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 以十和田与昆明小白谷的重组自交系(RIL)F8和F9群体为研究材料,在4种海拔条件下连续两年进行孕穗期耐冷性鉴定,采用方差分析、相关分析和多元逐步回归分析等方法对单株结实率与单株特定位颖花结实率间的相关性进行了研究。结果表明,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率呈极显著相关(r=0.9011~ 0.7364),在低温冷害条件下,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率间的相关系数高于无冷害条件;单株结实率和特定位颖花结实率与穗抽出度均呈极显著正相关。遗传分析表明,特定位颖花结实率可以替代单株结实率作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定指标,而穗抽出度可作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定的一个辅助指标。  相似文献   

云南稻种昆明小白谷耐冷性指标性状的遗传分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
 以云南稻种资源昆明小白谷与日本品种十和田配制的杂交F2、B2F1等为材料,在低温处理条件下研究了昆明小白谷7个农艺性状的遗传特性。结果表明总结实率和特定结实率是对低温最敏感的性状,可用作孕穗期耐冷性的评价指标,在无法用结实率来评价耐冷性时,也可用株高、穗长的变异率作为耐冷性指标。遗传研究发现有1~2对主基因参与调控结实率性状,回交使性状向轮回亲本趋近的速率因性状而异。  相似文献   

With global warming, rice plants may be subjected to heat stress more regularly during the heatsensitive flowering stage, causing spikelet sterility and grain yield loss.Stigma exsertion is considered to increase pollen reception and promote female reproductive success.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of stigma exsertion on spikelet fertility at high temperatures.Five rice cultivars(Liangyoupeijiu, Shanyou 63, Huanghuazhan, Nagina 22, and IR64) with differing degrees of stigma exsertion were cultivated and exposed to high temperature at anthesis.Heat-tolerant cultivars did not always show a high percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, and vice versa.Irrespective of the presence of more pollen grains on exserted stigmas, spikelets with exserted stigmas did not show greater spikelet fertility than spikelets with fewer exserted stigmas or hidden stigmas under heat stress.GA3 application augmented the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas;however, it did not increase spikelet fertility under heat stress.Spikelet fertility of whole panicles was negatively correlated with the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, but positively with that with hidden stigmas.Viability of the hidden stigmas was less reduced than that of exserted stigmas under heat stress, suggesting that hidden stigmas have an advantage in maintaining viability.Heat stress delayed anther dehiscence and reduced the viabilities of both exserted stigmas and pollens, thereby causing low spikelet fertility.Together, these results suggest that high spikelet fertility does not depend on stigma exsertion and that enclosed stigma generally contributes to higher spikelet fertility and heat tolerance under high-temperature conditions during flowering in rice.  相似文献   

孕穗期自然低温对籼型杂交水稻的影响分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
孕穗期低温主要通过影响籼型杂交水稻结实率导致产量降低,对有效穗,每穗粒数和粒重无明显影响。在自然低温条件下,籼型杂交水稻组合间孕穗期耐冷性表现出明显的强、中、弱差异;进一步对亲本组合的分析发现,籼型杂交水稻孕穗期耐冷性与不育系和恢复系均有关,而与恢复系的关系更为密切:建议以低温影响后的结实率及其与正常结实率的差异程度作为评价水稻品种孕穗期耐冷性的指标。  相似文献   

 利用3个来自云南低纬高原的粳稻品种和3个来自日本、韩国高纬平原地区的粳稻品种,以及应用完全双列杂交获得的30个F1为试验材料,利用加性 显性 母体效应(ADM)遗传模型,在5种不同生长环境下,对单株结实率、特定结实率、穗抽出度和抽穗天数等4个主要耐冷相关性状进行了遗传分析。4个耐冷相关性状中,单株结实率和特定结实率主要受基因型×环境互作效应的影响,不存在母体效应;单株结实率和特定结实率以互作广义遗传率最高,分别为63.5%和56.5%。单株结实率与特定结实率间的表现型、基因型、加性和显性效应的相关均达到极显著水平,相关系数介于 0.717~1.000;单株结实率与穗抽出度间的表现型、基因型、加性和显性效应相关也均达到极显著水平,相关系数介于0.161~0975。穗抽出度的变异系数变幅最大,穗抽出度也是耐冷性鉴定评价中不可忽视的重要性状。穗抽出度和抽穗天数以广义遗传率为最大,分别为59.6%和81.4%。抽穗天数主要受遗传主效应控制,受环境的影响最小。低温胁迫是选择培育耐冷性品种的必要条件,一品稻(Ilpumbyeo)×昆明小白谷是培育强耐冷性粳稻新品种的最优组合。  相似文献   

水稻幼苗期耐冷性选择对主要农艺性状的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
利用籼粳稻杂交后代(密阳23/通88-7、密阳23/TR22183、密阳23/高产102)探讨了水稻幼苗期耐冷性选择对主要农艺性状的影响。从籼粳稻杂交后代F2和F3中选择的耐冷个体群或系统群与随机个体群或敏冷系统群间进行主要农艺性状的比较结果表明,在F2和F3水稻幼苗期耐冷性选择对秆长、穗长和穗数并不产生显著的影响,但选择获得的幼苗期耐冷性强的F2个体群的孕穗期耐冷性(结实率)、F3系统群的分蘖期耐冷性(赤枯度)和孕穗期耐冷性(结实率)均显著强于随机个体群和敏冷系统群;在冷水处理下F3幼苗期耐冷性强的耐冷系统群的产量显著高于敏冷系统群。提出在水稻幼苗期以叶赤枯度来选择幼苗期耐冷性强的个体是获得高产耐冷后代材料的有效途径。  相似文献   

In Africa, cold temperatures occur in the highlands of East and Southern Africa and in some areas of the Sahel region of West Africa leading to substantial rice yield losses. Cold tolerance (CT) at booting stage on basis of spikelet fertility after cold water irrigation was evaluated using F2 population derived from a cross between temperate japonica, Hananomai, and tropical japonica, WAB56-104. Two Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for CT were detected on chromosome 8 and 10 with enhanced effects on the trait coming from Hananomai and WAB56-104 allele, respectively. The QTLs explained 30% and 33% of phenotypic variation in spikelet fertility, respectively. CT was negatively correlated with panicle number (r = ?0.35, p < 0.01) and positively correlated with panicle weight (r = 0.61, p < 0.001). Selected BC1F4 and BC1F5 genotypes having homozygous alleles for both CT QTLs exhibited higher spikelet fertility under cold stress. The identified QTLs will be useful in the development of cold-tolerant varieties for production in high altitude areas through marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

水杨酸减轻高温抑制水稻颖花分化的作用机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻颖花原基分化期高温可抑制颖花分化,导致每穗粒数下降,最终会影响水稻产量的形成。以杂交稻甬优12为材料,探讨高温下不同浓度水杨酸(salicylic acid, SA)对水稻颖花分化的影响,并揭示其作用机制。研究表明,常温下适量SA促进水稻颖花分化,但高浓度SA严重降低每穗粒数。然而高温下,10~50000 μmol/L SA处理每穗粒数均高于对照。无论常温或高温,100 μmol/L水杨酸处理效果最好,其每穗粒数及产量均显著高于对照。SA增强水稻耐热性表现在三个方面:1)高温下SA处理的叶片实际荧光量子效率及净光合速率均高于对照;2)高温下SA处理的颖花SOD、POD及CAT活性显著高于对照,而MDA含量则显著低于对照;3)无论高温或常温,SA处理的颖花ZR及IAA含量均高于对照,尤其在高温下,差异达显著水平。  相似文献   

水稻器官形态和干物质积累对穗分化不同时期高温的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确水稻穗分化期高温对生长发育所造成的影响,以耐热籼稻黄华占和热敏感籼稻丰两优6号为材料,利用人工气候箱在穗分化期进行40℃(10:00-15:00)高温处理,以人工气候箱32℃适温处理为参考,室外环境温度为对照(CK),研究枝梗-颖花分化期(Ⅰ期)和花粉母细胞形成-减数分裂期(Ⅱ期)高温胁迫对水稻器官形态及干物质积累的影响。结果表明:1)Ⅰ期高温抑制幼穗分化,使穗分化期延长2.5~8.8 d;Ⅱ期高温阻碍水稻抽穗,导致穗分化期延长6.8~7.1 d,显著缩短上部茎节,降低抽穗度,其中热敏感品种降幅大于耐热品种;2)穗分化期高温处理显著降低每穗颖花数和颖花大小,颖花数下降原因在不同处理时期间存在差异,Ⅰ期高温减少颖花分化数;而Ⅱ期高温显著加速颖花退化,两个品种退化幅度均达50%以上,并显著降低了花药大小和颖花受精率,热敏感品种丰两优6号受高温影响要大于耐热品种;3)高温对叶片生长有促进作用,Ⅱ期高温处理表现尤为明显,两个时期高温处理对上3叶净光合速率和水稻单茎干物质积累没有显著影响。Ⅰ期高温不同部位间干物质积累无显著差异,而Ⅱ期高温显著降低茎鞘和穗部干物质积累,但高温导致高节位分枝发生,积累了一部分干物质,整体上单茎干物质积累量并没有显著下降。  相似文献   

Sink strength plays an important role in grain filling of cereals but how it is related to the pre-anthesis non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) reserves is not clear. This study investigated if and how an increase in NSC reserves could enhance sink strength, and consequently improve grain filling of later-flowering inferior spikelets (in contrast to the earlier flowering superior spikelets) for rice varieties with large panicles. Two “super” rice varieties (the recently bred high-yielding rice) and two New Plant Type (NPT, named in IRRI for the extra-large panicle) rice lines were compared with two elite inbred varieties under field-grown conditions. Three nitrogen (N) treatments, applied at the stages of panicle initiation, spikelet differentiation or both, were adopted with no N application during the mid-season as control. Both super rice and NPT rice showed a greater yield capacity as a result of a larger panicle than the elite inbred rice. However, a lower percentage of filled grains limited the realization of higher yield potential in super rice and especially in NPT rice, due to their lower grain filling rate and the smaller grain weight of their inferior spikelets. The low grain filling rate and small grain weight of inferior spikelets are mainly attributed to a poor sink strength as a result of small sink size (small number of endosperm cells) and low sink activity, e.g. low activities of sucrose synthase (SuSase) and adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase). The amounts of NSC in the stem and NSC per spikelet at the heading time are significantly and positively correlated with sink strength (number of endosperm cells and activities of SuSase and AGPase), grain filling rate, and grain weight of inferior spikelets. Nitrogen application at the spikelet differentiation stage significantly increased, whereas N application at the panicle initiation or at both panicle initiation and spikelet differentiation stages, significantly reduced, NSC per spikelet at the heading time, sink strength, grain filling rate, and grain weight of inferior spikelets in super rice. The results suggest that pre-anthesis NSC reserves in the stem are closely associated with the sink strength during grain filling of rice, and N application at the spikelet differentiation stage would be a good practice to increase pre-anthesis NSC reserves, and consequently to enhance sink strength for rice varieties with large panicles, such as super rice varieties.  相似文献   

对原产澳大利亚的品种8504的广亲和性进行了测交验证,并分析和评价了该广亲和品种的利用价值.该品种广亲和性好、亲和谱广,熟期适宜,米质较好,中抗稻瘟病,与籼、粳杂交,杂种优势均较强,且广亲和性遗传简单.  相似文献   

云南稻核心种质孕穗期耐冷性状间的相关性与生态差异   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以548份云南地方稻核心种质为材料在昆明自然低温平均18℃(冷害)和温室23℃条件下进行了孕穗期耐冷性状间的相关性及其生态差异分析。 冷害条件下云南稻核心种质形态性状均与孕穗期耐冷性有关,耐冷指标性状每穗实粒数、穗颈长、每穗秕粒数、穗下节长、花药长及其体积、1~2节长与结实率呈较高的(≥0.549**)极显著(n=548, R0.01=0112**)相关;相反,温室条件下仅有每穗实粒数、秕粒数与结实率相关系数较高。 冷害条件下云南稻核心种质的每穗实粒数、花药体积、穗下节长、穗颈长与结实率大小在5个稻作区间的变化规律呈现一致性,这种差异既与株高、穗下节长、穗颈长和1~2节长等耐冷性状有关,又与地州或稻区间的气候和生态差异相联系;而温室条件下云南稻核心种质耐冷性状5个稻作区间差异不大,地州间结实率差异是每穗实粒数和秕粒数差异所致,而与耐冷性状关系不大。  相似文献   

不同时期干旱胁迫对水稻产量和生长特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确水稻生长过程中的水分敏感时期,探索水稻抵御干旱的栽培措施,以常规粳稻楚粳29号和云粳39号为材料,通过盆栽试验准确控制土壤水分(水势),研究不同时期干旱胁迫对水稻产量和生长特性的影响。结果表明,楚粳29号干旱胁迫处理较对照减产10.63%~47.60%,云粳39号干旱胁迫处理较对照减产6.19%~47.27%,减产程度依次为穗分化前期干旱胁迫(T2)﹥有效分蘖期干旱胁迫(T1)﹥穗分化后期干旱胁迫(T3)﹥孕穗期干旱胁迫(T4)。与对照相比,2个品种有效分蘖期干旱胁迫降低了有效穗数,穗分化前期干旱胁迫使每穗粒数明显减少,穗分化后期干旱胁迫使每穗实粒数减少和结实率明显降低,孕穗期干旱胁迫对结实率或千粒重有影响。  相似文献   

稻曲病的接种方法及其效果初探   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在水稻孕穗期于傍晚用注射法人工接种培养的稻曲病菌,发现病菌菌丝碎段与孢子混合可引起水稻严重发病,最高穗发病率可达100%,最多穗病粒数达106粒,最大病情指数达85.5。不同菌株引发的病情差异很大;病菌在不同品种上引发的病情也差异悬殊;病情指数与穗发病率之间及病情指数与穗平均病粒数之间存在高度相关。初步发现菌株 品种之间存在专化互作现象。  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint for rice production and yield stability in rainfed ecosystems, especially when it occurs during the reproductive stage. Combined genetic and physiological analysis of reproductive-growth traits and their effects on yield and yield components under drought stress is important for dissecting the biological bases of drought resistance and for rice yield improvement in water-limited environments. A subset of a doubled haploid (DH) line population of CT9993-5-10-1-M/IR62266-42-6-2 was evaluated for variation in plant water status, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under reproductive-stage drought stress and irrigated (non-stress) conditions in the field. Since this DH line population was previously used in extensive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping of various drought resistance component traits, we aimed at identifying QTLs for specific reproductive-growth and yield traits and also to validate the consensus QTLs identified earlier in these DH lines using meta-analysis. DH lines showed significant variation for plant water status, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under drought stress. Total dry matter, number of panicles per plant, harvest index, panicle harvest index, panicle fertility, pollen fertility, spikelet fertility and hundred grain weight had significant positive correlations with grain yield under drought stress. A total of 46 QTLs were identified for the various traits under stress and non-stress conditions with phenotypic effect ranging from 9.5 to 35.6% in this study. QTLs for panicle exsertion, peduncle length and pollen fertility, identified for the first time in this study, could be useful in marker-assisted breeding (MAB) for drought resistance in rice. A total of 97 QTLs linked to plant growth, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and its components under non-stress and drought stress, identified in this study as well as from earlier published information, were subjected to meta-analysis. Meta-analysis identified 23 MQTLs linked to plant phenology and production traits under stress conditions. Among them, four MQTLs viz., 1.3 for plant height, 3.1 for days to flowering, 8.1 for days to flowering or delay in flowering and 9.1 for days to flowering are true QTLs. Consensus QTLs for reproductive-growth traits and grain yield under drought stress have been identified on chromosomes 1 and 9 using meta-QTL analysis in these DH lines. These MQTLs associated with reproductive-growth, grain yield and its component traits under drought stress could be useful targets for drought resistance improvement in rice through MAB and/or map-based positional analysis of candidate genes.  相似文献   

水稻主要农艺性状的冷水反应遗传分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
利用10个水稻品种配制45个半双列杂交组合,并在冷水处理下探讨了水稻主要农艺性状的冷水反应差异、配合力和遗传参数,以及冷水反应指数间的相关关系。研究表明,抽穗天数、秆长、穗长、穗粒数、结实率和穗颈长等农艺性状冷水反应的一般配合力和特殊配合力均呈显著,且一般配合力的变异大于特殊配合力的变异;水稻品种的冷水反应有着明显的差异,其中通88 7、高产102和TR22183等品种的冷水反应较迟钝,并对主要农艺性状的冷水反应指数(CRI)具有较高的一般配合力。亲本中控制秆长及其CRI值的正、负等位基因的频率基本相等,显隐性基因频率基本相同;秆长的表现型值及其CRI值受少数主效基因控制,具有较高的狭义遗传力。穗粒数、穗颈长和结实率及其CRI值与秆长的CRI值呈显著正相关,结实率的CRI值与穗颈长的CRI值呈显著的正相关。  相似文献   

两系杂交早稻父本996孕穗期和开花期耐冷性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻品种4628(耐冷性弱)和丰源B(耐冷性较强)为对照,采用人工气候室低温处理对两系杂交早稻父本996孕穗期和开花期的耐冷性进行了鉴定评价.结果表明,996孕穗期低温处理下的结实率和相对结实率显著高于对照品种4628,结实率下降值和低温敏感指数显著低于对照品种4628;996开花期低温处理下的结实率和相对结实率显著高于对照品种丰源B和4628,结实率下降值和低温敏感指数显著低于对照品种丰源B和4628.说明996孕穗期的耐冷性显著强于对照品种4628,开花期的耐冷性显著强于对照品种4628和丰源B.  相似文献   

目的 本研究旨在明确弱光胁迫下不同弱光耐性品种在源库特征及叶片保护酶活性变化方面的差异,揭示其耐弱光胁迫的机制,为双季稻高产稳产新品种的选育及抗逆栽培提供理论指导。方法 以2个对弱光胁迫耐性存在显著差异的晚稻品种为材料,通过设置不同时期的遮光处理,研究弱光胁迫时期对晚稻不同耐性品种的源库特征及叶片保护酶活性的影响。结果 结果表明,不同时期弱光胁迫对晚稻生长有重要影响,分蘖期弱光胁迫下晚稻分蘖数、每穗粒数及总颖花量减少,叶面积下降,产量降低;幼穗分化期弱光胁迫下晚稻分蘖数和每穗粒数减少,总颖花量、叶面积、结实率均下降,产量降低;灌浆期弱光胁迫下水稻叶片净同化率降低,结实率和千粒重下降,产量降低。不同时期弱光胁迫对晚稻产量的影响表现为灌浆期>幼穗分化期>分蘖期。结论 耐弱光胁迫型品种能通过增加叶片的长宽度减少叶面积的下降,叶片含氮量保持相对稳定,叶片中SOD、CAT等保护酶活性保持在较高水平,POD活性保持相对稳定,叶片净同化率下降幅度小,在弱光胁迫下实现“强源”,减产率相对较低。弱光胁迫下具有较强的叶面积补偿能力和适宜氮含量以及较高的保护酶活性是水稻耐弱光胁迫的重要机制。  相似文献   


Proteins and carbohydrates in developing rice panicles were analyzed to see whether these parameters control spikelet number in rice. Two rice cultivars and 2 levels of nitrogen topdressing were used to obtain panicles with different numbers of spikelets. A japonica rice cultivar, Nipponbare, with topdressing (H) had 1.8 times more spikelets per panicle than that without topdressing (L). Moreover, the number of spikelets per panicle in an indica rice cultivar, Takanari, without topdressing was 2.7 times larger than that in Nipponbare-L. Panicles with more spikelets (LP) in Nipponbare-H and Takanari-L showed slower growth than those with few spikelets (SP) in Nippanbare-L in an early stage. LP, however, increased markedly in size thereafter, eventually exceeding SP, in length and fresh weight. Soluble protein content was higher in LP than SP in an early stage, but this difference was hardly detected in a late stage. No clear difference was observed in sugars or starch between LP and SP. Analysis of soluble and insoluble proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that bands corresponding to insoluble proteins with a molecular weight about 42 kDa were present at higher intensities in LP than in SP. These results suggest that the spikelet number in rice is controlled by the soluble protein content in an early stage and insoluble proteins with a molecular weight of 42 kDa during panicle development, but not by the carbohydrates in developing panicles.  相似文献   

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