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农颜大悦活性生物增产降解剂对无土栽培甜瓜的产量影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者研究了不同浓度农颜大悦活性生物增产降解剂对无土栽培甜瓜孙蔓雌花节位和产量的影响。试验结果表明,农颜大悦活性生物增产降解剂的施用浓度越高,甜瓜增产效果越明显;甜瓜伸蔓期喷施2次、开花结果期喷施1次农颜大悦活性生物增产降解剂(以质量比1∶30兑水),能明显降低甜瓜孙蔓雌花节位、提高甜瓜产量,较清水(ck)处理可增产14.00%,但对甜瓜抗病抗逆性影响不大。  相似文献   

马铃薯喷施天达2116增产效果试验初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
667m2用天达2116植物细胞膜稳态剂35g加水15kg,在马铃薯不同生长期进行叶面喷施试验。结果表明,在苗期、现蕾期喷施天达2116,可增加马铃薯单株结薯数、大薯数、单株质量,促进块茎快速膨大,达到增产增效目的;且现蕾期喷施效果好于苗期喷施,而苗期和现蕾期各喷1次效果最佳。与喷等量清水对照相比,3个喷施天达2116叶面肥的处理,增产幅度为8.9%~26.2%,投产比达1:39.68~1:84.47。  相似文献   

以‘潍科3号’黄皮西瓜品种为试材,在早春茬日光温室环境下采用叶面喷施和浸种2种处理方法研究"增抗1号"低温弱光逆境调控合剂对西瓜生育前期低温逆境的调控效果。结果表明,"增抗1号"叶面喷施和浸种处理均可显著增加早春茬西瓜根系活力,功能叶片氮素代谢水平提高,单叶光合性能显著提升。植株形态表现为地上部和根系干物质积累增加,根冠比协调,植株矮壮,发育进程加快。两处理组产量较对照分别增加5.81%、9.40%,增产效果显著。因此,早春茬西瓜苗期施用"增抗1号"可以有效提高西瓜低温抗性水平,抑制徒长,且苗期叶面喷施效果更佳。  相似文献   

为了验证新型肥料钙保对蔬菜的增产效果 ,为大面积推广应用提供科学依据 ,我站在西瓜上进行了喷施钙保试验。1材料与方法1.1试验材料本试验设在东台市土肥站试验基地 ,地势东西坡向 ,肥力中上等。钙保由阜阳新世纪农业发展公司生产并提供。对比肥料为磷酸二氢钾 ,由新世纪农业发展公司提供。供试西瓜品种为翠绿。1.2试验方法试验共设3个处理 :(1)钙保1200倍液叶面喷施 ;(2)磷酸二氢钾0.5 %水溶液叶面喷施 ;(3)清水对照。每个处理重复3次 ,计9个小区 ,随机排列 ,每小区面积30.0m2,6月15日始花期喷施第1次 ,6月25日喷施第2次 ,西瓜4月1日播种 …  相似文献   

为筛选出最适宜培育黄瓜壮苗的壳寡糖处理方式及浓度,以"津春4号"黄瓜为试验材料,用不同浓度壳寡糖浸种(200、400倍)及苗期叶面喷施(500、800倍)组合处理来调控黄瓜幼苗的生长.结果表明:用硬水浸种加苗期进行3次800倍壳寡糖溶液喷施处理的壮苗效果最优,其相比于对照,最大叶面积、叶绿素含量升高,根冠比提高21.4...  相似文献   

试验采用不同浓度的常乐-益植素溶液和清水对大棚番茄及露地番茄进行叶面喷施对比试验,对幼苗长势、开花期、坐果期、产量及含糖量等进行详细观察和测定。结果表明,喷施0.10%浓度的常乐-益植素溶液效果最好,其开花、坐果提前,含糖量增加,产量提高,可比对照增产14.9%左右。  相似文献   

试验采用不同浓度的常乐-益植素溶液和清水对大棚番茄及露地番茄进行叶面喷施对比试验,对幼苗长势、开花期、坐果期、产量及含糖量等进行详细观察和测定。结果表明,喷施0.10%浓度的常乐-益植素溶液效果最好,其开花、坐果提前,含糖量增加,产量提高,可比对照增产14.9%左右。  相似文献   

钛化合物在葡萄上的应用研究(初报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在葡萄上喷施不同浓度钛化合物试验结果表明,5、10、15ppm处理比对照(清水)有明显的增产效果。增产幅度为3.0%~26.0%。还能改善果实品质。增加含糖量可达1.1%,并有增强H_2O_2酶活性、促进钾素吸收的效应。  相似文献   

以西瓜品种8424种子和幼苗为试材,利用人工气候室进行亚低温处理(昼/夜18℃/12℃)20 d,研究外源褪黑素(MT)和Ca2+浸种处理对亚低温条件下西瓜种子萌发,西瓜幼苗抗氧化酶SOD、POD和CAT等活性,渗透调节物质可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量的影响。结果表明,亚低温处理的西瓜种子发芽率和发芽势仅为46.5%和40.5%,外源100μmol·L-1褪黑素和5 mmol·L-1Ca2+复合浸种处理西瓜种子发芽率和发芽势分别达到62.3%和58.5%。外源褪黑素和Ca2+浸种处理显著提高了抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT和APX活性,促进了渗透调节物质可溶性糖和脯氨酸的积累,有效缓解亚低温对西瓜种子萌发和幼苗生长影响;褪黑素和Ca2+复合浸种西瓜幼苗在出苗第20天时植株鲜质量达到8.21 g·株-1,达到对照处理的85.5%。综上,外源褪黑素和Ca2+能通过提高西瓜幼苗抗氧化酶活性和渗透调节能力等,缓解亚低温的不良影响,促进西瓜幼苗生长。  相似文献   

以常温储藏的白菜陈种子为试材,研究了不同时间、不同浓度壳聚糖浸种处理对陈种子萌发的影响。试验结果表明,白菜陈种子随着清水浸种时间延长到4 h和6 h,其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数较1 h和2 h有所下降,经不同浓度壳聚糖处理后,其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均比相同时间的清水浸种(CK)显著提高。因此,在生产中可以用0.01%的壳聚糖溶液对白菜陈种子浸种1 h即可达到提高白菜陈种子活力的目的。  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the autoantibody against α1-adrenoceptor and its biologic activities during the development of renal hypertension. METHODS: Renal hypertension of rat was achieved by clipped renal artery, the titre of autoantibody to α1-adrenoceptor was detected using ELISA immunoassay. Furthermore, the biological offects of these autoantibodies on cultured cardiomyocytes were also examined. RESULTS: After two weeks of clipping renal arteries, both the frequency of occurrence and the titre of autoantibodies to cardiac α1-adrenergic receptor were significantly increased as compared with the control of pre-treatment. The increased autoantibodies lasted for several weeks and then automatically decreased gradually to the pre-clipping level at 12 weeks. The biological effects of these autoantibodies displayed an "agonistic-like" activities on the beating frequency of cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSION: Autoantibodies against α1-adrenoceptor may play a role in the elevation of peripheral vascular resistance and in the development of cardiac hypertrophy in rats with renal hypertension.  相似文献   


This review is based partly on complete articles and partly on abstracts. Three of the 60 articles deal with the total uptake of elements in strawberry plant organs in two different strawberry production systems, both considered as optimal concerning amount and balance of elements. The effect on fruit quality may be dramatic if the level of a particular element is outside this range, but there may also be effects initiated by differences within the optimal range of elements. Most articles refer to product oriented quality, but some focus on consumer oriented quality, as discussed by Shewfelt (1999). The discussion here is on a general basis, so one should keep in mind that there are cultivar differences and that specification of nutrition ideally should mirror the needs of a single cultivar, or a group of cultivars with similar requirements. Also, to get a complete understanding of the subject future reviews should embrace a broader access of information including the effect on plant development of individual elements, such as the role of calcium in fruit firmness and its importance in cell wall structure. However, the intention here is to narrow the information to results that suggest a direct connection between nutrient uptake and fruit quality.  相似文献   

辣椒素积累生理研究的最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辣椒素的积累主要受到遗传、环境、竞争物质、酶的影响.在遗传方面,辣椒的基因型以及决定辣椒素含量的特定基因对辣椒素的积累起着决定作用,环境中的光照、温度、CO2、肥料起辅助作用,竞争物质,如木质素、类黄酮、蛋白质、单宁、生物碱、香豆素等物质与辣椒素的积累相互抑制,辣椒素的合成酶和降解酶同样影响辣椒素的积累.  相似文献   

Fire regime characteristics of high-elevation forests on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, were reconstructed from fire scar analysis, remote sensing, tree age, and forest structure measurements, a first attempt at detailed reconstruction of the transition from surface to stand-replacing fire patterns in the Southwest. Tree densities and fire-/non-fire-initiated groups were highly mixed over the landscape, so distinct fire-created stands could not be delineated from satellite imagery or the oldest available aerial photos. Surface fires were common from 1700 to 1879 in the 4,400 ha site, especially on S and W aspects. Fire dates frequently coincided with fire dates measured at study sites at lower elevation, suggesting that pre-1880 fire sizes may have been very large. Large fires, those scarring 25% or more of the sample trees, were relatively infrequent, averaging 31 years between burns. Four of the five major regional fire years occurred in the 1700s, followed by a 94-year gap until 1879. Fires typically occurred in significantly dry years (Palmer Drought Stress Index), with severe drought in major regional fire years. Currently the forest is predominantly spruce-fir, mixed conifer, and aspen. In contrast, dendroecological reconstruction of past forest structure showed that the forest in 1880 was very open, corresponding closely with historical (1910) accounts of severe fires leaving partially denuded landscapes. Age structure and species composition were used to classify sampling points into fire-initiated and non-fire-initiated groups. Tree groups on nearly 60% of the plots were fire-initiated; the oldest such groups appeared to have originated after severe fires in 1782 or 1785. In 1880, all fire-initiated groups were less than 100 years old and nearly 25% of the groups were less than 20 years old. Non-fire-initiated groups were significantly older (oldest 262 years in 1880), dominated by ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, or white fir, and occurred preferentially on S and W slopes. The mixed-severity fire regime, transitioning from lower-elevation surface fires to mixed surface and stand-replacing fire at higher elevations, appeared not to have been stable over the temporal and spatial scales of this study. Information about historical fire regime and forest structure is valuable for managers but the information is probably less specific and stable for high-elevation forests than for low-elevation ponderosa pine forests.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

王伟  徐跃进  万正杰 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1104-1110
 以西双版纳黄瓜和‘华黄5号’黄瓜叶片为试验材料,研究了衰老过程中两种黄瓜叶片叶绿素含量变化及脱镁叶绿素脱镁叶绿酸水解酶基因PPH和脱镁叶绿酸a加氧酶基因PAO的表达。结果表明:随着叶片衰老,叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量显著降低,叶绿素a与叶绿素b的比值在0.5左右,推测叶绿素b的含量可能对黄瓜叶片保绿起到重要作用。荧光定量RT-PCR分析结果显示:PPH和PAO在西双版纳黄瓜叶片生长35 d时表达量最高,分别为5.50和1.86;PPH在‘华黄5号’叶片35 d时表达量最高,为7.14,而PAO在35和45 d表达量都很高,分别为3.90和3.91;PPH和PAO在西双版纳黄瓜叶片中的表达量低于在‘华黄5号’中。  相似文献   

AIM:To observe the effect of simvastatin on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells(VSMCs) induced by serum and growth factor PDGF-BB and the effect of simvastatin on the expression of PTEN,a important regulator of G1/S cell cycle transition. METHODS:The DNA synthesis was determined by [3H]-TdR incorporation, cell cycle was examined with flow cytometry, the protein level of PTEN was measured by Western blot method. RESULTS: (1)Simvastatin inhibited [3H]-TdR incorporation in a dose dependent manner. (2) Flow cytometric DNA analysis revealed that simvastatin induced significantly enhancement of G0/G1 phase and decrease in S phase VSMCs.(3)Simvastatin increased protein level of PTEN and mevalonate, a metabolite of HMG-COA, reversed the effect of simvastatin on PTEN protein expression. CONCLUSION:Simvastatin may inhibit proliferation of VSMCs and retarded cell cycle in G0/G1 phase by increasing PTEN expression through inhibiting synthesis of mevalonate.  相似文献   

采用密闭微波消解法消解香菇样品,在优化微波消解条件的基础上,建立微波消解ICP—MS法同时测定千香菇中As、PI)、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Mn、Fe和Mg九种重金属元素的方法,在最佳试验条件下,加标收率为92.0%~104.6%,RSD为2.2%-5.3%。该方法简便、快速、准确:  相似文献   

A two-year field study investigated the possible effects of grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) and uncultivated areas on the abundance of generalist predators in commercially-managed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fields in Texas, USA. From 63 to 70 fields were sampled for pests and predators over nine consecutive weeks during early stages of cotton development. Additional data on agronomic practices and landscape composition at three spatial scales were also collected for each field. Stepwise regression analyses were used to determine the relationships of landscape, agronomic and prey variables to the abundance of generalist predators. Because the variables most closely linked to predator levels could vary over time, separate regressions were conducted for three time periods corresponding to stages of grain sorghum growth (half-bloom, hard-dough, maturity) in each year. Significant relationships between predator abundance and agricultural landscape composition appear in both years and in all three time periods, but the specific relationships of landscape variables to cotton predator levels differed between and within years. At maturity in 2001, predator levels rose as the amount of uncultivated land from 1.6 to 3.2 km distant and the perimeter shared with grain sorghum increased. During 2002, the area of grain sorghum (half-bloom) and uncultivated land (hard-dough) within 1.6 km of cotton fields were both positively related to predator numbers. Cotton planting dates and the abundance of cotton fleahoppers (Pseudatomoscelis seriatus [Reuter]) were also strongly linked to predator numbers during both years. Results suggest that the total amount of grain sorghum or uncultivated land in an area is more important than the presence of these habitats adjacent to cotton fields, and that landscape composition may sometimes be the most important factor in determining predator abundance.  相似文献   

In this study, we sought to understand how landscape structure affects roe deer movements within their home-range in a heterogeneous and fragmented agricultural system of south-western France. We analysed the movements of 20 roe deer fitted with GPS collars which recorded their locations every 2–6 h over several months (mean = 9 months). Based on empirical observations and previous studies of roe deer habitat use, we hypothesised that roe deer should avoid buildings and roads, move preferentially along valley bottoms and through the more wooded areas of the landscape. To test these hypotheses we paired each observed movement step with 10 random ones. Using conditional logistic regression, we modelled a step selection function, which represents the probability of selecting a given step as a function of these landscape variables. The selected model indicated that movements were influenced by all the tested landscape features, but not always in the predicted direction: our results suggested that roe deer tend to avoid buildings, roads, valley bottoms and possibly the more wooded areas (although the latter result should be interpreted with caution, as it may be influenced by a bias in the rate of GPS fix acquisition in woods). The distances to buildings and to roads were the most influential variables in the model, suggesting that the avoidance of potential sources of disturbance may be a key factor in determining ranging behaviour of roe deer in human dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

Inoculation of growing media with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has a number of potential benefits for the production of ornamental plants. Certain rhizobacteria synthesise the enzyme ACC deaminase, which cleaves ACC, the precursor of the plant hormone ethylene. Bacterial metabolism is now known to lead to a reduction in [ACC] in the plant transpiration stream and bacteria are hypothesised to act on ACC exuded from roots. This in turn reduces the ethylene generated in plants growing in growing media inoculated with these bacteria. Here we tested if applications of the ACC deaminase containing rhizobacteria Variovorax paradoxus5C–2could be of benefit to ornamental growers by reducing ethylene generation in stressed plants. Ethylene is produced at levels that are inhibitory to growth and development under a number of abiotic stresses. The propagation and production of hardy ornamentals is deleteriously affected by abiotic stresses that involve ethylene signalling, including drought and physical wounding. Inoculation of growing media with V. paradoxus 5C-2 lowered ethylene emission from mature leaves of Cytisus × praecox experiencing drought stress. In addition, bacterial inoculation of the growing media resulted in significantly reduced abscission of the mature leaves under drought treatment. Beneficial effects of inoculation where also found in the wounding response of Fargesia murielae following divisional propagation and late season senescence in Aquilegia × hybrida in response to drought stress. Together these results demonstrate that V. paradoxus5C–2has real potential for use on ornamental nurseries in situations where plant stresses are unavoidable.  相似文献   

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