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基于ET管理的县域水资源合理配置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据ET管理理念对水资源供耗评价指标体系进行整理,运用SWAT模型模拟ET,并以新乡县为例进行县域水资源供耗平衡分析和优化配置。结果表明,运用SWAT模拟所得到的ET比遥感ET能够更合理的反映实际耗水量,SWAT模拟ET的Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(ENS)达0.75;根据SWAT模拟规划水平年(2010、2015、2020年)的可消耗ET,在社会、经济、环境和生态等目标中进行平衡后,再对新乡县水资源进行最优配置,可使新乡县2020年的水资源供耗达到平衡。  相似文献   

SWAT模型在房山区ET的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)来构建房山区水资源分布式水文模型,对模型的几个重要参数进行率定,应用2002-2005年的水文气象数据进行ET(evaportranspiration)模拟,将模拟结果与遥感ET数据进行对比分析.结果显示模拟相对误差在10%以内,能够为水资源管理提供重要参考.  相似文献   

运用SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)模型,以浊漳河干流为研究区域,对流域蒸散发ET及径流过程进行了率定和验证,并探讨了流域冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下不同典型年农业优化灌溉制度。模拟结果表明,ET及径流的模拟值与实测值决定系数R2和Nash-Suttcliffe系数Ens均达到了0.70以上,模拟精度适合浊漳河干流的模拟研究。应用构建的模型设置冬小麦和夏玉米16种灌溉处理,在保证作物产量及水分生产率WUE的前提下,综合考虑流域下泄径流量,得到了不同典型年较优的灌溉制度,对于该区域冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系下的农田节水灌溉管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

灌溉用水优化配置模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了灌溉用水优化配置模型的研究进展,并分别从目标函数个数、时空尺度差异、作物种类、灌溉水源、模型个数、优化方法等角度进行了分类。通过分析各类灌溉用水优化配置模型的优缺点,指出了根据灌区水源情况联合调度地表水和地下水,并充分考虑灌区各因子的时空差异,建立多目标、多约束耦合模型,同时兼顾生态用水,是今后灌溉用水优化配置模型的研究重点。通过对灌溉用水优化配置模型的综述,旨为有效地缓解灌溉用水紧张的状况,实现灌区水资源的可持续发展提供决策支持。  相似文献   

引黄灌区灌溉效益优化计算模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以引黄灌区为研究对象,在分析传统灌溉效益计算方法不足的基础上,按水资源合理配置的要求,基于作物的节水灌溉制度,提出引黄灌区灌溉效益优化计算的双层线性规划模型,开发了相应的计算软件。模型考虑了引黄水量在不同作物间和同种作物不同灌溉时段间的优化配置,使灌溉效益计算更趋合理。  相似文献   

为探究灌区考虑水质水量耦合模拟优化的水资源优化配置模型与方法,基于FloPy和Pymoo构建了水量水质耦合的多目标模拟优化模型。采用地下水数值模拟模型MODFLOW和溶质输移模型MT3D模拟了灌溉引起的地下水位变化和污染物的扩散过程,考虑灌溉收益、作物水分生产率、地下水位变幅和污染扩散4个目标,分别采用多目标遗传算法NSGA-Ⅱ和NSGA-Ⅲ对该问题进行求解,并对比分析了两种方法的实际应用效果。采用多准则分析评价方法 TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution),推荐了灌溉方案。推荐灌溉方案在平水年和枯水年分别可以最大减少地下水位变幅56%和43%,最大减少污染扩散面积54%和40%。  相似文献   

参考作物腾发量ET0是计算作物需水量、制定灌溉制度和进行水资源优化配置的重要参数之一。因参考作物腾发量随季节性变化,并呈现以年为周期波动的特点;在这种情况下,提出了一种基于灰色GM(1,1)与周期外延相结合的预测模型,即灰色-周期外延组合模型。以沈阳、鞍山、铁岭、盘锦4个地区1997—2006年参考作物腾发量季节值为例进行分析和模拟。结果表明:运用灰色-周期外延组合模型预测参考作物腾发量比原有的GM(1,1)模型预测精度高。该模型预测过程简单,预测结果可靠,适应性强。因此,该模型可广泛的应用于参考作物腾发量的季节预测。  相似文献   

多水源灌区中的灌溉回归水重复利用是普遍存在的现象,分析了灌溉回归水重复利用的机理并结合改进SWAT模型的特点概化了灌溉回归水及其重复利用量的计算方法,并说明了实际灌溉用水量的计算方法。进一步以浙江省浦江县通济桥水库灌区为实例,利用改进SWAT模型构建其水文循环模型,利用长系列实测逐月径流及实测渠首灌溉取水量率定模型参数,并进行验证。其中率定期及验证期的纳什效率系数均大于等于0.85,4条干渠灌水量模拟值与实测值的平均相对误差低于5%,表明改进SWAT模型具有良好的模拟效果且可用于模拟灌区不同水源类型的灌水量。进一步根据模型模拟结果计算得到通济桥水库灌区灌溉回归水及其重复利用量、以及灌区实际灌溉用水量,结果表明,该灌区灌溉回归水重复利用率达到40%,考虑扣除灌溉回归水重复利用量后,灌区灌溉用水量将降低约5.4%,灌区骨干水源灌溉用水量占总用水量的63%,不能代替整个灌区的灌溉用水量。进一步说明灌区实际灌溉用水量统计时应考虑扣除灌溉回归水重复利用量,尤其针对大型灌区或大范围区域,灌区灌溉用水量减少的绝对值将十分可观,可提高灌区灌溉用水量统计精度。对于有监测设施的灌区,不能仅仅以监测水量作为...  相似文献   

水资源配置方案的合理确定对区域经济社会可持续发展意义重大.本文利用熵权法对水资源配置评价指标合理赋权,结合改进TOPSIS模型,对某地区水资源配置方案进行综合评价.结果表明:该方法计算科学简单,结果合理可信,能够有效应用于水资源配置方案的综合评价.  相似文献   

准确估算参考作物蒸散量(ET0 )对于区域水资源管理和灌溉决策有着重要意义. Hargreaves-Samani模型(HS)是目前公认结构最简单且精度较高的ET0估算模型.为了进一步提高HS模型预测精度,采用蜂群理论和广西盆地20个气象站(1961—2019年)数据对HS模型全局校准,使用1961—2000年数据对HS...  相似文献   

灌区自然供水条件下的水资源短缺风险模型及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以河南省陆浑灌区1970—2013年的年降水量和年参考作物腾发量为基础,运用Frank Copula函数构建了灌区自然供水条件下的水资源短缺风险模型,并对灌区自然供水条件下的水资源供需联合分布和组合遭遇概率进行了分析。结果表明,Frank Copula函数能较好地模拟降水量与ET_0之间的相依关系,所构建的联合分布模型能很好地描述降水量与ET_0的联合概率分布特性;不同量级年降水量和年ET_0的2类联合分布概率可通过该模型进行耦合量化。  相似文献   

为快速准确估算农田蒸散量,利用24个群集式蒸渗仪,在国家节水灌溉北京工程技术研究中心大兴节水灌溉试验站进行了两年的灌溉试验,获得冬小麦-夏玉米生育期的日内冠气温差和实际日蒸散量(ET_a)等数据,对不同水分处理下的S-I蒸散量估算模型进行率定及验证,并分析模型特征参数a、b的变化规律及两者的差异。结果表明:冬小麦的S-I模型特征参数a在日间随时间变化先增大、后减小,在严重水分胁迫处理时a为负值、且数值较小,其余灌溉处理时参数a由正值逐渐变化至负值;不同灌水处理b均为负值,充分灌溉处理时b在日间随时间变化逐渐增大,严重水分胁迫处理时b相对较大,日间变化趋势不稳定。水分胁迫对夏玉米模型参数的影响程度低于冬小麦,特征参数a均为正值,参数b均为负值,且随时间变化逐渐增大;水分胁迫处理时b变化范围明显小于其他两个处理,干旱处理特征参数日间变化较大。冬小麦与夏玉米不同处理之间模型参数a、b变化差异较大,但冠层温度和空气温度差T_c-T_a与日蒸散量和日净辐射量差ET_d-Rn_d间拟合精度都在13:00时最高,此时充分灌溉冬小麦和夏玉米的模型参数a、b分别为1.082、-1.127和1.588、-1.363。利用率定的S-I模型计算冬小麦和夏玉米主要生育期ET_d与实测ET_a之间的决定系数R~2均在0.7以上,均方根误差RMSE均小于0.89 mm/d,一致性系数d均在0.9以上。尤其是充分灌溉处理的数据间R~2和d均较高,RMSE小于其他处理,说明水分胁迫影响模型的估算精度,S-I模型能够更准确地估算水分胁迫较少农田的蒸散量。  相似文献   

Northeast of Brazil is a semi-arid region, where water is a key strategic resource in the development of all sectors of the economy. Irrigation agriculture is the main water consumer in this region. Therefore, policy directives are calling for tools to aid operational monitoring in planning, control and charging of irrigation water. Using Landsat imagery, this study evaluates the utility of a process that measures the level of water use in an irrigated area of the state of Ceará. The experiment, which models evapotranspiration (ET), was carried out within the Jaguaribe-Apodi irrigation scheme (DIJA) during two months of the agricultural season. The ET was estimated with the model Mapping Evapotranspiration at High Resolution and with Internalized Calibration (METRIC). The model uses the residual of the energy balance equation to estimate ET for each pixel in the image. The results of the estimates were validated using measurements of ET from a micrometeorological tower installed within a banana plantation located near the irrigation scheme. After evaluating the ET estimates, the average fraction of depleted water for a set of agricultural parcels combined with the monthly ET mapping estimates by METRIC provided a method for predicting the total water use in DIJA for the study period. The results were then compared against the monthly accumulated flow rates for all the pumping stations provided by the district manager. Finally, this work discusses the potential use of the model as an alternative method to calculate water consumption in irrigated agriculture and the implications for water resource management in irrigated perimeters.  相似文献   

不同灌溉量对土壤理化性质及水稻生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水分是水稻正常生长发育的关键因素之一,【目的】研究不同灌溉量对黄河滩重构土体理化性质及水稻生长发育的影响。【方法】2017年以"吉宏6号"为试验材料,设计4个灌溉量处理,即:高水W1(120%ET0)、适水W2(100%ET0)、节水W3(80%ET0),低水W4处理(60%ET0),分析了不同灌溉量对土壤理化性质,水稻生长发育、产量的影响。【结果】土壤理化性质,水稻生长发育及产量受不同灌溉量影响显著,随着灌溉量的增加,水稻收获后土壤pH值、电导率以及土壤养分残留量也逐渐减降低。当灌溉量降低到80%ET0,水稻单株株高、分蘖数及产量都有明显降低,水稻生长发育受到一定影响,另外从高水W1处理(120%ET0)到低水W4处理(60%ET0)的水稻产量看出,随着灌溉量的增大,水稻产量呈现出先升高后降低的趋势。【结论】韩城下峪口土地整治项目区水稻种植适宜参考试验W2处理的灌溉量。  相似文献   

基于ORYZA2000的水量平衡要素和   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对水稻生产模型ORYZA2000充分验证的基础上,以2003年团林水肥耦合试验设计为背景,应用ORYZA2000模拟分析了不同施肥条件下传统淹灌和3种节水灌溉方式下的稻田田间水量平衡要素、产量以及水分生产率。结果表明,节水灌溉方式灌水量大大低于传统淹灌,其中无水层灌溉节水效果又明显优于沟灌,可靠性高,雨养灌溉虽然能最大限度的节约灌溉水量,但其应用取决于区域气候特点,应结合气候预测应用。水分胁迫可以增大不同施氮水平下稻田腾发量的差异,施氮可以减少株间蒸发,增加作物蒸腾,从而增加稻田腾发量和产量。  相似文献   

Improvements in irrigation management are urgently needed in regions where water resources for irrigation are being depleted. This paper combines a water balance model with satellite-based remote-sensing estimates of evapotranspiration (ET) to provide accurate irrigation scheduling guidelines for individual fields. The satellite-derived ET was used in the daily soil water balance model to improve accuracy of field-by-field ET demands and subsequent field-scale irrigation schedules. The combination of satellite-based ET with daily soil water balance incorporates the advantages of satellite remote-sensing and daily calculation time steps, namely, high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution. The procedure was applied to Genil–Cabra Irrigation Scheme of Spain, where irrigation water supply is often limited by regional drought. Compared with traditional applications of water balance models (i.e. without the satellite-based ET), the combined procedure provided significant improvements in irrigation schedules for both the average condition and when considering field-to-field variability. A 24% reduction in application of water was estimated for cotton if the improved irrigation schedules were followed. Irrigation efficiency calculated using satellite-based ET and actual applied irrigation water helped to identify specific agricultural fields experiencing problems in water management, as well as to estimate general irrigation efficiencies of the scheme by irrigation and crop type. Estimation of field irrigation efficiency ranged from 0.72 for cotton to 0.90 for sugar beet.  相似文献   

基于和田市气象资料,研究了参考蒸散量ET0的累加规律及其不同土质棉花一定根系深度的储存水量规律和模型。利用作物蒸散量及根系土壤储水量模型,制定了棉花的灌水周期和灌水定额,制定了和田地区的灌溉制度方法。并分析了灌溉制度对地下水位的影响,为今后其他地区棉花需水量和优化灌溉制度模型的建立奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted at Japan International Research Center for Agriculture Science (JIRCAS), Okinawa Subtropical Station, Ishigaki, Japan with three multiple water application and two single water applications to study the effects of them on tomato yield, soil water content and water use efficiency. Multiple water application is a technique use to add the required amount of water during irrigation in multiple equal parts a day instead of one complete set (single water application) during the irrigation event. The multiple water application treatments were the day time (DT), day-night time (DNT) and night time (NT) while the single water application treatments were morning time (MT) and evening time (ET). In multiple water irrigation treatments the water was added to the soil into three equal parts. The supplied irrigation water was the same for all treatments and gradually increased with plant age to cover the crop water requirement during the growing season.The results revealed that multiple water application increased tomato yield by 5% over the highest yield of single water application. The DT treatment increased tomato yield by 5% and 15% compared to ET and MT treatments, respectively. For multiple water application, the DT was the best irrigation timing because it increases the tomato yield by 8% and 12% compared to DNT and NT, respectively. ET irrigation was better than MT irrigation for single water application. Multiple water application led to an increased in soil water content compared to single water application. By applying the same amount of water for all treatments, the DT treatment increased water use efficiency by 5-15% compared to ET and MT treatments of single water application. In conclusion, multiple water application is better than single water application and by choosing the proper irrigation timing, higher tomato yield resulting from efficient water management can be obtained.  相似文献   

Corn crop response under managing different irrigation and salinity levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-uniformity of water distribution under irrigation system creates both deficit and surplus irrigation areas. Water salinity can be hazard on crop production; however, there is little information on the interaction of irrigation and salinity conditions on corn (Zea Mays) growth and production. This study evaluated the effect of salinity and irrigation levels on growth and yield of corn grown in the arid area of Egypt. A field experiment was conducted using corn grown in northern Egypt at Quesina, Menofia in 2009 summer season to evaluate amount of water applied, salinity hazard and their interactions. Three salinity levels and five irrigation treatments were arranged in a randomized split-plot design with salinity treatments as main plots and irrigation rates within salinity treatments. Salinity treatments were to apply fresh water (0.89 dS m−1), saline water (4.73 dS m−1), or mixing fresh plus saline water (2.81 dS m−1). Irrigation treatments were a ratio of crop evapotranspiration (ET) as: 0.6ET, 0.8ET, 1.0ET, 1.2ET, and 1.4ET. In well-watered conditions (1.0ET), seasonal water usable by corn was 453, 423, and 380 mm for 0.89EC, 2.81EC and 4.73EC over the 122-day growing season, respectively. Soil salt accumulation was significantly increased by either irrigation salinity increase or amount decrease. But, soil infiltration was significantly decreased by either salinity level or its interaction with irrigation amount. Leaf temperature, transpiration rate, and stomata resistance were significantly affected by both irrigation and salinity levels with interaction. Leaf area index, harvest index, and yield were the greatest when fresh and adequate irrigation was applied. Grain yield was significantly affected in a linear relationship (r2 ≥ 0.95) by either irrigation or salinity conditions with no interaction. An optimal irrigation scheduling was statistically developed based on crop response for a given salinity level to extrapolate data from the small experiment (uniform condition) to big field (non-uniformity condition) under the experiment constraints.  相似文献   

张万顺  乔飞  彭虹  李兰涛  张斌 《节水灌溉》2005,(5):15-16,19
根据水量平衡原理和营养物质质量守恒定律,考虑作物生长过程中农田水循环和氮,磷循环特征,建立农田灌溉退水水量水质模型,模拟农田灌溉退水的营养物质浓度,以分析灌溉退水水质的变化幅度。应用该模型对引江济汉工程东荆河灌区农田各水期灌溉退水的氮、磷浓度进行估算,得到与实际情况相一致的数值结果,表明该模型适用于研究农田灌溉退水问题。  相似文献   

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