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Irrigation with saline–sodic water imposes sodic conditions on the soil and reduces the soil’s productivity. We hypothesized that replacing saline–sodic irrigation water with lesser saline–sodic treated waste water (TWW), albeit with higher loads of organic matter and suspended solids, might help sodic soils regain their structure and hydraulic conductivity. We studied hydraulic conductivity (HC), aggregate stability and clay swelling of a soil from the Bet She’an Valley, Israel using samples taken from a non-cultivated field (control), and plots irrigated with TWW, saline–sodic Jordan River (JR) water, and moderately saline–sodic spring (SP) water. Soil samples were taken at the end of the irrigation season (autumn 2005) and at the end of the subsequent rainy season (spring 2006). In the HC and the aggregate stability determinations, for both sampling seasons, the TWW-irrigated samples gave significantly higher values than the SP- and JR-irrigated samples, but lower than the samples from the control plot. The autumn samples exhibited, generally, higher HC and lower swelling levels compared with the spring samples. Conversely, aggregate stability of the spring samples was higher than that of the autumn samples. These seasonal changes in the results of the three tests were associated with seasonal changes in the salinity and sodicity of the soils. Contributions from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet-Dagan 50250, Israel. No. 601/2007 series.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during summer season of 1998 at the Main Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore. Experiment consisted of four irrigation levels and two methods of planting. Drip irrigation at 0.8 Epan with normal planting recorded significantly higher green cob (20.07 t ha−1) and fodder yield (24.87 t ha−1) compared to either drip at 0.6 Epan or weekly surface irrigation at 0.8 Epan, while drip at 0.4 Epan under paired planting (10.53 and 15.23 t ha−1, respectively registered the lowest. Drip at 0.4 Epan with normal planting recorded higher WUE of green cob and fodder (48.21 and 61.22 kg ha mm−1) with total water requirement of 330.46 mm. With increase in water use (drip at 0.6 Epan, drip/surface irrigation at 0.8 Epan) the water use efficiency decreased. Drip irrigation at 0.8 Epan resulted in higher leaf water potential (−4, −7, −8 bars) at 20, 40 and 60 DAS before irrigation. Consequently, the RWC in the leaf was 81.10% and the available soil moisture ranged from 55.62 to 61.91%.  相似文献   

The influence of a deficit-irrigation (DI) strategy on soil–plant water relations and gas exchange activity was analysed during a 3-year period in mature ‘Lane late’ (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osb.) citrus trees grafted on two different rootstocks, ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin (Citrus reshni Hort. ex Tanaka ) and ‘Carrizo’ citrange (C. sinensis L., Osbeck × Poncirus trifoliata L.). Two treatments were applied for each rootstock: a control treatment, irrigated at 100% ETc (crop evapotranspiration) during the entire season, and a DI treatment, irrigated at 100% ETc, except during Phase I (cell division) and Phase III (ripening and harvest) of fruit growth, when complete irrigation cut-off was applied. Under soil water deficit, the seasonal variations of soil water content suggested that ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin had a better root efficiency for soil water extraction than ‘Carrizo’ citrange. Moreover, in all years, trees on ‘Cleopatra’ reached a lower water-stress level (midday xylem water potential values (Ψmd) > −2 MPa), maintaining a better plant water status during the water-stress periods than trees on ‘Carrizo’ (Ψmd < −2 MPa). Similarly, net CO2 assimilation rate (A) was higher in trees on ‘Cleopatra’ during the water-stress periods. In addition, the better plant water status in trees on ‘Cleopatra’ under DI conditions stimulated a greater vegetative growth compared to trees on ‘Carrizo’. From a physiological point of view, ‘Cleopatra’ mandarin was more tolerant of severe water stress (applied in Phases I and III of fruit growth) than ‘Carrizo’ citrange.  相似文献   

The term ‘virtual water’ has been used previously to describe the volume of water embodied in food crops that are traded internationally. This paper describes the economic dimension of the ‘virtual water’ concept as an application of comparative advantage, with particular emphasis on water as the key factor of production. The paper also extends the discussion of ‘virtual water’ by describing a nation’s goals regarding food security within a broader framework that includes other objectives such as providing national security, promoting economic growth, and improving the quality of life for citizens. The analysis suggests that land, labor, and capital must also be considered when evaluating a nation’s production and trade opportunities. In countries where one or more of those resources is limiting, focus on ‘virtual water’ alone will not be sufficient to determine optimal policies for maximizing the social net benefits from limited water resources. In countries where labor is relatively abundant, public policies that promote labor-intensive crop production and processing activities may be desirable. The role of ‘virtual water’ within a broader policy framework is demonstrated using crop production and international trade data from Egypt, where substantial amounts of ‘virtual water’ and ‘virtual land’ are embodied in wheat and maize imports. Policies that promote increased exports of labor-intensive crops will improve rural incomes and enhance food security.  相似文献   

The environmental impacts of agricultural drainage have become a critical issue. There is a need to design and manage drainage and related water table control systems to satisfy both crop production and water quality objectives. The model DRAINMOD-N was used to study long-term effects of drainage system design and management on crop production, profitability, and nitrogen losses in two poorly drained soils typical of eastern North Carolina (NC), USA. Simulations were conducted for a 20-yr period (1971–1990) of continuous corn production at Plymouth, NC. The design scenarios evaluated consisted of three drain depths (0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 m), ten drain spacings (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, and 100 m), and two surface conditions (0.5 and 2.5 cm depressional storage). The management treatments included conventional drainage, controlled drainage during the summer season and controlled drainage during both the summer and winter seasons. Maximum profits for both soils were predicted for a 1.25 m drain depth and poor surface drainage (2.5 cm depressional storage). The optimum spacings were 40 and 20 m for the Portsmouth and Tomotley soils, respectively. These systems however would not be optimum from the water quality perspective. If the water quality objective is of equal importance to the productivity objective, the drainage systems need to be designed and managed to reduce NO3–N losses while still providing an acceptable profit from the crop. Simulated results showed NO3–N losses can be substantially reduced by decreasing drain depth, improving surface drainage, and using controlled drainage. Within this context, NO3–N losses can be reduced by providing only the minimum subsurface drainage intensity required for production, by designing drainage systems to fit soil properties, and by using controlled drainage during periods when maximum drainage is not needed for production. The simulation results have demonstrated the applicability of DRAINMOD-N for quantifying effects of drainage design and management combinations on profits from agricultural crops and on losses of NO3–N to the environment for specific crop, soil and climatic conditions. Thus, the model can be used to guide design and management decisions for satisfying both productivity and environmental objectives and assessing the costs and benefits of alternative choices to each set of objectives.  相似文献   

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