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Irrigation with effluents can detrimentally affect soil physical and chemical properties and impact plant growth and development. Excessive irrigation can leach salts from the root zone; which can be accomplished by precipitation in some areas. This study was conducted to examine the effect of applications of Kraft pulp mill effluent (KPME) with and without distilled water (DW) to simulate precipitation would have on soil chemical properties and growth of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides × P. petrowskyana L. cv. Walker). Distilled water (DW), KPME, and a 50% combination (v/v; COMB) of DW and KPME were applied at rates of 6 and 9 mm day−1. COMB resulted in heights, biomasses, and leaf areas that were greater than those for KPME and comparable to those for DW. Diluted KPME treatments (i.e., COMB) still significantly increased soil electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio compared to DW. Leachate collected from KPME 9 mm day−1 had concentrations of HCO3 , SO4 2−, Cl, Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+ comparable to those collected from COMB 9 mm day−1, but Na+ concentrations were three times higher in KPME than COMB 9 mm day−1. Results indicate that precipitation or additional irrigation water could potentially provide the leaching necessary to prevent salt accumulation within the rooting zone; however, irrigating with saline or sodic effluents requires careful management.  相似文献   

Coal bed natural gas (CBNG) extraction in the Powder River (PR) Basin of Wyoming and Montana produces modestly saline-sodic wastewater, which may have electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratios (SAR) exceeding accepted thresholds for irrigation (EC = 3 dS m−1, SAR = 12 (mmolc l−1)1/2. As an approach to managing large volumes of CBNG-produced water, treatment processes have been developed to adjust produced water salinity and sodicity to published irrigation guidelines and legislated in-stream standards. The objective of this laboratory study was to assess acute and chronic soil solution EC and SAR responses to various wetting regimes simulating repeated flood irrigation with treated CBNG product water, followed by single rainfall events. Fifty-four soil samples from irrigated fields in southeast Montana were subjected to simulated PR water or CBNG water treated to EC and SAR values accepted as thresholds for designation of saline × sodic water, in a single wetting event, five wetting–drying events, or five wetting–drying events, followed by leaching with distilled water. Resultant saturated paste extract EC (ECe) and SAR of soils having <33% clay did not differ from one another, but resulting ECe and SAR were all less than those for soil having >33% clay. Repeated wetting with PR water having EC of 1.56 dS m−1 and SAR of 4.54 led to SAR <12, but brought ECe near 3 dS m−1. Repeated wetting with water having salinity = 3.12 dS m−1 and SAR = 13.09 led to ECe >3 dS m−1 and SAR near 12. Subsequent inundation and drainage with distilled water, simulating rainfall-quality leaching, reduced ECe and SAR more often in coarse-textured, high salt content soils than in finer-textured, lower salt content soils. Decreases in ECe upon leaching with distilled water were of greater magnitude than corresponding decreases in SAR, reinforcing supposition of sodium-induced dispersion of fine-textured soils as a consequence of rainfall following irrigation with water having salinity and sodicity levels equal to previously published thresholds.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variability of nitrate in irrigated salad crops   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of this study was to analyze the spatial and seasonal variations in NO3 -N concentration in soil samples and solution samplers and the N leaching of an irrigated crop cultivated intensively in the Mediterranean zone. Although much information is available from controlled field experiments concerning N concentration and its spatial variability, quantitative estimates of nitrate fluxes under normal farming conditions and when the field is directly managed by farmers are rare. This is particularly true for gardening crops in the Mediterranean zone, where high evapotranspiration rates lead to intensive irrigation and may be responsible for N leaching. A field experiment was conducted in the Departement du Gard under agricultural conditions. Salads (Cichorium endivia, Lactuca sativa) were planted in three consecutive periods. The field was irrigated with sprinklers. Local measurements with a neutron probe were made at two sites (row, interrow), and an experimental plot (95 m×25 m) was surveyed at 36 points located on a 10 m×10 m equilateral grid to analyze the spatial variability of water and NO3 -N balances. To analyze the basic statistical properties of our sampling scheme, random fields of soil concentration were simulated with the turning-bands method. Sampling strategy simulations indicated that when a spatial structure exists, sampling according to a regular grid was more efficient than a purely random sampling strategy. Global trends indicated high spatial variability for nitrate leaching with differences between periods of different irrigation intensity (97 kg ha–1 NO3 -N leaching during the spring and summer, and 199 kg ha–1 NO3 -N leaching during autumn and winter). Leaching caused temporal variations in the spatial distributions of NO3 -N. The origin of the spatial variability of N leaching was explained by first, the variability in NO3 -N concentration in the soil profile, and second, by spatial variability in irrigation. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the NO3 -N concentration was time dependent, and NO3 -N spatial distributions became independent after approximately 2 or 3 months under our conditions. Our results show that better management of irrigation and fertilizer in spring and summer may reduce N leaching and, thus, improve ground water quality. Received: 15 March 1996  相似文献   

In this study, a regional irrigation schedule optimization method was proposed and applied in Fengqiu County in the North China Plain, which often suffers serious soil water drainage and nitrogen (N) leaching problems caused by excessive irrigation. The irrigation scheduling method was established by integrating the ‘checkbook irrigation method’ into a GIS-coupled soil water and nitrogen management model (WNMM) as an extension. The soil water and crop information required by the checkbook method, and previously collected from field observations, was estimated by the WNMM. By replacing manually observed data with simulated data from WNMM, the application range of the checkbook method could be extended from field scale to regional scale. The WNMM and the checkbook irrigation method were both validated by field experiments in the study region. The irrigation experiment in fluvo–aquic soil showed that the checkbook method had excellent performance; soil water drainage and N leaching were reduced by 83.1 and 85.6%, respectively, when compared with local farmers’ flood irrigation. Using the validated WNMM, the performance of checkbook irrigation in an entire winter wheat and summer maize rotation was also validated: the average soil water drainage and N leaching in four types of soils decreased from 331 to 75 mm year−1 and 47.7 to 9.3 kg ha−1 year−1, respectively; and average irrigation water use efficiency increased from 26.5 to 57.2 kg ha−1 mm−1. The regional irrigation schedule optimization method based on WNMM was applied in Fengqiu County. The results showed a good effect on saving irrigation water, decreasing soil water drainage and then saving agricultural inputs. In a typical meteorological year, it could save >110 mm of irrigation water on average, translating to >7.26 × 107 m3 of agricultural water saved each year within the county. Annual soil water drainage was reduced to <143 mm and N leaching to <27 kg ha−1 in most soils, all of which were significantly lower than local farmers’ flood irrigation. In the mean time, crop yield also had an average increase of 2,890 kg ha−1 when checkbook irrigation was applied.  相似文献   

Evaluation of crop water stress index for LEPA irrigated corn   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study was designed to evaluate the crop water stress index (CWSI) for low-energy precision application (LEPA) irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) grown on slowly-permeable Pullman clay loam soil (fine, mixed, Torrertic Paleustoll) during the 1992 growing season at Bushland, Tex. The effects of six different irrigation levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% replenishment of soil water depleted from the 1.5-m soil profile depth) on corn yields and the resulting CWSI were investigated. Irrigations were applied in 25 mm increments to maintain the soil water in the 100% treatment within 60–80% of the “plant extractable soil water” using LEPA technology, which wets alternate furrows only. The 1992 growing season was slightly wetter than normal. Thus, irrigation water use was less than normal, but the corn dry matter and grain yield were still significantly increased by irrigation. The yield, water use, and water use efficiency of fully irrigated corn were 1.246 kg/m2, 786 mm, and 1.34 kg/m3, respectively. CWSI was calculated from measurements of infrared canopy temperatures, ambient air temperatures, and vapor pressure deficit values for the six irrigation levels. A “non-water-stressed baseline” equation for corn was developed using the diurnal infrared canopy temperature measurements as T cT a = 1.06–2.56 VPD, where T c was the canopy temperature (°C), Ta was the air temperature (°C) and VPD was the vapor pressure deficit (kPa). Trends in CWSI values were consistent with the soil water contents induced by the deficit irrigations. Both the dry matter and grain yields decreased with increased soil water deficit. Minimal yield reductions were observed at a threshold CWSI value of 0.33 or less for corn. The CWSI was useful for evaluating crop water stress in corn and should be a valuable tool to assist irrigation decision making together with soil water measurements and/or evapotranspiration models. Received: 19 May 1998  相似文献   

The field experiment for cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was conducted at the Zhongjie Farm, Huanghua city of Hebei province in the coastal salinity-affected areas in North China Plain, to determine the effects of an alternative of irrigation water sources/methods and agronomic practices on seedling emergence and yields of cotton, soil water–salt distributions, and soil pH changes during cotton growth stages. The experiment was setup using split-plot design with two water sources as main treatments (well water/desalinized sea-ice water); two irrigation methods (+PAM (Polyacrylamide)/−PAM); and four fertilization modes: check (CK), mineral fertilizer (F), mineral + organic fertilizer (FM), and mineral fertilizer + gypsum (FG). Using desalinized sea-ice water irrigation showed the same effects on top-soil salt leaching and desalinization as using well water did. There was no significant difference in seedling emergence and cotton yields between two irrigation water sources for cotton irrigation. Using PAM-treated irrigation, the 10-cm top-soil salinity significantly decreased to about 2.3–3.9 g kg−1 from 4.6 to 8.6 g kg−1 (PAM untreated). The PAM-treated irrigation increased seedling emergence by about 13, 29 and 36% and yields by about 50, 49, and 70%, with F, FM, and FG, respectively, as compared with CK. PAM-treated irrigation, either using well water or desalinized sea ice, especially in combination with gypsum-fertilization, shows the best practice for both seedling emergence and cotton yields. In conclusion, the desalinized sea-ice water used as an alternative water source, integrated with better agronomic practices of soil water-salt management could be acceptable for cotton irrigation in the coastal saline areas.  相似文献   

Years of ill-managed irrigation have triggered secondary soil salinization in the Khorezm region of Uzbekistan located in the Aral Sea basin. To assess the magnitude and dynamics of secondary soil salinization, to quantify improved management strategies and to derive updated irrigation standards, the soil water model Hydrus-1D was used. Water and soil salinity dynamics in three cotton fields with different soil textures were monitored and simulated for the years 2003 and 2005. Until now in Khorezm, overall soil salinity could only be controlled by pre-season salt leaching using high amounts of water. This water, however, may not be available anymore in the near future because of global climate change and shrinking fresh water resources. Simulations confirmed that the present leaching practice is barely effective. At two out of the three locations within a sandy loam field, leaching did not remove salts from the 2 m profile. Instead, salts were only shifted from the upper (0–0.8 m) to the lower (0.8–2 m) soil layer. Strong groundwater contribution to evapotranspiration triggered secondary (re)-salinization of the topsoil during the cropping season. As a consequence, salt amounts in the top 0.8 m of soil increased from 9 to 22 Mg ha−1 in the field with loamy texture, and from 4 to 12 Mg ha−1 in the field with sandy texture. Management strategy analyses revealed that reducing soil evaporation by a surface residue layer would notably decrease secondary soil salinization. Here, owing to the reduced capillary rise of groundwater, post-season salt contents of the three fields were reduced by between 12 and 19% when compared with residue-free conditions. Even more effective would be improving the efficiency of the drainage system so as to lower the groundwater table. This would require a revision of the current irrigation management schemes, but could, as simulations revealed, reduce the post-season salt content in the 2 m soil profile of the three fields by between 36 and 59% when compared with unaltered conditions. For the revised irrigation management in total not more water than already foreseen by national irrigation recommendations would be needed. Increasing leaching and irrigation efficiency would help sustaining the present cotton production levels while reducing future leaching demands.  相似文献   

Performance of tomato when irrigated with sodic waters particularly under drip irrigation is not well known. A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to study the response of tomato crop to sodic water irrigation on a sandy loam soil. Irrigation waters having 0, 5 and 10 mmolc L−1 residual sodium carbonate (RSC) were applied through drip and furrow irrigation to two tomato cultivars, Edkawi (a salt tolerant cultivar) and Punjab Chhuhara (PC). High RSC of irrigation water significantly increased soil pH, ECe and exchangeable sodium percentage progressively; the increases were higher in furrow compared to drip irrigation. Effect of high RSC on increasing bulk density and decreasing infiltration rate of soil was also pronounced in furrow-irrigated plots. Higher soil moisture and lower salinity near the plant was maintained under drip irrigation than under furrow irrigation. Performance of the two cultivars was significantly different; pooled over 2002–03 and 2003–04 seasons, PC yielded 38.8 and 30.0 Mg ha−1 and Edkawi yielded 31.8 and 22.9 Mg ha−1 under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. At RSC10, cultivar PC produced 38 and 46% higher fruit yield than cultivar Edkawi under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. Reduction in fruit yield at higher RSC was due to lower fruit weight under drip irrigation and due to reduced fruit number as well as fruit weight under furrow irrigation. Decrease in fruit weight was more pronounced in cultivar Edkawi than in cultivar PC. Increase in RSC lowered quality of the fruits except the ascorbic acid content. High RSC under drip irrigation, in general, had lesser deteriorating effect on the fruit quality particularly for cultivar PC than under furrow irrigation. For obtaining high tomato yield and better-quality fruits using high RSC sodic waters, drip irrigation should be preferred over furrow irrigation. Better performance of local cultivar PC compared to Edkawi at medium and high RSC suggests that cultivars categorized as tolerant to salinity should be evaluated in the sodic environment particularly when irrigated with high RSC sodic waters.  相似文献   

Subsurface drip system is the latest method of irrigation. The design of subsurface drip system involves consideration of structure and texture of soil, and crop’s root development pattern. A 3-year experiment was conducted on onion (Allium Cepa L., cv. Creole Red) in a sandy loam soil from October to May in 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 to study the effect of depth of placement of drip lateral and different levels of irrigation on yield. Tests for uniformity of water application through the system were carried out in December of each year. Three different irrigation levels of 60, 80 and 100% of the crop evapotranspiration and six placement depths of the drip laterals (surface (0), 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 cm) were maintained in the study. Onion yield was significantly affected by the placement depth of the drip lateral. Maximum yield (25.7 t ha−1) was obtained by applying the 60.7 cm of irrigation water and by placing the drip lateral at 10 cm soil depth. Maximum irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) (0.55 t ha−1 cm−1) was obtained by placing the drip lateral at 10 cm depth. The greater vertical movement of water in the sandy-loam soil took place because of the predominant role of gravity rather than that of the capillary forces. Therefore, placement of drip lateral at shallow depths is recommended in onion crop to get higher yield.  相似文献   

Agricultural nonpoint-source pollution is the leading cause of water-quality degeneration of rivers and groundwater. In this context, the coast of Granada province (SE Spain) is economically an important area for the subtropical fruit cultivation. This intensively irrigated agriculture often uses excessive fertilizers, resulting to water pollution. Therefore, a 2-year experiment was conducted using drainage lysimeters to determine the potential risk of nutrient pollution in mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Osteen) and cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. cv. Fino de Jete) orchards. These lysimeters were used to estimate the nutrient budgeting for each crop. NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P and K losses according to lysimeters were, respectively, 55.1, 12.4, 3.7, and 0.6 for mango and 61.8, 17.8, 4.9, and 0.5 kg ha−1 yr−1, for cherimoya. NO3, concentrations in the leachates ranged from 1.8 to 44.3 mg L−1, and from 23.0 to 51.0 mg L−1, for mango and cherimoya, respectively, in some cases exceeding the limits for safe drinking water. PO4 also exceeded the permitted concentrations related to eutrophication of water, ranging from 0.07 to 0.5 mg L−1 and from 0.12 to 0.68 mg L−1 from mango and cherimoya lysimeters, respectively. With respect to the nutrient balance, N, P, and K removed by cherimoya fruits was 76.4, 5.5, and 22.6 kg ha−1 yr−1, and for mango fruits 30.2, 3.3 and 27.8 kg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. Nutrient losses in the leachates were surprisingly low, considering total N, P, and K applied during the year, in mango lysimeters 3.8, 0.11, and 12.6%, and in cherimoya lysimeters 7.7, 0.23 and 16.0%, respectively, indicating a potential soil accumulation and eventual loss risk, especially during torrential rains. Crop coefficient (Kc) values of mango trees varied within ranges of 0.35–0.67, 0.55–0.89, and 0.39–0.80 at flowering, fruit set, and fruit growth, respectively. Kc values for cherimoya trees had ranges of 0.58–0.67, 0.61–0.68, and 0.43–0.62 at flowering, fruit set and fruit growth, respectively. In this study, the Kc values of mango and cherimoya were significantly correlated to julian days. Therefore, the estimated WUE in the mango and cherimoya orchards reached 21.2 and 14.0 kg ha−1 mm−1, respectively. Thus, this study highlights the urgency to establish the optimal use of fertilizers and irrigation water with respect to crop requirements, to preserve surface-water and groundwater quality, thereby achieving more sustainable agriculture in orchard terraces.  相似文献   

Zero tillage and controlled traffic have been proposed as means for more productive and sustainable irrigated farming. Both practices affect soil infiltration characteristics and, therefore, should have effects on sprinkler irrigation performance. This study compared water infiltration and runoff in three sprinkler irrigation tests performed on an alluvial loam soil at different times during a maize (Zea mays L.)–cotton (Gossypium hirstium L.) rotation under two soil managements: permanent beds with crop residue retention (PB: planting beds maintained unaltered from year to year) and conventional beds with residues incorporated with tillage (CB: disc and chisel ploughing followed by rotavator pass and bed forming every year). Traffic was controlled and two types of furrows were distinguished in both tillage systems: with (+T) and without (−T) wheel traffic. The irrigation tests were performed on maize at full cover, on bare soil just before cotton sowing and on cotton with 50% ground cover. Infiltration and runoff were affected notably by both traffic and soil management. The soil under PB infiltrated more water than under CB, and −T furrows more than +T furrows. Considering the combined treatments, −T furrows in the CB system infiltrated more water than +T furrows in the PB system. A sprinkler irrigation model for simulating water application and soil infiltration and runoff was formulated. The model was used to analyse irrigation performance under infiltration characteristic of the CB and PB systems in trafficked and non-trafficked furrows. Five irrigation performance indicators were used to assess the various combinations of tillage and traffic: Wilkox–Swailes coefficient of uniformity; application efficiency; deep percolation ratio; tail water ratio; and adequacy. The model was used to develop operation diagrams and provided guidelines for making irrigation decisions in the new controlled traffic/permanent bed system and in a standard conventional system.  相似文献   

The cost and scarcity of water is placing increasing pressure on Australian dairy farmers to utilise water for forage production as efficiently as possible. This study aimed to identify perennial forage species with greater water-use efficiency (WUE) than the current dominant species, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Fifteen perennial forage species were investigated under optimum irrigation and two deficit irrigation treatments, over three years at Camden, NSW, on a brown Dermsol in a warm temperate climate. Under optimal irrigation, there was a nearly twofold difference in mean WUEt (total yield/evapotranspiration) between forages, with kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. ex. chiov.) having the highest (27.3 kg ha−1 mm−1) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) the lowest (14.8 kg ha−1 mm−1). Kikuyu was also the most water use efficient forage under the extreme deficit irrigation treatment, although its mean WUEt declined by 15% to 23.2 kg ha−1 mm−1, while white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in the same treatment had the largest decline of 44% and the lowest WUEt of only 8.8 kg ha−1 mm−1. In order to maximise WUE for any forage, it is necessary to maximise yield, as there is a strong positive relationship between yield and WUEt.  相似文献   

The response of three durum wheat cultivars (C: Chen’s, V: Vitron, W: Waha) to irrigation was studied during 4 years in semi-arid Algeria (Chlef). The four treatments were NI (unirrigated), EI (early irrigation, up to heading), LI (late irrigation, from heading) and FI (full irrigation, over the entire season). FI increased rainfed grain yield (1,300 kg ha−1) by 270%, EI by 107%, and LI by 67%. The variety × irrigation interaction was significant each year. Under irrigation, cv. Vitron was generally the most productive cultivar while in rainfed conditions cv. Waha always resulted in the highest grain yield. Grain yield increased exponentially with seasonal evapotranspiration (r 2 = 0.741) and harvest index (r 2 = 0.873). Water use efficiency for grain ranged from 4.6–5.3 kg ha−1 mm−1 (NI) to 9.6–10.8 kg ha−1 mm−1 (FI) as a function of cultivar and irrigation, cv. Vitron and cv. Waha (full irrigation) and cv. Waha (rainfed) being the most efficient cultivars. According to the evaporation pan method, the seasonal crop coefficient (K c) values for the three cultivars were 0.64 (V), 0.62 (W) and 0.54 (C). The corresponding peak K c values were 1.0, 0.97 and 0.89, respectively. K c was closely related to leaf area index (LAI) and specific logarithmic relationships were calculated for each cultivar. Irrigation scheduling should be adapted to the type of cultivar in relation to its potential yield and LAI development pattern.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the effect of drip irrigation using wastewater from a table olive industry on physiological, nutritional and yield parameters of olive trees (Olea europaea L.). Very limited information, if any, exists, on the potential of recycling this kind of wastewater in agriculture. Two types of wastewater were used in the experiment, the first with SAR and EC values of 12–56 and 3.5–4.2 dS m−1, respectively, and the second 73–90 and 4.3–6.0 dS m−1. In general, this kind of wastewater has a highly variable composition and SAR values that are too high for agricultural purposes. Olive trees rapidly responded to wastewater application. Compared to the control (fresh water), the more saline wastewater caused important decreases in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance to H2O and the photosynthesis rate after only 15 days of irrigation, the reduction being more pronounced after 2 months of irrigation. This treatment also caused a rapid, significant reduction in leaf N concentration, as compared with the N level in the trees before irrigation. Both types of wastewater significantly reduced olive yield, compared to that obtained in the control. These results indicate that this kind of wastewater is unsuitable for application to olive orchards under irrigation. Received: 16 August 1999  相似文献   

The response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to 14 irrigation treatments in a sub-humid environment (Bursa, Turkey) was studied in the field for two seasons. A rainfed (non-irrigated) treatment as the control and 13 irrigation treatments with full and 12 different deficit irrigations were applied to the hybrid Sanbro (Novartis Seed Company) planted on clay soil, at three critical development stages: heading (H), flowering (F) and milk ripening (M). The yield increased with irrigation water amount, and the highest seed yield (3.95 t ha−1) and oil yield (1.78 t ha−1) were obtained from the HFM treatment (full irrigation at three stages); 82.9 and 85.4% increases, respectively, compared to the control. Evapotranspiration (ET) increased with increased amounts of irrigation water supplied. The highest seasonal ET (average of 652 mm) was estimated at the HFM treatment. Additionally, yield response factor (k y) was separately calculated for each, two and total growth stages, and k y was found to be 0.8382, 0.9159 (the highest value) and 0.7708 (the lowest value) for the total growing season, heading, and flowering-milk ripening combination stages, respectively. It is concluded that HFM irrigation is the best choice for maximum yield under the local conditions, but these irrigation schemes must be re-considered in areas where water resources are more limited. In the case of more restricted irrigation, the limitation of irrigation water at the flowering period should be avoided; as the highest water use efficiency (WUE) (7.80 kg ha−1 mm−1) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) (10.19 kg ha−1 mm−1) were obtained from the F treatment.  相似文献   

A priori knowledge of the in situ soil field water capacity (FWC) and the soil-water retention curve for soils is important for the effective irrigation management and scheduling of many crops. The primary objective of this study was to estimate the in situ FWC using the soil-water retention curve developed from volumetric water content (θ), and water potential (ψ) data collected in the field by means of soil moisture sensors in two contrasting-textured soils. The two study soils were Lihen sandy loam and Savage clay loam. Six metal frames 117 cm × 117 cm × 30 cm high were inserted into the soil to a depth of 5–10 cm at approximately 40 m intervals on a 200 m transect. Two Time Domain Reflectrometry (TDR) sensors were installed in the center of the frame and two Watermark (WM) sensors were installed in the SW corner at 15 and 30 cm depths to continuously monitor soil θ and ψ, respectively. A neutron probe (NP) access tube was installed in the NE corner of each frame to measure soil θ used for TDR calibration. The upper 50–60 cm of soil inside each frame was saturated with intermittent application of approximately 18–20 cm of water. Frames were then covered with plastic tarps. The Campbell and Gardner equations best fit the soil–water retention curves for sandy loam and clay loam soils, respectively. Based on the relationship between soil ψ and elapsed time following cessation of infiltration, we calculated that the field capacity time (t FWC) were reached at approximately 50 and 450 h, respectively, for sandy loam and clay loam soils. Soil-water retention curves showed that θ values at FWC (θ FWC) were approximately 0.228 and 0.344 m3 m−3, respectively, for sandy loam and clay loam soils. The estimated θ FWC values were within the range of the measured θ FWC values from the NP and gravimetric methods. The TDR and WM sensors provided accurate in situ soil–water retention data from simultaneous soil θ and ψ measurements that can be used in soil-water processes, irrigation scheduling, modeling and chemical transport.  相似文献   

 Continuous monitoring of soil moisture content within and below the rooting zone can facilitate optimal irrigation scheduling aimed at minimizing both the effects of water stress on the plants, and also the leaching of water below the root zone, which can have adverse environmental effects. The use of Sentek capacitance probes (EnviroSCAN RT5) in scheduling citrus irrigation was evaluated using 3-year-old Hamlin orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.] on Swingle citrumelo rootstock [Citrus paradisi Macf. × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] grown in a Candler fine sand (hyperthermic, uncoated, Typic Quartzipsamments). Available soil moisture calculated according to capacitance probe readings of soil moisture agreed well with that calculated using soil water release curves determined in the laboratory. A utility program was developed to process the data collected by the capacitance probe into a spreadsheet format. Processed data were used to calculate soil water storage within and below the citrus root zone at desired time intervals. Irrigation set points (i.e., full point equivalent to maximum desirable water storage and refill points I and II) were defined based on field capacity determined both in the field and in the laboratory and permanent wilting point. It was possible to maintain the water content in the root zone between the full and refill points I and II during most of the growing season. Although soil water content in the root zone exceeded the full point during periods of high irrigation, it drained rapidly within 24–48 h after the end of such irrigation events. Using soil moisture depletion in the root zone during periods of low water application to estimate citrus evapotranspiration (ET), the calculated daily average ET during 10-day period in November was 1.33 mm day−1. Received: 11 August 1998  相似文献   

Limited precipitation restricts yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in the North China Plain. Water stress effects on yield can be avoided or minimized by application of irrigation. We examined the multiseasonal irrigation experiments in four locations of the piedmont and lowland in the region, and developed crop water-stress sensitivity index, relationship between seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) and yield, and crop water production functions. By relating relative yield to relative ET deficit, we found that the crop was more sensitive to water stress from stem elongation to heading and from heading to milking. For limited irrigation, irrigation is recommended during the stages sensitive to water stress. Grain yield was 258–322 g m−2 in the piedmont and 260–280 g m−2 in the lowland under rainfed conditions. The corresponding seasonal ET was 242–264 mm in the piedmont and 247–281 mm in the lowland. Irrigation significantly increased seasonal ET and therefore grain yield as a result of increased kernel numbers per m−2 and kernels per ear. On average, one irrigation increased grain yield by 21–43% and two to four irrigations by 60–100%. Grain yield was linearly related to seasonal ET with a slope of 1.15 kg m−3 in the lowland and 1.73 kg m−3 in the piedmont. Water-use efficiency was 0.98–1.22 kg m−3 for rainfed wheat and 1.20–1.40 kg m−3 for the wheat irrigated 2–4 times. Grain yield response to the amount of irrigation (IRR) was developed using a quadratic function and used to analyze different irrigation scenarios. To achieve the maximum grain yield, IRR was 240 mm in the piedmont and 290 mm in the lowland. When the maximum net profit was achieved, IRR was 195 mm and 250 mm in the piedmont and lowland, respectively. The yield response curve to IRR showed a plateau over a large range of IRR, indicating a great potential in saving IRR while maintaining reasonable high levels of grain yield.  相似文献   

In 2005 and 2006, a study was conducted to determine the effect of subsurface and surface drip irrigation systems and to determine optimum irrigation water using six different irrigation levels imposed on muskmelon (Cucumis Melo L. cv. Ananas F1) under semi-arid climatic conditions. Irrigation treatments received 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125% of class A pan evaporation rates. In 2005, average yield from subsurface and surface drip irrigation systems ranged from 16.2 (I 0) to 31.1 (I 75) t ha−1 and from 16.2 (I 0) to 43.8 (I 75) t ha−1, respectively. While in 2006, fruit yields for the same systems ranged from 8.2 (I 0) to 40.4 (I 75) t ha−1 and from 8.2 (I 0) to 38.9 (I 100) t ha−1. Regression analysis of the yield data indicated no significant (P > 0.05) difference between years and irrigation systems. The highest muskmelon yields from subsurface and surface drip irrigation systems were obtained at 83 and 92% of class A pan. Bigger fruits were obtained with optimum irrigation amounts for both of the irrigation systems. However, there was no clear indication of irrigation water amounts on total soluble solid and flesh thickness of muskmelon fruits.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the quantitative effects on crops of saline sprinkler irrigations and the presumable beneficial effects of nocturnal versus diurnal irrigations. We measured crude protein content, carbon isotope discrimination and total dry matter (TDM) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) subject to diurnal and nocturnal saline sprinkler irrigations. The work was carried out in Zaragoza (Spain) during the 2004–2006 growing seasons with a triple line source sprinkler system using synthetic saline waters dominated by NaCl with an irrigation water EC ranging from 0.5 to 5.6 dS m−1. The quality of alfalfa hay assessed through its crude protein concentration was not significantly affected by salinity. Carbon isotope discrimination, an indicator of the effect of osmotic stress on plant water status, tended to decrease with increases in salinity. Based on a piecewise linear response model, alfalfa grown under saline sprinkler irrigation was shown to be more tolerant (threshold soil salinity, ECe = 3.5 dS m−1) than in previous experiments under surface irrigation (threshold ECe = 2.0 dS m−1) at relatively low salinity values, but became more sensitive at higher salinity values as shown by the higher absolute slope (13.4%) for sprinkler as compared to surface irrigation (7.3%). No significant differences in TDM were found between diurnal and nocturnal saline sprinkler irrigations. The recommended practice of irrigating at night for sprinkler irrigation using saline water is therefore not supported by our results in alfalfa grown under semiarid conditions.  相似文献   

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