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对同一块林地上林地承包经营权和林地地役权并存时,可能发生的权利冲突进行探讨。提出在集体林权制度改革过程中,应当按照物权法的规定和法理,结合林地作为需役地和供役地的不同属性,妥善处理林地承包经营权在设立、流转过程中与林地地役权的关系,同时对林地地役权的期限做出合理的安排。  相似文献   

物权权利体系构建与物权变动制度是物权制度设计的最核心内容,也是大陆目前正在起草的《民法典》之争论焦点。林地物权,属于特别法上的物权,受行政法理和民事物权法理双重约束,其制度设计更是立法难点。为借鉴海外经验,选择同属大陆法系的台湾省与我国大陆地区的林地物权体系和林地变动制度展开对比分析,并对完善大陆林地物权制度提出了5项建议。  相似文献   

从人的价值及行为形成机制出发,分析认为影响林业发展的核心因素是产权安排,目前我国林权制度存在所有权主体虚置、林地产权的各项权能边界不清、林地权属四至界限不清等问题.发展社会林业,必须界定出明晰的林业权能边界,强化林地使用权,保障四大权能.  相似文献   

我国林权内容的法律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按照现行有效的林业法律法规的规定,林权作为一种复合性权利,包括森林、林木和林地所有权,森林、林木和林地使用权,林地承包经营权等财产性权利。这些权利构成了林权的主要内容。而对林权的具体权能,目前的资料和书籍中也略有阐述。例如《中国可持续发展林业战略研究·保障卷》在分析林权的内涵时,就将林权归纳为采伐利用权,林中、林下资源的采集利用权,补偿权,流转权,担保抵押权,森林景观的开发利用权,品种权等权利。这种表述虽然指出了林权的具体表现形式,但没有揭示出林权权能的实质。因此,分析研究林权的具体权能,对于认识林权本质、科…  相似文献   

集体林地产权制度是林农发展权保障的基石.目前集体林地所有权主体错位,产权边界不清且权能残缺,收益分配制度不规范,产权流转制度不合理,使得林农的发展权既不完整也不稳定.建设社会主义新农村,促进林地发展,必须明确集体所有权主体,细化集体林地产权结构,完善集体林地产权权能,保护处分权和收益权,建立合理的林地流转机制,为集体林地产权保护提供制度保障,从而更好地实现林农发展权.  相似文献   

为探讨地役权管理对毛竹林群落结构和林下植物多样性的影响,以武夷山国家公园非地役权和地役权管理的毛竹林为研究对象,对毛竹林分结构和林下植物多样性进行全面调查。结果表明:非地役权和地役权管理毛竹林的总体密度差异显著(P<0.05),其中1度竹密度差异不显著,而2度及以上活立竹差异显著(P<0.05),表明二者之间密度的差异主要源于2度及以上活立竹数量的不同。地役权管理的毛竹林胸径略低于非地役权,但两者差异不显著(P>0.05)。排名前15的林下灌木中,在非地役权和地役权管理毛竹林中共同出现的有7种,其优势灌木分别为黄绒润楠和过路惊;而排名前15的林下草本植物中共同出现的有11种,其优势草本植物分别为淡竹叶和华里白。非地役权和地役权管理林下灌木和草本的多样性均无显著差异,这可能与地役权管理开展年限较短有关。  相似文献   

根据我国现行法律法规和基本政策,从法律视角透视我国农村集体林权制度改革,依据《物权法》、《农村土地承包法》、《森林法》等法律法规论述了林权改革法律依据、林地承包经营权,林地使用权、林地使用权流转和林地使用权的特殊保护五个方面的法律规定。提出推进农村集体林权制度改革必须强化其法定性,依法推动、规范有序、保障改革。  相似文献   

林业作为承担生态建设的主要承载体,加强生态建设,践行绿水青山就是金山银山理念,需对林地的管理、建设,充分应用林权权能,挖掘林地潜能,发挥生态、经济、社会效益。文章提出了林权确认、保障、放活的具体措施,对林地综合经营,促进“三变”转换。  相似文献   

概述了金华市婺城区林地保护利用规划实施中存在的问题和森林资源"一张图"建设现状,并以土地利用总体规划为例,分析了森林资源"一张图"建设中冲突情况与产生的原因,针对性地提出了全面梳理林业规划、查找规划冲突问题,坚持问题导向、开展林地资源保护利用需求大调研,以"三区三线"为主线、合理调整林业规划指标,建立协调衔接机制、妥善处理部门规划冲突,探索集体林地地役权改革试点、解决林农利益冲突矛盾等改进建议。  相似文献   

结合参与性农村调查的方法对湖南省平江县集体林区进行林地产权案例调查研究,分析南方集体林区林地产权存在的具体问题,提出适合集体林区的林地产权改革建议:在充分重视农户的参与机制的基础上,明确林地所有权的主体代表;界定林地产权权能的范围;建立有效的林地使用权流转机制.  相似文献   

Internationally, conservation easements are increasingly popular land management tools for private landowners, government agencies and non-governmental organizations seeking to preserve forests and other natural settings. This paper reports a study of the design and use of conservation easements by organizations and public agencies in the USA. More than 355 conservation organizations and 16 state agencies holding at least 3,598 forestland easements were identified. Demonstrated shortfalls in baseline forest inventories, record keeping, and professionally-developed management plans were evident on working forest easements. Failure to address these shortcomings runs the risk of jeopardizing the legitimacy of the easement approach even where favorable legal and tax conditions exist. Management restrictions varied broadly, with a minority of respondents prohibiting such techniques as clearcutting and salvage logging. Concerns for the use of chemicals, best management practices, and streamside management zones were commonly reflected in easement language, whereas logging road design and the cultivation of old-growth conditions remain largely undeveloped. Implications from the US experience, where easements are relatively well-developed, highlights the need for professional forestry advice—particularly for non-industrial or small-scale forest owners—in both easement development and implementation, the need for careful planning, and the need to carefully consider the respective goals of the forest landowners in crafting the easement documents. In the cases of developing nations, consideration of the differing needs of landowners may require increased flexibility in management documents.  相似文献   

Forest riparian buffers are an important means of conserving land. The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) offers financial incentives to landowners to install forested riparian buffers under 10–15 year contracts. This study explores whether Pennsylvania CREP participants who had established a riparian buffer would also place it under a permanent conservation easement. A mail questionnaire was developed and administered to 685 CREP participants. It was found that the majority of the respondents are likely to leave their buffer intact when the CREP contract expires, but are hesitant to agree to conservation easements. Property rights, education and finances are among the key issues affecting acceptance of conservation easements.  相似文献   

Private land trusts commonly acquire and protect forestland for nature conservation and open space preservation. When deciding where and how protection of land should be achieved (e.g., through different contracting arrangements), conservation organizations must account and plan for variation in the costs of protecting land if they are to make efficient use of the limited resources they have available. We seek to examine how the costs of protected area acquisition are affected by the size of the protected areas under a fee simple or permanent easement transaction, as well as in comparison to unprotected forest parcels. In particular, we sought to determine whether acquisition costs show economies of scale under fee simple and permanent easement transactions while controlling for the effects of other covariates and how these economies of scale are different from those of unprotected areas. We use as a case study areas acquired by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), a land trust, to protect Central and Southern Appalachian forest ecosystems of the US. We compare TNC's protected forest sites with other land transactions not purchased for conservation but that share similar characteristics as inferred by the statistical technique of propensity score matching. First, we found that fee simple transactions achieve economies of scale, whereas permanent easement transactions do not. Further, the comparison of the elasticities of acquisition costs with respect to size between the protected and unprotected areas clearly show evidence that the presence of a large conservation organization as a buyer leads to deviations from general market behavior, likely because the conservation buyer has quite different goals and preferences, including preferences tied specifically to parcel size. These differences underscore the value of further studies of this type, which focus on protected area transactions per se rather than broader market trends, if we are to account for the costs of conservation correctly when designing habitat protection programs.  相似文献   

通过对国内外地役权保护发展和实践的分析,针对我国国家公园试点中不同集体土地管理权流转获取方式面临法律依据不足、财政补偿压力大、流转稳定性不足、操作复杂困难等主要问题,提出了以地役权协议为核心,以制度和技术支撑体系为支持,以实施流程为保证的地役权保护模式,进而探讨地役权保护模式中制度支撑体系和技术支撑体系的具体内容和方法...  相似文献   

瑞典为林业发达国家, 森林产权制度健全完整, 对于优化我国集体林权制度具有一定启示价值。文中基于英文文献, 分析了瑞典森林、林地等土地私有制形成的动因及制度, 木材需求变化时期由于林主、林业产业、林业工会等不同利益方的博弈而引起的森林产权制度演变, 以及环境保护运动兴起后森林产权制度再次发生的演变。瑞典森林产权制度演变的历程表明, 森林产权制度作为一项对森林资源利益关系进行调整的基本经济规则, 其演变具有可持续性和动态性, 完善与健全法律和法规制度是固化产权制度改革成效的根本措施。  相似文献   

借鉴马克思地租理论,概括一般意义上地租的存在条件:产权束的分离,较低的资本有机构成,市场经济环境和立地差异。据此对建国后我国森林地租的存在性问题进行分析,认为从实行土地改革到实行"林业三定"之前,不具备森林地租存在的条件。"林业三定"后森林地租在国有林区和集体林区出现,但产权主体模糊、产权束绞合等问题,使森林地租缺乏制度环境。林权改革促使林地所有权和使用权的分离,是森林地租及其表现形式明晰化的标志。  相似文献   

Management of the understory land is an economic form to develop cultivation and breeding in making use of the forest ecological environment.It is also an important means to increase the income of forest farmers in the forestry regions after the reform of forestry real rights.This paper investigated the management status of understory land,and analyzed the impacts and destruction of its improper management upon the forest ecology environment.The management right of the understory land is a restricted right of property,because the management is related to the ecology protection of forest and woodland.In addition to private property rights,it should also comply with the arrangement of national forest management.Therefore,while encouraging and developing the understory land management,it’s important to establish a legal system for executing the management rights,and the management of the understory land should be included in the scope of the forestry management.  相似文献   

南方集体林区林权制度改革研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
系统分析南方集体林区存在的产权问题,提出改革的主要内容:1)林权明晰化包括明确林地所有权主体,完善林地所有权的委托代理关系;构建经营权的委托代理关系,明确所有者与经营者之间的权利与义务;科学界定林地使用权和林木所有权主体.2)林权的安全性包括改革林地征用补偿制度;建立公益林征用(管制占用)补偿制度;改革商品林采伐限额制度;改革不合理的林业税费政策.3)林权的市场化运作包括降低交易成本;加强森林资源资产评估工作;提升林权交易需求的动力机制;激活林权交易市场的供给机制.  相似文献   

林地是森林资源的重要组成部分,如何有效地对林地进行管理,对于实现胡锦涛总书记提出的到2020年我国森林面积和蓄积量比2005年分别增加4 000万hm2和13亿m3的林业双增目标具有重要意义。而林地定额管理是林地管理的一个重要组成部分。目前的林地定额管理主要依靠各省人工逐笔核算和月末上报的方式,不仅存在一定的时滞性,而且还可能出现超额使用林地定额情况。针对以上弊端,深入分析和研究林地定额的细分规则,提出一种基于面向服务的体系结构(SOA)架构的林地定额管理系统。不仅解决了时滞性,实现对林地定额的实时管理与监控,而且还能灵活地解决林地定额管理中出现的一些特殊情况。  相似文献   

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