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为探讨天然水体中生物膜的建群过程及生理特性,本研究将人工基质大理石投放到东湖沿岸带浅水区域,分析了生物膜在人工基质上从开始建群直至发育为成熟群落,并最终衰退的整个过程。结果表明,建群过程中,生物膜的生物量(叶绿素a、蛋白质、干重、无灰干重)、营养物质含量(总氮、总磷)均呈现先上升后下降的趋势,各指标之间具有显著相关性。低温会减缓生物膜的生长,弱光会加剧生物膜的衰退,生物膜的生长发育会影响周围水体氮、磷元素浓度。生物膜中碱性磷酸酶活性与自身生物量呈显著正相关性。水体中氮/磷的比值决定生物膜中氮/磷的比值。刚毛藻属是东湖生物膜的优势物种。对生物膜建群过程及生理特性的研究,有助于更好地将生物膜应用于污染水体的净化和修复。  相似文献   

洞庭湖氮磷时空分布及形态组成特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究洞庭湖水体营养盐形态结构与时空分布特征,分别于2014年8月(丰水期)和2015年1月(枯水期)在入湖河流、湖体、出湖口设置16个代表性断面采集水样,分析了氮、磷营养盐的特征指标。结果表明:1洞庭湖水体中,总氮(TN)含量为1.60~3.65 mg/L,平均值2.25 mg/L,总磷(TP)含量为0.060~0.359 mg/L,平均值0.138 mg/L;颗粒态总氮(TPN)含量为0.07~1.39 mg/L,平均值0.25 mg/L,颗粒态总磷(TPP)含量为0.003~0.172 mg/L,平均值0.05 mg/L;2时空分布上,水体中氮、磷含量整体表现为丰水期高于枯水期,出湖口最高,东洞庭湖高于西、南洞庭湖,入湖河流差异大的特征,颗粒态氮磷呈现自西向东呈逐渐增加趋势,与悬浮物(SS)的空间分布一致;3形态组成上,洞庭湖水体中氮磷以溶解态为主(TDN/TN为88.0%、TDP/TP为66.7%),三峡工程2003年蓄水前后,洞庭湖磷营养盐形态组成发生了大的变化,由以颗粒态磷为主(TDP/TP 20.0%~35.6%)转变为以溶解态为主,而氮营养盐形态组成基本未变;4营养结构上,洞庭湖大多数断面TN/TP在10~22,且氮、磷浓度远高于水体富营养的限制阈值,比较适宜藻类生长。相关分析显示,洞庭湖TN、TP、TDN、TDP均与Chl-a相关性不显著,因此认为洞庭湖氮、磷营养盐对藻类生长的限制作用不明显。  相似文献   

根据南四湖主要入湖河流及湖内15个站点的水质监测参数-叶绿素a(Chl-a)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、透明度(SD)和高锰酸盐指数(CODMn),从年际、年内不同时间段和不同监测点对南四湖及其入湖河流水质进行综合分析,旨在为南四湖的资源保护、南水北调东线工程建设及可持续发展提供依据。结果表明,湖区氮、磷浓度分布不均,空间分布具有非均一性;2010年与2004年相比,TN、CODMn有波动,总磷和叶绿素a分别下降了65.00%和60.59%,透明度升高了40.62%。南四湖及其周边河流水质总体有改善,水体的富营养化状况有所好转,但远低于Ⅲ类水质标准,尤其南阳湖,有些监测点已达重度富营养。通过对该水域的富营养化状况进行综合分析与评价。  相似文献   

2007年6月-2008年4月对南太湖近岸水域进行了4次生态环境调查,在此基础上,对叶绿素a含量(Chl.a)与总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)浓度及氮磷比(N/P)的关系进行了统计分析。结果表明:南太湖水体中Chl.a含量与TN浓度的关系存在显著的季节差异,在蓝藻水华大范围爆发的2007年6月和2008年4月2者呈极显著的正相关,而2007年10月和2008年1月2者无显著性关系;Chl.a含量与TP浓度在4次调查中皆无显著相关关系;岭回归分析显示,N/P 10~25是南太湖水体中附着藻类的最佳生长范围,此时总氮、总磷浓度及氮磷比与Chl.a含量呈显著的正相关,4者的多元回归关系为Chl.a=-0.0012+0.0064 TN+0.0215 TP+0.0005N/P(R=0.543,P〈0.023)。总体来说,南太湖水体中的总氮、总磷浓度及氮磷比皆在藻类生长的适宜范围内,氮磷浓度处于较高水平,已经不是藻类生长的限制因素,在不同水温、光照等环境因子的作用下,加上本水域复杂的水文和季风共同影响下形成了蓝藻水华爆发的季节性差异。  相似文献   

Annual sedimentation, re-suspension rates and contents of particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and total phosphorus (TP) in the sediment were investigated in two sea cucumber culture ponds at Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China. The results showed that the average flux of total particulate matter in the ponds was 22.1 g m2 d−1. The average re-suspension rate of the sediment in the ponds was 81.7%. The re-suspension rates in spring and autumn were higher than those in summer and winter. The mean contents of POC, PON and TP in the sediment of the ponds were 4.4, 0.5 and 0.6 (mg g−1), respectively, and the mean contents of Chlorophyll a (Chl a) and pheophytin in the sediment were 8.1 and 12.1 μg g−1 respectively. The POC, PON and TP contents in the sediment of the ponds increased during the period of sea cucumber aestivation (summer) and hibernation (winter), while they decreased during the feeding periods. The organic matter accumulation rate and the contents of POC, PON, TP, Chl a and pheophytin in the sediment were even lower than those in the pond without sea cucumber (P<0.05). The results demonstrated that sea cucumber culture can effectively stop nutrient accumulation at the bottom of the cucumber culture ponds.  相似文献   

This study investigated monthly changes of sedimentation and sediment properties in three different culture systems (ponds) – i.e. jellyfish Rhopilema esculenta monoculture (J), sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and jellyfish co‐culture (SJ) and sea cucumber monoculture (S) – to verify the feasibility of co‐culturing jellyfish and sea cucumbers. Results showed that jellyfish culture accelerated the settling velocity of total particulate matter (TPM). Average TPM settling velocities in the SJ (75.6 g m?2 day?1) and J (71.1 g m?2 day?1) ponds were significantly higher than that in the S pond (21.7 g m?2 day?1) from June to September during the jellyfish culture period. Average settling velocities of organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the SJ pond increased significantly by 3.0, 2.9, 3.3 and 3.8 times, respectively, compared with those in the S pond. Sediment contents of OM, TOC, TN and TP in the SJ and J ponds were significantly higher than those in the S pond during the jellyfish culture season. The specific growth rate of sea cucumbers feeding on SJ sediment was significantly higher than that of those feeding on S sediment. Co‐culturing sea cucumbers with jellyfish may help alleviate benthic nutrient loading due to the jellyfish and provide a secondary cash crop.  相似文献   

水库作为一类人工修建的重要水资源调蓄地,其水体营养盐含量等指标受水文气象过程的影响很大。为探索我国东南山区水库营养盐的时空变化规律,以钱塘江流域千岛湖(新安江水库)为例,利用2016年8月至2017年12月的水质调查数据,结合同期气温、降雨量和入库流量等气象水文数据,分析了水文气象过程对千岛湖水体氮、磷等营养盐浓度的影响特征。结果显示:(1)千岛湖营养盐浓度具有较大的时空差异性,TN浓度0.69~2.06 mg/L,平均值为(1.12±0.26) mg/L,高值出现在冬季和春季;TP浓度0.004~0.096 mg/L,平均值为(0.030±0.021)mg/L,高值出现在春季;空间上呈现为河流区到湖泊区浓度逐渐降低的趋势;(2)千岛湖降雨量、入库流量及气温等水文气象条件存在显著季节差异(P0.01),3-7月的降雨和入库流量超过总量的70%,高温出现在7-8月,月均温度高达30℃;(3)氮磷营养盐浓度与入库流量的相关性强于降雨,且入库流量及降雨对磷的影响更大;不同区域对入库流量的响应时间存在差异,河流区响应最快,其次是过渡区,湖泊区最慢,反映出氮、磷在水库扩散过程中的滞后性;(4)温度通过影响水体浮游植物生长带来的水体颗粒态氮、磷变化影响水体TN、TP浓度,但不同湖区的响应不同;3~7 d的累积温度与过渡区氮、磷的关系好于河流区,可能与过渡区浮游植物生长与营养盐浓度变化更为敏感有关。研究表明,水文气象过程对大型水库水体氮磷的影响作用强烈且复杂,物理扩散与沉降、化学变化及生物生长累积等作用使得水体氮磷浓度对水文气象过程响应具有较大的时空差异性,在水库水质管理和机制分析中应当充分考虑这种非同步性。  相似文献   

对比分析贵州草海重污染湖区沉水植物生态修复区与对照区沉积物内源磷释放通量,探讨外源负荷得到有效控制后草海重污染区沉水植物生态修复效果,为草海综合污染治理与生态恢复提供一定的数据支撑和科学依据。2018年在草海修复区内和对照区各布设3个采样点, 10月至次年10月每个月分别对修复区和对照区水质开展连续跟踪监测。利用薄膜梯度扩散技术(DGT)对比分析了修复区和对照区内源磷释放通量,综合评估了草海重污染区生态修复效果。结果表明,沉水植物修复工程实施一年后,修复区水体氨氮(NH3-N)、总磷(TP)和溶解活性磷(SRP)浓度分别降低为对照区的65%、42%和67%。修复区沉水植物生长茂盛,水体DO含量稳定在8 mg/L以上,透明度显著提高,水质明显改善,CODMn 、NH3-N、TP浓度分别降低至5.7、0.39 、0.05 mg/L,达到地表水Ⅲ类标准。生态修复工程对内源磷释放量削减30% 以上,修复区内源磷贡献率38%,远低于对照区(74%)。当草海流域外源污染得到有效控制后,沉水植物生态系统恢复成为重污染区内源污染控制与水环境修复有效的手段。  相似文献   

澧县王家厂水库生态因子的灰关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用灰色系统关联度分析方法,以空间理论数学为基础,依规范性、偶对称性、整体性和接近性原则,计算并分析了在人工控制条件下澧县王家厂水库13个生态因子(透明度、水深、水温、溶解氧、酸碱度、电导率、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总磷、总氮、氮磷比、浮游动物和浮游植物)的关联度,南河关联序结果为:氮磷比>总氮>硝酸氮>氨氮>浮游植物>浮游动物>溶解氧>酸碱度>总磷>水温>电导率>透明度>水深;北河:氮磷比>总氮>总磷>硝酸氮>浮游动物>水温>水深>酸碱度>溶氧>透明度>浮游植物>电导率>氨氮。分析表明,氮磷比、总氮和总磷是水库水体的优势影响因子。在研究过程中发现,除个别样点超出Ⅲ类水标准外,其余均在Ⅲ类范围内;说明王家厂水库在放养鱼类的情况下,通过合理的人工能量投入,可以达到既增加水体生物的多样性,又提高水体生产力,实现水生态保护的目的。  相似文献   

Enclosure culture, ubiquitous anthropogenic activity in shallow lakes, was prohibited in East Taihu Lake with all breeding infrastructure demolished at the end of 2018. However, the ecological responses of water quality change and phytoplankton community succession to the enclosure culture ban remain largely unknown. In this study, we conducted field investigations monthly in East Taihu Lake to present a comprehensive study of water quality and phytoplankton community variation before (2018) and after (2019) the enclosure culture ban. With the cessation of aquaculture activities, water quality significantly improved, TN and TP decreased by 54% and 34%, respectively, and eutrophic state shifted from light eutrophic (mean TSI = 59) to mesotrophic status (mean TSI = 48) in autumn. Chl-a decreased from 33.34 ± 16.87 to 24.84 ± 15.43 μg/L, and SDD increased from 0.76 ± 0.19 to 0.95 ± 0.36 m. Meanwhile, phytoplankton abundance significantly decreased from 3.6 × 107 to 1.6 × 107 cell/L, with the contribution of Cyanophyta markedly decreasing from 82% to 63%. In addition, the heterogeneity of phytoplankton community markedly increased. The changes in water quality and phytoplankton following the enclosure culture ban were largely due to the suspension of external nutrient input from breeding activity and improved water clarity. Redundancy analysis (RDA) analysis further elucidated that water temperature and nutrients were the main factors affecting phytoplankton dynamics. Our findings showed that the ban on enclosure culture had an extremely positive ecological impact.  相似文献   

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