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茶文化体系中所具有的思维理念和价值特点,以及其中所具有的艺术特征和文化思维,事实上对当前我们所开展的各项活动都有着深刻影响。可以说,应用好茶思维理念,将为整个行政法教学活动的实施与开展,起到根本性的推动力与发展潜力。本文拟从当前学校行政法教学活动的实施差错分析入手,结合茶思维理念的具体价值内涵理解,通过融入当前学校行政法教学活动的实施要求,进而探究学校行政法教学活动开展过程中茶思维的具体运用思路。  相似文献   

本文分析了棉花增产幅度应用的局限性、算数平均数在品系适应性和稳定性评估中的局限性及统计学上P值误用的现象和原因,并提出合理应用的建议,指出在棉花育种中必须准确运用统计方法对数据进行分析,才能得出正确的结论。  相似文献   

本文详细的介绍了BIM技术的相关概念,并分析了使用该软件在茶楼类型建筑设计中的特点、优势、以及创新应用。本文结合了具体的设计项目,对BIM的技术运用进行了实践性的分析,最终总结了BIM技术在设计中的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Microsoft Excel在农业科研数据资料中的统计应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简述了Microsoft Excel分析工具库的安装和使用,并以实例介绍了该分析工具库在农业科研数据资料中的统计应用。  相似文献   

基于甘肃省大型马铃薯批发市场在2012年1月至2022年2月的价格数据,通过对数据进行统计和处理,计算出价格数据的极差、平均值、标准偏差和变异系数,对历年月度价格的波动幅度和波动频率进行定量分析,并运用价格弹性、蛛网理论、季节指数等来解释价格波动,提出从市场供求关系、市场不确定性和信息不对称的角度来解释价格波动的原因。最后,为了进一步保障薯户的利益而提出相关的政策建议,如深入研究价格波动规律和建立价格波动预测平台等。  相似文献   

论文利用中国慢性病前瞻研究(CKB)10个项目地区512β824个样本数据,对中国茶叶消费做了系统全面的描述和统计,在此基础上通过将茶叶消费者进行分类,使用OLS模型分别分析影响消费者饮茶习惯、茶叶消费者饮茶频率、每日饮茶数量和杯数的相关因素。研究显示,家庭收入和饮茶历史对茶叶消费者的饮茶频率、每日饮茶杯数和茶叶消费量具有显著的正向影响,年龄与中国消费者饮茶习惯呈显著负相关,与饮茶者消费频率有显著正向影响,与重度茶叶消费者每日饮茶量和每日饮茶杯数呈现负相关,采用每日饮茶杯数分析茶叶消费行为,会导致结论存在较大偏差。对今后中国茶叶消费的研究,提出要对消费者进行分类,并以每日茶叶消费量来取代饮茶杯数,并同时提出今后开发茶叶消费市场的对策建议。  相似文献   

为寻求甜菜糖度检测的质量控制方法,就甜菜块根检测质量控制问题利用显著性统计原理建立甜菜糖度控制图进行探讨,研究检测过程的统计规律。利用控制图对检测数据结果进行分析,验证过程输出的稳定性,预测过程的发展趋势,对过程进行连续监控,以达到有效地监控整个糖度检测过程,实现甜菜糖度检测实验室的质量控制,提高检测的准确度。  相似文献   

《茶叶科学》在全国农林渔牧学科类期刊评价中排序第七   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
《期刊引证报告》 (JCR)是美国科学情报研究所 (ISI)继编辑出版《科学引文索引》 (SCI)之后 ,又出版的另一种新型的用于期刊引用分析的重要工具。利用JCR所提供的统计数据 ,可以清楚地了解期刊引用和被引用的情况 ,引用频率等情况。自问世来 ,一直在开展科研管理和科学评价期刊方面发挥很大作用。中国科技信息研究所按照JCR的模式 ,结合中国的具体情况 ,编辑出版《中国科技期刊引证报告》 (CCR)。 (下简称报告 )。该报告的扩刊版是以 1998年2 6 4 8种中国科技期刊的引文数据为依据 ,用总被引频次 ,影响因子、即年指标和基…  相似文献   

 全国棉花比对试验能科学地评价实验室在同行业中的水平,并促进实验室的质量控制工作。概述了2011年全国棉纤维HVI以及常规项目测定结果,分析了存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

通过对传统音乐文化的具体内涵进行分析,我们能够感受到其中所具有的文化要素和内涵,尤其是其中所具有的情感内涵,而传统音乐文化运用到茶艺演唱表演活动中,其能够实现整个表演活动的创新发展与整体性完善。本文拟从传统音乐文化体系的具体内涵分析入手,结合茶艺表演活动的具体特征分析,通过对传统音乐文化在茶艺演唱表演活动中应用可行性分析,从而探究传统音乐文化在茶艺演唱表演活动中的具体运用思路。  相似文献   

为深入了解黄淮冬麦区不同时期大面积推广品种的HMW—GS组成情况,为该区品质育种提供依据,利用SDS—PAGE电泳技术对253份黄淮冬麦区不同时期大面积推广品种HMW—GS组成进行了分析。结果表明,该区主栽品种在Glu-Al位点具有3种亚基类型(Null,1,2^*),Glu—B1位点具有6种亚基类型(6+8,7+8,7+9,13+16,14+15,17+18).Glu—Dl位点具有2种亚基类型(2+12,5+10)。对加工品质具有正效应的优质亚基14+15出现频率为11.3%.5+10亚基频率为15.1%;而具有较高品质得分的亚基组合“0,14+15,5+10”、“1,14+15,5+10”及“1.13+16,5+10”的品种较少。济麦20各位点均聚合了优质亚基,可以作为亲本加以利用。意大利引进品种阿夫(Funo)也是优质亚基“14+15”的来源之一。  相似文献   

Due to recent changes in EC subsidies for flax cultivation it has been difficult to grow short fibre flax profitably in the UK. The Texflax project aimed to demonstrate that high quality flax fibre can be produced and processed on short fibre cotton spinning systems. Initially 92 flax accessions were cultivated on test sites in the UK over three growing seasons to explore the range of fibre diameter found in fibre flax. The efficacy of applying a translocating herbicide at different stages of plant maturity for optimum fine fibre production was explored. A range of factors indicated that application at the midpoint of flowering stage is favourable for the desiccation of flax and onset of retting. Fibre was caustic extracted using a laboratory method developed at De Montfort University, and fibre evaluated in terms of diameter, length, consistency and cleanliness. At the end of the project five accessions from the original 92 were chosen as producing optimal quality fibre suitable for high value textile end uses. Improved agronomy and subsequent processing enabled yarns with a 50:50 cotton:flax blend to be spun at 26 N m yarn count, the normal blend ratio for this count being 70:30. The yarn properties show an improvement when compared to standard products and finer quality fabrics have been prepared using the yarns.  相似文献   

The mass balance of orchard air-blast sprayers has historically been assessed using an array of samplers to capture airborne particles. However, these methods only provide an idea of flux with no other information which is pertinent to understand the movement of droplets and their potential to drift. While droplet analysis for agricultural sprayers has always been conducted in a laboratory setting with the use of laser devices, a new phase Doppler approach is being explored to assess droplet spectra, velocity, and flux in outdoor field conditions. Therefore it is the objective of this study to develop a methodology and the potential limitations for using a phase Doppler system while in a laboratory setting. Due to the expected variability of field conditions as well as the turbulence of orchard sprayers, a computational approach was sought to assess flux from a single scan of a conical spray plume's diameter. Using a constant scanning speed of 0.0079 m/s, a disc core (D1/DC33) hollow cone nozzle was examined at 310, 410, and 520 kPa pressure at five different heights (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 cm). Computational flux was then compared to the actual flow rate, finding a −3.3% average error with a range of −16.9% and 4.7% illustrating a small underestimation of mass with the phase Doppler which was related to distance and droplet frequency. Further, comparisons were also assessed including pattern/symmetry, droplet spectra, velocity, and the overall number of samples. The proposed methodology indicates potential for the use of phase Doppler technology for in situ measurements of spray equipment using a conical-type spray nozzle, such as that of the orchard air-blast sprayer.  相似文献   

A non-invasive near infrared (NIR) technique has been used to identify changes in the development of bread dough during mixing. A Perten DA-7000 Diode Array NIR instrument with a fibre optic probe attachment was used. Both breadmaking and biscuit making varieties of wheat were examined. Doughs were mixed using a laboratory scale Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP) mixer and NIR spectra were gathered (one every 2 s). Flour quality data were used to determine the relationship between NIR and breadmaking quality attributes and to study varietal differences in breadmaking performance. Instrumental and sensory techniques were used to establish the important quality attributes of commercially and laboratory produced bread. NIR spectra and mixer torque were measured at different mixing times to obtain an overall picture of the mixing process from the initial hydration of the flour particles through optimum dough development until overmixing had occurred. Loaves were produced and assessed for volume by seed displacement and crumb structure using an image analysis technique. The dough elastic modulus was measured at a range of mixing times using a Bohlin VOR Rheometer. Comparison of results from the NIR spectra, dough properties and bread quality was carried out. Results revealed a relationship between the rheological properties of dough and the final quality parameters of bread. NIR was shown to have considerable merit in following dough changes during mixing which were related to final bread quality and thus has the potential to be used as an on-line method for controlling breadmaking mixers.  相似文献   

对国内一些省市农产品质量安全追溯系统进行调研,结合海南省重点科技计划项目“海南省热带农产品质量安全追溯系统研究”的经验,参照农业部发布的《NY/T 1431-2007农产品追溯编码导则》标准,阐述农产品流通码及追溯码的编码知识。  相似文献   

花生种质资源对黄曲霉菌侵染的反应   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
对来自我国不同生态区的700份花生种质进行抗黄曲霉菌侵染的评价。鉴定结果表明,700份花生种质中,大部分对黄曲霉菌侵染表现高感,低侵染率(50%以下)种质仅12份,其中EF7284的侵染率最低,为28.57%。低侵染率花生种质均来自南方生态区的珍珠豆型材料,本文对低侵染率花生种质的主要植物学,农艺性状及品质性状作了分析评价。  相似文献   

This article describes the pilot study on the water reuse for agricultural irrigation in Korea. The project is a part of the application of wastewater reuse system for Agriculture project, a 21st Century Frontier R&D Program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology and associated with the Sustainable Water Resources Research Program. The goal of the project was to develop infra-technologies necessary to reclaim wastewater for irrigation in agriculture. The project involved two phases: laboratory and field research. Reclamation techniques for irrigation and feasible reuse were developed as a first step in proposing appropriate water quality standards. Reclaimed wastewater of various qualities was used to irrigate cereal crops and vegetables, and possible adverse effects on crops, humans, and the environment were investigated. The optimal reclamation methods required to satisfy water quality standards were explored and the operational characteristics investigated. Moreover, an inventory of farmlands that could reuse reclaimed wastewater was established. Feasible delivery systems for irrigation were developed, and pilot project sites were identified. Finally, operational field data from pilot units were collected and analyzed. This research and development may help solve water shortage problems in Korea, which left unaddressed will have an adverse effect on future generations.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of hydraulic fracturing is considered to be one of the causes of leakage in fill-type dams. In recent years, it has been found that an estimate of the fracture toughness of a given type of soil could be used as an indicator of the soils resistance to hydraulic fracturing. One of the problems encountered in its estimation is the assumption that fracture toughness has been theoretically defined for samples of infinite sizes. In this study, laboratory tests were conducted to determine the fracture toughness of samples (of the same size) prepared with initial cracks of various lengths. The main objective was to investigate the relationship of the initial crack length to fracture toughness. The stress distribution around the crack tip for each laboratory test sample was estimated by FEM analysis and by a theoretical equation. These analytical results corresponded reasonably well to results from laboratory tests to determine the appropriate length of the initial crack for the test specimens.  相似文献   

In recent years, the deterioration of irrigation facilities has been progressing in the countries of Southeast Asia, as well as Japan. Hence, it is vital to introduce the concept of stock management, which decreases their life cycle costs. Life cycle costs of each scenario that combined construction methods and timing of implementation were compared by using single curves degradation prediction model and the Markov chain model as method of degradation prediction based on the result of the functional diagnosis executed in Laos Tha Ngon project area. Scenarios were made from combined types of frequency of operation and maintenance (O&M) of facilities, which were low-frequency, medium-frequency and high-frequency, with types of quality of construction method, which were low-quality, medium-quality and high-quality. As a result, in case of Laos Tha Ngon, a scenario combined middle-frequency of O&M with middle-quality of construction method has become the lowest cost in the four scenarios. This process was shown as a method in stock management which attempts to maintain long life for irrigation facilities and contributes to efficient budget implementation through the reduction of the rehabilitation and the renewal of projects expense.  相似文献   

皖南茶桕复合生态系统的土壤肥力特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄晓澜  丁瑞兴 《茶叶科学》1989,9(2):109-116
研究结果表明,茶树—乌桕复合生态系统土壤肥力水平比普通茶园有明显提高,主要反映在土壤三相组成、有机质含量与质量、水解酶系活性和有效养分库容量等几个方面,有利于提高茶叶产量和品质,因此认为茶树—乌桕复合生态系统值得在皖南以至江南丘陵茶区试行和推广。此外,还对茶园土壤肥力指标及含义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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