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如何走出养虾业的困境烟台市芝罘区第二水产养殖公司经理于昊嘉对记者说,发挥技术优势,提高养虾单产,采用配合饵新,多次捕获,多品种出口。烟台市芝罘区第二水产养殖公司是山东省著名的“千亩方对虾精养高产”技术示范典型。其“对虾集约化养殖试验”获农业部科技进步二等奖;“千亩方对虾大规格高效益精养技术开发”获山东省“丰收奖”与“星火计划”科研奖。面对养虾困境,该公司领导总结科学养虾经验;广泛搜集国内外养虾最新技术情报;请  相似文献   

辽宁省东港市拥有0.8万hm^2(12万亩)海水养殖池塘,上世纪80年代,对虾产量连续多年位居全国县级之首,成为全国养虾“冠军县”.年产量万吨以上,为国家出口换汇做出了巨大贡献。上世纪90年代初,对虾病毒病大面积暴发,养虾业受到严重冲击,水产科技人员与养殖企业一道为解决对虾病害问题做了许多尝试和探索,但始终没有找到有效的措施,产量虽然有所提高.  相似文献   

烟台市芝罘区第二水产养殖公司是山东省著名的对虾精养高产典型。其“对虾集约化养殖试验”获农业部科技进步二等奖;“千亩方对虾大规格高效益精养技术开发”获山东省“丰收奖”与“星火计划”科研奖;“亲虾越冬技术及其子代养成研究”通过专家鉴定,达国内先进水平。该公司2.68亩虾池精养试验亩产和用越冬亲虾所育苗种养成的大规格对虾产  相似文献   

为了探索使用不同品牌的斑节对虾饲料与养虾池水质和浮游生物的关系.选用两种品牌的对虾饲料。在4个虾池进行试验。结果表明:在使用粤海脾斑节对虾饲料三个斑节虾池中,水质正常,有利斑节对虾生长的浮游生物种类占优势。浮游生物数量多、且稳定。对虾生长正常.中途没有虾瘸发生。按计划收虾。养虾产量较高,另一品牌对虾饲料.喂养斑节对虾。在养殖的中后期出现严重的虾病.产量低。  相似文献   

福建省水稻底下养对虾 中国首创的“稻底养虾”技术日前在龙海市获得成功, 1万多千克在稻田养殖的对虾开始上市。 在稻田的四周挖一条宽 1米多,深 0.5米左右的沟,然后在稻田里灌上一定深度的水,并在正常生长的水稻下面放养对虾、沙虾、草虾等品种,这就是“稻底养虾”模式。这种方法使得水稻与虾形成良性循环的生长系统,具有减少病虫害、投料少,肉质好等特点。由于这种方法不增加养殖水面,不影响水稻生产,又能快速增加收入,因此受到农民欢迎,目前龙海“稻底养虾”面积已达 330多公顷。 据介绍,每 667米 2稻田可养虾 35千克,…  相似文献   

海水对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统模式分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对虾养殖由于受到水资源和虾病的困扰,工厂化循环水养殖已经成为今后对虾养殖的一个重要方向。对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的结构包括了养虾池、水处理技术、消毒杀菌、增氧技术、水温调节装置等。目前,典型的养殖模式有美国德州跑道式对虾养殖系统、台南室内自动化循环水养虾系统、美国佛罗里达三阶段养殖系统和美国夏威夷基于微藻的循环水对虾养殖系统。文中对这4种典型的对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的养殖试验情况进行分析比较。  相似文献   

<正>2021年开始,笔者在“小川1亩虾鱼菜共生系统”的基础上,在内陆地区开展循环水虾菜共生的清水养虾试验,克服了地域等限制,利用低盐度的人工海水进行虾和菜的共养,利用蔬菜种植很好地解决了养虾系统中硝态氮和磷酸盐的问题,可重复进行养虾,真正达到养殖用水的零排放,实现内陆地区凡纳滨对虾的养殖。虽然虾菜共生清水养虾模式发展也就几年时间,养殖中还有较多技术问题尚在完善中,但虾菜共生清水养虾相对投入轻,灵活性高,操作性强,可满足内陆地区活虾的就地供应,有着较好的经济效益。本文就2021-2023年开展的虾菜共生清水养虾试验情况进行总结,可为内陆地区的虾菜共生养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>南美白对虾又称凡纳滨对虾,与斑节对虾、中国对虾并列为世界养殖产量较高的三大优良虾种,目前南美白对虾养殖在国内多个省份普遍展开的同时,病害也多有发生。在南美白对虾越来越难养的情况下,连云港市对虾综合试验站在试验示范基地,吸取别人的经验[1],先后开展了多项南美白对虾养殖试验、示范[2,4,5],设置平行隔离网和设置"U"型隔离网分别混养南美白对虾与鲤鱼、黄金鲫,利用生物防控原理有效的控制了对虾的病害,增加了南美白对虾的产量和品质,本文主要介绍两种不同隔离网模式对鱼虾混养效果的影响。  相似文献   

长毛对虾具有耐高温、抗病力强等优点,是南方沿海对虾养殖的优良品种,并且从放养到起捕的养殖时间方面与中国对虾养殖有合理穿插安排的机会。这给人们一个启示,就是在南方沿海可以进行多品种、多茬对虾养殖。浙江省乐清县于1989年进行了三茬养虾的试验。其中4月~11月安排中国对虾与长毛对虾双茬养殖,11月~翌年的2月安排养白虾。在养虾的同  相似文献   

经过1997、1998两年的试验摸索,渗水养虾在山东东营市获得了成功。1998年试验地共300亩,平均亩产对虾150公斤。1.渗水养虾技术简介1.1渗水养虾区域性概念“渗水养虾”一词,在专业上还没有一个规范化定义。东营市兴起的渗水养虾在这里只能作为一个区域性概念加以介绍。即沿海低洼陆地,土壤盐渍化,盐度高,矿化度大,所开挖池塘内有大量渗水析出,渗水的理化性质与海水基本相近,通过调配水体理化因子,进行对虾人工养殖。1.2土地建造池塘大小可在5-15亩范围内;深度根据渗水析出量及所需渗水量而定,一般在地表以下3-35米之间。建池…  相似文献   

Ocean net pen production of Atlantic salmon is approaching 2 million metric tons (MT) annually and has proven to be cost- and energy-efficient. Recently, with technology improvements, freshwater aquaculture of Atlantic salmon from eggs to harvestable size of 4–5 kg in land-based closed containment (LBCC) water recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has been demonstrated as a viable production technology. Land-based, closed containment water recirculating aquaculture systems technology offers the ability to fully control the rearing environment and provides flexibility in locating a production facility close to the market and on sites where cost of land and power are competitive. This flexibility offers distinct advantages over Atlantic salmon produced in open net pen systems, which is dependent on access to suitable coastal waters and a relatively long transport distance to supply the US market. Consequently, in this paper we present an analysis of the investment needed, the production cost, the profitability and the carbon footprint of producing 3300 MT of head-on gutted (HOG) Atlantic salmon from eggs to US market (wholesale) using two different production systems—LBCC-RAS technology and open net pen (ONP) technology using enterprise budget analysis and carbon footprint with the LCA method. In our analysis we compare the traditional open net pen production system in Norway and a model freshwater LBCC-RAS facility in the US. The model ONP is small compared to the most ONP systems in Norway, but the LBCC-RAS is large compared to any existing LBCC-RAS for Atlantic salmon. The results need to be interpreted with this in mind. Results of the financial analysis indicate that the total production costs for two systems are relatively similar, with LBCC-RAS only 10% higher than the ONP system on a head-on gutted basis (5.60 US$/kg versus 5.08 US$/kg, respectively). Without interest and depreciation, the two production systems have an almost equal operating cost (4.30 US$/kg for ONP versus 4.37 US$/kg for LBCC-RAS). Capital costs of the two systems are not similar for the same 3300 MT of head-on gutted salmon. The capital cost of the LBCC-RAS model system is approximately 54,000,000 US$ and the capital cost of the ONP system is approximately 30,000,000 US$, a difference of 80%. However, the LBCC-RAS model system selling salmon at a 30% price premium is comparatively as profitable as the ONP model system (profit margin of 18% versus 24%, respectively), even though its 15-year net present value is negative and its return on investment is lower than ONP system (9% versus 18%, respectively). The results of the carbon footprint analysis confirmed that production of feed is the dominating climate aspect for both production methods, but also showed that energy source and transport methods are important. It was shown that fresh salmon produced in LBCC-RAS systems close to a US market that use an average US electricity mix have a much lower carbon footprint than fresh salmon produced in Norway in ONP systems shipped to the same market by airfreight, 7.41 versus 15.22 kg CO2eq/kg salmon HOG, respectively. When comparing the carbon footprint of production-only, the LBCC-RAS-produced salmon has a carbon footprint that is double that of the ONP-produced salmon, 7.01 versus 3.39 kg CO2eq/kg salmon live-weight, respectively.  相似文献   

在海水闭合循环系统中加入二氧化氯,根据药物加入前后生物滤器硝化10mg/LNH4-N的功能差异,检测所加药物是否影响生物滤器的硝化能力,结果表明,二氧化氯对生物滤器的处理能力有明显抑制作用,引起NH4-N浓度升高,pH也维持在较高水平;系统需较长的时间才可恢复正常的硝化能力。  相似文献   

Secondary salinization has rendered over 100 million hectares of arable land throughout the world, and over 5 million hectares in Australia, unsuitable for conventional agriculture. The use of this land and associated water for mariculture is an adaptive approach to this environmental problem with many potential economic, social, and environmental benefits. In this article, we review three key technical aspects for the development of a finfish mariculture industry in inland Australia, namely the potential sources of water, the species suitable for culture, and the production systems available to produce them. Based on factors such as their quality, quantity, and proximity to infrastructure, the most appropriate water sources are groundwater obtained from interception schemes and waters from operational or disused mines. Pond‐based culture methods using these water sources have many specific advantages; however, few species can thrive in the wide range of seasonal water temperatures experienced within the temperate regions where secondary salinity is most abundant. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) would enable production of more species in a greater number of water sources; however, the benefits typically associated with RAS are not as apparent in rural areas. Mulloway, Argyrosomus japonicus, are a temperate species that appear to have many positive attributes for inland mariculture; however, more data are required on their rate of growth across a wider range of temperatures. Seasonal production of barramundi, Lates calcarifer, in ponds has been demonstrated in the temperate climatic zones but may be more appropriate for those salinized water sources located in the warmer parts of the country. Freshwater species, such as silver perch, Bidyanus bidyanus, and Murray cod, Maccullochella peelii peelii, are likely to be suitable for low‐salinity waters. Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, also have excellent potential provided water temperature can be maintained below the upper lethal limit.  相似文献   

Currently, very few aquaculture operations are employing airlift pump technology for water recirculation, aeration, and waste removal. This is likely due to the poor design and lower efficiency of traditional airlift design, the limited amount of research effort that has been invested in improving performance capabilities of air lift pumps and the general lack of awareness of the industry about the inherent advantages of airlift systems. A new efficient airlift pump is hydrodynamically designed by incorporating the Volume of Fluid (VOF) multi-phase model along with the K-ε turbulence model utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools. The pump is designed to offer a substantial reduction in total energy usage as well as an improved quality of the culture products in order to make it attractive to aquaculture industry. In this study, both numerical and experimental investigations were carried out for airlift systems operating under two different submergence ratios of 50% and 90% in a lab setting using 2.54 cm diameter pumps. Also, the performance of a large-scale pumps of 10.16 cm diameters were also tested in an aquaculture raceway to determine its effect on the operation. The numerical results were found to be in agreement with the experiments within ±20% which is considered very reasonable for multiphase flow analysis. The present study was found to present a great tool for modelling the airlift pump performance, and potentially proposing new designs.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate potential design procedures for rigid, closed containment aquaculture systems deployed in the marine environment. In this context, closed containment is a term used to describe a range of aquaculture technologies that attempt to restrict and control interactions between farmed fish and the external aquatic environment, with the goal of minimizing impacts. The containment units are often closely spaced and moored to the seafloor bottom. The geographical area of interest is the Straits of Georgia, British Columbia in Canada.In this study, the design configurations of multiple closed containment systems are investigated. The design procedures include examining: (1) local environmental conditions, (2) drag forces on multiple containment units, (3) wave loading, (4) undamped heave motions, (5) mooring gear components and (6) material stresses on a rigid containment structure. Operational and other design considerations are also discussed. Preliminary findings indicate that wave forces could be substantial. In addition, little is known about how containment units, which are closely spaced, will respond individually or as a farm when subjected to surface waves.  相似文献   

《Aquacultural Engineering》2009,40(2-3):91-102
The objective of this paper is to investigate potential design procedures for rigid, closed containment aquaculture systems deployed in the marine environment. In this context, closed containment is a term used to describe a range of aquaculture technologies that attempt to restrict and control interactions between farmed fish and the external aquatic environment, with the goal of minimizing impacts. The containment units are often closely spaced and moored to the seafloor bottom. The geographical area of interest is the Straits of Georgia, British Columbia in Canada.In this study, the design configurations of multiple closed containment systems are investigated. The design procedures include examining: (1) local environmental conditions, (2) drag forces on multiple containment units, (3) wave loading, (4) undamped heave motions, (5) mooring gear components and (6) material stresses on a rigid containment structure. Operational and other design considerations are also discussed. Preliminary findings indicate that wave forces could be substantial. In addition, little is known about how containment units, which are closely spaced, will respond individually or as a farm when subjected to surface waves.  相似文献   

To evaluate the impact of mass selection on genetic structure in artificially closed populations of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, we performed mass selection over six generations on two stocks from Japan and Korea and analyzed their temporal genetic variation and structure using 18 microsatellite makers, which were compared with the base populations of the two selected lines and one wild population from China. The average numbers of alleles (Na), mean observed heterozygosities (Ho), and expected heterozygosities (He) varied over generations in the two selected lines (selected lines of Japan, Na = 10.7–14.9, Ho = 0.757–0.846, He = 0.778–0.871; selected lines of Korea, Na = 9.4–17.3, Ho = 0.736–0.865, He = 0.744–0.854). There was no significant reduction in heterozygosity in the two selected lines. However, the average number of alleles per locus was significantly lower in the fifth and sixth generations of the two selected lines compared with that in the base population and wild population (P < 0.05), suggesting that the successive mass selection in closed populations may increase the sensibility of rare alleles to genetic drift. Equalizing the sex ratio of parents and reducing the selection intensity properly with the increase of selective generations is recommended to minimize the deleterious effect of genetic drift and bottleneck caused by successive mass selection. The information obtained in this study is useful for the design of appropriate management strategies for selective breeding of C. gigas.  相似文献   

The availability of a rapid, cost-effective, accurate and reliable method of assessing fish meal protein digestibility would greatly enhance and standardize quality-control procedures in both the fish meal and fish feed industries. However, while several in vitro digestibility tests have been developed, few have been adopted by industry due to their time-consuming nature, problems surrounding reliability and/or inconsistencies in predictive ability. The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the utility and predictive qualities of two in vitro digestion assays of distinct design. Methods examined included a novel open system, wherein on-line removal of digestion products was attainable, and a closed system, which permitted analysis of products following completion of the digestion process. Results provided by the two systems were compared using four differentially processed fish meals. The open system supplied information based upon the detected quantity of products below 10 kDa. The closed system provided measurement of free amino groups. Both methods were in agreement with respect to assessing the presence of hydrolysed product. Both systems furnished complementary data with respect to the characterization of fish meal protein quality. The closed and open systems provided insight upon digestibility and digestion kinetic profiles respectively.  相似文献   

介绍国内外在无公害贝类生产方面的两大核心技术:1.贝类养殖区分类管理技术 2.贝类净化技术。对主要技术参数进行了研究和分析,提出了我国贝类养殖区的分类标准、贝类净化工艺和技术规范, 初步建立了我国无公害贝类生产技术体系。  相似文献   

我国大型深水抗风浪网箱养殖产业化初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中日、中韩渔业协定的实施以及海水渔业资源严重衰退的情况下,为使渔业经济可持续发展.大型深水抗风浪网箱制作技术已列为国家“863”计划,并取得了一些初步成果。要使这一技术和大型深水抗风浪网箱养殖业得到迅速普及和规模发展,必须解决一些相互关联的技术问题,并采用恰当的产业经营模式。大型深水抗风浪网箱养殖的产业链式特征,决定了采用产业化股份制经营模式是推进其快速持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

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