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二化螟在绥化市的生活史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年 ̄2006年通过对黑龙江省绥化市水稻二化螟发生虫态调查,发现水稻二化螟可以蛹和幼虫两种虫态越冬,存在不完全二代现象。并通过温度、温度对二化螟影响的讨论,结合近几年绥化市气候特点的情况,提出了二化螟的综合防治方法。  相似文献   

2005年~2006年通过对黑龙江省绥化市水稻二化螟发生虫态调查,发现水稻二化螟可以蛹和幼虫两种虫态越冬,存在不完全二代现象。并通过温度、温度对二化螟影响的讨论,结合近几年绥化市气候特点的情况,提出了二化螟的综合防治方法。  相似文献   

【目的】为明确二化螟不同寄主种群幼虫口器和触角及其感器,对上述结构的超微形态进行了观察。【方法】选择二化螟水稻、茭白种群幼虫口器和触角及其感器为研究材料,利用扫描电子显微镜进行观察。【结果】表明,二化螟两种群梗节具2个刺形感器、3个锥形感器;上唇具6对刺形感器;上颚切齿叶具7个端齿,基外侧具2个刺形感器;轴节和茎节各具1个刺形感器;外颚叶具3个锥形感器、2个刺形感器和2个栓锥感器;下颚须侧缘具1个指形感器;下唇须端部有1个刺形感器。两种群间鞭节和下颚须感器数目存在差异:茭白种群鞭节具1个栓锥感器和2个锥形感器,水稻种群则具1个栓锥感器和1个锥形感器;茭白种群下颚须具5个锥形感器和3个柱形感器,而水稻种群具4个锥形感器和4个柱形感器。在感器长度上,茭白种群部分龄期幼虫的部分刺形感器(分布于梗节、轴节、茎节)、锥形感器(分布于梗节、下颚须、外颚叶)、栓锥感器(分布于鞭节、外颚叶)显著长于水稻种群的相应感器。茭白种群(1~5龄)的部分柱形感器(分布于下颚须)、3~5龄幼虫部分刺形感器(分布于外颚叶)显著短于水稻种群的相应感器。  相似文献   

就转cry1Ac+CpTI双基因抗虫水稻不同生育期对二化螟Chilo suppressalis和大螟Sesamia inferens的室内致死特性及田间螟虫的构成进行了研究。室内测定结果表明,不同生育期转基因水稻对二化螟、大螟都表现明显的致死效应,但水稻生长后期的致死效果降低。转基因水稻对大螟的致死效应显著弱于对二化螟的,其中,二化螟除在齐穗期和成熟期有少量幼虫(0.5%~6.4%)存活到第4天外,其余均在第4天死亡;大螟在两种转基因水稻上的存活率高于二化螟,且少量个体(<1.6%)还能化蛹、羽化,但化蛹率和羽化率均明显低于在非转基因对照上的。早、晚两季水稻的田间调查结果表明,转基因水稻上两种螟虫虫口数量均显著低于相应的非转基因对照品种,转基因水稻上二化螟虫口减退率>99%;大螟虫口减退率相对较低,早、晚稻上有所不同,其中早稻 >93%,晚稻仅44%~64%。转基因水稻上残存螟虫中,大螟所占比例明显上升,推测转基因水稻对两种螟虫致死效应差异可能是其主要原因。  相似文献   

 就转cry1Ac+CpTI双基因抗虫水稻不同生育期对二化螟Chilo suppressalis和大螟Sesamia inferens的室内致死特性及田间螟虫的构成进行了研究。室内测定结果表明,不同生育期转基因水稻对二化螟、大螟都表现明显的致死效应,但水稻生长后期的致死效果降低。转基因水稻对大螟的致死效应显著弱于对二化螟的,其中,二化螟除在齐穗期和成熟期有少量幼虫(0.5%~6.4%)存活到第4天外,其余均在第4天死亡;大螟在两种转基因水稻上的存活率高于二化螟,且少量个体(<1.6%)还能化蛹、羽化,但化蛹率和羽化率均明显低于在非转基因对照上的。早、晚两季水稻的田间调查结果表明,转基因水稻上两种螟虫虫口数量均显著低于相应的非转基因对照品种,转基因水稻上二化螟虫口减退率>99%;大螟虫口减退率相对较低,早、晚稻上有所不同,其中早稻 >93%,晚稻仅44%~64%。转基因水稻上残存螟虫中,大螟所占比例明显上升,推测转基因水稻对两种螟虫致死效应差异可能是其主要原因。  相似文献   

水稻二化螟的发生及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉 《北方水稻》2011,41(2):55-55
水稻二化螟给黑龙江省庆安县的水稻生产造成了危害,且发生及危害程度近年来呈上升趋势.阐述了水稻二化螟的形态特征、危害特点、发牛规律及其防治指标,并从农业防治、物理防治、化学防治等方面介绍了其防治措施.  相似文献   

印楝素对水稻二化螟的生物活性及控制作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
 系统地研究了印楝素对水稻二化螟的生物活性及作用方式。试验结果表明,印楝素乳油对二化螟有胃毒、拒食、忌避、内吸等多种作用方式。0.75和0.50 mg/L印楝素乳油处理茭白饲喂3龄幼虫,幼虫分别于3、6 d内全部死亡;0.375、0.300和0.250 mg/L印楝素乳油低剂量处理茭白饲喂3龄幼虫,幼虫拒食率分别达94.38%、88.74%、80.07%;成虫产卵量分别下降80.70%、62.05%、40.86%。6、3和2 mg/L印楝素乳油处理初孵蚁螟,24 h内死亡率达100%。印楝素乳油对成虫产卵有显著的忌避作用。稻田喷施0.3%印楝素乳油62.5和125 mL/667 m2防治二化螟,21 d保苗效果分别为88.14%和94.13%,防治效果分别为85.36%和90.76%。表明印楝素对二化螟有较高的生物活性和理想的控制效果。  相似文献   

水稻二化螟是新宾县的重要水稻害虫之一,在全县的大部分稻区均有发生.对水稻二化螟的生物学特性、生长与环境条件的关系进行了分析介绍,并从农业、物理、化学方面提出了综合防治的策略,者重在稻草处理上下功夫,可控制80%以上的越冬虫源,使水稻二化螟不至于成灾.  相似文献   

康宽防治水稻二化螟试验总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证康宽(氯虫苯甲酰胺200 g/L)药剂对水稻二化螟的防治效果进行试验。试验结果表明,康宽对水稻二化螟的防治效果好,对一代二化螟的防效达到98.3%,对二代二化螟的防效达到100%。且药效期长,对水稻安全,建议在水稻生产上大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

【目的】二化螟是危害水稻的重要害虫,其钻蛀为害,防治困难,严重威胁水稻生产。本研究对感染二化螟昆虫病原线虫的分离筛选和感染特性进行研究,期望为水稻钻蛀害虫危害的防治提供新的途径和方法。【方法】自越冬代二化螟幼虫体内通过组织分离筛选,获得野外感染二化螟的昆虫病原线虫,室内接种实验分析分离昆虫病原线虫对二化螟的感染活性和作用特性。【结果】自然罹死二化螟幼虫体内分离获得野外感染的昆虫病原线虫N-Yz1,接种4龄二化螟幼虫导致感染并死亡,后期虫体内产生大量形态一致的侵染期线虫(IJ)。形态学观察结合rDNA-ITS序列分析,鉴定分离昆虫病原线虫隶属于斯氏线虫属,与已鉴定种小卷蛾斯氏线虫同源性达99.87%。昆虫病原线虫N-Yz1对不同龄期二化螟幼虫都有较高感染致死作用,40头(IJ)的线虫接种剂量,对低龄(2~3龄)二化螟致死速度快、致死率高, 接种2 4 h 就出现感染致死个体,48 h后幼虫全部死亡。高龄幼虫(4~6龄)感染致死速度较慢,死亡高峰发生在接种线虫后的48 h。N-Yz1接种剂量与二化螟死亡率呈显著正相关,剂量超过30 IJs/头时,4龄二化螟感染死亡率达90%以上。N-Yz1对二化螟幼虫具有明显搜索能力,在距离寄主害虫0-30 cm的范围内,通过迁移扩散,感染二化螟并导致其死亡。【结论】分离昆虫病原线虫N-Yz1具有较强的感染致死能力,表现出防治水稻钻蛀害虫二化螟的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

水稻抗二化螟特性离体稻株鉴定技术   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
提出了一套规范的水稻抗二化螟离体稻株鉴定技术。该项技术克服了以往鉴定方法难保鲜、操作烦琐、试虫易逃逸等问题,准确可靠、操作易规范,适用于常规水稻和转基因水稻抗二化螟特性鉴定和评价。  相似文献   

采用离体叶片、离体茎秆、离体剥开茎秆及活体成株4种室内抗虫性鉴定方法,对相同水稻材料进行抗二化螟特性鉴定,同时对这些水稻室内抗二化螟鉴定技术进行了综合评价。结果表明,这些方法的抗性鉴定结果高度吻合,离体叶片鉴定方法是目前最快速、有效的抗二化螟鉴定方法。并通过离体叶片和活体成株鉴定方法对转Vip3A基因水稻材料进行鉴定,再次验证了离体叶片鉴定方法的有效性。此外,初步发现对于同为鳞翅目水稻害虫稻纵卷叶螟,用离体叶片鉴定方法也可进行有效鉴定。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2002,75(1):37-45
The rice (Oryza sativa L.) “new plant type” (NPT), currently under development at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, differs in genetic background and plant architecture from the semidwarf Indica varieties that now predominate in tropical lowland areas. The NPT is derived from tropical Japonica germplasm and has fewer and larger stems and panicles than do semidwarf Indica varieties. We compared stem borer damage and resistance in NPT lines and semidwarf Indica varieties under field and greenhouse conditions. Stem borer damage in field plots of the NPT lines IR65564 and IR68011 was higher than in plots of the Indica varieties IR64 and IR72 during the 1999 dry season but not the wet season. In both seasons, IR68011 had higher densities of egg masses of the striped stem borer (SSB, Chilo suppressalis) than did the other three entries. There were no consistent differences among entries in density of egg masses of the yellow stem borer (YSB, Scirpophaga incertulas). In the 2000 wet season, stem borer populations were low, but SSB egg masses were found only on IR68552-100, the only NPT line in the experiment. In all three seasons, NPT lines had higher proportions of SSB larvae and pupae in stems after harvest, and lower proportions of YSB, than did Indica varieties. In artificially infested field cages, SSB larval survival was highest on reproductive stage plants of IR68011 in the 1999 dry season and there was a trend of higher YSB adult weight on IR68011 in the 1999 dry and wet seasons. Three NPT lines and three Indica varieties evaluated under greenhouse conditions showed no consistent differences in resistance to either stem borer species, as measured by percent survival from egg to adult and female development time and weight. The lack of consistent differences in stem borer survival and development between the NPT lines and Indica varieties was contrary to the expectation that the morphology of the NPT would render it more susceptible to stem borers. Our results indicate that NPT lines are not consistently or strongly more susceptible to stem borers than are improved Indica varieties and suggest that ovipositional attractiveness to SSB is a factor contributing to higher stem borer damage to some NPT lines.  相似文献   

Super rice has the potential to deliver very high yields but is also susceptible to attack by the striped rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis. In this study, surveys and field trials were performed to examine this problem and efficient ways were found to lower the borer’s population density. It was found that larger super rice plants provided more refuges for borers to evade insecticide contact and had a longer growth period allowing borers to complete their larval development in an intact environment. The current cultivation regime was shown to favour outbreaks of borers. Super rice is harvested leaving tall field stubbles until the following growing season, thus providing food and cover in which borers may successfully overwinter. We found that borer larvae were distributed to a greater height in the plants of super rice than in common rice, making control through agricultural operations more feasible. Burning fields after harvest, which killed 84.5% of borers, seemed the best remedy, though this practice is forbidden in China for ecological reasons. Leaving short stubbles followed by appropriate treatment of the rice straw killed 74.0% of the borer population. In addition, spring irrigation after the pre-pupation dispersal movements of borers killed more than half of the overwintering population. Pre-winter rotary tillage had little effect on borer numbers but enhanced the population reduction effect of irrigation the following spring. Based on the results obtained, efficient control of borers on super rice can be achieved by harvesting leaving short stubbles, followed by rotary tillage and spring irrigation. This regime can reduce the borer population by more than 98%, minimising chemical use and maximising use of a reduced agricultural workforce.  相似文献   

The method for collecting eggs of the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis using plastic bags was studied in comparison with using caged rice plants. There was no significant difference in fecundity of C. suppressalis at 279 eggs/moth and in percentage of hatched eggs at 95% between in plastic bags and on rice plants. More egg masses were collected on plastic bags than on rice plants, whereas more smaller egg masses (less than 100 eggs per mass) in plastic bags than on rice plants. The advantages in collecting eggs of C. suppressalis and other insects by using plastic bags were also discussed.  相似文献   

The method for collecting eggs of the striped stem borer, Chilo suppressalis using plastic bags was studied in comparison with using caged rice plants. There was no significant difference in fecundity of C. suppressalis at 279 eggs/moth and in percentage of hatched eggs at 95% between in plastic bags and on rice plants. More egg masses were collected on plastic bags than on rice plants, whereas more smaller egg masses (less than 100 eggs per mass) in plastic bags than on rice plants. The advantages in collecting eggs of C. suppressalis and other insects by using plastic bags were also discussed.  相似文献   

防治水稻二化螟的高毒农药替代药剂的室内筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选防治水稻二化螟的高毒农药替代药剂,采用点滴法测定了7类32种药剂对不同水稻生态区二化螟种群的室内毒力。基于这些毒力数据,推荐对二化螟毒力较高的7种新型农药(氟虫腈、阿维菌素、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐、虫酰肼、呋喃虫酰肼、氟铃脲和氟啶脲)和一些中低毒性的有机磷品种(如辛硫磷、喹硫磷、毒死蜱和哒嗪硫磷)作为大田药效试验的候选替代药剂。评估了田间二化螟对10种拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的敏感性,发现7种对鱼高毒的拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂(高效氟氯氰菊酯、λ 高效氯氟氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、顺式氯氰菊酯、甲氰菊酯和S 氰戊菊酯)对二化螟的毒力高于大多数有机磷类农药。虽然我国禁止上述菊酯类杀虫剂在水稻上使用,但是浙江瑞安田间种群(RA05)已对高效氟氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和λ 高效氯氟氰菊酯等产生高水平抗性(抗性倍数分别为166.7、51.9、41.3和36.8倍)。对鱼低毒的3种菊酯类农药(乙氰菊酯、醚菊酯和氟硅菊酯)对抗性二化螟(RA05)的毒力高于三唑磷。因此,可考虑将这些对鱼低毒的菊酯类农药作为防治水稻二化螟的高毒农药的替代药剂和抗性治理的轮换品种。  相似文献   

水稻挥发物对二化螟幼虫趋性行为的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 利用Y型嗅觉仪研究了水稻挥发物对二化螟初孵幼虫和3龄幼虫的趋性影响。处理包括健康苗与空白对照、二化螟为害苗与空白对照、稻纵卷叶螟为害苗与空白对照、健康苗与二化螟为害苗、健康苗与稻纵卷叶螟为害苗、二化螟为害苗与稻纵卷叶螟为害苗。结果表明,水稻挥发物对二化螟初孵和3龄幼虫都表现出显著的引诱作用。二化螟幼虫对不同处理水稻(健康苗、二化螟为害苗和稻纵卷叶螟为害苗)挥发物之间的趋向选择无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同杀虫剂防治水稻二化螟田间药效试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对不同杀虫剂防治水稻二化螟进行田间药效对比试验,结果表明,氟虫双酰胺.阿维菌素100 g/L悬浮剂、氯虫苯甲酰胺200 g/L悬浮剂、20%氟虫双酰胺水分散颗粒剂是防治水稻二化螟的理想杀虫剂。氟虫双酰胺.阿维菌素100g/L悬浮剂30 ml/667 m^2防治效果99.64%,氯虫苯甲酰胺200 g/L悬浮剂10 ml/667 m^2防治效果99.29%,氟虫双酰胺20%水分散颗粒剂10 ml/667 m^2防治效果8.17%。  相似文献   

Bt5198, a new rice restorer line containing Bt gene, was developed from the cross and backcross of the elite restorer line Chenghui 177 with Bt Minghui 63, a transgenic Bt restorer line. The inbred lines were evaluated using PCR amplification, test paper evaluation, insect resistance evaluation in both the laboratory and paddy fields, nursery evaluation of rice blast resistance and pedigree selection of agronomic traits. Larval mortalities on Bt5198 and Bt Minghui 63 were 100% when rice culms were inoculated with the eggs of the striped stem borer (SSB) in the laboratory. Bt5198 was highly resistant against SSB and the yellow stem borer (YSB) under field conditions. The F1 hybrids derived from Bt5198 and four cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines were also highly resistant to SSB and YSB and had a significant heterosis. Two-year evaluation of rice blast resistance confirmed that the resistance levels of Bt5198 to leaf blast and neck blast were similar to those of Chenghui 177 and significantly better than those of Bt Minghui 63. Seed germination ability and pollen yield of Bt5198 were similar with Chenghui 177, suggesting that the introduction of the Bt gene into the new restorer line had no significant effects on seed vitality or the yield of seed production. To identify the presence of the Bt gene, it was effective to combine test paper examination with the evaluation of insect-resistance, both in the laboratory and under field conditions.  相似文献   

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