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采用大田裂区随机区组设计试验,研究了花生不同基因型品种对氮磷钾养分吸收、分配和利用的差异,为豫南花生主产区砂姜黑土上花生高效施肥提供技术支撑。结果表明,施肥能显著增加花生对氮、磷、钾的吸收量,豫花22对氮、磷、钾的吸收量最高,为283.6、32.8、105.9kg/hm~2,远杂6吸收量最小,为274.9、28.4、87.3kg/hm~2;花生吸收的氮主要分配在果仁和叶中,分别占吸收总量的66.7%~71.3%、11.1%~13.3%;磷主要分配在果仁和茎中,分别占总吸磷量的67.4%~75.6%、12.2%~18.3%;钾主要分配在茎和果仁中,分别占吸收总量的41.2%~49.4%、18.3%~26.5%。不同基因型品种对氮、磷、钾在花生叶、茎、根、仁和果壳中分配的比例有明显的差异。远杂9102的氮磷钾的养分利用率最高,为27.7%;其次是豫花22,为25.6%;远杂6最低,为21.6%。在N150kg/hm~2、P_2O_590kg/hm~2、K_2O 150kg/hm~2的施用量下,远杂9102是氮钾利用高效的花生品种,远杂6是磷、钾利用低效型的花生品种,豫花22是磷利用高效、氮利用低效型的花生品种。  相似文献   

通过大田试验定量研究大白菜一个种植周期的氮磷钾吸收特性,改进的氮磷钾吸收动态模型具有最佳的拟合效果,由该模型定量分析可得到最大养分吸收速率、最大养分吸收量及其出现的时间等大白菜氮磷钾吸收特征参数。结果表明,平衡施肥明显提高大白菜氮磷钾的最大吸收速率和最大吸收量;大白菜氮磷钾吸收过程基本同步,吸收特性主要是由品种的营养特性决定;氮磷钾最大吸收速率出现在播种后71~83 d,最大吸收量出现在播种后90~109 d。  相似文献   

为在巴拿马枯萎病高抗品种‘中蕉9号’推广应用中合理施肥和进行有效的养分管理。以大田正常管理条件下的‘中蕉9号’为试材,采用整株肢解法研究‘中蕉9号’香蕉根、茎、叶、果穗4个器官的干物质氮磷钾养分累积及分配规律,以探讨其养分综合管理技术。结果表明,‘中蕉9号’单株鲜重、干重平均为(145.35±6.42)、(18.18±0.70) kg/株,干物质不足整个植株鲜重的1/8,干物质中灰分仅占8%。4个器官鲜重大小依次是茎(93.53 kg/株)>果穗(33.38 kg/株)>叶(14.93 kg/株)>根(3.51 kg/株)。干物质累积分配规律和鲜重一致,即茎>果穗>叶>根。茎的干重为8.44 kg/株,其中干物质主要分配在假茎中(76%),球头仅占24%。叶的干重为2.77 kg/株,干物质在叶片中的分配比例是56%,在叶柄中的分配比例是44%。果穗的干重为6.71 kg/株,其中果实的干物质分配比高达94%,果轴的仅占6%。对整株香蕉而言,约2/3的干物质分配到根茎叶中,即2/3的光合产物用于根茎叶的生长,而只有约1/3的光合产物用于果实生长。平均而言,‘中蕉9号’每株累积吸收纯氮116.89 g、纯磷23.67 g、纯钾510.29 g,氮磷钾的吸收比例为1.00:0.20:4.37。氮磷钾吸收累积量在4个器官中的分配大小依次是:茎>果穗>叶>根;根、茎、叶、果穗中的N:P:K比例分别为1.00:0.21:6.82、1.00:0.25:7.38、1.00:0.13:1.96、1.00:0.21:3.10,可见4个器官中,茎部吸收累积氮磷钾总量以及钾的比例最大。‘中蕉9号’根茎叶特别是茎中干物质和钾的吸收累积量远大于巴西蕉是其养分管理值得重视的一个特点。根据‘中蕉9号’生物量和氮磷钾吸收累积分配规律,参考巴西蕉的研究结果,本研究提出‘中蕉9号’的养分管理的建议:孕蕾前应适当控制养分水分供应,限制茎叶徒长和养分消耗;肥料N:P2O5:K2O的比例可参考巴西蕉的营养特性,在孕蕾前采用2.0:0.5~1.0:1.0,在孕蕾至抽蕾期,采用1.0:0.5:2.0,抽蕾后至收获前采用1.0:0.5:2.5~3.0的配方。为了做到更好的养分管理和实现化肥高效利用,‘中蕉9号’茎和叶中积累如此多的碳水化合物和钾以及如何促进他们运输到果实是值得研究的课题。  相似文献   

不同肥料滴灌配施夏玉米产量与氮磷钾吸收利用特性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以郑单958为材料,在滴灌施肥条件下设不施氮(N0)、不施磷(P0)、不施钾(K0)和氮磷钾均施(NPK)4个处理,以传统灌溉施肥方式(施用量同NPK处理)为对照,研究滴灌水肥一体不同肥料配施夏玉米产量与氮磷钾吸收、分配及利用特性。结果表明,滴灌条件下,相较于磷钾肥,玉米对氮肥更敏感。N0处理的产量、干物质积累量、整株氮磷吸收量均显著降低,其叶片钾含量、茎鞘磷含量极显著增加,导致叶片钾积累量、茎鞘磷积累量显著增加。P0和K0处理玉米产量、干物质积累量、植株氮素吸收量均与NPK处理无显著差异,分别导致磷素和钾素吸收量显著降低。不施磷钾肥处理氮素从秸秆向子粒的转运受到限制,子粒含氮量下降,氮素收获指数显著降低。滴灌条件下,氮磷钾肥平衡施用玉米养分吸收均衡、分配合理,物质生产和产量显著高于传统灌溉施肥方式。  相似文献   

研究了海滨中度盐土条件下海滨锦葵的干物质积累、养分吸收与产量的关系。结果表明,海滨锦葵各生育期的干物质积累量大小依次为灌浆期成熟期开花期现蕾期苗期。氮磷钾的吸收量在整个生育期遵循"慢-快-慢"的规律,吸收速率呈现先升后降的趋势,最高峰出现在灌浆期。整个生育期海滨锦葵对氮、磷的吸收量是果叶茎,对钾的吸收量是果茎叶。在海滨盐土中等盐分土壤(0.4%~0.5%)上种植海滨锦葵,每生产100kg籽粒需氮8.5kg、磷1.0kg、钾5.3kg,氮磷钾吸肥比例为1∶0.1∶0.6。  相似文献   

间作条件下玉米与马铃薯的养分利用特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用田间小区试验,通过2行玉米间作2行马铃薯、4行玉米间作4行马铃薯及相应单作试验,在玉米拔节期和大喇叭口期比较植株氮磷钾浓度和养分吸收量,研究玉米间作马铃薯中养分吸收和肥料利用效率的变化。结果表明,玉米大喇叭口期,间作玉米植株氮钾浓度显著低于单作(F_氮=6.608,P_氮=0.015;F_钾=5.148,P_钾=0.028),且根、茎、叶中氮磷钾浓度都低于单作处理,部分差异达到了显著水平,根对氮和磷的利用贡献大一些,茎对钾的利用贡献大。间作玉米的养分吸收量没有优势,但间作玉米单株产量极显著高于单作,产量与玉米大喇叭口期植株氮钾浓度极显著和显著负相关,表明提高玉米氮钾利用效率可促进增产。  相似文献   

氮钾互作对春玉米养分吸收动态及模式的影响   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
何萍  金继运 《玉米科学》1999,7(3):068-072
采用田间试验与植株分析等方法研究了不同氮钾配比下春玉米养分吸收动态及模式,结果表明,不同氮钾配比下春玉米氮磷钾绝对量的积累均符合Logistic方程,肥料用量与比例可明显影响到玉米养分吸收最大速率及其出现日期。用量及比例适宜可获得较高的养分最大吸收速率,且其最大速率出现日期相对较早;玉米氮素最大吸收速率出现在中后期,应注意氮肥的分次施用。每生产100kg玉米子粒,适宜氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)的吸收量分别为1.954、0.376和1.390kg。植株养分吸收适宜比例为1:0.19:0.71。  相似文献   

香蕉是世界重要的热带亚热带水果,在热带经济的发展中占有重要的地位。我国是世界香蕉重要生产国之一,总产量仅次于印度,位居世界第二。低pH和铝毒是香蕉生产中面临的重要限制因子,严重影响香蕉的产量和品质。明确低pH和铝毒胁迫对香蕉生长和养分吸收的影响,为调控酸性土壤提供重要的理论依据。本研究分别在盆栽和水培条件下开展试验,盆栽试验设置pH 3.7和6.5两个梯度,选择‘威廉斯B6’‘巴西’和‘南天黄’3个香蕉品种,对比不同品种香蕉对低pH响应的差异性。试验结果显示,低pH显著抑制香蕉生长和养分吸收。种植在高pH 6.5土壤上的3个香蕉品种的生物量及不同部位(根系、假茎和叶片)养分含量(磷、钾、钙和镁)显著高于种植在低pH 3.7土壤上的香蕉。与高pH相比,生长在pH 3.7的土壤上,生物量平均下降77%,氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等养分吸收量下降73%~604%;而相同pH条件下,不同品种间总体上差异不显著。水培试验设置0、25、50、100 μmol/L四个铝浓度,香蕉根尖苏木精染色结果显示,随着铝浓度的增加,香蕉根尖颜色逐渐加深,出现明显铝毒现象。香蕉地上部生物量和养分含量(氮、磷、钙和镁)随着铝浓度的增加呈下降趋势。100 μmol/L 铝浓度显著降低了香蕉根系的生长速率、地上部生物量、叶缘与叶中心SPAD值及钙和镁的吸收量。本研究表明蕉园土壤低pH和铝毒显著影响了香蕉的生长和养分吸收,不同品种间表现出相同的趋势,研究结果为酸性土壤调控提供重要参考,有助于促进香蕉产业提质增效与绿色发展。  相似文献   

氮磷钾配比对宁乡烟后晚稻产量和养分积累分配的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确宁乡烟区烟后晚稻适宜的氮磷钾比例,于2012年开展大田试验,比较研究不同氮磷钾配比对烟后晚稻的产量与养分积累分配的影响。结果表明:本试验条件下(移栽前土壤有效磷、速效钾含量分别为37.56、227.25 mg/kg),各氮磷钾配比处理间产量差异不显著,以1∶1∶0处理产量略高(8 457.3 kg/hm~2),说明烟草季重施肥条件下,宁乡烟区烟后晚稻可不施磷钾肥。各处理氮磷钾积累量与养分收获指数差异显著,烟后晚稻氮磷钾养分的积累与分配明显受到养分施用量的影响,同时也受到氮磷钾养分配比的显著影响。  相似文献   

甘蔗钾素吸收、累积和分配的动态变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以国内当前甘蔗主栽品种ROC22为材料,通过田间实验分析了甘蔗主要器官钾素含量、累积、分配和吸收的动态变化特征。结果表明:在相同生育期,上部茎和青叶鞘始终是钾素含量较高的器官,青叶和中、下部茎次之,根系、枯叶和枯叶鞘则始终相对较低。钾素主要累积于青叶(鞘)和蔗茎中。拔节前青叶(鞘)中的钾素占植株总累积量的95%以上,拔节后其钾素分配比例持续下降,而蔗茎中则持续上升,在工艺成熟期分配至蔗茎的钾素占整个植株的83.3%。甘蔗钾素阶段吸收量和吸收速率则呈现了先上升后下降的趋势,分蘖期至茎伸长4期为甘蔗主要钾素吸收积累阶段,占生育期总吸收的86.8%,其中分蘖期至拔节期的钾素阶段吸收量(4 791.3 mg/plant)和吸收速率(159.7 mg/plant·d)最高,为甘蔗钾素吸收的最大效率期。  相似文献   

Marine organisms represent an excellent source of innovative compounds that have the potential for the development of new drugs. The pharmacokinetics of marine drugs has attracted increasing interest in recent decades due to its effective and potential contribution to the selection of rational dosage recommendations and the optimal use of the therapeutic arsenal. In general, pharmacokinetics studies how drugs change after administration via the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). This review provides a summary of the pharmacokinetics studies of marine-derived active compounds, with a particular focus on their ADME. The pharmacokinetics of compounds derived from algae, crustaceans, sea cucumber, fungus, sea urchins, sponges, mollusks, tunicate, and bryozoan is discussed, and the pharmacokinetics data in human experiments are analyzed. In-depth characterization using pharmacokinetics is useful for obtaining information for understanding the molecular basis of pharmacological activity, for correct doses and treatment schemes selection, and for more effective drug application. Thus, an increase in pharmacokinetic research on marine-derived compounds is expected in the near future.  相似文献   

Résumé Fusarium culmorum et, dans une moindre mesure,F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes etCylindrocarpon sp. ont été isolés de tubercules entreposés en atmosphère contr?lée (AC) et atteints de pourriture grave. Des expériences d'inoculation de tubercules avec 10 espèces ou variétés fongiques et conservation en AC à 8 et 10°C ont montré que: 1) les champignons non pathogènes en atmosphère normale (ex.:Cylindrocarpon sp.) le devenaient en AC, 2) ceux qui étaient faiblement pathogènes en atmosphère normale étaient nettement plus virulents en AC (ex.:F. culmorum), 3) les espèces ou variétés virulentes en conditions d'air normales (Fusarium sulphureum etPhoma exigua var.foveata) ne provoquaient pas de pourriture plus grave en AC et leur activité pouvait même être légérement freinée.
Summary The extensive rotting of tubers which occurred during storage trials in controlled atmospheres has led to a mycological and pathological study of the rots. The most frequently isolated species wasFusarium culmorum althoughF. avenaceum, F. Sambucinum, Coletotrichum coccodes and aCylindrocarpon sp. were also present. Tubers of cvs Bintje and Ulla were inoculated with 19 isolates of 10 fungal species or varieties associated with rotting of stored tubers (Table 1). The tubers were incubated at 8 or 10°C in normal or controlled (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2) atmospheres and the extent of rotting was determined a month later (Tables 2 and 3 and Fig. 2). Species which were weakly virulent in a normal atmosphere (variousFusarium spp. andPhoma exigua var.exigua) were clearly more aggressive in the controlled atmosphere and this was especially evident in the case ofF. culmorum. Species ot pathogenic in a normal atmosphere under experimental conditions (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp.,Phoma eupyrena) caused rotting in the controlled atmosphere. The two species which were virulent in a normal atmosphere (F. sulphureum andP. exigua var.foveata) were also virulent in the controlled atmosphere and in some cases the extent of rotting was even less. As a general rule, rotting caused by weakly virulent fungi was greater in both cultivars in the controlled than in a normal atmosphere.

Zusammenfassung Eine starke F?ulnis von in Kontrotrollierter Atmosph?re gelagerten Kartoffelknollen veranlasste eine mykologische und pathologische Untersuchung. Der am h?ufigsten isolierte Pilz warFusarium culmorum. F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes undCylindrocarpon sp. wurden ebenfalls bestimmt. Neunzehn St?mme von 10 Pilzsorten oder-Arten welche bei Lagerf?ulnis vorkommen (Tab. 1) wurden auf Knollen der Sorten Bintje und Ulla inokuliert. Die Lagerung wurde bei 8 oder 10°C under Normalbedingungen oder kontrollierter Atmosph?re durchgeführt (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2). Der F?ulnisgrad (Abb. 1) wurde nach einem Monat bonitiert. Die Ergebnisse sind in den Tabellen 2 und 3 dargestellt und in der Abb. 2 illustriert. Unter in Normalbedingungen nur schwach virulente Arten (verschiedeneFusarien undPhoma exigua var. exigua) waren deutlich aktiver in kontrollierter Atmosph?re. Dies was besonders der Fall fürF. culmorum. Pilze, die im Versuch unter Normalbedingungen nicht pathogen waren (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp., Phoma eupyrena), haben unter kontrollierter Atmosph?re Sch?den verursacht. Hingegen werden die beiden unter Normalbedingungen sehr pathogenen Arten (F. sulphureum undP., exigua var.foveata), durch kontrollierte Atmosph?re wenig beeinflusst. Es wurde sogar in einigen F?llen eine gewisse Verringerung des F?ulnisbefalls beobachtet. Ganz allgemein haben die getesteten kontrollierten Bedingungen die Entwicklung der Pilzf?ulnis an beiden Kartoffelsorten gef?rdert, speziell durch Pilzarten, welche unter Normal-bedingungen wenig Sch?den verursachen.

The review of the 2016–2017 marine pharmacology literature was prepared in a manner similar as the 10 prior reviews of this series. Preclinical marine pharmacology research during 2016–2017 assessed 313 marine compounds with novel pharmacology reported by a growing number of investigators from 54 countries. The peer-reviewed literature reported antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis, and antiviral activities for 123 marine natural products, 111 marine compounds with antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities as well as affecting the immune and nervous system, while in contrast 79 marine compounds displayed miscellaneous mechanisms of action which upon further investigation may contribute to several pharmacological classes. Therefore, in 2016–2017, the preclinical marine natural product pharmacology pipeline generated both novel pharmacology as well as potentially new lead compounds for the growing clinical marine pharmaceutical pipeline, and thus sustained with its contributions the global research for novel and effective therapeutic strategies for multiple disease categories.  相似文献   


Vitamin A, iodine, and iron deficiencies affect large numbers of people worldwide. A deficiency of one or more of these micronutrients adversely affects the physical and mental abilities of humans. South Asia contains a high percentage of these individuals, not just because of its large population, but also the prevalence of deficiency is higher there than in many other parts of the world. The reasons for the high rates of deficiency in South Asia are many, but they include inadequate availability of micronutrient-rich foods, sub-optimal dietary habits, and high rates of infection. Across the region, national plans vary from (a) increasing availability of appropriate foods, (b) introducing new dietary behaviors, (c) improving health status, and (d) directly addressing deficiency through intervention programs. The extent to which each of the countries is making progress toward the goals of these plans can help in understanding the priorities for future efforts to address micronutrient malnutrition. This article discusses the adverse effects of micronutrient deficiencies in humans with special reference to South Asia.  相似文献   


Within the last three decades, the rice-wheat cropping system has triggered, and with time, aggravated soil micronutrient deficiencies in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). This has largely been due to the shift from an earlier rice and wheat monoculture with low yielding, long duration indigenous varieties, to an intensive rice-wheat rotation cropping system with short duration modern high yielding varieties on the same piece of land. The problems related to micronutrient deficiency in the IGP are more due to the size of its available pools in the soil rather than its total contents and are greatly influenced by crop management, or rather its mismanagement. Deficiency of zinc is widespread in the IGP, but with the extensive use of zinc sulfate, zinc deficiency has reduced in some areas of the region. Meanwhile, the deficiency of Fe, Mn and B has increased in the IGP. Deficiency of Cu and Mo is location specific and can limit rice and wheat yields. The adoption and spread of the rice-wheat system in permeable coarse textured soils, particularly in the western IGP, not only caused iron deficiency in rice but also resulted in the emergence of manganese deficiency in wheat. In highly calcareous and acidic soils, boron is the next limiting micronutrient in crop production after zinc. Bumper rice and wheat harvests in the past decade, the declining use of organic manures in the region and except for the widespread use of zinc sulfate, a general lack of awareness amongst farmers on micronutrient deficiency problems has contributed to micronutrients limiting rice and wheat yields in the IGP. Approaches to alleviating micronutrient deficiencies include matching the crop removals of the micronutrients with its replenishments through their respective external carriers, supplementation through organic sources and mobilization/utilization through cultivation of micronutrient efficient crop cultivars. Identification of efficient micronutrient carriers and finding the optimum rate, mode and time of its application is important in ameliorating the micronutrient deficiencies. This article reviews the extent of micronutrient deficiency and discusses various management options available to reduce micronutrient deficiency induced crop yield reduction for rice and wheat in the Indo-Gangetic Plains.  相似文献   

Plains rough fescue ( F estuca hallii) is an important forage grass species in western Canada. Seed for use in pastures and ecological restoration is in high demand but supply is limited because F. hallii is an erratic seed producer. Seed producers require an understanding of the factors that influence flowering and seed set in this species. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the flowering and growth of F. hallii in a native rough fescue prairie in Alberta, Canada. Irrigation had a strong positive effect on seedhead density, whereas fertilization had limited effects on growth and reproduction of F. hallii. These results demonstrate that under field conditions, available moisture is likely to be a key factor driving flowering and seed production in F. hallii.  相似文献   

Marine biomass diversity is a tremendous source of potential anticancer compounds. Several natural marine products have been described to restore tumor cell sensitivity to TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL)-induced cell death. TRAIL is involved during tumor immune surveillance. Its selectivity for cancer cells has attracted much attention in oncology. This review aims at discussing the main mechanisms by which TRAIL signaling is regulated and presenting how marine bioactive compounds have been found, so far, to overcome TRAIL resistance in tumor cells.  相似文献   

Summary Morphological and biochemical parameters that could be involved in resistance to late blight were studied in non-infected and in infected potato hybrids resulting from a cross betweenSolanum phureja, resistant toPhytophthora infestans, and a susceptibleSolanum tuberosum. Some morphological differences between resistant and susceptible hybrids, indicating a positive correlation between stem diameter and phloem thickness in the stem and resistance toP. infestans, were observed. The lignin content in the leaves of the resistant hybrid rose upon infection byP. infestans. In the leaves of the susceptible hybrid, a diminution of the lignin content could be observed upon infection byP. infestans. In the same context, peroxidasic activity raised upon infection byP. infestans in both resistant and susceptible hybrids. Further characterization of the hybrid clones based on the polymorphism of peroxidases was attempted using isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Potato is an important crop, grown worldwide. It suffers from many pests and diseases among which late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, is the worst. The disease is still causing major damage in many potato production areas and control is only possible by applying fungicides frequently. The knowledge on the molecular biology and genetics of the interaction between the plant and the oomycete is developing rapidly. These are relevant fields of study, currently dominated by the discovery of many resistance genes and numerous effector proteins and the analysis of their specific mode of action. These studies may yield essential information needed for the development of durable resistance. The long-term and worldwide effort to breed for resistance so far has had little effect. A novel breeding approach may change this. It is based on cisgenic modification (CM) consisting of marker-free pyramiding of several resistance genes and their spatial and temporal deployment yielding dynamic varieties that contain potato genes only. It is envisioned that this CM approach with potato’s own genes will not only prove societally acceptable but may also result in simplifications in the legislation on use of the CM approach. Various parties in the potato research arena intend to cooperate in this novel approach in a number of developing countries where potato substantially contributes to food security. The use of resources such as land, water and energy improves when the effect of late blight is markedly reduced.  相似文献   

In an experimental breeding scheme to improve late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and white potato cyst nematode (Globodera pallida) resistance of tetraploid potato over three generations of crossing and selection, 15 clones survived the final selection, and these were derived from 15 great-grandparents. There was no direct selection for resistance to Potato virus Y (PVY), but 14 out of the 15 great-grandparents were resistant to PVY and three had extreme resistance. Thirteen of the 15 descendants had PVY resistance and one extreme resistance. This was within the range expected for a random (unselected) sample from the genotypes of the great-grandparents. Hence, we found no evidence for any positive or negative association between PVY resistance and the attributes selected. The conclusion is that laborious selection is not required in every generation when many parents have PVY resistance, including some with more than one copy of a PVY resistance gene or resistance at more than one locus. However, in the future, determining the major virus resistance genes present in potential parents in each generation using diagnostic molecular markers would prevent susceptible × susceptible crosses being made and maximise the number of resistant × resistant ones.  相似文献   

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