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[目的]探讨氮沉降和生物炭添加对毛竹林丛枝菌根真菌特征的影响,为全球变化背景下毛竹林的可持续经营提供科学参考。[方法]以毛竹林为研究对象,探讨了不同梯度的氮沉降(0、 30、 60和90kg·hm-2·yr-1)和生物炭添加(0、20和40 t·hm-2)及其复合作用对毛竹林AMF侵染率和孢子密度以及土壤理化性质的影响。[结果]与对照(0kg·hm-2·yr-1 N+0t·hm-2BC)相比,氮添加显著降低了AMF侵染率(16.1%~51.7%)。高生物炭添加(40 t·hm-2)显著降低了AMF侵染率(46.0%),但提高了孢子密度(162.5%)。在氮添加处理下,生物炭添加提高了AMF侵染率,对孢子密度无显著影响。AMF侵染率与土壤p H呈显著正相关关系,与有效氮和有效磷呈显著负相关关系。AMF孢子密度与有效磷呈显著正相关关系。[结论]在氮添加处理下,生物炭添加提高了AMF侵染率,增强了毛竹与AMF的共生关系,表明在氮沉降背景下生...  相似文献   

对试验地北美红杉生存的土样及其VA菌根侵染率、侵染强度的研究表明:在徐州自然条件下,北美红杉能够形成VA菌根;北美红杉与落羽杉VA菌根侵染强度的差异显著;不同生长势的北美红杉之间VA菌根侵染率和侵染强度差异显著,摸索最适宜北美红杉菌根发育的环境条件。  相似文献   

紫背天葵(Begonia fimbristipula)是集营养保健和特殊风味为一身的野生高档蔬菜之一,也是 南方传统中药材,但人工栽培尚存在较大的技术障碍。以紫背天葵为研究对象,对分布于广西壮族自治 区贺州市姑婆山国家森林公园的野生植株根际土丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,AMF)孢 子、菌根侵染率和土壤营养元素等开展研究,以期对后期的菌根化栽培提供技术支撑。结果表明:紫背 天葵根际土中AMF 种类丰富,孢子密度大,菌根侵染率较高,共统计真菌孢子26 种,主要属为球囊霉 属(Glomus)、无梗囊霉属(Acaulospora)、盾孢囊霉(Scutellospora)和巨孢囊霉属(Gigaspora);根际 土孢子密度和菌根侵染率在不同采样点间存在显著性差异,而且均与土壤的全K 含量呈负相关,与交换 性Ca 含量呈正相关,另外,AMF 孢子丰富度与速效K 呈负相关,菌根侵染率与有机质含量呈正相关。 可见紫背天葵野生根际土的真菌孢子在K 含量较低时,多样性较高,主要为球囊霉属和无梗囊霉属的种 类。  相似文献   

环境条件和植物生长调节剂对香Fei花粉萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同成熟期、不同贮藏温度和湿度、不同贮藏时间对香匪花粉活力的研究表明:2℃、无水氯化钙条件下花粉活力最强,并且随着贮藏时间的处长、活力逐渐减低,但同样的条件的7℃下,花粉活力没有明显差别。以省林科院内的匪树为试材,采用GA3、NAA和IBA3种生长调节剂,每种药剂分2个浓度和2个温度水平,试验数据经方差分析进行比较。结果表明:3种药剂对花粉的萌发率和花粉管的伸长都有一定的促进作用,其作用效果为NAA>GA3>IBA,其中以NAA100mg.L^-1,GA3100mg.L601效果最为显著和稳定;在高温(28℃)条件下,花粉的萌发率和花粉管的伸长都明显高于低温(20℃)条件下的培养。  相似文献   

微波等离子体处理木材表面接枝甲基丙烯酸甲酯的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本研究通过微波等离子体处理木材表面,实现了木材表面与甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)发生接枝共聚反应,研究了不同的反应条件对微波等离子体引发木材表面接枝MMA效果的影响。结果表明:1)接枝率随等离子体处理时间的增加而呈线性增加,但是当处理时间超过30s,后呈下降的趋势;2)随着接技反应时间的增加接枝率也增加;3)单体浓度较低有利于接枝共聚反应,浓度较高则不利于接枝共聚反应;4)经微波等离子体处理过的木材不但在室温下,甚至在更低的温度(-17℃)下也能与MMA发生接枝共聚反应,而且,接枝率随着反应温度的升高而增大;5)与催化加热法的接枝效果相比,微波等离子体法得到的接枝率更高。  相似文献   

本文论述了孟加拉国吉大港大学校园里,不同年龄(5、10、20年)的羯布罗香(Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. F)人工林内,距树木基部不同距离(1、2、3、4米)处,外生侵染菌根的水平分布状况.在山的3个部位(顶部、中部和下部)对各人工林外生侵染菌根的侵染进行了测定.在不同水平分布距离处的树下采集了1000cm3的根际土壤样本,不同距离和山高处的外生侵染菌根浸染率差异显著.在5年和10年林龄的人工林内,浸染率随着距树的距离的增加而快速下降,而在20年林龄的人工林内,浸染率随着距树基部距离的增加而急剧增加.山下部20年生人工林内距树4m处的浸染率最高(81.3%),山顶部5年生人工林内距树4m处的浸染率最低(55.33%).图6参32.  相似文献   

内寄生真菌Esteya vermicola对松材线虫侵染活力的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从不同培养基、不同测定方法、不同菌株、不同孢子浓度4个方面测定内寄生真菌Esteya vermicola孢子对松材线虫的侵染活力,结果表明:该真菌离体分生孢子对松材线虫有侵染活力;PDA固体培养比PDB液体培养所得孢子能更有效的粘附和杀死松材线虫;在WA平板上,采用浸渍法测定孢子对线虫的侵染活力比其他处理效果好;在供试的3个菌株(CUN 120806、CBS 10082和CBS 115803)中,CBS 115803菌株对松材线虫具有较高侵染活性;4个不同浓度(1×109、1×108、1×107、1×106个·mL-1)孢子对线虫的作用中,随着孢子浓度降低,孢子对线虫侵染能力也随之降低。  相似文献   

本文论述了孟加拉国吉大港大学校园里,不同年龄(5、10、20年)的羯布罗香(DipterocarpusturbinatusGaertn.F)人工林内,距树木基部不同距离(1、2、3、4米)处,外生侵染菌根的水平分布状况。在山的3个部位(顶部、中部和下部)对各人工林外生侵染菌根的侵染进行了测定。在不同水平分布距离处的树下采集了1000cm3的根际土壤样本,不同距离和山高处的外生侵染菌根浸染率差异显著。在5年和10年林龄的人工林内,浸染率随着距树的距离的增加而快速下降,而在20年林龄的人工林内,浸染率随着距树基部距离的增加而急剧增加。山下部20年生人工林内距树4m处的浸染率最高(81.3%),山顶部5年生人工林内距树4m处的浸染率最低(55.33%)。  相似文献   

通过对胆木进行扦插繁殖试验表明:利用砖红壤土作基质,在夏季高温季节选生长健壮、无病虫害嫩枝(4对叶-心)扦插,成活率最理想,可达86%;枝龄对生根率、根长的影响非常明显;A—B生根剂不同处理浓度,对萌根成活率有促进作用。  相似文献   

为研究广州市从化区石门国家森林公园(以下简称石门)亚热带季风常绿阔叶林空气负氧离 子浓度分布状况及主要影响因子,实地调查并使用统计学方法分析石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林 2018 年 7 月至 2019 年 4 月连续 10 个月的负氧离子浓度和气象资料。结果显示,石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林负氧 离子浓度总体呈现出春夏季(3、4、7、8 月)高、秋冬季(9 月 -2 月)低的季节特征,最高 7 月为 5 136 个 · cm-3,最低 2 月为 1 372 个 · cm-3。负氧离子浓度等级都在 6 级及以上,其中 8 级占 80%,空气质量 等级都在三级及以上,一级空气占 80%。负氧离子浓度与温度的相关关系呈现明显的季节变化,春夏季 (3、4、7、8 月)负氧离子浓度与温度呈正相关关系,秋冬季(9 月 -2 月)负氧离子浓度与温度呈负相关 关系;与相对湿度和空气含氧量呈负相关关系;与风速总体呈负相关关系,但夏季(7、8 月)负氧离子 浓度与风速呈正相关关系。这表明石门亚热带季风常绿阔叶林负氧离子非常有利于人体健康。  相似文献   

We evaluated the contribution of seed dispersal by birds to the colonization of fleshy-fruited plants beneath plants that bear fleshy fruits and were used as perches by birds. Specifically, we investigated the composition of seeds and saplings sampled beneath nine fleshy-fruited perch plant species in a Pinus thunbergii stand on a coastal sand dune in central Japan. Both the numbers and the species numbers of bird-dispersed (pulpless) seeds differed significantly among the perch plant species. Nevertheless, the quantitative compositions of bird-dispersed seeds were similar among the perch plant species because of the significant positive interspecific correlations of species rank order in numbers of bird-dispersed seeds per species. Similar relationships were also found for saplings. For each perch plant species, the numbers of fallen conspecific seeds were significantly higher than or not different from those of heterospecific seeds. Furthermore, the numbers of pulpy seeds that fell directly from the perch plant were significantly higher than those of bird-dispersed conspecific seeds for seven of nine perch plant species. However, the densities of conspecific saplings were significantly lower than those of heterospecific saplings. Most pulpy seeds, therefore, probably do not germinate beneath their mother plants, and conspecific seeds probably accumulate in seed banks or are consumed by herbivores.  相似文献   

主要介绍了五味子栽培建园,主要包括育苗、选地与栽植、施肥、整形修剪、病虫害防治、采收加工等内容,以期为五味子的产业化发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   

从孟加拉国Dinajpur地区采集了不同农林复合区内树种和作物种,对采集植物的丛枝菌根多样性进行了研究.在3个取样地采集了18种植物的根和根际土,取样地和被采取植物分别为:取样地Dashmail为黄豆树 (Albizia procera Benth.)、小指椒 (Capsicum frutescens L)、姜黄(Curcuma domestica Vahl)、印度黄檀 (Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.) 和大叶桃花心木(Swietenia macrophylla)5种植物; 取样地Kantaji为姜黄(C.Domestica)、印度檀 (D.Sissoo)、赤桉 (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnn.)、石梓(Gmelina arborea (Roxb) DC) 和水稻 (Oryza sativa L.) 5种植物; 取样地Ramsagar为姜黄(C.Domestica), 印度檀 (D.Sissoo), Litchi chinensis Sonn.和水稻.在取样地Dashmail,植物丛枝的分布范围在36%-79%,其中分布最高的是小指椒,达到79%,而C.Domestica仅占36%.取样地 Kantaji丛枝的分布范围在33%-70%之间,其中分布最高的是石梓,达到79%,而O.Sativa分布最低,仅36%.取样地 Ramsagar丛枝的分布范围在35%-70%之间,印度檀丛枝分布在该地最高, 达70%,而水稻丛枝在该地的分布最小,仅35%.在采样地Dashmail,每100克干土中所含采样植物丛枝菌根孢子群落54-140个;孢子群落最多的是印度檀(140/100g dry soil),最低的是姜黄(C.Domestica) (40/100g dry soil).在采样地Kantaji,孢子群落在63-221/100g dry soil,石梓具有的群落最高,为221/100g dry soil;印度檀为63/100g dry soil.在采样地Ramsagar, 所具有的最高和最低群落分别是 160/100g dry soil (D.Sissoo)和69/100g dry soil(L.Chinensis).土壤Ph值与土壤中丛枝分布和菌根孢子群落无显著相关性.Simpson多样性指数和Shannon多样性指数在取样地Kantaji 的印度檀土壤中最高;而在取样地Ramsagar的水稻土壤中最低.研究表明孟加拉国Dinajpur地区丛枝菌根的存在、树种和作物种中的营养性质、丛枝菌根的必要性和贡献以及复合农林植物生长与丛枝?  相似文献   

Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stumps infested with Phellinus weirii (Murr.) Gilb. were inoculated with pellets formulated from fermented barley and spores of three isolates of Trichoderma viride Pers.: Fr. After one year, Trichoderma spp. were isolated from stumps inoculated in June less frequently (12 %) than those inoculated in February (23 %) or in October (29 %). Isolations of Trichoderma spp. from stumps with advanced decay were more frequent (46 %) than from stained stumps (12 %) or from sound stumps (2 %). Isolation success was directly related to wood decay at point of sampling, nearness to source of inoculum, and nearness to stump surface.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1982 a study was made of the invertebrate faunacolonizing two deciduous species of southern beech, Nothofagusobliqua and N. procera, introduced into Britain from South America.Special attention was paid to the folivorous larvae of Lepidopterawhich were sampled at 15 localities in southern England, mostlyin Forestry Commission trial plots and arboreta in Gloucestershire. The literature describing the native insect fauna of Nothofagusin Chile and Argentina is briefly reviewed. Mention is alsomade of the few previous records of lepidopterous larvae observedfeeding on Nothofagus in Britain. The larvae of 81 species Lepidoptera are recorded from Nothofagus.Seventy-eight of these were feeding on the foliage, of which73 were found on N. procera and 62 on N. obliqua, although approximately62 per cent of all the larvae collected were from N. obliqua.Faunal differences between the sites studied are briefly described.Two additional species of cutworm larvae are also reported attackingthe roots of Nothofagus seedlings. The changing lepidopterous fauna on Nothofagus from May untilSeptember is described and discussed. Spring-feeding larvaeof Operophtera brumata (L.), Agriopis aurantiaria (Hübn.)and Erannis defoliaria (Clerck) comprised 55 per cent of alllarvae collected on the two hosts, and represented between 68per cent and 87 per cent of those larvae in beating samplescollected in late May and early June. Most of the larvae collected were reared to adult in the laboratoryon a diet of Nothofagus leaves. The majority of these are regardedas polyphagus species although 64 are known to have one of thetwo native Quercus as a host-plant, while 24 have been recordedas feeding on Fagus sylvatica. The relevance of these two generaas sources for the Lepidoptera fauna colonizing Nothofagus isdiscussed. Nothofagus obliqua and N. procera are shown to have acquireda substantial lepidopterous fauna since their introduction intoBritain near the beginning of this century, although most ofthe trees sampled were less than 25 years old. These two speciesof Nothofagus may be vulnerable to defoliation by several speciesof caterpillar, especially if planted as monocultures in areaswhere oak and beech are plentiful. However, their surprisinglylarge insect fauna may be seen to have some value for natureconservation purposes.  相似文献   

杨树腐烂病拮抗细菌的筛选及其定殖研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过平板对峙培养,从1 013株分离于杨树干部的拮抗细菌中筛选出13株对杨树腐烂病病原菌(Valsa sordida)有较强拮抗作用的菌株;再结合发酵液的生长抑菌率测定,进一步筛选出了抑菌作用最强的JK-SH007和JK-SX001两株拮抗细菌.两拮抗菌株定殖的研究结果表明,JK-SH007、JK-SX001对杨树腐烂病病原菌的生长及孢子萌发具有较好的抑制作用,而对宿主无毒害作用,具有内生性,能在杨树体内较长期定殖,且对宿主具有显著的促生作用.  相似文献   

The colonization and lignin decomposition of pine (Pinus thunbergii and Pinus densiflora) needle litter by an endophytic fungus, Lophodermium pinastri, was examined with field observations, a field experiment and laboratory experiments. In pine needles collected from the field, needle mass per length and lignin content were lower in needle portions bearing Lophodermium fruiting bodies than in the remaining needle portions, whereas total carbohydrate content was not different between them. Total and live hyphal lengths were greater in needle portions bearing Lophodermium fruiting bodies than in the remaining needle portions. Lophodermium fruiting bodies were not formed on sterilized needles after a 6‐month incubation on the forest floor, whereas they formed on 20% of non‐sterilized needles, indicating that this fungus can only colonize live needles on the branch. In pure culture decomposition tests, mass loss of lignin was detected for several isolates of L. pinastri, but was variable among isolates and between the needles of two pine species. A comparison of the rDNA‐internal transcribed spacer sequences between L. pinastri isolates of P. thunbergii and P. densiflora indicated that the two groups were phylogenetically separated. This study is the first to show that L. pinastri has the ability to decompose lignin in dead pine needles.  相似文献   

Leaves of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) were collected monthly during the vegetation period at five sites in the Tohoku district in Japan to isolate endophytic fungi. Leaves were also collected only once at two additional sites. Two endophytic fungi were dominant, a Discula species and a sterile mycelium. This result strongly suggests that these two fungi are generally associated with leaves of the Japanese beech at different sites. At most sites the isolation frequency of Discula sp. was greatest in June and gradually decreased from July to October whereas the isolation frequency of the sterile mycelium increased during the vegetation period and remained at a high isolation frequency in October. Spores of Discula sp. were released for a very short time in late May, just after the disappearance of the snow cover on the forest floor. These spores may be important for the infection of newly sprouting leaves.  相似文献   

Maintaining understory plant species diversity is an important management goal as forest restoration and fuel reduction treatments are applied extensively to dry coniferous forests of western North America. However, understory diversity is a function of both local species richness (number of species in a sample unit) and community heterogeneity (beta diversity) at multiple spatial scales, while studies of restoration treatment effects often only examine local species richness at one or two spatial scales. We studied experimental thinning and prescribed fire treatment effects on understory plant species richness and community heterogeneity at three spatial scales using additive diversity partitioning. We also evaluated treatment effects on understory plant species colonization and extirpation at two spatial scales. There was no evidence that active restoration treatments reduced species richness or increased local extirpation of species. Restoration treatments significantly increased herbaceous species richness at the treatment-unit level primarily by increasing community heterogeneity among sampling points within the units. The combination of thinning and burning produced the greatest increase in community heterogeneity, and increased colonization by species that were not sampled prior to treatment. These results suggest that restoration treatments designed primarily to reduce fire hazard and promote sustainable conditions in these fire-adapted ecosystems can also increase community heterogeneity and facilitate colonization by new understory species without significant local extirpation of extant species.  相似文献   

Unsuccessful colonization by indigenous tree species into established plantations has retarded the succession of artificial plantations to more natural, secondary forests in South China. To understand how to improve colonization by seedlings of indigenous species, we determined how performance of indigenous seedlings is affected by seedling species (the shade-intolerant Castanopsis chinensis, the moderately shade-intolerant Michelia chapensis, and the shade-tolerant Psychotria rubra), the site into which the seedlings were transplanted (a mixed-legume plantation, a eucalyptus plantation, a mixed-native plantation, a mixed-conifer plantation, and a shrubland), and site preparation (removal or retention of understory vegetation and litter). Seedling survival and growth were generally increased by removal of understory vegetation and litter. C. chinensis and M. chapensis grew better in the mixed-legume and mixed-conifer plantations, while P. rubra grew better in mixed-native and mixed-conifer plantations. Responses of the transplanted seedlings to environmental factors were species specific. The effects of light on seedling survival and growth were correlated with the shade tolerance of the species. Soil moisture was important; it was positively correlated with survival but negatively correlated with growth of C. chinensis seedlings. Growth of C. chinensis and M. chapensis was positively correlated with soil potassium, while growth of P. rubra was positively correlated with soil organic matter but negatively correlated with soil hydrolyzed nitrogen. These findings suggest that we should select suitable native species under the different plantations before improvement of plantations. Light and soil moisture are most important environmental factors for the selection of species specific. Site preparation and fertilizer are needed during the improvement of those plantations.  相似文献   

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