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惠满丰是高效有机肥,施用惠满丰是发展持续农业,绿色农业的有效措施,经多年使用表明,水稻应用惠满丰,增产效果显著,平均增产12.1%,增效1246.9元/hm^2,并能促早熟2-3d,改善产品品质。  相似文献   

马铃薯专用肥用量试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在我省东北部马铃薯种植区,设置该地区研制的宣农牌马铃薯专用复混肥不同施用量对合作88品种增产效应的对比试验,为同类型地区马铃薯丰产栽培科学施肥研究及大面积示范推广提供依据。本试验中,以每667m2施用80kg专用肥作底肥为最佳施肥方案,平均单产达到了4216 7kg/667m2,比对照增产鲜薯2383 4kg/667m2,增幅达到了130%。同时,该处理中的平均单株产量、商品薯率和肥料效应等也为最高。  相似文献   

[目的]探索施用配方肥对粳稻经济性状及土壤化肥使用减量的影响。[方法]在大关镇畈村开展了粳稻施用配方肥生产示范试验。[结果]粳稻施用配方肥A,可减施化肥(折纯)64.5 kg/hm^2,增产694.5 kg/hm^2;施用配方肥B可减施化肥(折纯)42.0 kg/hm^2,增产633.0 kg/hm^2。[结论]水稻生产可大面积推广使用配方肥,对粳稻而言,配方肥A效果最佳。  相似文献   

在砂红壤西瓜上施用壮禾牌有机无机复混肥料,每公顷施肥1050kg作基肥与等量的25%复混肥料肥效相当,比20%的单质化肥具有极显著增产效果.  相似文献   

玉米专用肥肥效及施用技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孟祥富  王英  夏君  陈晶莉 《杂粮作物》2005,25(2):109-110
含有机物质的玉米专用复混肥在辽宁东北部地区有良好的增产效果,以施用600~750 kg/hm2为好,一次性基施好于基施加追肥.  相似文献   

兰兴庆 《杂粮作物》2002,22(2):83-84
龙薯1号是福建省龙岩市农业科学研究所育成的甘薯新品种,具有早熟、优质、高产、稳产、抗逆性强、适应性广等特点,在两年的福建省甘薯新品种区域试验中,产量分别为42814.5kg/hm^2和40962.0kg/hm^2,比对照金山57增产7.43%和20.70%。龙薯1号应适时早插,保证生育期120-130d。密度52500-60000株/hm^2,分生育阶段进行田间管理。  相似文献   

2001年引进9个甘薯新品种(系),以金山57为对照,进行品种生产试种试验。在参试的9个品种(系)中,鲜薯产量以龙薯9号产量最高,达37875kg/hm^2,比对照金山57增产41.4%。其次为宁薯303,鲜薯产量31249.5kg/hm^2,比对照金山57增产16.8%,增产显著。薯干产量以金山291最高,达8200.5kg/hm^2,比对照金山57增产24.7%,其次是龙薯9号,薯干产量为7875.0kg/hm^2,比对照金山57增产19.8%,达显著水平。金山291淀粉率最高,达18.7%,晒干率最高,达30.8%,食味最好。  相似文献   

本试验在大田生产条件下研究了春植蔗施用鱼粉有机-无机复混肥的产量及品质效应。结果表明:甘蔗施用鱼粉有机-无机复混肥的增产增糖效应显著,蔗茎产量比对照增产25.76%(二次施肥法)和15.94%(三次施肥法),差异达极显著或显著水平;二次施肥法的每hm^2蔗糖含量比对照增产16.42%,三次施肥法则与对照相若。  相似文献   

大豆施用硅钙复混肥及硅钙肥效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将电力工业的副产品粉煤灰,采用立式旋风炉高温增钙处理产生的水淬渣经磨细后生产硅钙肥,又根据不同作物掺混一定量的化肥而成硅钙复混肥,它不仅含有氮、磷、钾等大量营养元素,还含有钙、硅、镁、铁、锌、铜、锰等中微量元素,通过试验网的田间试验看出硅钙复混肥及硅钙肥可改善大豆的生育性状及经济性状并有一定的增产效果。在大豆上施用硅钙复混肥以375kg/hm^2为宜。  相似文献   

“丰农”有机、无机复混肥在水稻上施用效果初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
有机、无机复混肥与普通复合肥相比,其配比更有利于土壤的培肥和提高作物的产量。水稻施用“丰农”有机、无机复混肥后,长势、长相及产量均有明显提高,平均每666.67 m2产量达484.5 kg,比普通复混肥增产31.1 kg,增幅6.9%,每666.67 m2增加产值46.7元,投入产出比达1:1.19。具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Pasture legumes are important components of both mixed farming rotations and permanent pastures in temperate climates. Breeding of two widely sown pasture legumes, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) and French serradella (Ornithopus sativus Brot.), is constrained by the long generation cycle, typically enabling only one generation per year. We hypothesized manipulation of culture medium and conditions would enable the development of a laboratory‐based protocol for in vitro reproduction in subterranean clover and French serradella. In vitro flowering and viable seed set was induced from both species. For subterranean clover, the most effective treatment was culturing on modified MS medium with 1 μm kinetin and 0·1 m sucrose under a 100 μmol m?2 s?1 light intensity and continuous photoperiod. For French serradella, culture on a hormone‐free B5 medium with 5 mm NH4Cl and 0·1 m sucrose under a 100 μmol m?2 s?1 light intensity and 20 h photoperiod was optimum. It is expected this technique will have application in accelerating generation turnover within breeding programs, for the study of factors influencing flowering in pasture legumes, and for the propagation of valuable yet enfeebled plants such as embryo‐rescued hybrids.  相似文献   

Marine organisms represent an excellent source of innovative compounds that have the potential for the development of new drugs. The pharmacokinetics of marine drugs has attracted increasing interest in recent decades due to its effective and potential contribution to the selection of rational dosage recommendations and the optimal use of the therapeutic arsenal. In general, pharmacokinetics studies how drugs change after administration via the processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). This review provides a summary of the pharmacokinetics studies of marine-derived active compounds, with a particular focus on their ADME. The pharmacokinetics of compounds derived from algae, crustaceans, sea cucumber, fungus, sea urchins, sponges, mollusks, tunicate, and bryozoan is discussed, and the pharmacokinetics data in human experiments are analyzed. In-depth characterization using pharmacokinetics is useful for obtaining information for understanding the molecular basis of pharmacological activity, for correct doses and treatment schemes selection, and for more effective drug application. Thus, an increase in pharmacokinetic research on marine-derived compounds is expected in the near future.  相似文献   

Evaluation of crop and forage yield stability is of increasing relevance in the context of current and recent environmental changes but, in contrast to other field crops, there are no published systematic analyses among forage crops in Europe. A study of stability performance was conducted with 13 Czech cultivars of lucerne at four locations over a 2‐year period with the following aims: (a) to evaluate yield stability of varieties across different environments and (b) to calculate measurable benefits of variety selection in relation to the specific environment. The cultivar Vlasta was identified as the highest yielding cultivar (annual yield 16.0 t DM/ha), whereas the lowest yielding cv. Magda, Tereza and Oslava averaged around 14.9 t DM/ha. Effect of genotype × environment interaction (G × E) was two times higher than for genotype alone. Additive main effects and the multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model showed that the highest yielding cultivars may not be stable across environments. This study demonstrated further that significant yield improvement could be detected, even among a relatively homogenous group of domestic cultivars, and this was driven mainly by site productivity: the improvement was +10% in low‐yielding sites, compared with +3% in high‐yielding sites. Results highlight that advanced agronomy should also consider stability parameters such as AMMI stability value or superiority measures for forage crops in response to the challenges associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Résumé Fusarium culmorum et, dans une moindre mesure,F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes etCylindrocarpon sp. ont été isolés de tubercules entreposés en atmosphère contr?lée (AC) et atteints de pourriture grave. Des expériences d'inoculation de tubercules avec 10 espèces ou variétés fongiques et conservation en AC à 8 et 10°C ont montré que: 1) les champignons non pathogènes en atmosphère normale (ex.:Cylindrocarpon sp.) le devenaient en AC, 2) ceux qui étaient faiblement pathogènes en atmosphère normale étaient nettement plus virulents en AC (ex.:F. culmorum), 3) les espèces ou variétés virulentes en conditions d'air normales (Fusarium sulphureum etPhoma exigua var.foveata) ne provoquaient pas de pourriture plus grave en AC et leur activité pouvait même être légérement freinée.
Summary The extensive rotting of tubers which occurred during storage trials in controlled atmospheres has led to a mycological and pathological study of the rots. The most frequently isolated species wasFusarium culmorum althoughF. avenaceum, F. Sambucinum, Coletotrichum coccodes and aCylindrocarpon sp. were also present. Tubers of cvs Bintje and Ulla were inoculated with 19 isolates of 10 fungal species or varieties associated with rotting of stored tubers (Table 1). The tubers were incubated at 8 or 10°C in normal or controlled (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2) atmospheres and the extent of rotting was determined a month later (Tables 2 and 3 and Fig. 2). Species which were weakly virulent in a normal atmosphere (variousFusarium spp. andPhoma exigua var.exigua) were clearly more aggressive in the controlled atmosphere and this was especially evident in the case ofF. culmorum. Species ot pathogenic in a normal atmosphere under experimental conditions (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp.,Phoma eupyrena) caused rotting in the controlled atmosphere. The two species which were virulent in a normal atmosphere (F. sulphureum andP. exigua var.foveata) were also virulent in the controlled atmosphere and in some cases the extent of rotting was even less. As a general rule, rotting caused by weakly virulent fungi was greater in both cultivars in the controlled than in a normal atmosphere.

Zusammenfassung Eine starke F?ulnis von in Kontrotrollierter Atmosph?re gelagerten Kartoffelknollen veranlasste eine mykologische und pathologische Untersuchung. Der am h?ufigsten isolierte Pilz warFusarium culmorum. F. avenaceum, F. sambucinum, Colletotrichum coccodes undCylindrocarpon sp. wurden ebenfalls bestimmt. Neunzehn St?mme von 10 Pilzsorten oder-Arten welche bei Lagerf?ulnis vorkommen (Tab. 1) wurden auf Knollen der Sorten Bintje und Ulla inokuliert. Die Lagerung wurde bei 8 oder 10°C under Normalbedingungen oder kontrollierter Atmosph?re durchgeführt (2% O2:1% CO2, 2% O2:6% CO2, 2% O2:12% CO2, 6% O2:6% CO2). Der F?ulnisgrad (Abb. 1) wurde nach einem Monat bonitiert. Die Ergebnisse sind in den Tabellen 2 und 3 dargestellt und in der Abb. 2 illustriert. Unter in Normalbedingungen nur schwach virulente Arten (verschiedeneFusarien undPhoma exigua var. exigua) waren deutlich aktiver in kontrollierter Atmosph?re. Dies was besonders der Fall fürF. culmorum. Pilze, die im Versuch unter Normalbedingungen nicht pathogen waren (Colletotrichum coccodes, Cylindrocarpon sp., Phoma eupyrena), haben unter kontrollierter Atmosph?re Sch?den verursacht. Hingegen werden die beiden unter Normalbedingungen sehr pathogenen Arten (F. sulphureum undP., exigua var.foveata), durch kontrollierte Atmosph?re wenig beeinflusst. Es wurde sogar in einigen F?llen eine gewisse Verringerung des F?ulnisbefalls beobachtet. Ganz allgemein haben die getesteten kontrollierten Bedingungen die Entwicklung der Pilzf?ulnis an beiden Kartoffelsorten gef?rdert, speziell durch Pilzarten, welche unter Normal-bedingungen wenig Sch?den verursachen.

The review of the 2016–2017 marine pharmacology literature was prepared in a manner similar as the 10 prior reviews of this series. Preclinical marine pharmacology research during 2016–2017 assessed 313 marine compounds with novel pharmacology reported by a growing number of investigators from 54 countries. The peer-reviewed literature reported antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis, and antiviral activities for 123 marine natural products, 111 marine compounds with antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities as well as affecting the immune and nervous system, while in contrast 79 marine compounds displayed miscellaneous mechanisms of action which upon further investigation may contribute to several pharmacological classes. Therefore, in 2016–2017, the preclinical marine natural product pharmacology pipeline generated both novel pharmacology as well as potentially new lead compounds for the growing clinical marine pharmaceutical pipeline, and thus sustained with its contributions the global research for novel and effective therapeutic strategies for multiple disease categories.  相似文献   


Vitamin A, iodine, and iron deficiencies affect large numbers of people worldwide. A deficiency of one or more of these micronutrients adversely affects the physical and mental abilities of humans. South Asia contains a high percentage of these individuals, not just because of its large population, but also the prevalence of deficiency is higher there than in many other parts of the world. The reasons for the high rates of deficiency in South Asia are many, but they include inadequate availability of micronutrient-rich foods, sub-optimal dietary habits, and high rates of infection. Across the region, national plans vary from (a) increasing availability of appropriate foods, (b) introducing new dietary behaviors, (c) improving health status, and (d) directly addressing deficiency through intervention programs. The extent to which each of the countries is making progress toward the goals of these plans can help in understanding the priorities for future efforts to address micronutrient malnutrition. This article discusses the adverse effects of micronutrient deficiencies in humans with special reference to South Asia.  相似文献   

东南亚、南亚地区是世界上重要的稻米产区,稻米在民众饮食生活和国家社会政治中占有重要地位,民众生活中也保存了非常悠久和丰富的稻作文化习俗及稻谷起源神话传说。本文分析了水稻在东南亚、南亚主要国家印度、印度尼西亚、泰国、越南、菲律宾、孟加拉国、缅甸的作用、地位、生产、消费、文化等情况,并指出了印度、印度尼西亚稻文化的主要标志。  相似文献   

Plains rough fescue ( F estuca hallii) is an important forage grass species in western Canada. Seed for use in pastures and ecological restoration is in high demand but supply is limited because F. hallii is an erratic seed producer. Seed producers require an understanding of the factors that influence flowering and seed set in this species. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization on the flowering and growth of F. hallii in a native rough fescue prairie in Alberta, Canada. Irrigation had a strong positive effect on seedhead density, whereas fertilization had limited effects on growth and reproduction of F. hallii. These results demonstrate that under field conditions, available moisture is likely to be a key factor driving flowering and seed production in F. hallii.  相似文献   


Within the last three decades, the rice-wheat cropping system has triggered, and with time, aggravated soil micronutrient deficiencies in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). This has largely been due to the shift from an earlier rice and wheat monoculture with low yielding, long duration indigenous varieties, to an intensive rice-wheat rotation cropping system with short duration modern high yielding varieties on the same piece of land. The problems related to micronutrient deficiency in the IGP are more due to the size of its available pools in the soil rather than its total contents and are greatly influenced by crop management, or rather its mismanagement. Deficiency of zinc is widespread in the IGP, but with the extensive use of zinc sulfate, zinc deficiency has reduced in some areas of the region. Meanwhile, the deficiency of Fe, Mn and B has increased in the IGP. Deficiency of Cu and Mo is location specific and can limit rice and wheat yields. The adoption and spread of the rice-wheat system in permeable coarse textured soils, particularly in the western IGP, not only caused iron deficiency in rice but also resulted in the emergence of manganese deficiency in wheat. In highly calcareous and acidic soils, boron is the next limiting micronutrient in crop production after zinc. Bumper rice and wheat harvests in the past decade, the declining use of organic manures in the region and except for the widespread use of zinc sulfate, a general lack of awareness amongst farmers on micronutrient deficiency problems has contributed to micronutrients limiting rice and wheat yields in the IGP. Approaches to alleviating micronutrient deficiencies include matching the crop removals of the micronutrients with its replenishments through their respective external carriers, supplementation through organic sources and mobilization/utilization through cultivation of micronutrient efficient crop cultivars. Identification of efficient micronutrient carriers and finding the optimum rate, mode and time of its application is important in ameliorating the micronutrient deficiencies. This article reviews the extent of micronutrient deficiency and discusses various management options available to reduce micronutrient deficiency induced crop yield reduction for rice and wheat in the Indo-Gangetic Plains.  相似文献   

A general model of crop yield response to herbicide application is proposed. The model includes three components: the effect of herbicide dosage on weed density, the effect of surviving weed density on crop yield and the effect of herbicide directly on the crop. The model is used to estimate the response of wheat yield to application of diclofop-methyl to control ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in Australia. It is found that the competitiveness of ryegrass plants surviving treatment is reduced by the treatment and that the proportion of yield loss at a given ryegrass density is not independent of the absolute weed-free yield. The response function is used to calculate economic thresholds and optimal herbicide dosages.  相似文献   

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