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辽宁省玉米纹枯病发生规律及防治技术   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过试验小区人工接种和大田普查观测了玉米纹枯病病害流行的时间动态,绘制了病害季节流行曲线。结果表明,井冈霉素对玉米纹枯病有很好的防效,不同生育期施药防治效果有显著性差异,拔节期是玉米纹枯病的最佳防治适期。发病初期摘除病鞘、病叶能有效降低玉米纹枯病的危害,在施药的同时结合摘除病鞘能显著提高防治效果。  相似文献   

10种杀菌剂处理棉花种子对苗期病害的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了明确不同杀菌剂单剂对棉花苗期病害的防治效果,本研究采用市场上常用的10种杀菌剂单剂按照推荐剂量进行种子处理防治苗期病害。试验结果表明,10种杀菌剂均对苗期病害具有较好的防治效果。其中:2.5%(质量分数,下同)咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂防治效果最好,为89.1%;其次为10%嘧菌酯悬浮种衣剂和18%吡唑醚菌酯悬浮种衣剂,防治效果分别为87.1%和86.9%。杀菌单剂对棉花苗期病害防治效果由好到一般依次为2.5%咯菌腈悬浮种衣剂>10%嘧菌酯悬浮种衣剂>18%吡唑醚菌酯悬浮种衣剂>35%精甲霜灵种子处理乳剂>20%甲基立枯磷乳油>36%甲基硫菌灵悬浮剂>50%福美双可湿性粉剂>50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂>15%五氯硝基苯悬浮种衣剂>12%萎锈灵可湿性粉剂,各处理对棉苗生长安全无害。以上试验结果可为应用新型药剂及复配防治棉花苗期病害提供科学依据。  相似文献   

辽宁省玉米北方炭疽病发生条件与药剂防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过温室和田间试验,鉴定品种资源对玉米北方炭疽病的抗病性,研究生育期、播期和种植密度等与病害发生程度之间的关系,并根据田间防治效果筛选化学药剂。结果表明,供试56个自交系在苗期对玉米北方炭疽病抗性分为5个类型,2个自交系表现为免疫,8个自交系表现为高抗,19个自交系表现为抗病,18种自交系表现为中抗,9个自交系表现为感病。成熟期抗性分为4个类型,6个自交系为高抗,25个表现为抗病,23个自交系表现为中抗,2个自交系为感病。抽雄期是发病的关键时期,发病最重;播期对该病害的发生无明显影响,种植密度增加会加重该病害的发生,差异不显著。供试6种药剂均对玉米北方炭疽病有一定的防治效果,扬彩防效最高,甲基托布津次之。  相似文献   

不同甜菜品种对褐斑病的抗性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2011-2013年对新疆伊犁地区甜菜褐斑病发生情况进行了调查,试验依据田间自然发病的抗性分析方法,对35个品种(品系)进行了抗性分析,发现发病前期有24个品种(品系)表现为中抗,占供试品种的68.57%,其余均表现感病。但在病害高峰期该24个品种(品系)抗性发生变化表现为感病,其余11个品种抗性变化不明显仍表现感病。35个品种在病害高峰期时均表现为感病,但部分品种的病情指数之间有显著性差异,表现为高感和中感。  相似文献   

黑穗病是广西蔗区最主要的病害。本研究利用人工接种结合病区大田自然发病的方法,用4对甘蔗黑穗病菌交配型单倍体菌株分别注射接种,对本实验室培育的甘蔗新品种(系)中蔗1号、中蔗6号和中蔗9号及广西主栽品种ROC22进行甘蔗黑穗病抗性评价。结果表明,4个甘蔗品种对黑穗病抗性从强到弱排序依次为:中蔗9号>中蔗1号>中蔗6号>ROC22。对重病区田间一年宿根自然发病进行全年跟踪调查,中蔗1号和中蔗6号黑穗病发病率为零,中蔗9号发病率为0.4%,ROC22为6.8%。结论:中蔗系列甘蔗品种有很强的黑穗病抗性。  相似文献   

防治甘蔗黑穗病最有效的途径是种植抗病品种,而评价甘蔗抗黑穗病是抗病品种选育过程中重要程序。本研究对广西农科院甘蔗研究所选育的8个桂糖甘蔗新品系进行人工浸渍接种甘蔗鞭黑粉菌混合冬孢子悬浮液,同时调查大田自然发病情况,收集一新一宿黑穗病发病情况。 ROC22号为对照品种,综合评价桂糖甘蔗新品系对黑穗病的抗性。结果表明:抗性类型为抗病的品系有2个,分别为桂糖12-765和桂糖12-2262。抗性类型为中抗的品系有2个,分别为桂糖12-2476和桂糖12-2004。抗性类型为中感的品系有1个,为桂糖12-162。抗性类型为感病的品系有3个,分别为桂糖12-762、桂糖12-2425和桂糖12-917。对照品种ROC22的综合抗性类型为感病。对比人工接种和自然发病结果,人工接种黑穗病更准确评价甘蔗品种抗黑穗病的水平,为选育高产高糖高抗黑穗病甘蔗品种提供依据。  相似文献   

以云烟87为材料,研究了不适用鲜烟叶摘除片数与摘除时期对烤烟物理性状、经济性状的影响。结果表明:影响单叶重最大的因素是下部叶摘除片数,影响产值最大的因素是下部叶摘除时期,影响其它指标的最大因素是顶叶摘除时期。不适用鲜烟叶的最佳摘除时期是封顶期摘除两片下部叶及最后一烤时摘除一片顶叶。  相似文献   

本研究通过自然发病和人工接种鉴定了不同大豆品种对紫斑病的抗性,旨在建立大豆对紫斑病抗性鉴定方法,为大豆品种资源抗性筛选创造条件。对不同成熟期的37个大豆品种在自然条件下对紫斑病的抗性调查结果表明,大豆紫斑病的发生受气候条件、大豆成熟期和品种抗性的影响,由于避免了病害发生的有利时期,晚熟大豆品种紫斑病发生很轻或不发病。1998年和1999年,分别在防虫网室和温室人工接种鉴定45份大豆种质,两次的鉴定结果均表明大豆品种间对紫斑病的抗病性存在显著差异,但在温室条件下大豆紫斑病平均病情指数显著低于网室条件下的试验结果。为提高大豆对紫斑病抗性鉴定的准确性,建议不同成熟期的品种同期鉴定时可对早熟品种进行摘花,保证接种时接种荚荚龄一致;对接种荚进行标记;设立高感对照;鉴定为抗病的材料进行重复鉴定。  相似文献   

在人工接种高病害压条件下,对当前生产上应用的13个油菜双低和杂交品种及14份资源材料进行了 对芜菁花叶病毒( TuMV)的抗性鉴定。结果表明,参试的13个油菜品种均不抗TuMV,但感病性低于对照品种中油 821。14份油菜资源材料间抗性差异显著,有3份材料表现高抗和中抗。大部分油菜推广品种表现的高发病率和 病情指数表明在病害流行地区和年份,这些品种不足以抵挡病毒病造成的损失。  相似文献   

在不同程度的人工干旱胁迫下,测定10个油棕品种的叶绿素、游离脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、丙二醛含量、相对电导率、SOD与POD酶活性等,并利用SAS8.1统计主成分分析法,对10个油棕品种的抗旱能力进行综合评价。结果表明:(1)在干旱胁迫初期(0~5 d),油棕各生理指标向着有利于适应抗旱的方向变化;随着干旱时间的延长(5~30 d)和胁迫程度的加剧(trt1~trt3),各指标反映出油棕植株受害;当胁迫达50 d时,各生理指标几乎都向着抗旱有利的方向转变,表明油棕对干旱有较强的耐受性;(2)主成分分析表明,叶绿素含量、相对电导率、可溶性糖含量和SOD酶活性是反映油棕干旱胁迫的最重要的生理指标,可作为油棕品种抗旱性评价的依据;(3)10个油棕品种的综合抗旱力排序为:RYL34>RYL39>RYL38>RYL32>RYL37>RYL31>RYL36>RYL40>RYL33>RYL35。  相似文献   

The relationship between active oxygen metabolism and resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was studied for 72 h post-inoculation by comparing three resistant cultivars (low disease index) with three susceptible ones (high disease index). Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and the content of ascorbic acid (ASA), were higher in the resistant cultivars than in the susceptible ones. The production rate of the superoxide anion radical (O2?) was lower in the resistant cultivars than in the susceptible ones. These changes, which were associated with the potato plant’s response to infection with P. infestans, provide some insight into the physiological basis of resistance and may also provide a screening tool for resistance to late blight.  相似文献   

为了筛选出适宜黑龙江省种植的纤维用工业大麻品种,2019年对13份黑龙江省当地主栽工业大麻品种进行品种比较试验,对各品种田间农艺性状进行综合比较研究。结果表明:各个纤维用的引进品种纤维产量由高到低顺序为:新麻1号>庆麻7号>中麻18号>中麻13号>汉麻10号>火麻1号>庆麻5号>庆麻6号>龙麻7号>中麻1号>汉麻12号>汉麻1号>庆麻2号。5个品种的纤维产量均高于对照火麻1号(ck),其中新麻1号表现最好,纤维产量为1.992 t/hm2,庆麻7号、中麻18号稍低于新麻1号,三者显著高于对照火麻1号。庆麻5号、庆麻6号、龙麻7号纤维产量低于对照品种火麻1号,但差异不显著。中麻1号、汉麻12号、庆麻2号纤维产量显著低于对照火麻1号。另外由于在试验过程中发现汉麻10号抗病性较弱,龙麻7号抗倒性较弱,增加了种植成本和风险,所以不推荐在黑龙江第三积温带种植,其余品种均适宜在黑龙江第三积温带地区种植。  相似文献   

A three-year field study was conducted in Bahia, Brazil to validate several strategies for management of witches' broom disease in cacao caused by Moniliophthora perniciosa. Treatments which were applied alone or in combination included applications of biological control fungus Trichoderma stromaticum, fungicide copper hydroxide and phytosanitary broom removal. When compared with untreated control treatments, higher pod yields and consistently lower pod losses were obtained by alternating fungicide with biocontrol application. Pod losses caused by witches' broom were also reduced by fungicide treatment or by phytosanitary broom removal when applied alone or in combination, however total pod production per tree was consistently low whenever broom removal was used as a management strategy. While application of biocontrol fungus alone was not able to reduce witches' broom on pods, it reduced vegetative broom formation and also increased the number of pod-forming flower cushions. The present study indicates that alternating fungicide copper hydroxide with biocontrol fungus T. stromaticum without expensive phytosanitary broom removal is not only a better disease management strategy in Bahia but also results in better yields and thereby better net economic returns.  相似文献   

甜玉米南方锈病抗性配合力及遗传特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对甜玉米南方锈病抗性配合力及遗传特性进行分析,为抗病育种提供理论依据。从6个遗传差异较大的自交系,按照GriffingⅡ双列杂交设计,通过Photoshop CS5软件进行叶片病斑识别和病斑面积分割,分别得出叶片和病斑的像素值,以穗三叶病斑叶面积比作为鉴定指标,对南方锈病性状配合力及遗传参数进行分析。应用图像分析软件识别叶片病斑可相对精确地进行玉米南方锈病抗性的鉴定与量化。6个亲本一般配合力效应存在较大的差异,大小排序为:M114-1>M3-1>M4-1>M55-1>M119-1>M5-1,不同组合间的特殊配合力也存在显著差异,结合一般配合力及效应值与其他亲本杂交后的特殊配合力遗传变量,对自交系利用价值综合评价,表明自交系M119-1能将抗南方锈病的性状稳定地遗传给所有的组合,是较为理想的抗南方锈病自交系,在育种中应对其加以有效利用。南方锈病以非加性效应为主,甜玉米南方锈病广义遗传率为89.88%,狭义遗传率为6.70%,说明抗南方锈病性状受环境的影响较小,加性效应很低,应在高代选择。本研究克服了传统抗性鉴定只能获得分级间断型数据的缺点,利用图像分析软件,可以相对连续、精确、客观地统计玉米南方锈病抗性。并对南方锈病性状配合力及遗传参数进行分析,提高育种实践的选择效果与效率。  相似文献   

水稻穗瘟离体接种技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水稻品种叶瘟鉴定,先后已应用了喷雾、注射、钳叶、针刺、涂抹等多种接种方法,鉴定效果良好。但在自然状态下采用注射、喷雾、湿棉球包穗等接种方法鉴定穗瘟,还遇到品种间抽穗期不一致和接种条件难以控制的难题。因此,目前常以诱发叶瘟的抗性来评价品种抗瘟性。叶瘟和穗瘟抗性虽有较高的相关性,但也存在一定的差异,使叶瘟鉴定结果并不能完全反映穗瘟抗生。但品种抗性的评价以穗瘟抗性最为重要,因此,研究穗瘟抗性鉴定的简易技术十分必要。  相似文献   



Rice blast is the most serious disease afflicting rice and there is an urgent need for the use of disease resistance (R) genes in blast tolerance breeding programs. Pb1 is classified as a quantitative resistance gene and it does not have fungal specificity. Pb1-mediated resistance develops in the latter stages of growth. However, some cultivars, such as Kanto209 (K209), cultivar name Satojiman, despite possessing Pb1, do not exert resistance to rice blast during the reproductive stage.


We found that the expression of WRKY45 gene downstream of Pb1 was weakly induced by rice blast inoculation at the full heading stage in K209. Genetic analysis using the SNP-based Golden Gate assay of K209 crossing with Koshihikari Aichi SBL (KASBL) found at least four regions related to the resistance in the rice genome (Chr8, Chr9, Chr7, Chr11). Mapping of QTL related to Chr7 confirmed the existence of factors that were required for the resistance of Pb1 in the 22 to 23 Mbp region of the rice genome.


We clarified how the K209 cultivar is vulnerable to the blast disease despite possessing Pb1 and found the DNA marker responsible for the quantitative resistance of Pb1. We identified the QTL loci required for Pb1-mediated resistance to rice panicle blast. Pb1 was negatively dependent on at least three QTLs, 7, 9 and 11, and positively dependent on one, QTL 8, in the K209 genome. This finding paves the way for creating a line to select optimal QTLs in order to make use of Pb1-mediated resistance more effectively.

Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease of potato caused by two species of Verticillium, V. dahliae and V. albo atrum. The pathogen infects the vascular tissue of potato plants through roots, interfering with the transport of water and nutrition, and reducing both the yield and quality of tubers. We have evaluated the reaction of 283 potato clones (274 cultivars and nine breeding selections) to inoculation with V. dahliae under greenhouse conditions. A significant linear correlation (r = 0.4, p < 0.0001) was detected between plant maturity and partial resistance to the pathogen, with late maturing clones being generally more resistant. Maturity-adjusted resistance, that takes into consideration both plant maturity and resistance, was calculated from residuals of the linear regression between the two traits. Even after adjusting for maturity, the difference in the resistance of clones was still highly significant, indicating that a substantial part of resistance cannot be explained by the effect of maturity. The highest maturity-adjusted resistance was found in the cv. Navajo, while the most susceptible clone was the cv. Pungo. We hope that the present abundance of data about the resistance and maturity of 283 clones will help potato breeders to develop cultivars with improved resistance to V. dahliae.  相似文献   

Common scab caused by the soil-borne bacterium Streptomyces scabies is a serious disease for the potato industry. We have identified a strong source of resistance in the diploid wild relative Solanum chacoense. This resistance has been introgressed into tetraploid cultivated potato via unilateral sexual polyploidization. This paper describes three hybrid clones (M8, M16, M17) for use by potato breeding programs to enhance resistance to common scab. They were created by crossing a diploid clone (50% S. tuberosum, 50% S. chacoense) to tetraploid cultivars, producing hybrids with 75% cultivated and 25% wild germplasm. The clones are male and female fertile, and are adapted to temperate zone production environments.  相似文献   

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