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为了评估三倍体熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)的繁殖潜力, 采用细胞松弛素 B 诱导了熊本牡蛎三倍体, 比较了 60 日龄(2016 年 8 月)~450 日龄(2017 年 9 月)三倍体与二倍体性腺发育特点, 分析了性腺发育与繁殖周期的相关性。研究结果表明, 熊本牡蛎三倍体与二倍体性腺发育均可分为形成期、增殖期、成熟期、排放期和耗尽期 5 个时期; 在一个繁殖周期内 22%的三倍体性腺可发育至成熟期, 但与二倍体相比, 三倍体成熟性腺的滤泡小、结缔组织丰富; 三倍体与二倍体性腺发育周期同步, 繁殖季节均位于 3—9 月, 繁殖期较长; 150 日龄(2016 年 10 月)三倍体与二倍体中发育的性腺(包括增殖期、成熟期、排放期、耗尽期)分别占 70%与 90%, 210 日龄(2017 年 1 月)减小至 3%与 18%, 之后性腺再次发育, 分别在 360 日龄(2017 年 6 月)和 450 日龄(2017 年 9 月)成熟期性腺比例达到最大值(40%和 90%)。三倍体与二倍体雌雄比分别为 1.35 : 1 和 0.95 : 1, 三倍体性比显著偏离 1 : 1 (P<0.01)。性腺成熟期三倍体与二倍体平均卵径分别为(44.30±6.88) μm 与(37.76±5.76) μm, 三倍体卵径比二倍体大 17.33% (P< 0.05)。本研究可为熊本牡蛎三倍体和二倍体繁育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

正香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)又称钦州大蚝,2017年广西牡蛎养殖面积为25.5万亩,仅钦州市养殖面积就达到14.8万亩,产量21.66万吨,产值11.29亿元。钦州大蚝养殖已成为广西具有亚热带特色的主导贝类养殖产业。一、国内现状目前钦州大蚝海上养殖技术成熟,主要采用笼式吊养、延绳吊养与海上筏架式养殖等。其中筏架式养殖具有易于控制和转移、养殖成活率较  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎卵巢发育的组织学和形态数量特征研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用组织学方法系统研究了人工养殖条件下半滑舌鳎亲鱼卵巢的组织发育周年变化特征.结果表明,卵母细胞发育可分为6个时相,卵巢发育分为6期.卵巢不同发育时期都由不同类型的卵母细胞组成,半滑舌鳎为非同步分批多次产卵类型.周年发育过程中,6月龄前的鱼卵巢发育处于第Ⅰ期;9~12月龄卵巢可发育至第Ⅱ期;12月龄半滑舌鳎性腺可发育达到Ⅲ期,并一直保持至24月龄.3龄雌鱼达到性成熟,卵巢可发育至第Ⅳ期;随着水温和光周期的调控,卵巢发育进入成熟期(Ⅴ期),发生水合现象是卵母细胞成熟并准备排卵的信号;产卵结束后卵巢退化至第Ⅵ期,排出的卵母细胞退化吸收,以Ⅲ期卵巢越冬后,卵巢退化至Ⅱ期并持续至下一个繁殖周期.人工养殖条件下,卵巢内存在卵母细胞闭锁现象.性腺周年发育过程中,性腺指数(GSI)在性腺达到成熟期时达到峰值,产卵结束后性腺快速退化,GSI值各月份差异显著(P<0.05),亲鱼性腺重量在卵巢发育成熟过程中一直处于生长状态.亲鱼肝脏指数(HSI)在产卵前7~8月份(性腺达到成熟期前30 d左右)达到最大,表明7~8月份是性腺进行卵子发育、卵黄能量储备的重要时期,亲鱼在产卵前通过积极摄食储备体内能量,肝脏在卵母细胞卵黄积累方面具有重要的生理作用.肥满度(CF)值在繁殖盛期10~11月份达到最大,表现出与GSI类似的变化趋势.  相似文献   

王朔  于红  李琪 《水产学报》2022,46(12):2297-2305
为探讨不同育性长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)性腺发育过程中主要供能物质的利用和变化差异,利用过碘酸雪夫氏染色(PAS染色)和油红O染色法对不同育性三倍体长牡蛎及二倍体长牡蛎性腺组织进行观察分析。结果显示,增殖期,二倍体和三倍体长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中均含有大量糖原和脂质。随着性腺发育,二倍体和可育型三倍体(3nα型)长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中糖原含量明显下降,到成熟期几乎检测不到糖原,说明性腺结缔组织中的糖原为配子发生提供能量。脂质主要存在于性腺结缔组织和卵母细胞的细胞质中,说明脂质是卵细胞发育的重要组成物质。雌性二倍体和3nα型长牡蛎性腺结缔组织中的脂类含量随着性腺发育并未发生明显下降,推测糖原可能转化为脂质以满足性腺发育的物质需求。脂质在二倍体雄性长牡蛎的性腺发育过程中出现明显的减少,说明脂类在雄性性腺发育中的主要功能可能是供能而不是结构组成。糖原和脂类作为长牡蛎性腺发育过程中重要的供能和组成物质,在不育型三倍体(3nβ型)长牡蛎性腺发育过程中含量没有发生明显的变化,这与3nβ型配子发生受阻密切相关。推测3nβ型长牡蛎由于配子发育受阻,性腺发育初期积累的糖原和脂质并未分配至生殖细胞,而留在结缔组织中,从而使其在繁殖季节仍然能够保持快速生长。研究结果为牡蛎生殖发育调控机制及育性控制育种提供重要信息。  相似文献   

为了评估长牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)壳金选育群体的繁殖周期及营养价值,自2013年11月至2014年10月,对山东省刘公岛海区长牡蛎第三代壳金选育群体的性腺发育、营养成分(总蛋白、总脂肪、糖原)季节变化及其与环境因子的关系进行了研究,并比较了与普通养殖群体营养成分的差异。结果表明,长牡蛎壳金选育群体雌雄比例接近1︰1,性腺同步发育;配子发生开始于2月,全年只有1个产卵季节(6―8月),7月为两性配子排放高峰期。配子成熟及排放期间,水温处于较高水平,食物充足,可为性腺发育提供能量,也有利于幼体的存活和生长。卵母细胞直径从配子发生开始逐渐增大,并在产卵前达到最大值(36.88μm),产卵后则降低。营养成分分析表明,脂肪含量在性腺–内脏团中随配子发育积累储存,产卵后显著降低;糖原在性腺发育到4月时开始下降,为配子的发育提供能量;蛋白质在配子发育过程中大量合成,与繁殖活动存在密切联系。长牡蛎壳金选育群体外套膜的总蛋白含量显著高于普通养殖群体(P0.05),糖原和总脂肪含量显著低于普通养殖群体(P0.05),其他组织的一般营养成分未出现显著差异。研究表明,长牡蛎在壳金群体选育过程中营养成分已表现出分化,这为长牡蛎壳色选育提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   

为阐明长牡蛎"海大3号"新品种的生长与繁殖特性,自2016年11月份至2017年10月份对养殖于山东省荣成海区长牡蛎"海大3号"群体的生长、性腺发育及营养成分的周年变化及其与环境因子的关系进行研究。结果显示,在海区水温较低的冬季1—2月份,长牡蛎"海大3号"生长缓慢,性腺处于休止期;随水温升高,在春季3—4月份配子开始发育,雌雄个体发育基本同步,4—5月份壳高生长速率加快,湿重显著增加;在夏季,随配子发育壳高生长速率降低,7月份因配子排放湿重下降;在产卵后的秋季长牡蛎"海大3号"壳高和湿重均显著增长。营养分析结果表明,随性腺发育,外套膜、性腺-内脏团、鳃和闭壳肌中糖原含量呈下降趋势,为配子发育提供能量;脂质和蛋白质作为配子主要结构物质在性腺中不断累积,随配子排放而显著降低;在秋季,4个组织中较高的蛋白质含量为机体的快速生长提供物质基础。同时外套膜作为构成壳物质的分泌器官,在8—9月份其糖原含量和脂质含量显著增加,这暗示机体的快速生长需要一定能量储备。研究表明,长牡蛎"海大3号"的生长和繁殖活动受海区水温季节性变化的影响,并与各组织营养成分密切相关。春季和秋季为机体快速生长时期,夏季为配子集中排放期;糖原是生长繁殖活动的主要能量来源,脂质是配子主要结构物质,蛋白质是机体产后恢复和快速生长的物质基础。  相似文献   

文蛤的性腺发育和生殖周期   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
林志华 《水产学报》2004,28(5):510-514
应用组织学方法对浙南池塘养殖的文蛤的性腺发育、生殖周期和肥满度进行了周年变化的研究。结果表明,文蛤的性腺发育具有典型双壳贝类特征,性腺发育过程可分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期、休止期5个时期,并对上述5期的宏观肉眼观察特征及微观切片观察特征进行了描述。浙南池塘养殖的文蛤性腺发育过程以1年为1个周期,成熟排放期在5月下旬至8月中旬,水温21.8~31.0℃,繁殖盛期为6月下旬至7月下旬,水温为25.0~30.0℃。月平均肥满度最高为6月份的8.84%,最低为1月份的3.21%。论文还讨论了1龄文蛤性腺发育、文蛤性腺成熟和排放与积温的关系。  相似文献   

养殖银鲳第一次性周期性腺发育组织学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡切片技术对人工养殖银鲳的性腺发育情况进行了研究。结果表明,在1~2月龄,养殖银鲳精巢处于第Ⅰ期;3~4月龄发育至第Ⅱ期;5月龄时发育至第Ⅲ期;6月龄时发育到第Ⅳ期;在7月龄时即能达到性成熟;在越冬的8~10月龄退化至第Ⅲ期,之后又开始重新发育,并在11~12月龄达到成熟。卵巢在3~4月龄时发育至第Ⅰ期;5月份发育至第Ⅱ期;6月龄发育到第Ⅲ期;7~8月龄的越冬时期卵巢退至第Ⅱ期;越冬之后的9~10月龄时卵巢继续发育,并在11~12月龄时达到性成熟。银鲳精巢和卵巢发育都为不完全同步型,且精巢发育较卵巢快。本研究为银鲳性腺发育及人工繁育研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

1亲贝选择与促熟选2~3龄的大连湾牡蛎,清除壳上附着物挂入池中,亲贝蓄养方式可采用浮动网箱或网笼式吊养,每立方米水体可蓄养50~60个,日升温1~2℃,到20~22℃恒温培养,有效积温450℃·日以上,性腺充分成熟。  相似文献   

2013年4月–2014年3月,采用组织学和实验生态学方法研究了山东莱州湾海域小刀蛏(Cultellus attenuatus)的性腺发育、生殖周期、胚胎及幼虫发育。结果显示,在繁殖季节,小刀蛏性别可通过性腺颜色区分,雌性为白色,雄性为黄色;1个生殖周期为1年,性腺发育经历增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和休止期5个阶段;莱州湾繁殖期为6月中旬–7月上旬。小刀蛏受精卵卵径为50–55μm,在水温26℃、盐度28的条件下,经24 h发育至D形幼虫,10 d后幼虫发育变态为稚贝。对莱州湾小刀蛏繁殖生物学的研究,可为该海域小刀蛏的人工育苗和增养殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Growth, intensity of Perkinsus marinus (Levine) infection, and survival of synchronously spawned North Carolina (NC) and Chesapeake Bay‐heritage (CB) oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) were evaluated under standard tray culture conditions at several sites in both regions (Wye River, Maryland; Mobjack Bay, Virginia; Pamlico River, NC and Bogue Banks, NC). Infection prevalence reached 100% in oysters held at all high‐ and moderate‐salinity sites, at which time the CB strain ceased to grow. Shortly after growth ceased, CB oysters exhibited mortality that rapidly progressed to 100%. Unlike the CB strain, growth continued in the NC strain despite high P. marinus prevalence. When mortality did occur in the NC strain, at a reduced rate of 37–40%, it was associated with higher intensity of P. marinus than the infection intensity correlated with death of CB oysters. At the low‐salinity site in NC, P. marinus infection persisted at low weighted prevalence throughout the latter portion of the culture period but was not associated with mortality of either strain. These trends in growth and disease resistance for the two strains demonstrate that aquaculture performance is related to the level of disease resistance in oyster strains, salinity of water in growing areas and virulence of P. marinus.  相似文献   

The Damariscotta River estuary is a center of oyster culture in Maine, yet the comparative performance of flat oysters Ostrea edulis at different locations in this now Bonamia ostreae -enzootic estuary has not been assessed. Juvenile O. edulis were deployed in July 1997 among replicate floating trays at one estuarine (Little Point) and one marine site (Lowes Cove), and growth, mortality, and B. ostreae prevalence were compared through December 1999. Growth was faster at Little Point though oysters at both locations reached market size in less than three full growing seasons. Mortality was similar between locations except following a June 1998 rain event that decreased salinity more precipitously at Little Point. Cumulative mortality was greater at Little Point (45.8%) than Lowes Cove (26.7%). Surprisingly, B. ostreae was observed in only a single oyster from Little Point in May 1998. These data indicate that flat oysters in Maine may grow well across a wide range of environments, yet may demonstrate better survival at marine sites where salinity fluctuations are less extreme. While B. ostreae is likely still a threat, selection of sites where rapid growth to market size is possible may reduce its impact.  相似文献   

Oysters were collected along salinity gradients within four major oyster producing watersheds in Louisiana (Lake Calcasieu, Terrebonne Bay, Barataria Bay and Lake Borgne) and examined for parasites in relation to oyster condition and reproductive state. The percentage of Infection by Perkinsus marinus, Nematopsis prytherchi, N. ostrearum, Bucephalus cuculus , prokaryotic inclusion bodies, and ciliates was recorded for each site. Average pigment cell number, oyster condition, gonadal index, and the percentage of oysters with atrophic digestive diverticula were also determined.
In general, oysters experienced higher levels of parasitism in higher salinity waters. Perkinsus marinus Occurrence was correlated with salinity, an atrophied condition of the oysters, and Nematopsis spp. occurrence. Oysters in poor condition had higher concentrations of pigment cells, greater atrophy of the digestive diverticula, and increased parasitism by N. ostrearum .  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the physiological impact of transferring oysters between upriver and downriver aquaculture sites, a common practice in North America that is primarily aimed at reducing disease infections and predation on cultured stocks. In May 2009, oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were reciprocally transferred between an upriver and a downriver site in the Richibucto estuary in eastern Canada. Mortality, tissue and cellular stress responses were subsequently evaluated in August and October 2009. Overall, oyster mortality remained low (~5%) throughout the 5‐month study period with no significant difference between sites or oyster sources. However, by October oysters reared at the upriver site, regardless of their origin, had significantly higher levels of lysosomal membrane destabilization (63.6%, SE = 1.9) and digestive tubule atrophy (33.3–42.4%, SE = 3.6) than oysters reared at the downriver site (47.5%, SE = 1.8; 15.6–19.1%, SE = 3.8 respectively). They also exhibited a greater salinity differential between their mantle/haemolymph fluids and the ambient seawater, possibly indicating more restricted exchange with the environment. In general, the transfer of upriver oysters to a downriver site had a positive impact, i.e. lower levels of lysosomal destabilization and tubule atrophy, whereas transfer of downriver oysters upriver had the opposite effect. These results suggest that upriver environmental conditions negatively impact cellular and tissue integrity in oysters without leading to mortality during the summer–autumn period.  相似文献   

The transplanting of oysters from one ground to another is a common practice in the oyster industry. In Delaware Bay, for instance, oysters are typically transplanted from upper-bay low-salinity seed beds onto lower-bay leased grounds for growth and conditioning before market. The higher salinity on the leased grounds, however, also favours higher losses to predation and disease. A coupled oyster–Perkinsus marinus–predator model was used to investigate how varying the timing of transplant affects the ultimate yield of Eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in Delaware Bay. Simulations were run in which oysters were moved from seed beds to leased grounds in November, January, March, April and May. The number of market-size (≥ 76 mm) adults available for harvest in the following July to November was compared for populations undergoing mortality from predation (crabs, oyster drills) and/or disease (Perkinsus marinus). In all simulations, the abundance of market-size oysters declined between July and November. However, transplanting oysters in November resulted in the largest yield of market-size oysters for all harvest times; transplanting in May resulted in the smallest yield. The autumn transplant allows oysters to benefit from the larger spring phytoplankton bloom over the leased grounds in the lower estuary. The effect of varying the season of transplant was most noticeable if oysters were harvested early (July or August). In all simulations, transplanting resulted in a higher abundance of market-size oysters than direct harvest from the seed beds. Direct harvest would rarely be advantageous if the cost of transplant were insignificant and the relative rates of mortality were as stipulated. However, a May transplant is only moderately better than a direct harvest and the economic benefits of either option are likely to be determined by the cost of transplanting and the mortality associated with the process. In the same vein, the decision as to when to harvest relies on balancing the increased price obtained for oysters in the autumn with the increased loss owing to predation and disease. Awaiting an autumn harvest is clearly much riskier if the principal source of mortality is disease rather than predation, because disease mortality is concentrated on the market-size oysters and is greatest in the autumn.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong oyster, Crassostrea hongkongensis, is one of the most economically important and well‐known oyster species in southern China. To explore the possibility of improving the performance of the Hong Kong oyster, complete diallel crosses between two oyster stocks, the Zhuhai stock (Z: fast growth line F4) and the Maowei Sea stock (M: resistant line F3), were conducted using pooled gametes. Three replicates, each consisting of two pure stocks (ZZ and MM) and two reciprocal crosses (ZM and MZ), were successfully generated. High fertilization rate and hatching level were observed among all the experimental groups, suggesting that there was no sperm–egg recognition barrier between geographic populations. Reciprocal crosses had higher survival rate compared to the pure stock crosses and the rate of survival increased with progeny growth. Growth heterosis became obvious both in larval and adult stages, and was primarily influenced by the egg origin and mating strategy at the larval stage. Also, the phenotypic traits of all progeny differed amongst the culture sites, suggesting a significant environmental effect. The Zhuhai site was more suitable for oyster aquaculture than the Maowei Sea site. Thus, our results demonstrated that crossbreeding between Zhuhai and Maowei Sea stocks of Hong Kong oyster to produce superior heterosis represents a promising means to improve the fishery yield of this species in southern China.  相似文献   

We investigated the early growth and reproduction of hatchery-produced Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas raised in a suspended long-line facility in Gamakman Bay, off the south coast of Korea. In October 2009, 4?months after transplanting, shell length had increased from 27.4 (July) to 82.5?mm (October), and tissue weight had increased from 0.2 to 5.2?g, indicating that the oyster had reached a marketable size in this month. Histological studies indicated rapid gonad maturation, and the oysters spawned during August and October, with a peak in September. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay used to quantify egg biomass revealed that the oysters produced a relatively small quantity of eggs, ranging from 5.1?% (August) to 8.8?% (September) of their body weight. The low total carbohydrate reserve in the tissue recorded in August and September coincided with intense energy utilization due to spawning, while the protein maximum in September matched peak egg mass. Our results suggest that hatchery-produced seed could supply a portion of the spat required in Gamakman Bay as well as in other oyster culture grounds of Korea, where the oyster industry is facing a shortage in the supply of natural spat.  相似文献   

The gamotogenic cycle of the Suminoe oyster, Crassostrea rivularis, was compared with that of two groups of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) on an intertidal oyster bed in Oakland Bay, Washington. The Pacific oysters exhibited an earlier and more extensive development of gonad relative to C. rivularis. Resulting carbohydrate depletion was much greater in C. gigas relative to C. rivularis. Both groups of Pacific oysters spawned completely in mid-August. C. rivularis did not spawn but, rather, initiated phagocytosis of gametes by leucocytes. The implications of the results on the development of a marketable “summer” oyster are discussed.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) is one of the most important aquaculture species worldwide. Its meat quality is vital for consumer satisfaction, and nutrient content, especially glycogen, is closely associated with oyster fatness and meat colour. Fluctuations in nutrient content of short‐term starvation have not been previously reported, and seasonal variation in glycogen content in different tissues has rarely been reported. In the present study, we investigated these important aspects of oyster production and found that short‐term starvation (50 hr) did not significantly alter glycogen, protein or lipid content. The seasonal variation assay showed that glycogen and lipid accumulation was high in autumn and winter and that seawater temperature and protein content were inversely related to glycogen content. Glycogen content of the whole flesh was higher from January to April and was positively related to the condition index before the onset of gametogenesis. Glycogen content was higher in the gonad, labial palp and mantle compared to the gill or adductor muscle. Relative expression of genes encoding proteins involved in glycogen metabolism (glycogen synthase, glycogen phosphorylase, glycogen debranching enzyme and glycogen branching enzyme) was closely associated with the glycogen content in the corresponding tissues. Glycogen content in the gonad was regulated by glycogen metabolic and glycolysis pathway genes (6‐phosphofructo kinase, phosphoglycerate kinase, pyruvate kinase, hexokinase and glucose transporters), and stored glycogen was the main energy source for gametogenesis. These findings contribute to oyster aquaculture management and glycogen improvement and expand our understanding of glycogen metabolism in oysters.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Oyster spat settlement at four oyster reefs in Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA, was studied from August through October 1998 and May through mid November 1999. Spat collectors at the reefs were replaced every 2 wk and spat-set estimated as number of oysters per meter square per day. Water quality data at Fish River Reef was monitored using remote sensors. Spat-set data revealed significant variation between the four sites and between the 2 yr. Spat settlement was 5 to 10 times greater at the other three reefs than at Fish River Reef. Dates and intensity of oyster settlement at Fish River Reef were different from dates and intensity of oyster settlement at Shell Bank Reef, both on the eastern side of the bay. However, settlement was similar between Cedar Point Reef and White House Reef, both on the western side of the bay. Spat set appears to occur 3 wk after a rapid decline in water temperature, provided adequate oxygen concentrations are present at the time of settlement. Data collected suggest that intensity of settlement at Fish River Reef is considerably less than at other reefs in this study but could be adequate to reestablish the reef, if cultch and environmental conditions are suitable. The data also suggest that the source of larval oysters at Fish River Reef is different from the source of larval oysters at the other sites tested in the present study.  相似文献   

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