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安徽沿淮和淮北地区小麦穗粒重研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为给重穗型小麦新品种选育及高产育种提供参考依据,以24个小麦品种(系)为材料,对穗粒重与产量、产量三要素及其他18个性状间的关系进行了分析。结果表明,供试品种间穗粒重、收获指数、产量及产量三要素存在着极显著差异;穗粒重与产量呈显著正相关,与穗粒数、收获指数、单茎生物产量、单茎草重呈极显著正相关,与倒三叶的面积呈显著正相关,与穗数、籽粒容重呈极显著负相关。根据穗粒重把小麦品种划分为三大类:重穗型,穗粒重≥1.8g;中穗型,穗粒重为1.4~1.8g;轻穗型,穗粒重≤1.4g。沿淮和淮北地区可通过着重提高穗粒数、同步提高单茎生物产量与收获指数的途径提高穗粒重。  相似文献   

Four field experiments comparing 24 durum wheat varieties grown at different periods during the 20th century in Italy and Spain were carried out to assess the changes caused by breeding activities on the number of grains per main spike and its determinants: number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spikelet, fertile flowering and grain setting. Increases of 0.14 grains spike−1 year−1 (0.43% year−1 in relative terms) and 0.08 grains spike−1 year−1 (0.22% year−1) were observed in Italian and Spanish varieties, respectively. The overall change in the number of grains per spike in Italian germplasm (29.5%) was due to increases in both, the number of spikelets per spike (7.5%) and the number of grains per spikelet (20.3%), while in Spanish varieties the increase in the number of grains per spike (19.5%) was only attributed to the improvement of the number of grains per spikelet. The increase in the number of fertile florets per spike (about 12%) was similar in both countries, but while it explained more than 70% of the changes in the number of grains per spike in Spanish varieties, grain setting was responsible for most of the improvement in the number of grains per spike in the Italian germplasm. The percentage of florets setting grains was 68 and 64% in modern Italian and Spanish varieties, respectively. Most of the changes in the number of grains per spikelet were found in the upper part of the spike on Italian varieties, whilst they were more evenly distributed in the Spanish ones. The main achievement derived from the introduction of the Rht-B1 dwarfing gene was an increase in the number of grains per spikelet, but it did not have any effect on the number of spikelets on the main spike. The lack of genetic associations between grain setting and both the number of spikelets per spike and the number of fertile florets per spike suggests that future yield gains may be obtained through increases in the three components independently.  相似文献   

为探究C、N供给时期和供给水平对小麦籽粒建成及蛋白质含量的影响,以冬小麦品种济麦22为材料,采用离体穗培养的方法,设置了三个蔗糖浓度(C1:20 g·L~(-1);C2:40g·L~(-1);C3:80g·L~(-1))和四个硝酸铵水平(N1:0.57g·L~(-1);N2:1.14g·L~(-1);N3:2.28g·L~(-1);N4:4.56g·L~(-1)),比较分析了开花期和花后7d培养的小麦穗粒数、粒重及籽粒蛋白质含量对C、N供响应的差异。结果表明,1)开花期增加C、N供给可明显提高小麦穗粒数,C3的穗粒数相比于C1、N3的穗粒数相比于N1分别增加23.5%和8.2%,且弱势粒增幅显著高于强势粒,高氮(N4)下穗粒数显著下降,N4的强、弱势粒数相比于N3分别降低4.8%和29.6%;花后7 d增加C、N供给对穗粒数无显著影响;两个时期比较,以开花期培养的小麦穗粒数更高。2)开花期和花后7 d增加C供给均能显著提高小麦粒重,C3的粒重相对于C1分别提高84.9%和41.5%,且弱势粒增幅大于强势粒;开花期适当增加N供给也能提高小麦粒重,N3的粒重相对于N1增加10.2%,花后7 d适当增加N供给对粒重无显著影响,高氮(N4)下粒重显著下降,且以弱势粒降幅较大;两个时期比较,以花后7 d培养的小麦粒重较高。3)小麦穗粒重随培养基C、N浓度的增加而增加,但高氮下穗粒重显著降低,且穗粒重受粒重的影响较大。4)小麦籽粒蛋白质含量和蛋白质积累量随C浓度的增加而持续降低,随N浓度的增加而持续增加。综上可知,离体穗培养条件下C、N供给水平对小麦穗粒数、粒重及蛋白质含量的调控作用明显,其中开花期增加C、N供给的增粒增重效果更显著,以弱势粒反应更敏感;另外,穗粒数与粒重、粒重与蛋白质含量的调控具有一定矛盾性,其平衡协调仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

为了比较不同小麦品种植株绿色器官的光合功能受损对穗粒重的影响及其补偿效应,用剪叶、包穗、包穗下节的方法对8个冬小麦品种在8种处理下的单穗籽粒产量进行了研究。结果表明,小麦扬花后,各部分绿色器官的光合功能受损对单穗籽粒产量的影响在品种间存在一定差异。包穗使各品种穗粒重损失22.33%~53.11%,多数品种间差异显著;包穗下节及同时剪上三叶片,各品种穗粒重损失4.44%~25.87%和10.08%~30.59%,品种间也有一定的差异;剪旗叶各品种穗粒重损失5.23%~14.42%,品种间差异多不显著;各处理对粒重和穗粒数均有影响。在此条件下,不同品种其植株各部分光合器官对穗粒重的影响各有特点,并且植株个体对穗粒重、粒重的损失能产生一定的补偿效应。不同品种产生补偿效应的能力有一定差异,同一品种在不同处理条件下的补偿效应也不相同。参试各品种中,小偃6号在所有处理条件下的穗粒重损失率都较小,补偿效应明显。  相似文献   

为阐明外源激素和蔗糖调控冬小麦穗粒数和粒重的机理,以冬小麦农大211为材料,设置不同浓度蔗糖和激素,通过离体穗培养及盆栽不同水分条件下喷施激素处理,考察了冬小麦穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重以及穗部糖含量对外源蔗糖和激素的响应。离体穗培养试验表明,蔗糖浓度为40 g·L-1,IAA、GA、6-BA和ABA浓度分别为10-4 mol·L-1、10-5 mol·L-1、10-5 mol·L-1和10-6 mol·L-1时取得了较高的穗粒数,且穗粒数以穗上部强势粒数与穗中部弱势粒数增幅较大;适当增加培养基GA和ABA浓度也能提高粒重,从而提升穗粒重。盆栽试验表明,与水分适宜处理相比,干旱使成熟期穗粒数、穗粒重和单株生物量显著下降,千粒重无显著变化,干旱处理的幼穗中CTK和ABA含量显著增加。干旱条件下,喷施IAA较其对照显著增加了穗粒重和单株生物量以及幼穗中可溶性糖和IAA含量,显著降低了幼穗ABA含量;喷施GA较其对照显著增加了单株生物量和幼穗GA含量,显著降低了幼穗ABA含量;喷施6-BA较其对照显著增加了单株生物量和幼穗CTK含量,显著降低了幼穗可溶性糖和ABA含量;喷施ABA较其对照显著增加了穗粒重和单株生物量,显著降低了幼穗蔗糖和可溶性糖含量。水分适宜条件下,喷施IAA较其对照显著降低了穗粒数、穗粒重和单株生物量,但显著增加了千粒重和幼穗可溶性糖、CTK和ABA含量;喷施GA较其对照显著增加了幼穗可溶性糖、GA、CTK和ABA含量,但显著降低了幼穗蔗糖含量;喷施6-BA较其对照显著增加了幼穗可溶性糖、CTK和ABA含量;喷施ABA较其对照显著降低了穗粒数,显著增加了幼穗可溶性糖、IAA、CTK和ABA含量。总之,外源蔗糖与激素对冬小麦穗粒数、穗粒重和千粒重都有显著影响,适宜蔗糖和激素处理提高穗粒数,主要由于增加了穗上部强势粒和穗中部弱势粒数。外源喷施激素可缓解干旱胁迫对冬小麦穗粒数和穗粒重的影响,以喷施IAA效果最好,主要通过调控幼穗糖含量和激素含量来调控穗粒数和粒重。  相似文献   

为了解燕麦穗粒数形成过程与源、库特征之间的关系,连续两年以10个不同来源、熟期、穗型、株型、小穗数的燕麦品种为试验材料,测定三叶期至拔节期的幼穗分化阶段及抽穗期源库特征,采用方差分析、聚类分析、逐步回归分析等方法,分析不同燕麦基因型源库特征及对穗粒数形成过程的影响。结果表明,燕麦穗粒数形成过程存在基因型差异,幼穗分化较好品种的穗粒数较全部品种平均值高11.22%~65.43%;幼穗分化较好品种的光合势、干物质量、粒数叶比、收获指数显著高于幼穗分化较差品种,其中粒数叶比和收获指数是影响穗粒数形成的主要因素,粒数叶比和收获指数较全部品种平均值分别高0.99%~68.74%和0.85%~13.80%。综上所述,源库协调是燕麦幼穗分化良好的生理基础,可通过提高光合势和干物质量达到增源的目的,进而提高穗粒数。  相似文献   

为探明小麦叶片与非叶光合器官对不同穗位和粒位籽粒发育的影响,以济麦22为试验材料,开花期设置剪叶、包穗、包茎等7种处理,分析了不同处理下不同穗位和粒位粒数、粒重和蛋白质含量的差异。结果表明,小麦穗对穗上部和下部弱势粒数影响显著,与叶片共同作用对穗上部强势粒数及穗中部和下部粒数,以及与茎和叶片共同作用对穗上部粒数、穗中部和下部弱势粒数均影响显著;穗对不同穗位强势粒重和穗上部弱势粒重影响显著,旗叶对穗中部和下部强势粒重、穗上部和中部强势粒重及穗下部粒重影响显著;包穗、剪旗叶和剪倒二叶处理显著提高穗上部强势粒及穗中部和下部籽粒蛋白质含量;剪倒三叶和剪倒四叶+剪倒五叶处理显著提高穗下部强势粒蛋白质含量;同一穗位的强势粒蛋白质含量大于弱势粒,不同穗位籽粒的平均蛋白质含量表现为穗下部穗中部穗上部;同一穗位的弱势粒蛋白质含量变异系数大于强势粒,穗上部的籽粒蛋白质含量变异系数大于穗中部和下部。因此,建议小麦育种中应注重穗光合选择,适当增加小穗排数,减少高穗位粒数,可能是提高小麦产量潜力和改善品质的重要途径。  相似文献   


The number of grains per spikelet and the number of spikelets per spike are important factors that influence grain yield in wheat. Three wheat genotypes in four foreign groups (OA, OC, OH and OJ) differing in spike type and Japanese cultivars (cvs) were grown under various combinations of seeding densities and fertilization levels. In all groups, the spikelet number per spike and the spike length at maturity were highest at low seeding densities and high levels of fertilization. The OA group (Nepal) and Haruyutaka (Japanese cv) gave a weak response in spikelet number per spike, while the OJ group (Xinjiang Uygur, China) gave a weak response in spike length. The OC group (except for T6), the OH group (Tibet) and Japanese cvs (except for Haruyutaka) responded to treatments in both spikelet number per spike and spike length. The T6 genotype in the OC group (Nepal) gave a weak response in both spikelet number per spike and spike length. Although the OA group had the longest spikes and the OJ group had the shortest spikes, there was no difference in the duration of spike elongation between the OA group and the OJ group. Spike length appeared to be determined mainly by the rate of spike elongation and was not restricted by the dry weight of the spike during the growth phase of the spike.  相似文献   

用来自意大利的7个冬小麦品种和国内的4个冬小麦品种,在同一地点进行不同播期处理,结果表明,所有品种在冬前播种均能完成生活周期;3个中国冬性小麦品种和6个意大利冬性小麦品种于春播时均在ZGS26-32时停止发育,未能抽穗结实,不能完成生活周期;而来自意大利和中国的2个弱冬性品种于第4期播种(3月10日)时能完成生活周期,在第5期播种(3月30日)则不能完成生活周期。冬性品种和弱冬性品种均随播期推迟而株高渐矮,但意大利品种变矮的幅度较小。播期对每平方米穗数和每穗不孕小穗影响最大,对穗长和结实小穗影响较小。冬小麦品种随播期推迟籽粒产量和千粒重渐低,而籽粒蛋白质含量渐高。  相似文献   

为了明确超高产冬小麦锰、锌、铜、硼的吸收积累特点及与产量相关性状的关系,于2005-2006年冬小麦成熟期测定了不同小麦品种产量相关性状及植株和籽粒中锰、锌、铜、硼的含量与积累量。结果表明,成熟期不同冬小麦品种植株和籽粒中4种元素的含量和积累量存在不同程度的差异,但都表现为锰>锌>铜>硼。植株锰积累量与穗粒数呈显著正相关,植株锰含量和积累量与单株成穗数呈显著负相关。植株和籽粒锌含量和积累量与每穗小穗数、结实小穗数和穗粒数呈正相关,与不孕小穗数呈负相关,但相关均未达到显著水平。植株铜含量与每穗小穂数、结实小穗数、穗粒数和产量均为正相关,且相关达到显著或极显著水平。植株铜积累量与总小穗数、结实小穗数呈显著正相关,与不孕小穗数呈显著负相关。植株硼积累量与产量达到显著正相关水平。综合分析可知,4种微量元素在增加产量和优化产量构成因素中起着不同的作用,在小麦生产中应针对具体的限制因素确定不同微量元素肥料的施用技术。  相似文献   

小麦旗叶与穗粒重关系的研究   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
以 57个冬小麦基因型为试验材料 ,在稀植高产栽培条件下研究了旗叶长、宽和面积与穗粒数、千粒重和穗粒重之间的关系。结果表明 ,1旗叶长、宽和面积与穗粒数均为显著正相关 ,相关程度大小为旗叶面积>旗叶宽 >旗叶长 ;2旗叶长、宽和面积与千粒重均为正相关 ,但都没有达到显著水平 ;3旗叶长、宽和面积与穗粒重均为正相关 ,其中旗叶宽和面积与穗粒重相关达极显著水平 ,旗叶长与穗粒重显著相关。由此可见 ,旗叶大小对穗粒重有着显著正向效应 ,因此在育种栽培过程中 ,注意增加旗叶面积对提高穗粒重是有益的。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):279-288

Spikelet number per panicle (SPP), differentiated spikelet number per panicle (D-SPP), and preflowering aborted spikelet number per panicle (A-SPP) were examined in five rice cultivars at three planting densities (HD; high, MD; medium, LD; low planting density) in the field condition. Rice plants at LD produced a higher panicle number per plant but lower panicle number per unit area, accompanied by higher D-SPP and SPP, on average. A-SPP and the ratio of A-SPP to D-SPP (%A) showedno consistent trends. There was a broader range of D-SPP values at LD than at HD because of larger D-SPP in higher order panicles (panicles with a higher spikelet number). D-SPP was smaller in lower order panicles in all cultivars and years, whereas %A increased. D-SPP and SPP of each panicle were positively correlated with tiller size (tiller height, leaf area, and neck internode diameter). Spikelet production efficiency for D-SPP or for SPP (spikelet number per leaf area) of each tiller was higher in IR65564-44-51 (NPT65) and Akihikari than in the other cultivars, indicating a greater capacity of tillers to produce spikelets or support spikelet growth. In each cultivar except NPT65, spikelet production efficiency for D-SPP increased as panicle order decreased, whereas spikelet production efficiency for SPP remained constant or decreased. This finding indicates that irrespective of planting density, lower order panicles produce more spikelets than they can afford physiologically, but they were regulated downward to a nearly constant value in four cultivars. In NPT65 different from other cultivars, spikelet production efficiency for D-SPP was lower in lower order panicles.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):283-290

The spike of the main culm in winter wheat was examined by scanning electron microscopy from the double ridge to 6 days after the terminal spikelet stage to quantitatively evaluate the effects of shading and nitrogen supply at the spikelet phase on the numbers of spikelets and floret primordia, and the development of florets. Positional differences on a spike in grain setting at maturity were also investigated. Nitrogen supply affected neither the rate nor duration of spikelet initiation, the number of spikelets remaining unchanged. Although nitrogen supply positively affected the initiation and development of florets, it slightly reduced the grain weight per spike at maturity due to a decrease in the number of grains per spike and the reduced grain weight. These results suggested that under the field condition, nitrogen supply at the double ridge stage is too late to have a significant effect on the spikelet number, and might induce competition for nitrogen between the main culm and tillers, or induce mutual shading between plants, resulting in lighter grain weight per spike. Shading decreased the rate of spikelet initiation, resulting in a significant decrease in spikelet number. The initiation and the development of florets were also decreased by shading. Lower non -structural carbohydrate content at the terminal spikelet stage suggested that the limited assimilate supply by shading was likely responsible for the decreases in the initiation and development of spikelets and florets.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out under irrigation and high fertility in northeastern Spain during 1992 and 1993. Ten triticale genotypes, five of spring growth habit and five winter types, were tested for their suitability for both forage and grain. Forage removal reduced grain yield per plant by about 17%, but did not have any significant effect on plant density, ear density or tiller number per plant. Tiller mortality was greater in winter types (65%) than in spring triticales (25%), but was not affected by cutting. Decreases in grain yield following cutting could be attributed to reductions in the number of grains per spike and kernel weight. Cutting decreased the number of grains per spike by about 9% by reducing the two components, spikelets per head and grains per spikelet. The average spike length was 10·6 cm in the uncut treatment and 10·1 cm in the dual-purpose plots. Cutting reduced thousand kernel weight by about 7% in winter triticales, and around 10% in spring types, both in main spike and in first tiller. The effect of a forage harvest on yield components was in general similar for both types of triticale. Cutting when jointing commenced induced changes in the relative importance of yield components influencing future grain yield. The yield components reduced by cutting were the most important contributors to grain yield after forage removal.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):243-249
The contamination of cadmium (Cd) into the food chain can be harmful because Cd causes chronic health problems. To evaluate the breeding potential reducing the Cd concentration in wheat grain, we compared Cd concentrations in 237 wheat genotypes including Japanese landraces, Japanese cultivars and introduced alien cultivars for breeding using grain samples collected from upland fields in 2004?5 and 2005?6 growing seasons. The Cd concentration in wheat grain significantly varied with the growing seasons and with the experimental fields. Cultivars bred in northern Japan, including the recent Japanese leading cultivar ‘Hokushin’, tended to have a low Cd concentration in grain compared with that bred in central and southern Japan. Simple correlation analysis between Cd concentration in grain and agronomic characteristics revealed that the Cd concentration in grain showed significant negative correlations with stem number, culm length and spikelet number per spike, and showed significant positive correlation with SPAD value (chlorophyll content) of flag leaf. Stepwise multipleregression analysis showed that the genotypic variation of Cd concentration in grain was associated with the culm length and spiklet number per spike. This study clarified the geographical pattern of genotypes with different Cd concentrations in grain in Japanese wheat cultivars. Cultivars originating from northern Japan may be useful genetic resources to develop cultivars with a low Cd concentration in grain to be grown in the areas where Cd accumulation in wheat grain is a problem.  相似文献   

Under terminal drought conditions, cereal varieties with limited tillering have been suggested to be advantageous, because they have fewer nonproductive tillers, thereby limiting water consumption prior to anthesis. In this study, four field trials were conducted over two growing seasons in southern Spain, under rainfed and irrigated conditions. Twenty-five genotypes were studied to evaluate the contribution of the main stem (MS) and tillers to grain yield and its components. Significant differences were found among genotypes for these contributions under non-stressed environments, but these differences were not significant under water-stress conditions. The contribution of the MS to plant grain yield was higher than that of tillers (68% vs. 32%) and was stable between years in irrigated trials. However, in the rainfed trials, MS contributed differently depending on year-to-year climate variations. Thus, under favorable weather conditions the contribution of MS to grain yield was higher than in the unfavorable year (85% vs. 59%). In irrigated environments, MS and tiller grain yield depended on the number of grains per spike, spikelets per spike, and thousand kernel weight (TKW). Under water-limited conditions, MS yield depended on the number of grains per spike and grains per spikelet, whereas the number of spikelets and TKW had less influence on MS grain yield. Furthermore, under water-stress conditions, high tillering genotypes showed yield levels similar to the genotypes with restricted tillering. Additionally, there was no significant evidence of a positive or negative effect of maximum tiller number on grain yield under rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

播后镇压和冬前灌溉对土壤条件和冬小麦生育特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示冬灌和镇压的作用,以冬小麦品种石新828和石麦12号为材料,研究了冬灌和镇压措施对麦田土壤水热条件和冬小麦生育特性的影响。结果表明,与不冬灌相比,冬灌条件下,冬季和春季土壤含水量提高,土壤温度较稳定。与不镇压相比,镇压处理的冬前和起身期土壤含水量及冬前夜间土壤温度提高。冬灌处理冬小麦在越冬后各时期的总茎数、LAI、干物质积累量有所降低,开花期叶片光合速率显著下降,灌浆后期叶片SPAD值下降也较快,每穗总小穗数、结实小穗数、穗粒数和产量均减少。镇压使小麦开花前干物质积累量减少,但对成熟期干物质积累量影响不显著,因为开花后光合速率提高,叶片SPAD值下降较缓慢,开花后干物质积累较多。镇压处理成熟期的单位面积穗数降低,但由于穗粒数和千粒重提高,镇压与不镇压的产量差异不显著。从本研究结果看,冬灌是一项防冻保苗的有效措施,与播后镇压配合可减缓冬季低温和温度剧烈变化对小麦的不利影响。  相似文献   

冬小麦籽粒形成与幼穗发育的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了稳定提高小麦粒重,通过多年对郑引一号、百泉41等多个品种的连续观察和测定,研究了冬小麦籽粒形成与幼穗发育的关系.结果表明,幼穗发育进程是影响早期粒重的主导因素,特别是幼穗发育的中后期,其发育强度对早期粒重的影响更为明显.无论哪种类型的品种,在幼穗发育快,特别是护颖分化期以后幼穗发育强度大的年份,其早期粒重高.早期粒重是最终粒重的基础,早期粒重高的年份,最终粒重通常也比较高.在这些观察与分析的基础上,提出了容易形成早期高粒重的发育进程指标及其相应的植株形态指标.  相似文献   

施氮量对小麦穗花发育及穗粒数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解小麦穗发育与氮素营养的关系,通过田间试验,设置90、180、270kg·hm-2三个施氮量水平(分别用N1、N2和N3表示),选用半冬性小麦品种豫麦49和弱春性品种太空6号为材料,研究了施氮量对小麦主茎幼穗长度、第九小穗小花发育进程、每穗总小穗数、不孕小穗数、小穗结实率、产量及其构成的影响。结果表明,随着时间的推移,小麦主茎幼穗长度对施氮量响应逐渐明显,豫麦49和太空6号分别表现为N3N2N1和N2N3N1。豫麦49第九小穗第4~6朵小花发育进程对施氮量响应差异显著,且分化程度随施氮水平的提高而增加;太空6号第3~6朵小花进程对施氮量响应差异显著,其中第3朵小花在发育进程前期N2处理快于N1、N3处理,中期和后期N2、N3处理快于N1处理,第4~6朵小花分化程度则一直表现为N2N3N1。不同施氮处理间总小穗数、不孕小穗数、小穗结实率、产量、穗粒数等指标差异亦显著,且品种之间对施氮反应存在差异,其中豫麦49的总小穗数、小穗结实率、产量、穗粒数呈N3N2N1,而太空6号呈N2N3N1;豫麦49小穗结实率呈N3N2N1,而太空6号呈N2N3N1。由此可见,施氮量对小麦产量的影响与其对小穗中部小花发育、每穗总小穗数、不孕小穗数和单穗结实率的影响相一致。  相似文献   

冬、春性小麦品种早播(9月30日)、适播(10月30日)的总小花数、可孕小花数及结实粒数均极显著高于晚播(3月2日)。晚播对春性品种小花分化发育与结实的不利影响小于冬性品种。穗粒数的多少与可孕小花数及其结实率密切相关,而与总小花数及其结实率无明显联系;同时大穗多粒基因型也以较高的可孕小花结实率为生理基础。孕穗期小花数均与叶面积、叶片重、叶鞘重和总干物重呈显著或极显著正相关,而与茎高的相关不显著。此外,冬、春性品种的结实粒数均与成熟期茎叶重、总单茎重、结实小穗数、穗长和穗粒重之间呈极显著正相关,表明良好、协调的营养生长与生殖生长的关系是改善小花发育质量、提高穗粒数的根本保证。  相似文献   

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