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我国常规稻主栽品种的遗传变异分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
 采用40个SSR标记,分析了329份我国近50年来常规稻主栽品种的遗传变异。结果显示,39个SSR标记具有多态性,在多态性位点共检测到223个等位基因,每个位点2~11个,平均57个;平均Nei基因多样性指数(He)为0632。籼粳亚种间的SSR变异差异明显,籼稻平均等位基因数(Na)和Nei基因多样性指数(Na = 54,He = 0440)均高于粳稻品种(Na = 44,He = 0397)。Nei遗传相似系数表明总体样本具有较小的遗传相似度(I = 0366),而骨干亲本具有较高的遗传相似度(籼:I = 0590;粳:I = 0590)。这导致了籼粳亚种内较高的遗传一致性(籼:I = 0558;粳:I = 0600)。早、中、晚稻各类型遗传相似度差异明显,晚籼和早粳类型具有较高的遗传变异。籼粳稻品种尤其是粳稻的聚类结果显示出较强的季节型和地域特征。这些均提示育种家应选择更广泛的亲本源以拓宽选育品种的遗传基础。  相似文献   

水稻籼粳特异性RFLP标记及广亲和品种亲缘关系分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
 应用160个RFLP标记分析了21个水稻广亲和品种6个籼粳测验种,发现其中68个标记可以区分籼粳测验种。21个广亲和品种根据与籼粳测验和共有片段比率的大小 可以分为籼,粳和籼粳中间型三类。68个标记在15个籼粳品种中进一步筛选,得到24个籼粳特异性RFLP标记。它们在亚种内杂交带型相同而亚种产不一样。其中RG358、G318为籼稻专一性探针,在粳稻中表现为零等位。以此24个探针为基础构建了广亲和品品种亲缘关系的树状图。讨论了籼粳特异性RFLP标记在水稻遗传育种实践中的应用。  相似文献   

水稻广亲和系的选育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水稻广亲和基因的发现及其遗传研究 ,揭开了籼粳稻亚种间杂种一代半不育现象的遗传本质 ,为利用水稻亚种间杂种优势指明了方向。但是 ,已知的广亲和材料 ,绝大多数为古老的农家品种 ,农艺性状不良 ,如植株太高 ,株叶形披散和生育期很长等 ;不能直接作为选配优良组合的亲本加以利用。因此 ,培育具有优良农艺性状和经济性状、可供实用的水稻广亲和系就显得非常重要 ,这是开展亚种间杂种优势育种的首要任务之一。普通栽培稻有籼稻、粳稻和爪哇稻三个亚种 ,所以亚种间的杂交可分为籼粳交、籼爪交和粳爪交三种形式。初步研究表明 ,水稻杂种优势强弱的程度 ,具有籼粳交 >籼爪交 >粳爪交 >籼籼交 >粳粳交的一般趋势。也就是说 ,亚种间的杂种优势一般要强于品种间的。为了能充分利用各种形式的亚种间杂种优势 ,提高育成强优组合的几率 ,就有必要建立籼、粳、爪三个亚种类型的优良广亲和系。我们在以前工作的基础上 ,近年来开展了水稻广亲和系选育的研究 ,已取得一些进展和结果 ,育成了粳型广亲和系培C3 11,爪哇型广亲和系轮回 4 2 2 ,籼型广亲和系培矮 64以及广亲和光敏核不育系培矮 64S。  相似文献   

利用54个水稻SSR标记对来自我国六大稻区22个省(市)在20世纪30~90年代育出,并在水稻育种中具有重要利用价值的94份种质材料进行了研究,用以评价SSR标记在检测DNA多态性、鉴别品种类型及种质资源遗传多样性的作用,了解中国常用育种材料的遗传多样性背景。54个引物对在供试品种上扩增得到311条多态性带,58个位点的平均等位基因数为5.36;各位点的平均多态性信息量(PIC)的变幅为0.452~0.833,平均值为0.647;94×94对基因型的遗传相似系数(SM)变幅为0.009~0.845,平均为0.259。利用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,可将供试材料分成两大类,分别符合于籼、粳类型,符合系数95.7%。结果表明,可以有效利用微卫星标记来检测DNA多态性,并进行品种鉴定及遗传资源多样性的分析;中国水稻品种种内具有较高的遗传多样性,但亚种内遗传多样性偏低,其中籼稻内遗传多样性要比粳稻内遗传多样性高。  相似文献   

利用118对SSR分子标记对2012年云南哈尼梯田的47份水稻材料进行多态性检测,分析其遗传多样性,并利用Structure 2.3.4软件进行群体结构分析。结果显示,118对SSR标记共检测到255个等位变异,变幅为2~4个,平均每个标记2.161个。基因多样性指数变异范围为0.043~0.656,平均0.303。多态信息含量(PIC)变异范围为0.042~0.583,平均0.256。其中高度多态位点(PIC0.5)有2个,中度多态位点(0.25PIC0.5)有66个;通过遗传相似系数及基于数学模型的群体结构分析均将供试材料分为偏籼和偏粳2个类群;聚类结果和海拔高度总体上没有明显规律,但偏籼类群中的偏籼红米亚群按海拔高低分别聚在一起。研究表明,云南哈尼梯田现有栽培水稻以偏籼水稻为主,但本研究估测的遗传多样性低于前人报道。  相似文献   

 为了揭示云南元阳哈尼梯田两个不同时期种植的水稻地方品种的遗传多样性,以元阳哈尼梯田过去种植(20世纪70年代收集于元阳县,现保存于种质库)的72个和当前种植的76个品种为材料,采用48个SSR分子标记进行多态性、遗传相似性和聚类分析。平均每个标记检测到的等位基因数、有效等位基因数、位点多态信息含量和基因型多样性指标在过去与当前的品种间,差异均未达显著水平。共有24个SSR标记的52个等位基因位点在过去与当前种植的品种中存在差异,其中,有18个SSR标记的32个等位基因位点在当前的品种中未检测到,同样,有16个SSR标记的20个等位基因位点在过去的品种中未检测到。基于48个SSR分子标记的平均遗传相似性系数,当前种植的品种为03340,过去为03313,过去与当前的品种分别在遗传相似性系数0203和0174处分为籼、粳两个亚种群。表明元阳哈尼梯田水稻地方品种经过30多年的自然与人工选择,虽有部分等位基因位点发生了变异,但仍保留了原有的遗传多样性;元阳哈尼梯田水稻地方品种存在明显的籼、粳分化。元阳哈尼梯田及其水稻地方品种是研究稻作籼粳演化的理想基地和材料。  相似文献   

粳型亲籼系的选育及其在杂交水稻超高产育种上的利用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
张桂权  卢永根 《杂交水稻》1999,14(6):3-5,11
杂交水稻超高产育种的关键是籼粳亚种间杂种优势的利用。粳型亲籼系的选育和利用是籼粳亚种间杂种优势利用的重要途径,作为超高产杂交水稻的强优恢复系,粳型亲灿系的育种目标是:1)对籼稻具有很高的亲和性;2)基因组属于粳型或偏粳型;3)与籼稻具有遗传协调性;4)具有良好的农艺性状;5)带有一些重要基因,对通过利用粳型亲灿系建立超高产要交水稻的育种体系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

甬优系列杂交水稻SSR标记指纹图谱和籼粳属性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用22个SSR分子标记对13份甬优系列杂交水稻组合及其亲本材料和6份籼粳对照种进行分析,共获得87个等位基因,每对引物扩增的等位基因数为2~8个。所有供试材料间均检测到了差异,从而建立起甬优1号~甬优6号杂交水稻组合及其亲本的DNA指纹图谱。聚类分析结果表明,9份供试材料与3份粳稻对照种聚于一类,属粳稻;4份供试材料与籼稻对照种IR36聚于一类,属籼稻。这与形态分类结果基本一致。从分子水平确认了杂交水稻甬优6号和甬优4号为籼粳亚种间杂交稻。  相似文献   

三系法籼粳亚种杂交水稻研究的初步进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
笔者自1985年开始三系法籼粳亚种间杂交水稻研究工作,至1989年已初步育成了一 批籼粳亚种杂交水稻的早、中、晚稻组合,其穗型大小、结实率和千粒重等,比同熟期的当家常 规稻和品种间杂交稻都有大幅度超出。在轮回422/选10-19组合分离后代中,选育了多种熟期和生态类型的广亲和恢复系。  相似文献   

两系亚种间杂交水稻抽穗日数的杂种优势和配合力分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用光敏核不育水稻与广亲和品种配制的两系杂交稻组合,目前已成为利用籼粳亚种间杂种优势的一条重要途径。但由于籼粳交杂种一代往往表现生育期延迟的特点,使一些产量优势明显的两系亚种间杂交组合因生育期过长而限制了在生产上应用。几年来,通过对许多籼粳杂种一代的观察,发现并非所有籼粳交组合都表现超亲迟熟,不同组合间存在明显差异,并且与亲本有关。因此,有必要研究两系杂交稻组合在生育期方面的杂种优势特点及不同亲本在这一性状上的配合力效应,为组配两系亚种间杂交组合的亲本选择提供理论依据。1 材料与方法1990年夏季,以5个籼型光敏核不育系为母本,10个广亲和品种为父本,按5×10不完全双列杂交组配50个杂交组合。5个光敏核不育系为W6154S,W6184S,KS-9,5460S和衡农S-1。  相似文献   

There exists a single nucleotide polymorphism, G or T, at the first base of the donor splice site of waxy gene intron 1 in rice. In order to study the relationship between the first base of the donor splice site of waxy gene intron 1 and amylose content in rice, the one-step PCR method was used to determine whether it is G or T in 220 Yunnan indigenous rice varieties from 14 districts, 55 towns/counties of Yunnan Province, and 101 varieties of which were validated by the PCR-Acc I method. According to the G/T polymorphism, 164 rice varieties showed GG-genotype, while the other 56 fell into TT-genotype, accounting for 74.5% and 25.5% of all the test varieties, respectively. When all the rice varieties were divided into indica and japonica subspecies, it was found that 80.5% of indica rice and 67.0% of japonica rice belonged to GG-genotype. The rice varieties with GG-genotype had significantly higher amylose content (18.95% on average) than those with TT-genotype (all below 16%), but 33 rice varieties with GG-genotype still had low amylose content ranging from 3.91% to 15.93%, and most of them came from the Dai minority area in the Southwest of Yunnan Province. However, there was no significant difference in the mean amylose content of the same GG or TT genotypes between indica and japonica rice, suggesting that different genetic backgrounds, indica or japonica, had no effect on amylose content. The coefficient of correlation between the genotype and amylose content was 0.733 (P<0.01).  相似文献   

应用PCR一步法对来自云南省14个地州、55个市/县的220个籼、粳地方稻种Wx基因第一内含子供体+1位碱基G/T进行了检测,同时用PCR Acc I酶切法对其中的101份进行验证,结果表明两种方法检测结果一致。根据G/T碱基将220个供试材料分为GG、TT两种基因型。云南地方稻种以GG型占优势,有164个,占74.5%;TT型有56个,占255%;籼稻中80.5%属GG型,粳稻中67.0%属GG型。GG型直链淀粉含量较高,平均18.97%,TT型较低,均低于16%, GG、TT基因型之间的平均直链淀粉含量差异极显著。G/T与直链淀粉含量存在密切的联系,其相关系数为0733**。GG型品种中有33个直链淀粉含量较低(3.91%~15.93%),多数为来源于云南西南部傣族地区的品种。籼稻中的GG型或TT型品种与粳稻中的GG型或TT型品种间平均直链淀粉含量无显著差异,表明GG/TT基因型在籼粳不同遗传背景下直链淀粉表达无显著差异。  相似文献   

【Objective】Our aim is to investigate the differences in response of grain yield, nitrogen absorption and utilization to FACE (atmospheric CO2 concentration increase) of different rice varieties. 【Method】Six rice varieties, including conventional japonica rice, hybrid indica rice, and conventional indica rice, were used to study the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) (atmospheric CO2 concentration increase) on the nitrogen absorption, utilization, and yield of different types of rice.【Result】 1) FACE treatment dramatically increased rice yield by 24.17% on average and the maximum increment was observed in conventional indica rice. Compared with other types of rice varieties, hybrid indica showed the highest grain yield under both FACE and control (CK) treatments. 2) Panicle number was significantly improved in FACE treatment with conventional japonica rice varieties having the maximum increment. Spikelet number per panicle was significantly improved in hybrid and conventional indica rice varieties in FACE treatment. 3) The nitrogen absorption (NA) and nitrogen use efficiency for grain yield (NUEg) were significantly higher in FACE treatment than those in CK treatment. The average increase of NA was 21.23% with the maximum increment in hybrid indica rice varieties. Compared with other rice varieties, conventional indica rice varieties had the highest NA both in FACE and CK treatments. The average increase of NUEg was 7.33% with hybrid indica rice varieties enjoying the maximum increment. The hybrid indica rice varieties had the highest NUEg in FACE treatment and in CK treatment, respectively. 4) Nitrogen content was decreased in FACE treatment with the average decrease of 0.105%, among which the maximum decrease was observed in conventional japonica rice. Dry matter weight was extremely and significantly increased in FACE treatment. The average increase of dry weight was 23.95% with the maximum increment in conventional indica rice varieties. NA of single panicle was significantly improved in FACE treatment with the average increase of 10.79% in conventional indica rice varieties and 13.93% in hybrid indica rice varieties, but NA of single panicle was decrease by 9.60% in conventional japonica rice. FACE treatment significantly increased rice NA intensity with an average increase of 22.29% and the maximum increment was observed in hybrid indica rice varieties. The growth duration was not influenced by FACE treatment in all rice varieties. NAs of stem, leaf and panicle were significantly higher in FACE treatment than in CK treatment with the highest increase of 51.86% in leaf. The largest increase of NA was observed in hybrid indica rice. NA in different rice growth stages was significantly improved with the maximum increment of 108.90% during heading-maturity. The maximum increment of NA from heading to maturity was observed in hybrid indica rice varieties.5) Effects of dry matter weight, NA per panicle, NA intensity, NA of panicle and NA from heading to maturity on NA at maturity were greater than those of nitrogen content, panicle number, growth duration, NAA of leaf, stem and sheath, NAA during transplanting-tillering and tillering-heading. 6) Partial productivity of nitrogen fertilizer (PFPN) was significantly improved in FACE treatment with an average increase of 24.16% and the maximum increment in conventional indica rice. NAA per 100 kg grains was significantly reduced in FACE treatment with an average decrease of 4.7%. The maximum decrease of NAA per 100 kg grains was observed in conventional indica rice varieties.【Conclusion】The results indicated that FACE could markedly increased both grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency in all rice varieties, but the increases varied with the variety types.  相似文献   

以中熟类型甬优籼粳杂交稻组合甬优2640、甬优1640为材料,常规粳稻镇稻11、武运粳30和杂交籼稻丰两优香1号、新两优6380为对照,比较各类型品种在干物质积累、穗部特征、叶片形态及茎秆特性上的差异。结果表明,甬优籼粳杂交稻两年平均产量为11.3 t/hm~2(11.1、11.4 t/hm~2),较常规粳稻和杂交籼稻分别高6.6%和13.0%;产量构成上,甬优籼粳杂交稻的每穗粒数和群体颖花量显著高于对照,有效穗数、结实率和千粒重低于对照;甬优籼粳杂交稻抽穗期、成熟期的干物质量及抽穗至成熟期的干物质积累量依次为13.4 t/hm2、21.6 t/hm~2、6.9 t/hm~2,均显著高于对照;穗部特征上,甬优籼粳杂交稻的单穗质量和着粒密度高于对照,穗长略低于杂交籼稻,近80%的籽粒集中于中上部,而常规粳稻75%的籽粒集中于中下部,杂交籼稻籽粒分布相对匀称;甬优籼粳杂交稻上3叶的叶宽和卷曲率高于对照,叶长和叶基角处于对照之间(以杂交籼稻最大),披垂度最低,上部1、3叶差异显著;株高、穗高、秆长及穗下节间占秆长的比例以杂交籼稻甬优籼粳杂交稻常规粳稻;成熟期单茎茎干质量、单茎鞘干质量及基部节间单位长度干质量以甬优籼粳杂交稻最高。中熟类型甬优籼粳杂交稻组合产量优势特征为足穗基础上,主攻大穗,并保持较高的结实率和千粒重;形态生理特征表现为籽粒集中于中上部,上3叶大小适宜,叶片内卷且直立,株高及穗下节间占秆长的比例适中,成熟期茎秆充实度好。  相似文献   

We used 39 SSR markers to analyze the genetic structure of 304 major Chinese inbred rice varieties, and to compare changes in the indica or japonica components in these varieties that have been widely cultivated from the 1950s to the 1990s in China. The genetic structure analysis showed that these rice varieties were distinctly divided into two populations, indica and japonica. The sub-structure of indica varieties was more complex than that of japonica ones. Among the various lines, late-season indica and early season japonica varieties had simpler genetic backgrounds. The seasonal ecotypes were not quite consistent with the subtypes of genetic structure. Twelve SSR loci with specific differentiation between indica and japonica were used to calculate the indica/japonica components. The differences in indica/japonica components among the five decades were not significant, except for late-season indica varieties in the 1990s, which had a significantly higher japonica component. These results will help to understand the genetic structure of the major Chinese inbred rice varieties and will be useful for indica-japonica hybrid breeding in China.  相似文献   

我国水稻主栽品种SSR多样性的比较分析   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30  
采用40个SSR标记,比较分析了151份20世纪50年代(78份)和近10年(73份)我国常规稻主栽品种的遗传差异,发现有39个标记具有多态性,多态性位点共检测到213个等位基因,每个位点2~11个,平均5.5个;平均Nei基因多样性指数(He)为0.649,范围在0.309(RM174)~0.869(RM418)。籼粳亚种间SSR多样性差异明显,籼稻平均等位基因数(Na)和Nei基因多样性指数(Na = 4.4,He = 0.458)均高于粳稻品种(Na = 4.0,He = 0.395)。比较了78份20世纪50年代与73份近10年水稻主栽品种的遗传多样性,籼、粳亚种表现出相近的变化趋势,即Nei多样性指数和等位基因数20世纪50年代主栽品种高于近10年的。虽然Nei基因多样性指数的变化并不显著(籼稻:z= 1.471,P=0.141;粳稻:z= 1.932,P=0.053),但等位基因数目的变化达到显著水平(籼稻:z= 2.677,P=0.007;粳稻:z= 3.441,P=0.001)。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,遗传变异绝大部分存在于两时期内,尽管时期间平均贡献的遗传变异仅占1.9%,但仍然达到5%的显著水平;籼、粳亚种两时期间平均贡献的遗传变异高于整个分析样本,分别为5.0%和8.2%;籼、粳亚种不同位点的遗传分化程度也各不相同,籼稻和粳稻品种分别有13个(占33.3%)和11个(占28.2%)SSR位点的等位基因在两时期间差异显著,而其余位点的遗传变异则是因时期内品种间的差异引起的。研究表明近10年我国常规稻主栽品种丢失了一部分等位基因,水稻育种仍应加强更广泛的种质亲本的选择。  相似文献   

【Objective】Under machine-transplanting conditions, four different types of late rice cultivars with high quality were used to investigate the differences of yield, growth characteristics, utilization of temperature and illumination. The results will lay a theoretical basis for the selection of double-cropping late rice varieties suitable for different ecological regions in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.【Method】The yield, growth duration, dry matter accumulation, and utilization of temperature and illumination of double-cropping late rice were comparatively studied using four kinds of rice varieties as test materials namely indica conventional rice, indica hybrid rice, japonica conventional rice and Changyou japonica hybrid rice (20 varieties in total, selected between 2016 and 2017, all of which were high-quality rice in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River as double-cropping late rice). The experiment was carried out in two cities, Fuyang, Zhejiang Province (30.05º N, 119.95º E, 17.93 m above sea level) and Lujiang, Anhui Province (31.15º N, 117.16º E, 14 m above sea level).【Result】The yield of the four-types of late rice at high latitude was higher than that at low latitude. The yield of indica conventional rice, indica hybrid rice, japonica conventional rice, and Changyou japonica hybrid rice grown in Lujiang, Anhui Province was 11.1%, 12.9%, 6.6% and 12.4% higher than that in Fuyang, Zhejiang Province. When planted in the same places, Changyou japonica hybrid rice had the highest yield, and conventional indica rice had the lowest. The growth period was longer and dry matter accumulation was higher at high latitudes. When planted at high altitudes, the indica hybrid rice growth duration was the longest (10.4 d), and the increase in dry matter accumulation was the largest in conventional japonica rice (11.93% in full heading stage and 9.44% in mature stage). When planted in the same place, the dry matter accumulation was higher in hybrid rice than conventional rice. There was no significant difference in effective accumulated temperature between the filling stage and the whole growth duration of indica rice, but the sunshine hours, solar radiation, and its utilization rate were significantly higher at high latitudes. The effective accumulated temperature decreased significantly in the filling stage and the whole growth stage of japonica rice, but the change of accumulated sunshine hours was not obvious, while the accumulated solar radiation increased significantly at high latitudes. These were consistent with the changing trend of the utilization rate of the temperature and light resources. When planted at the same latitude, the growth period, dry matter accumulation, temperature and light resource utilization rate of japonica rice were higher than those of indica rice.【Conclusion】Late indica rice could make full use of temperature and light resources in order to improve its yield when planted in Lujiang, Anhui Province, but the difference of the utilization efficiency in the temperature and light resources of late japonica rice was not obvious. The yield of late japonica rice in Lujiang, Anhui Province increased because of the extension of the growth duration and the increase of dry matter accumulation.  相似文献   

北方超级粳稻育种研究进展与前景   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
从育种理论、育种技术及新品种选育等方面,综合评述了中国北方超级粳稻育种研究的进展与前景,认为培育和推广超级稻是继株型育种和杂交稻之后,提高北方粳稻综合生产能力,实现北方水稻生产跨越式发展的重要途径。在“利用籼粳稻杂交创造新株型和强优势,通过回交或复交优化性状组配,聚合有利基因,进而选育理想株型与优势利用相结合的超级稻”育种理论与技术路线确立之后,常规超级梗稻育种已取得了重大突破,成功地培育出一批优质抗病的超级稻新品种并已广泛应用于生产。与常规超级稻育种相比,超级杂交粳稻育种研究进展相对较缓慢。这一方面是由于北方气候与生态条件的限制,另一方面是育种技术研究相对落后。解决优势与生育期的矛盾、产量与品质的矛盾以及提高制种产量等问题,仍然是北方超级杂交粳稻育种所面临的严峻挑战。讨论了与超级粳稻育种有关的生理和遗传问题。  相似文献   

江苏省水稻新品种(系)对稻瘟病的抗性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1996~2000年的335份江苏省水稻新品种(系)进行了抗稻瘟病性的分析,江苏省新品种(系)中常规中籼和杂交籼稻对江苏省稻瘟病菌有很好的抗性,对参试菌株的全抗率分别为76.6%和85.1%,中粳稻和单季晚粳稻对江苏省稻瘟病菌的抗性相对较差,全抗率为18.2%和32.1%。感病的籼稻品种对参试的稻瘟病菌代表菌株中的1个菌株感病频率较高,对2个或2个以上的菌株同时感病的频率很低,而感病的中粳稻和单季晚粳稻品种同时对参试的稻瘟病菌代表菌株3个或3个以上的菌株表现感病频率较高,并表现出感病谱的多样性。从参试的品种对江苏省稻瘟病菌感病分布情况来看,中G1小种对大多数品种保持了比较稳定的侵染率。  相似文献   

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