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Food provides abundant nutrients for human beings, but also has sensory functions and physiological regulation. Lipids are the main components of food as well as the important structural and functional components of cells. Nevertheless, lipids are easily oxidized by different ways, such as thermal oxidation and air oxidation. Lipid oxidation has adverse effects on food quality and human health. Therefore, efforts should be made to reduce lipid oxidation and improve its stability. This review focuses on important knowledge about lipid oxidation, including the concept of lipids and lipid oxidation, the main pathways and mechanisms of lipid oxidation, factors affecting lipid oxidation, strategies to improve the stability of lipid oxidation, and the recent research progress of lipid oxidation in food science and nutritional health.  相似文献   

黑米花色苷调节脂质代谢作用及其分子机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来大量体内外实验研究证实花色苷具有调节脂代谢作用。黑米种皮富含花色苷,是天然花色苷重要的来源之一。本文综述了黑米花色苷对脂质代谢的调节作用,并分别从调节脂肪酸和胆固醇代谢相关酶及其基因的表达的角度总结了其作用机制,分析了研究中存在的主要问题,提出了下一步深入研究的重要方向,旨在为黑米精深加工和功能食品开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

 本文从花生种植简要历史,生产区域和花生类型,种植面积和产量,种植技术(包括播种、收获和病虫害防治),花生消费和产品质量控制等方面介绍了美国花生生产的概况。通过对2010至2012年美国花生研究和教育协会举办的花生年会上文章的统计,简要分析了美国在花生种质资源与育种研究、花生遗传与生物技术,花生生产技术以及病虫害抗性等方面的研究动态,旨为我国花生的科研与生产提供参考。   相似文献   

科研项目管理是科学研究的重要组成部分,对科学研究、科技发展以及自主创新能力的增强具有重要作用。分析农业科研单位科研项目管理中存在的问题,从加强科研项目全过程服务、打造高绩效的科研团队、完善科研评价机制、提高科研管理人员的综合素质4个方面提出应对策略,实现农业科研单位科研项目管理工作的可持续发展。  相似文献   

对茶学领域1999—2019年获得国家自然科学基金资助的项目,从项目年度、类别、学部、依托单位性质及其所在区域、项目负责人和学科分支分布等方面进行统计分析,挖掘我国茶学学科基础研究的现状、特点和发展趋势,探讨茶学基础研究中存在的问题和不足,为茶学领域科研人员的选题思路、科研发展提供参考。  相似文献   

基于SCI-E(科学引文索引扩展版)的数据,利用文献计量学方法,统计分析1994-2012年SCI-E收录牛布鲁氏菌病的相关研究文献,探讨国内外牛布鲁氏菌病文献的文献量变化与被引频次、语种、国家或地区分布、学科类别、主要研究机构等。结果显示:牛布鲁氏菌病研究发文量自2003年后逐年增加,其中发文较多的国家为美国、法国、西班牙等;发文量较多的机构为法国农业科学研究院(INRA)、德克萨斯农工大学(Texas A&M Univ)、路易斯安那州立大学(Louistiana State Univ)等;主要的发文期  相似文献   

基于文献计量:木薯近年研究热点和趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄武  胡新文  毛帅  闵义 《热带作物学报》2018,39(12):2521-2531
为了探究热带作物木薯的研究热点和趋势,本文对近年来木薯研究成果进行了分析,数据检索时间是 1999— 2017 年,各项数据分析和可视化分析的时间范围是 2009—2017 年。基于 Web of Science 数据库,利用网页检索功能分 析了木薯研究的年发文量、基金资助机构及国家地区分布、研究方向及研究机构状况;利用 CiteSpace 对 2009—2017 年木薯研究关键词进行共现性和可视化图谱聚类分析。中国地区发文量、基金资助分布及研究机构排名位于前列;农 业研究、食品科学技术领域占比较大;以 3 a 为时间轴对数据的关键词聚类分析,绘制可视化信息图谱并分析聚类下的 信息,得出木薯研究的趋势和热点问题。木薯淀粉-壳聚糖、燃料乙醇研究引发新的研究热点。从发文量来看,中国在 木薯研究科研投入和成果数量产出方面都位居前列;分子育种成为品质改良的重要手段,木薯病毒、燃料乙醇、光暗 发酵制氢、甲烷和单细胞油脂生产、延缓块根变质、耐受性基因选择持续成为关注热点;最近 3 a,木薯淀粉在新型材 料加工方面有了新的应用,在可再生能源方面出现了新的研究领域。  相似文献   

《Grass and Forage Science》1969,24(4):352-354
Book reviewed in this article:
COMMITTEE ON HERBAGE SEED SUPPLIES (UK). Report of the Committee on herbage seed supplies .
WATKINS, P. Grass and the dairy cow .
ARNON, I. Organisation and administration of agricultural research .
HARRISON, C. M. (Ed.) Forage economics-quality. Papers presented at the Forage Economics Symposium and the Forage Quality Evaluation Symposium co-sponsored hy the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America at the annual meetings of the three societies in Washington, D.C., November, 1967 .
WRIGLEY, G. Tropical agriculture: the development of productiou .
WILSON, B. (Ed.) Pasture improvements in Australia .
JERMY, A. C.; TUTIN, T. G. British sedges. A handbook to the species of Carex fonnd growing in the British Isles .  相似文献   

黄武  胡新文  毛帅  闵义 《热带作物学报》2018,39(7):1452-1461
为了探究热带作物木薯的研究热点和趋势,本文对近年来木薯研究成果进行了分析,数据检索时间是 1999—2017 年,各项数据分析和可视化分析的时间范围是 2009—2017 年。基于 Web of Science 数据库,利用网页检索功能分析了木薯研究的年发文量、基金资助机构及国家地区分布、研究方向及研究机构状况;利用 CiteSpace 对 2009—2017年木薯研究关键词进行共现性和可视化图谱聚类分析。中国地区发文量、基金资助分布及研究机构排名位于前列;农业研究、食品科学技术领域占比较大;以 3 a 为时间轴对数据的关键词聚类分析,绘制可视化信息图谱并分析聚类下的信息,得出木薯研究的趋势和热点问题。木薯淀粉-壳聚糖、燃料乙醇研究引发新的研究热点。从发文量来看,中国在木薯研究科研投入和成果数量产出方面都位居前列;分子育种成为品质改良的重要手段,木薯病毒、燃料乙醇、光暗发酵制氢、甲烷和单细胞油脂生产、延缓块根变质、耐受性基因选择持续成为关注热点;最近 3 a,木薯淀粉在新型材料加工方面有了新的应用,在可再生能源方面出现了新的研究领域。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology research has lately been of intense interest because of its perceived potential for many diverse fields of science. Nanotechnology's tools have found application in diverse fields, from biology to device physics. By the 1990s, there was a concerted effort in the United States to develop a national initiative to promote such research. The success of this effort led to a significant influx of resources and interest in nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology and to the establishment of centralized research programs and facilities. Further government initiatives (at federal, state, and local levels) have firmly cemented these disciplines as 'big science,' with efforts increasingly concentrated at select laboratories and centers. In many respects, these trends mirror certain changes in academic science over the past twenty years, with a greater emphasis on applied science and research that can be more directly utilized for commercial applications.We also compare the National Nanotechnology Initiative and its successors to the Human Genome Project, another large-scale, government funded initiative. These precedents made acceptance of shifts in nanotechnology easier for researchers to accept, as they followed trends already established within most fields of science. Finally, these trends are examined in the design of technologies for detection and treatment of cancer, through the Alliance for Nanotechnology in Cancer initiative of the National Cancer Institute. Federal funding of these nanotechnology initiatives has allowed for expansion into diverse fields and the impetus for expanding the scope of research of several fields, especially biomedicine, though the ultimate utility and impact of all these efforts remains to be seen.  相似文献   

Flavonoids in Food and Their Health Benefits   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
There has been increasing interest in the research of flavonoids from dietary sources, due to growing evidence of the versatile health benefits of flavonoids through epidemiological studies. As occurrence of flavonoids is directly associated with human daily dietary intake of antioxidants, it is important to evaluate flavonoid sources in food. Fruits and vegetables are the main dietary sources of flavonoids for humans, along with tea and wine. However, there is still difficulty in accurately measuring the daily intake of flavonoids because of the complexity of existence of flavonoids from various food sources, the diversity of dietary culture, and the occurrence of a large amount of flavonoids itself in nature. Nevertheless, research on the health aspects of flavonoids for humans is expanding rapidly. Many flavonoids are shown to have antioxidative activity, free-radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease prevention, and anticancer activity, while some flavonoids exhibit potential for anti–human immunodeficiency virus functions. As such research progresses, further achievements will undoubtedly lead to a new era of flavonoids in either foods or pharmaceutical supplements. Accordingly, an appropriate model for a precise assessment of intake of flavonoids needs to be developed.Most recent research has focused on the health aspects of flavonoids from food sources for humans. This paper reviews the current advances in flavonoids in food, with emphasis on health aspects on the basis of the published literature, which may provide some guidance for researchers in further investigations and for industries in developing practical health agents.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggest that excessive concentrations of reactive oxygen species in the human body are involved in a number of pathological events and that oxidative damage to cell components may play an important pathophysiological role in many types of human diseases. Several studies have shown the possible benefits of antioxidants from plant sources in altering, reversing or forestalling the negative effects of oxidative stress.The study was designed to evaluate whether lignins prevent H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation. The protective effect of industrial lignins obtained from different sources against hydrogen peroxide induced oxidation was investigated in normal human red blood cells (RBCs). RBCs, preincubated with different amounts of lignins and challenged with hydrogen peroxide were analyzed for lipid peroxidation. The high molecular weight can be considered as one of the main factors decreasing the radical scavenging activity. When comparing different lignins the inhibitory effects against lipid peroxidation were notably related to their molecular weights. In this sense bagasse with the lowest Mn was the greatest antioxidant and lignosulfonate with the highest Mn was the lowest antioxidant lignin.These results open the possibility of new applications of lignins. The potential health benefits and industrial applications of lignins make them a promising research resource.  相似文献   

基于我国茶学领域在2008—2019年获得的国家级、省部级科技奖励成果,对成果的奖项、等级、获奖年份、第一完成人、第一完成单位、主要研究领域、产学研合作等相关数据进行了统计分析,明确我国茶叶科技奖励成果现状、特点和支持趋势,旨在为我国茶叶科技人员确定科研选题、培育成果和申报成果奖励提供思路。  相似文献   

Evidence for shellfish toxin illness in British Columbia (BC) on the west coast of Canada can be traced back to 1793. For over two hundred years, domestically acquired bivalve shellfish toxin illnesses in BC were solely ascribed to paralytic shellfish poisonings caused by algal blooms of Alexandrium. This changed in 2011, when BC experienced its first outbreak of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). As a result of this outbreak, Canada’s first DSP symposium was held in November, 2012, in North Vancouver, BC. Three of the objectives of the symposium were to provide a forum to educate key stakeholders on this emerging issue, to identify research and surveillance priorities and to create a DSP network. The purpose of this paper is to review what is known about shellfish poisoning in BC and to describe a novel volunteer network that arose following the symposium. The newly formed network was designed for industry shellfish growers to identify harmful algae bloom events, so that they may take actions to mitigate the effects of harmful blooms on shellfish morbidity. The network will also inform public health and regulatory stakeholders of potentially emerging issues in shellfish growing areas.  相似文献   

Acrylamide is a probable carcinogen found in processed potato products. The compound is formed at elevated temperatures by the Maillard reaction from two primary precursors - reducing sugars (fructose and glucose) and asparagine. Significant advances have been made in reducing acrylamide formation by selecting varieties with low precursor concentrations through conventional breeding or genetic modification techniques. However, acrylamide in many of the traditional varieties processed for fries or chips is sometimes found at elevated levels. Both agronomic and storage practices can significantly influence glucose, fructose, and asparagine concentrations and therefore the potential to form acrylamide during processing. This summary of a symposium presentation given at the 99th Annual Potato Association of American Meeting is to provide a general overview of previous studies that have examined the effects of agronomic factors such as nutrient and water management and storage factors such as temperature and duration on acrylamide precursors and/or acrylamide in processed potato products. A better understanding of how these factors affect acrylamide precursors is a first step in minimizing acrylamide formation during processing and improving the quality of processed potato products.  相似文献   

通过对云南省宾川县平川镇朱苦拉村引种咖啡的历史进行调查研究,根据有案可查的史料和实地考察,朱苦拉引种咖啡的年代应该是1904年(清光绪三十年)。朱苦拉确实是云南咖啡最早的引种地之一,并在原地传承至今,具有极高的科研价值。但是,也由于种种原因而静悄悄地消亡与改变,需紧急抢救与保护。  相似文献   

Cereal products are consumed daily by the majority of the population. Popular belief is that these cereal products, rich in carbohydrates, produce a high glycaemic response and may not be a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic throughout the world. Recently the food industry has investigated ways of improving the overall nutritional balance of carbohydrate rich foods and focused on increasing their dietary fibre (DF) contents at the expense of readily digestible carbohydrates. It is well documented that dietary fibre is involved in disease prevention and enhanced health of consumers. Moreover, the food industry can take advantage of the physicochemical properties of fibre to improve the viscosity, texture, sensory characteristics and shelf-life of their products. The focus of this review paper is on the influence of DFs (inulin, fructo-oligofructose, β-glucans, arabinoxylans and resistant starch) supplementation on the quality and nutritional aspects of common foods containing cereals- pasta, bread, muffins/cakes and extruded snacks. This review reports on the evidence regarding fibre enrichment of cereal foods and looks at the advances and future trends in enriched dietary fibre cereal products.  相似文献   

张旖旎  吉铮 《茶叶科学》2022,42(3):423-434
茶叶中的EGCG在治疗癌症、细菌和病毒感染等疾病中显示出较高的生物活性。为探索EGCG的相关研究进展及近期研究重点,以“EGCG”及“Epigallocatechin gallate”为主题词,在ISI Web of Science数据库核心合集搜索2000—2021年的相关文献共6 799篇,采用CiteSpace可视化软件进行引文分析,通过合作、共现、共被引等网络分析,研究EGCG的研究重点和前沿趋势。根据发文量统计分析发现,中国、美国和日本在该领域发文量排名前三位,而中介中心性指标分析表明美国、德国和中国文献重要性位列前三。引文分析的关键词突发性检测发现,“纳米粒子(Nanoparticle)”“稳定性(Stability)”是近几年的研究重点。随着对EGCG研究层次的不断深入,未来研究可能会集中于提高EGCG生物利用度,探究最适剂量水平及给药频率等方面。  相似文献   

简述科研开发的特点和科技开发管理的意义,剖析开发管理的现状,从提高科技开发管理认识、理顺开发体制和机制、强化开发管理队伍建设等3个方面,对中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所科技开发管理提出建议。  相似文献   

基于农业科研院所科技管理创新角度,从科技投入、科技活动以及科技产出等3个方面对科技统计指标进行分析和补充,并提出科研统计数字化平台建设。  相似文献   

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