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渔业资源增殖放流效果评估方法的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
依据渔业资源评估原理,结合渔业资源增殖放流的特点,提出一套计算群体生物统计量进而评估渔业资源增殖放流效果的方法。选用渔业资源评估模型,估算未建立生长方程的增殖放流种类的生长参数及其自然死亡系数,以及增殖放流种类的合理放流数量。提出确认渔获物中来自放流种苗数量的方法。推导了计算捕捞死亡系数和按时间序列计算放流群体残存量、回捕量、回捕率和回捕效益等的公式。  相似文献   

浙北近海曼氏无针乌贼增殖放流效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为修复浙北近海曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)资源,2013—2016年实施了大规模放流,累计增殖放流受精卵7835×104粒,同期还开展了跟踪监测调查。本研究利用放流前后的定点资料和补充采样数据,估算了生长参数和死亡系数等指标,并构建资源评估模型,模拟分析了渔获产量和残存率的变化趋势。结果表明,2013—2016年浙北海域放流曼氏无针乌贼极限体长为138 mm,年生长系数K为2.354,t0为–0.05237 a,年总死亡系数Z为2.83,年自然死亡系数M为1.74,年捕捞死亡系数F为1.09;现行捕捞强度下,每投放1×104粒受精卵,可形成137.3 kg产量,同时还补充了502 ind性成熟个体,增殖放流在一定程度上起到了种群修复和增产增收的目的。评估结果显示,将开捕时间推迟2个月,捕捞产量可增加10.0%,发育至性成熟个体增加27.5%;捕捞强度也是影响放流效果的重要因素之一,若将年捕捞死亡系数降至0.76,捕捞产量最高可达155.6 kg,发育至性成熟个体增加29.4%。最后,针对研究结果提出提高曼氏无针乌贼放流效果和合理利用资源的建议。  相似文献   

根据1985~1992年黄海北部中国对虾幼虾放流前后相对资源量资料,估算放流虾在混合虾群中占的平均比例约为92%,平均回捕率92%。放流量(X)与放流后相对资源量(Y)的关系为Y=2410X-1003X2,R=0898。经F—检验相关显著。结果表明:中等放流量才能获最好增殖效果;与最大渔获量相应的放流量约16亿尾;与最大相对资源量相应的放流量约12亿尾。描述了放流虾的死亡特征,并估算了各类死亡值。用Cohort分析方法估算了放流虾到开捕时(8月15日)的存活数量,平均占放流量的105%。渔汛的捕捞死亡率约082,自然死亡率011,其余007游出黄海北部去越冬场  相似文献   

为评估环境突变、被捕食、纳潮、非法捕捞和交尾死亡对资源量和渔获量的影响,及5种死亡因素和与生长有关的参数引入不确定性对估算生物学参考点(Fmax和F0.1)的影响,基于发展的可应用于研究放流增殖渔业的YPR(yield per recruitment)模型,模拟5种死亡因素不同水平下放流中国明对虾的资源变动规律。结果显示,环境突变、被捕食、纳潮、非法捕捞和交尾死亡水平越高,单位放流资源量和渔获量越少,交尾死亡尤其对累计单位放流渔获量的影响明显;在未引入不确定性时,作用于开捕前的环境突变、被捕食、纳潮和非法捕捞死亡的不同水平对生物学参考点无影响,与生长有关的参数及5种死亡因素引入不确定性可能存在低估F0.1和Fmax的现象。研究表明,减小与放流技术有关的环境突变、被捕食、纳潮和非法捕捞死亡水平对提高放流中国明对虾渔业效果有明显的作用,交尾死亡发生的时间及死亡水平对放流中国明对虾渔获有直接的影响,当参数引入不确定性时进行放流中国明对虾资源评估,生物学参考点的中位数较均值抗不确定性干扰能力更强。  相似文献   

象山港黄姑鱼增殖放流效果评估及增殖群体利用方式优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以回捕渔获重量和对繁殖群体的补充能力为评价指标,借助标志放流-回捕实验,利用模型模拟分析方法,定量评估浙江象山港黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)的增殖放流效果;同时,结合其增殖目标定位,探索构建生态高效的增殖群体利用方式。研究结果表明,象山港黄姑鱼增殖群体的捕捞死亡系数为1.31,在该捕捞强度下,11055尾增殖放流鱼苗可产生737 kg回捕渔获收益,同时还向增殖水域补充了554尾初次性成熟个体,增殖放流活动在一定程度上起到了修复象山港黄姑鱼资源、促进渔民增产增收的效果。结果表明,捕捞强度过大是制约象山港黄姑鱼增殖放流功效发挥的重要因素,捕捞死亡系数应降至0.46,同批次黄姑鱼增殖放流所能提供的回捕渔获重量和性成熟个体尾数可分别较现行捕捞强度提升41.49%和326.90%。综上述,象山港黄姑鱼增殖放流的生态和经济功效较为显著,合理降低对增殖群体的捕捞强度是进一步提升其增殖放流效果的必要措施。  相似文献   

为量化评估增殖放流鱼类产生的经济效益和生态价值,根据广西2013年度中央财政渔业资源保护项目增殖放流鱼类的品种、规格、数量,利用鱼类的生长特征参数、自然死亡系数和捕捞死亡系数,通过巴拉诺夫产量方程估算增殖放流鱼类的回捕量以及水生生物营养转换传递参数、成本参数和市场价格。结果显示,该项目增殖放流鱼类回捕的直接经济效益为10 293万元,投入产出比为1∶25;回捕的放流鱼类从水域中提取氮127.9 t,磷25.6 t,碳汇输出1 874.5 t;回捕放流鱼类及存留鱼类共消耗水域底栖动物44 327.2 t;年度放流总生态价值5 775万元。调查结果表明,开展鱼类增殖放流能产生较好的渔业经济效益和生态效益,有利于维护渔业生态环境健康。  相似文献   

黄海北部放流虾的死亡特征和去向的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了黄海北部中国对虾放流虾的死亡特征和去向,结果是机械死亡7.8%,突然死亡16.8%,纳潮死亡7.0%,自然死亡14.4%,8月15日前的非法捕捞死亡10.0%,合计56%。到开捕时放流虾存活的数量约为放流量的10.5%,总计为66.5%,有33.5%的放流虾去向不明。如果将20%的计量误差考虑在内,约有14%的放流虾去向不明。在渔汛期间,存活到开捕时的放流虾,约有82%被捕捞,自然死亡11%,余7%游出黄海北部。  相似文献   

自然死亡是影响中国明对虾资源群体数量变动的重要因素之一。大量的研究表明,"传统的"自然死亡与交尾死亡是构成野生群体自然死亡的主要因素,而对放流群体,突然死亡、被捕食死亡、纳潮死亡和非法捕捞死亡作为"特殊的"自然死亡同样影响放流群体的数量。就放流群体而言,迫切需要寻找适合中国明对虾自然死亡系数估算的方法,以及开展放流后至开捕前群体自然死亡规律的研究。  相似文献   

为研究资源评估模型的不确定性及其对管理参考点的影响,以东、黄海星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)为研究对象,对单位补充量渔获量(YPR)模型各参数进行敏感性分析,探究影响单位补充量渔获量和生物学参考点估算的关键参数,并利用蒙特卡洛方法模拟YPR模型中的参数不确定性,评估不确定性存在下星康吉鳗种群的资源现状及可能产生的风险。研究结果表明,当前东、黄海星康吉鳗的捕捞死亡系数Fcur远高于F0.1的估计值,接近Fmax。自然死亡系数M、生长系数K和开捕年龄tc是估算生物学参考点Fmax和F0.1的敏感性参数,而幂指数系数b、渐近体长L、生长系数K和自然死亡系数M则是计算渔获量的敏感性参数。在参数不确定性的影响下,对东、黄海星康吉鳗渔业状况产生误判的概率,即P (Fcur0.1)和P (Fcur>Fmax),将随不确定水平的升高...  相似文献   

为了减缓金沙江阿海段水工建筑对水生生物的影响,开展土著鱼人工增殖放流并对其放流效果进行评估。采用T型标对阿海电站2011年度增殖放流的鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi pingi)、四川裂腹鱼(Schizothorax kozlovi)、细鳞裂腹鱼(Schizothorax chongi)和齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)进行标志放流,通过集中捕捞与渔民反馈的方式进行了重捕调查,集中捕捞每隔2月进行1次,捕捞水域为石鼓-阿海-鲁地拉江段。结果表明,标志个体在阿海电站库区、金安桥电站库区、龙开口电站库区均有捕获,其中渔获量为:阿海库区金安桥库区龙开口库区;在正常捕捞强度下,鲈鲤、四川裂腹鱼、细鳞裂腹鱼、齐口裂腹鱼的回捕率分别为0.19%、0.42%、0.37%、0.72%;捕获标志个体在自然水域正常生长。建议在后期的增殖放流活动中,在坝上和坝下选择多点放流,扩大人工增殖群体的分布水域,对增殖对象的资源量变动和遗传渗透开展进一步的研究。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers) from the west coast of Sri Lanka was investigated based on catch/effort and length frequency data, using FiSAT software. Annual yield of M. dobsoni was estimated at 296 t in 1998 and 362 t in 1999. This species formed 54% of the total shrimp catch from the system. The asymptotic length (L) and the growth rate constant (K) were estimated to be 11.49 cm and 1.02 yr?1 for males and 12.8 cm and 1.73 yr?1 for females. The fishing mortality coefficients were 2.42 and 1.85 yr?1 for males and females, respectively. The natural mortality was estimated at 1.72 yr?1 for males and 2.51 yr?1 for females. The recruitment for the estuarine environment and the offshore areas was continuous but peaked twice per year. The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was estimated at 294.65 t, around the current catch estimates. To obtain maximum sustainable economic yield (MSE = 293.56 t) the present effort should be reduced by 10%.  相似文献   

Abstract Age‐based demographic analyses were undertaken to assess the current status of fished stocks of spangled emperor, Lethrinus nebulosus (Forsskål) in the Gascoyne Bioregion of Western Australia. Differences in age and growth characteristics were detected for samples collected from different assessment zones, with North Gascoyne fish observed to grow faster and reach a shorter average maximum length and younger average age than South Gascoyne fish. A significant difference in North Gascoyne catch‐at‐age data from different time periods demonstrated historical effects of fishing on population age structure. Instantaneous rates of fishing mortality (F) from catch‐curve analyses of age – frequency data sampled for the North Gascoyne stock from recreational fishing catches from April 2007 to March 2008 were beyond the limit reference point compared with estimated instantaneous rates of natural mortality (M) (i.e. F > 1.5M), indicating that there is currently a risk to the sustainability of that stock.  相似文献   

We propose a method of estimating natural mortality of marine pelagic fishes, especially for early-life stages, based on their fecundity. To estimate size-dependent fecundity, growth and mortality of Pacific anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), the most abundant fish species in coastal waters off the Korean peninsula, we undertook a synthesis of results from past studies and data. Assuming that the growth coefficient K varies with water temperature, we derived a modified von Bertalanffy growth equation covering all life stages based on otolith analysis of anchovies collected from southwestern coastal area of Korea in 1996. By revisting a past study on spawning and egg production of anchovies in the southern Korean coastal waters, we calculated a monthly-averaged fraction of mature females spawning per day to estimate that an average female anchovy spawns 36 times per year, and that the mean number of eggs produced by an average female is ca. 160 × 103 yr−1. Accepting the ‘bigger-is-better’ hypothesis, we derived a theoretical mortality curve that assumes instantaneous natural mortality as an inverse function of anchovy body length. Assuming equilibrium status of stock, estimated annual instantaneous mortality of anchovy between egg to age-1 stage was 11.3 yr−1 and estimated size-specific mortality was 1.24 d−1 mm in fork length. The derived theoretical mortality curve fit well the stage-specific mortalities, which were estimated independently based on ichthyoplankton surveys and anchovy samples collected by commercial nets, but underestimated the egg mortality (0.89 d−1 vs. 0.83 d−1).  相似文献   

任采妮  麻秋云  戴小杰  叶深 《水产学报》2024,48(1):019306-019306
为了评估银姑鱼资源开发状态,实验根据2016年在浙江南部海域底拖网的调查数据,研究了银姑鱼的生活史参数,并基于单位补充量模型对其资源状态进行评价,进而探讨不同自然死亡系数和捕捞选择性对资源评价结果的影响。结果显示,银姑鱼渐近体长估计值为25.36 cm,生长速率为0.32/年,当前开捕体长(13.52 cm)远小于其初次性成熟体长(17.79 cm);自然死亡系数估计值为0.74,总死亡系数为2.62,当前捕捞死亡系数为1.88。基于以上参数,构建了单位补充量渔获量YPR模型和单位补充量亲体生物量SSBR模型,随着F的增加,YPR先增大后减小,而SSBR则减少。银姑鱼生物学参考点F0.1为0.78,Fmax为3.43,F20%为0.66,F40%为0.33,可知当前捕捞强度远大于防止补充型过度捕捞警戒线F20%。敏感性分析结果显示,自然死亡系数的不确定性将明显影响单位补充量模型的研究结果和相关生物学参考点的估算值,而不同选择性系数,尤其是开捕体长,也直接影响单位补充量模型的结果。研究表明,当前浙江南部近海银姑鱼种群已处于补充型过度捕捞状态,为维持渔业资源的可持续发展,建议适当减小开发力度,增大开捕体长;为提高资源状态评价的准确性,建议减小自然死亡系数的不确定性。本研究可为银姑鱼资源的养护和管理提供科学建议。  相似文献   

Annual discard ogives were estimated using generalised additive models (GAMs) for seven demersal fish species (or taxa) and deep‐water rose shrimp, Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas). Analysis was based on data collected on board commercial bottom trawlers in the central Aegean Sea from 1995 to 2008. Length of specimens and fishing depth (along with year) were the variables that had the most profound effect on the proportion of fish discarded. Compliance with the established minimum catch size of marine organisms (MS) was very low, a fact attributed to the low selectivity of currently used mesh sizes, the market demand for undersized fish, as well as the low control and enforcement effort.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding three natural frozen diets, grass shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.), crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and fish (Sardina pilchardus) and two semi‐humid artificial diets (based on fish or shrimp powder) to the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, were analysed. Growth rate and feeding rate [FR; % body weight (BW) day?1] and food conversions (FC, %) were determined. Cuttlefish fed shrimp grew larger (3.8% BW day?1) and had the highest FC, followed by those fed crayfish, and sardine. The highest FR was obtained for cuttlefish fed crayfish (10.5% BW day?1). Although both artificial diets were accepted, none produced growth. Digestive gland‐to‐body weight ratio (DG/BW ratio) was calculated for animals fed each diet. A positive correlation (r = 0.94) between cuttlefish ingestion FR and DG weight was obtained. Mortality occurred mainly during the last week, and some cannibalism occurred among cuttlefish fed artificial diets. Finally, lipid composition of diets, DG and mantle of each group were analysed. Sardine diet was characterized by high levels of triacylglycerol (TG), whereas the main difference between shrimp and crayfish was the higher n‐3/n‐6 ratio found in shrimp. Changes in the lipid composition of DG were related to diet, but did not correlate with growth data. A strong loss of TG in the DG of artificial diets groups was notable. No differences in mantle lipid composition among the natural diets were found, but artificial diet groups showed higher contents of neutral lipids in their mantle respect to natural diets. According to results obtained, crayfish (P. clarkii) could be used as an alternative prey for rearing S. officinalis compared with shrimp. Artificial diets showed the worst effects in growth and mortality as well as the stronger influence on DG and mantle lipid composition of cuttlefish.  相似文献   

Effective management of fisheries depends on the selectivity of different fishing methods, control of fishing effort and the life history and mating system of the target species. For sex‐changing species, it is unclear how the truncation of age‐structure or selection of specific size or age classes (by fishing for specific markets) affects population dynamics. We specifically address the consequences of plate‐sized selectivity, whereby submature, “plate‐sized” fish are preferred in the live reef food fish trade. We use an age‐structured model to investigate the decline and recovery of populations fished with three different selectivity scenarios (asymptotic, dome‐shaped and plate‐sized) applied to two sexual systems (female‐first hermaphroditism and gonochorism). We parameterized our model with life‐history data from Brown‐marbled grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and Napoleon fish (Cheilinus undulatus). “Plate‐sized” selectivity had the greatest negative effect on population trajectories, assuming accumulated fishing effort across ages was equal, while the relative effect of fishing on biomass was greatest with low natural mortality. Fishing such sex‐changing species before maturation decreased egg production (and the spawning potential ratio) in two ways: average individual size decreased and, assuming plasticity, females became males at a smaller size. Somatic growth rate affected biomass if selectivity was based on size at age because in slow growers, a smaller proportion of total biomass was vulnerable to fishing. We recommend fisheries avoid taking individuals near their maturation age, regardless of mating system, unless catch is tightly controlled. We also discuss the implications of fishing post‐settlement individuals on population dynamics and offer practical management recommendations.  相似文献   

鱼类自然死亡系数评估研究进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
自然死亡系数是渔业资源评估中不可或缺的重要参数,其准确度直接决定了资源评估结果的可靠性,进而影响渔业管理策略的制定。本文从生活史参数、标志回捕和年龄结构3个方面列举了国内外自然死亡系数的常用评估方法,讨论了相关方法的优缺点及影响因素,并以犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)和中国近海鱼类为例对比分析不同模型的计算结果。在此基础上,着重介绍了Pauly经验公式在中国近海主要经济鱼类自然死亡系数评估中的应用进展及存在问题。根据渔业资源调查和研究数据现状,认为现阶段使用Pauly经验公式评估中国近海经济鱼类自然死亡系数具有积极作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The genetic impact of stocking on natural populations was assessed by using individual-based life history models. Models were constructed that included density-dependent mortality at the early life stage, natural mortality, fishing mortality, and the number of released fish. These variables were varied by using random numbers. The focus was on the genetic impact of the number of released fish, the number of parent fish producing seedlings that were released, the sex ratio of the parent fish, fishing mortality, and the methods to select the parents of the seedlings. When brood stock size in the hatchery was five males and five females, the coefficient of inbreeding was about 27-fold as high as that in the case of 50 males and 50 females at the 50th generation. The coefficient increased about fivefold at the 50th generation, when the sex ratio of the parents changed from 50 males and 50 females to 10 males and 90 females. When parents were taken from wild populations at random, extreme fishing mortality reduced genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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