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茶叶在美国的传播与消费   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郑乃辉 《茶叶科学技术》2003,(2):40-40,F003
原产于中国的茶叶自16世纪由荷兰人通过海上贸易传入欧洲以后,首先成为英国人所喜爱的一种日常饮料,并由此而风行于欧美市场,在短短的数百年时间中,茶叶发展成为风靡世界的饮料,使种茶区域得到了迅速的扩展,美国在这一时期中也从认知茶叶开始而发展为茶叶的消费大国。 茶叶传入美国 英属北美殖民地建立后,随着英国移民的大量涌入,英国人的饮茶习惯也带入北美。约在1690年,麻省的波士顿开设了北美大陆上第一个出售中国茶叶的市场。1720年后,北美开始正式进口茶叶。18世纪中叶,饮茶习惯也遍及北美殖民地社会各阶层。一个游记中写道“在北美殖民地,人们饮用茶水,就象法国人喝酒一样,成为须臾不可离的饮料”。19世纪30年代之前,北美殖民地人民饮用的茶叶全部都是从广州出口的中国茶,30年代之后,才开始有锡兰茶和印度茶进口。  相似文献   

张小宁 《茶叶通讯》2021,48(1):182-186
与茶叶的故乡中国相比,美国的茶饮历史并不算悠久。然而,美国人钟爱饮茶,并形成了独特的美国茶文化。可以说,茶改变着美国人的生活,美国人也改变着茶。本文将从殖民地时期的饮茶文化、美国人对饮茶文化的拓展、茶对美国独立进程的影响、茶贸易与美国经济及对外关系、茶对美国文化的丰富五个方面对茶文化在美国的传播与影响进行多维解读,帮助人们更好地了解美国茶文化。  相似文献   

唐代陆羽《茶经》载有"茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公",也就是早在4 000多年前就已经有了茶,并且已经发现了茶具有"解毒"的功效。公元8世纪,中国茶叶开始由陆路向日、韩传播,随着饮茶和有关茶叶具有保健功效的知识和经验在公元17世纪由海路传到欧洲各国,欧洲不少国家都对茶叶的保健功效很感兴趣,并广为宣传和推广。从上世纪80年代起,许多国家开始进行茶叶对人体各种疾病治疗效果的研究,经过世界各国科学家30多年来的大量研究,数以万计的论文证明了茶叶中的儿茶素类化合物具有多种抗病、健体的保健功能。本文介绍了饮茶与健康的起源和历史,概述了饮茶与健康科学研究方面的进展。  相似文献   

苏宁 《福建茶叶》2002,(4):30-32
中美正式的茶叶直接贸易开始于1784年。自1784年到19世纪末,中美茶叶贸易虽几经波折,但依旧不断向前发展。美国商人也因此逐步扩大了在中国市场上的影响力,并争得了广州茶叶市场上的第二位。美国通过茶叶贸易不仅在经济上获得好处,同时,大额的茶叶贸易也使得中国在美国的外交和贸易决策中的地位不断上升。因此,对早期中美茶叶贸易作一探讨,有助于我们更加全面地认识中美交往的全貌及我国茶叶对中美交往的作用,并对今天的中美茶叶贸易有所借鉴。中美通商之初,美国主要进口的是福建的武夷茶,进入21世纪后,福建茶能否再…  相似文献   

唐宋时期,随着茶叶生产专业化水平的不断提高以及生产技术的进步,茶叶产地逐渐扩大,茶叶产量迅速增长。点茶逐步取代煎茶,品饮者不仅讲究茶本身的美,也开始注重茶具的美,创造了新的品饮风尚。本文简述了唐宋时期饮茶方式,并从政治、经济、人文等的角度分析唐宋时期饮茶风习的演变及其原因。  相似文献   

中国历代茶税制简述周靖民(湖南省茶叶进出口总公司长沙·410005)我国中古以前没有茶税,只有贡茶。到8世纪的唐代中叶,南北方饮茶的人逐渐增多,有的地区嗜茶成风,茶叶生产、贸易发展起来,当时朝廷为了开辟财政收入,于是开征茶税,后就成为长期的赋课制度。...  相似文献   

陶德臣 《中国茶叶》2008,30(5):29-32
一、马克思对中英茶叶贸易发展状况的准确把握 历史上中英茶叶贸易是中西最重要的茶叶贸易。英国自17世纪始饮茶之事,嗣后茶叶逐渐成为人们的嗜好品。到了18世纪中叶,每个家庭,不管其地位多少低下,都要喝茶。18世纪末,英国消费的茶叶,“平均每人每年超过两磅”。据美国人威廉·乌克斯统计,英国每年人均茶叶消费量不断攀升。  相似文献   

正英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,位于欧洲西部,大西洋沿岸,人口数量达6300万。英国是世界重要的茶叶进口国和消费国,茶在英国受到广泛喜爱,作为日常饮料普遍被人们接受,并具有悠久的消费历史,英国人饮茶的历史最远可以追溯到17世纪。1662年,时任英王查尔斯二世的皇后葡萄牙凯瑟琳公主将饮茶风尚带入了英国皇室。由于她的倡导和推动,饮茶之风不仅在英国宫  相似文献   

正英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,位于欧洲西部,大西洋沿岸,人口6300万。英国是世界重要的茶叶进口国和消费国,茶在英国是普遍和被广泛喜爱的饮料。茶在英国具有悠久的消费历史,最远可以追溯到17世纪,1662年,时任英王查尔斯二世的皇后葡萄牙凯瑟琳公主将饮茶风尚带入英国皇室。由于她的倡导和推动,使饮茶  相似文献   

方金福  陈栋  郑如钦 《广东茶业》2002,(1):26-29,22
广东茶产业茶文化历史悠久,早在西汉时代前就利用茶叶,西汉末年有少量茶叶外销,南朝梁武帝时东莞僧人开始人工栽培茶树,唐代诗人曹松寓居南海西樵山,移植顾诸茶其上,教民种茶、制茶。其时广州已是我国最古老的出口茶埠。唐代以前,饮茶者只限贵族、官吏和僧尼,饮茶方法似喝菜汤一样,以为疗疾、驱眠或解渴。唐德宗贞元八年,陆羽饮茶技艺由岭南东道节度使李复等传来广东,品茗风尚随之在广东兴起。饮茶习俗从朱门走进柴户。饮茶文化始于唐代,盛于明清,明代末年广州茶楼、潮州工夫茶和客家擂茶己经出现。清康熙年间,广州成为我国茶…  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization with the close relative Trifolium nigrescens Viv. (Ball clover) is a possible strategy to increase the seed yield potential of white clover (T. repens L.). Fertile F1 plants have been used as the basis for several generations of backcrossing using T. repens as the recurrent parent. Forage quality of the parental species and backcross hybrids when grown in mixtures with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was compared in field plots over three harvest years. The dry‐matter digestibility (DMD) and crude protein (CP) concentration of the legume fraction was greater than that of perennial ryegrass, but the water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the legume components was lower than that of perennial ryegrass. Differences in forage quality between T. repens and the backcross hybrids were relatively small. The WSC concentration of the backcrosses was less than T. repens but the CP concentration was greater. Significant differences in the forage quality of the companion grass were observed when grown with the parental species and the hybrids; however, these differences were attributed to the plots with T. nigrescens and the F1 plants, where the clover content was low. Few differences in the forage quality of the grass were measured when grown with T. repens and the backcross hybrids. The impact of these results on the use of these hybrids in cultivar development programmes is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of 24 wild Oryza accessions identified Oryza australiensis and Oryza rufipogon as potential sources of enhanced photosynthetic rate for introgression into cultivated rice. Photosynthetic capacity per unit leaf area (CER) was associated with leaf N content but not with leaf chlorophyll concentration, flag leaf area, or specific leaf area. Eight fertile, perennial F1 hybrids between O. sativa and O. rufipogon were grown in non-flooded soil, and CER was measured at flowering under saturating light. Two F1 hybrids had greater CER than the average of 26.1 μmol m2 s−1. The F2 progeny from these hybrids were screened for CER in the field, and segregants with even greater rates of photosynthesis were selected. The basis of high photosynthetic rate in the F2 populations was not leaf thickness or leaf chlorophyll content. One F2 line had exceptionally high CER and stomatal conductance. Broad-sense heritability on an individual plant basis for CER in two F2 populations was 0.44 and 0.37. A highly significant offspring-parent regression of 0.89 for CER was observed in a replicated field evaluation (four blocks, five plants per plot) of 20 vegetatively propagated F2 selections and their F3 seedling progeny. Broad-sense heritability for CER on a plot-mean basis was estimated as 0.74 for both selected F2:3 families and for the selected F2 clones. Genetic resources in the genus Oryza may represent a source of alleles to increase leaf photosynthetic rate in the cultivated species, which we have demonstrated to be a heritable, though environmentally variable, trait in an O. sativa/O. rufipogon population.  相似文献   

The antifungal activity of the methanolic extract ofMahonia napaulensis D.C. or Taming (local name) leaves was evaluated with four species of common pathogenic fungi e.g.Colletotrichum capsici (MTCC No. 2071),Leptosphaerulin trifoli (MTCC No. 2328),Alternaria brassicicola (MTCC No. 2102) andHelminthosporium solani (MTCC No. 2075). The present investigation also aims at developing an eco friendly natural antifungal finish from plant extract ofMahonia for textile application. The antifungal textile dyeing was also carried out with aqueous extract of stem and leaves ofMahonia and the dyed fabric was tested against fungal speciesTrichoderma for its antifungal activity in vitro.Mahonia extract showed substantial antifungal activity of 83.33% forLeptosphaerulin trifoli andAlternaria brassicicola by 80 ppm dose in 24 hours and 46% antifungal activity inMahonia dyed pieces in broth againstTrichoderma.  相似文献   

Powdery scab caused by Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea (Sss) causes extensive losses in potato production systems globally. Two pot experiments were established in the greenhouse in summer 2013 and winter 2014 to evaluate the effectiveness of different soil chemicals, fumigant, amendments and biological control agents (BCAs) against Sss in the rhizospheric soil, potato roots and tubers. The study used visual assessment methods to assess the effect of treatments on root galling and zoosporangia production, and qPCR to measure Sss concentration in the soil and in the potato roots and tubers. All six soil treatments, namely metam sodium, fluazinam, ZincMax, calcium cyanamide, Biocult and a combination of Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma asperellum recorded significantly (P < 0.05) lower numbers of zoosporangia in the roots compared to the untreated control. The same effect was observed on the concentration of Sss DNA in the roots at tuber initiation. A more diverse picture was obtained when root gall scores at tuber initiation and Sss DNA in the rhizospheric soil at tuber initiation and harvesting were compared. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were also noted in disease severity, disease incidence, and tuber yield between metam sodium, fluazinam, ZincMax, calcium cyanamide and the untreated control. Calcium cyanamide gave the highest tuber yield. The study demonstrated the potential of soil treatments such as metam sodium, fluazinam, ZincMax and calcium cyanamide in managing Sss in potatoes by reducing the pathogen both in the rhizospheric soil and the roots of the potato plant.  相似文献   

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