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Despite the popularity of barrier removal as a habitat restoration technique, there are few studies that evaluate the biological effects of restored stream crossings. An extensive post‐treatment study design was used to quantify fish populations (e.g. species, life stage, abundance) and habitat attributes (e.g. gradient, geomorphic channel units) at 32 culvert removal or replacement projects to determine their effectiveness in restoring habitat access for juvenile salmon, Oncorhynchus spp., and steelhead, O. mykiss (Walbaum), in the Columbia River Basin, USA. Anadromous fish (steelhead, Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha [Walbaum]) abundance, juvenile steelhead abundance and habitat conditions were not significantly different between paired reaches (i.e. upstream and downstream of former barrier sites), suggesting these sites are no longer full barriers to movement. This suggests that barrier removal projects on small Columbia Basin streams provide adequate fish passage, increased habitat availability and increased juvenile anadromous fish abundance immediately upstream of former barriers.  相似文献   

We incorporated explanatory factors including stream habitat type and fish density into individual‐based models with dynamic connections among adjacent habitat units to infer dispersal behaviour of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in a Great Lakes watershed. We used mark–recapture data and an inverse modelling approach to estimate daily probability of steelhead moving out of a habitat unit, P(move), according to four competing models. The models used included (i) a null model where all fish had equal movement probability; (ii) a habitat‐dependent model where P(move) depended on the habitat type; (iii) a density‐dependent model of P(move); and (iv) a model where P(move) depended on both density and habitat type. The habitat‐dependent model provided the most parsimonious fit to the observed data according to Akaike's information criteria (AICc). In the null model, P(move) averaged 0.70, whereas P(move) averaged 0.75 in pools, 0.68 in riffles and 0.73 in runs in the habitat‐dependent model.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined summer and fall freshwater rearing habitat use by juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the quickly urbanising Big Lake drainage in south‐central Alaska. Habitat use was assessed by regressing fish count data against habitat survey information across thirty study sites using generalised linear mixed models. Habitat associations were examined by age‐0 and age‐1+ cohorts separately, providing an opportunity to compare habitat use across different juvenile coho salmon life stages during freshwater rearing. Regression results indicated that the age‐0 cohorts were strongly associated with shallow, wide stream reaches with in‐stream vegetation, whereas age‐1+ cohorts were associated with deeper stream reaches. Furthermore, associations between fork length and habitat characteristics suggest cohort‐specific habitat use patterns are distinct from those attributable to fish size. Habitat use information generated from this study is being used to guide optimal fish passage restoration planning in the Big Lake drainage. Evidence for habitat use partitioning by age cohort during freshwater juvenile rearing indicates that pooling age cohorts into a single “juvenile” stage for the purposes of watershed management may mask important habitat use dynamics.  相似文献   

本文主要研究密度对网箱养殖硬头鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss存活和生长的影响。在水温8.2~19.1℃下,将体质量1.02 kg的硬头鳟鱼种养殖在5m×10m×6m网箱中,网箱放置在松花江上游的松山水库中,密度分别为5尾/m~2(Ⅰ组)、8尾/m~2(Ⅱ组)、11尾/m~2(Ⅲ组)和14尾/m~2(Ⅳ组),投喂粗蛋白含量为42%、粗脂肪22%的颗粒饲料,常规养殖。145d的养殖表明:网箱养殖的放养密度对硬头鳟的生长有一定影响。第Ⅳ组鱼的存活率显著低于其他3组(P0.05);放养密度为5~11尾/m~2时硬头鳟的生长与密度呈正相关,大于此密度范围则呈负相关。第Ⅲ组鱼的终末体质量、日增重、增重率、利润和利润率显著高于其余3组(P0.05);4个密度组硬头鳟的产量随放养密度增加而递增。本试验表明:网箱养殖硬头鳟的放养密度为11尾/m~2较适宜。  相似文献   

Juvenile salmonids display highly variable spatial and temporal patterns of early dispersal that are influenced by density‐dependent and density‐independent factors. Although juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) movement patterns in streams and their relationship with body mass and growth have been examined in previous studies, most observations were limited to one season or one stream section. In this study, we monitored the movement of juvenile coho salmon throughout their period of residence in a coastal basin to identify prevalent dispersal strategies and their relationships with body mass, growth rates and survival. Our results revealed seasonally and spatially variable movement patterns. Juvenile coho salmon that dispersed to tidally affected reaches soon after emergence remained more mobile and expressed lower site fidelity than those individuals that remained in upper riverine reaches. We did not detect significantly different growth rates between sedentary and mobile individuals. Although a greater proportion of sedentary than mobile fish survived winter to emigrate from the creek in the spring, reach of residence at the onset of winter influenced these survival estimates. Hence, apparent summer‐to‐smolt survival for mobile individuals was greater than for sedentary fish in tidally influenced reaches, whereas in riverine reaches the sedentary strategy seemed to be favoured. Our research identified complex movement patterns that reflect phenotypic and life history variation, and underscores the importance of maintaining diverse freshwater and estuarine habitats that support juvenile coho salmon before marine migration.  相似文献   

We investigated the summer ecology of juvenile steelhead trout Onchorhynchus mykiss and Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha in the context of habitat use and movement behaviour. The study area was a 14.8 km section of the Chehalis River, Washington, and is of particular interest due to recent proposals for both a flood retention dam and restoration actions in this watershed. Ten study reaches were paired in distance upstream and downstream from a central point where a passive integrated transponder antenna array was operated between late June and September 2014. Juvenile densities for each species were associated with reach‐scale habitat and temperature characteristics. Juvenile steelhead underwent upstream and downstream movements up to 7 km, although more fish from further away moved downstream than upstream. Juvenile steelhead repeated horizontal movements throughout the study period, but daily detections were not associated with temperature or flow. The majority (81%) of steelhead movements occurred between the hours of 04:00–07:00 and 18:00–21:00. Juvenile Chinook underwent a downstream migration that was nearly complete by the end of August. Most juvenile Chinook were detected just once and movements occurred on days with warmer stream temperature and higher flows. The majority of Chinook movements occurred at night. Although juvenile salmonids are often thought to have small home ranges during summer months, our results suggest that horizontal movements may be more prevalent than previously thought. Summer habitat should be defined by a network of suitable rearing reaches with connectivity available in both upstream and downstream directions.  相似文献   

A catchment‐scale salmon, Salmo salar L., habitat enhancement scheme was developed for the River Main (Northern Ireland) with reference to baseline habitat and electric fishing surveys. In total, 19 separate sites were enhanced using flow deflectors or random boulder addition. Habitat suitability for juvenile salmon increased at enhanced sites following the scheme, and significant changes in underlying physical habitat characteristics (particle size, depth and flow) were detected after the installation of flow deflectors. The overall index of salmon fry recruitment, monitored across the catchment, showed no change between pre‐ and post‐enhancement periods. The mean biomass of salmon evident at individual enhancement sites (5.1 g m?2) was significantly higher than the mean biomass at control sites (1.2 g m?2). Increased densities of >0+ juvenile salmon were associated with enhanced sites relative to controls. Marking studies indicated the potential for long‐range dispersal of juvenile salmon between 0+ (summer) and 1+ (summer) age classes. The potential of the scheme to enhance the local salmon stock was discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used three-dimensional video analysis of feeding experiments to determine the effects of water depth on prey detection and capture by drift-feeding juvenile coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) and steelhead ( O. mykiss irideus ). Depth treatments were 0.15, 0.30, 0.45 and 0.60 m. Mean prey capture probabilities for both species were constant across all treatments (coho = 0.51, steelhead = 0.39), and did not differ significantly between species. In deeper treatments, capture probabilities were lower nearer the surface than they were nearer the substrate, particularly at the lateral edges of the foraging area. In deeper treatments coho had greater capture probabilities nearer the surface than did steelhead. It is unclear if this was a species difference, or one based on the relative amount of foraging experience the fish had in the wild prior to capture. Prey capture manoeuver characteristics were very similar for both species, including positive relationships between water depth and both prey detection distance and prey interception swimming speed, and no relationship between depth and speed of return to the focal point. Because prey encounter rate is expected to increase with increasing water depth, we used capture probabilities to predict capture rates for coho and steelhead, which increased linearly with water depth. We conclude that any benefit of foraging in deeper water is more likely due to increased encounter rate rather than to increased capture probability.  相似文献   

Food availability and thermal regimes can largely govern growth opportunities in fishes. In temperate regions, streams can exhibit summer temperatures that exceed the optima for coolwater-adapted species relative to the amount of available food, and therefore, spring and fall may confer better growing conditions, especially for larger size classes. We examined the relationship between growth, consumption and growth efficiency across seasons in juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in their natal streams in Idaho, USA. Subyearling (0+) growth rates were higher in summer, whereas yearlings exhibited no statistically significant difference in growth between seasons. Consumption rates were overall lower in winter–spring but constituted a higher proportion of maximum consumption compared with summer and fall, indicating better food availability relative to metabolic demands. Net growth efficiencies were higher in winter–spring, but substantially more so than the proportion of maximum consumption. This suggests that overwinter growth performance was driven at least partly by higher growth efficiency, and the effect was most pronounced for yearling steelhead. The low proportions of maximum consumption for both age classes suggest that food was an overall limiting factor to growth, especially in summer when metabolic demands were highest. We discuss how temperature-based models can overestimate growth in the warmest parts of the year and develop a simple conceptual model for the seasonal timing of juvenile growth. In anadromous populations, the outmigration of presmolts in spring can reduce the level of competition. For the individuals that remain in the river, growth in this period can be particularly important.  相似文献   

The vast majority of global freshwater ecosystems are small lakes with less than 100 m2 surface area. These lakes are often unconnected to other water bodies but frequently host fish populations. Existing explanations for how fish colonize such remote habitats often involve birds as vectors transporting fish eggs as propagules. In this study, we aim to quantify the prevalence of these explanations among relevant societal groups as well as their scientific knowledge basis. We analyzed entries in online blogs and forums and surveyed the opinions of local stakeholders and decision makers using a questionnaire. To collect published scientific knowledge, we conducted a structured literature review. Our results reveal a discrepancy between commonly found beliefs and the empirical knowledge supporting those beliefs: Dispersal of fish eggs by water birds was overall the most frequent explanation online and in the questionnaire. In the scientific literature, however, we found hardly any empirical research on passive fish egg dispersal. We propose research directions for how to close this gap of knowledge and suggest that future empirical studies on passive fish egg dispersal may be inspired by existing work on passive dispersal in aquatic invertebrates. Mitigating the belief‐evidence discrepancy on fish dispersal will be essential to better understand the patterns of fish biodiversity across landscapes, to counteract its losses, and inform management strategies for invasive fish species.  相似文献   

Dispersal of young fish through wind‐driven currents has a growing research focus in large freshwater lakes; however, the influence of behaviour on such dispersal has not been tested. Fish may orient to different environmental cues and use swimming behaviours to navigate towards or retain their position within important habitats. To examine the ability of larval and juvenile fishes of the Laurentian Great Lakes to perceive and orient to nearshore or offshore habitats, we carried out a series of behavioural trials in a flume in which fish choose between different combinations of nearshore and offshore water, and well water. Water and a natural assemblage of larval and juvenile nearshore fish (Dominant species: white sucker, Catostomus commersonii, and spottail shiners, Notropis hudonius) used in the experiment were collected from northern Lake Michigan near Beaver Island. Results of our study suggest that young fish are capable of distinguishing and responding to different water sources, indicating a potential to orient within their environment, such as through the use of olfactory cues. We did not see a difference in fish response to changing concentrations of water cues, possibly suggesting that the threshold for fish response occurs at lower concentrations than were tested in our experiments. This preliminary study into orientation of Great Lakes fishes demonstrates the capacity of these fish to orient to cues in water sources and indicates the need to consider active movement in future studies of larval dispersal and habitat choice in the large freshwater lakes.  相似文献   

The growth of 1-month-old juvenile sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858), was monitored for 6 months in earthen ponds of commercial fish farms located at the Tagus and Sado Estuaries. The postlarvae were introduced into net cages at a density of 50 m−2. Data obtained from different growth experiments carried out under similar environmental conditions were analysed. To describe the growth of juvenile sole, the comprehensive model proposed by Schnute was fitted to the data. This model provides a better fit than, for instance, the Gompertz model, to the length at age of S. senegalensis juveniles. Seven-month-old sole juveniles have 80% probability of attaining a length of 10.9–11.7 cm and a weight between 11.0 and 13.7 g. The growth equation can be used to predict fish growth under these environmental conditions and thus identify appropriate farm management options.  相似文献   

Thibault I, Hedger RD, Dodson JJ, Shiao J‐C, Iizuka Y, Tzeng W‐N. Anadromy and the dispersal of an invasive fish species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Eastern Quebec, as revealed by otolith microchemistry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 348–360. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is invading rivers bordering the St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada). Some rivers in Eastern Quebec support self‐sustaining populations while adult vagrants are frequently captured in rivers where no reproduction has been confirmed. We hypothesised that the development of anadromy has promoted the species dispersal. Otolith Sr:Ca analyses revealed that although all fish captured in the upstream stocking region were freshwater residents, both anadromous and freshwater resident phenotypes were found downstream in Eastern Quebec. The proportion of fish exhibiting the anadromous life cycle increased with the distance from the stocking zone. Eastern Quebec steelhead migrated to sea at the same age but at a larger size than steelhead within their native range. Age at first reproduction was similar to that observed in native populations. The development of the anadromous life cycle enables this species to colonise new rivers following long‐distance migrations along the St. Lawrence Estuary corridor.  相似文献   

Understanding ecological effects of altered stream flows is an essential objective. In a comparative field study of juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that compared natural‐ and reduced‐flow sites, we used mark–recapture modelling and information theory to quantify spatially and temporally explicit patterns of density, specific growth rate, survival and outmigration; and test predictions for biotic and abiotic drivers. Densities were lower in water withdrawal treatments, resulting in lower intraspecific competition and, higher specific growth rate and survival. We observed yearly differences in density and intraspecific competition, with a negative relationship between density and specific growth rate over a wide range of densities, but reductions in survival only at the highest densities. Moreover, individual variability within sites was important. At high density (sites and years), survival related negatively to body size. In contrast, when overall density was lower, specific growth rate was negatively related to body size. Lastly, individuals were more likely to outmigrate when they had larger body size, lower survival or reared in habitats with reduced flows, and these patterns appeared mediated by the intensity of intraspecific competition. Our results underscore the harsh bioenergetic conditions induced by higher temperatures and densities during summer baseflow (relative to other seasons), particularly for larger fish demanding more resources, and suggest a density‐dependent mechanism for why this period is important for regulating salmonid populations. We found that a complex combination of natural (e.g., density) and anthropogenic (e.g., withdrawal) factors affected juvenile salmon populations and life history expression in the face of altered flows.  相似文献   

Downstream passage for juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) and steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) through the fish weir at Foster Dam, Oregon, was evaluated to assess the weir's efficacy as a long-term passage solution. Radio telemetry was used to estimate survival, passage and effectiveness for the fish weir, spillway and turbines. Survival of Chinook salmon through the fish weir varied by season and reservoir elevation (66%–87%), and passage proportions were low (8%–20%). Fish weir effectiveness was low to moderate (0.39–2.09). Steelhead survival was lower (57%–77%) but passed the fish weir in higher proportions (77%), and weir effectiveness was consistently high (2.96–5.49). The results indicate the existing fish weir will not be a suitable long-term passage solution for all species. However, because of the high passage proportions and effectiveness observed for steelhead, further development of the surface-flow concept appears to be promising for safely passing downstream-migrating fishes.  相似文献   

This study compared the heat-shock response and metabolic energy status in hatchery-raised and two groups of wild-caught steelhead trout parr collected from the Navarro River watershed, California. Wild parr were from coastal and inland sites with different thermal regimes. Fish were exposed in the laboratory to 25 ± 0.2°C for 2-h and the heat-shock response was assessed in muscle tissue via induction of heat-shock proteins (hsps) 63, 72, 78, and 89. Metabolic measurements included muscle phosphocreatine (PCr), ATP, ADP, and AMP, and hepatic glycogen. Inland and coastal fish overlapped considerably with regard to their hsp responses and energetic endpoints, but hatchery fish were distinct in the biochemical patterns they exhibited. Hsp expression levels after temperature shock were significantly lower in hatchery than in wild fish. Hatchery fish also had significantly lower hepatic glycogen and higher muscle ADP, ATP, and PCr concentrations than wild fish. Coastal and inland steelhead did not differ significantly with regard to peak hsp72 and hsp89 levels or to concentrations of energy metabolites. However, fish from the warm-water, inland site expressed significantly less hsp63, maintained higher basal levels of hsp72, and induced hsp89 more slowly than fish from the cold-water, coastal site. Discriminant function analysis revealed that hatchery fish can be distinguished from wild Navarro River fish with 84.9% certainty using the following function: f(x) = − 43.6 + 0.14(Gly) + 4.1(PCr) + 186.4(AMP) + 80.8(ADP) − 0.14(hsp63) + 0.005(hsp72). This study demonstrates that within a single species, rearing conditions or genetic variation can influence an organism’s disposition and cellular response to thermal stress. Extrapolation of results from laboratory studies on hatchery fish to wild fish may therefore not be possible, and caution must be used when interpreting hsp data obtained for wild fish with different thermal histories.  相似文献   

Individual variability in dispersal strategies, where some individuals disperse and others remain resident, is a common phenomenon across many species. Despite its important ecological consequences, the mechanisms and individual consequences of dispersal remain poorly understood. Here, riverine Northern pike (Esox lucius) juveniles (age 0+ (young-of-the-year) and 1+ years) were used to investigate the influence of body size and trophic position (at capture) on the dispersal from off-channel natal habitats and the subsequent consequences for body sizes, specific growth rate and trophic position (at recapture). Individuals that dispersed into the river (“dispersers”) were not significantly different in body size than those remaining on nursery grounds (“stayers”). For trophic position, 0+ dispersers were of significantly lower trophic position than stayers, but with this not apparent in the 1+ fish. Following dispersal into the river, the dispersers grew significantly faster than stayers and, on recapture, were significantly larger, but with no significant differences in their final trophic positions. Early dispersal into the river was, therefore, not associated with early dietary shifts to piscivory and the attainment of larger body sizes of individuals whilst in their natal habitats, contrary to prediction. These results suggest that despite an increasing risk of mortality for individuals dispersing early from natal areas, there are long-term benefits via elevated growth rates and, potentially, higher fitness. Such early dispersal behaviour could be driven by early competitive displacement.  相似文献   

Information on prey availability, diets, and trophic levels of fish predators and their prey provides a link between physical and biological changes in the ecosystem and subsequent productivity (growth and survival) of fish populations. In this study two long‐term data sets on summer diets of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in international waters of the central North Pacific Ocean (CNP; 1991–2009) and Gulf of Alaska (GOA; 1993–2002) were evaluated to identify potential drivers of steelhead productivity in the North Pacific. Stable isotopes of steelhead muscle tissue were assessed to corroborate the results of stomach content analysis. We found the composition of steelhead diets varied by ocean age group, region, and year. In both the GOA and CNP, gonatid squid (Berryteuthis anonychus) were the most influential component of steelhead diets, leading to higher prey energy densities and stomach fullness. Stomach contents during an exceptionally warm year in the GOA and CNP (1997) were characterized by high diversity of prey with low energy density, few squid, and a large amount of potentially toxic debris (e.g., plastic). Indicators of good diets (high proportions of squid and high prey energy density) were negatively correlated with abundance of wild populations of eastern Kamchatka pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) in the CNP. In conclusion, interannual variations in climate, abundance of squid, and density‐dependent interactions with highly‐abundant stocks of pink salmon were identified as potential key drivers of steelhead productivity in these ecosystems. Additional research in genetic stock identification is needed to link these potential drivers of productivity to individual populations.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The fathead minnow Pimephales promelas occurs in high densities in wetlands of the prairie pothole region (PPR) of North America, but food resources sustaining these populations are poorly known. We assessed population dynamics and prey consumption of fathead minnow populations in three PPR wetlands for 2 years. Fish density peaked at 107 fish per m2 for all age classes combined. Larval and juvenile fish dominated these populations in terms of abundance and accounted for 83% of total prey consumption. Detritus dominated fish diets, representing 53%, 40% and 79% of diet mass for larval, juvenile and adult fish respectively. Detritus consumption was positively related to minnow density and negatively related to invertebrate abundance, but only for adult fish. Seasonal production:biomass ratios were unrelated to proportions of detritus in the diet for all ages of fish, indicating that detritus is an important food resource capable of meeting metabolic demands and sustaining fish growth in high-density populations. Detritus consumption may also weaken links between abundance of invertebrate prey and minnows, promoting dense fish populations with strong, consistent influences on wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

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