结果,报道沅江鱼类区系组成,五强溪未成水库库区及坝下江段渔业资源状况和产飘流性卵鱼类的繁殖状况,并就五强溪水利工程对沅江鱼类资源的影响进行了预测,提出了发展渔业对策。  相似文献   

为了解十年禁渔背景下大宁河鱼类早期资源变化状况,2020和2021年5-7月在大宁河龙溪断面开展了鱼类早期资源现状的调查。结果表明,龙溪江段产浮性卵鱼类1种、漂流性卵鱼类4种、粘沉性卵鱼类19种;中华纹胸鮡(Glyptothorax sinensis)和大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)的产卵规模相对较大,其卵占比分别达48%和30%以上;2020年的鱼类卵苗资源量和种类都少于2021年。RDA分析结果显示,中华纹胸鮡(Glyptothorax sinensis)、张氏?(Hemiculter tchangi)鱼卵漂流密度与水温变化呈现一定相关性,适宜水温促使中华纹胸鮡(Glyptothorax sinensis)、张氏?(Hemiculter tchangi)产卵;随着流速和流量增加,多鳞白甲鱼(Scaphesthes macrolepis)和云南盘鮈(Discogobio yunnanensis)卵漂流密度均相应增加;大眼鳜(Siniperca kneri)和峨眉后平鳅(Metahomaloptera omeiensis)产卵期间江水酸碱度相对较低。十年禁渔的实施对大宁河鱼类资源的恢复可能产生积极影响。  相似文献   

汉江中下游产漂流性卵鱼类早期资源现状的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解汉江中下游江段的水文变化特点与鱼类早期资源分布状况,2009年6~8月在沙洋断面开展了汉江中下游产漂流性卵鱼类早期资源现状的调查。结果表明,汉江沙洋站以上可监测到的152.28km干流江段中共有3个产卵场,产卵场总长度为42.12km,占江段总长的27.7%。产卵总量为56601.9万粒,产漂流性卵鱼类约有21种,其中拟尖头鲌、蛇鮈、双斑副沙鳅、翘嘴鲌、吻鮈、赤眼鳟等为优势种。产漂流性卵鱼类的产卵次数和产卵量与江水的流速、温度、透明度、涨落水持续时间等多个因素都有一定的关联。近5年来,汉江中下游产漂流性卵鱼类的产卵量因为各种因素的影响呈现出逐年下降的趋势,产卵场的位置也有所改变。本研究旨在为水利开发与水生态环境以及鱼类资源保护提供基础资料。  相似文献   

陈熙春 《内陆水产》2001,26(11):15-15
大多鱼类为卵生,根据卵的粘度可分为粘性卵和非粘性卵;按照比重可分为沉性卵、浮性卵及半沉性卵。在淡水养殖鱼类中,鲤鱼、鲫鱼、鲴鱼、鲂鱼及大口胭脂鱼等均产粘性卵和半沉性卵。鱼苗生产时大多采用自然产卵、自然受精、自然孵化。作者以建鲤F7为研究对象,将收卵这一环节作为突破口,在产卵巢(鱼巢布置方式上作试验研究。现总结如下。1材料与方法1.1试验鱼建鲤F7代成熟亲鱼,注射催产剂促其产卵。1.2产卵池1.2.1旧式产卵池普通的池塘。1.2.2新式产卵池圆形,直径6米,深2米,底部设坡度为5%,中间低漏斗型出…  相似文献   

为探讨金沙江下游溪洛渡、向家坝水电站蓄水运行对下游江段鱼类早期资源群聚动态的影响,本文基于2016-2020年宜宾江段鱼类早期资源调查数据,对鱼类早期资源种群结构和年际变化趋势进行了研究。宜宾江段共计采集鱼卵20种,主要优势种为吻鮈和寡鳞飘鱼;估算出鱼卵年平均径流量为15.07×106粒,漂流性卵为9.89×106粒,年际间总体呈增加趋势;推算采样点以上分布有产漂流性卵鱼类产卵场3处;从多样性指数和相似度指数看,宜宾江段鱼卵种类组成结构较为稳定,年际间变化不大。尽管受到金沙江下游水电工程开发的影响,宜宾江段作为长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的重要组成部分,仍是产漂流性卵鱼类产卵繁殖的重要分布区,但主要以产漂流性卵小型鱼类为主,圆口铜鱼、长鳍吻鮈等长距离洄游性鱼类鱼卵没有监测到。建议继续加强圆口铜鱼、长鳍吻鮈等鱼类的增殖放流,同时,针对产漂流性卵小型鱼类的生态需求,开展金沙江下游梯级水电开发对其生态效应影响的监测研究。  相似文献   

对长江重庆段干流与8条主要支流的鱼类组成及主要生境进行了调查,并做了对比分析。结果显示:嘉陵江、乌江、綦河、小江、大宁河与长江干流的类似性系数(AFR值)大于80%,为共同区系关系,其中嘉陵江与干流的类似性系数最高。各支流与干流鱼类组成(包括鱼类种类总数、长江上游特有、珍稀、濒危鱼类数)的共有比例各有差异,其中嘉陵江最高,五布河最低。各支流的产卵场数较干流少,但都是以粘性卵产卵场为主,漂流性卵产卵场比例很低。其中,梅溪河没有发现漂流性卵产场,而五布河内漂流性卵产场和粘性卵产场均没有发现。各主要支流洄游通道最长的是小江,为146.5 km,最短的是五布河,仅19 km。河口流量最大的是嘉陵江,为2 100 m~3/s,最小的是五布河,为7.74 m~3/s。综合比较8条支流的鱼类分布情况,嘉陵江是最适宜作为长江重庆段干流替代生境的支流。  相似文献   

研究长江上游江津段的产漂流性卵鱼类早期资源现状和繁殖水文需求,可为长江上游鱼类资源保护和管理提供数据基础。2019-2022年的鱼类繁殖季节,在长江上游保护区江津断面开展鱼类早期资源调查,以了解该区域鱼类早期资源种类组成、鱼卵密度的时间动态以及与水文、水环境因子的关系。结果表明,采集到67种鱼类卵苗,其中典型产漂流性种类26种;从各种类繁殖规模比例来看,吻鮈、圆筒吻鮈、铜鱼、草鱼等占比较高;长鳍吻鮈繁殖高峰集中在4月,圆筒吻鮈和铜鱼的繁殖高峰集中在5月中下旬至7月上旬,四大家鱼的繁殖高峰集中在6月中旬-7月上旬,吻鮈的繁殖时间较长,高峰期集中在4月下旬至6月中下旬。产漂流性卵鱼类的主要产卵场分布在泸州弥陀镇、重庆朱杨溪-石门和金刚沱-油溪镇江段。相关分析结果表明,日均鱼卵密度与透明度呈显著负相关,与流量呈显著正相关。分类回归树结果表明,涨水过程中的水位涨幅、初始流量和透明度最小值是影响保护区产漂流性卵鱼类类群繁殖规模大小的重要因素,对于不同种类而言,所需的积温、流量条件不尽相同。长江上游保护区江段是多种产漂流性卵鱼类的产卵场,金沙江下游梯级陆续运行后,原产卵场位置和规模均发生了一定的变化,建议实施水文过程生态调度来减缓其影响时,不仅需要考虑水文、积温条件对鱼类性腺的影响,还需要考虑水文过程与产卵场形成之间的联系。  相似文献   

The effects that fishes have on rates of one or more ecosystem processes (hereafter referred to as functional effects) are often invoked as an important reason for imperilled species conservation. However, the degree to which we understand these effects is rarely evaluated for most groups of fishes. We assessed how well the functional effects of freshwater and diadromous fishes, one of the most imperilled groups of animals, are quantified to date. We found that 88% of studies considering the functional effects of imperilled North American fishes were conducted on one family, Salmonidae. Studies of the functional effects of fishes were also concentrated in Pacific drainages of North America, with few studies in hotspots of imperilled fish diversity such as the Southeastern United States, the arid Southwest and central Mexico. Our results demonstrate the vast taxonomic and geographic gaps in our functional understanding of imperilled fishes and highlight the need to broaden this work to justify the argument that they are functionally important in the ecosystems they inhabit.  相似文献   

Pilger TJ, Gido KB, Propst DL. Diet and trophic niche overlap of native and nonnative fishes in the Gila River, USA: implications for native fish conservation. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 300–321. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract –  The upper Gila River basin is one of the few unimpounded drainage basins west of the Continental Divide, and as such is a stronghold for endemic fishes in the region. Nevertheless, multiple nonindigenous fishes potentially threaten the persistence of native fishes, and little is known of the trophic ecology of either native or nonnative fishes in this system. Gut contents and stable isotopes (13C and 15N) were used to identify trophic relationships, trophic niche overlap and evaluate potential interactions among native and nonnative fishes. Both native and nonnative fishes fed across multiple trophic levels. In general, adult native suckers had lower 15N signatures and consumed more algae and detritus than smaller native fish, including juvenile suckers. Adult nonnative smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), yellow bullhead (Ameiurus natalis) and two species of trout preyed on small‐bodied fishes and predaceous aquatic invertebrates leading to significantly higher trophic positions than small and large‐bodied native fishes. Thus, the presence of these nonnative fishes extended community food‐chain lengths by foraging at higher trophic levels. Although predation on juvenile native fishes might threaten persistence of native fishes, the high degree of omnivory suggests that impacts of nonnative predators may be lessened and dependent on environmental variability.  相似文献   

中国海洋鱼类种类多样性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦燕  陈大刚 《齐鲁渔业》1997,14(2):18-20
中国海洋迄今已记录有3048种鱼类,分属288个科,约占全球海洋鱼类总数的23%,是世界鱼类种类最丰富的国家之一。种类多样性程度由南向北逐渐递减,南海高达2050种,但单种资源量小,黄渤海只有327种,但一些单种资源量较多,中国海洋针种以暖水种居多样性的高达87.8%,也有大量暖温种和少数冷温种,但无真正冰水各,中国海缺乏世界级的高产渔获种类。  相似文献   

胶州湾5种虾虎鱼类的营养和空间生态位   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
应用Shannon-Wiener指数和Pianka重叠指数分析了胶州湾5种虾虎鱼类的食物组成、营养生态位宽度、空间生态位宽度及其重叠,通过计算营养空间二维生态位重叠指数探讨了5种虾虎鱼类种间食物竞争与空间分布的关系。结果表明,胶州湾的5种虾虎鱼均属底栖动物食性,其中斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Synechogobius ommaturus)主要以虾类、多毛类和鱼类为食,而六丝钝尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)、红狼牙虾虎鱼(Odontamblyopus lace-pedii)、纹缟虾虎鱼(Tridentiger trigonocephalus)和钟馗虾虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)则主要摄食桡足类、钩虾、涟虫等小型底栖甲壳动物。在5种虾虎鱼中,六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的营养生态位宽度最高(2.65),纹缟虾虎鱼的空间生态位宽度最高(2.01),而红狼牙虾虎鱼的营养生态位宽度和空间生态位宽度均最低(分别为1.26和0.97)。5种虾虎鱼之间的营养生态位重叠指数在0.03~0.64之间,其中六丝钝尾虾虎鱼与钟馗虾虎鱼的营养生态位重叠指数最高(0.64);空间生态位重叠指数在0.08~0.91之间,最高值出现在红狼牙虾虎鱼与钟馗虾虎鱼之间(0.91);营养空间二维生态位重叠指数在0.0032~0.3648之间,其中钟馗虾虎鱼与六丝钝尾虾虎鱼的营养空间二维生态位重叠指数最高(0.3648),因此最有可能出现激烈的食物竞争,其他鱼种之间则通过营养或空间生态位的分化而降低了种间竞争的程度。  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental factors may interact to control sex determination in fishes. A common pattern of initial female differentiation and subsequent male transformation before maturation in non‐hermaphroditic fishes and after maturation in sequentially hermaphroditic fishes has suggested that changes in developmental timing may be responsible for the evolution of various expressions of sexual lability. Sequential hermaphroditism is rare in freshwater fishes, but investigators report degrees of sexual lability at four distinct life stages in cichlid fishes. Some cichlids undergo genetic sex determination and are not labile. Lability at the larval stage allows temperature or pH to determine sex. Social interactions apparently determine sex at the juvenile stage in the Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus). Most reports of post‐maturational sex change in cichlids are anecdotal or unsubstantiated. The common occurrence of same‐sex spawning suggests that many species are incapable of sex change. Sequential hermaphroditism is concluded not to be typical, except for the checkerboard cichlid (Crenicara punctulata), which regularly undergoes functional female‐to‐male transformation. Expression of sexual lability at four life stages in one family of fishes corroborates a role for developmental timing in the evolution of sequential hermaphroditism as well as environmentally controlled sex determination. The broad phylogenetic distribution of sexual lability in cichlids indicates that processes capable of producing sex change are generally present. The rarity of sequential hermaphroditism in cichlids and possibly other freshwater fishes is likely due to unpredictability of food and therefore potential mate distributions compared with coral reef habitats.  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at underlining the limited knowledge available about the physiology of triploid fishes compared with diploids. Whereas many aspects (induction, detection, growth, resistance to diseases, etc.) in the production and rearing of triploid fishes have widely been developed and described in the literature, other numerous questions of ecophysiology remain in abeyance, and the study of triploid cells physiology is still in its infancy. Triploid fishes can be considered as models worthwhile for physiological investigations not only for the economical stake in relation to the development of triploid fishes rearing, but also for the cytological and molecular features of their tissues and organs. The functional implications of these features have been poorly studied although they are potential areas of applied and/or fundamental studies.  相似文献   

黑龙江流域鱼类资源现状及放流鱼类选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细阐述、分析了黑龙江流域鱼类的资源现状及濒危状况、黑龙江流域鱼类放流现状及效果、增殖放流物种选择依据等,提出拟选择施氏鲟、达氏鳇、大麻哈鱼、驼背大麻哈鱼等11种鱼类为黑龙江水域第一批增殖放流鱼类,探讨了拟选择鱼类生态特点.最后根据黑龙江流域鱼类放流现状,提出了需要研究的问题.  相似文献   

There is growing societal and scientific interest in the welfare status of fish used for commercial enterprise. As animal welfare is primarily concerned with the quality of life of a conscious, sentient organism, the question of whether fishes are even capable of consciousness must first be addressed in order to assess their welfare status. Recently, there has been a resurgence of research investigating the biological basis for human consciousness, and our current understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying fish behaviour has likewise improved significantly. Combined, these research perspectives create an opportunity to better comprehend the phylogeny of traits associated with consciousness, as well as the emergence of consciousness itself during vertebrate evolution. Despite the availability of this literature, contemporary reviews or published studies investigating the probability of conscious states occurring in fishes often do so without considering new perspectives or data. In this paper, we review and critique recent publications that report equivocal conclusions favouring the absence or presence of consciousness in various fishes. By introducing other data into these analyses, we demonstrate that there are alternative perspectives which support the existence of consciousness in fishes as a plausible concept. An accurate assessment of the mental capacity of fishes will require enhanced knowledge of their forebrain neuroanatomy, an understanding of how such structures mediate behavioural responses, and an analysis of that information within the context of contemporary theory related to the evolution of consciousness in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic fishes of Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa has provided many fossil fishes from sediments laid down over a 400 million year period. The large array of fossil fishes come from diverse localities throughout the continent, representing a variety of environments. The marine fossil fishes of Africa have not been reviewed as a whole, while the freshwater Cenozoic fishes of Africa were last reviewed over 25 years ago. Since that time, many new finds have increased our knowledge of the history of African fishes. This paper summarizes the known fish fossils, excluding otoliths, from marine and freshwater deposits throughout Africa from the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and first part of the Cenozoic (Palaeogene). Much new work is ongoing, in areas such as Mali and South Africa, from which more information on the ichthyofaunas should come to light. New information presented here includes the Eocene site of Mahenge, Tanzania, from which have come the oldest known members of the family Cichlidae.  相似文献   

Flow variability structures freshwater fish community traits and life‐history patterns such as migration patterns between fresh and saltwater (diadromy). Few studies, however, have explored relationships between diadromy and flow regime while accounting for other abiotic covariables. The present paper used canonical ordinations to remove the shared variation between groups of explanatory variables that explain variation in fish communities and examine two objectives with New Zealand fishes: (i) to compare the unique contributions of Hydrological Regime, Climate, Habitat and Spatial‐Seasonal data sets to the variation of diadromous and nondiadromous fishes and (ii) to compare the relative contributions of a Hydrological Variability and Low‐Flow data set to community structure of both life‐history patterns. All explanatory variables explained a total of 20.15% and 29.58% of the variation in diadromous and nondiadromous fishes, respectively. Objective 1 analyses showed that the largest unique component of variation was explained by Hydrological Regime for nondiadromous fishes (12.17%), while Climate uniquely explained the most variation in diadromous fishes (4.3%), followed closely by Hydrological Regime (3.08%). Objective 2 analyses showed that Hydrological Variability uniquely explained five and 11 times more variation than the Low‐Flow data set in diadromous and nondiadromous fishes, respectively. Findings illustrate the importance of hydrological regime to New Zealand freshwater fishes. Specifically, aspects of hydrological variability uniquely account for more variation than aspects of low flow. Differing relative influences of hydrology between life‐history patterns suggest that diadromy may mediate the influence of flow regime. Results outline difficulties for environmental flow settings when biota display differing life histories.  相似文献   

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