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夏玉米降雨冠层截留过程及其模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明夏玉米不同生长阶段的降雨冠层截留过程,采用模拟降雨法测定了不同生长阶段、不同降雨强度夏玉米冠层下穿透雨量、茎秆流量,并基于水量平衡法量化分析了冠层截留,分别探讨了三者与其影响因素之间关系,阐明了夏玉米降雨冠层截留分布特征。结果表明,随玉米生长发育,穿透雨率先降低后增大,茎秆流率和冠层截留率则先增加后减少;茎秆流量、冠层截留量均与叶面积指数(LAI)显著线性正相关,而穿透雨量与LAI显著线性负相关。茎秆流量、穿透雨量均与雨强显著线性正相关,而冠层截留量与雨强呈显著的幂函数关系;茎秆流率、冠层截留率随雨强的增大而略有下降,而穿透雨率则随雨强的增大而略有增大。通过多元回归分析,建立的基于LAI、降雨强度和降雨历时3个参数的夏玉米次降雨冠层截留特征量估算方程的相关性均达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

果园风送式喷雾机仿形喷雾试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为研究果园风送式喷雾机风速及雾量垂直分布对雾滴在果树冠层内穿透沉积的影响,本文通过调整喷雾机导流板角度及喷头喷雾角度,并测量风速及雾量的垂直分布,使其分布曲线与果树冠层轮廓匹配.试验结果表明,当风速及雾量垂直分布呈单边纺锤形、并与现代化种植模式果树纺锤形树冠轮廓吻合时,雾滴在果树冠层中各部分枝叶正反面都有充分而均匀的沉积,因此,通过调节风速及雾鼍垂直分布使与果树冠形匹配,是提高雾滴在冠层中沉积分布均匀性的有效途径.  相似文献   

以柑桔为研究对象,对喷灌条件下柑桔冠层特性对水量分布的影响进行了初步研究。利用分形维数法研究柑桔冠层对喷灌水量的截留和地面水量分布的影响,通过对不同的柑桔树冠层的分维数的计算,初步分析冠层截留对地表各部分水量分布的影响。研究结果表明,分形维数的大小明显影响冠层截留量和棵间穿透水量,冠层截留量随着分形维数的增加而线性增大,棵间穿透水量随着分形维数的增加而线性减小,分形维数对茎杆流水量的影响不明显。  相似文献   

为深入探究柑橘树冠层空间蒸腾特性及与茎干液流的对应关系,采用五点测温法,使用热成像仪拍摄柑橘树冠层五个方位的红外图像获取冠层温度及参考冠层温度,利用三温模型,将模型估算叶片蒸腾速率与实测茎流速率进行比较,并研究了柑橘树冠层不同方位的蒸腾变化规律.结果表明:柑橘树茎流速率与冠层叶片蒸腾速率日间变化曲线存在差异,决定系数(R2)为0.14,整体上,不同方位冠层温度与气温的日变化规律相近,柑橘树不同方位平均蒸腾速率大小分别为:东面>西面>北面>南面>顶面.上述结果表明:①柑橘树冠层蒸腾与茎干液流之间存在时滞效应,三温模型估算的叶片蒸腾速率不能实时反映树干液流的变化特征.②气温越高时,不同方位的冠层温度差异越显著.③柑橘树冠层空间蒸腾具有明显的空间差异性,揭示了柑橘树冠层蒸腾速率的空间变化规律.  相似文献   

基于三维点云的苹果树冠层点-叶模型重建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了快速重建苹果树冠层结构三维模型,以纺锤体苹果树冠层为研究对象,利用地面三维激光扫描仪获取冠层三维点云,提出了苹果树冠层点-叶模型重建方法。首先,提出了苹果树冠层叶基自动提取方法,可获取苹果树冠层生长期和叶幕稳定期的叶基,与手工提取的叶基对比分析表明,两种方法重合度较高、误差较小,两种方法的平均欧氏距离为1.41mm;其次,提出了基于冠层体素化的叶基提取方法,构建了苹果树冠层点模型,并在叶基上拼接叶片模板,构建出苹果树冠层点-叶模型;最后,利用VegeSTAR光模型计算光截获进行验证分析,与常规数字化仪测得数据相比,本文方法提高了苹果树冠层三维结构重建效率。  相似文献   

为探究蓄水坑灌条件下苹果树冠层导度的日变化规律,使用茎流计法计算冠层导度,运用方差分析、相关分析、回归分析对蓄水坑灌和地面灌溉不同处理下苹果树冠层导度的日变化特征及对气象因子(空气温度、太阳辐射、空气相对湿度、风速)的响应进行了研究。结果表明:不同处理苹果树冠层导度均为单峰曲线,峰值出现在上午10∶00到11∶00左右;灌水上下限越高,冠层导度越大;相同灌水条件下,蓄水坑灌处理苹果树冠层导度高于地面灌溉处理;空气温度、太阳辐射、风速与冠层导度呈正相关关系,相对湿度与冠层导度呈负相关关系,各气象因子对冠层导度影响显著,均达到显著以上水平。  相似文献   

喷灌条件下夏玉米冠层对水量截留试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以夏玉米为研究对象,采用水量平衡法对玉米各生育期在喷灌条件下的水量分布进行了试验和测定,计算了玉米各生育期的冠层截留量。试验结果表明:喷灌初始阶段,玉米冠层截留量随喷灌水量的增加而迅速增加,此后逐渐减缓直至达到最大冠层截留量。种植密度不同,玉米冠层截留量也不同。正常种植密度条件下,从拔节期到灌浆成熟期,冠层截留量随株高和叶面积指数的增大而线性增大,玉米拔节期到灌浆期冠层截留量在0.8~2.9mm之间变化。喷灌强度对冠层截留量的大小影响不明显。  相似文献   

为研究煤炭开采对山西省长河流域地表水文过程的影响,构建了天然植被和种植植被的降雨截留模型,采用改进的Green-Ampt模型构建了土壤入渗模型,利用数字高程模型建立数字水系构建了径流汇流模型。通过定量对比、地统计学方法分析了煤炭开采对植被覆盖度和土壤饱和导水率的影响,并设立3种不同降雨强度进行情景模拟分析。结果表明:2000-2015年矿区平均植被覆盖度从0.382增加到0.460,矿区的平均土壤饱和导水率34.375 cm/d小于非矿区的44.426 cm/d。2.5 mm/h降雨强度下,降雨大部分被植被截留,较少渗入土壤;8 mm/h降雨强度下,植被冠层截留量达到最大,降雨经植被截留和土壤入渗后,研究区地表难以形成径流;16 mm/h降雨强度下,降雨会在短时间内形成积水并进行汇流,汇流量于流域西南出口达到最大值。  相似文献   

基于Porous模型的多旋翼植保无人机下洗气流分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植保无人机进行果树施药时,果树冠层周围及内部的下洗气流时空分布对雾滴的附着和分布有重大影响,为明确无人机下洗气流时空分布规律,针对六旋翼植保无人机,结合RANS方程、RNG k-ε湍流模型、Porous模型、滑移网格技术及SIMPLE算法,建立了六旋翼植保无人机悬停施药下洗气流时空分布的三维CFD模型。数值模拟结果表明:无果树时,旋翼下洗气流近似呈"圆柱形"向下发展,到达地面后形成地面铺展,在旋翼正下方0. 6~1. 7 m区域内出现速度范围为3. 0~4. 0 m/s的"Z方向(竖直向下)速度稳定区";有果树时,冠层对旋翼下洗气流有明显的阻挡作用,不再出现"Z方向速度稳定区"。以本文模拟的3棵果树为例,Ⅰ号果树冠层周围气流从冠层上半部区域开始呈"圆锥形"向下发展,以一倾斜角发展到地面形成小范围地面铺展,地面铺展末端出现近地面卷扬,Ⅱ、Ⅲ号果树冠层周围气流卷扬严重,在计算区域内无明显地面铺展;旋翼中心正下方Z方向速度最大接近8 m/s,随着冠层压力损失系数的增大,旋翼中心正下方Z方向速度衰减加快,同时旋翼气流向四周产生扩散;计算冠层内部Z方向最大速度衰减比发现,除Ⅲ号果树冠层下半部,无果树和Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ号果树冠层内部Z方向最大速度衰减比依次增大。试验表明,无果树时旋翼正下方0. 3、0. 8、1. 3、1. 8 m处和近地面2. 3 m处试验值与模拟值的相对误差分别在10%以内和不大于25%,总体拟合优度0. 984 6,数值模拟准确;试验果树与模拟果树冠层内部的气流速度分布规律具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

降雨强度和秸秆覆盖对坡耕地烤烟降雨入渗特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探讨不同降雨强度下秸秆覆盖对降雨入渗的影响,为提高坡耕地雨水资源利用效率及土壤侵蚀的防治提供理论依据。【方法】以烤烟为供试材料,采用人工模拟降雨法,分析了不同降雨强度(40、80和120 mm/h)、秸秆覆盖量(0、3 750、7 500、15 000 kg/hm2)和叶面积指数条件下降雨入渗率的变化特征。【结果】随着降雨时间延长,降雨入渗率呈下降趋势,并逐渐趋于稳定,且秸秆量越高,入渗率趋于稳定的时间越短。平均入渗率随降雨强度和秸秆量的增加而上升,且不同降雨强度间存在显著性差异。当无秸秆覆盖时,烤烟冠层可以显著增加降雨入渗率;而当秸秆覆盖量达到7 500 kg/hm2和15 000 kg/hm2时,烤烟冠层覆盖会不利于降雨入渗。平均入渗率分别与降雨强度和秸秆量呈极显著正相关关系,而与叶面积指数相关性不显著。【结论】降雨强度、秸秆覆盖和烤烟冠层覆盖均是影响坡耕地降雨入渗的关键因素。在相同降雨强度下,虽然秸秆覆盖或烤烟冠层均可有效提升降雨入渗率,但当两者共同作用时,秸秆覆盖为主要影响因素。  相似文献   

The plant canopy intercepts rain and thus can alter the distribution of water under the canopy as compared to that along the dripline. The effects of a citrus (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) tree (25-year-old, Valencia orange) canopy on the distribution of rainfall and soil moisture content within the soil profile either along the dripline (D) or under the canopy near the trunk (inner side; I), and midway between I and Dripline (M) were evaluated, on the east and west sides of trees planted along north-south rows. Results of eleven storm events in 1995 (mean of east and west sides) revealed that the amounts of precipitation at the D, M, and I positions were 97–140, 47–94, and 52–79% of the incident rainfall, respectively. Thus, canopy interception of incident rainfall was quite appreciable. The soil moisture content was greater along the dripline compared to that at the M and I positions, particularly in the deeper (≥60 cm) soil profile. The water flux was significantly greater at the dripline than under the canopy indicating a greater leaching potential of soil-applied fertilizers and other chemicals when placed along the dripline. A substantial reduction in the rainfall and water flux under the canopy as a result of canopy interception suggests that application of fertilizer and chemicals under the canopy could minimize leaching losses. Received: 10 November 1997  相似文献   

To determine the existence of rainfall concentration beneath olive trees, throughfall and stemflow was measured in three olive trees during 12 rainfall events, using 36 rain gauges per tree and a stemflow collection system. Data from different rainfall events were aggregated to assess the spatial correlation in throughfall. Only one out of the three trees showed a clear spatial dependency structure.Rainfall concentration under the tree canopy, as a consequence of rainfall redistribution of throughfall, was relatively unimportant with few and sparse locations showing a percentage of throughfall with respect to rainfall in open area >100% and none above 125%. Throughfall showed a consistent storm to storm pattern in spatial distribution among high rainfall events, and non-consistent patterns among low rainfall events. Stemflow was found to be the most important mechanism of canopy induced flux concentration, in events where rainfall depth was large enough to saturate the olive canopy. Stemflow was estimated to infiltrate in a radial area up to 0.5 m from the tree trunk, depending on tree characteristics and rainfall intensity. The area surrounding the tree trunk appears to be the most relevant area for potential research dealing with the influence of concentrated canopy induced water fluxes on the transport of chemicals to deeper layers within the soil.  相似文献   

Field studies on winter wheat canopy interception with its relations to leaf area index (LAI), plant height, drop diameter, wind speed, and water application intensity were carried out. Canopy interception was measured using the water wiping method. Results indicate that the maximum value of winter wheat canopy interception was not more than 1.0 mm, much smaller than presented by previous investigators. The total canopy interception for the growing season was 2.4 mm, only 1.3% of the total irrigation amount (194.6 mm), for four sprinkler irrigation events during 2003. Canopy interception increased as leaf area index and plant height increased. A linear regression model was developed to express the relationship of canopy interception with leaf area index and plant height. There was good agreement between the values of canopy interception measured using the water wiping method and estimated using the linear regression model. Results also indicate that canopy interception decreased as drop diameter and wind speed increased. An exponential relationship was found between canopy interception and drop size, and a linear relationship between canopy interception and the square of the wind speed. Water application intensity does not affect canopy interception significantly.  相似文献   

A five-year experiment (2002–2006) was conducted to determine apple (cv ‘Golden Smoothee’) and pear (cv ‘Conference’) crop coefficients (Kc) using two large weighing lysimeters. Daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) were evaluated. Midday canopy light interception of both crops planted in hedgerows, 4 × 1.6 m, was determined on a weekly basis from bud-break until leaf fall from year 2002 (fourth after planting) to year 2006 of both plantations. Relationships between canopy light interception and calculated Kc (ETc/ETo) were evaluated from bud-break until harvest. There were differences in Kc values between apple and pear trees. When daily Kc values from bud-break until harvest were adjusted to hyperbolic functions each year, adjusted curves for pear trees were very similar regardless of year (maximum Kc around 1.0). In apple trees, the maximum values of Kc increased over time, from 0.49 in 2002 to 1.04 in 2006. Midday light interception in both apple and pear trees increased during the 5 years of experiment from 29.0 to 45.6% in apples and from 27.5 to 41.6% in pears in midsummer. Although there was a significant positive correlation between midday canopy light interception and Kc in apple and pear trees, in different times within a specific year, these relationships were different between crops. While the apple data fitted into the same equation regardless of the year, different equations were needed to fit the pear data in different years. This discrepancy may have been related to differences in the canopy properties between apple and pear trees. Pear canopies had higher porosity than apple canopies and thus improved light penetration. Apple trees were more vigorous and produced taller and denser canopies. Pear Kc values were greatly influenced by the evaporative demands of different years and consequently differences in midday canopy light interception did not adequately reflect the differences in Kc across the two species.  相似文献   

次降雨有效降雨量的影响因素及其估算模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用沧州市南皮生态农业试验站点2011—2013年不同土层深度的含水率及降雨量和降雨时间,结合由植株叶面积指数得到的不同生育期植株的截留容量,分析了最大容水量S和最大降雨强度二者与降雨有效性的相关关系,并在此基础上建立了次降雨有效降雨的估算模型。结果表明,土壤初始含水率与降雨有效性线性相关,且在不发生溢流情况下,可以用土壤最大容水量S作为是否考虑土壤初始含水率折减作用的分界点;另外,对于降雨强度I≥0.7 mm/min的降雨,降雨强度与降雨有效性相关性显著,并且随最大降雨强度的增大,降雨有效性逐渐减小;最后将运用传统模型和新估算模型计算的有效降雨量值与实测有效降雨量值验证对比,新模型比传统模型更加贴近实测有效降雨,并且降雨量较大时差别更加明显。  相似文献   

基于三维点云颜色特征的苹果树冠层光照分布计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理的果树冠层结构有利于获取充足的光照,对提升果实产量及品质具有重要意义。为了揭示果树冠层光照分布规律,以自由纺锤形苹果树为研究对象,以目标图像的颜色变化与光照强弱存在相关性为理论依据,首先利用Trimble TX5型地面三维激光扫描仪以"顶视法"获取叶幕稳定期苹果树冠层三维点云,按照实际苹果树冠层划分方法,提取三维点云空间不同区域的颜色特征,针对自然环境下苹果树冠层颜色特征具有复杂性和模糊性,不能采用精确、定量的符号对其进行描述的不足,构建以颜色特征为输入、相对光照强度为输出的模糊神经网络,以此作为苹果树冠层光照分布预测模型。试验结果表明:提出的基于三维点云颜色特征的光照分布计算方法具有较好的可行性,预测精度为80.57%,能够为科学合理的苹果树修剪和整形提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

中国沙棘 青海云杉和中国沙棘 华北落叶松混交林的最大截留量、枯落物持水量和稳渗速度明显高于其纯林。17年生华北落叶松 中国沙棘林最大截留量较华北落叶松纯林高23.9%,枯落物持水量高26.3%,稳渗速度高2.4倍。退耕地所有中国沙棘林分最大截留量分布范围为1.43~2.02mm,较农作物高O.80~1.41mm,也高于退耕地种草、种药的O.23~O.43mm;退耕还林地表形成稳定的枯落物层,退耕栽植沙棘林枯落物层持水量较农作物十分明显;中国沙棘林地土壤的稳渗速度较农耕地的高5.5~19.5倍。退耕还林还草后,中国沙棘等人工植物群落较农作物的森林水文生态功能明显得到提高。  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of crop coefficient (K c) is necessary for proper irrigation management. We explored CropSyst for determining irrigation requirements of apple trees and for accuracy of K c prediction. Values of K c were compared to those obtained, over 2002–2010, from lysimeter-grown trees. Over these years, trees had different ratios of height (H) to width (W). CropSyst predicted irrigation requirements using tree light interception and water uptake sub-model components. Parameters of the model were adjusted using data obtained from the lysimeter in 2010. Tree light interception sub-model was verified by 2007 data. After parameterization, good agreement was found between simulated and measured K c over different seasons. The porosity coefficient of the canopy was related to changes in tree’s H/W ratio and leaf overlapping. Accordingly, different porosity values could be estimated for each year. When yearly changes in canopy porosity was considered, CropSyst improved K c prediction and generated relevant information for managing irrigation under changing canopy shape for apple trees.  相似文献   

合理的果树冠层结构和栽培密度可提高其冠层内光截获量,对提升果实产量和质量有重要影响。本文以细纺锤形樱桃树为研究对象,构建了基于三维点云的群体樱桃树冠层光照分布预测模型。使用Azure Kinect DK相机获取群体樱桃树三维点云数据,通过点云数据预处理得到完整的群体樱桃树三维点云数据。在冠层尺度内,对樱桃树冠层点云数据进行分层,提取不同区域的点云颜色特征。提出基于Delaunay三角化凹包算法的点云投影面积计算方法,通过凹包边界点提取和向量积叉乘,计算不同区域的点云投影面积。以点云颜色特征和相对投影面积特征为输入,以实测相对光照强度为输出,建立群体樱桃树冠层光照分布预测模型。试验结果表明,该模型能够较为准确地预测樱桃树冠层内的光照分布,预测值与实际值决定系数平均值为0.885,均方根误差为0.0716。研究结果可为樱桃树合理的种植密度管理及樱桃树休眠期自动化剪枝等提供技术支持。  相似文献   

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