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青花菜氮磷钾施肥效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用"3414"田间试验设计,在蔬菜主产区设置氮磷钾肥料试验,获得了青花菜氮、磷、钾的一元二次效应模型分别为:Y=891 45.02N-0.884N2(R=0.858),Y=1118 37.4P-1.229P2(R=0.568),Y=1060 16.37K-0.113K2(R=0.752);青花菜最高产量的氮磷钾理论施肥量:N为385.5kg/hm2;P2O5为151.5kg/hm2;K2O为274.5kg/hm2。  相似文献   

花椰菜氮磷钾施肥效应研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过花椰菜氮、磷、钾"3414"田间试验,获得了花椰菜氮、磷、钾的肥料效应函数,其中一元二次效应模型分别为:Y=2009+44.6N-1.14 N2(R=0.998)、Y=2417+28.99P-3.89P2(R=0.973)、Y=2412+29.02K-1.27K2(R=0.702);试验的理论最佳施肥量,N为21.2 kg/667m2;P2O5为4.6 kg/667m2;K2O为10.5kg/667m2;结果表明:氮、磷、钾合理配施不仅可使花椰菜获得高产,而且有助于提高Vc含量和降低硝酸盐含量.  相似文献   

苋菜氮磷钾肥最佳用量试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建立苋菜"3414"试验,探讨苋菜生产的氮磷钾最佳施用量。试验结果表明:随着氮肥的增加,苋菜成品率呈下降趋势;缺肥对产量影响十分明显,尤其是钾肥,处理N2P2K0产量仅为N2P2K2的29%。通过分析,建立多元二次方程,确定肥力水平较低田块施肥纯氮188 kg/hm2、五氧化二磷53 kg/hm2、氧化钾50 kg/hm2(N︰P2O5︰K2O=1︰0.28︰0.27),可获得较高产量和经济效益,产投比可达22︰1。  相似文献   

高山甘蓝京丰一号“3414”肥效初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周富忠 《长江蔬菜》2014,(10):54-58
以京丰一号结球甘蓝为试料,在湖北利川海拔1 645 m产区开展"3414"肥效试验,研究不同肥料配比对甘蓝产量的影响。试验结果表明,试验地的基础肥力甘蓝产量为3 790 kg/667 m2,相对产量为66.50%,氮磷钾配合施用能显著提高甘蓝产量,每667 m2的N、P2O5、K2O用量分别15.0,4.8,8.5 kg,单产为5 699 kg/667 m2,缺氮、缺磷、缺钾的相对产量分别为73.73%、92.42%、82.33%;施氮量与产量的曲线关系为y=4 119.7+166.75x-5.195 6x2(R2=0.884 7*),施磷量与产量的曲线关系为y=5 156.6-13.312x+11.936x2(R2=0.411 8),施钾量与产量的曲线关系为y=4 640.9+183.05x-9.010 4x2(R2=0.909 8*);氮磷与产量的曲线关系为YNP=6 344.76-18.46N-537.81P-3.97N2+17.27P2+32.07NP(R2=0.832 4*),氮钾与产量的曲线关系为YNK=4 577.34+64.02N-32.40K-3.64N2-1.80K2+7.41NK(R2=0.983 2*),磷钾与产量的曲线关系为YPK=4 353.66+11.79P+132.42K+12.16P2-4.46K2-3.16PK(R2=0.736 7*);氮磷钾与产量的曲线关系为YNPK=3 815.6+63.8N-113P+234.7K-5N2+7.6P2-5.9K2+19.8NP-0.34NK-20.8PK。  相似文献   

大蒜养分需求规律及施肥模型初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大蒜施肥中存在的习惯性和盲目性,采用肥料"3414"试验,在中壤土上进行了大蒜养分需求规律及施肥模型试验研究。结果表明,大蒜在生长过程中,吸氮最多、钾次之、磷最少,吸收氮磷钾的比例为N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.36∶0.70,氮、钾吸收高峰在鳞茎膨大期,磷吸收高峰在蒜苔伸长期。大蒜施用氮磷钾,均有增产效果,氮磷钾最佳施用量为N436.95kg/hm2,P2O5213.34kg/hm2,K2O336.74kg/hm2。氮肥施用方法以2/3基+1/3追为宜,钾肥以2/3基+1/3追效果最好。  相似文献   

氮磷钾配施对温室秋冬茬番茄产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用"3414"回归设计,研究了氮磷钾配施对温室秋冬茬番茄产量的影响。结果表明:温室番茄最高产量施肥量是氮肥(N)259.3 kg/hm2,磷肥(P2O5)196.6 kg/hm2,钾肥(K2O)190.5kg/hm2,最高产量是76 029 kg/hm2;最佳产量施肥量是氮肥(N)249.3 kg/hm2,磷肥(P2O5)186.8kg/hm2,钾肥(K2O)183.4 kg/hm2,最佳产量是75 987 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

在覆膜滴灌条件下,研究了氮磷钾肥的配施对加工番茄的产量及光合特性的影响.结果表明:(1)T3(N 300kg/hm2P2O5210kg/hm2K2O150 kg/hm2)、T5(N 300kg/hm2P2O5105kg/hm2K2O75 kg/hm2)的肥料配比及施用量适合于加工番茄的高产,产量分别达到111 360 kg/hm2、111 450 kg/hm2,但从经济效益分析T5的经济效益最好,每公顷比对照CK(N 0kg/hm2P2O5 0kg/hm2K2O0 kg/hm2)净增收2 487元.(2)不同氮磷钾肥的配施对加工番茄的单叶净光合速率也有一定的影响,其中T5的两个峰值最高分别达到24.767、21.683umol/m2/s,7个处理的单叶净光合速率的日变化曲线基本均为双峰曲线,现对加工番茄的光合"午休"现象做初步的分析.  相似文献   

以"十月红"红菜薹品种为材料,采用二次回归"3415"试验设计方案,研究氮、磷、钾3种肥料的施肥量对红菜薹产量的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,各配方施肥处理红菜薹的产量均有所提高;从拟合的红菜薹氮、磷、钾肥料效应三元二次回归模型Y=1169.93+42.91 N+71.7 P-5.65 K-1.65 N2-3.63 P2-3.12 K2-1.56 NP+2.55 NK+2.62 PK分析,在施有机肥2 000 kg/667 m2的基础上,确定该区域最大施肥量为纯氮15.76 kg/667 m2、五氧化二磷9.97 kg/667 m2及氧化钾9.72 kg/667 m2,预测最高产量1 838.21 kg/667 m2;生产上红菜薹最佳N、P2O5、K2O配比为1︰0.63︰0.61。  相似文献   

氮磷钾不同配方施肥对柑桔产量及品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对丽水市红壤上的"丽椪2号"及中熟温州密柑进行不同配方施肥试验.结果表明;氨、磷、钾最优配方比为1:0.6:0.8(N:P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.6∶0.8),全年总养分用量为652.5 kg/hm2,这样既可获得较高产量,又可获得较好品质,从而达到较好的种植效益.  相似文献   

对马蹄"3414"肥料田间试验。结果表明:供试田块氮、磷、钾肥施用量与产量有显著的回归关系;应用回归方程分析,获得最佳施肥量为:N 268.5 kg/hm2,P2O5154.5 kg/hm2,K2O 352.5 kg/hm2,该肥力条件下马蹄最佳产量46 332.0 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

对高山和平原地区红菜薹的商品性、粗蛋白、还原糖、维生素C及干物质含量等营养成分和抽薹期等进行了分析比较.结果表明,高山地区种植3个品种的红菜薹在商品性方面与平原地区的差异不显著;粗蛋白、还原糖、维生素C及干物质含量是高山地区的显著高于平原地区的;在高山地区红菜薹始抽薹期较平原地区提前.  相似文献   

高山红菜薹的商品性和营养成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高山和平原地区红菜薹的商品性、粗蛋白、还原糖、维生素C及干物质含量等营养成分和抽薹期等进行了分析比较。结果表明,高山地区种植3个品种的红菜薹在商品性方面与平原地区的差异不显著;粗蛋白、还原糖、维生素C及干物质含量是高山地区的显著高于平原地区的;在高山地区红菜薹始抽薹期较平原地区提前。  相似文献   

②雄性不育系的利用田福发等(2004)采用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下系统研究了红菜薹波里马胞质雄性不育系(Polima CMS)、红菜薹萝卜胞质雄性不育系(Ogura CMS)及相应保持系花药发育过程的细胞形态学特征.观察结果表明,红菜薹Polima CMS花药发育受阻于孢原细胞阶段,不形成花粉,属无花粉型,此不育系花药不形成绒毡层和中层;而红菜薹Ogura CMS花药败育发生于小孢子母细胞期或四分体时期,表现为绒毡层细胞异常,挤压四分体,导致四分体和绒毡层同时解体而败育.  相似文献   

Wind scarring is a major blemish of citrus fruit on the Central Coast of New South Wales. These blemishes occur almost exclusively within 12 weeks of petal fall. The rate at which blemish was initiated in 1969/70 was expressed for both ‘Valencia’ and ‘Washington Navel’ oranges by the same inverse polynomial equation. The rate of increase of blemish severity differed according to the degree of exposure to wind. Studies with anemometers showed a significant positive correlation between blemish severity and wind run. Blemishes were produced on fruits in the glasshouse by manually abrading them with leaves. The size and severity of the blemishes was related to the number of abrasions and obvious blemish was produced by 25 or more consecutive rubs.Subsequent to abrasion, dark green streaks developed on the rind and rind oil was liberated. Within 2 days wound periderm had developed. That which developed within 8 weeks of petal fall was a continuous blemish with a prominent margin. It was either a fine textured layer of interlocking cork plates or smooth and translucent if the cork plates had abscised. Blemishes initiated 8–12 weeks from petal fall were more scabby with more prominent cork production. They were not continuous and the margins were irregular. Small longitudinal slits formed on the boundary of continuous blemish to produce a rough and blackened outline. These were called stipples and were caused by the application of copper fungicides.  相似文献   

狭叶薰衣草与羽叶薰衣草核型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄珊珊  廖景平 《园艺学报》2007,34(3):735-738
 采用酶解去壁低渗法对狭叶薰衣草(Lavandula angustifolia Mill. ) 和羽叶薰衣草(L. pinnataL. ) 的体细胞染色体进行核型分析。结果表明: 狭叶薰衣草的核型公式为2n = 2x = 50 = 14m + 10 sm + st, 染色体相对长度组成为2n = 50 =L + 11M2 + 13M1, 染色体组型为“2A”型。羽叶薰衣草的核型公式为2n =2x = 22 = 6m + 5 sm ( SAT) , 染色体相对长度组成为2n = 22 = s + 6M1 + 2M2 + 2L, 属于“2B”型。  相似文献   

Four types of rind blemish on ‘Valencia’ oranges were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. They were the smooth translucent blemishes on immature and mature fruit, the fine textured corky blemish on mature and immature fruit, scabby irregular blemishes, and stippling that occurs on the periphery of blemishes. All blemish types were formed by wound periderm as a result of wind scarring, while stippling was caused by copper fungicides.The smooth translucent type, formed as a result of cork abscission from the fine textured corky blemish, had no prominent phelloderm and evidence of surface injury was slight. The other types had prominent phelloderm, the greatest amount of cork production being associated with the scabby blemish and stipples. The surface of the fine textured corky blemish was made up of cork plates which may abscise and leave remnants of cork cell walls on the surface. These cell walls are subject to weathering as the fruit matures. The angular cork cells on immature fruits were prominent but these were coated with a waxy substance on mature fruit.The phelloderm of blemishes of immature fruits did not stain with toluidine blue O, but the reaction on mature fruit indicated the presence of polyphenols. Staining was most intense with stipples. The influence of stomatal apertures on the blemish was discussed in relation to stippling.  相似文献   

象牙白花兰种子及茎尖培养与原球茎形态发生   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 象牙白花兰授粉后5 个月的种子开始具有较高的萌发率; 椰乳或适量激素有利于种子的萌发;种子在萌发后胚发育形成原球茎, 原球茎经过增殖, 分化出叶片和根系, 形成完整的小植株。从播种到小植株的形成历时约7 个月。茎尖在MS + NAA 0. 1 + BA 3. 0 (单位: mg·L-1 , 下同) + 椰乳10 %的培养基上诱导产生原球茎; 原球茎在MS + NAA 0. 1 + BA 5. 0 的培养基上增殖, 在无激素培养基上分化成芽; 小芽在附加7 %香蕉汁和3 %马铃薯汁的1/ 2 MS 培养基上诱导出根而再生完整小植株。不同pH 值、光照强度和培养方式对增殖效果有显著影响。  相似文献   

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