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试验池3468m^2,1996年投放草,鲢、鳙、鳊大规模各种1382尾,214.1养殖成鱼,在此基础上套养6 ̄15cm草鱼种6200尾,年底干池验收,总产鱼3317.4kg,获纯利润15411元,其中收获草鱼种2850尾,1108kg,成活率46%,尾均重389g,每667m^2产草鱼种213.1kg,为我区培育大规模草鱼种提供了一条切实可行新途径。  相似文献   

养鱼面积7.33ha,通过猪粪肥水、猪粪饲料喂鱼、库区消落区种青、优化用水调度等综合措施,1991-1993年试验期总产成鱼13.5万kg,试验期末单产达到7227kg/ha,利税8280元/ha,优质鱼比例21.9%。  相似文献   

在2.6亩池塘进行了草鱼种投喂自制的91-Ⅲ号配合饵料试验,结果:亩净产鱼种1157.8kg,其中草鱼鱼种1009.6kg,鲢鱼种148.2kg。草鱼种系数1.36。  相似文献   

梁进涛 《齐鲁渔业》2001,18(4):36-36
1 鱼—桑—鸡 池塘内养鱼,塘四周种桑树,桑园内养鸡。鱼池淤泥及鸡粪用作桑树肥料,桑叶及蚕蛹喂鸡,蚕粪和鸡粪喂鱼,桑、鱼、鸡形成良好的生态循环。试验表明,每 500kg桑叶喂蚕,蚕粪喂鱼,可增加鱼产量 25kg。桑园内养20只鸡,年屙鸡粪1200kg,相当于给桑园施氮肥18kg、磷肥17.5 kg。2鸡—猪—鱼 用饲料喂鸡,鸡粪喂猪,猪粪发酵后喂鱼,塘泥作农作物的肥料,从而形成了良性循环的生物链,达到粮增产,猪、鱼饲料成本下降的目的。试验表明,以年养100只鸡计算,将鸡粪喂猪,可增产猪肉100 kg左…  相似文献   

2000年我们在学校实习基地──郯南实习基地处 16 408 m2(24·6亩)成鱼池塘中,进行了主养鲤鱼种高产高效试验,经过154天的精心饲养,共产鲤鱼种 32 472 kg,平均规格 150 g,最大规格 400 g,产花、白鲢鱼种 617 5 kg、草鱼种 5 4 4 6 kg、银鲫2 340 kg。总产 46 447 kg,平均每 667 m2产鱼 1886kg;获纯利 125 256元,平均每 667 m2获纯利 5 091元;投入产出比1:1.65。现将试验情况报告如下:1 试验材料1.1 池塘条件 本试验使用的池塘…  相似文献   

王树印 《水利渔业》1994,(4):36-37,45
于桥水库水草资源丰富。且多为草鱼喜食品种,在水库上游和中游设了两处投喂水草养草鱼网箱试验点,上游设箱8只,净产成鱼2600kg,饵料系料53.8,获利2.6万元,中游设箱12只,净产成鱼5900kg,饵料系数56.9,获利5.1万元。  相似文献   

用0.4hm^2的池塘主养鲢鳙成鱼,套养鲁鱼种。对鲢鳙施以新鲜猪粪尿,给鲁鱼投喂配合颗粒饲料,饲养117d,总净产3623.5kg,其中鲢鳙2.497.5k,鲤鱼1126kg。每公顷净产为9058.75kg,其中鲢6243.75kg,鲤鱼2815kg,总利税8165.92元,每公顷利税为20414.80元。本实验结果表明,这种主养鲢鳙成鱼套养鲁鱼的养殖模式,具有低成本、高产量和高效益的特点。  相似文献   

试验池塘1333m^2,一年二茬主养鲤鱼,总产鱼8700.5kg;净产6052.5kg,每667m^2净产3026.3kg,总产值72800.7元,总效益24444.7元,每667m^2纯收入12222.4元。其中第一茬总产鱼5567.8kg,净产3067.8kg饵料系数1.37,总产值49.043.7元,纯收益15675.7元,投产比1:1.47;第二茬总产1于3132.7kg,净产2984.7  相似文献   

许家崖水库有可养鱼水面900hm2.1994年采取了大水面养鱼.网箱养鱼.引进太湖银鱼,拦库汊养鱼等多方位技术开发.共产成鱼49.96万kg.其中大水面产鱼16万kg.鲢、鳙鱼箱1273只.产鱼19.35万吨.网箱养鲤鱼、罗非鱼54只.产鱼8.11万kg.坝拦库汊两处11.67hm2.产鱼3.5万kg.产大银鱼3万kg.总产值553万元.纯利润399.871元.投入产出比1:3.61。  相似文献   

池塘鱼虾蟹混养技术试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年我们在金湖鱼种场进行了池塘鱼虾蟹混养技术试验,取得亩产鱼 185 kg,青虾24.6 kg,蟹69.9kg,亩利润3 270元的成绩。现将试验情况报告如下:1材料与方法1.1池塘条件 试验池塘面积8.7亩,水深1.5~2.2m。四周用钙塑板围成防逃墙,水源为宝应湖水,水质良好,溶氧含量高。池塘内水草丛生,主要为苦草、轮叶黑藻、芜萍,约占池塘面积的40%。放苗前1个月每亩用 2.5 kg五氯酚钠清塘,以彻底杀灭野杂鱼。1.2苗种来源 鱼种夏花为该场自繁自育。青虾苗是收购其他塘口的秋繁苗。扣蟹从启…  相似文献   

In 1974 and 1975 nine experimental treatments of fish polyculture in stagnant water ponds without aeration were conducted at Dor. The polyculture was composed of common carp, silver carp, white amur (grass carp) and Tilapia. The treatments differed in stocking densities, feeding and manuring levels. The most productive treatment of the experiment, in which the fish were fed with protein-rich pellets, produced 50 kg/ha per day, probably a record for unaerated ponds of stagnant water. Two treatments (low and high stocking densities) fed exclusively with liquid cow manure produced an average yield of around 32 kg/ha per day. The yields of the treatments receiving high-protein pellets exceeded those of the treatments receiving grain pellets by 20 and 9.6 kg/day per ha, at high and low stocking densities, respectively, and in both cases the yield increments justified the extra cost of high-protein feed. The responses of the four fish species to the different levels of feeding and stocking densities were widely different. The common carp and white amur showed the greatest responses to increased feeding inputs while the silver carp and Tilapia, even at high densities, have done equally well at low feeding levels. Total body fat contents of the common carp were 20%, 15% and 6.2% when fed with high-protein pellets, grains pellets and liquid cow manure, respectively. Intermittent harvesting did not result in increased yields.  相似文献   

在3005m^2的池塘里,高密度培养大规格草鱼种,且塔养鲢,鳙,鲤种。采取的技术措施是:草鱼种入池先喂芜萍,20天后改喂浮萍并驯喂粗蛋白含量较高的小颗粒配饵。草鱼种长到10cm后,改喂粗蛋白含量较低的配饵;定期注入新水,增氧,泼洒药物,投喂药饵,高温季节,使池水保持长流水。结果:共产草鱼种5032kg,平均规格80.1g;鲢鳙鱼种2660.6kg,鲤种536.3kg,纯利48928.6元,投入产出  相似文献   

池塘主养草鱼种高产试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用0.33hm2池塘施行综合养殖技术,强化饲养管理工作。并根据当年草鱼种不同的发育时期,投喂自行研制的不同营养成分和粒度的3种颗粒饲料。经过140d的培育,各种鱼种总产量为6474kg,其中草鱼种产量为4860kg,平均规格100g/尾,吃食鱼饵料系数为1.6。总利润为24510元,利润73530元/hm2。  相似文献   

唐金玉  王岩  戴杨鑫  周涛 《水产学报》2014,38(9):1421-1430
通过155 d围隔实验检验了不同施肥条件下鱼蚌综合养殖水体中的浮游植物群落结构。实验设3个处理:施鸭粪、施化肥、兼施鸭粪和化肥。放养种类为三角帆蚌、草鱼、鲫、鲢和鳙,放养量分别为每围隔20、15、5、5和5个。结果发现,围隔内浮游植物生物量平均值为(2.1~6.0)×108个/L。不同施肥方法对浮游植物种类组成和优势种、叶绿素a(Chl.a)、生物量以及蓝藻在浮游植物生物量中的比例无显著影响。浮游植物群落变化表现出较明显的季节性特点,影响围隔浮游植物群落的理化因子为TN、NH3-N和DO。研究表明,采用不同施肥方法的围隔内浮游植物群落结构未表现出显著差异,难以从浮游植物角度解释兼施鸭粪和化肥的围隔珍珠产量高于施鸭粪或施化肥的围隔的事实,也难以确定珍珠产量与浮游植物群落结构之间存在必然的联系。  相似文献   

在纯化饲料中分别添加生物素0、0.05、0.10、0.20、0.40、0.80、1.60 mg/kg投喂初始质量为(5.92±0.25)g的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)幼鱼8周,研究了不同生物素添加量对草鱼幼鱼生长性能、饲料系数、机体营养成分、血清生化指标的影响。试验结果显示:与对照组相比,添加生物素提高了草鱼幼鱼的增重率、特定生长率,降低了饲料系数。添加量为0.40 mg/kg时草鱼幼鱼的特定生长率和增重率最大,饲料系数最低,并与对照组存在显著差异(P<0.05);添加不同水平生物素对草鱼幼鱼全鱼水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量无显著影响,但添加量为0.40 mg/kg时粗蛋白含量最大。0.10 mg/kg组和0.20 mg/kg组的全鱼灰分含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);添加生物素对血清总蛋白(TP)、血糖(GLU)和总胆固醇(TC)无显著影响,但显著提高了血清甘油三酯(TG)含量,各添加组TG含量均显著高于对照组(P<0.05),1.60 mg/kg添加组的高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)含量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。综合本试验结果,草鱼幼鱼饲料中生物素适宜添加量为0.40 mg/kg。  相似文献   

Tambaqui (48%) was reared in polyculture with grass carp (27%) and curimbatá (25%) from 75 g mean weight for a period of 164 days. Ponds of 1200 m2 were stocked at a total density of 12720 ha−1. Fish were fed with an experimental diet made from soybean and maize at a daily rate calculated as 3% of the tambaqui biomass. Grass carp received chopped angola grass at a daily rate of 15% of live weight. Ponds were weekly manured with 120 kg of mixed cattle and goat manure. Tambaqui reached a final weight of 492 g. Survival rate was 83%. The experimental polyculture had a mean net yield of 7·5 t ha−1 year−1, with apparent conversion rates of 1·13, 5·5 and 7·7 kg kg−1 of diet, grass and manure, respectively. All three species had a high growth rate (from 1·2 to 2·1 % day−1). Tambaqui's growth was affected by the fall in water temperature in the second part of the experiment. Cost/benefit calculations proved the high profitability of the tested semi-intensive polyculture system.  相似文献   

网箱养鱼高产试验及其技术因子的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报导了网箱养殖莫桑比克罗非鱼(Tilapia mossambica)和草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)高产试验。其中网养莫桑比克罗非鱼获得每平方米净产97公斤,饲料系数为2.16:网养草鱼每平方米净产14.5公斤,饲料系数为2.49。此外,本文论述了网箱结构,饲养环境,养殖方式,饲料配方,投喂技术等技术因子对提高单位产量的关系。作者认为合理选择网箱,敷设饲料台,控制溶氧不低于3mg/L、水温不低于15℃,饲养密度为5—10公斤/米^2,单养,采用蛋白质组分不低于35%的颗粒饲料以及提供10%-2%的日给食率,是网养给食式鱼类获得高产并降低饲料系数的关键。  相似文献   

基于鱼体背部弯曲潜能算法的四种主养鱼类识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以四种主养淡水鱼鲫(Carassius auratus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、团头鲂(Megalobrama amblycephala)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为例,提出一种基于图像处理技术的鱼种类自动识别方法。首先通过鱼体信息采集系统获取待识别鱼体图像,并对其进行灰度化与二值化,得到鱼体轮廓信息;然后采用邻域边界算法对鱼体的轮廓进行提取,根据轮廓曲线建立鱼体背部轮廓数学模型;最后根据轮廓模型,采用鱼体背部弯曲潜能算法对不同种类鱼体样本的背部弯曲潜能值进行计算和聚类统计,得到不同鱼类样本的背部弯曲潜能值分布区间,从而通过比对待识别鱼体背部弯曲潜能值的区间实现对不同鱼类的自动识别。对四种主养鱼类的实验测试结果表明,对团头鲂的识别精度可以达到100%,对鲫、鲤和草鱼的识别精度达到96%,基本上能准确实现四种鱼体的分类识别,具有较好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Intensive polyculture of common carp and herbivorous fish (silver carp and grass carp) at high stocking densities and with intensive feeding with fodder and mineral and organic fertilization was carried out without mechanized aeration and automated feeding.Two stocking patterns were tested. The first, in Pond 1 (with an area of 2.5 ha), had the following stocking rates: one-year carp (C1), 8000 fish/ha; one-year silver carp (S1), 1500 fish/ha; and one-year grass carp (G1), 200 fish/ha. The yield was 6292 kg/ha of standard consumer fish (C1+ 743 g, S1+ 944 g, and G1+ 1000 g) at a relatively low food conversion ratio (2.24) and high survival of all fish. Within the total yield, the two-year carp contributed 76%, the silver carp 21%, and the grass carp 3%. The second stocking pattern, in Pond 2 (0.25 ha), had the following rates: C1, 8500 fish/ha; S1, 2000 fish/ha; and G1, 200 fish/ha, and produced a still higher total yield (6629 kg/ha) at a relatively low food conversion ratio (2.10). The two-year carp in Pond 2 contributed 88% of the total yield, and the herbivorous fish only 12% even though they accounted for 20% of the stock.Our results (Pond 2) are compared with other record yield experiments under similar conditions but including tilapia. At a total stocking rate of 10 700 fish/ha and without participation of tilapia, over a period of 186 days (as against 126 days in the other experiment), our experiments gave a total yield which was 347 kg/ha higher at a food coefficient 15% lower. The growth period was 60 days longer in our experiments but it included April and October when water temperature is much below the optimum and only 4% of the total amount of fodder was assimilated.  相似文献   

To understand the actual production of fish culture about the utilization of dietary protein and excreta impact on the environment between mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi) and grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), the study to investigate the effect of temperatures (19 ± 0.5°C, 24 ± 0.5°C and 29 ± 0.5°C) on ammonia‐N excretion in mandarin fish and grass carp under fed and fasted states was conducted. These two species were fed a practical diet containing 325.2 g kg?1 crude protein at 3% body weight per day. The ammonia‐N excretion rate was significantly increased when temperature increased from 19 to 29°C, and a linear relationship between ammonia‐N excretion rate and temperature. The maximum ammonia‐N excretion levels of mandarin fish and grass carp were observed at 4–8 h and 2–4 h after feeding, respectively, and the minimum values for both species were observed at 24 h after feeding. Under the feeding condition, mandarin fish had a lower ammonia‐N excretion level compared to grass carp at 24°C and 29°C. The average amount of ammonia‐N excreted by mandarin fish at 24 h is significantly higher than grass carp under fasting conditions, except 19 ± 0.5°C. These results indicated that mandarin fish might make better use of protein at higher temperature than grass carp when fed practical diets in commercial production. These results of this study suggested that mandarin fish had a lower ammonia‐N excretion level compared with grass carp, making a less contribution to environmental loading in an intensive fish culture.  相似文献   

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