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为明确广西贺州市栀子根结线虫病病原种类,采集根部有明显根结的栀子根系进行根结线虫分离鉴定,通过观察根结线虫2龄幼虫、雌成虫、会阴花纹特征对其进行形态学鉴定,并利用核糖体ITS区和28S rDNA D2D3区序列比对和系统发育树分析方法对其进行分子生物学鉴定。结果表明,该病原线虫2龄幼虫和雌成虫形态特征及形态测量值与象耳豆根结线虫(Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback, 1983)相似;该病原线虫核糖体ITS区与NCBI数据库中象耳豆根结线虫相应序列的相似度为100%,28S rDNA D2D3区与NCBI数据库中象耳豆根结线虫相应序列的相似度为99%以上;该病原线虫核糖体ITS序列以99%的支持率与象耳豆根结线虫聚为同一分支。综合形态学和分子生物学鉴定结果将广西贺州市栀子根结线虫病病原种类鉴定为象耳豆根结线虫,栀子(Gardenia jasminoides Eills)是该线虫的新寄主纪录。  相似文献   

根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp.)是一类高度专化性的杂食性植物病原线虫。目前,世界上已报道的根结线虫种类有98种,我国危害农作物最为严重的根结线虫有6种,包括南方根结线虫(M. incognita)、北方根结线虫(M. hapla)、爪哇根结线虫(M. javanica)、花生根结线虫(M. arenaria)、拟禾谷根结线虫(M. graminicola)和象耳豆根结线虫(M. enteroloblii)。象耳豆根结线虫寄主范围广、致病力强,选育抗病品种是防治该线虫最为经济有效的手段。由于象耳豆根结线虫在辣椒生产中造成的危害越来越大,急需筛选高抗象耳豆根结线虫的辣椒种质,为抗病育种工作提供物质前提。本研究采用苗期接种鉴定法,对27份中国辣椒(Capsicum chinense)接种象耳豆根结线虫,60 d后开展抗病性鉴定工作。从根结指数和卵粒指数可以看出,不同种质材料在抗病性上存在显著差异。L529-10-1-2-1的根结指数和卵粒指数均最大,L550-1-3的根结指数最小,L518×L535的卵粒指数最小,可推测L529-10-1-2-1对象耳豆根结线虫的抗病性最弱,L550-1-3和L518×L535抗病性最强。结合隶属函数值和聚类分析,将27份供试辣椒种质分为抗病、低抗、感病和高感4类。其中抗病种质16份,隶属函数值在1.60以上;低抗种质4份,隶属函数值在1.26~1.51之间;感病种质5份,隶属函数值在0.64~0.93之间;高感种质2份,隶属函数值在0.42以下。选取高抗的L501M-1M和高感的L529-10-1-2-1接种象耳豆根结线虫,并在接种后0、3、6、9、12、15、20、25、30 d观察线虫侵染量和根系木质素含量。发现L501M-1M根系中的根结线虫数量远远少于L529-10-1-2-1,且L501M-1M中根结线虫的发育受到了阻滞。L501M-1M和L529-10-1-2-1在接种前木质素含量均较低,而接种后抗感种质木质素含量均有所上升,且L501M-1M的木质素含量明显高于L529-10-1-2-1,从而推测木质素与中国辣椒的象耳豆根结线虫抗性存在一定关联。该结果将为深入开展辣椒的根结线虫抗性机理研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

利用EST结合RACE方法从象耳豆根结线虫(Meloidogyne enterolobii)中克隆一个新的果胶酸裂解酶基因Me-pel2(Gen Bank登录号KP987180)。Me-pel2 c DNA开放阅读框全长834 bp,推导编码277个氨基酸残基的蛋白,属于多糖裂解酶第III家族新成员。Me-PEL2与南方根结线虫果胶酸裂解酶Mi-PEL3氨基酸具有较高的一致性,为54%。发育表达结果显示,Me-pel2在2龄幼虫和雄虫期高丰度表达,而在固着期寄生阶段转录水平急剧下降,推测Me-pel2主要在象耳豆根结线虫迁移性阶段起重要作用,通过降解寄主细胞壁果胶质成分,协助幼虫侵入寄主以及在寄主体内迁移。  相似文献   

促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK)是线虫体内信号转导的重要组分,在生长发育过程中具有重要作用。本研究从象耳豆根结线虫中克隆了1个促分裂原活化蛋白激酶基因Me-mapk1c DNA序列,该序列全长1 369 bp,包含1个1 185 bp的完整开放阅读框,推导编码394个氨基酸,蛋白质分子量为45.39 ku。同源性搜索比对结果发现,该基因编码的蛋白序列与南方根结线虫MI-MAPK1具有99%的一致性。通过构建原核表达载体p ET-32a-MAPK,在IPTG的诱导下得到70 ku左右的特异融合蛋白(包括大小约26 ku的标签序列)。利用RNAi技术对象耳豆根结线虫二龄幼虫Me-mapk1基因进行沉默,线虫诱导番茄根结形成的数量显著减少,推测Me-mapk1基因的下调表达有可能影响象耳豆根结线虫二龄幼虫(J2)的生长发育。  相似文献   

本研究鉴定出在中国大豆上又一类重要病原线虫——根结线虫。黄淮海豆区为其主要发生危害地带,并且,其主要病原种和小种为南方根结线虫寄主小种1号和花生根结线虫寄主小种2号。经用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜形态学观察,测量及鉴别寄主试验鉴定,结果表明其区系分布大体为:在开封为南方根结线虫[Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White,1919) Chitwood,1949]寄主小种1号和花生根结线虫[M.arenaria (Neal,1889) Chitwood,1949]寄主小种2号;在宁陵为花生根结线虫寄主小种2号;在崂山为南方根结线虫寄主小种1号,在栖霞为北方根结线虫(M.hapla Chitwood,1949),其中南方根结线虫的开封群体和崂山群体雌虫会阴花纹和排孔位置略有不同,但仍属于其种内群体及个体之间的差异。  相似文献   

根结线虫是危害农业生产的重要的土传病害之一,其中象耳豆根结线虫在近几年发展成为华南地区的优势种群,防治较为困难,严重影响了苦瓜的产量和品质,生产中较多采用嫁接砧木的防治措施.为筛选抗象耳豆根结线虫的苦瓜砧木品种,以18份苦瓜砧木品种为试验材料,采用盆栽幼苗人工接种象耳豆根结线虫的方法,接种45 d后,测量供试材料的相对...  相似文献   

通过室内接种方法测定土壤中接种象耳豆根结线虫(Meloidogyne enterolobii)二龄幼虫不同初始密度(0、0.125、0.25、0.5、1、2、4、8和16条/cm3)对黄瓜生长的影响。研究结果表明,黄瓜受损程度与象耳豆根结线虫初始接种密度呈正相关,随着接种密度的增加,形成的根结指数不断提高,而黄瓜植株高度和苗鲜重相比对照均表现为下降,即发病程度逐渐加重。当土壤中象耳豆根结线虫二龄幼虫的初始接种密度为0.25条/cm3,即可对黄瓜的株高和植株鲜重产生显著危害,初始密度为8条/cm3处理,则可导致黄瓜植株死亡。该研究结果可为制定象耳豆根结线虫的防治指标提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在福建省发现豆科新品种多年生藤本豆(Lablab sp.)发生严重的根结线虫病,根部可产生巨大根结,根结内组织内可埋生数以百计的雌虫,卵囊产于根结内。通过形态特征及rDNA-ITS区序列扩增比对,藤本豆根结线虫鉴定为南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)。多年生藤本豆受根结线虫为害为首次记述, 也是南方根结线虫新寄主。接种实验结果表明,2龄幼虫主要侵染藤本豆根尖,也可侵染根其他部位,雌虫与卵囊埋生于根结内,卵可直接孵化并在根内直接侵染发育,根结大小发展快,根结坚硬,表面组织不易腐解,雄虫只能在后期根结腐败组织处发现。在环境温度(24~36 ℃),生活史最短为24 d。田间重要杂草空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)根结线虫病发生普遍,形态特征鉴定为南方根结线虫,田间调查及交叉接种实验表明其可能为田间藤本豆根结线虫病的主要侵染来源。  相似文献   

红麻根结线虫病(meloidogyne spp)是红麻上的一种主要病害,在我国发生已久,为害普遍。国内外的文献中曾见过一些病原线虫种的报道,但这些报道中很少有涉及寄主和红麻根结线虫相互作用的内容。我们于1983~1986年对我国红麻上的根结线虫小种进行了初步研究,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

红麻根结线虫病(Meloidogyne sPP)是红麻上的一种主要病害,在我国发生已久,为害普遍。国内外的文献中曾见过一些病原线虫种的报道,但这些报道中很少有涉及寄主和红麻根结线虫相互作用的内容。我们于1983-1986年对我国红麻上的根结线虫小种进行了初步研究,现将结果报道如下。  相似文献   

Milled rice from 11 varieties, with amylose levels from 1.2 to 35.6% dry base, were collected to study the impacts of amylose content on starch retrogradation and textural properties of cooked rice during storage. The relationship between amylose content and different properties was determined using Pearson correlation. Starch retrogradation enthalpy (ΔHr) of cooked rice was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. ΔHr values were found to be positively correlated with amylose content (0.603 ≤ r ≤ 0.822, P < 0.01) during storage. Textural properties were determined by a Texture Analyser. The hardness of cooked rice showed a positive correlation with amylose content (0.706 ≤ r ≤ 0.866, P < 0.01) and a positive correlation with ΔHr of cooked rice (r = 0.650, P < 0.01) during storage. The adhesiveness showed a negative correlation with amylose content (−0.929 ≤ r ≤ −0.678, P < 0.01) and a negative correlation with ΔHr of cooked rice (r = −0.833, P < 0.01) during storage. Hardness showed a negative correlation with adhesiveness (r = −0.820, P < 0.01). These results indicated that amylose content has significant effects on starch retrogradation and textural properties of cooked rice. The cooked rice with high amylose content is easy to retrograde, the cooked rice with low amylose content retrograded slowly. Sarch retrogradation contributes to the changes of textural properties of cooked rice during storage.  相似文献   

Measurement of biochemical markers allows the quantification of wheat (Triticum spp.) grain tissue proportions in milling fractions. In order to evaluate the ability of extending this methodology to an unknown wheat grain batch, the variability of the markers in the different tissues was assessed on various wheat cultivars. Ferulic acid trimer amounts in the outer pericarp ranged from 0.97 to 1.67 μg mg−1 (dm) with an average value equal to 1.31 μg mg−1 (dm). Alkylresorcinols amounts in a composite layer, including the testa, the inner pericarp and the nucellar epidermis, ranged from 10.5 to 16.7 mg g−1 (dm), with an average value equal to 14.0 mg g−1 (dm). In the aleurone layer, phytic acid amounts ranged from 94.9 to 187.2 mg g−1 (dm) with an average value equal to 152 mg g−1 (dm) whereas, para-coumaric acid ranged from 0.08 to 0.29 μg mg−1 with an average level of 0.18 μg mg−1. In the embryonic axis, wheat germ agglutinin ranged from 879 μg g−1 to 2086 μg g−1 with an average value of 1487 μg g−1. The impact of this variability on tissue proportion determination was evaluated and a strategy to decrease the prediction error was suggested. Percentages of the outer pericarp, intermediate layer (including the testa), aleurone layer and embryonic axis within grains were calculated and their variability discussed.  相似文献   

The water-use characteristics of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) were studied in the field under furrow irrigation. Irrigation water quantities were based on pan evaporation (Epan) from a screened class-A pan. Treatments consisted of three irrigation intervals (I1: 7 days; I2: 14 days, I3: 21 days), and four pan coefficients (Kcp 1: 0.60; Kcp 2: 0.80, Kcp 3: 1.00 and Kcp 4: 1.20). Average irrigation values for each treatment varied from 467 to 857 mm in 2003 and 398 to 654 mm in 2004. The highest seasonal evapotranspiration was obtained from the I3Kcp 4 treatment in 2004 (1019 mm); the lowest value was observed in the I1Kcp 1 treatment in the same year (598.0 mm). Data collected in 2003 and 2004 showed that the amount of irrigation water applied significantly the affected seed yield. However, the effects of irrigation interval on yield were not significant. On average, the Kcp 3 treatment gave the highest seed yield (1.915 t ha−1), whereas Kcp 1 treatment gave the lowest (1.538 t ha−1). Seasonal yield response factors (ky) were 1.01 and 0.54 in 2003 and 2004, respectively. ET/Epan ratios for each treatment varied from 0.3 to 1.3 in 2003 and from 0.1 to 1.1 in 2004. In conclusion, the Kcp 3 plant-pan coefficient is recommended for sesame grown under field conditions in order to maximise yield.  相似文献   

Soil cultivation studies involving subterranean clover pastures were undertaken utilizing field cores from five farms and two in‐field trials. Tap and lateral root disease in cores was less (< .001) severe and root and shoot weights greater (< .001) following simulated cultivation. Germination and severity of root disease were both affected (< .005) by three‐way interactions with cultivation, cultivar and field site. Cultivation in cores suppressed tap root disease for cultivars Meteora and Riverina across the five sites and Seaton Park for two sites. In‐field trials confirmed cultivation reduces root disease severity and increases germination and plant productivity. The best in‐field treatment was cultivation + fumigation that reduced (< .05) tap and lateral root disease and increased nodulation and root and shoot weights for Riverina, Seaton Park and Woogenellup. Cultivation + fumigation also increased (< .05) germination for Woogenellup and Seaton Park. There were negative correlations (all < .001) between tap and lateral root disease with nodulation (R2 = .85, R2 = .58, respectively); tap root disease with root and shoot weight (R2 = .58, R2 = .854, respectively); and lateral root disease with root and shoot weight (R2 = .83, R2 = .64 respectively). This study highlights the close relationship between severe root disease and reduced nodulation, likely explaining much of the widespread poor nodulation in subterranean clover pastures. This study confirms that damping‐off and root disease can be mitigated by cultivation, offering producers flexibility in disease management, especially where autumn–winter feed shortages occur on a regular basis.  相似文献   

Poor yields of East African highland bananas (Musa spp., AAA-EAHB) on smallholder farms have often been attributed to problems of poor soil fertility. We measured the effects of mineral fertilizers on crop performance at two sites over two to three crop cycles; Kawanda in central Uganda and Ntungamo in southwest Uganda. Fertilizers were applied at rates of 0N–50P–600K, 150N–50P–600K, 400N–0P–600K, 400N–50P–0K, 400N–50P–250K and 400N–50P–600K kg ha−1 yr−1. In addition 60Mg–6Zn–0.5Mo–1B kg ha−1 yr−1 was applied to all treatments, with the exception of the control plots which received no fertilizer. Fresh bunch mass and yield increased with successive cycles. Yield increases above the control ranged from 3.1 to 6.2 kg bunch−1 (average bunch weight for all treatments 11.5 kg bunch−1) and 2.2–11.2 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (average yield for all treatments 15.8 Mg ha−1 yr−1) at Kawanda, compared with 12.4–16.0 kg bunch−1 (average bunch weight for all treatments 14.7 kg bunch−1) and 7.0–29.5 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (average yield for all treatments 17.9 Mg ha−1 yr−1) at Ntungamo. The limiting nutrients at both sites were in the order K > P > N. Potassium, N and P foliar nutrient mass fractions were below previously established Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms, with the smallest K mass fractions observed in the best yielding plots at Ntungamo. Total nutrient uptakes (K > N > P) were higher at Ntungamo as compared with Kawanda, probably due to better soil moisture availability and root exploration of the soil. Average N, P and K conversion efficiencies for two crop cycles at both sites amounted to 49.2 kg finger DM kg−1 N, 587 kg finger DM kg−1 P and 10.8 kg finger DM kg−1 K. Calibration results of the model QUEFTS using data from Ntungamo were reasonable (R2 = 0.57, RMSE = 648 kg ha−1). Using the measured soil chemical properties and yield data from an experiment at Mbarara in southwest Uganda, the calibrated QUEFTS model predicted yields well (R2 = 0.68, RMSE = 562 kg ha−1). We conclude that banana yields can be increased by use of mineral fertilizers, but fertilizer recovery efficiencies need to improve substantially before promoting wide-scale adoption.  相似文献   

In the framework of the E.U. project Fair CT 96-1913 “Environmental studies on sweet and fibre sorghum, sustainable crops for biomass and energy”, a research has been carried out with the aim to study the water and nitrogen balance and determine the critical N dilution curve of sweet sorghum cv. Keller. A field experiment was performed, where three irrigation treatments (I0 = dry control, I50 = 50% ETm restoration, I100 = 100% ETm restoration) and four nitrogen fertilization levels (N0 = no nitrogen control, N60 = 60 kg ha−1, N120 = 120 kg ha−1; N180 = 180 kg ha−1) were studied. The final yield was significantly affected by the amount of water distributed but not by the nitrogen level. The treatments watered up to crop establishment (I0) produced, in the average, 7.5 t ha−1 of dry matter, against 21.1 and 27.1 t ha−1 of I50 and I100, respectively. The crop determined a great reduction in nitrate concentration of soil water, irrespective of nitrogen supplied. The variation between N output and input (Δ) was negative in N0, N60 and N120 and positive in N180. The critical value of nitrogen uptake change in relation to the water availability. The amount of nitrogen supplied did not determine significant differences upon WUE. The crop seems to have a great potentiality in Mediterranean environment in terms of yield production.  相似文献   

Valorization of three varieties of grape   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the present investigation, seed methanolic extracts of three Vitis vinifera (Muscat d’Italie, Syrah and Carignan) were assayed for their antioxidant activities. Results showed that there are strong variations in the contents of total phenols (440.97–121.94 mg GAE g−1 DW), flavonoids (48.07–16.81 mg EC g−1 DW) and tanins (37.15–14.9 mg EC g−1 DW) from the studied seeds. The phenolic composition of these extracts was determined by RP–HPLC after acid hydrolysis. The main phenolic compound was quercetin with 27.2% in Muscat d’Italie, 48.8% in Syrah and 28.4% in Carignan. Besides, all seed extracts showed remarkable DPPH radical scavenging activity with IC50 values ranged from 1.8 to 30 μg ml−1. EC50 values of reducing power activity ranged from 100 to 120 μg ml−1. The high phenolic content and the considerable antioxidant activities of vitis seed extracts could potentially be considered as an expensive source of natural antioxidants.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of a ferulic acid esterase (FAE) and a non‐FAE‐producing inoculant applied alone or in combination with exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (EFE) on the fermentation and nutritive value of mixed grain (barley, oats and spring triticale) silage. The mixed crop was ensiled in laboratory mini‐silos either untreated (CON), or treated with a FAE inoculant (FAE), a non‐FAE inoculant (NFAE) or NFAE + EFE. Inoculated silages were lower (< 0·01) in water‐soluble carbohydrate, whereas NFAE and NFAE + EFE silages had higher (< 0·001) DM loss than other silages. FAE and NFAE silage had higher neutral detergent fibre (NDF), but were lower in NFAE + EFE than other silages (< 0·001). Copy numbers of 16S rRNA associated with Lactobacillus buchneri were higher (< 0·001) in NFAE and NFAE + EFE silages than in others, resulting in higher (< 0·001) acetic acid in these silages. NFAE + EFE silage had lower (< 0·001) in vitro gas production and NDF digestibility (NDFD) than other silages. FAE silage had higher (< 0·01) in situNDFD than CON and NFAE + EFE silages. Inoculation of mixed small‐grain silage with NFAE‐producing inoculants combining EFE reduced NDFD.  相似文献   

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