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通过土培和大田试验,研究了不同供钾水平对两个耐缺钾能力不同水稻品种的氮钾钠等营养特性及其生长的影响。结果表明,不耐低钾的81394具有生物量大但体内钾素含量低的遗传特性,在缺钾条件下,其生长及钾素积累都受到明显抑制,而供钾水平的变化对耐低钾品种辐简稻的影响不大。缺钾条件下,生育前期辐简稻钾素利用效率大于81394,但生育后期及供钾充足时相反。钾效率表现为辐简稻始终大于81394。低钾胁迫使水稻体内含氮量增大,N/K升高,养分比例失调,81394表现更为显著。缺钾促进水稻对钠的吸收,在辐简稻根系中更为突出。  相似文献   

为探明土壤缺钾对冬小麦产量、品质影响机理,以冬小麦耐低钾型品种科农9204和敏感型品种石新828为材料,采用盆栽试验方法,在土壤缺钾和正常供钾条件下,对冬小麦开花后6个时期(0 d、7 d、14 d、21 d、28 d和35 d)旗叶和籽粒钾含量,旗叶叶绿素含量、碳代谢物含量、蔗糖合成酶活性、蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性,籽粒氮代谢物含量、硝酸还原酶活性进行了测定和分析。结果表明,与正常供钾相比,土壤缺钾处理下耐低钾型冬小麦旗叶、籽粒钾、碳代谢物和氮代谢物含量虽有下降,但整体上变化不显著。土壤缺钾下敏感型冬小麦旗叶和籽粒钾含量总体上较正常供钾处理显著下降,降幅分别为5.01%~65.37%、4.74%~31.83%;旗叶叶绿素、碳含量分别降低5.27%~80.66%、3.29%~10.85%,且差异均显著;旗叶可溶性总糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖含量总体上呈显著增加趋势,增幅分别为14.37%~119.08%、16.63%~68.00%、16.63%~68.00%、23.41%~80.37%;蔗糖合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性分别下降32.28%~538.67%、48.51%~421.48%。土壤缺钾导致敏感型冬小麦籽粒氮、粗蛋白质、清蛋白、醇溶蛋白、麦谷蛋白含量和硝酸还原酶活性均显著减少,降幅分别为29.87%~90.33%、15.56%~66.12%、3.73%~26.02%、17.92%~38.81%、6.33%~35.81%和13.89%~33.89%,使球蛋白含量提高2.57%~64.15%,而对耐低钾型冬小麦的籽粒蛋白组分含量和硝酸还原酶活性总体上影响不显著。综上,土壤缺钾导致冬小麦光合作用减弱和光合同化产物减少,抑制了蔗糖酶和硝酸还原酶活性,造成旗叶糖分累积和碳含量及籽粒氮、粗蛋白质含量降低,引起蛋白质组分发生变化,导致碳氮代谢失衡。  相似文献   

水稻籽粒钾和蛋白质含量的基因型差异   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
采用对低钾胁迫敏感程度不同的3种水稻基因型进行田间试验, 以研究水稻籽粒中钾和蛋白质含量。结果表明,低钾胁迫降低水稻籽粒中钾含量和粗蛋白含量,谷壳中钾含量高于米粒中钾含量,米粒中钾含量与粗蛋白含量呈显著正相关。钾高效基因型在低钾胁迫下谷壳和米粒中具有较高的钾相对含量,其米粒中的粗蛋白相对含量也较高。  相似文献   

水稻耐低钾能力及其鉴定法研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
水稻栽培品种的耐低钾能力有明显的基因型差异。耐低钾能力强的品种在缺钾条件下,表现出稻株叶片的呼吸强度和根系的K~ 吸收Cmin较低的特点。据此,建立了鉴定水稻耐低钾能力的方法。该方法简便(省工、省力和省物)、可靠,经实践检验,效果明显。  相似文献   

不同耐性大豆品种叶片对低钾胁迫的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以耐低钾型品种沈农6和低钾敏感型品种铁丰31为材料,通过砂培试验研究了不同低钾耐性大豆品种叶片对低钾胁迫的生理学响应.结果表明:低钾胁迫下敏感型品种叶片叶面积较高钾处理显著降低,而比叶重显著升高,耐性品种2个指标在处理间没有明显变化;低钾胁迫下2个品种叶片可溶性糖含量均下降,耐性品种表现更为突出.此外,低钾条件下耐性品种的淀粉含量降低,而敏感品种的淀粉含量显著升高;低钾条件下,耐性品种处理间的Ca2+-ATPase、Mg2+-ATPase活性没有显著下降,而敏感品种下降达到了显著水平.  相似文献   

施氮处理对水稻精米中铁含量的影响及基因型差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以120份国内外水稻基因型为材料,设置0、150、300kg/hm23个氮素水平,研究施氮处理对水稻精米中Fe含量的影响及其基因型差异。除相同氮素条件下水稻精米中的Fe含量、产量、千粒重及籽粒含氮量存在基因型差异外,精米中的Fe含量对氮素反应的敏感性也存在显著差异。以各基因型水稻在不同氮素条件下精米中Fe含量的极差和变异系数为指标,通过系统聚类的方法,可将上述120份水稻基因型对氮素反应的敏感性分为极钝感型、钝感型、敏感型和极敏感型共4种类型。同时,相关性分析表明,水稻精米中的Fe含量与产量的相关性不显著,而与粒重、籽粒含氮量呈显著或极显著的二次曲线关系。由此说明,施氮处理对水稻精米中Fe含量的影响具有基因型差异,充分利用这种差异一方面有利于对氮环境适应性强的富铁水稻的选育;另一方面,由于精米中的Fe含量与产量无必然联系,可通过氮肥对水稻(尤其是敏感和极敏感类型水稻)精米中的Fe含量和粒重、籽粒含氮量的调节,实现富铁、高产水稻的种植。  相似文献   

不同冬小麦基因型对钾肥敏感性差异的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用不同的小麦基因型,以4水平钾浓度的水培方法进行研究。在高钾条件下,小麦不同基因型的干重、植株含钾量、吸钾量、根系状况差异较小。随着钾浓度的下降,小麦不同基因型的干重、植株含钾量、吸钾量、根系状况差异逐渐加大。对钾肥反应敏感的小麦基因型,随着钾浓度的降低,缺钾症状加重。因而筛选出晋麦31号为耐低钾基因型。  相似文献   

低磷胁迫下不同基因型水稻阶段性磷营养特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽试验研究了低磷胁迫条件下不同磷效率基因型水稻在分蘖期、孕穗期和成熟期的磷营养特征。在分蘖期,耐低磷基因型水稻吸磷量无论在何种磷处理条件下均显著高于低磷敏感基因型,低磷胁迫时,除99112T外其他耐低磷基因型水稻的磷利用效率也显著高于低磷敏感基因型;到孕穗期,耐低磷基因型水稻在低磷胁迫时仍具有较高的吸磷量,但是磷利用效率与低磷敏感基因型相比却没有明显差异;至成熟期,耐低磷基因型水稻的磷效率的贡献因子依次为:磷利用效率、吸收效率和转运效率。较低的吸磷量是99012S(低磷敏感基因型)在不同生育时期磷效率低下的主因,在生育前期磷吸收和利用效率低下及后期磷利用效率低下是另一个低磷敏感基因型99056S磷效率低下的主要原因。低磷胁迫还滞后了低磷敏感基因型的磷吸收,并随着低磷胁迫的加剧而增强。  相似文献   

大豆耐低钾胁迫品种(系)的筛选   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验选用不同基因型的新、老大豆品种(系)总计80份,于低钾土壤上种植,通过对施钾和不施钾两种处理下大豆各品种(系)的生长状况进行田间观察和室内统计分析,结果表明:不同基因型大豆品种(系)对低钾胁迫存在着明显的差异性;耐性不同的品种(系)在两种处理条件下,在叶绿素含量和产量等方面的差异十分显著;大豆始花期是判断其对低钾耐性的关键时期。田间两种处理条件下产量变化较为明显,根据产量高低及耐性系数将不同基因型大豆品种(系)分为高产敏感型、高产不敏感型、低产敏感型、低产不敏感型等四种钾营养效率型。以此为依据筛选出耐低钾能力较强和较弱的典型品种。  相似文献   

水氮对冬小麦花后籽粒淀粉含量及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步探索水分和氮肥对小麦淀粉含量和产量的影响,以冬小麦品种矮抗58为材料,在小麦全生育期不灌水(W0)和拔节期灌水(W1)两种水分条件下,分析了不同施氮处理间(0、180、240和300kg·hm 2,分别用N0、N1、N2、N3表示)冬小麦花后籽粒淀粉含量和产量的差异.结果表明,N2处理获得较高小麦籽粒产量、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量及较低直/支比,不施氮或施氮过多均不利高产和籽粒淀粉积累.与W0相比,W1处理有利于小麦籽粒产量提高及支链淀粉和总淀粉积累.水、氮互作对小麦籽粒产量和淀粉含量影响明显.在8个处理中,以W1N2处理对提高小麦籽粒产量和改善籽粒淀粉品质有利,为比较理想的水氮运筹方式.  相似文献   

Soil salinity and alkalinity adversely affects the productivity and grain quality of rice.The grain quality of 19 rice genotypes characterized as salt tolerant (T),semi-tolerant (ST) and sensitive (S) was assessed in lysimeters containing saline and highly alkaline soils.Head rice recovery was reduced by salinity stress whereas it was not affected by alkalinity stress.The ratio of length to width (grain dimensions) was significantly reduced in the T genotype even at low electrical conductivity (EC,4 mS/cm) and alkalinity (pH 9.5),whereas in the ST genotype,it was significantly reduced at high salinity (EC 8 mS/cm).There was no significant effect of any levels of salinity or alkalinity on grain dimensions in the S genotype.Amylose content was significantly reduced in T and ST groups even at low EC (4 mS/cm) and alkalinity (pH 9.5) and the effect in the S genotype was only at high salinity.Starch content showed significant reduction at high salinity and alkalinity (EC 8 mS/cm and pH 9.8) in the T and ST genotypes and no significant effect was observed in the S genotype.The effect of both levels of salinity (EC 4 and 8 mS/cm) and high alkalinity (pH 9.8) on gel consistency was observed only in the S genotype.The tolerant genotypes IR36 under high salinity,and CSR10 and CSR11 under alkali stress showed less reduction in amylose content.The T genotype BR4-10,and ST genotypes CSR30,CSR29 and CSR13 showed better gel consistency under saline and alkali stress.Amylose content was affected even at low salinity stress and thus important to be considered in breeding rice for salt tolerance.Overall,the grain quality of T and ST genotypes was less affected by saline and alkali stress compared to S ones.  相似文献   

Morpho-Physiological Changes in Roots of Rice Seedling upon Submergence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Submergence is a serious environmental condition that causes large loss in rice production in rain fed lowland and flood affected area. This study evaluated morphological and physiological responses of rice roots to submergence using two tolerant rice genotypes FR13A and Swarna-Sub 1 and two sensitive ones Swarna and IR42. The tolerant genotypes had higher survival rate and less shoot elongation but greater root elongation during submergence than the sensitive ones. After submergence,the tolerant genotypes also had higher root dry weight and more active roots than the sensitive ones.Tolerant genotypes exhibited less root injury, with less malondialdehyde production and slower electrolyte leakage after submergence. Tolerant genotypes also maintained higher concentrations of soluble sugar and starch in roots and shoots and higher chlorophyll retention after submergence than the sensitive ones.Our data showed that root traits such as root activity and root growth are associated with survival rate after submergence. This is probably accomplished through higher energy supply, and membrane integrity is necessary to preserve root function and reduce injury during submergence. These root traits are important for submergence tolerance in rice.  相似文献   

以优质杂交籼稻B优827为材料,通过施用不同水平的氮、钾肥,并在B优827灌浆时段测定籽粒的直链淀粉、总淀粉含量以及淀粉合成酶的活性,分析氮、钾对水稻灌浆过程中籽粒淀粉积累、淀粉合成关键酶活性的影响,以及直链淀粉的积累与淀粉合成关键酶活性间的相关性。B优827的直链淀粉含量在开花后20 d内呈线性增加,开花20 d后有所下降;可溶性淀粉合成酶活性变化呈单峰曲线,开花后12 d酶活性达到了最高值,以后随天数增加而迅速降低;淀粉粒结合型淀粉合成酶活性变化呈单峰曲线,开花后15 d酶活性达到最高值,开花后15 d籽粒直链淀粉含量也接近最高值;灌浆中后期可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、淀粉粒结合型淀粉合成酶(GBSS)与直链淀粉含量呈现出显著的正相关关系。增施氮肥可以提高SSS和GBSS活性,施钾肥在生育前期提高SSS和GBSS活性,后期抑制两者的活性;氮肥和钾肥均有促进淀粉积累的作用,但氮肥施用量过高时会抑制淀粉的积累。适当控施氮肥、增施钾肥是提高B优827籽粒产量的有效途径。  相似文献   

磷水平对不同磷效率水稻生长及磷、锌养分吸收的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
 选择4个耐低磷水稻基因型508、99011、580、99112和2个磷敏感基因型99056、99012,用土培盆栽进行全生育期试验,研究不同磷水平对它们生长及吸收利用磷和锌的影响。结果表明,不同耐低磷水稻基因型不仅吸收利用磷的能力不同,对锌的吸收利用也存在差异。耐低磷基因型580、99011和508都具有较大的生物量,且受磷水平影响较小;而耐低磷基因型99112和磷敏感基因型99056、99012生物量都较小且受磷水平影响较大。耐低磷基因型580和99011吸收的磷较多;而508的利用效率更占优势。99056吸收的磷较少,尤其在低磷处理时吸收磷的能力较差;99012对磷的利用效率最低。30 mg/kg的磷处理显著提高植株体锌含量。从吸收锌的总量来看,580占绝对优势,其次是99011和508;99012吸收的锌最少,其次是99056。此外,在取样的3个时期,相同磷处理的P/Zn比均以99012最大,99056最小。  相似文献   

A soil pot culture experiment with four supplied P levels (i.e. P30, P50, P100, P200, representing supplemental P 30, 50, 100, 200 mg/kg, respectively) was conducted to investigate uptake and use ability to P and Zn in the rice genotypes with different P-efficiency, of which rice genotypes 508, 99011, 580, 99112 were Iow-P tolerant and 99056, 99012 were Iow-P sensitive. Low-P tolerant rice 580 and 99011 absorbed more P than the others, and rice genotype 580 had stronger uptake ability especially at Iow-P level such as P50 and P30. 508 could absorb considerable P, and had the lowest P percentage of shoot, indicating it had good performance in P-use efficiency. These three rice genotypes had larger biomass and less response to changed P level than rice genotype 99112, 99056 and 99012. Rice genotype 99112 showed Low-P tolerance mainly by sacrificing biomass to maintain high relative grain yield. The least amount of P absorbed by 99056 showed it had the lowest P uptake efficiency, and the highest P percentage in shoot of 99012 meant it had the lowest P use efficiency. So they two showed Iow-P sensitivity. Zn contents in shoot under P200, P100 and P50 were similar, but P30 increased Zn content in shoot significantly. The Zn contents in shoot of 99112, 99056 and 99012 were higher than those of 508, 99011 and 580, especially at tillering stage and booting stage. As for total Zn content in shoot, Low-P tolerant rice genotype 580 had the largest amount and followed by 99011 and 508, Iow-P tolerant rice genotype 99012 had the smallest amount at the three sampling stage and followed by 99056. Furthermore, P/Zn in shoot of 99012 was the highest, and that of 99056 was the smallest at the same P level.  相似文献   

比较育性转变敏感期间的光周期、夜中断处理对光敏核不育水稻(农垦585)和原种农垦58叶片内淀粉积累的影响。淀粉含量在花粉母细胞形成末期测定。在短日照下,两品种叶片中淀粉含量均比长日照下高,且昼夜变化趋势一致。红光夜中断处理后,农垦58S和农垦58叶片中的淀粉含量均降低,且降低的程度相同。叶片中碳水化合物代谢可能与农星58S花粉败育无关。红光夜中断效应可为随后的远红光所逆转,说明光敏色素参与调节水稻叶片中淀粉积累。  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of nitrogen (N) level on iron (Fe) content in milled rice, a field experiment was carried out under three N application levels including 0, 150 and 300 kg/hm2 by using 120 rice genotypes. In addition to the genotypic differences of iron content in milled rice, grain yield, 1000-grain weight and N content in grains under the same N level, there were also variations in the response of Fe content in milled rice to N levels. Based on the range and variation coefficient of Fe content in milled rice under the three N levels, the response of Fe content in milled rice to N levels could be classified into four types including highly insensitive, insensitive, sensitive and highly sensitive types. A significant quadratic correlation was found between the Fe content in milled rice and 1000-grain weight or the N content in grains. However, no significant correlation between the Fe content in milled rice and grain yield was detected. In conclusion, there are genotypic differences in the effects of N levels on Fe content in milled rice, which is favorable to breeding of Fe-rich rice under different N environments. Furthermore, high yield and Fe-rich rice could be grown through the regulation of nitrogen on Fe content in milled rice, 1000-grain weight and N content in milled rice.  相似文献   

磷对水稻高Fe2+胁迫的缓解作用   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
采用溶液培养法研究了高Fe2+胁迫下不同磷水平对粳稻Azucena(耐铁毒基因型)和籼稻IR64(铁毒敏感基因型)的生长和生理特性的影响。结果表明,与正常供Fe2+相比,高Fe2+胁迫抑制了水稻地上部和根系的生长,降低了干物质积累量和叶片叶绿素含量。外源供磷水平的提高,水稻地上部和根系生长受铁毒抑制程度有所减弱,叶片丙二醛含量和质膜透性下降,POD活性和叶绿素含量增加,而SOD活性则有所下降。表明在一定程度上,磷营养对提高水稻的耐Fe2+毒害具有重要作用,而磷对缓解Azucena的Fe2+毒害的效果较为明显。  相似文献   

供锌水平对水稻生长和锌积累和分配的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
通过对3个不同水稻品种(碧玉早糯、26715和浙农921)5个供锌水平(0.0、0.5、2.0、8.0、32.0 μmol/L ZnSO[sub]4[/sub])处理的水培试验,研究供锌水平对水稻生长和锌积累的影响。结果表明,水稻地上部锌含量随供锌水平的提高而提高,不同的供试品种在不同的生育期地上部锌含量的变化趋势存在差别。不同的供试品种之间籽粒锌的积累差异极显著,精米中的锌含量随供锌水平的提高而提高;在8.0、32.0 μmol/L Zn水平下,籽粒锌含量差异不大,颖壳锌含量则随供锌水平的提高而提高;在≤8.0 μmol/L时,精米锌含量比颖壳高,而在高锌水平(32.0 μmol/L)下,颖壳的锌含量比精米高。  相似文献   

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