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<正>青海作为我国冷水鱼主产区之一,冷水鱼产业,尤其是大型网箱鲑鳟鱼养殖产业发展走在了全国前列。在青海省农牧厅以及渔业局的高度重视、大力支持下,青海省水产技术推广中心十多年来一直致力于鲑鳟鱼产业的实验、示范和推广。截止目前,青海共有鲑鳟鱼养殖网箱22万平方米,其中大型深水网箱14.5万平方米,养殖鲑鳟鱼7000吨,产品主要销往北京、上海、广州等国内一线城市。  相似文献   

正近年来,青海省黄河龙羊峡至积石峡段水库网箱养殖发展迅速,目前已成为国内最大的鲑鳟鱼商品生产基地。在当前生态优先、绿色发展理念下,为促进青海渔业生态保护和冷水鱼产业协调发展,2012年~2018年,当地渔业部门在黄河上游干流非养殖区及龙羊峡至积石峡水库重点网箱养殖区域设置监测断面,对网箱养殖区水质、底泥开展连续监测。结果显示,网箱养殖区域和黄河干流非养殖区域水质监测对比没有明显差异,沿黄网箱养殖对黄河干流水质、底泥等没有产生明显影响,还需对网箱养殖区底泥长期进行监测,推进建立常态化养殖水体监测制度。作者在此基础上提出了青海鲑鳟鱼产业绿色、可持续发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

正青海省冷水资源丰富,水质洁净优良,被国内外公认为是养殖鲑鳟鱼条件最好的地区之一,被誉为"冷水鱼的天堂"。在坚持"生态立省、生态优先"的前提下,依托青海水体资源禀赋,借鉴国际鲑鳟鱼养殖经验和管理方法,青海省已经摸索出了适合本省鲑鳟鱼产业发展的思路和理念。目前,青海省年产鲑鳟鱼1.5万t,主要为三倍体虹鳟、高白鲑等,约占全国鲑鳟鱼产量的1/3。鲑鳟鱼产业已成为青海省朝阳产业、新兴产业和特色产业。在青海省鲑鳟鱼产业快速发展的同时,也暴露出青海省鲑鳟鱼品牌建设内涵不清晰及相对滞后等问题。  相似文献   

为了全面建立负责任渔业制度,引导现代渔业发展方向,确保鲑鳟鱼产业可持续发展,保护生产者和消费者的和j益,保证鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖水体生态环境、养殖生产和水产品质量安全,青海省制定了关于促进青海省鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖产业健康发展的指导意见。该意见紧紧围绕“十二五”期间青海省鲑鳟鱼产业发展“立足青海省水域的特殊优势,按照‘科学规划、规模发展,科技支撑、注重质量,龙头带动、品牌建设’的总体要求.以虹鳟(三文鱼)和白鲑为主推品种,抗风浪深水网箱养殖为主推技术,生产优质、高档、名牌水产品为目标,依靠大型龙头企业带动,强化技术科技支撑和品牌意识,以工业化的理念和服务业的方法打造青海现代渔业,形成以龙羊峡为中心、辐射沿黄的渔业园区,力争在青海省农业现代化进程中率先实现渔业现代化”的总体思路。具有超前性、针对性、科学性和很强的可操作性,对引导青海省鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖产业健康可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正近年来,青海在鲑鳟鱼养殖产业发展中狠抓生物安全管理,其中苗种场要严格遵守鲑鳟鱼苗种生产许可管理及种苗输入和输出检疫制度,省内苗种场要积极组织开展全国无规定疫病苗种场试点建设;养殖场要严格控制网箱养殖规模、制定和实施生物安全管理计划,严格执行水产品质量管理。青海地处三江源区的特殊生态地位,决定了在保护好渔业生态环境的前提下,可持续发展冷水鱼养殖是青海特色。青海可供冷水鱼养殖利用的水面有60多万亩,特别是黄河干流大中型电站建设形成的水面有50余万亩,水体洁净、水质优良,水温在3℃~22℃,冬季常年不封冻,是鲑鳟鱼等冷水鱼天然生息繁衍  相似文献   

青海黄河龙羊峡—积石峡段水库鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖容量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进高原鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖产业可持续发展,2013~2017年,对黄河龙羊峡—积石峡段干流及其主要鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖的6座水库设置监测点连续开展水质等环境监测,分析监测水域氮、磷等含量,确定磷为水体营养物的限制性因子,并以磷的排放量为主要指标,以《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)Ⅱ类水质标准确定水体允许的最高磷浓度,运用Dillon-Rigler模型综合考虑其它因素,初次估算各水库的理论养殖容量。测算结果为:青海沿黄开展养殖的6座水库网箱养殖容量限定为3万t,其中龙羊峡水库养殖限量2万t,其余水库共限量1万t;上述水库可设置网箱面积50 hm~2,网箱养殖面积占总水面0.1%。  相似文献   

正本研究为进一步探索鲑鳟鱼深加工技术,以水库网箱养殖的优质三倍体虹鳟鱼、白鲑鱼为原料,进行冷热熏技术试验研发,从鱼品口感、延长产品储存期、增加附加值等方面获得较好效果,为青海省内鲑鳟鱼养殖场通过开展熏制鱼品加工,提高产品品质和市场竞争力,提供有较强实用性的操作技术规范。  相似文献   

正青海地处三江源区的特殊生态地位,决定了在保护好渔业生态环境的前提下,可持续发展冷水鱼养殖是青海特色。青海可供冷水鱼养殖利用的水面有60多万亩,特别是黄河干流大中型电站建设形成的水面有50余万亩,水体洁净、水质优良,水温在3~22℃,冬季常年不封冻,是鲑鳟鱼等冷水鱼天然生息繁衍之地,被国内外公认的养殖鲑鳟鱼条件最好的地区之一。青海作为我国冷水鱼主产区,到2015年底,全省鲑鳟鱼养殖网箱面积达22万米2,其中大型  相似文献   

养殖鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉着色技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 前言作为鲑鳟鱼类海水网箱养殖实用技术之一 ,我们所实施的海水养殖鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉着色因适应国际市场需求 ,提高养殖生产效益 ,引起企业广泛关注。天然洄游鲑鳟鱼类依赖于来自饵料生物的类胡萝卜素色素虾青素 ,呈现深受消费者喜爱的橙红肉色。要想满足消费者需求 ,养殖洄游鲑鳟鱼类鱼肉必须着色成天色鲑鳟鱼类肉色。因而 ,在洄游鲑鳟鱼类养殖生产中 ,鱼肉着色至关重要。世界主要鲑鳟鱼类养殖国均对这一问题予以高度重视 ,并进行大量研究。我们所做尝试也主要依赖于借鉴世界各国 ,尤其是挪威、美国、日本、智利先进经验。由于鱼类不能合成…  相似文献   

截止今年年初,青海省鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖面积达到107亩(15亩=1 hm2,下同),首次突破百亩,养殖面积比去年同期增长108%,总产量达到1256 t,较上年增加742 t,增长144%,占全国鲑鳟鱼产量的8%,成为全国最大的鲑鳟鱼网箱养殖基地。  相似文献   


Commercial salmon and trout farming has emerged as a major industry in Chile during the 1990s. Salmon is not a native species to Chile, still excellent climatic conditions are provided for farming. Since 1992 Chile has been the second largest producer of farmed salmon and trout in the world after Norway. This report reviews the development of the Chilean salmonid industry from its early stages until today with respect to production patterns, legislation and main markets. A cost comparison between Chilean and Norwegian farmed salmon is also provided. Finally, the international competitiveness and future challenges of the Chilean salmonid farming industry are analysed.  相似文献   


In this case study, we describe the evolution of Finnish salmon trout aquaculture; how salmon trout farming grew as a vital industry, how Finland became the world's leading producer of salmon trout, and how the opening of markets to international competition led to a decline of the industry. The focus is on the continuous interaction between the changing market situation and production decisions. The study reveals the impact of national environmental policy on the competitiveness of the industry. At the moment, the industry is undergoing major structural changes; production has moved to neighbouring countries, and the value chain is concentrated. In future, closer interaction and co‐operation between the actors along the entire fish value chain will be the key factors for success.  相似文献   

The production economics of the emerging Bulgarian private carp and trout farming industry were assessed by surveying a representative sample of 20 private and state-controlled farms as well as visiting the National Fresh Water Fish Research Institute, the state-owned fish feed production plant and a fish processing plant.The major constraints for the development of profitable fish farming were found to be the lack of capital and the insecurity of tenure, which nonetheless, do not serve to discourage new entrants into the industry. The expected gross margin per tonne of carp produced in reservoirs or earth ponds is USD 487, while a tonne of trout farmed in concrete raceways shows a gross margin figure of USD 525. State-owned trout farms are only available for outright purchase at auctions, whereas carp farms may be rented, but only for a short term.Fish farmers could benefit from organizing themselves into producer groups in order to improve marketing and secure quality inputs. In particular, there is scope to source quality dry fish diets on both economic and environmental grounds.An extension advisory service is needed to support inexperienced new entrants and researchers should urgently evaluate what seem to be the most cost-effective methods of production.  相似文献   


Commercial salmon and trout farming has emerged as a major industry in Chile during the last two decades. Salmon is not a native species to Chile; however, excellent climatic conditions are provided for farming activities in the southern part of the country. After negligible production volumes during the early years, the harvest levels accelerated in the late 1980s, and since 1992 Chile has been the second largest producer of farmed salmon and trout in the world after Norway. This report reviews the development of the Chilean salmonid industry from its early stages until today with respect to production patterns, legislation and main markets. A cost comparison between Chilean and Norwegian farmed salmon is also provided. Finally, the international competitiveness and future challenges of the Chilean salmonid farming industry are analysed.  相似文献   

国际虹鳟育种产业简介及其对我国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虹鳟Oncorhynchus mykiss原产于北美地区,为典型的冷水性鱼类,是世界性重要经济养殖鱼类之一和水产遗传育种领域的重要研究对象。虹鳟是最早采用数量遗传学理论指导遗传选育的水产动物之一,BLUP育种值估计和配合力分析等遗传评定方法以及家系选育、杂交和配套系育种等技术均在虹鳟育种实践中广泛应用。淡水鱼类养殖中,必须使用遗传选育的优良品种的行业共识,最早在虹鳟中确立。目前,在欧洲、北美以及智利等主要鲑鳟鱼养殖国家和地区,虹鳟良种覆盖率均已达到90%以上。鉴于虹鳟仍是我国养殖产量最高的鲑鳟鱼类,其育种工作在许多非原产国都取得了令人瞩目的成就,本文以全球化的视角,从虹鳟养殖与选育的历史概况、虹鳟种业的主要技术手段及产业格局、主要虹鳟育种机构的组织形式与类型特点等方面,简要介绍了国际虹鳟种业的发展及对我国虹鳟种业的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Abstract – The possibility to increase the proportion of migrating hatchery‐reared smolts by reducing their food ration was studied. Lake‐migrating, hatchery‐reared salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (Salmo trutta) smolts were either fed normal rations, based on recommendations from the fish‐farming industry, or reduced (15–20%) rations. They were released into the River Klarälven, western Sweden, and followed as they swam downstream to Lake Vänern, a distance of around 25 km. For both Atlantic salmon and brown trout, smolts fed a reduced ration migrated faster than fish fed a normal ration. Furthermore, a higher proportion of salmon smolts fed reduced rations migrated to the lake than fish fed normal rations in 2007 but not in 2006. This difference between years corresponded to greater treatment differences in size and smolt status in 2007 than in 2006. For trout, the proportion of migrating individuals and smolt development did not differ with ration size. Trout migrants fed a normal ration had a higher standard metabolic rate (SMR) than nonmigrants, whereas there was no difference in SMR between migrating and nonmigrating salmon. These results show that it is possible to use a reduced food ration to increase the migration speed of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout and to increase the proportion of migrating Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The variation in semen production among farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) has been studied. Both species were stripped at weekly intervals, the Atlantic salmon four times and the rainbow trout three times.The individual variation in volume of semen was very high, particularly in rainbow trout. The total volume of semen obtained was 137 ml (20 ml/kg body weight) in Atlantic salmon and 23 ml (5 ml/kg body weight) in rainbow trout. The intraclass correlation for volume of semen was estimated at 0.73 in Atlantic salmon and at 0.59 in rainbow trout. The correlations between volume of semen and body size (weight and length) were all positive. They were all significant and medium in Atlantic salmon whereas in rainbow trout they were all low and significant only for volume of semen at first stripping.The number of males needed to supply the Norwegian fish farming industry with semen is discussed. It is concluded that the possibility of disseminating genetic improvement throughout the whole population of farmed Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout by transport of semen from selected males is considerable.  相似文献   

The substantial growth of the farmed salmon industry in Europe since the 1970s has highlighted concerns regarding the genetic impact of escaped farmed salmon on wild salmonid stocks. High incidences of salmon × trout hybrids have been recorded in rivers situated near intensive salmon farming in Norway and Scotland, which may be indicative of a breakdown in reproductive isolation between salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L. In the present study, salmonid fry and 0+ parr were collected from rivers in western Ireland. Allozyme and minisatellite DNA analysis were carried out on fry to determine the frequency of F1 hybrids from 10 rivers located within 38 km of salmon farms and three rivers at least 80 km from salmon farms. A total of 49 hybrids were recorded from 4135 salmonid fry (frequency = 1.2%). Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that all hybrids arose from Atlantic salmon female × brown trout male crosses. Hybrid parr were recorded from one of the low-risk rivers (1.0%), but were present in seven out of the 10 catchments located within 38 km of salmon farms, with frequencies ranging from 0.7% to 3.1%. The results of the present survey, which represents the first extensive record of the levels of salmon-trout hybridization in Ireland, are discussed in relation to the continued growth of salmon farming in this country.  相似文献   


The commercial culture of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in Transylvania County, North Carolina, generated approximately $9 million in economic output in 2002. Commercial trout farming began in North Carolina more than 45 years ago. Twenty of the 57 commercial trout farms in production in North Carolina are located in Transylvania County, ranging in size from 1,135 to 204,300 kg annual production in 2002. North Carolina presently ranks second in the United States in commercial trout production, behind Idaho. The study shows that, in 2002, the trout industry generated about $9 million in economic output, created 201 jobs, and generated $3 and $0.9 million, respectively, as labor income and tax revenue in 2002. This is particularly important for Transylvania County where economic prosperity depends on locally available jobs and diversification of economic activities.  相似文献   

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