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种子包衣进行种子消毒,防治苗期病虫害,促进种子萌发,实现一播全苗壮苗早发,是提高作物产量的常规技术,也是促进作物良种化、标准化、商品化、产业化的重要标志之一。2003年,133团全面应用通过前五年小区试验和大田示范中选出的具有包衣性能好,适宜本区棉种包衣的配方剂型——26%多福甲枯悬浮种衣剂。推广应用面积5600多公顷,表现良好,效果十分显著。为北疆推广应用棉花良种包衣技术奠定了基础。1种衣剂对棉种发芽率的影响严格按照26%多福甲枯悬浮种衣剂的说明使用,药种以1∶50比例进行机械包衣,然后随机取样,三次重复,在种子发芽室内作发芽…  相似文献   

常用玉米种衣剂药效比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种子包衣不仅可以防治作物苗期病、虫、鼠害,而且可以兼顾缺素症的预防,促进幼苗生长、壮苗,具有明显的增产效果,对作物良种的标准化生产具有十分重要的意义。由于一次包衣,降低地面施药量,使高毒农药低毒化,持效期长,不杀伤天敌,减少农药对环境的污染,生态效益十分明显。因而,近年来种衣剂深受农民的欢迎,应用面积迅速扩大,给农业生产带来了可观的经济效益。通过玉米田间药效对比试验进一步确定各厂家生产的种衣剂效果及其适应范围,为种衣剂的推广提供科学依据。1 材料与方法1 1 供试材料 20%克福种衣剂,中国农业大学种衣剂厂生产(…  相似文献   

试验表明 ,11种不同类型种衣剂对早稻种子进行处理 ,效果不一样 ,华农 2号、优富 8号、浙江ZSA等 3种种衣剂能有效提高秧苗素质 ,提高作物产量 2 %~ 4 %左右  相似文献   

用4个大麻专用种衣剂和6个其它作物种衣剂对云南推广使用的工业大麻品种"云麻1号"种子进行包衣,经筛选对比试验,结果表明不同类的种衣剂或药种配比量,对出苗有影响.各种衣剂处理对植株生长及经济性状无不良影响.试验优选出了 3个种衣剂及其相应的药种比 ,红种子大麻种衣剂1# (药种比150)、12%甲硫悬浮液(药种比150)、中国农大大麻种衣剂(药种比180),它们对"云麻1号"安全、有效,有显著保苗和增产作用.  相似文献   

促进花生种子在低温胁迫下发芽的种衣剂的筛选研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究不同种衣剂对花生种子活力的影响,筛选适合我国南方应用的种衣剂,本文用科农系列种衣剂和闽农系列种衣剂及种衣剂1号、2号对花生种子进行包衣处理同时结合预播种及低温淹水胁迫条件进行比较试验.结果表明花生种子经种衣剂处理后,其发芽率、鲜重、活力指数及根系生长状况均显著高于对照;种子包衣处理后在低温淹水不良环境因素的影响下仍能保持较高的活力.科农种衣剂使用效果好,但对花生有一定的副作用,闽农种农剂对花生没有副作用,效果也较好,应进一步完善并加速开发推广.  相似文献   

用4个大麻专用种衣剂扣6个其它作物种衣剂对云南推广使用的工业大麻品种“云麻1号”种子进行包衣,经筛选对比试验,结果表明:不同类的种衣剂或药种配比量,对出苗有影响。各种衣剂处理对植株生长及经济性状无不良影响。试验优选出了3个种衣剂及其相应的药种比,红种子大麻种衣剂1#(药种比1:50)、12%甲硫悬浮液(药种比1:50)、中国农大大麻种衣剂(药种比1:80),它们时“云麻1号”安全、有效,有显著保苗扣增产作用。  相似文献   

一、引言种衣剂是根据使用者的需要在种子表面包上一层物质的技术。国外应用种衣剂历史悠久,1866年 Blass 用面糊处理种子以方便播种,开始了种剂的使用。以后,种子包衣技术不断改进,应用范围不断扩大。我国  相似文献   

为控制“灰质化”种子比例,筛选出适合杂交水稻“灰质化”种子使用的种衣剂,将3个等级的“灰质化”种子与正常种子按5%、10%、15%、20%、25%的比例混配成15个种子批处理,同时,选用3种不同种衣剂对各处理进行种子包衣,通过发芽试验研究了种子“灰质化”劣变及种衣剂处理对种子活力的影响。结果表明,随着“灰质化”等级上升或“灰质化”种子比例增加,种子的发芽质量下降;种衣剂A能提升不同等级“灰质化”种子发芽能力,利农对“灰质化”种子发芽时微生物生长活动有较好的抑制效果,种衣剂A次之。综合考虑,种衣剂A适合作为杂交水稻“灰质化”种子的发芽保护剂使用。  相似文献   

在一种载体中加入农药、激素、肥料等,能把作物种子“包衣”的物质就是种衣剂。目前国外在蔬菜、大豆、玉米、高粱、小麦、水稻等多种作物上已广泛应用这种丸拉化技术。其有效成份主要为农药、微肥等,同时忙加入成膜、界面活性、悬乳、抗冻、防腐、酸度调整等若干化学助剂及色料。种衣剂具有良好的贮存稳定性,对种子高度安全,对病虫害有较好的防治作用。1种衣剂能有效地防除病、虫害。如玉米种子用苯菌灵、百菌清等,或用多种杀菌剂混合包衣后贮藏能防治真菌危害。播前种子用多菌灵、粉锈宁等包衣可防治黑粉病和丝黑穗病;用辛硫磷等包…  相似文献   

生物型种衣剂无毒,无公害,对人畜安全,使用方便,用生物型种衣剂包衣后的种子,对出苗率和成秧率基本没有影响,并能提高秧苗素质和抗病能力,促进作物生长发育和提高产量,尤其是对细菌性条斑病和白叶枯病有特殊防治效果。  相似文献   

我国玉米种衣剂应用现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王雪  卢宝慧  杨丽娜  高洁 《玉米科学》2021,29(3):63-69,75
综述国内外种衣剂的发展历程与应用现状,介绍我国当前玉米种衣剂登记产品及防治对象,分析种衣剂在玉米生产中的应用效果,包括对种子发芽和幼苗生长发育的影响、对玉米病虫害的防治效果及对玉米的保产增产效果等方面的研究进展,指出目前玉米种衣剂应用中存在的问题,从高毒农药的替代使用、生物型种衣剂的应用、多功能复配型种衣剂的开发以及成膜剂和助剂体系的改进等方面探讨玉米种衣剂未来发展前景。  相似文献   

浅谈我国马铃薯种薯市场发育现状与发展思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析我国马铃薯种薯生产与市场发育现状、存在问题和发展潜力的基础上,提出了建立健全的脱毒种薯繁育体系和严格的质量检测监督体系;建设规模化、工厂化的原原种生产体系和规模化、机械化、良种良法配套的种薯繁育基地,提高种繁育能力;建立种薯市场准入制度,规范种薯销售市场等种薯产业健康持续发展的初步思路和建议。  相似文献   

水分对玉米种子萌发调控的研究   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
通过观察不同生育时期玉米新鲜种子、胚、去皮新鲜种子以及干种子的发芽情况,发现胚在15-17DAP便可萌发,但鲜种子萌发率很低,去除种皮可提高萌发率但萌发后生长缓慢。表明种子在发育初期便具备了萌发力,胚乳和种皮限制了胚的萌发及幼苗生长。水分对种子萌发有一定影响,种子发育进程中,伴随种子含水量的减少,鲜种子萌发率逐渐升高,对具有脱水耐性的种子进行干燥,可使种子正常发芽。试验发现延长发芽时间鲜种子也可以萌发并正常生长,即种子不经干燥也可从发育状态转向萌发状态。因此,干燥并不是种子萌发的必要条件,只是加速了种子从发育状态向萌发状态的代谢。  相似文献   

The role of seed producer cooperatives (SPCs) in the Ethiopian seed sector and their contribution to seed supply improvement have received attention from researchers, policymakers, and development partners. However, limited work has been done in reviewing and documenting their involvement in the seed sector development. In this paper, we review and discuss the SPCs in the Ethiopian seed sector. Specifically, we reflect on the contribution of SPCs to improving seed availability and access in the country. The current liberal market system of Ethiopia creates new opportunities for growth as successful enterprises, but also brings new challenges, such as more intense competition for smallholder producers. The government policy encourages SPCs to engage in seed business. We draw on scientific literature, reports, white papers, project documents, and websites. The review reveals that the seed sector in Ethiopia consists of three seed systems: formal, informal, and intermediary seed systems. Each seed system has a specific contribution to the delivery of seed to farmers, but they vary in their approach and respective strategies. The SPCs are categorized in the intermediary seed system because they have features of both formal and informal seed systems. They play a key role in meeting seed demand and contribute greatly to seed supply improvement through high-volume production of seed, crop, and variety diversification, and seed delivery to farmers. They produce and market the seed through various market channels, including direct sales to farmers, sales through contractual agreement, and sales directly to institutional buyers. Their contribution to improving the seed supply and seed security has received considerable recognition by policymakers and development practitioners. Therefore, government and development partners should support and strengthen SPCs to maximize their success in the seed business and their contribution to improving the seed supply in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

发育中的花生种子存在着BAPAase活性,当由发育转向萌发时,活性迅速提高,蛋白酶活性随着种子成熟度的提高而增大。在萌发过程中没有新的蛋白酶合成。ABA抑制了蛋白酶的活性。劣变的花生种子中,其蛋白酶活性显著降低。  相似文献   

从整地与施肥、种子处理、播种、苗期管理、造林密度、幼林抚育、病虫害防治方面探讨分析了落叶松育苗造林技术,以促进落叶松造林工作的高效开展.  相似文献   

Anthracnose, caused by fungal pathogen Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magnus) Briosi Cav. is one of the main production constraints of the dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) industry in Ontario. A field study was carried out in 2007 and 2008 to investigate the effect of two seed treatments (DCT (diazinon + captan + thiophanate-methyl) and MFA (metalaxyl-M + fludioxonil + azoxystrobin)) and two foliar fungicides (pyraclostrobin and azoxystrobin) applied with and without a surfactant under low and high disease pressure conditions at Exeter ON. Eighteen treatment combinations were tested in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. The treatment effects were examined by measuring disease development on leaf and pod tissue, pod destruction index, pick (discolored and misshaped seed), yield and return on investment (ROI). The seed treatment MFA performed similarly to DCT, and should be considered a suitable replacement to DCT for dry bean growers. However, utilizing a strobilurin fungicide in both seed and foliar treatments raises concern, as this practice increases the risk of disease resistance. The addition of a surfactant to azoxystrobin increased seed yield and ROI under high disease pressure, but had no effect when added to pyraclostrobin. Pyraclostrobin outperformed azoxystrobin for some disease indices as well as for yield under high disease pressure and for ROI under low and high disease pressure conditions.  相似文献   

种子包衣处理对夏玉米抗倒伏能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从植株形态、生物力学特性、茎秆解剖形态等方面研究包衣处理与根部抗倒性、茎秆抗倒能力的关系,分析种子包衣处理对夏玉米抗倒性能的作用效果.结果表明,种衣剂可促进植株生长,使干物质积累量增加,根系发育较早,根条数增加;促进茎秆内部维管束和机械组织发育;茎秆含钾量增加,有利于抗拉力、抗折力、茎秆穿刺强度增加;可以提高植株抗倒能力从而增加产量.  相似文献   

种业是我国农业发展的重要基石,水稻种源自主可控是保障国家粮食安全的根本基础。我国水稻传统育种技术创新力强,知识产权保护体系较为完善,但新兴育种技术仍存在发展空间。因此,未来我国仍需加大财政支持力度,提高种业核心技术研发能力等,不断提高水稻种业科技创新能力。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of autumn defoliation treatments on inflorescence production, potential seed yield and yield components of white clover cv Makibashiro. Between 10 July and 10 October 1992, white clover swards were subjected to one of three treatments: monthly cutting to 3–4 cm (4DEF), cutting to 3–4 cm on 10 August and 10 October (2DEF), and no cutting (control). The total numbers of inflorescences and the proportion of inflorescences in different development categories were counted throughout the period of seed crop development to determine the pattern of inflorescence development and optimum harvest date. There were consistent significant differences in inflorescence density between treatments. Plots which received the 2DEF treatment produced significantly more inflorescences than did the no-defoliation (control) and 4DEF-treatment plots. In this particular year the optimum harvest date (date at which the proportion of ripe inflorescences and potential seed yield was highest) was 26 July, approximately 30 d after peak flowering. Defoliation treatments had no effect on optimum harvest date. However, treatments differed in potential seed yield and ripe inflorescences on this date. The 2DEF treatment gave the highest potential seed yield because there were significantly more ripe inflorescences than either the contol or 4DEF plots. Control plots produced inflorescences with more florets than the other two defoliation treatments, but the differences were not always significant. Seed number per pod was higher in inflorescences obtained from previously defoliated plots than from control plots. The 1000-seed weight was significantly lower in inflorescences developed in 4DEF plots than those developed in 2DEF and control plots. The results are discussed in relation to the management of white clover seed crops and the importance of canopy structure and light intensity for seed production.  相似文献   

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