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从森林循环演替、森林特殊的生境、边缘效应、森林植被物种多样性及森林景观格局多样性等方面论述了林窗干扰作用,并讨论了林窗理论在山地型城市森林建设中森林动态管理、森林景观格局优化和林相改造等方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

浅谈承德市区山体休闲森林公园林相改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山体休闲森林公园是城市生态建设的重要载体,是市民绿色休闲的好去处。通过对承德市山体休闲森林公园内森林植被的调查,分析目前林相存在的现状和形成的原因,为提高森林美感,就林相改造相关措施进行了探讨。通过林相改造,可增加森林景观,提高山体森林公园的品位。  相似文献   

调查分析认为,福建东狮山风景区森林覆盖率低,植被质量差,林相单一,生物多样性不足,群落结构简单,使得生态效益差,稳定性差,景观效果不佳。藉此,提出森林景观改造的目标与原则,分析皆伐重造、疏伐改造、补植套种、封育管护、特殊改造等5种森林景观改造模式要点及运用对象,并对树种的选择与配置给出建议。  相似文献   

根据南岭植物园的森林景观建设需求,以马尾松纯林林相改造为例对林相改造技术进行了研究,对林相改造思路、树种选择、景观营造等方面进行了探讨,旨在营造稳定的森林群落景观.  相似文献   

在分析浙江七百秧城市森林公园植被现状的基础上,通过抚育改造、补植改造、人工造林等阔叶林发展措施与手段,做到点、线、面相结合使森林公园的森林覆盖率由原来的70.0%提高到80.9%。植被物种的多样性和森林景观的多样性明显丰富,森林景观的四季景象富于变换,森林生态系统趋于安全稳定,森林景观价值和生态功能显著提高。最后对植物规格选择与后期植物管理也作了相关说明与建议,为其它同类型城市森林公园的植被景观规划和山体林相改造提供参考。  相似文献   

常州舜过山森林公园林相改造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着江苏省乡村旅游业的快速发展,对村落附近林相景观质量低劣的丘陵山地进行林相改造已经成为亟待解决的问题。该文以常州舜过山森林林相改造为例,针对林相存在的问题,综合考虑生态保育、经济适用及景观美化效益,提出林相改造总体目标为建成具有乡村风貌的常绿-彩叶混交林,可细分为保育林、生态风景林、乡村风貌林、墓园绿化林、道路风景林5类森林,分别进行改造建设。该研究对于探讨苏南乡村地区劣质森林景观改造,具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

指出了风景区林相是景区森林景观的重要组成要素,是人们对风景区生态旅游的需要。为了合理开发风景区旅游资源,丰富风景区林相内涵,对风景区林相进行科学改造十分必要。探讨了西山风景区林相改造思路,旨在为风景区森林景观提档升级提供参考。  相似文献   

针对骆仙岭林相单一、景观欠佳、生态功能低效的林相现状,采用林下补植、增植等森林改造技术补植彩色阔叶林、增添观花植物及赏花地被植物,培育色彩景观,实施了森林质量的精准提升,促进了森林结构改善、景区提质、功能提升。对项目进行回顾总结,以期对后续同行进行林相改造时提供参考。  相似文献   

景观美学性是森林公园建设中的重要原则,本文通过对德安县九仙岭森林公园森林植被资源进行调查,分析影响森林公园美景度的主要因素———林相,并以林相改造技术为例,探讨提升森林公园美景度的途径。  相似文献   

以连云港锦屏山景观生态林规划及营造为例,探讨了城郊山体营造景观生态林的理论。通过科学规划,采取荒山造林、林相改造等一系列措施,使其形成多林种、多林相,乔、灌、草合理配置,且季相、色相变化明显的森林植被群落。  相似文献   

应用修复生态学理论和植被演替理论,根据保护区现状和植被修复经验,结合恢复原森林生态系统结构、提高林分抗逆性等植被修复目标,提出了重度受害区植被修复模式、中度受害区植被修复模式、重要经济价值树种营建模式、珍贵树种扩繁模式、防火通道景观配置模式等5种植被修复技术模式。以及各修复模式的树种选择,混交、整地、配置方式及株行距等。  相似文献   

扬州市丘陵岗地植被恢复选择树种时必须考虑乡土树种、经济林树种和园林景观植物,提出了意杨(populus Canadensis)等9个备选树种为扬州市丘陵岗地森林植被恢复的主要树种.  相似文献   

扬州市丘陵岗地植被恢复选择树种时必须考虑乡土树种、经济林树种和园林景现植物,提出了意杨(populus Canadensls)等9个备选树种为扬州市丘陵岗地森林植被恢复的主要树种。  相似文献   

A critical component of sustainable forest management is the regeneration of commercially valuable tree species. Mechanical cleaning with machetes and chainsaws, prescribed burning, and a combination of both treatments were applied to recently-created logging gaps in a Bolivian dry forest to evaluate their impact on the natural regeneration of commercial tree species and on control of competing vegetation. The three treatments and an untreated control were applied to logging gaps during the dry season of 1998 and replicated ten times. Eight months following burning, the density of commercial tree regeneration in gaps did not differ statistically among treatments. Relative height growth of total commercial regeneration also did not differ among treatments, although it did vary by species. Reduction in competing vegetation following the application of site preparation treatments was significantly higher, but competing plant cover was beginning to converge among treatments after eight months. Despite better control of competing vegetation, early recruitment and growth responses to burning and cleaning of vegetation in logging gaps do not appear to justify application of these treatments in this forest, especially considering their high costs.  相似文献   

Silvicultural approaches at forest plantations with wider initial tree spacing have created potential for increased understory vegetation growth in response to increased light and greater nutrient resources. In consequence understory vegetation can fill a more important role in forest ecosystems, especially in interactions (competition or facilitation) between understorey vegetation and forests trees that might affect tree growth and nutrition. Considerable research has been carried out on plant interference. However, the experimental designs used in these studies vary from one study to another, and from species to species depending on the aims, objectives and practicalities of the studies. Thus there is no optimum design for competition experiments. This review discusses designs available in studying plant interferences in a glasshouse, particularly the effects of below-ground interaction of understorey vegetation and forest trees.  相似文献   

山西太岳山油松人工林群落结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
油松是我国北方人工林重要的造林树种,是我国人工林种植中使用较早的一种树种。本文调查的油松人工林是山西沁源县马泉林场宋家沟。通过在太岳山马泉林场宋家沟设立标准样地,并进行调查、取样,旨在研究人工油松林的群落结构,包括油松林下的植物种类,及科、属、种的统计,同时计算油松林下植被的重要值及多样性指数,揭示油松林下植被多样性情况。同时,针对油松密度与林分平均胸径、平均树高的关系进行研究,找寻油松最佳的种植密度。寻求最佳的解决人工林生长、经营、管理问题的一些途径。  相似文献   

Otsamo  Riikka 《New Forests》2000,19(1):69-93
Natural regeneration of native tree species in the understoreys of fast-growing plantation tree species (Acacia mangium, Gmelina arborea and Paraserianthes falcataria) and in adjacent natural riverine forest and non-cultivated grassland areas were studied on Imperata cylindrica grassland sites in Riam Kiwa plantation area, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Seedling and sapling densities as well as species composition and richness were assessed in a total of 35 ha by a systematic line plot survey.Floristic composition was similar in A. mangium and P. falcataria stands which differed distinctly from G. arborea stands and Imperata grassland area. Riverine forest was characterized by later successional species. In A. mangium and P. falcataria stands, a total of 63 species from 24 families were recorded. Seedling stock consisted merely of pioneer and secondary species, but also several fairly commonly occurring primary forest species. Euphorbiaceae was the most common family representing 42% of sapling and 29% of seedling densities. The most abundant regeneration occurred in A. mangium stands (4,706 seedling/sapling ha-1), followed by P. falcataria (2,242 ha-1) and G. arborea (554 ha-1). Seedling recruitment was significantly lower in plots dominated by grass vegetation than those dominated by no vegetation or shrub vegetation. Breast height diameter and basal area of canopy trees as well as coverage and height of ground vegetation did not explain seedling/sapling density. Results show that plantation establishment with suitable fast-growing tree species facilitates recruitment of a variety of native tree species. This provides potential for rapid restoration of forest ecosystem and for further development of the mixed stands of fast-growing exotics and naturally regenerated native species.  相似文献   

榆林沙地矿区植被恢复造林模式推广示范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以榆阳区小纪汗沙地矿区为例,选择樟子松、班克松、彰武松为主栽树种,通过多树种混交格状防风固沙林、块状混交防风固沙林、带状混交防风固沙林和常规造林不同造林模式的推广示范,达到改造沙地原有植被、增加防护植被类型、改变林分结构、探讨沙地矿区植被恢复造林模式的目的。提出多树种混交格状防风固沙林为最优模式,株行距5m×25m,建议推广应用。  相似文献   

In close-to-nature silviculture one strives to derive the advantages of the natural adaptations of tree species to different growth conditions. Evidence of the natural distribution of tree species is obtained through vegetation science (recent ground vegetation, primeval forest relicts), studies of old written sources, and pollen and macrofossil analyses. Here we have analysed macrofossil samples of charcoal kiln sites and the recent ecological conditions in the vicinity of these sites, as well as secondary written sources on forest and land-use history. From charcoal analysis of kiln sites we were looking for spatial patterns of past tree species exploitation, with special regard to regional and local differences in the forest growth conditions and the natural wood supply. Therefore, we selected remote forest areas characterised by a high density of kiln sites and significant differences in the ecological conditions. The sample sites ranged over a landscape profile of 40 km, covering many ecological site types. The anthracological results of 181 post-medieval kiln sites were evaluated, considering two spatial scales: the total 40-km profile and a fine-scale profile of 4 km. Considering the charcoal material analysed as a whole, all of the tree taxa to be expected based on the natural conditions were found. The frequencies of the exploited taxa also reflected a natural situation. Wood of the climax vegetation, Fagus, Abies and Picea, was mainly used and all other taxa were quantitatively unimportant. The results for the individual sites showed considerable differences in taxa composition, from which regular spatial patterns of the past tree species distribution were deduced. These regional and local patterns are explained by natural differences in the ecological conditions in the vicinity of the sample sites. At the same time, new indications of the natural tree species composition of our forests are inferred. A pronounced dependency of charcoal production on the local natural wood supply is discernible. No indications of tree species selection or forest degradation could be found.  相似文献   

武夷山国家级自然保护区植物物种多样性研究   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
兰思仁 《林业科学》2003,39(1):36-43
以植物群落调查样地资料为基础,从不同类型、不同层次的物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度指数对武夷山国家级自然保护区植物群落多样性进行了分析。本区植物群落多样性的变化规律为:物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度随该区植被演替趋势从针叶林、针阔叶混交林到常 阔叶林而增加,群落间变幅较大;植物生长型在物种丰富度、多样性指数及均匀度等多样性指数上均表现出灌木层>乔木层的规律。毛竹林作为一种重要的植被类型,其灌木层物种多样性高于其它3种森林类型,但由于毛竹是无性繁殖,其在林分中占绝对优势,故乔木层物种多样性明显低于其它3种森林类型。  相似文献   

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