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中国龙虾叶状幼体摄食的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
陈昌生 《水产学报》2001,25(4):330-335
中国龙虾叶状幼体孵出后1-2h就开始摄食、其适宜的开口饵料为卤虫无节幼体,叶状幼体Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ期摄食卤虫无节幼体后的变态率分别为80%、40%和32.5%。卤虫幼虫体和贻贝卵巢混合投喂,可提高叶状幼体的存活率。叶状幼体对不同饵料具有选择性,昼夜均可摄食,没有明显的摄食节律性。光照和黑暗对叶状幼体的摄食和存活没有影响。在适宜的卤虫无节幼体下,叶状幼体5-9min就可饱食,然后经过45-90min消化完毕;初孵叶状幼体对不同大小的卤虫无节幼体(349.5-604.9μm)的摄食没有明显差异,本试验可为开展中国龙虾的人工育苗积累资料。  相似文献   

为探索甘露寡糖(mannose-oligosaccharides, MOS)对波纹龙虾叶状幼体生长的促进作用,本研究设置3个试验组,分别投喂用不同浓度甘露寡糖强化的卤虫,统计各试验组培养3d、5d、7d后波纹龙虾叶状幼体的成活率。实验结果表明,1#饵料组(0.4%甘露寡糖强化)培养3d、5d、7d的成活率分别为(72.5±2.5)%、(57.5±2.5)%、(42.5±2.5)%,明显高于其它试验组。饵料中添加甘露寡糖可提高波纹龙虾叶状幼体的成活率,甘露寡糖最佳添加浓度为0.4%。  相似文献   

通过脊尾白虾幼体饵料搭配的比较试验,研究了海水小球藻、中肋骨条藻分别与虾片和卤虫无节幼体搭配投喂对脊尾白虾幼体的变态速率、存活率及体长变化的影响。结果表明,单一使用虾片的育苗效果较差,幼体发育至2期溞状幼体后开始大量死亡,只有约30%的幼体变态成3期溞状幼体;投喂卤虫无节幼体与中肋骨条藻搭配组的脊尾白虾幼体组在第8d时有46%的幼体变态为仔虾,至第10d时幼体100%变态为仔虾;此外,卤虫无节幼体与中肋骨条藻搭配组幼体的存活率为92%,其幼体在1期仔虾平均体长为5.199mm,平均日增长达到0.3079mm/d。由此可见,卤虫无节幼体与中肋骨条藻搭配有利于脊尾白虾幼体的生长发育,可用于脊尾白虾育苗生产。  相似文献   

不同饵料对中华虎头蟹幼体发育和存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨中华虎头蟹苗种繁育过程中饵料及投喂的影响,进行了不同饵料对中华虎头蟹溞状幼体和大眼幼体生长发育和存活的影响实验。实验结果,中华虎头蟹各期幼体生长发育效果较好的饵料为动物性饵料,Z1期以卤虫无节幼体为开口饵料,只投喂扁藻后期幼体发育较差;Z2以轮虫和卤虫无节幼体的搭配为好;Z3期则以轮虫为适宜饵料;M期投喂卤虫无节幼体效果相对较好。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹幼体培育实验表明在幼体培育过程中,单投轮虫、卤虫、人工饵料及藻类幼体的发育并不理想,均在某个变态阶段受阻.人工饵料和藻类在投喂的第四天已全部死亡.但适当添加人工饵料及藻类以几种饵料混合投喂方式可有效地提高幼体成活率.轮虫、丰年虫、裸腹蚤均是幼体良好的生物饲料.  相似文献   

方格星虫幼体饵料研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以10种饵料投喂方格星虫幼体进行定性和定量试验,实验用的方格星虫幼体是通过人工催产孵化获得。试验结果表明:9种海产单细胞藻类和面包酵母都是方格星虫幼体的良好饵料,其中以扁藻、等鞭金藻、叉鞭金藻、绿色巴夫藻、牟氏角毛藻和三角褐指藻投喂效果最好,星虫幼体日平均生长率达46~52μm,存活率达80%以上。饵料密度对星虫幼体生长及存活的影响明显。饵料密度过低,星虫幼体生长率和存活率都较低;饵料密度过高时,虽然星虫生长率有所提高,但存活率明显下降。扁藻投喂密度以4000~6000cell ml、金藻、角毛藻密度以15000~20000cell ml为宜。初期幼体投喂金藻和角毛藻时,其生长率大于投喂扁藻的生长率;后期幼体投喂扁藻时,幼体生长率反而大于投喂金藻和角毛藻的生长率。因此,初期幼体宜投喂细胞较小的金藻和角毛藻,后期投喂扁藻。  相似文献   

中国龙虾的人工繁殖及早期叶状幼体培育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国龙虾的繁殖季节在4-9月,每尾雌虾可抱卵2-3次,抱卵盛期在6-7月份。在水温26-29℃的条件下,雌虾抱卵后在18-22d内孵出叶状幼体,叶状幼体破膜时间一般为19:30-23:00,高峰期出现在21:00-22:30之间,初孵幼体平均体长为1565.79±24.57μm。在静水、无投饵条件下的生存指数SAI值可作为检测叶状幼体活力的一个指标,其大小为30.50-80.67。SAI值的变化与时状幼体的变态率和存活率呈正相关。经方差分析,各实验批次的Ⅰ期叶状幼体存活率与变态率差异不明显,Ⅱ期幼体之后呈显著性差异,叶状幼体生长发育的适宜盐度为33-35。  相似文献   

用两只容积为8吨的实验水槽,分别培养400万尾中国对虾无节幼体,其中1号水槽投喂豆浆、蛋黄代用饵料,2号水槽投喂三角褐指藻、褶皱臂尾轮虫和卤虫,至仔虾幼体X期(P_(10))进行计数。前者变态成活率为23.4%,后者变态成活率为65.7%;且个体体长亦为后者大于前者,表明用生物饵料优于代用饵料。  相似文献   

王春琳 《水产学报》2007,31(6):778-784
用扁藻、酵母和"鱼油 酵母"强化3种方式处理的卤虫无节幼体投喂黑斑口虾蛄幼体,对各组黑斑口虾蛄幼体消化酶活力和抗逆性差别分析。结果显示,经过"鱼油 酵母"强化的幼体对氨氮、福尔马林、饥饿和盐度的耐受性均强于对照组。经过扁藻和"鱼油 酵母"强化的第Ⅲ相幼体脂肪酶活力是对照组的3倍,经过酵母和"鱼油 酵母"强化的仔虾蛄幼体脂肪酶活力较高。在第Ⅲ相幼体中淀粉酶活力为扁藻>酵母>对照>"鱼油 酵母"强化,仔虾蛄中酶活力为扁藻>对照>酵母>"鱼油 酵母"强化。在酵母强化第Ⅲ相幼体和对照组仔虾蛄中纤维素酶活力最高。第Ⅲ相幼体对照组的胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力均为最高,而"鱼油 酵母"强化仔虾蛄幼体的胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力均高于对照组。黑斑口虾蛄幼体消化酶活性和抗逆性能力的变化趋势与其成活率、变态率、生长速度、EPA和DHA含量变化趋势相同,可以作为评价饵料质量好坏的重要指标。  相似文献   

1992 ̄1995年,将细小裂面藻作为水产动物的饵料进行试验,结果:单独投喂裂面藻,轮虫密度10天内由3个/ml增殖与400个/ml左右,与对照组海水小球藻无显著差异;卤虫22 ̄24天出现卵囊,总成活率54%,与对照组杜氏藻无显著差异;对虾幼体只能由Z1变态到Z2,且总成活率与对照组角刺藻差异显著;用裂面藻培育的轮虫和卤虫幼体作对虾Z2以后的补充饵料,能顺利发育变态,直到出池。认为裂面藻作为轮虫和  相似文献   

4种单胞藻对卤虫生长和生殖影响的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以亚心形扁藻、小球藻、湛江等鞭金藻、绿色巴夫藻为饵料,卤虫为投喂对象,建立五个实验组分别进行研究,观察不同饵料对卤虫生长和生殖的影响,结果表明:投喂亚心形扁藻的卤虫生长最快,成活率高,生殖量也最多,其次为绿色巴夫藻组,湛江等鞭金藻的饵料效果最差.混合4种单胞藻投喂的效果也较好.  相似文献   

Molecular attempt to identify prey organisms of lobster phyllosoma larvae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT:   A molecular approach was adopted to investigate the natural diets of palinurid and scyllarid lobster phyllosoma larvae. The central domain of the 18S rDNA gene was amplified using nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genomic DNA extracted from the larval hepatopancreas. The resulting 18S rDNA clones were screened using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and then FASTA homology search and phylogenetic analysis were performed on the nucleotide sequences to identify the source of the eukaryotic organisms. The feasibility of this method was confirmed using the laboratory-reared phyllosoma larvae of the Japanese spiny lobster Panulirus japonicus that were fed either with common mussel Mytilus edulis gonads or with Artemia nauplii exclusively. Among the 804 clones isolated from five wild-caught mid- to late-stage phyllosoma larvae (three palinurids and two scyllarids), 0–132 clones per sample possessed restriction profiles distinct from those of the hosts. The Cnidaria and Urochordata DNA were identified from both the palinurid and the scyllarid larvae, which were thought to be prey animals for the mid- to late-stage phyllosoma larvae.  相似文献   

A series of ingestion trials were conducted to determine the ingestion rate of Artemia nauplii by Eriocheir sinensis zoea larvae with increasing densities of Artemia and with or without rotifers as a co-feed. At each zoeal stage, 10 groups of 10 larvae were reared individually in glass beakers and fed with increasing densities of newly hatched Artemia nauplii (0.5, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 individual (ind.) mL−1) with or without rotifers (15–25 ind. mL−1) as a co-feed. The average number of ingested Artemia was measured over 24 h. In addition, the average larval development rate (Larval Stage Index, LSI) over a longer period (time needed for the best treatment to reach 100% moult or metamorphosis to the next larval stage) was compared. The results showed that Artemia ingestion rate of E. sinensis larvae increased with increasing prey densities and larval development, and had a significantly negative correlation with rotifer consumption for all zoeal stages. Rotifers as an alternative prey significantly affected the intake of Artemia at early larval stages (Z1 and Z2) and promoted LSI at a lower Artemia density. Further experiments are needed to clarify the effect of prey density on survival and larval development when larvae are reared communally.  相似文献   

Growth and survival rates of smallmouth bass ( Micropterus dolomieui ) were compared for fishes reared from larval stages, for three weeks using different feeding regimes. Diets consisted of a commercial dry diet formulated for larval fishes, the dry diet plus Artemia salina nauplii, and Artemia salina nauplii alone. Smallmouth bass on the three diets showed average daily gains of 0.7, 0.7 and 0.5 mm/day and 11.0, 11.4 and 5.2 mg/day, respectively. Condition factors for the three diets were not significantly different ( P > 0.05). Mean survival rates were 39, 85 and 77% respectively.  相似文献   

饵料对不同品系卤虫生长和生殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用盐藻、米糠、螺旋藻粉、酵母、米糠 盐藻这5种饵料类型培养江苏台北盐场、西藏巴里坤湖、山西运城、美国大盐湖等4个品系的卤虫,考察其生长、存活和繁殖特性.结果表明米糠、螺旋藻、米糠 盐藻利于卤虫的生长,盐藻和米糠 盐藻利于卤虫的成活,米糠、螺旋藻、米糠 盐藻可促进卤虫的繁殖;美国大盐湖品系的综合性能最佳,以它作为增养殖对象是较好的选择。  相似文献   

Larvae of the portunid crab Scylla serrata were successfully reared using a combination of antibiotics (penicillin-G + polymyxin-B), phytoplankton (Chlorella sp.) and appropriate food (Artemia salina nauplii).Antibiotics enhanced premetamorphic survival of zoeae while leaving rate of zoeal development and success of metamorphosis to megalopa unaltered. Water filtration and ultraviolet sterilization had no significant effect on rates of zoeal survival or development. Although antibiotics did not affect metamorphosis of megalopa to the crab stage, the antibiotic mixture may have been detrimental to survival of megalopae.The presence of Chlorella, unlike antibiotics, left zoeal survival unaffected while stimulating production of megalopae. As with antibiotics, time from hatching to megalopa formation was unaltered by the presence of Chlorella.Survival and development of zoeae varied with type and concentration of food organisms used. Feeding with Artemia nauplii produced highest larval survival and continued development. Rotifers and zooplankton as a food source failed to support zoeal survival to the onset of metamorphosis and failed to enhance survival when fed in combination with Artemia nauplii.A daily optimum food concentration of ten Artemia nauplii per ml was established for zoeal survival, while success of metamorphosis of zoeae to megalopa increased as food concentration increased from 5 to 16 nauplii per ml. Rate of development was comparable in all zoeal feeding experiments.Megalopae survived better at the higher food (Artemia) concentrations used and tended to develop more rapidly to the crab stage at higher food levels.  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - Artemia franciscana nauplii were enriched with Streptomyces sp. RL8 in order to assess its effect on the survival rate of Artemia and its protective effects against Vibrio...  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out on turbot larvae fed three different rotifer enrichment diets: Dry Selco, Protein Selco and ICES low-HUFA (an enrichment emulsion containing low amounts of highly unsaturated fatty acids—HUFA). Seven tanks were set up for each diet. After the rotifer stage, approximately seven days after hatching, the larvae were fed newly-hatched Artemia salina nauplii (AT-1; Brazil strain). From day 10, enriched Great Salt Lake Artemia nauplii were introduced. Each set of seven tanks was further subdivided and the larvae fed Arternia nauplii enriched with one of four enrichment diets: Dry Selco, Protein Selco, ICES low-HUFA or Super Selco. The rotifer enrichments had no significant effect on larval growth and survival. The nutritional value of the Artemia stage (day 13 to 26) was more important for the overall larval survival.  相似文献   

Newly hatched Crangon zoeae from different maternal shrimp were raised separately using an Imhoff cone larval-rearing system. Experimental diets were Chaetoceros gracile , live Artemia nauplii, lyophilized Arremia nauplii particles, calcium alginate microencapsulated (CAM) Artemia nauplii, lyophilized Daphnia magna and CAM Daphnia magna . A dependable "atomizer" design for lab oratory preparation of CAM diets was developed. Initially, survival rates of zoeae fed either Chaetoceros or live Artemia nauplii were evaluated in order to establish a suitable control diet for subsequent growth experiments, and the interbrood and intrabrood components of zoed survival variation were analyzed.
Crangon zoeae ate every type of food offered to them, but only Chaeroceros- fed zoeae survived to metamorphosis. Zoeal survival rates were extremely variable. Interbrood variation was greater than intrabrood variation, but the difference was not statistically significant. Zoeae from smaller maternal shrimp were generally more active and had greater survival rates than zoeae from larger, presumably older and senescent shrimp. Zoeae that were fed Chaetoceros supplemented with CAM Artemia nauplii had significantly greater ( P < 0.001) growth rates than siblings fed only Chaetoceros .
Suspension feeding on Chaetoceros was probably more efficient than raptorial feeding on Artemia nauplii, resulting in greater survival rates. Supplementing a successful microalgal diet with CAM Artemia nauplii allowed greater use of zoeal feeding mechanisms, added an animal nutrient source to the diet, and affected growth rates by increasing the molt increment and decreasing the intermolt period.  相似文献   

日本对虾仔虾培育试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
用无节幼体培育仔虾,采用的对虾幼体饵料有中肋骨条藻、卤虫无节幼体及台湾产的人工配合饵料,并注意饵料的配合使用及消毒工作;为维持水质稳定,整个培育期间不换水,加大布气石的密度(3.6个/m2)。在300m3水体中,一茬育出仔虾2218万尾,成活率为66.2%,取得了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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